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05x04 - All happy families

Posted: 06/24/19 08:17
by bunniefuu
♪ You woke up this morning ♪ ♪ Got yourself a g*n ♪ ♪ Your momma always said you'd be the Chosen One ♪ ♪ She said you're you're one in a million ♪ ♪ You've got to burn to shine ♪ ♪ But you were born under a bad sign ♪ ♪ With a blue moon in your eyes ♪ ♪ When you woke up this morning ♪ ♪ And all that love had gone ♪ ♪ Your papa never told you about ♪ ♪ Right and wrong ♪ ♪ But you're you're lookin' good, baby ♪ ♪ I believe that you're feelin' fine ♪ ♪ Shame about it, born under a bad sign ♪ ♪ With a blue moon in your eyes ♪ - ♪ So sing it now ♪ - ♪ Woke up this morning ♪ ♪ Got a blue moon got a blue moon in your eyes, yeah ♪ ♪ Woke up this morning ♪ ♪ You say you woke up this morning ♪ ♪ The world turned upside down ♪ ♪ Lordy, well, things ain't been the same ♪ ♪ Since the blues walked in our town ♪ ♪ But you're but you're one in a million ♪ ♪ 'Cause you got that shotgun shine ♪ ♪ Shame about it, born under a bad sign ♪ ♪ With a blue moon in your eyes, yeah ♪ ♪ Woke up this morning ♪ - ♪ Uh-huh ♪ - ♪ And got yourself a g*n ♪ - ♪ Woke up this morning ♪ - ♪ Got yourself a g*n ♪ - ♪ Uh-huh ♪ - ♪ Got yourself a g*n.

♪ Ah, that's so funny! Ha ha.

No, it isn't! You just poked me in the eye! Well, you poked me first.

I can't find the thing.


I don't know what the f*ck happened to the DeWalt.

Everything disappears around here.

Especially now that I'm outta the house.

She lets everything go.

Stop, stop, Uncle Tony! It's freezing cold! Uncle Tony, knock it off! She wants to talk to me about somethin'.

Thanks for havin' us up here, Ton'.

Don't put pine cones in the filter! The hell's the matter with you? - Yo, Dad, he's hitting me! - Hey, what did I say? They will probably go through their entire lives not knowing that their father's sperm was smuggled out of jail to get Nancy pregnant.

It was the least I could do.

I just remembered what happened to the power drill.

Pardon me? I loaned it to your cousin Brian.

And he never gave it - What's the matter? - I don't know.

One of your att*cks? No, it I think it's just indigestion.

It's goin' away.

- I had an attack full blown.

- What did your therapist say? - I don't see her no more.

- Why not? You think you're the only one that has to cut back on shit they need 'cause of the separation? Now, what's on your mind? Mr.

Wegler wants us to come in and discuss AJ's lousy academic performance.

Is this the same Wegler? Last year the riccion with the Billy Budds? AJ got him as a college advisor.

I told this kid to start crackin' the books.

Was he supposed to do that after he got back from the Nets game you took him to on a school night? It's gotta be hard for him, this situation with us.

- Why don't you cut him some slack? - That's your department.

I get to be the prison warden over here while you indulge him - with the iPod, the drums - Again with the drums! Encourage extracurricular activity, you said.

Brand new drums, just like that? Don't even look in the classifieds.

Just tell me when the school meetin' is 'cause I don't have to listen to this shit anymore.

That's why we're separated! Are you kidding me, Tony? That is not why! Jase? Were you knocking? Hi, Lorraine.

I'm Billy.

What the f*ck? Jason! Ow, no! Jason! Jason! Oh, no! You were warned, Lorraine.

The money goes up to John.

f*ck! Lorraine Calluzzo and the kid Jason.

f*ckin' Philly Leotardo! She told me he warned her about givin' us points of her take.

Phil's a pimple.

It's g*dd*mn Johnny Sack.

It's his message to the other captains, that f*ckin' animal.

