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07x11 - Hard Truths

Posted: 06/11/19 15:25
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Suits" Donna was here the other night.

She told me about this guy from years ago.

She chose Harvey over him.

It just made me wonder if what she really regrets is never telling Harvey how she feels.

Andrew, this is between you and me, not Jessica.

She admitted to being a party to fraud in front of the New York State Bar.

Funny thing is, no one seemed to care.

Well, I did.

- You son of a bitch.

- Oh, there it is.

That's the look I came here to see.

The only thing better would be if I could be there when you have to tell Jessica Pearson that you cost her her license to practice law.

Tell Harvey how you feel.


I wouldn't be with Rachel if it wasn't for you.

And if I let you lose something that might make you as happy as we are, I would never forgive myself.

This is happening, and there's nothing we can do about it.

There's a hell of a lot we can do about it, and we're going to.

Harvey, it's time to take my name off the wall.

I've been counting the days until my soul mate marries someone else and walks out of my life forever.

But all I wanna do is just say to her, "Can't you see?" The man she was meant to be with is standing right in front of her face.

Good, you're still here.

Where's Louis?

Because I have some news, and I think you should both-- [gentle music]

I'm sorry, Harvey.

I just had to know.

[somber music]

Harvey, I just got your voicemail.

We need to figure out a way to stop Malik before-- It's too late, Louis.

It's done.


That's not possible.

It's a done deal, Louis.

Jessica's getting disbarred.

There's nothing we can do.

- Well then, we need to-- I can't talk about this right now, Louis.

All right, look, Harvey, I get that you're shaken by this, and I am, too, but if this is really happening, we need to figure out how we're gonna handle this, and we need to do that tonight.

- I don't care.

We'll have to deal with it tomorrow.

Well, wait, what about Donna?

What about her?

Does she know what's going on?

No, she doesn't.

And if you don't mind, I'd rather you tell her yourself.

[door slams]

Hey, you.


Harvey, are you okay?

Yeah, I'm okay, I just didn't expect to see you.

You did give me your key, you know.

I know, it's just been a long day.

Does this have anything to do with Donna?


Well, you said that man was coming after her.

I didn't know how it all played out.

It's over, we got out of it.

Then let me fix you a drink.

I'll make you anything you want, as long as it involves gin and tonic.

Move in with me.


I don't just want you to have my key.

I wanna know when I get home, it's gonna be just like this.

[soft, dramatic music]

Harvey, where is this coming from?

I just came home from a rough day, and inside of thirty seconds, you made it feel like the world doesn't matter.

Harvey, this is incredibly romantic, but [inhales deeply]

I rushed into something like this before, and it ended up breaking my heart.

I would never do that to you.

I'm not saying you would.

Just saying I think we should wait.

- Alex.

- Hey.

You got a second for a long overdue conversation?

What's going on?

I never got a chance to properly thank you for getting me out of that jam with Reform Corp.

Alex, please, it was nothing.


I'd probably be in prison right now if it wasn't for you.

You probably wouldn't have been in danger of going to prison in the first place if it wasn't for me.

Can you let a man finish?

I'm trying to make a gesture here.

I'm sorry.

Seriously, Mike, you came through big time, and I wanted to pay you back, and since I didn't wanna just get you a pen or some sh*t, I decided to give you this.

Quality Foods?

These guys are Fortune 500.

I know, and they're now officially your client.

And this wouldn't have anything to do with this nasty little fight they're having with their distributor, would it?

Hey, you wouldn't want me to give you a model airplane that's already been built, would you?

I don't know, those Lego X-Wings look pretty complicated.

I wouldn't mind just plopping one of those on my shelf.

I feel you, but the way I look at it, I give my client a junior partner to handle his business, it's a step down.

But that junior partner solves that client's problem, it's a step up, and we both win.

Then I guess I better start building my model.

Suits 7x11 Hard Truths See the money, wanna stay for your meal Get another piece of pie for your wife Everybody wanna know how it feel Everybody wanna see what it's like I'll even eat a bean pie, I don't mind Me and Missy is so busy, busy making money All right All step back, I'm 'bout to dance The greenback boogie Harvey, we need to talk.

If you're here to talk about last night, I don't need an explanation, Donna.

