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03x09 - Reckoning Ball

Posted: 07/25/19 07:11
by bunniefuu
Previously on Killjoys...

What's inside?

This one Khlyen made me was a safe house, but the first one he made was a prison for Aneela.

So one keeps Aneela out, the other locks her in.

Meet Lucian Kitaan.

She's Hullen, a hive-minded sociopath.

The combined memories of every Six get stored here.

D'avin can connect to the Green and flip through his memories like a radio dial.

Label this Jaqobis One.

Looks like it's time to get to work, Brynn.

Gander used my research.

It was only supposed to be a theory, but it worked.

Commander Alfred Olyevich Turin, you're under arrest for sedition and crimes against your people.

You do this to take away other people's sins.

Does it work on yours?

I need you to do something for me.

You're not gonna like it.

You found them.

Wasn't exactly hard.

Scarbacks and knives, it's kind of your thing.

These aren't just any knives.

Have you heard of Reckoning Night?

The Thirteen Who Went to Arkyn?

What happened on Arkyn?

A long time ago.

The Devil came to the Quad.

Like a virus, she hid in our bodies, our blood.

The only way to reveal who had been defiled was with the cut of a blade.

That's why the Scarbacks were born, to show who was pure and who had the Devil inside.

One night, 13 monks looked to the barren moon of Arkyn, where they met the Devil face-to-face and swore to k*ll her.

Did they?


No, they did not.

The night before they left for Arkyn, knowing they might never return, each monk went to someone they loved, or hated, someone they needed to reckon with.

So now, before a battle, we give a confession or a curse.

One last thing to say before the end.

How do you know it's the end?

I don't.

But I do know it's coming.

Okay, let me show you.

This plasma is from a single pool.

Original source.

Secondary source.

I know how this works, Dutch.

You k*ll the original source, and the secondary one dies, too.

Aneela was my original source.

She made me from her memories.

So, when she dies, I die.

I get all that.

I don't get why you think the only way to stop her is to k*ll her.

Maybe there's another way.

D'av, she's a psychotic bitch with daddy issues.

Trust me, I know the type.

There's no other way.

I want to hear what Johnny has to say.

- He'll have ideas.

- No.

No matter what happens, you do not tell Johnny.

- Why?

- You're his brother.

You know he won't be able to handle this.

An enemy ship is approaching The Rack.

An unknown Black Root ship just docked.

How the hells did it blow past our auto cannons?

As soon as we picked it up, the entire defense grid went offline.

And before you ask the next obvious question, no, we cannot see inside.

It's blocking our scanners.

Anybody order delivery?

Let's not go total b*llet festival till I get a look at this beauty.

Well, don't k*ll anyone on my account.

Oh, I do hate to be a bother.

- You're...

- Alive?



Yes, all true.

But I'm sure you have lots of questions.

Fire away, so to speak.

What the shit are you doing here?

As emissary for Commander Aneela Kin Rit, I, Delle Seyah Kendry of Land Kendry, invoke your hospitality and protection to engage in Parley.


In this century?

You can't be serious.

Oh, I'm very serious.

But I do have one demand, though.

I'll only do it with Johnny Jaqobis, alone.

I k*lled you once before.

What makes you think that I won't do it again?

I'm sure you want to.

But you won't, not when I'm carrying your own brother's baby.

What did you do?

♪ Ooh, ooh ♪ ♪ Ooh, ooh, ♪ ♪ ooh, ooh ♪ ♪ Ooh, ooh ♪ - Hullen can't have babies.

- Easy.

- This is bullshit.

- D'av.

Trust me, I think I would have remembered knocking up the most evil woman in the universe.

I wouldn't believe Delle Seyah if she told me my name was Dutch, starting with this Parley nonsense.

That part's real.

It's some serious ancient-world shit.

Before w*r, an emissary from either side could meet and give their final demands.

Can I bother one of you for a snack?

I am eating for two these days.

Okay, now she's just messing with me.

There's no way she wants peace.

But she took a big risk coming here.

- Why?

- Parley rules.

Neither side can harm or hinder the other while they talk.

She probably thinks she's safe.

Well, let her think that.

Look, we need to know when the Armada's on their way, what she's planning.

Johnny, you need to keep her talking.

Keep her talking?

After what she did?

Do you know what you're asking me?