- Take it easy.

- f*ck that.

Rusty! The car's here.

I'm telling you, Carmine, we go all out, we'll steamroll right over John.

And I predict the guys on the street in Brooklyn and Queens, they'll welcome us as f*ckin' heroes.

It'll be easy.

It's a f*ckin' declaration of w*r by Johnny, if ya ask me.

- Hey! - Ho.

There he is.

Let me kiss the ring.

How about the one in the center of my ass? - Hey.

- Feech, good to see ya, baby.

Good to see you.

Hello there, kid.

- Hey, how are ya, boys? - How are ya, Feech? Just, uh talkin' about that mess over in New York.

Sounds to me like your friend John wants to force Little Carmine's hand.

In my day, the top spot would've gone to Little Carmine, unless he was actually Ret*rded or crippled or something.

He's the son.

Come on, when was that? Yeah? - Vodka rocks.

- Thank you, dear.

Anybody else? If we need anything else, one of the kids'll come out.

Ton', you didn't have any lunch.

You want a sandwich? No, I'm all right.


Adriana, hold on a second.

Tommy Pinto's goomah, when I was comin' up she had the long legs, up to here, like that.

Famous beauty, smart as a whip.

My compliments.

Thank you, baby.

You drove Tommy Pinto? I was at the Clam Broth House the night he beat that longshoreman to death over a corner table.

- No shit.

- Here we go Memory Lane.

It's important these young guys know the history.

Tell 'em about the time Tony and Jackie Aprile knocked over your card game.

Oh, that he doesn't like to talk about.

I heard this.

This is a great f*ckin' story.

He should be dead by now.

They bust in, couple of f*ckin' punks.

g*ns out.

Bad guys.

This one is f*ckin' scared! First of all, it was my game.

Feech has forgiven, even if he hasn't forgotten.

But it's a great yarn, right, Feech? Yeah.

Actually, it brings me to my business.

Fellas, you wanna give us a minute here? Yeah.

So, what's up? I came to ask for my game back.

It's my uncle's game now, Feech.

Yeah right, your uncle's.

You'll still keep a lion's share of the rake.

I'm in a way just askin' if I can run it for ya.

- Why would I need that? - 11 years I ran it no fights, no raids.

Not to mention that maybe I got it comin', considering how it could've gone for you after you took the game down if I had been a prick about it.

Or if his old man didn't have so many friends.

I'll give you 20%, but you gotta rent the house from me.

I could throw some high rollers your way friends of mine.

All right.

Let me get outta here before I keep talkin' and f*ck this up.


Thank you, Don Antonio.

He's a strunz.

He's a busybody, that's all.

He's an egomaniac, Ton', always was, always will be.

Nothing's ever good enough praise, money.

Comes into this f*ckin' office, starts orderin' people around.

He's old.

How do ya think that feels? Can I go to the Mudvayne concert or not? I've been trying to think of a reason to let you stay overnight in New York, but I'm afraid it's not gonna happen.

Todd's mother already made arrangements.

- Said it's better than driving home.

- She's not your mother.

Yeah, I know.

Believe me.

Isn't life unfair? So we're at the Peppermint Lounge, when in walks these two stewardesses from Braniff.

Everybody's in? Aces high.

Your action, Mr.


- 200.

- Hesh? They're sittin' at the bar.

We send 'em a bottle of Dom.

Next thing ya know, we're in the hotel room me, Frankie and the two broads.

- I see ya, raise ya three.

- You mother But this one, this little pothead from Texas, she f*cked me dry.

But she still wanted more! She's f*ckin' nuts.

I'm wearin' these pointy featherweights and I stick the toe in and I'm f*ckin' her with it.

I don't know where this story's heading but we should all be grateful he wasn't wearing white bucks.

The maid walks in.

She says, "What's goin' on?" And I say Ante up, boys.

Hello, girls! - Ho! - Hey! Hi, Ton'.

