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03x10 - Return of the Dead Guy

Posted: 07/18/19 09:02
by bunniefuu
Liv: Previously on iZombie...

Major: Look, what I found in my hate mail.

"If you ever need a sympathetic ear, I've got two.

Shawna." She's cute.

This blue juice makes zombie visions longer and more intense.

And if all goes according to plan, it's going to make us a lot of money.

Harley and his people are targeting zombies.

I landed us an invite to the zombie truthers meeting tomorrow night.

We're gonna capture a zombie.

Let the whole world see the monster it becomes!

How long are you gonna be in Seattle?

Just long enough to get my money and settle some old debts.

You're married to someone for 30 years.

You scrimp, and you save.

And you build up a nest egg, and then they die, and the nest egg is nowhere to be found.


Yeah, sure.

Last week he was spotted in a regional production of Pippin for the Tacoma Players.

My husband is dead.

Worst case, there should be insurance money.

Well, you're our lawyer, you figure it out!

He'd better be dead.

That's all I'm saying.

Shifty little weasel.

Woman: Don't answer it!

It's my roommate again.

Calling to remind me to set the dvr.


World's deadliest plants.

Nat geo.


Got you covered, bro.

Ravi: Not why I'm calling.

Listen, my parents got a wild hair, decided to renew their wedding vows.

My dad just called, surprised me with a plane ticket to London.

Oh, that's so freaking good.

Ravi: Uh, okay.

So, I'll be back in a few days.

- Can you get word to Liv?

- Totes magotes.

Bye now!

Cheers, then.

Agenda's clear for a few days.

Nice work, Doctor Shockterbooty.


We're gonna need that phone.

Is that really necessary?

- I'm here of my own volition.

- Volition?

His own free will.

He's here because we've a bunch of sawed-off shotguns.

I'm here because I want to study a zombie in the flesh.

I believe you, Doc.

But I'll still feel better if I know you're focused on what we're doing here, instead of...

Playing Candy Crush.

I get it.

Keep my phone, then.

I should, uh...

Go check on him.

Look at us now.

We've got our exotic animal, strongman and sideshow all in one.

Move over Barnum & Bailey.

We're about to put on the greatest show on earth.

Heart rate holding steady at 10 beats per minute.


Lookie here.

We got your wide shot but also your extreme close-up, mess-yourself money shot.

And anyone around the world doing a search - for zombies will find us?

- Geoff: That's right.

We're gonna starve out our guest of honor until he goes all gnarly on us, prove to the world that zombies are for real.

He ain't doing anything worth watching.

Let's rectify that.

A cattle prod to the nards ought to liven him up, get him all veiny and red-eyed like he was in the van.

Too soon.

Nobody's watching yet.

I tell you what.

We hit 100,000 views, we'll light him up like a Christmas tree.

Hear that, zombie?

Don't get too comfortable.

I'm coming for you!


Liv: Check out this photo of Baracus protecting his son from sn*per's b*ll*ts.

"Baracus shows courage under fire." He could end up being the first zombie mayor of Seattle.

That say anything about leads on the sh**t?

Liv: Nope.

Are you going into the office today?

- Why?

- General interest.

You want to know if you can have the place to yourself.

Your words.

You know, you have your own room.

Is zombie sex particularly loud?

What with the groaning and growling?

All I'm asking is if you're going into the office.

How are things on the Justin front?

I mean you're highly-critical.

You broke up with a guy once because his o-face made you laugh.

If you had seen it, ugh!

And on the Justin front, I wouldn't know.

- We haven't...

- Ah!

I see why you want the place to yourself.


Well, um...

What if I can make you a better offer?

I don't want you to be insulted and don't think I haven't considered it, but I'm going to stick with men.

Okay, here's the deal.

I'll clear out any night you want as long as you'll do me one teensy-weensy favor today.

- I'm listening...

- James Weckler...

The dominatrix k*ller.


His brain is currently marinating in Ravi's blue juice down at the morgue.

It's ripe and ready to go.

- No, don't make me...

- Please.

His confession came too easy.

You even said it yourself.

His lawyer accepted a terrible plea deal.

Hinted sinister forces were at work.

Liv, I don't think he k*lled Roxanne Greer.


You want me to find evidence that tears apart the case Clive and I made against Weckler.


You want me to live inside the brain of a guy who just hanged himself.


A guy who if I remember correctly, spent time in a mental health facility.