I just need you to say what you did is never gonna happen again.

Harvey, we can't just-- Didn't you hear what I just said?


It's never gonna happen again.


Now, I've got some things I gotta deal with.

- You mean Jessica?

- I do.

Well, that's not for you to deal with by yourself.

Harvey, we need to show the world that the firm is as strong as ever, and I've got a way to do it.

And what way is that?

We need to send a message that we can still attract A-list talent whether Jessica's name is on the wall or not.

You're talking about hiring a new senior partner.

I am.

Well, there's only one problem with that, Donna.

You wanna hire some paralegals and secretaries, knock yourself out, but when it comes to hiring lawyers, that's not your job, it's mine.

Ready to talk about Jessica?

I am--Donna, can you give us a minute?

It's okay, Harvey, she can stay for this.

No she can't, this is a name partner conversation.

It's okay, Louis.

I was just leaving.

[tense, dramatic music]

What's going on?

Everything okay between you two?

Everything will be okay, as soon as we figure out how we get Jessica her money.

Yeah, well, that's gonna be tricky, because it exposes us to Jack Soloff and the rest of the old partners.

Word gets out that we paid Jessica when we stiffed them, they're gonna come at us like vultures.

Which is why we need to dissolve the firm and restructure.

What do you think I'm doing here?

- You did it already?

- Yeah, I did it already.

I did it when we screwed over Van d*ke two years ago.

And according to the original bylaws, we can't restructure again without one of those three fossils signing off.

sh*t, Van d*ke hates our guts, so he's out.

And Schmidt went off the grid in 2012.

That leaves Gordon.

Yeah, when he figures out that this is about paying the woman who deposed him, he isn't gonna help no matter what you do for him.

Then I better come up with a cover story.

In the meantime, you need to make sure the Ethics Committee sits on Jessica's disbarment for as long as you possibly can.

And Louis, do whatever it takes.

Hey, what you doing?

Uh, making some binders of all the key exhibits we need to submit for the Samsung case.

You do know that's why God created paralegals, right?

I do, but when I was a paralegal, a certain associate dumped all of his grunt work on me, and I swore I would never do the same thing.

Pretty sure that was just his way of flirting.

And I'm pretty sure that it wasn't appreciated.

Worked out in the long run, though.

I haven't said any vows yet, have you?

I vow to give my grunt work to Missy Deitler from now on.

You know Missy Deitler doesn't work here anymore.

Yeah, but she's hot.

Why did you come in here exactly?

- Truth?

- Yes.

Alex Williams just gave me a major client.

And when things like that happen, I want you to be the first one I share them with.

Plus, I was hoping that maybe you'd be able to help me out on the case.

Well, why didn't you just say that in the first place?

Because then I wouldn't have been able to talk about how hot Missy Deitler is.

And I couldn't tell you just how handsome Alex Williams is.


Seriously, Mike.

This is a great thing, and I wish I could help you, but I'm swamped right now.

- Next time.

- Yeah.

[mellow music]

Craig Seidel.

I'm Louis Litt.

Yeah, I know who you are, Louis.

I'm pretty sure you're not a regular at the falafel truck, so what do you want?

I want you to delay the announcement of Jessica's disbarment till next month.


I said I need you to bury that news, and I'm not gonna take no for an answer.

Louis, even if I wanted to, I can't.

Once the Ethics Board votes, the results go straight to the Communications office.

There's nothing I can do about it.

You think I was born yesterday?

You can put those results under audit, call it back, and delay it a month.

No, I do that, it exposes me.

We've got a history.

I could get kicked out of the bar myself.

Well then, I guess you're gonna have to figure out a way to do it delicately, 'cause if I'm not mistaken, you still have a wife and kids What is that supposed to mean?

It means if you don't come through for me, Holly Cromwell is gonna pay your wife a visit.

No, you wouldn't do that.

You wouldn't ruin my marriage just to buy yourself thirty days.

Craig, just look at my face.

If it means giving Jessica Pearson the chance to walk away with a shred of dignity, I can do a hell of a lot more than that.

[tense music]

Hey, Donna.

What would you say if I needed to have some associates reassigned to my new client?

I would say that's Louis's purview and not mine.