- Sir Lawrence from the Meadowlands.

- Your Highness, how are you? Tony, let me introduce Bernie Brillstein.

Did you get my list of toys? - What's up? - Hey, Ton'.

Oh, my cousin! Kinda high stakes for you, no? Feech fronted my action.

And thank you for not humiliating me.

Isn't there somethin' in your parole about hangin' out with degenerates like this? - Oh! - Come on, he gets away with anything.

Last time his parole officer made the unannounced visit, he gave him a massage.

So how's Lady Luck treatin' you, huh? Jesus-f*ckin'- Christ.

How many times this guy gotta say hello? What, did I interrupt one of your impermeable stories? Go ahead.

So we had these girls in the hotel room.

Long story short, I got my shoe in her snatch and it falls off and she keels over.

Che puzz'.

f*ck it.

This hand's from thalidomide.

Three ladies, gentlemen.

- Ah! - Stake it.

- Take it.

- The rich get richer.

So Doc, how's the, uh, plans for the wedding? Please.

It's not a wedding planner anymore.

It's an "environment and event coordinator.

" What the hell.

She's my only daughter.

She and Iris have their hearts set on makin' the Vows column of the Sunday "New York Times" featured couple of the week.

Our publicist is lookin' for a hook.

Turns out that Gillian's law degree from Harvard means bupkis.

Everybody's got that or better.

If it was a black couple or a gay couple they'd be in.

My wife calls "The Times" wedding section the ladies' sports page.

So Ira, who's the lucky guy? Jeremy Silverman, puppeteer, Children's Television Workshop.

Father's Asa Silverman, head of commercial paper at Goldman Sachs.

- Upper Eastside.

- I didn't get my invitation.

f*ck you.

You told me to be sure to let you know when it was a quarter of.

- Thank you, Mary.

- Okay.

So with Wesleyan as your fallback, I think we're in pretty good shape.

Straight "A"s at Middlebury's Language Camp, can't sneeze at that.

Your blues folkloric studies in Mississippi last summer have an almost community-service spin to them.

I wish he had the minority thing going for him.

If we can nudge Lem's verbals past 760 on the next round, he can basically write his own ticket.

I'm stoked.

Appreciate your help.

Folks? So let me guess he called the English teacher "Daddy-o.

" Oh.

The thing is we are rapidly approaching crisis mode here with these grades, and time is of the essence.

Could I ask a question? I handed in my final list of colleges.

Did you get that? Yes, we talked about this.

So, Ramapo and Trenton State.

And our reach schools, University of Arizona and Arizona State.

I'll take him out there after I drive him around to the ones in New Jersey.

If either of the Arizona's is what he's got his heart set on, he's not gonna get in with these grades.

I know about football, Anthony.

That's our ace in the hole.

He says he's tryin' his best.




-wise, I think we can edge up the math into the fives in the next round, providing Anthony can bear down and focus.

He's had trouble with that before.

Remember, Carm, when they thought he had A.



? - You didn't tell me that.

- Head on back to class.

Let us talk.

But if I'm learning-disabled, I get unlimited time on my S.




- Is that true? - Let's talk about that later.

So you had time to talk directly to Dr.

Rapke about last week's testing results.


She said Anthony has good interpersonal skills.

She said his affect was now, where is this "constricted," she called it.

But that was normal for a teenager and all in all he seemed to be handling the split well.

This is not to say I don't get a ration of shit in every conversation.

Pardon my French.

Well, still, uh there is this thing with his grades.

Do you think it would be of benefit to him to see a psychologist on a regular basis? You don't approve of therapy, Mr.


People use it as a crutch.

And I always wonder what happened to Gary Cooper, the strong silent type? Well, Gary Cooper wasn't a 16-year-old boy.

He was at one time.

And I'm gonna have to agree with my husband here, Mr.


We sent our daughter to a an adolescent developmentalist and it was a disaster.

I know my son, he's lazy.

