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08x15 - Stalking Horse

Posted: 06/14/19 07:43
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Suits"...

Get on the ground.

Wallet and phone.

You weren't there!

You don't know the sh1t I went through!

The same thing that happened to you happened to me.

Are you sure the two of us working so closely together is a good idea?

It might get complicated.

It's not fair that my reputation in this firm takes a hit when you are the one-- I was the one that what?

Where have you been?

I've been looking for you all morning.

Hey, if you must know, I overslept.

I'd love to go out again, Thomas.

Is tonight too soon?

Let me check my calendar.

Yep, I'm free.

I have an idea.

If we work together for a year and it's successful, you'll be on the junior partner track.

That sounds like a plan.

Harvey, this is Thomas.


We've met.

[tense music]

♪ ♪ [both laughing]

Here's another one.


Your grandmother did not want to go to the beach in Nice, but I insisted.


Oh, my God, Mom, you were hot.

Donna, please.

I was smokin' hot.


Well, if you got it, admit it.

Sweetie, I really appreciate you indulging me.

It's always nice to look back at this trip but...

it's just so much more fun with you.

I'm not indulging you, Mom.

I love it, too.

Then what do you say we make an album of our own.

What do you mean?

The last few years have been tight, but I've been saving up.

And you and I are going to Paris for two weeks, right after you graduate.

You're kidding.

I am 100% not kidding.


Mom, this is amazing.

I wanna see it all.

Notre Dame, the Louvre, the cafés.

Do you really think we can do all that?

We can do anything you want because I finally understand why that trip was so special for my mom.

And now I get to have all that with you.

[sentimental music]

Okay, just the way you like it, vanilla with two splashes of "why would anyone want their coffee this sweet"?

You seem particularly happy this morning.

I am.

Any reason?

Other than the fact that you woke up next to this 5"9 stack of fantastic?


As a matter of fact, there is.

Um, do you remember that meeting I had to leave early for the other day?

You mean the morning after our first time when you snuck out of here like you robbed a bank?

You know, funny you should say that, because...

I feel like I robbed a bank this morning.

What do you mean?

Well, we've been negotiating to expand our retail presence.

We were at an impasse, and now we're full steam ahead.

Thomas, that's fantastic.

It is.

It's gonna take us to a whole other level.

But the real reason I'm so happy is that there isn't anyone I'd rather share this with than you.

♪ ♪ There he is, the man himself, the Babe Ruth of the legal profession.

Flatter me all you want, Simon.

You got me over here at 8:00, and I don't even like to be up at 8:00, so what do you got?

The answer to our tenant problems.

I'm assuming you mean Restoration pulling out of the deal.

I do.

I've invited someone else to take their seat.

Who's that?

Thomas Kessler Furniture.

They're up and coming, they're about to sign a huge deal with my major competitor, and I want them.

You gotta be kidding me.

Is there a problem?

Simon, aside from the fact that we represent Kessler, which is a conflict, I can get Restoration back to the table.

I don't want them back at the table.

But I thought we-- Harvey, think about it.

They're a national chain, they're flush with cash, and we can only build so many malls.

Which means if we're gonna increase our revenue going forward-- You need up and coming tenants who will trade a piece of the upside for a break on rent.

Welcome to the conversation.

Okay, Simon.

Yet, I still feel you're checking your swings, so what's your concern?

No concern.

You want Kessler, you got 'em.

[tense music]

Louis, this is so much fun.

I'm so glad we're finally doing this.

Of course, Sheila, when I told you that our baby comes first, I meant it.

And speaking of coming first, imagine our little love bug rolling to the playground in this bad boy.

Wait, is this-- Yup.

"Paternity Magazine"'s top pick.

Yeah, and it's also $2,000.

Louis, can we really ask people to buy this for us?

Sheila, let me explain something to you.

All of our friends are rich, and as any rich person will tell you, gifts are the truest form of love.

So in other words, scan that mofo.

Scan the sh1t out of that bad boy.

[phone buzzing]


Louis Litt?

Yeah, this is.

This is Detective Bukowski, was your wallet stolen recently?

Yeah, it was.

How could you possibly know-- We believe we may just have arrested the man who stole it.

Oh, my God.

Would you be willing to come down here and identify him in a lineup?

Sir, I can assure you he won't see you.

He won't even know who you are.

Yeah, I'll come right down.

Just let me know where you're at.