I know that, but Louis is out.

It's important.

I figured you could just shuffle around a few papers and-- - You know what, Mike?

I have more important things to do than shuffle around a few papers, and as it is, Harvey won't let me do them because he's. .

Because what?

Because Jessica's gone, and he's out of sorts.

What do you mean Jessica's gone?

Jessica's been gone.

He didn't tell you, did he?


Of course he didn't.

[pen clatters]

Jessica's getting disbarred.


Malik couldn't hurt Harvey through me, so he went straight to the bar and went after Jessica.

And Harvey's just taking it?

I don't know what Harvey's doing.

But whatever it is, it doesn't involve me, and it doesn't involve you either.

The hell it doesn't.

Let me get this straight.

Jessica gets disbarred, and we're not gonna do a thing about it?

- Mike, calm down.

- No, I'm not calming down.

She laid down on the tracks for us.

I'm not gonna let her get run over.

She's not getting run over.

She's moved on, and you need to accept it.

And what happened to the guy who said that when someone pulls a g*n on you, you either take it, or pull out a bigger one, or do one of a 146 other things?

He became managing partner.

And he learned to do what's best for the firm.

She was the firm.

And the only reason she isn't-- Mike, I get it.

You're feeling guilty.

And I'm not gonna give you a fairytale that it wasn't your fault, because it was.

But it was also mine, and it's done.


I can't just do nothing.

You wanna do something?

Why don't you take that case that Alex gave you and knock it out of the f*cking park?

You told him to give me that case, didn't you?

Yeah, I did, because I knew that when you found out, you'd come running in here, and I better have something to tell you.


I gotta hand it to you, Harvey, that's pretty good.

How'd you come up with all of that?

It's easy.

I ask myself what would Jessica do.

Permission to come aboard?

Permission to kiss my ass.

Good to see you, too, Stanley.

Been a long time.

How's my firm?

Still resting in peace.

My firm, on the other hand, just kicked the sh*t out of Andrew Malik.

Well, Harvey, still the same cocky son of a bitch you were in the mailroom.

But you didn't come here to gloat.

So, what do you want?

I wanna restructure the firm to make it employee-owned.

You wanna cut in the associates?

I don't think so.

It's a new day, Stan, just like Silicon Valley.

All the best companies are giving their employees stock options.

The second we offer the same deal-- You can poach the top talent from every firm in town.

You know, for a guy who's been wasting away in Margaritaville, you're still pretty sharp.

Sharp enough to know I can name my price.

Because you can't restructure without my sign-off.

No, I can't.

So what's it gonna take?

Last year, I gave 10 million to World Health Relief.

They wanted a new headquarters, and I wanted my name on a building.

So we drew up an agreement, I cut them a check.

Two months later, they diverted the funds to fight some malaria outbreak in West Africa.

Those do-gooding bastards.

You want me to call the United Nations?

Hey, a deal was made, and a deal was broken.

And I'm not some chump who's gonna let himself get taken.

I get it.

You want me to twist some arms.

I don't give a sh*t if you break some legs.

Get my money back or get my name on a building, you can have my sign-off.

Then get your pen ready, 'cause the next time you see me, we're putting it in writing.



Mike Ross.

Thank you for sitting down with me.

Quality Foods is a long-time client, Mike.

I'm just sorry this thing turned sour.

Sort of like 15% of our dairy products.

Look, Mike, we've had extreme weather on our Southern routes this summer.

Our cooling systems start to fail at 100 degrees.

- Then buy new cooling systems.

- We don't have to.

Our contract includes an Act of God exclusion, and that includes weather.

Except according to every precedent there is, Act of God only applies to singular events, not ongoing ones.

Is there any other bullshit you want to try?


You want us to settle for $90 million?

If we go to court, I'll make you pay more than that.

$30 million.

Not a penny more.

Your client gets the sun and the moon, Mike.

But we keep the stars.

- That's all well and good, but I'm gonna need the full $90 million.

And if Alex Williams was here, he'd take this, because he understands that this long-term relationship is not worth shattering.

Well, Larry, Alex isn't here.

I am.

And if there's not a check for $90 million in my office before I get back there, I'll be seeing you in court.