We're gonna get him a different S.



tutor, I'm gonna stay on him and he's gonna work harder.

And that's that.

- I might be learning-disabled.

- Didn't he tell you to go to class? What's going on, Mary? Domenica Paolini and Sasha Caputo, they were on their way to school this morning and they hit a tree.

Nica's dead.

Sasha's in a coma.

What's that? It was here when I got here.

Okay, if a million zeroes can be written on the front and back of a sheet of paper, how many sheets of paper do you need for a googol of zeroes? Whoa! Oh man, oh baby, an Xterra SE.

It's loaded.

- What, this is mine? - Yeah.

- You are unbelievable.

- The sticker's still on it.

He doesn't have enough distractions? After what happened to those kids at his school? It's got sensors in the seatbelts.

It's part of Nissan's triple safety philosophy.

- Nice ride.

- Are you leaving? Hour's up.

You're not getting in? This is so deck.

What is this, Bose? Yeah, six CD changer.

It's got Surround Sound.

I feel safer already.

Carmela, this car is a t*nk.

What's the matter? SUVs eat up more of the ozone.

So you wanna be the sucker in a regular car that gets decapitated? - I'm gonna catch shit at school.

- So what do you wanna do? Screw it.

Can we take it out? Yeah, we can take it out.


Then this baby sits in the garage till you pull your grades up to a "C.

" - What? - You heard your father.

I was talking to him, not you.

I gotta put dinner on.

Tony, I have bills for you.

You better be nice to your mother.

She's got the keys till your grades are up.

I'll be right back.

The car was a motivational tool.

The carrot and the stick, you gotta do both! I could strangle him sometimes.

He can be so hateful.

Well, the smart mouth is not good.

That's minor, believe me.

God, what happened to him? He was always the sweet one.

He had the concept of sharing before any of the other toddlers.

Meadow was always sharper, but I remember the same thing with her.

It's like watching an angel fall.

What, are you crying? Here's the tutor in writing like you had to have.

I had to call RotoRooter.

This is a cheap sound system for the media room.

- Why should I pay for that? - Because you took the last one.

Oh, your little movie connoisseur friends are still meeting? - At least I have friends.

- What the f*ck's that mean? You just have a bunch of flunkies.

What do you know about it? They compliment you on your new shoes.

They tell you that you're not going bald.

You think they really care? You're the boss, they're scared of you.

They have to kiss your ass, laugh at your stupid jokes.

What about Artie then? You're turning into a frigging cynic.

- Whatever.

- What do I give a shit? I'm running a f*cking business not a popularity contest.

"I've been thinking, and I apologize for my use of fowl language" fowl with a "W" "in regards to yourself.

You said some very hurtful things to me in regards to myself.

But it is still no excuse to use the vile word that I used, of which I am sure you know that I'm talking about.

" - "c**t," right? - Yes, Elliot.

"You don't wish us to be social friends and so that is that.

I still have great rigard for you, even though you said some horrible things.



I'm doing fine, Anthony.

" It came with a bathrobe and a basketful of Dr.

Hauschka bath products.


The desire to cleanse himself of the deed.

Notice he still fundamentally blames me.

- Hello? - Mrs.

Soprano? Robert Wegler.

Oh, hi, hello, how are you? Uh after our meeting the other day, I had some ideas about some further strategies for Anthony.

I thought maybe we could meet, have lunch, cup of coffee.

I could share them with you.

- Next week perhaps? - Really? Uh well yeah, I guess that would be okay.

"Happy Birthday" by the Beatles.

You know, I heard it the other day in the car.

They have such a good drum solo in the middle there.

"Drum solo"? That's the basic four-four.

You know Ringo was not their original drummer.

That was Pete Best.

And they fired him.

He put out his own album "Best of the Beatles.

" Sad.

So, is this what they call common ground? Just trying to have a civilized conversation.

Can I go to my room? I'm full.

Am I so horrible? You are not horrible.

Get over yourself.