♪ See the money, wanna stay for your meal ♪ ♪ Get another piece of pie for your wife ♪ ♪ Everybody wanna know how it feel ♪ ♪ Everybody wanna see what it's like ♪ ♪ I'll even eat a bean pie, I don't mind ♪ ♪ Me and Missy is so busy, busy making money ♪ ♪ All right ♪ ♪ All step back, I'm 'bout to dance ♪ ♪ The greenback boogie ♪ All right, bring 'em in.

As I said, they won't be able to see us.

[tense music]

If you see the man who mugged you, just let me know.

♪ ♪ Get on the ground and don't you f*cking look at me.


Litt, do you recognize anyone?

Number six.

Number six, step forward.

♪ ♪ Are you sure?

We need you to be sure.

Wallet and phone.

It's him, I'm sure.

Good, we appreciate the cooperation.

The DA's office will be in touch about testifying.


I thought I just had to identify him.

But you also said you were assaulted.

Unless you want to let him plead to a misdemeanor, you need to appear in court.

♪ ♪ Yeah, of course.

Take the rest of 'em out.

♪ ♪ Alex, you got a second?

Actually, Harvey, I'm running a two-minute drill right now, so no.

Well, I need you to take a look at this anyway.

What is it?

Simon Lowe wants Thomas Kessler to be their anchor in 20 new malls.

Well, I'm sorry to say, that's my two-minute drill, and I'm at the one-yard line with another mall owner.


So I haven't known Thomas long but I know he doesn't like to deal in bad faith.

This isn't bad faith, Alex.

He didn't even know this deal was coming, and he sure as hell didn't know how good it would be.

Good or not, it's a conflict.

Take a look at the offer, then tell me he won't wave conflict.


A 50% haircut on rent for 10% of our gross?

These guys are serious.

Pretty sure it beats whatever you got cooking.

How'd you come up with this?

I didn't.

My client did.

I don't believe it.

I've been busting my ass for months on this and your client comes to you with this.

sh1t just falls out of the sky for you, doesn't it?

You don't wanna know what high school was like for me.

No, sir, I do not.

All right, I'll take it to him, but we better get them in a room fast because Thomas isn't going to pull out of his deal without looking Simon in the eye and seeing he's for real.

You wanted to see me?

Yes, in fact, I have a present for you.

Your first client.

I don't understand.

Brian, if we're going to follow through on you being promoted and working on your own, we need to do this.


You're right.

Who's the client?

Bespoke Handbags.

Their landlord found out they use ammonia, they never disclosed it, and they're being kicked out of their building.

That's bullshit.

This is just a ploy because they found a new tenant.

And what are you going to do about it because they have us on a technicality and they know it.

I'm gonna figure out who the new tenant is and try to stop it.

Thus proving yourself worthy of this client.

Except there are thousands of potential tenants out there.

How am I gonna figure out who it is?

That, good sir, is your problem.

No, it isn't.

It's ours.

Brian, the whole point of this with-- Here me out.

Remember that algorithm you used to determine who should stay and who should be fired?

Of course.


Well, if you could use it for that-- I can alter it for this.


Though you realize this still means we're working together.

With one key difference: You're working for me, and I don't tolerate slackers, so have that sh1t ready by 10:00 tomorrow.

I got a case to win.

[tense music]

♪ ♪ Donna.


I wanna talk to you about last night.

You mean LeBron's game winner against the Nicks?

You know what I mean.

I wanna talk to you about me seeing Thomas, and the truth is, I told Louis and I meant to tell you, but-- Donna, you don't have to tell me every time you start seeing a client.

That's the thing.

I don't just want to tell you because he's a client.

I wanted to tell you because, even though it's really early on, I--I really like him.

Donna, if you really like him, I am happy for you.

You're never gonna believe this, but--[chuckles]

I got a proposal for him from Simon Lowe.

They want him to be their home goods anchor.

Well, that's incredible, but-- The other deal, I know.

I spoke to Alex about it and he agreed, this one's better, and we set up a meeting for them tonight.

Thank you, Harvey.

I wish I could take credit for it, but it wasn't my idea.

No, I mean, thank you for understanding.

And as far as the deal goes, credit or not, Thomas's business means everything to him so I really appreciate it.

[optimistic music]

All right, I got a situation.

I need to talk to you about it.

What kind of situation?

That scum bag who mugged me?

They just arrested him.