Louis, can I get your take on something?

Of course.

Harvey agreed that we need a new senior partner to offset the Jessica situation.


But he wanted to be the one to handle it because he's a lawyer, and I'm not.

The thing is, I just found out that a rock star from Williams & Connolly is on the market.

He's in town meeting with Skadden tonight.

Donna, if that's true, then you need to go after him.

I just told you, he wants to be the one to do it because I'm not a lawyer.

So I was thinking if it came from you-- Donna, that's bullshit.

If you can't set up a simple interview, then why did he promote you in the first place?

You're right, Louis.


[soft, dramatic music]

Alex, what's up?

Checking in on Quality Foods.

How'd the sit-down with Arctic go?

Not great.

They didn't wanna hear what I had to say.


Because I just got off the phone with them and it sounds to me like they heard you loud and clear.

$30 million is a hell of a lot of money.

I know it is.

Then why are you turning it down?

Because it was too easy.

It was easy because they have a long-term relationship they wanna keep, and so should you.

Well, I think that maybe it was too easy because something more is going on here.

So you're going to w*r because of your gut?

I'm not going to w*r, I'm threatening w*r.

And it was that same instinct that made me realize that something more was going on in the prison case.

You remember the one that you said you gave me this client to thank me for, when really you just gave them to me because Harvey told you to.

I didn't give them to you because Harvey told me to.

I did it because I thought it was a great idea.

Well, if it's such a great idea, then why are you cutting my legs out the first chance you get?

How the hell am I cuttings your legs out?

By calling them to check up on me and then coming in here and telling me how to run my case.

I didn't call them, they called me.

And the second they did, you should have told them that this is my client and that you back me 1,000% percent.

Well, Mike, I did tell them that, because if I didn't, we'd look like a two-bit firm.

But between you and me, if I could, I'd pull you off it right the hell now.

So do what you want, 'cause like you said, they're your client.

[relaxed music playing]

Mr. Specter, it's a pleasure.

The pleasure's all mine.

I'm a big admirer of the work you do.

Well, the only way that work gets done is through the generosity of our donors which is-- Janet, I'm gonna be straight with you.

I'm not here to cut you a check.

I'm here so you can cut me one.


I'm a friend of Stanley Gordon.

You made a deal with him, but you didn't hold up your end.

You're right, I didn't, because I found out the money he gave us was dirty.

He was just using us to launder it for him.

But once you found that out, you decided to use his money anyway.

What was I gonna do?

We'd already spent it.

I understand.

The only problem is, you did the same thing with the Russian money five years ago.

And if word gets out that you've done that kind of thing more than once-- I'm not writing that man a check.

Then don't.

But you said you'd put his name on a building, and that's exactly what you're gonna do.

And I know the building.

It's about to break ground.

Doug Scott's name is going on that building.

Just tell him you had to use his money for a malaria outbreak, Janet.

I'm sure he'll understand.

[mellow music]

[elevator dings]

Harvey, we need to talk.

Donna, I already told you I didn't wanna discuss anything about last night.

And I heard you loud and clear.

I'm talking about the senior partner issue.

And I said I didn't wanna talk about that with you either.

Well, too bad.

You're going to.

Look, I know you have your reasons for cutting me out of the process, but while we're waiting for you to do something, we're losing out on candidates.

We're not losing anything.

No one's going anywhere in the next day.

Kyle Clemente is.

Who the hell is Kyle Clemente?

He's a top partner at Williams & Connolly, and he's about to take an offer from Skadden.

And before you say no, Louise was the one who told me to set up the interview in the first place.

And he's in the conference room right now.

You gotta be kidding me.

Here's how I see this, Harvey.

Either we go in there and we interview a legitimate candidate, or we go right now and we talk about what you don't wanna talk about, 'cause I'm not letting it get in the way of me doing my job for another minute.

Okay, Donna, let's get this over with.

[soft, dramatic music]

Harvey Specter.

- Kyle Clemente.

Nice to meet you, Kyle.

Donna says you got an offer from Skadden.

It's not official, but I am expecting one.

But you are leaving your firm?

Yes, of course.

I'm not happy in D. C. , so-- 'Cause I'd hate to think that you love your firm and are committed to them and Donna here just set up the meeting to tease you away.

