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04x13 - Coup de Grace

Posted: 06/05/19 06:25
by bunniefuu
- Previously on Reign - You were right.

As long as Mary's alive, there will always be Catholics who want her on your throne.

Unless you share it with someone of their faith.

Archduke Ferdinand, you certainly have risen above your competition.

I am well aware you've been looking for a Catholic king.

A king's confidence is essential.

And you are a source of Charles' confidence.

And you are the source of my happiness.

HENRI: You're wasting your time with the wrong man.

I'm talking about Narcisse.

Round up every try offender and throw them in debtor's jail at once.

CATHERINE: Dear God, the Englishmen.

NARCISSE: Spain wants Henri on the throne.

And you do not have the power to save Charles.

Darnley can't know.

He wants the Crown Matrimonial very badly.

You must never let him benefit from your death.

With the right people on our side, we can convince the council to override Mary and grant you the Crown Matrimonial.

English citizens believe they can live and conduct business on French soil and pay nothing to the Crown.

We will show them that they're wrong.

There is an English ship in the docks christened Hopewell.

We will begin there.

MAN: Search the ship for the captain!

(Clattering nearby)

Captain Evans, I am Henri Valois, brother to King Charles of France.

Damn you and damn your brother.

This ship sails under the flag of England.

But is currently in a French port.

Show me your manifest, I want to know what cargo you carry.

Isn't it enough that your brother already butchered the man that owns this ship?

It is not.

In the name of France, I am seizing this ship as well as the cargo it carries.

Remove Captain Evans and make certain the ship does not sail - unless I authorize it.

- This is an act of w*r!

Don't think that Queen Elizabeth won't hear of it.

When did King Charles' brother become the defender of France?

Perhaps he's following Charles' orders.

We cannot afford to go to w*r with France over a few Englishmen who chose to live in France.

I assure you, I will negotiate concessions from France without risking m*llitary action.

But we must also project strength, as the alliance between Spain and France continues to grow.


The archduke of Austria is well-liked by both Spain and the Vatican.

We could use the fact that he will soon be my husband to our advantage.

What will I do with myself while you're away in France?

I've grown so used to having you whenever I want.

I will miss that.


How about this?

While I'm gone, and you are overcome with desire, write it down.

We can read your pages together when I return.

Well, in that case, I will need to request an extra large supply of parchment and ink.

I have one son a king who beheads English nobles.

And another wishing to be king, who agitates Protestants and seizes English ships.

They seem to be at w*r with each other.

If we don't control them, they'll soon have us at w*r with England.

We have to return the ships.

What, and let France appear weak?


Our best strategy, once Lord Blackburn arrives, is to at first offer nothing.

Assume the upper hand.

England won't go to w*r over a couple of merchant ships.

What about the nobles that Charles slaughtered?

He was provoked.

He acted in self-defense.

A lie, and I trust you have a good number of witnesses to support it?

It's the same story the king will tell while in Paris.

Let's hope it's enough to calm the jittery nerves of our Protestant subjects and avoid civil w*r.

I hear that Charles' peasant lover, Nicole, didn't accompany him to Paris.

Do you know why?


She wants time away from her king, so that she can smother me with her exhausting affections.

Well, that's the price you pay to control the woman who controls the king.

Is it really so bad?

Each day I receive some pointless gift.

And I am expected to respond and share my feelings.

It's dreadful.

Oh, such a burden.

(Laughing): I had no idea.

HENRI: Lord Chancellor, you wished to see me?


I thought you would like to know that Queen Elizabeth is not happy.

I couldn't care less if Elizabeth is happy or not.


You only care how you're viewed by French nobles and Spain.

Elizabeth is sending an envoy to negotte a settlement.

What's to negotiate?

English citizens shouldn't be on French soil.

And if they must, then they have to pay for the privilege.

With taxes.

While I do not disagree with your beliefs Your antagonistic way in which you are expressing them could plunge us into a w*r.

One we do not need or want.

