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02x09 - Custody

Posted: 06/07/19 17:10
by bunniefuu
J: You have a storage unit?

Smurf: The boys don't know about it.

And neither do you.

I think Smurf's been skimming off our jobs.

Are you sure?

I'm gonna find out.

You know, I always wanted to believe Smurf had limits.

But that's bullshit.

Smurf: Javi just got screwed.

We owe that kid this money.

♪ ♪ I'm sorry, Smurf.

I'm setting up a job.

Gonna rob a boat.

Okay, what's my part in it?

Every day, it amazes me.



♪ ♪ ♪ She stares deeply ♪ ♪ Locked inside me ♪ ♪ Burnin' brightly ♪ ♪ One they know that I cannot take ♪ ♪ Waitin' for it all to begin ♪ ♪ Every night now, they'll win ♪ ♪ Come and meet my black hole ♪ ♪ Got a big black hole ♪ ♪ Got a big black hole ♪ ♪ I've got a big black hole ♪ ♪ I've got a big black, big black hole ♪ ♪ Got a big black hole inside of me ♪ ♪ Got a ♪ Craig: There she is, guys.

Ain't she a beaut?

115-foot, single 2,500-horsepower diesel engine, carries about 120 guests, all of them drunk and rich.

There'll be a fortune on that boat in a week.

We're not screwing around.

This is work.

Let's go make some money.

Where's Baz?

This is bullshit.

We went to all of Baz's meetings.

Hey, tell him we're going to the bar to go over the plan, okay?

If Baz wanted to be here, he'd be here.

He doesn't listen to me.

What makes you think he listens to me?

We just need someone who speaks Spanish.

That's it.

You should've gone to school, Deran.

I did.

I took French 'cause Madame Harrison was hot as sh1t.

What about El Craigo?

Are you serious?

He can barely speak English.

You think really Baz is gonna sign up to be your interpreter?

If if means making a shitload of money?


Look, Craig has seen this thing through, okay?

Believe it or not, this thing is real, man.

You need to talk to Baz.


We need Baz.

[ Country music playing ]

[ Click ]

♪ ♪ Hey, What's this one called?

It's a Desert Eagle .50 caliber.

Your, uh, mom or dad with you?

How many b*ll*ts does it hold?

We've got some youth r*fles I'd be happy to show you.

Don't waste my time.

How old are you, huh?

Have to be 21 to purchase handgun in California.

♪ ♪ You think I need you to get a g*n?

[ Scoffs ]

♪ ♪ [ Engine turns off ]

[ Car doors close ]

Craig: Glad you could make it.

So these are the pictures of the engine.

This is the internal infrastructure.

This is the deck.

Yeah, I don't know, guys.

You lost me after "Craig planned a job" here, fellas.

I've done the leg work, man.

I thought the pirate thing was your idea.


Craig took the reins.

I'm already inside, working as a bartender.

Who would hire you?

They hired "Eric." I've scoped the yacht, the engine, and everything.

Oh, sh1t.


you scoped the engine?

Pope: Baz...

What could go wrong?

You know what, man?

You don't like it, the door's right there.

Where is it?

You see it right there?

Oh, yeah.

I got it.

Yeah, just take a good walk through there!

Guys, are you serious?

Baz, come on, man.

Baz: What?

Just hear us out, please.

[ Sighs ]

Craig: Come on, sit down.

All right.

Let's hear it.

Let's go.

Well, what's the occasion?



Bride's dad owns TV stations in Mexico.

The groom's side is big in natural gas.

Tons of jewelry, tons of cash.

So what's the plan?

k*ll the engine, cut all communication, they'll be sitting ducks.

What about satellite phones?

Craig got a Shoghi jammer.

How many people on board?

Including crew, about a hundred people.


That's a hundred more than we're used to.

We've done crowd control before.

In banks.

5, 10 tops, Craig.

Yeah, that's why we hit it when they've been out on the water for at least two hours or so.

Everybody's gonna be shitfaced.

They're gonna...

People get drunk, they get brave.

We could have problems.

No one's gonna play hero, not once they see the biggest guy there get the living sh1t kicked out of him.


Who gets to do that?

I should do that.

I'm doing it.

No, I wanna do it.

A couple well-placed punches, open up some cuts, make it messy.

It's a wedding, guys.

Everyone just wants to make it home alive.

All right.

You should hit it after it's docked.


Something goes wrong out on the water, you're screwed.

Nothing's gonna go wrong.