They called me down to ID him, but that wasn't enough.

Now they want me to get on the stand and point the finger at him.

Louis, what are you saying?

You want me to go with you?

I'm saying I want you to tell me that it's okay not to go.

I'm sorry, but I can't do that.

Why the hell not?


I get that you're scared, but if you don't take the stand, no amount of self defense is gonna take that fear away.

The only thing that can is confronting him.

You don't understand.

When I saw him, I was right back in that alley.

Trust me, no one gets that more than me.

But I promise, if you do this, I will be with you every step of the way.

[tense music]

♪ ♪ Alex, this is Simon Lowe.

And of course, Simon?

Thomas Kessler.

I've been a fan of your work for a long time.

I recognize that table.

I hope to have more just like that anchoring my malls.

Shall we?


Look, I won't lie, I'm intrigued by your offer, but you're asking me to back out of a deal at the 11th hour, and I need to know that I'm not just a backup plan.

Well, then I won't lie to you either.

If the other deal hadn't run into trouble, you wouldn't be here, but it did, and there were 15 companies I could've gone to that weren't about to close a deal with someone else but I chose you.

'Cause I believe in you.

Thomas, I don't take your relationship with our firm lightly, so believe me when I tell you this is a good offer and I stand behind it.

Then gentlemen, I'd say we have ourselves a deal, With one stipulation: When my client commits, he commits, so we need to know you're gonna follow through on this.

Well, Alex, we had a feeling you'd say something like that, which is why we're prepared to issue a press release tomorrow morning announcing the whole thing.

You would do that even before we ironed out the fine print?

Well, that stuffs for the lawyers, huh?

We're businessmen.

And if you're who I think you are a handshake is enough for me.

[optimistic music]

♪ ♪ Let's try this again.

What happened that night?

He pulled a g*n on me, forced me into the alley, then stole my wallet and my phone.

Did he hurt you?

Yes, the assailant hurt me.

Louis, we have been over this.

Facts don't affect juries the way feelings do.

You have to share your pain with them.

I can't.

I know you think that, but-- You don't know, because you've never had to let someone see what he did to you.

How he made you helpless and scared like a child.

Louis, have you ever asked one of your clients to hide their pain?

Of course not.

But this is different.

The only difference is now you're the client.

Goddamnit, Samantha!

Don't you think I know that?

All right, that's enough.

Look at me.

If you don't put him away, he will haunt you for the rest of your life.

You are doing this so you won't ever have to be afraid again.

So do not be afraid of your emotions now.

When he pointed the g*n at me...

It was...

I had never been more afraid in my life.

And then he forced me into the alley.

And then he made me get on the ground.

Then he pressed the g*n in the back of my head.

He demanded my wallet and my phone.

But I only gave him my wallet because my phone had pictures of my fiancée on it.

So I...

I begged him to let me keep it.

I mean, there was $1,000 in the wallet.

Wasn't that enough?

But he said that he would say when it was enough.

Then he kicked me.

All I could think about was the woman I love and the baby that we were never gonna have because I was gonna die in that alley.


Litt, is the man who did that to you in this room right now?

Yeah, he's sitting right there.

Thank you, Mr.


Your cross.

We have no need to cross Your Honor because everything Mr.

Litt just said is irrelevant.


Your honor, the date on the warrant doesn't match the date of the search therefore all the evidence against my client is inadmissible and I move for charges to be dismissed.

What--wait, but he can't do that.

He's guilty.


Litt, I'm sorry.

The search was illegal.

By order of the court, the defendant is free to go.

[gavel banging]

[tense music]

Harvey, I gotta say, that was an impressive display last night.

Damn straight it was.

Listen, did you get the paperwork I sent over this morning?

Yeah, I did.

I hate to waste everyone's time, but I won't be signing it.

Why the hell not?

Well, it turns out Restoration came back to the table.

When exactly did that happen?

About an hour ago.

Simon, I'm only gonna ask you this once: Was this whole thing designed to get Restoration back to the table?

It was designed to either get them back or to take a chance on an up-and-comer.

Either way, my malls don't sit empty.

Simon, you said you were doing this deal.

You used me to help sell him on it.

Then you shook his hand and lied to his face.

I said what I needed to to make a deal happen and I don't need to justify myself to my own g*dd*mn lawyer.

Now, this is happening, and I need Restoration to think that the Thomas deal is still on.

I know how negotiations work, Simon.