Which is why I will meet with Lord Blackburn and handle the negotiations.


Is that clear?

Of course.

Hold my head inside your hands Talk me through the hours If I lost you, all I'd say is Oh, my, my Oh Keep me safe.

Lord Bothwell.

- (Door closes)

- David.

I hope I haven't kept you waiting.

- Not at all.

- Have you discovered why the privy council has been voting against every measure I place before them?

They continue to blame you for mishandling the money for the disaster relief.

And you're Catholic, a woman, they consider you a foreigner Darnley's been paying them.

BOTHWELL: Yes, I was getting to that, thank you.


Quite large.

He's using them to influence the most powerful members of the council.

And what favor does he ask of them in return?

He's requested a special vote.

One that gives him the Crown Matrimonial.

Over my objections?

The privy council has such power.

If Darnley is granted the Crown Matrimonial, it makes him my equal.

But in their eyes, my superior!

And because he is a man, the privy council will look to him and not me.

We cannot let him succeed, or they will be one step closer to eliminating me.

I need a plan that gives me power with the privy council.

If I can force them to take my side over Darnley's, then I'll be able to protect my throne.

And I believe I have a plan that just may work.

- Lord Blackburn.

- Lord Chancellor.

Don't tell me they sent you to greet me.

Oh, I thought it'd give us some time to spend together informally before we begin our negotiations.

Well, wonderful.

Then may I ask, informally, why the king's brother Henri has become so active in French politics?

Ah, he supports the king, nothing more.

And the Spanish galleons anchored off shore, do they also support the king?

It's no secret that France and Spain share a very close tie.

The Vatican is prepared to stand behind Elizabeth.

She's soon be wed to a Catholic, King Philip's nephew, the archduke of Austria.


I do believe our king trumps your archduke.

- Hmm.

- Mm.


NARCISSE: "Restitution for the life "of each m*rder*d English subject.

"Return of all seized ships and cargo, and formal apology" Mm, something in writing would be preferred.

France objects to your use of the word "m*rder".

Your English lords were not m*rder*d, they were ex*cuted when they threatened the king.



There will be no apology, formal or otherwise.

And no payment.

As for the ships, England may buy them back.

France is owed taxes, and we intend to collect.

However, as I am not an unreasonable man, I might be persuaded to give back the ships' cargo as a sign of good will.

In the eyes of the world, you have committed m*rder and theft.

A m*llitary response from England will be seen as justified.

So I strongly urge you to reconsider your position.

(Door closes)

How are the negotiations going?

We're still talking.

Whatever you do, do not give England the cargo - from the ships.

- Why?

Because we've been handed an unexpected gift.

The cargo is saltpeter.

The English transport it from North Africa to make gunpowder.

Gunpowder they will use against France.

- Or Spain.

- Oh, how tragic for Spain.

And tell me, is Spain aware of this cargo captured in France?

You told your sister, the queen.

She's requested that we divert the saltpeter to Spain.

So, now Spain asks you to meddle in France's affairs on their behalf.

I'm working with Spain to clean up the mess that Charles has created with England.

All they ask for in return is the saltpeter to make amm*nit*on.

I am working with Spain.

And you would be wise to work with me.

(Birds squawking)

This is a glorious day for all of Scotland.

God has smiled upon us.

I stand before you with great joy, to announce to you, and the world, that I am blessed and honored to carry within me an heir.

(Cheering, applause)

An heir with a claim to both the Scottish and English thrones.

I think it would please them very much to hear from the father.

ALL (chanting): Long live the king!

Long live the king!

Long live the king!

Long live the king!

Long live the king!

The queen and I are very much looking forward to the arrival of our child.

And we thank you for allowing us to share this blessed news with you.

(All cheering, clamoring)

Thank you.

(Indistinct chatter)

That was a brilliant move.

But how did you know that Darnley wouldn't make good on his thr*at and deny the child was his?

I didn't give him time to think.

My husband is not a complex man.

He just wants to be loved and adored.

