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03x22 - The Other Side of the Wall

Posted: 07/04/19 08:24
by bunniefuu
There are names given to each of the Nine Titans.

That includes the Titan you will inherit.

No matter which era this Titan has found itself in, it has ever pushed forward, seeking out freedom.

For the sake of freedom, it fights.

Its name the Attack Titan.

Eren was able to control Pure Titans in the past to escape a dire situation.

If someone with royal blood is made into a Titan that I touch, it might be possible for me to use the Founding Titan's powers.

But if they knew of that possibility, what would the military do to Historia?

Have a family.


Your wife, your child, your neighbors if need be Love someone inside the walls.

If you can't do that, it'll only repeat.

The same history The same mistakes Over and over To save Mikasa, Armin, and everyone else, you must see it through.



Who is that?

Who knows?

I'm not sure Whose memories are those?

"The Other Side of the Wall" Our enemy is the world.

But if we announce this to the public, the walls will crumble into chaos.

That's right.

We still haven't fully grasped the magnitude of this situation.

Then will we deceive the people again?

You wish to follow the lead of King Reiss and ensure the people of the walls stay domesticated and ignorant?

If so, then by what ideals did we rise to take the crown from King Reiss?

Let's announce it.

After all, we're just returning the memories King Reiss stole back to the people a century later.

We all share the same fate as people of the walls.

We must unite as one and bring our entire strength together.

The true identity of the Titans who've threatened us are humans.

They have the same ancestry as us.

We are "Subjects of Ymir. " Our King erected these walls 100 years ago.

He then altered our memories using Titan powers and made us believe humanity outside the walls was wiped out.

But in fact, humanity hasn't perished.

When speaking of Subjects of Ymir, they call us this: A race of devils.

In the near future, the enemy will invade our lands to obtain resources.

Their plans began five years ago with the attack of the Colossal Titan.

I know the article's already published, but Is this as credible as you make it sound?

At the very least, it's consistent with the doubts we've had this whole time.

I don't want to believe it, either, but it's true.



How are people reacting?

It's a bit of everything.

Some accept it.

Some laugh it off.

Some lash out at the military and insist it's a conspiracy theory.

As all of you feared, it's become chaotic.

Yeah, but there's no helping that.

The reports are what put food in our mouths.

The taxpayers decide what to make of it.

That's one thing we're doing better than the old King.

I couldn't be any prouder of all you.


Not only as a person of the walls, but also as a fellow working man.

Thank you.

Right Next time, whip up an article that pats us on the back.

What will happen to all of us?

Just as we've looked at Titans with fear with hate and with the wish that they would disappear from the world, the people of the world see us not as humans, but as dangerous monsters.

And as a result, what if this hell only repeats itself?

Until the last of us are wiped out, this hell won't end.

Hey, you heroes of the walls.

Hitch You came?

I just came to see you guys receive your medals.

I see.

Marlo was brave all the way till the end.


Right, Floch?

Tell her.

Sure Marlo Freudenberg was an urgent recruit, just like me.

But he managed to bring us recruits together.

The situation was hopeless and the Scouts were on the verge of ruin.

We thought all was lost and were stricken with fear.

But he Only he inspired us.


He was an amazing person.

I know.

That's why That's probably why he never listened to me.

But in the end I'm sure he regretted being there.


I'll laugh if you screw up the ceremony.


Why did you do that?

Because Someone has to tell the truth.

I know how desperate you were to revive Commander Erwin.

That's right.

It should have been the commander, not you.

I'm not the only one who thinks that.

We all do.

Everyone who read the report thinks the same thing: Why wasn't Erwin the one picked?

What the hell do you know about Armin?

Tell me!

Nothing at all.

I'm not his childhood friend, and we're not chums, either.

But I can still tell you why Armin was chosen.

It's because you two and Captain Levi brought your emotions into it.

You thought the injection was all yours and made a totally irrational decision!

Basically, it was too hard for you to let go of someone important.

Hey, you should shut your mouth.


Deep down inside, I bet you think you're always in the right.

That's why you never gave up in the end.

Just like a brat that won't listen.

Eren, just leave him alone.

Mikasa's the one who behaved like an adult.

At least she gave up in the end.


What the hell's wrong with you two?


Let's not do this during a funeral for our fallen comrades, all right?

What's done is done, so let's just drop it.

And you guys You didn't stand up to your superiors.

You didn't even stop Eren and Mikasa.

All you could do was watch.

Medals for what?

A funeral for who?

You guys better start telling the truth when you go to enlist more recruits.

That way, you won't get cowards like me joining by accident.

What the hell are we supposed to do now without Erwin?!

Because even fodder like me I get that I'm completely expendable, but Even fodder like me has a right to decide if it's worth dying for!

Floch is right.

Commander Erwin is the one who should've lived.

I'm not the one who can turn this situation around.

How can you be so sure of that?

I really can't say if it was the right decision or not.

None of us know what the future holds.

For starters, have you even seen beyond the walls?

What is there beyond the walls?

The sea.

That's right.

The sea.

You haven't seen it, right?

None of us really know anything!

Fiery water, lands of ice, sandy snowfields!

The possibilities are endless out there!

On the other side of the wall, freedom is Hey, brats.

It's time.

Line up.

What did we find in the basement?

Was it hope?

Or was it despair?

Our enemy was tremendously powerful.

If nothing changes for the better, that hideous scene will happen again.

I'd easily give up my life if it actually managed to change something.

But I am not about to sacrifice Historia.

What should I do?

I can't tell anyone I'm an Eldian who came from outside the walls!

I'm a Subject of Ymir just like all you!

King of the walls!

Please, you have to k*ll the Titans attacking the walls!

Before my wife and children!

Before the people of the walls are eaten!


The sound of Titans being crushed by Trost's giant sledge went silent as snow began to stick.

When the piles of snow began to melt, the military announced that Wall Maria had been cleansed of Titans.

The elevators of Trost were dismantled, and by the time work began on paving the main road, the flowers were budding and the butterflies dancing.

Refugees were finally permitted to return to their hometowns roughly one year following the attack on Trost District.

And so, six years after the Colossal Titan's first attack the Scouts once again resumed expeditions past Wall Maria.

It's just like you thought, Hange.

The Titans inside Wall Maria were pretty much all of them.

We thinned out the majority in just a single year.

In that case, let's head straight to our target as planned.

A Titan!

One showed up, huh?

Be careful!

Right there It's not able to move?

With a body like that it tried to crawl to the wall, little by little?


It was shipped to paradise.

It's a fellow patriot.

Let's go.

We're close.


Is it okay to leave it here?!

Shouldn't we k*ll it?!


I'm sure of it.

This is the place where Eldians were made into Titans.

And beyond that Eyy!

My eyes!

Damn, it's salty!

My eyes!


Is this thing seriously all salt water?!


What's that?

Hey, Hange!

It might be poisonous, so don't touch it.



I told you, Eren!

A salt lake so big that merchants could spend their whole lives and still not get all the salt.

The stuff I talked about wasn't wrong after all!

Yeah It's so damn big Yeah.

Look, Eren!

On the other side of the wall There's a sea.

On the other side of the sea is freedom.

That's what I always believed.

But I was wrong.

On the other side of the sea are enemies.

Every part of this is exactly how I saw in my dad's memories.

Hey If we k*ll all our enemies over there will we finally be free?