And I know how privilege works, so if you tell anyone about this, be it Thomas, or Alex, or the Queen of England, we'll be done.

[tense music]

♪ ♪ All right, that should be the last variable.

What's it say?

Hold on, it's calculating-- goddamnit.

It only narrowed the list down to 800.

Well, that's a lot lower than what we started with, so maybe we can-- What, get it down to 300?

What difference will it make?

We have less than a day.

Look, what do you want me to say?

It was an idea, Katrina.

I didn't know the program wouldn't work this time.

I know, Brian, I'm sorry.

I'm just...

Wait a second.

The program didn't work this time, but the program didn't work last time either.

It said other people were more valuable than you.

And while I love being reminded of that I don't see how that-- Think about it.

PATTIE was wrong because she didn't take into account your intangibles.

I had to be convinced to keep you.

You mean we need to convince that property owner that our client is more valuable than whoever they want to replace us with.


[tense music]

Samantha, whatever it is-- I wanna talk about what happened in court today.

Doesn't matter what happened in court, because it's over.

I'm here because it doesn't have to be.

You-- Are you--no, I'm not breaking the law.

Louis, he assaulted you.

You cannot let him get away with it.

He did get away with it, Samantha.

He walked away.

And now I'm gonna do the same thing.

Don't you get it?

You can't do that.

Not with him out there.

Damnit, Samantha.

You don't think I know how dangerous he is?

He f*cking knows where I live.

I'm not gonna risk it.

Louis, he's a bully.

And bullies only have power if you let them.

No, bullies only have power because they have g*ns and knives and nothing to lose, but I do, and the only reason that criminal out there knows that I have a family is 'cause I let you convince me to do this.

Well, I'm not gonna make that mistake again.

What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna let it go and I don't want to hear another word about it.

♪ ♪ Harvey, what's the story?

You guys sign that deal yet because-- We can talk about the deal in a minute, Alex.

I need to ask you something.

It's hypothetical, but-- What's going on?

You got two clients, both in a deal together.

One bills seven figures, the other five.

They both wave conflict, then you find out the big one was planning to screw over the little one.

Son of a bitch.

This isn't hypothetical.

This Simon Lowe and Thomas Kessler.

Answer the question.

You know the answer.

You stick with the bigger fish, but it doesn't matter who's a bigger client because you can't break privilege anyway.

I know.

Then why the hell are you telling me?

I'm telling you because I don't like it and we may not have to tell Thomas but that doesn't mean we can't do something about it.

And since I'm not supposed to know about this and you're not supposed to undercut your client, what are we supposed to do?

Look, Simon will stick with Thomas if Restoration falls out again.

So we're gonna make that happen.

Are you crazy?

In what world does that not get back to Simon?

The world where I can get someone to do it for us.

Well, if you're gonna do that, what do you need me for?

The backup plan, which is to get Thomas's original landlord to beat Simon's deal.

They won't even take my call.

Alex, one of us is gonna get this thing done, but we don't have much time, so are you in or you out?

♪ ♪ [

eerie music]

♪ ♪

I can get to you any time.

♪ ♪ No.


[soft music]

♪ ♪ I'm in.

Are you sure?

Yeah, I'm sure.

Just tell me what I have to do.


Consider the matter handled.

Wha--how are you gonna-- Louis, just let me do what I do.

No, I'm not gonna just sit on the sidelines.

I wanna be a part of it.

I don't think that's a good idea.

Samantha, I'm not gonna live in fear my whole life.

You said it yourself.

The only way that's gonna happen is if I stand up to him.

Then be prepared to testify again.

Because I have a feeling new evidence is gonna come to light that links him to that mugging.

I'll be ready.

Damnit, I don't care if your firm has conflict.

I need this.


Well, I'll remember that the next time you come to me for a favor.

Harvey, do you have a second?

Of course, Donna.

What do you need?

Well, it's just, Thomas is so excited about this deal.

I wanna take him out to celebrate and I was wondering, do you think that it's gonna close by tonight or by tomorrow night?

It won't be tonight.

We still need to get approval from Simon's board.

But wouldn't the board approve it before approaching him?

Well, they did in concept.

Now they just need to approve the actual deal which takes a beat.

I get it.

This is about Elaine Phillips.

I heard she's in Norway, and you don't know when she'll be back and you don't want me to have to keep this from Thomas.

That's right.

You got me.