I simply gave him an opportunity to feed his ego.


Well, now that you've claimed the child as your own, you've given up our leverage with the queen.

We'll need a new way to rid ourselves of her.

Rid ourselves?

I'm not looking to do away with Mary.

All I want is the Crown Matrimonial to be her equal.

Thanks to you, it's now too late for that.

So, you want to k*ll her?

Is that what you're suggesting?

She carries the future heir.

No one, not even a child, is innocent.

And as long as this woman is allowed to draw breath, she will continue to ruin this land as completely as she has ruined everything and everyone that I love.

There has to be another way.

Well, I'm afraid I'm out of ideas unless you've got one?

Think hard.

I've received news from Bothwell.

Your plan was a success.

Nearly all the council members who were prepared to grant Darnley the Crown Matrimonial have changed their minds.

They know that it will make them very unpopular to vote against a queen who carries the heir to the throne.

How many minds have remained unchanged?

Only one that matters.

Lord Ruthven.

We already know that the lord treasurer isn't above accepting bribes, but I'm willing to bet that his dishonesty goes further than that.

You're familiar with bookkeeping.

I would like you to find the privy council ledgers and see if there's evidence of any further financial wrongdoing.

I'll request the ledger at once.


I don't know how to thank you for all you've done for me.

With my brother, James, gone, and Greer away I feel as though I can trust you with my life.

You can.

This is my home now.

And you are my friend.

Thank you.

A queen doesn't have many friends.

I treasure you.

(Chuckles lightly)

HENRI: With Charles in Paris, I thought we could get to know each other a little better.

Is that what this stroll is?


You're important to my brother and my family, and I realized I hardly know you.

Yet, you thought you knew me well enough to tell me that I'm with the wrong man.

Because I know Narcisse and I was trying to protect you.

Protect me?


You hardly know me.

Which brings us back to why I asked you on a stroll.

So, let's start at the beginning.

Tell me how you came to be here at court.

I'm sure you've heard my story.

The simple farm girl who rose to become the king's mistress.

You're so much more than that.

I don't think my brother would be king without you.

Charles is quite capable.

With you whispering in his ear after Narcisse has whispered in yours.

You think Narcisse is manipulating me?

I think you're a beautiful, ambitious, young woman who's learned to pull the strings of men, and yed can't see when her own strings are being pulled.

You're still a naive farm girl at heart.

You don't know what you're talking about.

Thanks for the stroll.

He doesn't love you any more than you love my brother.

Meet me tomorrow, I'll prove it to you before he breaks your heart.

As for your demands, on further review, France's position has changed.

I'm glad to hear that.

You still have the option to buy back the ships, but I'm afraid the cargo is now property of France.

You were prepared to return the cargo.

But you failed to disclose the contents of the cargo, saltpeter.

A fertilizer.

Oh, don't patronize me.

We both know it is used to produce gunpowder.

This is hardly a negotiation.

Your hard-line stance threatens w*r with England.

Why would you risk that?

I can't help but feel you're driven by something much more personal.


My queen ex*cuted your wife.

I understand your bitterness, but don't let your grudge push our countries to w*r.

Elizabeth had no choice.

She suffers from the loss of Lola as well.

Oh, she suffers?

No one understands loss until they've felt it.

I do.

I lost my wife and then my daughter.

I went through a period where I hated the whole world.

And what helped you to recover?


And I don't mean just finding someone to love.

What healed me was knowing that I was loved, more than I ever thought possible.

Well, I'm happy for your good fortune.

Allow yourself to love and be loved again, or the bitterness will just destroy you.

That is wise advice.

So I have some advice for you.

The Spanish are not here because France and Spain are getting on well.

They're there to show support for Prince Henri.

Imagine how that makes the king feel.

So I think if you were to talk with King Charles, you would be surprised how receptive he might be to your demands.

Lord Ruthven, my advisor, David Rizzio, has found some discrepancies in the privy council ledger.