What we're asking for is time.

Trust me.

We need it.

I'll see you on the b*ttlefield.

Excuse me, boys.

- I was hoping to run into you.

- Same.

We're gonna need every able-bodied Scarback we can get.

They'll be ready.

What about you?

I'm always ready.

For Reckoning Night?

I appreciate the sentiment, Alvis, but I don't have time for hookups and magic knives.

- I've got a Quad to save.

- The knives aren't magic.

But they are useful.

No one knows if we're ever coming back from this.

Some of us do.

But I'll take it to spare sad monk face.

So what do you want?

Ah, ah, ah.

The words.

We have to do this right, Jaqobis.

"Into this circle, I, John Jaqobis," "do welcome you, Delle Seyah Kendry." "No man or woman shall harm you, but they harm me," "until Parley breaks." "Until Parley breaks," yes.

I knew you'd come through.

You don't know me, Delle Seyah.

But you took a big risk coming here.

Not that big.

If I'm not returned unharmed within 12 hours, 15,000 skyfire missiles will turn Westerley into dust.

And I know you well enough to be sure that you don't want that on your adorable little conscience.

I'm here to talk.

So talk.

What do you want?


Give us Dutch.

(LAUGHS) That's it?

And then, uh...

Then you go home?

Oh, no.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

No, we're still taking the Quad.

We'd just like to do it without all the fighting and resisting and whatnot.


Total surrender?

Is there anything else?

Oh, you don't seem to be taking this very seriously.

Oh, but I've got my "totally taking this seriously" face on and everything.



Ha ha.

Oh, that's a new one.

- I'm trying to help you, Jaqobis.

- Don't bother.

The Quad will never accept any of this without a fight.

Forget the Quad.

I'm talking about something far more personal.

Make the accord, and I will spare you and your brother.

Expand search perimeter 25%.

All ranges open.

Where are you, Aneela?

We searched the entire Quad.

No energy spikes, no heat signals.

If the Armada's here, we can't see it.

We need to go somewhere and talk.

Zeph and I have an idea.

Talk here.

I'm waiting for another scan.

Everybody out!


General's orders!

Not you, Zeph.

D'av, is this about Delle Seyah?

Because nobody believes that baby shit.

I don't care about that.

Actually, I'm pretty freaked out, but that's not what this is about.

- Zeph, talk.

- I'm really not getting the "Dutch wants to hear Zeph talk" vibe.

- Zeph.

- Okay.

Um, if the Armada's as close as we think, there's no way I can get the Sonic ready in time to mind-bang their ships like we planned, but maybe we can use this.

Khlyen's cube.

What, do we all hide in it until the Armada flies away?

Not us, her.

We don't need to k*ll Aneela.

We just need to get her inside and keep her there, like Khlyen did.

You've been in her memories.

You know what she wants.

What would she come for?

Well, we know that she wants to k*ll me.

What if she thinks you're in the cube?

The Hullen share memories.

What if we could find a way to implant a memory into the Green that makes her think you're there?

She would go to it.


This could work, Dutch.

This could save you.

All right.

And I think I know someone who can help - with that memory swap.

- Me too.

I am telling you right now, my family is not gonna pay any ransom.


Wow, the black hood and everything!

- Yeah, for old times' sake.

- Well, I am touched.

But no wonder I didn't recognize you.

Where were all the threats to punch me in the face?

Look, we need some help with some underground shit.

We have to find a way to take a memory from one person and put it into someone else.

And we can't ask John.

Want to help source some tech?

Sounds interesting and creepy.

Which is why I thought of you.

Are there ladies involved?

Kind of.

Trust me, Pip, this one isn't your type.

Make 'em nice and tight, flesh bag.

I like a good challenge.

Mmm, you give back rubs to all the girls you spring from the brig?

I'm not springing you.

It's a day trip.

And this is definitely not a back rub.

It's insurance.

I will tear your eyes out and feed them to you, meat stick.

You'll heal, eventually.

So long as my knife is between your second and third vertebrae, you won't be able to scratch your own ass.

So play nice and do exactly as I say.

Clever girl.

I'll give you this.

You're definitely as crazy as her.

I didn't say you could talk.


Do you know what tonight is?

Do I look like the religious type?

I've been thinking about you.

Being taken by the Hullen.