[soft laugh]


Let him answer the question, Donna.

I wouldn't be taking this meeting if I wasn't looking for something more.

Great, then you should know you'd be coming in at senior partner level-- Not so fast, Donna.

You'll have to forgive my colleague, Kyle.

Sometimes she can be a little impulsive.

You're saying I wouldn't be coming in at senior partner level?

I'm saying that we've got a good thing going with our partnership here, and I'd hate to mess it up with the wrong kind of person.

And what kind of person is that?

I think what Harvey's trying to say is sometimes he can't handle it when someone puts their own needs above his own, and he wants to make sure you won't do that.

Oh, is that what I can't handle?

I'm sorry, I thought I was here for a senior partner position.

But if I'm not going to be pursuing my own agenda, then what the hell am I doing here?

Excellent question, Kyle.


I'll tell you what you're doing, Kyle.

You're gonna take that offer from Skadden, because the truth is, I don't think we're actually looking for anyone at all.

[tense music]

Harvey, we're gonna have that talk, and we're gonna have it right now.

- Donna.

- No.

It is one thing to take it out on me, but what you did in that interview was horrible and selfish.

Okay, you wanna talk about what happened?

Let's talk about what happened.

Because if anyone knows about selfish, it's you.

You have some nerve saying that to me when you know I have put you over me for years.

I don't care what you've done for years.

You knew I was seeing someone, and you did that to me anyway.

I told you, Harvey.

I needed to know.

- Know what?

Our lines have been perfectly clear for a long time.

Our lines are as blurry as lines can get.

I'm the person that you call at 6:00 in the morning or at midnight when you need someone.

We smile, we drink, we flirt.

That doesn't mean I want more.

Well, for the record, neither do I.

That's right.

I didn't feel anything when I kissed you, Harvey.

Whatever I thought might be there, wasn't.

So you can relax if that's what you're worried about.

That's not what I'm worried about.

You messed with my relationship.

And now I gotta keep a secret from Paula.

No you don't.

If it didn't affect you, then just go ahead and tell her.

You didn't do anything.

[soft, dramatic music]

It did affect you, didn't it?

I'm human, Donna, what do you think it did to me?

That's not the same as feeling something.

Don't you get it?

You made me the one thing I never wanted to be.

It was a kiss, Harvey.

We've done more than that.

Unless, of course, you haven't told her that either.

Okay, you want my advice?

Instead of being furious with me, maybe you should think about why you haven't told Paula any of this.

Well, I'm not interested in your advice, Donna.

As far as I'm concerned, your judgment sucks.

Don't tell me you gotta work all night.

Yeah, it looks that way.

The other side on Samsung just hit us with a countersuit.

I was hoping I could talk to you about a run-in I had with Alex.

Of course.

What happened?

Arctic made an offer.

I turned it down, and they went over my head.

And Alex didn't have my back.

So, he's making you take it?

No, he's not.

Then what's the problem?

He doesn't trust my judgment.

Why did you turn it down?

Because I think something else is going on.

- Like what?

- I don't know yet.

But Alex is convinced that it's more important to maintain the relationship than to figure out what's going on.

Look, Mike, I'm all for getting to the bottom of things, but this isn't Reform Corp.

It's a trucking company.

They're not k*lling people.

I know that.

Then maybe Alex has a point.

Wait, you're saying he's right without having any knowledge of the facts.

You're right, I don't know the facts.

But I know you.

And not every case has more to it than meets the eye.


Nothing, it's-- I asked you to work this case with me, you said you were too busy, and now you're telling me not to trust my instincts?

No, that's not what I'm saying, and you're the one that brought this thing up.

Because I thought I'd get supported, not second-guessed.

- Mike, I-- You know what, don't worry about it.

You got your own work to do.

I'll figure it out myself.

I don't think I've ever seen you drinking by yourself before.

Well, I needed one.

Don't tell me you couldn't close Kyle Clemente.

It's kinda hard to close someone when Harvey sabotages the interview five minutes in.

- What?

- He was pissed off, he didn't wanna be there, and he let Kyle know the second he walked in the door.

You know what?

It's one thing not to take the interview, but to t*nk it in front of your face?