Also true.

- For what?

- Hallucinations of his dead wife.

You can see how this might not be my first choice for how to spend a day off.

Well, not with that attitude.

Seeing justice done, that's fun.

Spending quality time with Peyton, that's fun.

You had me at justice.


- Oh, my god!

- Nope.

Not yet.

Patience, lady.

Man, I thought getting scratched would be like...

Winning the golden ticket.

But this candy factory blows.




It's like corrupt government officials in Bangladesh don't even want to make money.

I thought we'd be like the kids taking the tour, man.

Look around you.

We're the oompa loompas.

- You're an oompa loompa.

- Yeah, man.

That's what I just said.

Hey, where the hell is Don E?

He wandered out into an alley last night, shouting something about bombs being dropped on a factory in Dusseldorf.

He ate some of the blue brain?




Don E: Sergeant Hoyt Carroll!

Serial number 580 79086.

You'll get nothing from me, you dirty krauts.

You weren't laughing after big week, were you, Fritz?

Our mustangs blasting your stukas outta the sky!

♪ Oh, say can you see...

♪ What the hell, Doc?

Why is he acting like he's on Hogan's Heroes?

I have no idea.

You think this thing's been around since World w*r ♪?

Maybe zombies live forever.

Like vampires.

♪ Oh, say!

Does that star-spangled ♪ ♪ banner yet wave ♪ ♪ o'er the land of the free...

♪ Get out here.

I can't believe I'm doing this.

If I had to eat the brains of a guy who sees ghosts, you can try to trigger a vision for me by pretending to be a dominatrix.

Fresh out of whips.


Weckler k*lled Roxanne in her dungeon, so, you know, discipline me.

- For what?

- Well...

I've been a naughty girl.

That is some weak sauce, counselor.

Looks like we found something Peyton isn't good at.

Oh, hell no.

Take it back, you filthy little piggy.

- Ow!

- Shut up.

Take it back, you undead slut!

Peyton: Take it back or clean my shoe with your tongue.

- I'm not gonna...

- Do it or suffer!

- Okay!

- Peyton: Make it shine!

Oh, you like that, don't you?

You nasty, little pervert!



I'm afraid I've got some bad news for you, Peyton.

Weckler k*lled Roxanne.


Roxanne caught him as he was stealing the camera memory card.

She was calling for help and he panicked and strangled her.

You know, most prosecutors would be happy that the person they put away was actually guilty.

Yeah, but my desire to be right is even greater than my desire to win.

- Did you see his dead wife?

- Yeah.

Unpleasant lady.

So, Mistress P, how much time do I have left in my hour?

Oh, you like it, do you?

Drake: Me likey.

Oh, my god, what?

You think, uh, Peyton will let you borrow that getup?

You're dead.

Who's dead?

Who are you talking to?


Uh, Drake?

Old boyfriend, Drake?

No, Drake the multi-platinum hip hop star.

All right, now.

You wanna get spanked some more?

Ooh, yes, please.

Weckler felt guilty about accidentally k*lling his wife.

So, he hallucinated her...

You're so sexy when you're onto something.

But I don't feel guilty about her death...

Getting warmer...

I feel guilty about your death.

Hotter, so hot.

Because I shot you in the head.

Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!

I'm sorry.

You must be so freaked out.

Oh, watching my zombie roommate talk to a ghost?

That's just what I call a Tuesday.

- Hey.

- Here you go.

- Nice.

Thanks man.

- You got it.


- Mmm-mmm!

- Oh, my god.

This fort of ours is giving me all the feels.


When I was a kid, I went to this camp.

Once a summer, they'd take us half a mile into the woods, and we'd rough it for a night.

We did that at Camp Skookum, too.

Shut the front door!

Camp Skookum!

You went there too?

- For five years in a row.

- Good ol' Camp Skookum.

Did you know that skookum is Chinook for good and solid, but also, a yeti-like monster with a clawed foot?

Um, who didn't know that?

- Remember the camp song?

- Of course.

Do you?

♪ Let's slather on the sunblock ♪ ♪ and use the bug spray too ♪ ♪ always have your epipen if that pertains to you!

♪ Hold on!

Hold on!

Hold on!

Oh, okay fine.

♪ Don't share your brush with anyone ♪ ♪ there's lice, for heaven's sake!

♪ ♪ And poison ivy in the woods and leeches in the lake!


♪ Something that adorable had to be documented.