You are responsible for that ledger, are you not?

Your advisor is obviously wrong.

He has found proof that in addition to cheating the Crown, you have also been swindling your fellow nobles.

How do you think they will respond when they discover the lord treasurer is a crook, stealing from them?

Perhaps you should discuss this with the king.

I'm certain he will find that I have done nothing wrong.

If you expect Lord Darnley to pardon you, it will do you no good, not if I make this public.

You'll lose your standing, your reputation, your friends.

And you will remain silent if I vote against giving Darnley the Crown Matrimonial?

What has happened to Scotland?

The queen is more French than Scottish and takes the word of an Italian over her own treasurer.

I will keep my trust in the king.

Lord Ruthven, wait.

- What is it now?

- I beg of you.

Under no circumstances must you allow Darnley - to receive the Crown Matrimonial.

- Why?

What new thr*at does the queen offer?

It's not a thr*at from the queen.

This is my thr*at alone.

There are places that men frequent when they desire the discreet companionship of other men.

You've been seen at such places.

I'm married.

Even so, you and I have known the company of the same gentleman.

You be very careful what you're suggesting.

We take no pleasure in revealing your secret.

It's not an easy life, desiring what we're told we should not.

But if you defy the queen, I will make certain that everyone knows we are the same, and not even the king will be able to save you then.

Nor you.

You'll be b*rned right alongside me.

Are you prepared for that?

For Mary anything.

How the hell did we lose Ruthven?!

He won't even discuss the Crown Matrimonial.

That was our last chance at a peaceful transition of power.

- Time to take out Mary.

- No.

You asked me if I had a better idea.

I do.

We can try Mary for adultery.

Carnal lusting.

Even though she's pregnant?

Mary is a woman of passion.

Whatever she feels, desires, she must act upon.

She once took me in the hallway before our wedding.

If her desires are not being fulfilled with me, then surely with Bothwell.

Women are capable of ungodly things.

We must catch them together, with witnesses to make certain she's found guilty of adultery.

And then what?

She'll be forced to abdicate.

But she will live?


She'll be banished or imprisoned, but she'll live.

And the privy council will empower me to rule.

I am the father of the next monarch.

In a heartbeat.

Adultery is a just cause.

Once she's judged as immoral and unfit, the Vatican itself will push her off the throne, leaving you.

And what about Bothwell?

Well, that's up to the king.

Well, in that case I will have his head.

ELIZABETH: I wasn't expecting the archduke back so soon.

What do you think he wants?

Was he not away to draw up papers for your engagement?

Perhaps he now wishes your permission to make a formal announcement.

Do you think?

Now that the world knows Queen Mary is pregnant, I need this alliance more than ever.

But still, I can't help but feel I'm cheating on Gideon.

Lord Blackburn loves you as much as any man has loved a woman.

He understands the situation.




(Laughing): My lord, you have certainly What is it?

"Your lips hungry "devour me.

They steal my breath.

"Your body is mine.

Our hearts b*at in joined ecstasy.

" I apologize for reading your private papers.

I was moving them to make room for the flowers.

Are you involved with another man?

You weren't supposed to see those before our wedding night.

I beg your pardon?

Ever since we met, I can't stop thinking about you.

Your powerful gaze, your confident stride.

You've driven me mad with desire.

Which is inappropriate for a queen.

Especially a virgin queen.

I've been inspired, by the things that I've read in secret, to write down my deepest longings, so that I might share them with you after we were married.

The queen of England reads erotica?


My queen, if I had only known your feelings toward me, I could have spared us so much grief.

Because I feel the same way.

Forgive my boldness, but is there any reason we should deny ourselves any longer of something we both so clearly want?

I've returned from Austria with my family's blessing.

They've agreed to your demands.

We shall soon be husband and wife.

I can think of no reason at all.

I will give flesh to your words.

And I'll be gentle.



That's remarkable.

Subtle use of form without sacrificing attention to detail.

Is it a, uh?

- It's a Da Vinci.