You just don't like it because I thought of it.

No, Craig, I don't like it 'cause it's too risky.

The job's the job.

You in or not?

[ Scoffs ]

I'm in.

I'll do it.




No, I-I'm in, man.

Uh, but what about Nicky, Craig?

What about her?

Craig said that Nicky's in on the job.

Wait a second.

You're gonna bring in a teenage girl that's never done this before?

We need someone to distract the Coast Guard, that's why.

We vote on personnel decisions.

Deran: Guys.

It's my job, Pope.



That's what's happening.

All right, it's your job?

Best of luck with it.

Leave the girl at home.

Pope, let me talk to you a minute.

Yeah, you know, Pope already said he's in.

Yeah, and don't try talking him out of it either.

I'm not.

He's a big boy.

He can make his own decisions.

Let me talk to you for a minute.

[ Door closes ]

So what are we gonna do about Smurf?

You ever think that maybe Smurf did it for you?

[ Laughs ]

Your private investigator said there was a C.I.

file on Cath, right?

Maybe Smurf was trying to protect you, protect all of us.

Cath wasn't talking to the cops.

Then why'd she open a file?

If she was talking to the cops, then why aren't we all in jail?


Why not?

She knew enough.

Smurf k*lled her.

She k*lled her, Pope.

And now who are the cops looking at?


I could go away for a long time.

I am not letting Smurf get away with it.

I'm not doing it.

You with me?

Are you with me?

♪ ♪ Yeah.

Of course I'm with you.

I'm with you.


I'm gonna take care of it.

I'll take care of it, okay?

I gotta go.

♪ ♪ What's that?

Rent's due.

Gotta keep our money nice and clean.

Do you want me to send it in?

Read my mind.

How you doing with your homework?

It's okay.

I'm doing enough to not flunk out.

Not the homework I'm talking about.

Sit down.

[ Clears throat ]

Okay, let's go.

Chris Norton, 19 Mission Avenue, 2A.


Roland Schwinn, 4535 Whaley, 5C.


Vernon Dozier, 7000 Pacific Street.

3,200 bucks.

I could keep going.

No, no.

That's enough.

Just tell me what you do next.

You gotta set up money orders for each unit.

Post office, Western Union, it doesn't matter as long as I change it up...

[ Cards clattering ]

.. and don't do two at the same place.

Now put all these in your knapsack.

And try not to let anyone see you walking around with $30,000 in cash.

I'll take care of it.

Thank you.

[ Seabirds calling ]

I had an idea who we can get to fence the jewelry.


Nicky, man.

Tell her she's out.

I promised her.

Un-promise her then.

She'll be fine, man.

And this is your way of getting Baz and Pope to take you seriously?

Pope's still in.

Barely, man.

Who are we gonna get to replace Baz?


Uh, I don't know.

How are we ever gonna find someone who speaks Spanish in California?

No, someone we can trust, idiot.

What about Marco?

What, Lucy's brother Marco?

Yeah, he always said he wanted to work with us again.

Yeah, and what?

Run brown tar heroin up the border?


You got another idea?

What about Esteban?

Dude, he's in Victorville.

He's still got five years.

I mean, Gustavo's reliable.

He's Brazilian.


So they don't speak Spanish in Brazil.

Where'd you hear that?

Look it up, man!

So Marco then!


Bro, this whole thing cannot fall apart because of Baz.

I know this guy, Rafael.

We used to rip off cars together.

Ended up in juvie together.

Can he handle himself?

Nobody wanted to mess with him, that's for sure.

I think his parents were from Ecuador or Bolivia or some sh1t.

So hit him up.

What was your idea, about the fence?

Uh... you're not gonna like it.

At all.

[ Engine turns off ]

[ Car door opens ]


How are you?

How was the drive up?



Brought you a present.

Oh, sh1t.

Milwaukee saw, grinder, drill.


[ Exhales sharply ]

This is great.

Thank you.


Thank you.

De nada.

[ Tools clatter ]

[ Beep ]

Would you mind picking up Lena from school today?

Are you robbing a bank?

Oh, I thought we didn't talk about work.


[ Laughs ]


you kinda broke that rule first, recuerdas?

No, no bank.

But you're going into a safe.

Oh, yeah.

More than one.

Come here.


Is that your way of thanking me for bringing the tools?

It's a start.


Thought you had them, by the way.

No, they belong to the family.

What, your brothers don't like to share?

I don't want them to know.