Post it and die.

Too late.

It's already on my tumblr.

Oh, my god, look at all these comments.

All your old football teammates think you're pretty cute, too.



Give me the phone or suffer the consequences.

Do your worst.

Okay, but you're not going to like it.

Let me go, you inbred turds!

He doesn't think we're Nazis anymore.

It's progress.

Harley wants you to dial back the sedative.

Our views have started spiking since he's been awake.

Just give him enough to keep him docile.

Got it.

Oh, come closer, please!

You've made a serious mistake, son!

You've kidnapped the wrong guy.

I promise this ends with me feasting on someone's brains.

Don E, shh!

- Wait, I know you.

- Act like you don't.

- That fruity accent.


- Shh!

I'm going to figure out a way to get us both out of here.

These guys want to prove to the world that zombies exist.

You're on a livestream.

I'm hungry, if you know what I mean.

That's kind of the point.

They're going to starve you past the point of no return.

That doesn't sound like fun at all.

Hey, they didn't find the burner phone that Blaine gave me.

That's great.

Where is it?

Geoff: You about done in there, yet?

It's only saline.

Act sleepy.

I'll be back.

Liv: I used to think being ghosted was a rude way to end a relationship.

But I'd much prefer the millennial way of doing things to an old-timey style haunting.

Because this whole, ghosts-of-boyfriends I-shot-in-the-head thing?

Really not working for me.

There's gotta be another brain no one's doing anything with around here.

I'll make it easy for you.

Cause of death, single b*llet to the brain.

You'd gone full Romero.

There was no you left to k*ll.

You were already gone.

Whatever helps you sleep at night, Liv.

Liv: Oh, no.

This is some repressed guilt malarkey.

You're here because you're sexy!

- You're a sex fantasy!

- Um...

Sorry to interrupt.

I had news to share.

I know this looks weird, but there's a simple explanation.

I ate the blue juice-soaked brain of James Weckler, the guy we put away for the m*rder of Roxanne Greer, the dominatrix.

Weckler used to have visions of the wife he k*lled in a car crash, and now I'm seeing Drake, my ex-boyfriend, who I thought might be a criminal, but was really an undercover police detective.

He's here?


He's right there.

Liv, you ready to grab some lunch?

I'm dying for Sushi.

- It's a vision.

- Yep.

- It's a long one.

- Hmm.

- Blue juice brain.

- Got it.

What the hell just happened?

In my vision, I was getting hanged.

Getting hanged?

- Not hanging yourself?

- Yep.

So Weckler didn't commit su1c1de.

He was m*rder*d.

- Did you see who did it?

- She never does.

I was hanging there, gasping for air in my jail cell.

I could see the shadow of the man behind me.

His hat, his walkie-talkie...

It was a guard.

Dun, dun, dun!

I told you, I didn't see a thing.

You're the fifth guard we've talked to working the night Weckler died who didn't see a thing.

- How is that possible?

- Beats me.

You got yourselves a real puzzle.

Look, I'm gonna be late for work.

Thanks for your help.

You can go.

Well, that was a waste of time.

- Look who's joining us.

- Hey, team.

I may have found something interesting.

It's a call Weckler made from jail to his daughter the day before he was m*rder*d.

James: Are they keeping you fed, honey?

Tatum: Yeah, Dad.

I'm fine.

They made you do it, didn't they?

James: Leave it alone, Tatum.

So who's the they?

That's what I'm trying to figure out.

We need to find that memory card Weckler stole from Roxanne's dungeon.

The one with all her clients getting spanked and whatnot.

Let's track Weckler's daughter down, see if she can shed some light.

I've tried calling, but it just goes straight to voice-mail.

Give me the number, I'll see what I can do.



Anybody interested in grabbing dinner?

I can't.

I have plans.

But you two should go for a long dinner.

Maybe then go back to Clive's place and listen to Dark Side of the Moon over and over until you really understand it.

And then you can explain it to me at work tomorrow.

She's got a boy coming over.

Well, I can explain Dark Side of the Moon for you right now, Liv.

See, the album explores themes of - greed and mental illness.

- I'm out of here.

After founding member, Syd Barrett left the band...

Tell me over a steak.

You said the magic word.

- Oh!

- Oh, too much?


No, it's not you.

It's my ex-boyfriend.

What do you think this guy benches?

Wait, so you're kissing me but thinking about your ex?