No, Harvey.

There is no Elaine Phillips.

And when I asked you about this deal closing you got a look on your face and I want to know why.

We are not having this conversation.

Yes, we are, because I can't make sense of why you're acting like this other than Thomas's deal is in trouble.

I'm not gonna tell you what's going on.

And I'm not leaving until you do, and if I do leave, I'm just going to call him and tell him that something's going on so-- Okay.


You know what...

All right, you wanna know?

[soft dramatic music]

Simon was using Thomas as a stalking horse.

♪ ♪ I don't believe this.

Donna, we can fix it.

Fix it?

There is no fixing it.

Thomas isn't going to want to be in business with Simon when he finds out about this no matter what you do.

And he's not going to to find out about it because if we tell him we betrayed our other client.

And what about this client?

Tell you about this client.

I went to Alex to get us out of this.

He's gonna try and get Thomas's original mall owner to sweeten the deal.

What are you going to do?

I'm gonna try to get Restoration to back out, and either of these things can work but only if we don't tell Thomas.

You are putting me in a really shitty position.

No, Donna, Simon put us all in a shitty position.

I'm busting my ass to get us out of this.

I just need you to trust me.

♪ ♪ You wanna tell me what's going on with you and Louis Litt?

What are you talking about?

I'm talking about the fact I heard about what happened in court yesterday, and I know you.

You're not about to let this lie.

So what if I'm not?

So I want you not to do whatever it is I know you're going to.

Look, if this is about plausible deniability, don't worry about it.

Consider yourself out of it.

It has nothing to do with plau-- Samantha, you cannot do what we did.

I'm telling you, you'll regret it.


You didn't regret it.

Yes, I did.

And since when is that?

Because the last time we talked about it you were right as rain.

Last time we talked about it was eight years ago.

And you don't know what happens over time when you do something like that.

He's hurting, Robert.

Louis is hurting.

You saw what he was like when it happened.

You saw what I was like when it happened to me.

So what am I supposed to do?

I want you to promise me to find another way.

♪ ♪ [phone buzzing]

Donna, I was just thinking about you.

I was just thinking about you too, Mom.

Funny how that happens.

What's on your mind, honey?

Do you remember my senior year when we were gonna go to Paris?

Of course I remember.


Well, I have a decision to make.

One side is work and the other side is someone I care about.

Actually, both sides involve someone I care about.

I bet I can guess who the work side involves.

But what does that have to do with Paris?

Do you regret giving Dad the money?

No, I don't.

Even though it didn't work out?

Well, how could I have known that?

Because dad let you down before.

Donna, your father has never let me down.

Not in the ways that matter.

What do you mean?

Your father is the kindest, gentlest, most loving man I have ever met, and if I hadn't shown faith in him, it would have eaten away at him for the rest of his life.


if you had it all to do over again, would you make the same choice?

I can't tell you that, but what I do regret is we never took that trip.

So go with your gut but don't let the once in a lifetime chances pass you by.

Hey, Mom.

What do you say we go to Paris next year?

I say yes.


Barrow, this isn't about amounts of ammonia so small they're a technical violation of our lease.

This is about you having another tenant willing to pay more.

Who I may or may not have doesn't matter.

It should, because we're willing to offer you something they're not.

10% equity in the company.

A fledgling company with unproven revenue.

No, Morgan, they're more than that.

You see, when you look at our client you see a naive, young, entrepreneur and not much else.

And on paper that's exactly what she is.

But sometimes who someone is on paper isn't who they are at all.

My client may be young, but she's brilliant, and hard working, and most importantly, passionate.

That's why I'm proud to work with her and why if you get in on the ground floor right now you won't need to worry about leases or any of that anymore, because you'll be on an island somewhere sipping piña coladas paid for by the brilliant decision you made today.

The only thing I'd be paying for is some snake oil and a silver tongue because that's the biggest load of sappy bullshit-- Shut your mouth.

This man is defending his client's honor.

He's doing it by offering you something you don't even deserve and I've had it.


You think I don't know who your mysterious other tenant is?

I do.

And if a food distribution company rents space that's been exposed to significant amounts of ammonia without you disclosing it, you'll go to prison.

You can't do this.

Yes, we can, you piece of sh1t.

In fact, that offer just went away.

So keep us in or kick us out but your next tenant isn't going to be the g*dd*mn one you had in mind.

I've never seen you like that.