- Louis, where are you going?

I'm gonna straighten Harvey out.

- You can't do that.

- Yes, I can.

I'm not gonna let him treat you like that.

Louis, something happened between me and Harvey.

Oh, my God, you slept with him again?


I kissed him.

And he didn't want me to, and we got in a fight.


He's seeing Paula.

How could you do that?

I don't know, Louis, I I'd just been beaten up by Malik, and then Mike said something that got under my skin, and then you came in and you told me the love of your life was slipping away, and you didn't know if you should say something to her or not.

Look, Donna, I'm as romantic as anyone, and I understand saying something, but you kissed him.

That's crossing a line.

And you told me you slept with Sheila.

Because she asked me to, and I couldn't stop myself, and I've been feeling guilty about it ever since.

So you think I'm a horrible person?

No, of course not.

I'm saying that you made a mistake, and you did something that you shouldn't have done to someone you care about.

And as someone who has a lot of experience with things like that, I'm also saying maybe you should just tell him you're sorry.

[keyboard clacking]

Harvey, what a pleasant surprise.

I was just finishing up my notes for the night.

Paula, I need to tell you something.

Truth is, I should've told you the other night, but I was afraid.

Harvey, what's going on?

Donna kissed me.


I walked in to talk to her about Jessica getting disbarred, and before I knew it, she kissed me.

Let me see if I understand this.

The night you came home and asked me to move in with you, you'd just kissed another woman?

Well, that's not what happened.

Well, that's an interesting point of view, because it sounds to me like that's exactly what happened.

Paula, listen to me.

I didn't invite it.

I didn't do it.

I didn't even know how to handle it.

Well, let me tell you how not to handle it.

Don't come home and give me some bullshit about wanting to move in with me, and when I ask if something else is going on, lie to my face.

- Look, you didn't ask me if something else was going on.

You asked me where this was coming from, and I told you the truth.

And what truth is that?

You make the world go away.

Right, yeah.

But what you meant was, I made you forget about your feelings for Donna.

I don't have feelings for Donna.

We've been through this.

Of course you have feelings for each other.

You've worked side-by-side for years.

I'm surprised something like this hasn't happened before.

- Paula, I messed up.

- Yeah.

I should've told you the other night, and I didn't.

But why can't it be that what happened made me understand that I wanna be with you?

- Well, it can, but it doesn't sound to me like it did.

That's not fair.

You're punishing me for what Donna did.

Harvey, that's what you're not understanding.

What Donna did is far less important to me than how you treated me after she did it.

[soft, dramatic music]

You got that issue of mine resolved?

I sure did; your name's about to go up on a brand-new building, and now you're gonna sign off on that restructuring.

Actually, Harvey, I'm not, 'cause I know what this whole thing is really about.

And what's that?

Getting Jessica Pearson paid.

And spare me the stock options bullshit, because Louis Litt would slit his wrists before he'd cut his own mother in on the profits.

Let me guess-- you want your name on a building, and you want the money.

No, Harvey.

I want back in the game.

Not a chance in hell.

Think about it.

Jessica's name is about to come down in disgrace.

What better way to replace it than with a former name partner riding to the rescue?

This isn't a rescue, this is you sticking it to Jessica for taking your firm from you.

Well, you know what they say, Harvey.

Karma's a bitch.

For that matter, so is Jessica.

You say that again, you'll need a doctor, not a lawyer.


Is that any way to treat your newest colleague?

I don't think you understand what's going on here, Stanley.

This isn't a negotiation.

This is a bill coming due, and you're gonna pay it in full.

Then sue me.

Because I'm not signing that thing until my name is up on your wall.

[dramatic music]

[golf club swishes]

You better have some good news for me.

I don't, and I came to tell you in person because I did the best I could.

- I don't believe this.

All you had to do was get a simple g*dd*mn audit.

I told you, it wasn't simple.

They were all there, they all heard Jessica Pearson admit that she knew about Mike Ross.

What the hell difference does that make?

Because the only basis for an audit involves questioning the integrity of the other members.

I did that, and now they're looking into me.


Yeah, sh*t is right.

My life was about to get ruined.

The only way I could stop it was by resigning, which is what I did.