Are you on your own for this?

Was gonna do it with Pope, but it fell through.

I have a plan "B," though.

I don't do safes.

[ Laughs ]

Mm, I don't mean you.

So what's the job then?

You really want to know?


What are you ripping off?


♪ ♪ Hello.

[ Water running ]

I talked to my cop friend, and...

he told me they have absolutely nothing that connects Baz to Cath.

So we have nothing to worry about.

I told you.

[ Bottle cap pops ]

[ Liquor pours ]

♪ ♪ [ Juice pours ]


you really want to start a w*r with Smurf?

Well, I didn't start it.


it's business.

Everyone skims, Baz.

Oh, this has nothing to do with skimming.


Are you okay?

[ Sighs deeply ]

Cath didn't run out on me.

Smurf k*lled her.

She thought Cath was talking to the cops.

She wasn't talking to the cops.


[ Inhales deeply ]

Are you sure?

[ Exhales sharply ]

I'm sure.

Do your brothers know?

[ Chuckles ]

Yeah, Pope knows.

He knows.

Looks like a scared little boy who doesn't know what to do, but he knows.

[ Sniffles ]

And the others?

Not yet.

And I'm sorry.

For what?

These last 10 years, I could've been with you.

[ Sighs ]

Smurf took me in.

She gave me everything I never had before.

You go do whatever you have to do.

And when you're done, you come back to me.


[ Whispers ]


♪ ♪ Baz.


You clean that bitch out.

[ Engine turns off ]

Yo, come on.

Let's go.

Smurf offered to help us.

Let's go.


[ Thumps truck ]

[ Sighs heavily ]

Yeah, and all we have to do is eat a giant sh1t sandwich.

[ Clippers snip ]

So what's the job?

Doesn't matter what the job is.

You gonna move the sh1t or not?

Never say no to my boys.


It's not a favor, Smurf.

It's business.



I'm your mother.

Let's make it 10.



How come Baz isn't cleaning your money?

[ Clippers snip ]

He's not doing the job.


I'm not surprised.

Probably wasn't his idea.

Baz is so easily threatened.

[ Clippers thud ]

Yeah, of course I'll clean your money.

Of course.

I've got a delicious beef stew in the fridge.



Beef stew.

[ Door bell dings ]

[ Horn honks ]

[ Brakes squeal ]

Let me guess.

Smurf got you taking care of the rent, huh?

Yeah, she used to make me do all that sh1t.

Nice wheels.

It's pretty cool, huh?

You like it?


[ Laughs ]


Borrowed it from a friend.

Does your friend know you borrowed it?

What, you doing a job?


You want in?

Yeah, sure.


Right now.

Right now?

Yeah, right now.

You want me to ask someone else?


Let's go.


♪ ♪ [ Spoon clinks ]

Hey, you speak Spanish?



♪ ♪ No reason.

I want a g*n.


I should have one.

[ Chuckles ]

No, no, you shouldn't.

Just in case.

In case what?

You never know.

That's the point.

[ Mouth full ]

You're not gettin' a g*n.

I wanna be prepared.

I've never done this before.

♪ ♪ You know, my first time, I was 8.

Dorset Bank.

Smurf had me go to the guard and show him my, um, RoboCop action figure.

And when he smiled, I threw a fistful of sand in his eyes.

Smurf took his g*n, gave it to me.

Wanted to see if I could keep him on the ground while she dealt with the tellers.

After we were done, she took me to Toys "R" Us, gave me 1,000 bucks and said, "Get whatever you want." See?

You had a g*n your first time.


I just talked to Rafael, said I wanted to meet him.


The Strand.

Let's go!

[ Claps hands ]

All right.



And I know which one I want!

I want a Desert Eagle .50 Caliber!

That wasn't the point of the story.

You couldn't handle it anyway.

Yes, I could!

I'm getting one.

[ Craig laughs ]

♪ ♪ So what's the job?

You'll see.

Storage unit?


Whose is it?

[ Laughs ]

What does it matter?

Trust me, it'll be worth the effort.

[ Black p*stol Fire's "Run Rabbit Run" playing ]

♪ ♪ [ Engine revs ]

♪ ♪ [ Engine revving ]

♪ ♪ [ Taps door ]

This one's mine.

Uh, what about the security cameras?

Taken care of.

♪ ♪ [ Click ]

Hey, grab the Sawzall.

We're going into the unit next door.

♪ ♪ What's the problem?

Uh, nothing.