Where did that come from?

It came from knowing this is your first client, and I wasn't going to let them beat you.

Just like you've done for me countless times.

But how did you even know what company it was?

I didn't.

But 50% of PADDIE's predictions were food companies, so I bluffed.

If it had turned out they made clocks we would have been in big trouble.


You continue to surprise me.

Because I never saw you as someone who'd take a chance on a 50/50 bet.

I wouldn't have before I met you.

Well, then I guess I've made you a better lawyer.

I meant in my mind it was 50/50 if keeping you on was going to work out.

I don't believe it.

You're gambling, you're making jokes, Who are you?

Well, I'll tell you who I am.

I am the person who is proud to officially give you your first solo client.

Thanks, Katrina.

I really appreciate it.

I can't wait to go home and share the news.

[soft music]

♪ ♪ What's going on?

Did you take care of it?

Change of plans.

What do you mean change of plans?

I didn't even know what the plan was in the first place.

Yes, you did.

I was gonna do something illegal and now I'm not gonna do that anymore.

What's the new plan.

Are you talking about leveraging-- Yes, I am.

Samantha, this is a child.

I know what it is.

Then you of all people, coming from where you come from, should know that doing this could ruin her life.

Only if it doesn't work.

Which is why we'll make it work.

No, we're not.

Then I'll do it alone.

I don't think you heard me.

You said you don't want to live in fear.

No, I said I wanna go after him.

This is going after him.

g*dd*mn it, it's his family!

[ominous music]

It's a family.

♪ ♪ I know it is, Louis.

But it's your family, too.

So what do you wanna do?

♪ ♪ Look, all I'm saying is, would it be so terrible if Thomas Kessler became the official furniture of the United Nations?

I'm sorry, am I going on too much about this expansion?

Because we can go out right now, don't have to talk about it at all.

No, no, no, it's not that.

It's just-- I haven't been feeling well.

Yeah, you know, I had that same feeling earlier today.

How so?

My original mall owner called me.

He wants me back.

He even offered a much better deal than Simon.

Thomas, that's fantastic.

Why would that make you feel bad?

Because I already have a deal in place with Simon Lowe.

It was hard to tell him you're backing out?

No, it was hard to tell Glen that I was passing.


♪ ♪ You passed on a better deal?

Not formally, but when I told him Glen gave me up until 10:00 tomorrow to decide and...

Look, I'll take it as a courtesy but I really don't need to.

I shook Simon's hand.

He's my guy.

♪ ♪ What?


♪ ♪ It's one of the things that I admire about you.

You're a man of your word.

But speaking of not feeling well, I think I'm just gonna go get some ginger ale.

Oh, Donna, come on.

Don't be silly.

Let me get it for you.

No, no, no, actually, I think I need some fresh air.

You stay here, I'm gonna be back in ten minutes.


I'm sure.

♪ ♪ [phone buzzing]


What's going on with getting Restoration to back out?

Thomas didn't tell you?

Alex got his original landlord to crush Simon's offer.

He did tell me, Harvey, and he also told me that he's not taking it, and it disappears tomorrow.


Look, we can still fix it.

How the hell are we going to fix it?

I can get Restoration to back out.

And what if you don't?

Because Thomas is going to lose his expansion and I'm not gonna let that happen.

Neither am I, Donna.

This thing isn't over.

I just need you to have faith.

I'll text you in the morning but please, don't do anything until you hear from me.

Okay, Harvey.

I'll wait to hear from you.

[tense music]

[footsteps approaching]

What are you doing here?

We're here because we know the mother of your child is the recipient of Section 8 housing benefits and she's in danger of losing them.

What are you talking about?

That kind of assistance can't go to someone with a criminal history.

She doesn't have a criminal history.

But you do.

I don't live there.

Oh, really, 'cause you said you did when you got arrested.

Also have a gas bill with your name on it.

If we go to the housing authority with this you'll lose your daughter.


No, not bullshit, Maurice.

You're getting evicted.

You think Family Services is gonna let your little girl be homeless?

What do you want from me?

Your money back?

'Cause that ain't happening.

What I want is for you to turn yourself in and admit what you did.

You think that's what's happening here?

I know that's what's happening here.

Nah, you ain't doing that.

Why do you think I picked you?

I could'a taken ten people into that alley, but the second I saw you I knew you were my guy.

You stupid m*therf*cker.