Couldn't have been easy, being cut off from everyone you knew.

You ever buy your own bullshit, monk?

Funny you should ask.

Fancy Lee, I'm here to say I'm sorry.

For what?

For not being there when you needed it, and not seeing that until now.

Your knife.

It's yours now.

Uh, Pip, I appreciate your help, but in the future, give me a heads-up if our destination is a VR circle jerk.

You said you wanted underground, okay?

This is as underground as it gets.

Also, technically, it's a "circle jack." Also, I wouldn't touch anything.

Oh, Mano!


Hey, hey.

We're trying to keep this on the down low, remember?

D'av, D'avinski, what's my middle name, baby?


Good timing, Pip-man.

New batch just came in.

"Shower Day in a Terlian Salt Mine." Ha.


What a perv this guy is, huh?

You're gonna love it.

Hey, you want your usual "Mommy Domineer-ist"...



Anyway, uh, hush.

I sent you a message.

About the false memory stuff?



Yeah, like you aren't into some weird shit, too.

Okay, don't judge me.

But it's like I said...

This shit ain't just heavy, okay?

This is, uh, beyond virtual.

You jack something in with this, pleasure, pain.

You think it happened.

You think it happened.

For realsies.


Because if it doesn't work, I will come back and show you pain.

For realsies.

God, that's hot.

You know I'm not about to sell out every single person in the Quad just so that I can be safe.

Fight us, and there won't be many living left.

I'm trying to help you all.

Trust me.

The last time that I did that, you k*lled someone that I loved.

Pawter, still?

You really have to let that one go.

I mean, uh, you k*lled me.

Am I carrying a grudge?

Besides, we're family now.

We know the Hullen can't get pregnant.

Well, don't take my word for it.

I wouldn't.

Test me.

DNA samples, whatever you want.

I submit to you completely.


I got a w*r to get ready for.


You want me to scan you?

Agreeing to Parley was the only way I could convince Aneela to let me off the Armada.

I need to know what's really inside me.

No, Dutch, it's too dangerous.

I cannot let you go.

I need to do this, D'avin.

I have to go into the cube, alone.

It's the only place I'll be safe.

Aneela will never think to find me there.

Damn it.

You're right.

- But I still don't like it.

- Stop.


Just stop.


You guys literally just pissed in my eyeballs with that performance.

D'avin, what is this?

What are you doing with your hands?

When have you ever seen a human being do that?


You lie to people for a living, right?

It's different when you're being recorded.

What am I supposed to do with these?


Try this.

Now I don't know what to do with the cup.

Just improvise, all right?

Be honest, except for the whole lying part.

All right, it's gonna be great.

It's gonna be really good.

From the top.

And act.

No, Dutch, it's too dangerous.

I cannot let you go.

I know it's risky.

And I know you don't want to do this.

As long as I'm in the cube, Aneela can't find me.

I'll be safe.

This could work, D'av.

This could save me.


How'd you know it was my birthday?

And you got me my very own little boy to chew on.

What does that mean?

Come a little closer, I'll show you.


We've got tests to run.

You ran all sorts on me in the brig.

You keep sticking me with things.

Starting to think you're sweet on me.


It's showtime.

No, Dutch, it's too dangerous.

I cannot let you go.

My voice does not sound like that.

- I know it's risky...

- Does it?

I know you don't want...

What's wrong?

What did you just do?

I don't know.

The tech is super prototype-y.

Hang on.


Were you trying to noodle with my noggin?

Here we go.

Whatever it is, it's definitely organic.

What kind of organic, girl?

Well, it's hard to say.

That can be a hand or a foot or a claw.

Whoa, your heart rate just spiked.

- Well, I wonder why that is!

- Easy.


Okay, there.



And it's a perfectly normal-looking baby.


Hullen parasites would attack the fetus.

I don't know, but I'd say five, maybe six months.

Try three weeks.

That's concerning.

- Oh.

- Moment of truth.

Paternity results.

There's Daddy.

How do you think I feel?

I'm carrying the nephew of my own k*ller.


Something's wrong.

What the hells is that?


Oh, it hurts!

Something is wrong.


Just breathe.

We're trying...

Zeph, come on.

I don't even know which setting is safe.

How about the one that stops the hurting?

Oh, it stopped.

What did you do?

I flooded your abdomen with low-frequency sound wave patterns at varied harmonic ranges.

