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06x19 - Rassvet

Posted: 05/11/19 07:02
by bunniefuu


- Mint.

- Absolutely.


You grow mint?

I do the same thing at home so I can have it for my Yes, you may.

Thank you.

Na zdorov'e.

Can I ask why?

You're my grandfather.

Why would you want to hide that from me?


Because I made a promise a long time ago.


A promise to lie to your granddaughter?


Why would anyone ever ask you to do that?



To keep you safe.

You know his identity.

I do.

Who is he?

And how is it connected to my mother?

I know she didn't drown in Cape May.

I know that, 6 months later, she helped whoever's pretending to be Reddington become Reddington.

I have proof.

What happened in those 6 months between the night the world thinks my mother drowned and the day Reddington came back from the dead?

What happened?





For most people, baptism comes early.

My daughter had to wait half her life to be reborn.



PRIEST: Ma'am?

- Can I help you?


Are you all right?


Hey, there.



- Easy.

It's okay.

You're in a shelter.

It's not a hospital.

You had a nasty fever when they brought you in hypothermia.

You picked the right church, though.

Father Wendt was a medic in Lebanon.

Said you needed rest and warm liquids.

- How long have - A few days.

Enough time for the fever to break.

What's your name, sweetheart?

That's okay.

I don't need to know.

You get some rest.

JODI: You need to know whatever you share with us is confidential, and it stays with us unless you request otherwise.

You want to talk about it?


I saw the bruises on your stomach, the cuts.

They weren't from the ocean.



Well, wh-when you want to talk about it, we're here.

You're safe.

- Thank you.


But she wasn't safe.



She wasn't safe.


She was being hunted.

There was a Russian Anton Velov.

He was searching for her.

These are from the last week?

ATTENDANT: Everyone we received.

And bodies wouldn't have been sent anywhere else?

If a body was pulled from the water within 40 miles of here, this is where it would come.


What do you say you and I take a little drive?

A drive?

Well, there's something I want to show you.




What's the problem?

Who is she?

We couldn't get her name.

No one knows what she's saying.

She walked in and started yelling.


Oh, my God.

Call the police!



Don't call the police.

She's telling you not to.


You can understand what she's saying?


- Her boyfriend did this.

JODI: Can she tell us his name?


She doesn't want to.

She's afraid.

Her boyfriend is friendly with the police.

If you call them, he'll find her.


Her arm she thinks there might be a fracture.

Katarina should we talk?

About what?

You think that's me?

I think we're all running from something.

I think we've all had to do things to survive.

Everyone here has a past.

Whatever your story is, it's your story, and yours alone.

Most importantly, I think the woman who stepped into that ocean is dead.

The one who emerged has new choices, a new future, and I'm here to help her.

LIZ: She got help.

DOM: She got well.

She kept to herself.

She remained patient.

While she made a plan.

Remember, all this happened as the Soviet Union was collapsing.

REPORTER: 93% of voters in Lithuania have voted for independence from the Soviet Union.

- She betrayed all of us.

- By working with the Cabal.

By helping to fan the flames of an uprising.

Many powerful people were looking for your mother, and she knew she needed to disappear, to fade away.

She stayed at the shelter, biding her time, until LIZ: Until what?










Get out.



Sir, please.

You're drunk.


- What did you say to me?

- It's late.

You've been drinking.

- M-Maybe the best thing for you - [g*n COCKS]













- [w*apon STABS]







MAN ON P. A. : Mr. Koslov.

Paging Mr. Ilya Koslov.

You have a lost item at the security desk.


I'm, uh, Ilya Koslov.

Someone paged me.

Oh, Mr.

Koslov, yes.

We found your briefcase.

- Oh.

- Lucky someone turned it in.


Must be my lucky day.



[g*n COCKS]






I thought you were dead.

I am dead.

What are we doing here?

Making sure I stay that way.

I hope you know your mother loved you.

And my father?

Did she love him, too?


Reddington was an assignment.

So, you were her handler.

Katarina was my protégée or so I thought until I learned that she had a life I didn't know anything about a cabal conspiring against Russia, her affair with Reddington.

Which you ordered her to have.

I ordered her to turn him turn him, not to have his child.

I don't know if they loved each other or not.

What I do know is that they loved you.

And fought over me.

[g*nsh*t ECHOES]

That's what they were doing the night I shot him.

Whoever's impersonating Reddington, they had to know Reddington died that night.