If I find out this is your way of weaseling out of this-- No, Louis, I tried to help you, and I couldn't.

Destroying my marriage isn't gonna buy Jessica Pearson anymore time.

How much time do we have before they make the announcement?


You got 36 hours.


[footsteps approaching]

Hey, you busy?

I'm just finishing up the paperwork for Quality Foods.

Finishing up?

Mike, what do you mean?

I thought you said you were gonna keep digging.

I mean, I heard what you said last night.

So I called Arctic, held out the olive branch, and got them to come up another 8 million.

Mike, don't take it.

You found something, didn't you?

Think about this right now.

What's in our freezer?

What do you see?

Two gourmet pizzas, four containers of pasta sauce - [laughs]

Mint chip and coffee ice cream, a bottle of Vodka, and that lasagna you made last week.

Anything else?

Nothing behind those things?

I don't know.

I can't tell you what I can't see.


The same goes for grocery stores.

If you don't see it, you can't buy it.

[soft, dramatic music]

Holy sh*t.

"Act of God" my ass.

Mike, please tell me the settlement isn't signed yet.

- It's not.

- Then you need to get over there right now.

- No.

We need to get over there right now.

[elevator dings]

Mr. Burnham.

We have an offer for you.

I thought we came to an agreement.

There's been a little complication.

Well, you need to talk to my lawyer.

We don't have to talk to anyone unless he's in on your scam with you.

I don't know anything about any scam.

If you'd please excuse me.

So you don't know why your truckers are destroying 20% of our product?

We've been through this.

The spoilage occurs-- Over the hottest regions of the country.

Yes, we've heard your bullshit version.

Unfortunately, Department of Transportation records show a 20% loss in cargo by the time your trucks get to Ohio, where our competition just happens to have its main plant.

Where you ditch our goods, call it an Act of God, take a payoff, and then fill the empty space at a premium.

Does that sound about right?

What do you want?

I want you to call my client and tell them you still value the relationship with him.

You fix the freezers that were never really broken in the first place, and then instead of his original offer of 90 million, you're gonna make it 120.

What if I say no?

Well, then I'm gonna call Sean Cahill at the SEC, and then he investigates you for fraud.

And he'll do it, because we actually do have a long-standing relationship.

Harvey, we have a problem.

What is it, Louis?

Seidel didn't come through.

We only have 36 hours.

- sh*t.

What's going on in your end?

What happened with Gordon?

We had a deal and he changed it.

Changed it to what?

He said he'd only sign off on the restructuring if we bring him back as name partner.

We have to figure out a way to get Jessica her money without changing the bylaws.

Well, there isn't.

The second we cut her a check, we don't have a leg to stand on in court.

It's a one-way ticket to bankruptcy.

Well, I'm not letting that son of a bitch back into the house Jessica took from him.

Wait a second.

You just said it.

He doesn't want back in the house.

He just wants to get back at the woman who took it from him.

- What are you saying?

- I'm saying Stanley Gordon doesn't need money, and he doesn't want power.

He just wants the world to know that Jessica's name is dogshit.

Whatever you're about to say-- Hear me out.

If we put out a public statement that throws Jessica under the bus and disavows her completely-- - No way.

Harvey, she fell on the sword for us already.

And now you're saying you wanna desecrate the body.

I am not saying that, and I hate this just as much as you.

But we do this, Jessica gets paid, we are free and clear.

When we go back to Gordon with this kind of counter, I guarantee you he will say yes.

I'm not doing it.

Harvey, we have about a day to get Jessica her money.

What if I write it up, get Gordon to sign off, and ask Jessica if it's okay?

You can do whatever you want.

I'm not putting my name on that paper.

I had a feeling you were up here.

Well, the reason I came up here was to be alone.

I get it.

You had a hard week.

You got blindsided by Stanley Gordon, and you also got blindsided by me.

Harvey, I crossed a line.

I put you in a horrible position with Paula, and if it's caused you any problems-- Of course it's caused me problems.

I told her what happened two days after the fact.

How do you think that went over?

I think she must hate me.

She's not worried about you.

You're not the one she's dating.

No [soft, dramatic music]

You are.

And I messed with your life.

And I made you think that you couldn't trust my judgment.