She played it a lullaby.

The baby's sleeping.

You're welcome.

That was nice work.

Well, it wasn't hard to counteract when I realized someone set the scanner to stimulate the baby's adrenaline receptor.

I'm trying to figure out what we're dealing with.

No way that's a normal human kid.

Whoa, is that cell regeneration even possible?


But maybe yes?

Aw, look at you being all bio-curious.

Admit it, I'm rubbing off on you.

I mean, not in a sexual way.

Unless you want to...





Reckoning Night.

Anyway, uh, here's the thing.

The Hullen only need us as hosts because they can't reproduce on their own.

But if they can use D'av's resistance to the plasma, they won't need us anymore.

What's to stop them from wiping us out for good?

That's not just a baby.

That's our extinction.

Nice view.

Thanks for the upgrade.

Oh, don't thank me yet.

- Do you recognize where we are?

- Nope.

But I recognize you.

I served her, you know, our mad commander.

When I first saw you, I assumed she had a plan.

I mean...

You could practically be her.

I'm sorry.

Did I touch a nerve?

You know, you talk a lot for someone's who's about to watch her entire race go down screaming.

It's gonna take a lot of knives - in a lot of spines, honey.

- No.

We're going to implant a fabricated memory in your brain and then upload it to the Hullen hive mind and lead your commander into an ambush.

And you're gonna let us do it.

Well, that's refreshingly honest.

And I'm sure the t*rture will be delish.

But I'm Hullen, sweetie.

And I will fight you forever.

You still don't see where we are, do you?

It's the Latimer-6 system.

There's not much here, a few old moons, but one interesting unnamed planet that houses a massive underground pool of plasma.

The one that was used to turn you.

There's no way you could know that.

We know a lot of things.

Locations of the sources...

And thanks to the tests that we did and Johnny's plasma map, which one is yours.

We also know that if we destroy it, we turn you back to what you were before.

So I don't need to t*rture you.

I just need to take away the one thing that makes you special, unless you play really nice.


Did I touch a nerve?

Gonna go look at this other wall now.

Trying to pace myself.

- See, I call this one Westy...

- Psst.

Or, no, wait.

Is this Easty?

I can never get them straight.

You at least gonna give me one of those, make it a fair fight?

Yeah, that's not how this usually goes.

w*r's coming.

It's Reckoning Night.

Well, jeez, Fancy, never took you for a Scarboob.

But I suppose you got as good a reason as any to want to reckon with me.

You don't have to stay trapped.

It's up to you.

So I walk out of here, and we're pals again?

Or I'm just another warrant for you to fill?

There are no warrants now.

It's w*r, and I still don't trust you.

I'm just giving you a chance to prove me wrong, the chance you owed me.

Why tranq her?

So she won't remember this part.

Okay, once we get the memory implanted, we put her hand in here, and everything should be automatically uploaded to the Hullen hive mind, as soon as she touches the plasma.

You okay?

Listen, Sabine taught me to memory jump.

I can do this.

We have weird jobs.

We're going to implant a fabricated memory in your brain, upload it to the Hullen hive mind, and lead the commander to an ambush.

And you're gonna let us do it.


Okay, this is the one we need to isolate and remove.

Get the next one ready.

Okay, that's the one.

- Lock it in.

- I know it's risky.

It's in.

You better not pee on me.

Keep 'em coming.

Round five it is.

Now, while I'm gone fighting the good fight, make sure you keep the top-shelf hokk towards the front, rotgut in the back.

The drunker these sailors get, the less discerning their palates are.

- Which reminds me...

- Yeah, yeah.

Hokk, rotgut, got it.

Anything else?

Thank you?

Might be nice to go fight a w*r for a bit.

Oh, so now you like my mugs?

Whoa, do not get crazy.

These are still dishware felonies.

And after what we just pulled off, we need to celebrate.

Shouldn't we be toasting to the new daddy?

I did not have sex with that woman.

D'av, I'm joking.

Look, I've done a lot of things I don't always remember...


Thanks for the plan and for not giving up.

So stupid.

"Check the tech for us, Pippin." "Risk your ass for us, Pippin." "Make sure the crazy lady stays sedated, Pippin." They treat us like slaves, Lucy, not people.

I'm a computer, Pippin.