When you held that g*n to my head, you told me not to look at you and I was afraid.

Do I seem afraid now?

'Cause only one person's making a phone call tonight.

You're turning yourself in or I'm calling the Housing Authority.

No way you put a woman and child on the street.

I'm not putting her there, Mo.

You are.


Nah, you ain't doing that.

I know where you live.

You've reached the New York Housing Authority.

Hi, Housing Authority, I'd like to report a Section 8 violation.

Put the phone down.

Well, there's a woman who's living with a criminal and she intentionally is leaving his name off the lease.

I said put it down.

You can call Family Services because the woman's name-- You mother-- [grunting]

What's it gonna be?

'Cause in another two seconds they'll have your name.

Okay, I'll make the call.

Well, no, I just made it for you.


Say hi.

911, what's your emergency?

I want to report a crime.

Sir, what did you witness?

I ain't a witness.

I'm the one who did it.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪ [knocking]

Am I interrupting?

No, I was just reading.

Tennessee Williams.

I know it might cost a little more, but if anyone is doing one of his plays when we're in Paris-- Actually, honey, that's what I wanted to talk to you about.


What about it?

Your dad has a building he wants to buy, and in order to secure the loan we're gonna ha-- He needs our Paris money.

Honey, it doesn't mean we're not gonna go, it just means we can't go this year.

But you saved for so long, and if you use the money for this-- It--it's not like that.

In two years we're gonna have our money back, plus more, and then we're gonna be able to go for a month, instead of two weeks.

You're not sure this is gonna work, are you?

[somber music]

I forgot you can do that.

Donna, I promise you, we are going to Paris.

I understand.

Another year.

You know, I gotta say, I may be coming around to your way of making coffee after all.

Thomas, Simon Lowe was using you as a stalking horse.

The deal you made was a ploy to get Restoration Hardware to the table.

You're their backup plan.

That's why your deal hasn't closed yet.


And why are you the one telling me this and not my lawyer?

'Cause Alex is trying to fix it, and so is Harvey but I don't know that they're going to be able to fix it and you said that your other offer expires this morning and I don't wanna be responsible.

Donna, you are not responsible for anything, okay?

♪ ♪ So what are you going to do?

I'll tell you what I'm not gonna do.

Let the company that I spent my life nurturing get taken out at the knees just when it's starting to walk.

Thomas, I didn't see we had a meeting on the books.

We didn't, but don't worry, this won't take long.

I'm going with Glen.


Thomas, that's great.

I'll get on it right away.

Well, listen, first things first, I wanna issue a press release this morning.

I don't want the world to think that we're going with Pierpont.

Listen-- Unless there's some reason why you wouldn't want me to announce the fact that I'm pulling out of the deal.

You know?

You're damn right I know.

Donna told me.

And she wouldn't have had to if you hadn't kept this from me.

I kept it from you because I shouldn't have even known.

And you got that deal from Glen because I made it happen.

What you did was leverage him into a better deal based on Pierpont's offer which is something I never would have even wanted.

Which is why I'm taking Glen's offer at the original rate and I'm putting out an announcement about it.

Thomas, you do that, it screws over the guy who told us about this in the first place.

I'm sorry, Alex.

This is my business and my reputation.

I'm putting out a message out there that I'm not going to act in bad faith or be treated in bad faith.

So either you put out that press release or I'm gonna do it myself.

[tense music]

♪ ♪ Brian, how are you this bright morning?

I'm okay, Katrina, but there's something I have to tell you.

By all means, go right ahead.

Last night I was having dinner with Julie and I started telling her about us and the case and what we did for Bespoke.

Where are you going with this?

The whole time I was talking I wasn't talking about the case or the client, I was talking about you.

And Julie said you sound so great, we should have you over for dinner, and then she saw a look on my face.


She asked if anything had ever happened between us.

And I said no.

And nothing ever will.

But even if it doesn't, I can't feel this way about someone who isn't Julie.

Brian, what are you saying?

I can't work here anymore.


[somber music]

No, you can't-- I have to.

Then I'll go to Louis right now and you can be someone else's associate.


♪ ♪ Brian, please don't do this.

It's gonna be okay.

♪ ♪ I promise.

No, it's not.

♪ ♪ But I respect your decision.

Good-bye, Katrina.

Harvey, where the hell have you been?

I've been texting you for two hours.

Alex, I know we're running out of time, but I think I've got a way to get Restoration to drop out.