Of course not!

I'm hallucinating him.

Can he fix a sink?

Recite every Green Day lyric?

Make you make that special sound?

Well, we're never gonna know with you hanging out here with us.

Okay, what's happening here?

I ate a brain of a guy who had mental health issues, and now my deceased ex-boyfriend is randomly showing up.

Okay, well, um...

Can you ask him to give us some privacy?

- No.

- It's a no go.



So, what do we do now?

Anyone got a pottery wheel?

Blaine: Can you get that, Candy?


- Oh!

- Surprise!

Did you want some time to monolog?

Beg for your life?

Did you think you could cut in on my business, take out my boys, and that would be that?

You dream of something for so long, you start to fear that when you finally get to experience it, it might not live up to expectations.


So far so good.

Don't you dare!

Bad timing, honey.

Don't take this personally.

- What the...

- You know what?

I'm real tired of getting shot.

Oh, boo!

I thought you were food.

Nope, not food.

I'm Liv.

- And you are?

- Shawna.


Let's just say friend.

- Maybe you're food.

- Huh?

I just came to pick up his roommate's key.

- Oh, Ravi?

He's out of town.

- Yeah, I know.

That's why, I came to get his key.

Is it cool that you come in like this?

I'm sorry, it's just, I don't know who you are.

What's this?

- We dubbed it Fort Lust.

- Huh...

It's our special hideaway.

Oh, hey, Liv.

Hey, I just came to pick up Ravi's supply closet key.

Yeah, yeah.

I think it's right here.


It reeks of sex in here.

Well, I know some rats that won't feed themselves.

You kids have fun.

Yes, I hear you.

I was fooling around with Major's army buddy just last night, so I've got no room to talk, but c'mon, Fort Lust?

I'm not allowed to get upset about that?

What did you hear?

Just something about Fort Lust.

I assumed you were in here talking to Drake.

That's right.

I am.


Drake is right there, and Fort Lust is a place that he used to take me.

It's a euphemism.

God, I hope so.

Well, that'll be all, Drake.

Be gone!

- We're alone now.

- Great.

I think we caught a lucky break.

A prisoner is claiming he can ID the guard who k*lled Weckler.

- That's amazing!

- Yeah, but he wants a deal.

- What's he in for?

- Weapons charges, B and E, assaulting an officer.

How badly was the officer hurt?

She came through it okay.

I want to be perfectly clear about this.


Jin must provide us with information that leads to the successful prosecution of James Weckler's k*ller in order for us to commute his sentence.

This clown?

Oh, hell no.

This is her case?

Take me back to jail then.

I'd rather do the time than help her make a collar.

Whoa, there.

This is my case.


Moore is a medical examiner.

They're all my cases.

Not helping, Liv.

You don't get it.

This chick is a mutant.

- A mutant?

- That's what I said.

We tussled, her eyes went red and her face got all...

- Mutant-ish.

- Mutant-ish?

Lady, will you stop repeating my words like I'm crazy.

I kicked his ass, that's all that happened.

If he wants to give me super powers to make himself feel better, then I say let him.

I'm interested in hearing more about these mutant powers.

- Did she know martial arts?

- Damn right, she did.

She was skilled.

As skilled as a ninja, perhaps?

- Totally.

- She's a mutant ninja.

Did she have a round shell, hankering for pizza?

- Ninja, please.

- Lawyer: Mr.


Let's try to keep your testimony credible.

Please tell them what they need to know.

- The testimony?

- Right.

I got this telescoping mirror so I can talk to the guys in the cells next to me.

The night he died, I heard a noise coming from Weckler's cell, and in that mirror, I saw this fat-ass guard...

Gary Oberman.

He was hanging Weckler with a belt.

Haven't seen the dude on duty since that night.

We never talked to a guard named Oberman.

We should track him down and make a house call.

Looks like we're party crashers.

You two.

We're looking for Gary Oberman.

Well, we'll see what we can do.

C'mon in.

Dear god, I think this is a wake.

Excuse me.

Do I know you?

These two cops were looking for Gary.


Oberman, I'm Clive and this is Liv.

Do you mind?

Could we ask you a few questions?

We're looking into an incident at the county jail that may have involved your husband.

May we ask how he died?

I don't know.

Well, not for sure.

Excuse me?

A couple of weeks ago, Gary surprised me with a cruise to the Mexican Riviera.

He fell overboard.

You know how common that is?