I'm better than a person.

Okay, easy now.

I'm sure you're very special, but being human, we have this kind of inherent awareness that's just...

Are you aware the prisoner is awake?



What did you do to me?

Pippin, I can alert Dutch.


No, um...

I can handle this.


You should be asleep, little lady.

Um, I can fix this.


Do you know what happens to a knife the longer it's been sitting in blood and spinal fluid?

Uh, that's an oddly specific question.

It gets wet and slippery, and then, it falls out.

Oh, shit.

I believe that belongs to me.

We probably shouldn't get completely hammered until we're back.

Or just hear me out.

We should because...

You're gonna be okay.

And it's Reckoning Night.



What is it, Lucy?

Brace for impact.

Lucy, status.



D'av, wake up.

Lucy, open the cockpit door!

Sorry, occupied.

I told you to fly the ship, chew toy, not crash into an asteroid.

So get us up and running, or I get mean.

I'm trying, but the computer is offline.

Remember the part when I said that I'm not a pilot?

The only people who stay alive on this ship are the ones who can help me.

I'd suggest you learn, fast.

You make a compelling argument.

I know what you did.

The memory implant.

Using me to get it into the Green.

Your little mascot here told me everything.

All right, Kitaan, what do you want?

I just need to get to the closest pool of plasma so I can warn my people, but looks like you brought me to the Latimer-6 system!


Except for your busted-ass ship.


Open the cockpit doors.

I can help with that.

Oh, you severed my spine, darling, not my brain functions.

Once this ship is online, I'll be venting all the cabins.

Now, me, I can survive without oxygen for a very, very long time.

What about you?

Daddy, we know.

Now meet Mommy.


Well, that's what the RAC database thought at first, but we looked more closely.

The DNA strand is actually a perfect reverse of hers, which we know belongs to...


She didn't tell you?

Aneela's a ruler, and rulers have their reasons.

You're not actually loyal to her, are you?

I wouldn't expect you to understand.

But I do need to go now.

I don't think that that's a good idea.

Aneela will need to hear that you rejected her offer.

Parley is over.

Well, you didn't hear my counteroffer.


Let's observe you, make sure whatever happened to your baby doesn't happen again.

It's like you said...

We are family now.


So, while I'm here, I suppose we'll have to postpone the invasion, and you can get all your little w*r ducks in a row?

I don't think so.

Thank you, John.

I'm sure helping me wasn't easy.

I'm sorry.

Did you just have an actual human moment?

It's hard to love something and then lose it.

I get that now.

I will never forgive you.

I wouldn't respect you if you did.

Hey, Kitaan.

You've got a problem.

You'll never make it to Latimer if this ship can't fly.

But let's make this interesting.

I have one last container of plasma on this ship, and the only thing standing between you and it is me.

You do know the way to a girl's heart.

But I know you, too, sweetie.

I am not Aneela.

Oh, I can see that now.

Because as crazy and broken as she is, she's a leader.

And you, you're just an echo of her, a shadow.

I win.





Is this the part where you thr*aten to space me unless I really help you this time?


Your memory's in the Green now.

Our plan is blown.

My friend's probably gonna die.

You win.

What do you want?

You can't k*ll me this way.

I can live out in space forever.

That's what I'm counting on.

- Lucy, take out the trash.

- Gladly.



Let's see if she's still standing after The Devil's Bullwhip.


That's it.

Enough with the sighs and the stares and the whatever this is.

Speak now or forever hold your shade.

Do you know it's Reckoning Night?

Know it?

It's paying for our next three vacations right now.


Anything to reckon with me?

Don't I matter to you?

Oh, Gar-Bear.

Since I've been on Westerley, I've seen more Reckonings than I can count.

You know what I found?

What people say when they think they're gonna die, that's not what matters.

What matters is that you come back alive to the ones you love.

And after all this, I am coming home to you.

Okay, I like him!

Thanks, Ma.

- That's your mother?

- Yeah.

I wanted her blessing.

She's my Reckoning.

Also, she's a drunk.

Welcome to the family.


This isn't the way we came from the hangar.

You're not going to the hangar.

You're going to the brig.

Well, you can't do that.

- Parley...

- Is a bunch of old words.

And this is w*r.

You know what this means, don't you?

We have 15,000 skyfire missiles aimed at Westerley.