"Over myself"? What is that supposed to mean? Just go, do me a big favor.

If you're gonna be a martyr, obviously I'll sit here.

No, go.

Put your plate in the sink.

Two to go.

- See, and raise four.

- Call.

Tony, you liking the Escalade? I can't keep them on the lot.

I love it after I pulled out that global positioning shit.

Oh, right.

Always got his eye on the big picture.

Up to you.

I think you got that ace and I'm not paying you for it.

- Aces over.

- Three threes, my man.

Paulie wins.

Cards, please.

You, f*ck you.

They used to be a great tax loophole, those SUVs.

Told all my clients, write it off on your business.

Accountant dies, goes to heaven same time as the Pope.


Peter says "Come on in!" Then he shows the Pope to this shithouse.

That's where he's gonna live, and he gives him a crust of bread.

Then he shows the C.



where he's gonna live.

It's a f*ckin' mansion servants, broads.

Pope says "He gets a mansion and I get a hovel?" St.

Peter says "Your Holiness, we got hundreds of popes up here.

This is the first Jewish accountant!" I used to be able to write off condoms.

What do you get when you cross an accountant with a giant jet airplane? A Boring 747.

All right, all right, bet two.

Algebra, huh? Listen, I have been doing some thinking.

I've decided to let you stay in the city after the concert.

How come? On one condition, though no Hudson Suites.

I talked to Mead, she said that you can sleep over at her apartment.

I will give you cab fare.

When the concert's over, go straight up there.

Sunday morning, I want you home 10:30 sharp.


Don't stay up too late.

Come on! Go, go, go! Hurry! So, you guys like your job? Beemer, space 43.

♪ Siman tov umazel tov, umazel tov v'siman tov ♪ ♪ Siman tov umazel tov, umazel tov v'siman tov ♪ ♪ Siman tov umazel tov, umazel tov v'siman tov ♪ ♪ Y'hei lanu ♪ Asa, come on! ♪ Ul'chol yisra-el ♪ ♪ Y'hei lanu y'hei lanu ♪ ♪ Ul'chol yisra-el ♪ ♪ Siman tov umazel tov, umazel tov v'siman tov ♪ ♪ Siman tov umazel tov, umazel tov v'siman tov ♪ ♪ Siman tov umazel tov, umazel tov v'siman tov ♪ ♪ Y'hei lanu ♪ ♪ Y'hei lanu y'hei lanu ♪ Can I have your attention? Apparently there's been an armed robbery.

Some automobiles were taken.

They left all the American cars! - Oh my God.

- I think his skull is broken.

- Oh my God! - I'm a doctor, let me in there.

Brooke, our car is gone.

Now who's a genius for keeping his Regal? Asa, they got the SL.

That was a f*cking SL55 convertible.

You know how long my brother was on the waiting list for that thing? A m*therf*cking year.

You want to go back to that? Yes, I wanna go back to that! - Hello? - Hey, it's me.

- How was Mudvayne? - They rocked.

Look, I I don't think I'll be able to make it up there.

What are you talking about? You know mom's gonna call here.

I'm a total d*ck if I leave here.

Just tell mom I'm on my way up.

She's just gonna call back.

Come on, when do I ever ask you for anything? All right, you better stay there.

Be home on time tomorrow.

I don't want any shit from mom.

Frida, why do you and Diego have separate houses? Because we are two different people, but our love makes us into one.

- Hello? - Mead, hi.

Is your brother there? He's not answering his cell.

- I know, he's asleep.

- What? I probably shouldn't be telling you this, but he was pretty zapped.

I knew it.

Is he all right? Mom, he's fine.

Just wait until you have children.

Not me, I'm never having kids.

So, how are things going? We're in the middle of a movie, Mom.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Good night.

Good night.

Come on, light the fucker up.

- Give me the lighter.

- It's on the table.

All right, go, go, go, go, go! Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go! Go! Hold it! Hold it! Open up, it's me.