They're usually murders or suicides.

Did anyone see it happen?

No, but Gary'd had more than a few margaritas, and another passenger reported seeing him up on the bow shouting, "I'm the king of the world." What does this case have to do with Gary?

We're investigating the m*rder of a prisoner that took place on Gary's last night on the job.

A prisoner?

Why bother?

Gary used to say, all those prisoners were just human garbage.

Sorry, I gotta take it.

So, "human garbage," you say?

I appreciate you getting back to me.

I'll let you know what I learn.

All right, then.


That was Tatum Weckler's grandmother.

She told me after Weckler's death, Tatum moved in with the family of one of her friends here in Seattle, so she wouldn't have to change schools.

Makes sense.

Poor kid's life's been disrupted enough.

She gave me an address since Tatum isn't answering her cell.

Let's run by there now.

This case just keeps getting weirder.

First Weckler kills Roxanne, then Gary kills Weckler.

Then Gary comes into a large sum of money, goes on a cruise and disappears into thin air.

Seems like someone is trying to clean up a mess, and making an even bigger one.

Nearly 65,000 viewers!

This is about to get fun.

I'm already having a blast.

You wanna know where zombies come from?

Oh, I do.

The Shah of Iran.

- Would not have been my first guess.

- Hear me out.

He was building a zombie army to protect himself from his own people.

But before he could unleash his army of the undead, the Ayatollah seized power and got his hands on the zombie virus.

Of course, the first thing the Ayatollah wants to do is take out the great Satan.

So the hardliners in Tehran bankroll Vaughn du Clark...

And Max Rager.


So they could infect the movers and shakers first.

These athletic zombies would have no problem chasing down couch potatoes.

It all seems obvious when you say it out loud like that.

Mmm, time to take the edge off this old boy.


See that vein in his neck?

It becomes more distinct when he leans forward.

Where's that phone Blaine gave you?

- I'm so hungry, Ravi.

- The phone!

It's taped between my butt cheeks.

- Come again?

- They didn't find it, did they?

- Oh!

- Pardon the swamp ass.

I didn't get a chance to powder.



I am your only chance of escape at the moment.

So I'd strongly reconsider trying to eat me.

I'm sorry.

Now that I think about it, my phone's in my sock.

Be home, Liv.



Or maybe it's three-seven.


Oh, bloody hell!

You can't remember any numbers, huh?

That's modern living for you.

I've got Blaine's number programed in there.

They've stopped sh**ting out there.

They'll be back soon.

- Blaine: Blaine here.

- It's Ravi.

- It's an emergency...

- Blaine: Psych.

I'm too busy to get to my phone right now.

Leave a message.

Oh, for god's sake.

Did you have a nice nap, Stacey?

Look at you all snug as a bug in a rug in our blissful hereafter model in mahogany!

We can save you a few bucks if you'd prefer birch.

I shot you.

I slit your throat.

We buried you.


And, yet, here I am.

How the hell are you still alive?

Well, I'm eating a human brain.

So, that makes me a...

- Cannibal?

- Technically, I suppose, but that's not the answer I'm looking for.

I'm eating a human brain, I'm indestructible, therefore, I am a...

- A serial k*ller?

- Again, technically.

You know what, hell with it.

I'm here.

I'm a zombie.

Get used to it.


You're a zombie.

I'm Santa Claus, and if you let me out of here, I'm prepared to give you presents beyond your wildest dreams.

Bad news, Stace.

My little elves already found your sleigh, and all the gifts inside.

- Oh, damn, that's pretty.

- Sorry.

Don E keeps calling.

- What?

- Ravi: It's Ravi.

Listen up.

Don E and I are being held hostage by zombie hunters at Wham Bams g*n range.

Whoa, whoa.

Slow down.

That's a lot to process.

Process this!

They're starving Don E until he turns Romero and broadcasting it on a livestream.

I'm kind of in the middle of something big.

Just get here.

Look I know your situation may look dire here, Stacey, but you have options.

Sure, and one of those options involves you being buried alive in this overpriced box...

But the other leaves you alive, and provides you with what I'm proud to say is a...

Truly remarkable business opportunity.

So, would you like to hear more about that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?

Listen to your business plan, huh?

What was option one again?

- Look who I found!

- I caught the livestream.

Had to see it with my own eyes.

Oh, man, is it rank in here.

Doc, you remember Rachel, from the meeting?