I know.

But I have something even better.

I have the Hullen heir.

Oh, you are making a very risky move here.

And you made a mistake.

You showed me what mattered to your commander.


Oh, I have to say, I'm almost impressed.

I really didn't expect this from you, Jaqobis.

Well, then that was your other mistake, because I told you, Delle Seyah, you don't know me at all.

Take her.

Hey, there he is.

Feel like lending a hand?

Oh, sorry, Pip.

I was trying to figure out how to say thank you for telling our prisoner everything, crashing our ship, and knocking Lucy offline.

Actually, D'avin, I remained offline as part of his plan, until you were able to stop the intruder.

Sorry, what was that, Lucy?

Are you saying that all this was part of my brilliant ruse to stall for time?

It was.

And Pippin even continued his ruse by telling the Hullen intruder that if she did k*ll you and Dutch, he was open to negotiation.

Thank you.

Lucy, that's fine.

But it was difficult to follow this part, as he was weeping uncontrollably at the time.

I'm gonna check the coupler.

Where's Kitaan?


Look, when we get back to The Rack, we're gonna grab John and get him and Zeph to nerd-smack the Sonic into some version we can actually use.

- D'av, stop.

- Look, you're still bleeding.

- I'll take two seconds...

- Not that.


All the plans trying to save me, just, please, stop.

You really are giving up.


I'm giving in.

I need you to tell Johnny.


I can't tell him.

He can't handle it if I go.

Why does everybody always think that I can?

Do you know what you are?

- I'm just tryin'...

- Selfish.

Standing there bleeding like you're some kind of martyr, like the whole universe rests on your shoulder.

Well, it doesn't.

You're not some special snowflake.

You know what?

You're not even a very good Killjoy.

You never follow orders.

You drink too much.

You sleep with all the wrong guys.

I'm gonna miss our little talks.

I'm gonna miss.

John's stupid in-jokes with Lucy.

I'm gonna miss that time when John was gone and it was just me and you, kicking Hullen ass and drinking too much and sleeping with the wrong people.


Remember that, um...

That sexer at the Leithian Harvest?


Wow, I almost forgot about her.

What about you and Captain Bucktooth?

He had nice eyes?


Who can remember?

You're still bleeding.

Well, it's Reckoning Night.

♪ I am a poor ♪ ♪ Wayfaring stranger ♪ ♪ While traveling through ♪ ♪ This world of woe ♪ ♪ Yet there's no sickness ♪ ♪ No toil or danger ♪ Back behind that top shelf, there's the worst whiskey moonshine ever made.

- I'll take the bottle.

- Coming up.

♪ I'm going there ♪ ♪ To see my father ♪ To fallen friends.

Yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

♪ No more to roam ♪ ♪ I'm only going ♪ ♪ Over yonder ♪ ♪ I'm only going ♪ ♪ Over home ♪ We talked.


You can do all the sweet-talking you want, - I'm not gonna change my mind.

- Dutch.

- This is the only way.

- I know.

We're in.

You are?

I've been with you long enough to know when your mind's made up.

But I'm not gonna let you do it alone.

We're gonna infiltrate her ship.

Get me close enough to k*ll her, and after that...

After that, I'm gone.

I can't get you out of this, not this time.

Why should you get all the fun?


Should we get shitfaced for Reckoning Night?

I've got one last thing to do, but...

I'll see you at the Royale, okay?

So you think we can get around this?

I know I'm gonna try whether she likes it or not.

Oh, yeah, and the baby?

It's yours.


Well, sorry I knocked up your mortal enemy.

That's all right I got her right where I want her.

♪ I am a poor ♪ ♪ Wayfaring stranger ♪ ♪ While traveling through ♪ ♪ This world of woe ♪ You came.

Well, I have a lot to reckon with.

Dutch, take it from someone who knows martyrs.

Not everything is on you.


Not everything.

But this is.

♪ I'm going there ♪ ♪ To see my father ♪ ♪ I'm going there ♪ ♪ No more to roam ♪ A long time ago, the Devil came to the Quad.

The only way to reveal her...

Was with the cut of a blade.

♪ I know dark clouds ♪ ♪ Will gather round me ♪ ♪ I know my way ♪ ♪ Is rough and steep ♪ ♪ Over yonder ♪ ♪ I'm only going over home ♪