And if they knew that, they also knew that's when my mother gave me up.




Lock the door behind me.

She was alone and scared and wanted me to be safe.

She was scared, and she wanted you to be safe.

But she wasn't alone.

I cannot believe you're alive.

The papers How did How did they get it wrong?

They didn't.

I went into the ocean to end my life.

- Yeah, but you came back.

- I told you my plan.

Yeah, well, we need a new plan one that has even a remote chance of success.

The KGB knows I betrayed them.

The Cabal knows I had an affair with a man who has information that could destroy them.

I am marked, and so is everybody I care about guilt by association.

I won't stand still for that.

That is what I hate about you.

Don't say that.

Well, don't take it personally.

It's how, uh, all moral relativists feel about righteousness in the face of impossible odds.

On the plus side, I'll have nothing but love for you if we succeed, which we won't.


Well, we pledged our lives to each other.


When we were 6.

And a promise is a promise.


For this to work, we'd need passports, cash, access, time.

Okay, okay.

Okay, well, which of those do we have?

- None.

- What, not even time?

I don't understand.

The world thinks you're dead.

There was an incident at the shelter a man with a g*n.

Velov will hear about it.

The news of my death would fool most.

It won't fool Velov.






KATARINA: We did the right thing, right?

ILYA: What thing?

Pulling him from the fire, trying to save his life?

I can't stop thinking about those firefighters, what might have happened if we'd left him there if they found him, maybe they could've gotten him help, saved Raymond's life.

He would've burned to death.

We did everything we could, and we got him out.

And yet, he died.

Look here.



Good luck, Anna Croft.

MAN ON P. A. : All passengers are subject to random screening [INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS]

This is impossible.


I'm sorry, Mom for everything.

What's happening?

I'm in trouble which means you and Papa are in trouble, as well.

- And Masha?

- She's fine.

She's safe.

You're gonna take the ferry to New London, and then, you'll take the bus to Boston.



Ilya liquidated his bank account to access cash.

It's in this suitcase, and it's enough to go wherever you want.

I don't want to go anywhere.

There are documents in there a passport, a Social Security card everything you'll need.


Need for what?


- A new life.


Katarina, talk to me.

What is going on?

What have you done?


The things you'll hear about me are true.

And I wish to explain them to you someday, but not now.

Right now, you have to get on that ferry.

And, remember, when you get there, you'll be somebody else.

But why?

I don't understand.

- Because I'm a traitor.


And they'll think you're a traitor, too.

They'll think you're on my side.

I am on your side always.


- I love you, Mama.

Woman on - P. A. : Your attention, please.

The next ferry to New London is now boarding.

The ferry will depart in 15 minutes.


She's safe.

And out of my life.

Yeah, for now.

- Forever.

- You don't know that.

We got to her first, before Velov.

Maybe we were wrong about him.

Maybe he's not as close as we think.

- Maybe he's not - Don't stop.

It's him.

Brown coat it's Velov.


The man I k*lled at the shelter I used his credit card to pay for the room.

There's nothing in the room that would tell them where we're going.

If he knows I'm alive, he already knows where we're going next.

LIZ: To you, right?

She was going to see you in Moscow.


I have to see him.

Velov's men are here to arrest you.

They can't arrest what they can't see.

We have to go in together.

I'll be fine.





What are you gonna do, sh**t your own daughter?

No, but I may sh**t a traitor.

- I am not a traitor.

- You betrayed me.

You betrayed your country.

The country betrayed us.

You sneak in here like a thief in the night.

The building is being watched.

Of course it is.

It's because of you.

Which is why you have to go right now.


Go where?

Away, before they arrest you.


I'm on their side.

They won't think so.

Not after what I've done.

They won't suspect me.

You trained me.

You're my handler.

Of course they will suspect you.

Not if I turn you in.

You wouldn't do that.


You betrayed me.

What makes you think I won't do the same thing to you?


Papa I have one duty.


And you will do it.




LIZ: Wait.

You told them?

What would you have done?

I would have protected my child.



They're coming!


[g*n COCKS]





Oh, but you do have something to lose something quite precious.

We never worked together.

Drop the g*n, and you can tell Velov all about it.


Do it, and we both die.

I betrayed him just as much as I betrayed you.


I'd say, from the look of his face, much more.

Then you'll let him go.

Yes when you put down your g*n.

- He's lying.

- I know.


On your knees.

So pretty.