It's too late for that.

Your problem's going to be keeping Restoration in.

What are you talking about?

Donna told Thomas everything.


How could she do that?

I don't know, but what I do know is he dropped out and he's taking out a full paid ad in the journal to say it.


All right.

Right now, I gotta call Simon and tell him to close that Restoration deal as soon as possible.

It's too late for that.

They called and demanded a 30% reduction or they're gone.

Look, I know it's a setback, but Thomas isn't the only stalking horse out there.

I can find you-- You're not gonna find me anything until you can tell me you're not behind this.

Simon, I didn't tell Thomas a thing.

And you're telling me he didn't either, when the two of you are just standing here talking about my deal?

I don't even know what you're talking about.

All I know if my client dropped out and I was doing your attorney a solid by informing him.


Someone let Thomas know, and since you're the only person with the full story, it had to be you.

And yet here you are, lying right to my face.


Save it, Harvey.

You're fired.

♪ ♪ What the hell did you do?

I did what I said I was gonna do.

You said you were gonna find another way.

I did find another way.


A man up and confesses to a crime?

You blackmailed him.

No, I used something he did to get him to confess to something else he did.

That is not blackmail.

It's messing with sh1t you don't have business messing with.

It has unintended consequences.

Robert, I've had about enough of your unintended consequences bullshit.

So either tell me what you are talking about or shut the f*ck up Because Louis didn't get the wrong guy and neither did you and I.

And don't you tell me we did.

Don't you see, it's not about the wrong man.

It's about taking matters into your own hands and what happens when you do that.

[ominous music]

♪ ♪ You know, Robert, I just don't get it.

Louis is safe now.

How can you not see that as a good thing?

I know it's a good thing for Louis, Samantha.

What I'm afraid of is, it's gonna become a bad thing for you.

♪ ♪ Louis, can I talk to you for a second?

Of course, Brian, but if this is about Bespoke Handbags, I already approved you as our lead council.

Actually, that is why I'm here.

I can't be their lead council.

Yes, you can, Brian.

Because you deserve them, which is why I want you to take them with you.

But before I let you go, I wanna know if this is about what's been going on between you and Katrina.

What--how could you-- I suspected a few weeks ago and then she told me.

Then all I can say is it's about doing what I have to, to protect my family.

And I say I want you to take Bespoke with you because you've earned them.

I don't know what to say.

You don't have to say anything.

Because as big as this city is, Brian?

It is a very small world.

We're gonna see you in court some day, and when we do-- I won't go easy on you.

Good man.

Are you sure about all this?

Come on, Brian.

You're doing this for your family.

Trust me, no one understands sacrificing for their family more than me.

♪ ♪ I'm proud of you.

♪ ♪ Whatever it is, I don't want to hear it, so you can turn around.


Donna, Simon fired me.

as he had every right to do because I trusted you to keep your mouth shut and you didn't.

Because I couldn't.

What the hell does that mean?

It means I wasn't gonna let someone I care about get screwed when I had the power to stop it.

In other words, you chose him over the firm.

Yeah, I did.

I'm not gonna feel bad about it because I always put the firm first whether it is Mike's secret, or Coastal Motors, or a thousand other things.

Then don't feel bad about it, Donna, but get out of my office.

[laughs bitterly]

Okay, I see what this is.

I see what you're really upset about.

I'm upset because I lost a client.

No, you are upset because I chose Thomas over you.

Is that what you think?

Yeah, it is.

Then you don't know anything, because the only reason I was breaking my back to save his deal is because I know how much he means to you.

If it was anyone else, I never would have told you or Alex in the first place.

Then what are you so mad about?

Because you didn't give me a chance to fix it when you said you would.

You lost faith in me.

For all the time that we have been together, that has never happened.

Harvey, if there's anyone in the world [voice breaking]

I have faith in it's you.

But the clock was striking midnight and I had to make a choice and it is just a client.

Can't you understand that?

Am I interrupting?

What are you doing here, Daniel?

I'm here because Simon Lowe just hired me as outside council for Pierpont Malls.

All the lawyers in the world and he just happened to call you?

No, Donna, I called him, and when I offered my services free of charge, he gladly accepted.

And what services would those be?



Suing this firm on behalf of my new client.

You're a glutton for punishment, Daniel.

You know that, right?

Talk tough all you want, but you broke privilege and now I'm gonna make you pay.