I'm fine.


There might be a lot of money on the other side of that wall.

You want some?


Let's go.

♪ ♪ [ Pixies' "Um Chagga Lagga" playing ]

♪ Well, I'm headed south but kinda west ♪ [ Exhales deeply ]

♪ Up around the bend, one more breath ♪ ♪ Standing tall in the rows of corn ♪ [ Whirring ]

♪ Like Cora Pearl at 10 in the morn ♪ ♪ Um chagga lagga on the side of the road ♪ ♪ Um chagga lagga on the side of the road ♪ ♪ Um chagga lagga in the Languedoc ♪ ♪ Um chagga lagga in the Languedoc ♪ ♪ Black coal night in Wallonia sticks ♪ ♪ Saw your red light burn for like 20 klicks ♪ ♪ Come on, man ♪ ♪ Um chagga lagga on the side of the road ♪ Check it out.

♪ They're coming to get me ♪ J: Whoa.

[ Chuckles ]


[ Object thuds ]

Almost crapped my pants the first time I saw 'em, too.

How are we gonna get these out of the building?

We're not.

We're not?


[ Waves rolling ]

[ Child shouts playfully ]

Juvie C.O.

kept harassing me, so I put his ass in the ER.

Deran: Yeah, you broke his damn collarbone, right?

And two ribs.

Pendejo deserved it.


Hey, it's great seeing you fools.

Thanks for reaching out, dawg.

What are you doing?

Are you, uh, are you still working these days or what?




Stripping 'em?

Or what are you doing?

No, man, I don't do that sh1t no more.

I got a job at Midas.

Brakes, oil, I do it all, dawg.




Hey, Papi.

This is my son Luis.

I got apple slices or Craisins.

Hey, you got kids, man?

Uh, no.

No kids.

Craig: No.

Ah, they're the best, man.


Listen, uh, we...

we have to go see this beer distributor.

Yeah, we gotta go.

But, uh...


Good seeing you man.


Great catching up, bro.

Hey, let's make this a regular thing, dawg.



[ Sighs heavily ]


[ Car door opens and closes ]

If you see me turn into that guy, put a b*llet in my head.

[ Engine starts ]

Anytime, bro.

So now can we call Marco?

J: Whose stuff is this, really?

Baz: Some assh*le that's got a lot more than he needs.

So we're gonna move all the safes one unit over?


Then we're gonna seal it back up.

So why'd you ask me to help?

You're smart, you don't bitch, and you get the job done.

I guess I see some of me in you.

Don't want you to make the same mistakes I did, though.

What mistakes?

[ Drums hands ]

Believing Smurf gave a sh1t about me.

[ Drums hands ]

Yeah, you know, she took me in and she taught me about the rent.

She made me think she was doing me a favor.

But what I didn't understand is she was using me.

[ Tapping safe ]

Look, here's the thing.

Smurf needs you, not the other way around.

[ Taps ]

Remember that.

So what now?

[ Exhales sharply ]

Now we cover our tracks.

I'll do this.

You finish with the tools.

What about the safes?

We'll open them up when things have cooled down a bit.

When will that be?

Couple weeks.

Let's keep this between you and I.

Okay, J?

[ Tools clatter ]


I can trust you, right?


[ Whirring ]

We gonna cut Smurf in on this job?


This one's just you and me.

♪ ♪ [ Whirring ]

Craig: Order up.

Marco: To good times, huh?

All right, man.

[ Glasses clink ]





It's not "saloo," assh*le.

It's salud.


That's the same...

[ Laughs ]

Good to have you back, Marco.

It's good to be back.

Been waiting for you guys to call for years, amigos.

So how much you wanna start with, huh?

5 keys?


No keys, Marco.

It's a yacht.

Big wedding.

A robbery?


Keep your voice down, man.

Do I look like a thief to you?

The hell is that supposed to mean?

[ Chuckles ]

No offense, pero I hire thieves.


Besides, a boat doesn't sound like Smurf.

Yeah, well, it has nothing to do with Smurf.

This is just the two of us.




Good for you, huh?

And you.

I can send you guys some men.


No, man, we trust you.

Look, this is a big haul.

♪ ♪ Is there a place to piss around here?

Yeah, in the back.

You'll see it.

♪ ♪ Now what?

[ Glass clatters ]

We get him drunk.