A shame.

I have direct orders from Velov to sh**t you on sight.


k*ll them both.

Papa [THUDS]







It's been too long.

We have to get rid of the bodies.

You're on her side, too?

At that moment, I'd say we are all on the same side, sir.

YOUNG DOM: Passports.

You're Americans.

Take the train from Leningradsky Station to St.

Petersburg, and then on to Helsinki.

I have an asset at the American embassy who will vouch for you, see that you find transport from Helsinki on to Zurich.

What about you?

The only reason I'm here is to make sure you vanish.

You can't stay here.

- I have contingencies.

- What contingencies?

An identity, a place to go.

You did protect your child.


Your house in the woods.

What about Velov's men?

I'll deal with the KGB.

No, Papa, listen to me.

You have to go.

You can't come back here.

Once things have settled Moscow's gonna fall.

It's only a matter of time.

You have to leave.

You gave up everything your country, your life.

You walked away from it all to protect your daughter.

And my granddaughter.

You can't see Masha ever.

She's gone.

I'm gone.

You can't ever come back here.

Just get to Helsinki.

LIZ: What did you do?

DOM: I got rid of the bodies, I got out of the country, and I got into America.

For Katarina, it wasn't so easy.

They'll destroy him.


We did everything we could.

We warned him to get out right Not Papa.


Reddington's dead.

You and I know that, but the Cabal think he's on the run, a liability.

They'll discredit him to undermine his proof of their existence.

Okay, so, you destroy the reputation of a dead man.

He had a wife and a daughter.

She's nearly the same age as Masha.

Jennifer's her name.

They'll be told that he was a criminal and a traitor, And they won't believe it.

Don't you understand?

He was my asset.

I'd been siphoning intel off of him for years.

You don't think we had plans in place to destroy him if he ever found out that he was sleeping with the enemy?

Of course they did.

Money in secret accounts.

Paper trails of payoffs.

Passports in safety-deposit boxes evidence that I didn't steal his secrets, but that he shared them with me.

Alternate history.

They will destroy him, and they will destroy us, and they won't stop until they do.





SAM: Where are you?

What's going on?

Do you know what they're saying about Reddington?

Sam, I need to talk to her.


Talk to her.

You can come and get her.

Sam, please.



It's your mother.

- Mama?

- Hey, sweetheart.

How are you, my love?


What are you doing?


When are you coming home?


It's gonna take a while.

Mama has some work to do.

But I miss you.

I miss you, too.


And I want to be with you.

I really do.

Until then, I need you to know that I I love you so, so much.

I love you, Masha.

Whatever happens, Mama will always love you.


Bye, sweetheart.

Bye, Mama.



What's going on?

You've got to talk to me.

Take care of my girl, Sam.










Katarina, stop!

You said we'd figure a way out of this, and I have.

You tracked me down here.

We fought.

I went over the edge.

You'll be a hero.

You'll get your life back.

Katarina, please, I have a way to get your life back, a way for me to get my life back, a way to escape the Cabal, the KGB, the Americans, and no one has to die.

The world doesn't know what happened to Raymond Reddington, Katarina.

It is a mystery, right?

So, we give them the answer.

What does that mean?

Will you let me explain?

- Let me explain.

- No.

Please, let me explain.

It's clever.

But it's absurd.

No one knows that Reddington's dead.

It would never work.

In time, they will think he is on the run a fugitive and traitor to his country.

Because I framed him.

Yes, and if the fugitive Raymond Reddington can disappear without a trace, then why wouldn't it stand to reason that the money you framed him with could disappear, as well?

KATARINA: Ilya, it's not that simple.

I think it is.

Raymond is the only one who can access those accounts.

How much?

I mean, those banks are known to bend the rules.

They work with criminals, but still, that doesn't Just humor me.

How much?

$40 million.

That is more than we would ever need to stay two steps ahead of the the KGB, the Cabal, the Americans.

It was easy to get those funds wired in, but Raymond would have to show up in person to access that money.

And since he died in my arms, he won't be able to.

I don't think you're entirely grasping what I'm suggesting.

What are you suggesting?

Becoming Reddington.

Purposely stepping into the shoes of a man destined to be condemned as a traitor.

But how?

That would be impossible.

What if it's not?

What if Raymond Reddington were alive and able to walk into those banks?

Of course, we couldn't pull it off alone.

We'd need help.