Come on, open the f*cking door! Where's the patient? I got a new easel, new oils, I'm ready to go.


Oh, the wedding? Wh what, do you got everybody outside? - Ushers and everybody? Bring 'em in - It's a f*cking disaster.

- What? - Somebody hit us.

They stole all the f*cking cars.

I had to sedate my own little girl at her wedding.


Yeah, they had one of those what do you call it, those car carrier things? And it was a very well coordinated operation.

The cops are on it, but how much faith have I got in that? You gotta help me before they're chopped! I'm not really in that business, Ira.

Asa's brother's Benz was taken.

This special thing.

I'm f*cking gernischt in Asa's eyes now.

Can't you do anything? - I mean, make some calls? - All that shit's insured.

He's obsessed with that car, this f*cking Stew guy.

The assh*le paid a $30,000 premium just to place the f*cking order.

His glasses, his daybook were in it.

AJ, it's your mother.

Call me.

It's my mother.

I told you I can't put you through.

Room 417 has a block on the line.

I am not waiting.

Who knows what's going on? God help you if anything happens like those children in Westchester.

Don't! No, don't answer it.

My face is stuck to the rug.

Oh, they f*ckin' crazy-glued you.

Housekeeping! Oh, f*ck, what should we do? We're asleep! All right, help me.

Ow, ow! - Ow! Dude, take it easy.

- I'm trying.

Ahh ow, f*ck.

Oh, dude! Oh, f*ck.

Oh, f*ck me.


Hi, yeah, it's me.

AJ stayed in the city with his friends last night and he's not home yet.

- And I can't get in touch with him.

- Take it easy.

Slow down.

He's probably just sleeping it off.

No, I called Todd's mother and Todd came home.

He could be dead by now, O.


'd, God knows what else.

- God, why did I let him go? - He's all right.

I'll take care of it.

Give me the number of the hotel.

It's the Hudson Suites on the Westside.

Tony, just go there.

I am I'm so worried I'm not even angry anymore.

All right, all right, I'm on my way.

Anthony? God damn you! I have been going crazy trying to reach you.

- Later.

I don't feel good.

- What happened to your face? - Just leave me alone.

- I want to know what happened! You never went to Meadow's after you gave me your word! - Get off my back.

- You are a liar! - f*ck you.

- What did you say?! Get back here! Ow! Puritan Salvage.

The big guy's looking for a consignment from a wedding in Ringwood last night.

Nothing came in here.

This Benz, SL55, he wants it pulled.

I'll make some calls.

- Where is he? - In his room.

What happened to your leg? He lied to me, Tony, which means that they both lied.

She's covering for him.

It's what sisters are supposed to do.

Of course, right.

- He cursed at me.

Oh my God.

- What did he say? - He's asleep.

- Not anymore.

Oh, hey, Dad.

I was just taking out the trash.

It's garbage day tomorrow.

- What's different about you? - He has no eyebrows, Tony! - Who did this? - We were just screwing around.

- What'd you say to your mother? - Tony What did you say? I said the "F" word.

You're finished.

You're never gonna drive that car till you're 45 years old.

I'm selling it tomorrow! She wouldn't let me talk, I was trying to tell her what happened.

- Oh see, it's my fault.

- All right, let's hear it.

Well, I was gonna go to Meadow's but there weren't any cabs.

I didn't think you'd want me standing in the street at 11:30 at night.

- We were right by the hotel.

- Enough of your lying.

- I am not lying! - Look at your face! If you've got some kind of sexual proclivity with that teacher or whatever, now is the time to tell us! What went on up there? Poppers and weird sex? What? No! Look, we don't do dr*gs, we're not some stupid dopers.

I had a few beers, but it just made me sick.

- How can anybody believe what you say? - Because I told you! You never believe me.

- You had a couple beers? - Yeah.

- You didn't do any dr*gs.

- No! Carmela, look it a couple of beers.