Holy hell!

A zombie.

How many beers did this one have?

He was sucking them down.

Eighty-one thousand views.

They're coming in fast now.

It's almost show time!

Do you know what you're looking at?

- A brain.

- Wrong.


This can sustain a zombie for a month.

Forget truffles.

Forget utopium.

Brains are the future.

This is your chance to get in on the ground floor of something truly special.

You see...

Zombies are about to become a thing.

What exactly makes one a zombie?

Is it an attitude?

A style?

One need only contract the zombie virus.

And you know what does a virus does?

It spreads.

Let me show you some projections.

You know what?

I think I'm gonna pass on this golden opportunity.

Now if you could do me the common courtesy of dying, I'll take my leave.

I don't think you see the potential here, Stacey.

Here's what I propose.

You excel at moving contraband around the globe.

I need brains from abroad.

You'll be my international business partner.

In a year, you'll earn back all the goodies in that briefcase.

But, by then, we'll have raked in so much profit that it'll just be walking around money, you know.

When do I start?


We're with the Seattle Police Department.

We're looking for Tatum Weckler.

Is she around?



Here to see you!

- What's going on?

- Liv: Hi, Tatum.

I'm Liv Moore, this is Detective Babineaux.

We'd like to ask you a few questions about your dad.

I don't like talking about him.

You heard her.


He didn't k*ll himself, you know.

Why do you think that?

Can we get a little privacy, please?

You talked to your father on the phone on the day before he was k*lled.

You asked him if they made him k*ll Roxanne Greer.

Who's they?

Tell me how you know my dad was m*rder*d.

We have a witness.

Who's they, Tatum?

I was talking about the voices in his head.

He had hallucinations.

- Who was it?

- A prison guard.

You should go.

If you think of anything else you want to tell us, please call.

Maybe we can meet somewhere you're more comfortable?

Yeah, okay.

So, zombies work for the police now.

A bit much for Netflix and chill, don't you think?

We need to chat.

I owe you an apology.

For blowing my brains out?

Hey, relationships are tough.

You gotta do whatcha gotta do.

- You were a Romero.

- No, I get it.

Who'd wanna be seen with an uggo like me, right?

You know that's not it.

I was so haunted by the way that you died that I tried to push you out of my mind completely.

I've been diving into all these different brains, at least in part, so that I don't have to live inside my own head.

Face the grief of losing you.

All right.

I'm feeling a little better.

Which means so am I.

This is goodbye.

Let's make it good.

Peyton: Liv...

Look who I ran into in the lobby.

I'll, uh, let you two...

That was just...

Your ghost ex?

Should I be jealous?

Definitely not.

Hey, is, uh, Peyton around?


Nice PJs.

You wanna go kick some ass?

Once they turn into one of those monsters that Harley showed us, is there any way to change them back?



You damn drunk.

Bo John's time, brother.

Get out your wicked stick.

Let's give the people what they want.

Let's light up a zombie and watch him go cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.

Show America they got a zombie problem!

- Oh, yeah, baby!

- Yessiree!

They're going to t*rture him now?

It's a g*n range.

These guys are gonna be armed to the teeth.

We need to have a plan.

What if we...

You think you're smoking in my car?

Atta girl!

All: Ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight!

Ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine!

One hundred thousand!

It's a beautiful thing!

You two, get over here.

You're a part of the team now.

You guys sure about this?

- You might k*ll him.

- Bo: Am I sure?

Hell, yes, I'm sure.

That thing you're looking at is already dead.

He's just a brain-eating corpse like the ones who ate my brother.

Grab your shotguns, boys!

Cover Bo!

If that thing gets loose...

Blow its head off.

They feel pain.

He winces when I give him injections.

- You could go too far, fry him.

- Oh...

Bo knows cattle prods.

Let's do this thing!

No, please.

Don't do this!

I need more time to study him!

Saving the human race, that was the mission, right?

That's what we're doing, Doc.

We're showing the world what they have to be afraid of.

You boys get the night off from boning your cousins?

You're gonna get shot or shocked standing there, Doc.

On the count of five...

This thing is on, and you standing there don't mean a damn thing to us.

He is a person.

Zombie, yes.

But a person.


- Four.

- No!

Please, Ravi!

- I'm gonna light you up!

- Move it, Shockterbooty!


- Now!

- Please move!

- Do it!

- Don't do this!

- Two.

- Rachel: Listen!