[ Liquor pouring ]

[ Glasses clink ]

♪ ♪ [ Engine turns off ]

[ Gate rattling ]

♪ ♪ [ Whirring ]

[ Crowbar clanks ]

[ Bundles thud ]

♪ ♪ [ Whirring ]

All done?


The rent.


Um, yeah.

Yeah, almost.

[ Bottle cap clinks ]


Craig wanted me to look into finding a boat for the job, so...

And that couldn't wait?

[ Liquid sloshes ]

I'm sorry.

Give me the money.

I'll finish it.

No, I'll...

I'll do it.

[ Cellphone rings ]


Where is he?


I'll be right there.

Get it done.


[ Footsteps depart ]

[ Door slams ]

♪ ♪ [ Exhales deeply ]

♪ ♪ [ Siren wailing in distance ]

♪ ♪ [ Police radio chatter ]

♪ ♪ Andrew?



[ Chuckles ]

You didn't come to Bible study.

I was worried.

What's going on?

I'm a coward.

What are you talking about?

My family.

I'm afraid it's gonna fall apart.

I could stop it, but I'm not strong enough.

[ Sighs ]

It's not all on you.

You know, keeping your family together?

There's only so much you can ask of yourself.

It started because I hurt someone.

We've all hurt people.

Have you asked for forgiveness?

There's freedom in unburdening yourself.

They'll see you're a good person.

I'm not.

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ He's been in there for hours.

Is he alone?

No, but nobody that will be a problem.

We even now?

What's the room number?


We're even.

♪ ♪ [ Door unlocks ]

[ Door creaks ]

[ Shower running ]

Who are you?

Put your clothes on and get out of here.

Hurry up.

[ Whispers ]

Come on, hurry.

♪ ♪ Just get out!

[ Whispers ]

Get out of here!



♪ ♪ [ Shower continues running ]

[ Click ]

[ Click, electronic whining ]


[ Taser zapping ]


[ Thud ]

[ Curtain rings swoosh ]

Pope: I can't stay.

Who's that?


Hey, wait here.

You know him?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Just stay here.

Stay here, okay?


Hey, is Chris here?

No, he's at home.

[ Amy speaks indistinctly ]

Why aren't you picking up your phone?

[ Car door opens ]

You can't keep pissing me off like this!

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

You can't keep doing this sh1t!

Don't yell at me!

You do the same sh1t over and over with...

Don't yell at me!



No, he's okay.

Andrew, it...

it's okay.

It's Nate.

Get off of me!

Who is this?

He's my brother.

It's just Nate.

It's my brother.

It's just my brother.


Is this your boyfriend?

We met in Bible study.

Oh, and you think dating another guy with anger issues is gonna help convince the courts you can be left alone with your son?


Okay, you wanna do this later?

Do you wanna do this later?


No, Amy, I don't wanna do it later.

I drove in from Orange County.

What do you want?


[ Dog whining ]

[ Voice breaks ]



No, no, no, no.

no, no, no.

You decide to buy Chris a pet, just make sure you run it by the people who take care of him first.

Can you please do that for me?

[ Crying ]

He really wanted one.

Well, Nancy doesn't.

Okay, you wanna ask your wife to do me a favor?

She's taking care of your son because you almost k*lled him.

She is doing a lot.

[ Dog whines, pants ]

Look, Amy, I know you miss him...

No, no, no.

.. and he's doing great.

And I am happy for you.

I'm happy that you're trying to turn your life around here.

I really am.

But we have an arrangement.

And you have to run everything by us, okay?

You make pre-arranged calls.


Not whenever.


[ Dog whines ]

Do you need anything?

Do you...


Thank you.

I'm sorry.


[ Car door closes, engine starts ]

[ Exhales deeply, sniffles ]

[ Van departs ]

[ Cap clatters ]

Cats drink milk, not dogs.

[ Glass thuds ]

Okay, I don't know what dogs like.

I think almost anything except milk.

Well, my roommate was supposed to go shopping, but she didn't, so all I have are Girl Scout cookies and an egg.


Can you just go?


[ Promise and the monster's "slow and quiet" playing ]

♪ It's the 20th today ♪ ♪ My thoughts are sort of vague today ♪ ♪ All I know, their flesh will soon behave ♪ ♪ ♪ [ Whispering ]

Do you have a condom?

[ Breathing heavily ]


I bet Stacy has one.

♪ Of the bushes surround this house ♪ ♪ And all the yellow glow ♪ ♪ They are right ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ A release time after time ♪ ♪ Cruder than the turning time ♪ ♪ Let them run this time, they cannot hide ♪ ♪ Let my thoughts sink deep into ♪ ♪ Their bones before ♪ ♪ They close their eyes ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ Tell me the combination of that safe.