I've never heard you say that before.

I can't go back and undo what happened, and even if I could, I don't know what I'd do.

But what I can do is tell you I'm sorry.

Yeah, well, like I said, I'd like to be alone right now.

[keyboard clacking quietly]

You got a second?

I do.

I just got off the phone with Bruce Davis at Quality Foods.

Said he couldn't be happier with his new lawyer.

I'm glad to hear he's satisfied.


sh*t, the man was turning cartwheels.

The next time you ask me to trust your gut, I'm gonna listen.

Is that your way of saying you're sorry?

Too subtle?

My mother used to tell me that all the time.

She's dead to me now, just as an aside.

[soft laugh]

Look, I appreciate it, but I'm not the one you should be listening to.

Rachel's the one that figured out what Arctic was doing.

I was ready to settle.

You know, a lot of junior partners wouldn't be copping to that.

Well, a lot of junior partners aren't marrying up either.

[soft, dramatic music]

Well, don't take this the wrong way, but she did okay too.

If you consider winning the lottery okay.

You think maybe you've been hanging around Harvey too long?

You saying I've gone full douchebag?

Have a good night, Mike.

You hungry?

No, I was just making sure that my memory is still as mind-bogglingly sharp as I like to think it is.



Have to say, I'm pretty impressed with myself.

Not nearly as impressed as I am with you.

What made you do all that work for me?

The same thing that made you decide to settle.

I listened to what you had to say, and I thought that you're the smartest person that I know, and if you have a gut feeling about something, you're usually right.

And what if I told you that I had a gut feeling that you and I should do this more often?

Make out in the kitchen?

I'd--yes, all over that.

I'm serious.

Let's do more cases together.

- Mike.

- Rachel, we hardly get to see each other anymore.

If we could carve out a little bit of time at work, then-- Then what?

[gentle guitar music]

Nothing, I-- I just miss you.

If this is about making time together, then why don't we make time for what's really important?

- The wedding.

- The wedding.

It's gonna be here before we know it, and we haven't done anything we need to.

So, let's stop putting it off.


I'm in.




I need to ask you a question.


Alex thinks we should make Mike senior partner.

I thought you didn't trust my judgment.

I've always trusted your judgment.

That's why I promoted you.

- No.

- Donna-- I know, Harvey.

I know all the reasons to do it.

I know everything he brings to the table.

Then why not?

You made him a lawyer before he was ready.

Don't make him a senior partner before he's ready.

It won't help him, and it won't help us.

How do you know he's not ready?

Because I do, and I know it's a hard thing to hear, but if we can't tell each other hard truths, then what are we doing?

Then I guess I have something to tell you too.

What you said is true.

I call you, I joke around with you, I ask for your advice, and I've done it for a long time.

What are you saying?

I'm saying you've put me first for years, and if I can't recognize the truth in that, then what are we doing?

[soft music]

Thanks, Harvey.

You're not the one who needs to be saying thank you.

Is it okay if we hug?


Living in a broken home alone 16 weeks since you've been gone Let me guess: you went to Gordon, you got him to agree.

- I did.

- What about Jessica?

What did she say?

She said it's your call.

She'll accept whatever you say.

Harvey, we don't have any time left.

Write it up.

I'll sign it.

You want me to call Jessica and tell her?

No, I'll call her Because if we can't tell each other the hard truths, then what are we doing?

In that case I have it right here.

So you want me to say about her what we should be saying about me.

Harvey It's the only way.

[dramatic music]

Two days ago, the New York State Board of Ethics voted to disbar Jessica Pearson.

As the firm's Managing Partner, I completely support this decision.

Jessica Pearson's conduct was not only selfish and unethical, it was also reckless.

For that reason, effective immediately, the name Jessica Pearson will no longer be associated in any way with our firm.

With the removal of this name, I look forward to bringing this disgraceful chapter of our firm's history to a close.

Why would you wanna love somebody When love hurts in the end [knocking]


Paula, the other night, when you said that you were surprised that nothing had ever happened between me and Donna before, I should've said something, but I didn't, because I was afraid.

It was years ago, and it was only one time, but Donna and I slept together.

Say something.

Why would you wanna love somebody When love hurts in the end