- Ah.

My grandfather Francis purchased it.

But you didn't come here to discuss my art collection, did you?

No, Your Majesty.

I came with the hope of resolving the situation in Granville.

I understood Lord Narcisse was handling those negotiations.

I've learned something that is-is too sensitive for anyone except for the king himself.

Spain is trying to influence the outcome.

My investigation into the disputed ships and their cargo has revealed that your brother, Henri, intends to send them to Spain, at Spain's behest.

Tread lightly, Lord Blackburn.

You are suggesting that my brother goes behind my back and works against me to do Spain's bidding.

Forgive me if I am overstepping.

As a diplomat, it appears to me that Spain would like to see our countries at w*r.

They would use it as an invitation to help France, stepping in and elevating your brother's power.

And if I were to return the ships and cargo to England?

Then there's no cause for w*r between our countries.

And you would have shown Spain and your brother who truly wields the power in France.

- Bothwell?

- You are in grave danger.

I just received word from one of my spies that your privy council is planning to overthrow you, and your worthless traitor of a husband is helping them.

Darnley means to remove you from power.

I've asked Rizzio to keep watch, but everyone at this court is a potential conspirator.

The act of a desperate man.

I have stopped all of Darnley's attempts at gaining the Crown Matrimonial.

Knox and the privy council must have promised him my throne.

Which means they're not above taking it by force.

We must leave court and get to safety, now.


I must show strength.

We can't risk you coming to harm I am the rightful monarch of Scotland.

You go.

Collect those loyal to me and regroup somewhere defensible.

I could go to Dunbar.

I have friends there, unwavering royalists.

Your Majesty, Bothwell Darnley and Lord Ruthven are headed this way.

Are you certain it was him?

It was Lord Bothwell, I swear.

He entered the queen's chambers?

I saw it with my own eyes.

You have to leave now.

I'll send word when I can.

Muster our forces and prepare to storm the castle.

I'll wait in Dunbar.

David, what are you doing?

You need to go, too.


Whatever they try, I'll be your witness.

There's no more time.


Whatever happens, I'll always be on your side.

You're the queen.

They can't change that.

Remember, we need Bothwell for this to work.

Do not let him escape.

Where is Bothwell?


Show yourself, coward!

Is that your plan?

To accuse me of adultery with Bothwell?

Did you warn him?

Let him slither out of here like the snake that he is?

The queen and I have been alone here for the past hour.

I have no idea where Bothwell is.

Like I told you, I have remained faithful to our vows.

I am innocent.

No, you're not, and we're here to bring you to justice.

How dare you barge in here with an empty claim.

If you stand down now, I am willing to pardon all of you for this treason, the punishment for which is death.

Do you want her off the throne or not?

Are you blind?

Without Bothwell, we have no proof.

We have found the queen alone in her chambers with a man.

The Italian will serve our purpose.

No one will believe you, and you know why.

- What's he talking about?

- Lies, no doubt.

What's it matter?

This is our opportunity to rid ourselves of this French imposter, this whore of a queen, like we've wanted.

There can be no backing down.

We k*ll the Italian, but we do this together.

No one person to blame.

You can't let them m*rder an innocent man!

Ruthven, this was never the plan.

This is not the time for fear or weakness.

Tonight we make history.

Tonight we take back Scotland from the woman who stole the throne.

This is my final warning.

Stand down.

Stand up, I say, to her tyranny.

We've come too far now to back down.

We must act as one for Scotland.


- (Shouts)

- MARY: No!


(Crying): No.



Are we in this together or aren't we?



You can't just let them m*rder him!

- For Scotland!

- MARY: No!

(Rizzio and Mary shout)

- No!

- For Scotland!

- (Grunts)

- MARY: No!



(Crying): David!






(Crying): Let me go.




Let me go!



(Mary crying)

(Crying): What have you done?

Is this really necessary?

I don't need to see Narcisse's reaction to my gift to prove that he loves me.

Then you have nothing to worry about.