He'd need doctors, like Koehler - [MONITOR BEEPING]

- someone who could change his face.

And not just once many visits over the course of a year.

He'd need the details the account numbers, the pass codes, the names of the contacts at the bank.

But not just physical details.

We need personal details about who Raymond was his family life, his work life.

He'd need anecdotes to complete the story some true, grounded in reality, some invented.

And who better to provide those details than the woman who spied on him who loved him the woman who invented him?


I hear you.

It's a desperate, if not bold, plan.


All the pieces were in place.

All that had to be done was to step into the lie and bring it to life to become him.

But there's still one thing that doesn't make any sense.

Why would you do that?

To protect you.

They'll hunt you.

You'll never be able to stop running.

Isn't that what we've been doing?


Besides why do I have to keep reminding you?

We pledged our lives.


Promise me one thing.


If they get to me, if they take me Don't ask me take care of Masha.

What you know is true Like she was my own.

Don't have to tell you I love your precious heart I I was standing MAN: Sir.

You were there Two worlds collided And they could never tear us apart [FOOTSTEPS ECHO]



Welcome back.

We could live For a thousand years - SIMON: Is everything all right, sir?

- But if I hurt you I hope you're not uncomfortable.

It was necessary for me to make - some changes to my appearance.

- I'd make wine from your tears I've had some recent troubles with the authorities and We have a valued history of discretion, Mr.


Your privacy is our utmost concern.

- Thank you, Simon.

- 'Cause we all have wings Now But some of us don't know why what sort of withdrawal will we be assisting you with today?


I was standing [SPEAKING SWEDISH]

You were there [SPEAKING FRENCH]

Two worlds collided And they could never, ever tear us apart Yes.

It worked.

A few months after I made it to America, Katarina met me here [CHUCKLES]

on that sidewalk.

She handed me a key to box 642.

- The letter.

- Mm-hmm.

This is where you picked it up.


She gave the key to her mother, too.

She told us that, when she resurfaced, she would make contact with us.

I got this 28 years ago.


And in 28 years, there was not a week that has passed that I haven't tried to use it.

I'd say a silent prayer first hoping, praying to find something from her.

And did you?


Last time I saw my daughter was in this rearview mirror nearly 30 years ago.

If my Katarina was still here, she would have let me know.

But the letter you picked up in February Katarina's mother sent it to her.

A letter in a bottle, cast into the ocean by a mother on her deathbed, hoping against hope that somehow the letter would find her daughter alive.

I picked it up because I knew it never would.

Thank you for telling me.

I wish I had a different story, but You and my daughter you're the only family I have.

I haven't treated you like family.

I I wanted to.

I I'm sorry.

Can I meet her, your daughter?

You are her great-grandfather.

I expect you to spoil her rotten.


Thank you.

RED: After pondering that for a moment, replies, "It's too early to tell. " [LAUGHTER]



To what do we owe the pleasure?

I hope it's a hankering for roast goose.

Succulent doesn't begin to des It isn't the goose.

I know the truth.

Your real identity.

I know who you are.

Take a look at the door.

I know I said I wasn't search - You see Chuck?

- Yeah.

You know who you don't see?


You know why?

Because your hunt for the truth mine, by the way, not yours cost me my relationship with him.

If that's the case, I'm sorry, but it's gonna be okay.

I know it will, especially because you've got nothing to disagree about anymore.

I know you're Ilya and the incredible thing you did to protect my mother to protect me.

Who told you this?


I know about him, too, that he's my grandfather.

I know everything the facts, anyway.

Of course, I have like a thousand questions.

You and me both.

And those can wait all except for one.

I know you became who you are to access Reddington's accounts.

- You know that?

- I do.

And it worked.

But what I don't understand is what happened after it worked.

I mean, you became Reddington, but then, you stayed Reddington.

And I don't understand why.

I am what I am.

Popeye the Sailor Man.


I was so excited to tell you, I flew halfway around the world.

Was it worth the trip?

That depends.

Is the goose really succulent?




What were you thinking?

Don't start with me.

You were the architect of this charade.

Cost me my daughter and, up until now, my granddaughter and my great-granddaughter.

What did you tell her?

She was going to find out sooner or later.

I know the broad strokes.

I know who I am.

I need to know the details of exactly what you've thrown out there into the ether.

What you need to do is to thank me for putting all of this behind you.

Is that what you think you did?

Because I think you may have made things worse.

So, from the start what did you tell her, word for word?