Should be grounded, yeah, but it's not the end of the world.

What? You know what? I am sick of your bullshit.

Both of you! - He can go live with you.

- Don't get dramatic now, all right? - What? Great, good.

- Shut up! I have never been more serious in my life.

Take out the trash, go outside.

What are we gonna do, really? What did I just say? - No, I mean really, come on.

- Did you think I was joking? Carmela, this is normal teenage shit.

You remember us? The C.




We left Artie out in the snow, he almost lost his fingers.

And we still laugh our asses off about it.

No, I don't really blame AJ He's doing exactly what he's supposed to.

He's testing the limits as much as he can.

I blame myself.

What are you talking about? You don't know what it's like to have your son hate your guts.

- He doesn't hate your guts.

- Oh, thank God he's alive.

It's my fault, Tony.

My pathetic need to compete with you clouded my judgment or I never would have let him stay in New York.

I knew he wasn't ready.

I went against all of my instincts.

His eyebrows'll grow back! Nothing really happened! No, you know what happened? I said f*ck it.

And you know why? To get him to love me as much as he loves you.

He loves you, it's just you're his mother, it's different.

I can't be the villain anymore.

I mean it.

And I can't say f*ck it.

Take him.

Let him live with you.

Homina-homina- homina-homina.

- Ed Norton? - Ed Norton? No, I'm terribly sorry, Mr.


No, the correct answer is Stephen Foster.

But thanks so much.

You've been a wonderful contestant and a swell sport.

Goodbye, Mr.


He's here.

Hey, tarall's, expiration date 2007.

Put 'em over there.

Have a seat.


Sounds serious.

You have anything to do with that wedding takedown in Ringwood? Why, is that a problem? I told you that doctor was a friend of mine.

I deliberately used that word.

Are you aware of how many things a f*cking M.


can do for us? Sorry, Godfather, he was at the game.

I thought he was just another pigeon.

Who authorized you to do it? And don't call me Godfather with that f*cking cute smirk.

I know I was away for a long time, but when did that happen, you gotta ask permission to ply your trade? Here's your end, be happy.

When were you gonna tell me about it if I hadn't called you here? I'm here now! I'm telling you about it now! That's the second time I'm playing catch-up with you.

- What the f*ck are you talking about? - The lawn cutting.

Do I have to send you a memo every time I move my bowels too? You're so concerned about my end, why didn't you put one of those cars through my shops? What? Johnny Sack told me about this guy in Newburgh.

- Johnny Sack? - Yeah, Johnny Sack.

Anyway, he gave me a better deal for shipping them whole.

Are you f*cking serious? I don't like the way I'm being talked to here.

What did I tell you when you came to me, said you wanted back in? I said as long as you don't step on anybody's toes.

- In my day - That's another thing.

I don't wanna hear no more about how it was in your day.

You just keep your anecdotes to local color, like Dynaflows, or McGuire Sisters, shit like that.

Otherwise, shut the f*ck up! Jesus Christ, Feech, I'm tryin' to ease your transition here and this is the thanks I get? I'm sorry if I offended you.

You gotta remember, Tony, I still think of you as a kid.

I'll learn.

Yeah? Yeah.

That's funny.

Come here.

Aw, shit.

We all right? Just get the SL55 back, okay? Maybe I was too hard on that guy.

Did I learn nothing from Richie Aprile? Huh? - Nip it in the bud.

- Feech? - He's well liked, T.

- That's another thing.

All right, well, don't be so hard on yourself though.

- Hey, Olsen and Johnson.

- How you doing? Stopped by the bakery, they said you left already.

That's the Canali suit I promised you.

He said you should try on the jacket, see how the sleeves are.

How's that? How's that? I look better than Sinatra.

- Very nice.

- All right.

Hey, I'm having my wine and peaches.

You want? No thanks, we gotta get going.

- I'll try some peaches.

- Good.

Peaches are from f*cking New Zealand.

They're great.

I'll get you a glass.