They're coming.

Get behind the screen.

I haven't yet heard back from Gideon, but I'm certain that I have sent him on a course that will deliver us each what we desire.


(Catherine chuckles)

CATHERINE: "So that I may stay close to your b*ating heart, always.


" (Laughing): Isn't that adorable?

Oh, joy, she's found a new way to suffocate me.

Now I'm expected to carry this vile, little locket.

She's so tedious, feigning affection while feeling nothing.

If it weren't for the effect she has over Charles, this would be more work than it is worth.

I find that hard to believe.

- Hmm?

- This comes easily to you.

I've seen it.

No, experienced it myself.

Yes, but at least, in your case, we were equally matched.

CATHERINE: Look at us.

After all we've been through, all we've lost, the two of us, we're still here.

Keeping the kingdom from falling apart.

Oh, together, we really are a force to be reckoned with.

When I told you to get over the loss of Lola, I didn't mean for you to sleep with every woman in the castle, which is what I hear you've been doing.

And does that bother you?

CATHERINE: I was controlling.


Not cloying.

- And never once dull.

- Never.

So, no, this time, it doesn't bother me.


This time?

I do like the sound of that.

(Muffled crying)

RUTHVEN: For Scotland!





I think there's something wrong with the baby.

I need my husband.

I am under strict orders not to leave you unguarded.

This is your king's child.





Your Majesty.

(Door closes)

Are you all right?

Is the baby?

I'll summon for a physician right away.

No, the baby is fine.

I needed to talk to you in private.

Knox is using you.

Mary, it's over.

The coup was a success!

You have to accept your fate.

And what about your fate?

Who is in power now, hmm?

- You or the privy council?

- It's only temporary.

It all happened so fast, they said it would take time, but What did Knox promise you?

That while I rotted in jail for an affair that never happened, that they would make you king?

You, an Englishman, a Catholic?

I'll convert, and then I'll take the English throne, too.

Don't be a fool.

We are married because I couldn't take England without you.

What makes you think that you can take England without me?

Knox may despise me, but he hates the idea of a monarchy even more.

You will never be safe.

- Well, I-I - They k*lled Rizzio.

They will turn on you, as easily as they turned on me, as easily as they turned to m*rder.

I never intended for Rizzio to die.

All I wanted was to catch you with Bothwell.

There was nothing to catch.

I have been faithful to you.


They will k*ll you.

What am I to do?

Help me escape the castle.

- No.

- Help me, and we will get back all that is ours, as king and queen together.

Or stay and be cast off by those who have used you.

NICOLE: How could I have been so naive?

All this time, I gave myself to him.

How can I erase those sounds, seared into my brain?

- You didn't know they were lovers?

- Lord, no.

I knew Narcisse didn't care about you, but had no idea about them.



There, there, Nicole.

I truly am sorry.

I just felt that you deserved the truth.

You deserve someone that cares for you, and I don't mean a weak, boy king.

I mean me.

You don't care about me.

- I do.

- No.

My God, look at you.

How could I not?

Narcisse is a fool, an utter fool, and someday, when you're with the right man, someone he knows he's truly lost you to, he will realize that.

(Man grunts)

I have a trusted servant waiting south of the castle with horses.

If we're going to escape, we have to do it now.

I can walk on my own.

There's a fire raging on inside under my skin Hear the glass as it shatters Yeah, it's breakin' like my bones (Man shouting nearby)

With all my soul, no I am not the one who is gonna be fadin' There's a path that will lead us outside.

So, this is how you pulled off that disappearing act.

There must be a better place away from me No, I won't give up I will die searching I'm fighting Till I win this w*r Till I win this w*r I'm fighting Hear my battle cry Oh, oh Hear my battle cry Oh, oh Hear my battle cry.

Are you all right?

Maybe you should rest.

We've been riding for hours, and in your condition Dunbar is close.

Bothwell will be waiting.

Without us, the conspirators have no leverage.

We must strike now, while they are weak.