'Cause I know you wouldn't go anywhere without my money.

I didn't like taking it from you, you know.

♪ ♪ Truth is, I didn't even enjoy spending it that much.

The combination.


[ Keypad beeps ]

[ Clank, keypad chirps ]

♪ ♪ Where's the rest of my g*dd*mn money?

[ Bundle thuds ]

It's gone.



I spent it.

What am I gonna do, lie to you?

It's not like I'm not gonna be able to do anything with it after you k*ll me.

Who said anything about k*lling you?

You're Craig's father.

[ Sighs deeply ]


But your running days are over.

Left or right?

What do you mean?

Which one?

You're not doing that.

Cut the sh1t, please.


or right?

Cut it out, will ya, please, g*dd*mn it?!

Left or right?





[ g*nsh*t ]


♪ ♪ [ Gate rattling ]

♪ ♪ [ Engine starts, door closes ]

♪ ♪ Sit.

[ Yelps ]

Well, he wanted out.

I guess I have a soft spot for that.

[ Dog whimpering ]

There's a late service at the church.

You wanna go?

I thought you might.



[ Dog whimpering ]

Let's go to the store, get this little guy something to eat.

What are you gonna do with him?

I don't know yet.

[ Dog panting ]


Are you gonna be okay?

[ Kisses ]

Thank you.

For what?

For being a good person.

[ Laughs ]

Oh, man.

You almost cost me a grand!

Hey, man, you're the one who said to try it.

Yeah, try.

Yeah, he put half of it up his nose by the time we found him, right?

Yo, if I'm gonna move something, I gotta know if me likes it, okay?

[ Laughs ]

Yo, man, they were good times before Smurf shut it down.


So that's why you keep pouring me drinks?

Come on.

This could be good for us again, man.

Look, the plan is solid.


How's your wife?

Like I give a sh1t?


Which one?

How you gonna keep your ladies happy?

Might as well get them something expensive.

Something shiny.

There's gonna be a lot of it on that boat, right?

A lot.

Hey, guys...

We work well together.

Okay, we know that.

We've done this before.

We owe it to each other not to screw up an opportunity like this.

♪ ♪ Come on, man.

♪ ♪ Okay.


[ Slaps leg ]


We'll owe each other, like you say.

All right.

I do this for you, and then you'll do something for me.


[ Sighs ]

No, man, that's not what Deran meant.

I've already told you, we're not gonna be moving...

Yeah, we'll do it.

♪ ♪ Yeah, we'll do it.


But one time.

One time.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

So we're good?


We're good.

[ Laughs ]

All right, man.

Welcome aboard!

Let's celebrate.

I took her for pizza today.

She still hate you?


[ Chuckles ]

Yeah, I figured.

How was your day?

How was my day?


I thought you'd never ask.

[ Bag thuds ]

[ Sighs ]



How much?


[ Bundle thuds ]

Not bad.


"Not bad." [ Laughs ]

Still got half the safes to go.

How much of it would you give to see the look on Smurf's face?

How much?


I don't know.

All of it?

[ Laughs ]

Will she know it was you?



What will she do?

It won't matter.

Gonna be too late.

What are you going to do, Baz?

[ Sighs ]

I'm gonna take away everything on this Earth she cares about.

[ Sighs ]

[ The Rolling Stones' "Ventilator Blues" playing ]

♪ When your spine is cracking ♪ ♪ And your hands, they shake ♪ ♪ Heart is bursting ♪ [ Car door closes ]

♪ And you butt's gon' break ♪ [ Switch clicks ]

♪ Your woman's cussing, you can hear her scream ♪ ♪ You feel like m*rder ♪ ♪ in the first degree ♪ [ Bag thuds, keys jangle ]

♪ Ain't nobody slowing down, no way ♪ [ Door unlocks ]

♪ Everybody's stepping on their accelerator ♪ ♪ It's all right ♪ ♪ Don't matter where you are ♪ ♪ Everybody's gonna need a ventilator ♪ ♪ Oh, what you gonna do about it?

♪ ♪ What you gonna do?

♪ ♪ What you gonna do about it?

♪ ♪ What you gonna do?

♪ ♪ Gonna fight it?

♪ ♪ Gonna fight it?

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ Gonna fight it?

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ Gonna fight it?