No, we should go, we should go - take care of that thing.

- It can't wait? Where the f*ck you going? Come on, sit down.

No, we gotta do this shit.

You don't wanna know, it's all f*cked up.

What? My imbecile cousin, he was welding his boat trailer, burns down his garage.

Now we got no place to park the truck that we got.

What's wrong with the street? Georgia peaches, those are considered the best.

See, he don't want me to know what's in the truck.

Flat screen TVs.

Guy's coming down from Montreal, but he got delayed a couple of days.

I got a garage right here.

My cousin's mother's got a place, we can lock it up there.

Park the load here, this way I'm around.

Keep my glims on the stuff.

- How much you gonna want for that? - Two.

f*ck you, Feech.

It's f*cking parking.

You gotta kick in a TV.

I thought I had a plan for Anthony, but I I'm not so sure now.

I don't know if Rutgers' summer program accepts boys without eyebrows.

So you heard about that? I was a wreck.

I mean look what happened to those girls just driving to school.

We brought in grief counselors.

How's Anthony coping with that? I have to say he never mentioned it.

They all handle tragedy differently.

Actually, he just moved in with his father.

- I don't know if he said.

- Really? I don't know what you might have heard about my husband.


I mean, he's a good father, don't get me wrong.

Our daughter is at Columbia.

My friends tell me I'm a snob with this college business, but with Anthony it's something else.

I just know that if he didn't get into a good enough school to interest him, and he dropped out, went to work as a waiter or something, he wouldn't last a week.

You know, he would be drawn right in you know.

My husband doesn't want that for him either.

You met him.

My husband can be very magnetic, you know, bigger than life.

And I was so young.

It was very exciting.

Anyway, he's over there.

Maybe it'll be good, you know, learning the things that men need to know.

Well Anyway, so what about you? How long have you been at the school? Since '86.

I suppose that's what caught me up too, with Astrid.

Some notion of escaping the quotidian.

- So you were married.

- For about, uh five minutes.

Chicken Marsala.

- And the honey balsamic chicken.

- Thank you.

- Have you read "Madame Bovary"? - No.

It's almost a perfect novel.

Flaubert writes about bourgeois loneliness and emptiness.

Emma Bovary destroys herself for some fantasy in her head.

It's great.

It's truly, truly great.

Somehow horrifically funny, though tragic.

I think you might enjoy it.

I'll stop by Borders on my way home.

- Who is it by again? - Gustave Flaubert.

Yeah? Supervisor Curran, parole board.

Site visit.

Where's Eddie Stimich? He's out sick.

I just wanna take a look around.

Only thing better about here than Russia is the food.

Good one.

Eddie examined every f*cking dust bunny in the place just last week.

Is that new? Uh bequest.

Friend of mine, passed away.

Is that your garage? Nah, it's where I make the weapons of mass destruction.

Let's go out and open it up.

You wanna see my f*cking garage? You never seen an oil stain before? Let's go.

Here's the windup.

And the pitch - Ah! - Come on! f*ck Major League Baseball.

Ever since the f*cking strike.

Let's watch ballet.

Oh, somebody hotboxed us? - I saw you close the window.

- What's that? It's when you close the windows and fart on purpose.

That's a Dutch oven.

- No, in bed it's a Dutch oven.

- What's a Dutch oven? You fart in bed with a woman then force her head under the covers.

That's awesome.

- First you gotta be in bed with one.

- You'd be surprised.

- Whoa.

- Ooh.

Yeah, I would.

Oh my God! What Jesus! That's enough.

Go upstairs, do your Spanish homework.

- In 15 minutes.

- No, now.

And he goes down looking.

The end of the inning.

Just got the call.

They put him on a corrections bus this morning.

This was the better move than taking him out.

- The man was a legend.

- Christopher agrees, by the way.

Well, that's nice that he agrees.

But I'm not running a f*cking popularity contest.

Mommy! Look at me! Anthony!