I'm so sorry.

Rizzio didn't deserve to die like that.

No, he didn't.

You will get justice for him, but if I come with you, I know that Bothwell will say that that justice means my death.

All I've ever wanted was to be treated with respect.

I don't want to die.

Darnley, don't leave.

Come with me.

It's my only chance at survival.

Where will you go?

Somewhere where I won't be found.

- Darnley, no.

- Take care, you and the baby.

(Both lightly chuckle)

I can't stop staring at you.

I am smitten.

And I thought after last night, our intimacy, it's time to make things official.

It's beautiful.

However, there is one thing we must discuss before moving forward.

I want our relationship to be built on trust and honesty.

Of course.

As do I.

I know that those words you wrote were not meant for me.

I'm guessing they were written for Gideon Blackburn.

I've observed you together.

You are different when he is near.

- Lighter.

- That's not true.

I don't believe you.

If you are so sure of my feelings for him, then you tricked me into sleeping with you.

Because I had to show you what we could be together.

What am I?

A fool.

No, you're not.

You're brilliant, and you're gorgeous, and you're willing to marry me for your country.

But that's not enough for me.

Because your attention has been elsewhere, and oddly because you need this marriage, you weren't giving me a chance.

To show me who you are.

I think I know now.

I'm the man who held you in his arms for hours, but I did not force you, and I don't believe you forced your response to me last night.

Did you?

Be honest with me.

It's all right to enjoy sex, Elizabeth, especially with one's husband, which is what I still want to be.

Even knowing I have feelings for another?

I believe you could have feelings for me, stronger feelings.

But the truth is we both need this marriage to work.

Me, to shore up my country's finances.

And you, to gain Catholic support to counter Mary's aggression.

If we wed, you need never fear her again, and together, we would be unstoppable.

But you must stop whatever is happening between you and Gideon Blackburn.

I will.

And you must remove him from court.

I don't want to see him here again.

Those are my terms.

They are not negotiable.

All right.

I will send him away.

My congratulations, Lord Blackburn, on your brilliant diplomacy.

You have achieved everything you set out to do.

Your queen has returned her ships and valuable cargo, and the English residents of Granville no longer need fear reprisals.

Thanks to you, Lord Narcisse, it's it's all worked out well.

I have to ask.

- Why did you guide me?

- I thought it might be nice if we both claim a victory.

You, for your queen.

Me, to ensure that France remains independent from Spain.

You're an exemplary statesman.


Setting aside your personal feelings for the good of your country.

Lola would be proud of you.

Well, it's time to bury the past, move on.

I wish you a safe journey back to your queen, Gideon.

I hope she shows great appreciation for what you achieved here.


(Footsteps approaching)

You sent for me, brother?

On this throne, I'm your king.

You'd do well to remember that.

I stand chastened, Your Majesty.

But why?


Be grateful you're still standing at all.

I know what you've been up to.

I unraveled your little plot pitting England and France against each other strengthening your friends in Spain.

- I'm not sure - Don't try to deny it!

You'd plunge France into w*r to sate your lust for my crown, but you have failed.

You will never have what belongs to me is that clear?

As crystal Your Majesty.

With your forces, we should have enough men to retaliate.

We'll continue to recruit troops overnight.

If we don't hear from Queen Mary by the morning, - we'll att*ck.

- MARY: Lord Bothwell.

- (Pants)

- (Men clamoring)

Your Majesty.

Your Majesty.

You're here.

What happened?

I convinced Darnley to help me escape.

He feared for his life rightly so and went his own way.

The castle is still in the hands of the conspirators.

What of Rizzio?

They wanted to accuse me of adultery, and when they didn't find you they butchered David.

He was a good man.


Your loyalty to the Crown in this time will not be forgotten.

Your sovereign queen has been betrayed, in an unforgivable way.

But the conspirators will not live long enough to gloat about their treachery.

At dawn, we will take back the castle, and the traitors will pay for what they have done with their lives!