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04x07 - O Mother, Where Art Thou

Posted: 07/25/19 07:16
by bunniefuu
DUTCH: Previously on Killjoys...

How about a story?

A true story.

A memory of yours I need you to hold on to.

There are zero hits on this woman, unless someone scrubbed her entire existence.


Who's the new recruit?

You can't let your guard down.



Step away from my kid, or your skull gets a sunroof.

- Where the hell's my Garebear?

- I don't know.

We were trying to save some kids.

The Hullen got the upper hand.

They took Gared.

Guess I'll have to rescue Gared myself.

Look for any kind of distinct markings.

Oh, gods.

We're on the RAC.

- Check out Joe's badge.

- That's not the RAC symbol.

And this?


It's a pulsar.

Clever Khlyen found a way to leave a map in my brain without me even knowing.

Is there something wrong with me?

- No.

- Then what am I?

You're my son.

Pack your bags.

We're gonna hit the road.

- d*ck punch!

- Excuse me?

When D'av gets back, I'm punching him right in the pants business.

I know that you outrank me, but I get first punch.

He's pulled this whole abandoning his family crap on me about eight times too many.

If you're done bitching, we've got work to do.

You get to be mad at people, too, you know.

This is the part where you call him an assface.

It's called a pile-on.

You'll love it.

I need you to give Lucy the coordinates to the pulsar.

The pulsar?

Khlyen embedded all this shit in my memory because he thought it would save us.

So whatever answers we need are tied to that pulsar.

So that's where we're going next.

Without D'av?

The Lady started making her move on Westerley days ago.

So we need to make ours while we still can.

D'av made his choice.

What's yours?

- One pulsar coming up.

- Thank you.

I'll go set the coordinates.


Who are you?


Hang on, Aneela.

I'm coming.

Stop or we will open fire.

This is your last warning.

Five, four, three, two...

- Leave us.

- Yes, sir.

You could have just told me you were coming.

And waste the chance for a grand entrance?

I think not.

The Nine Families send their regards.

We are 10 Families.

Not for long if you keep ignoring us from up here on your silly rock.

- What are you hiding?

- You should leave.

You should remember who you're talking to.

You know why I'm here, Khlyen.

Where is she?

Play one of the best new FPS sh**t, search Steam for PROJECT WARLOCK What is it?

I'm working.




I told Papa you'd come for me.

I told him.


What's wrong with her?

KHLYEN: It's a neuroparasitic infection.

Something local to Arkyn.

I didn't want you to see her like that.

She's my daughter.

Were you just not gonna tell me?

Instead, I have to come here and catch you sneaking off like some thief.

I am not sneaking.

I'm leaving to find her help.

Not without me.

We'll take her to Qresh.

The company's best doctors.

Who have no idea what this is.

She's hearing voices, Yalena.


It doesn't matter.

I'm going to stop this.


I should have been here.

I thought her silence was anger over the breakup of our family.

Blame because I didn't fight to keep us together.

But I am here now.

And if you try to leave the Quad without me, my love, every Qreshi ship within firing range will turn you into dust.

Shall we go?

DUTCH: I'm glad you came.

You really think I wouldn't?

Lucy, ETA to the coordinates of the pulsar.

LUCY: T-minus seven minutes.

Can I just ask you one thing?

Yeah, sure, so long as it's not about D'av.

No problem.

- It's about D'av.

- Johnny.

Why don't you wanna go find him?

It's not like you.

People change.

We both know you're not people.

He doesn't want me around his kid.

He thinks I'm too damaged.

Who isn't?

Yeah, well, apparently, I'm the kind of damaged that you have to contain.


No, I don't need you to make me feel better.

I just need you to move on.

Can you do that?

LUCY: Approaching coordinates.

Uh, Lucy, are you sure these are the coordinates?

- What's wrong?

- What do you see out there?

- Nothing.

- Exactly.

Pulsars are neutron stars about the size of a city.

We should see something by now.

So where the hells is it?


Well, what do we have here?



Nice boots.

I want them.

Good luck with that.

'Cause these are shit-kickers.

And you're the shit.



How about those boots?

PREE: Oh, I don't think so.

You're not gonna take those boots away from that jacket.


- How's your day, Garebear?

- Could be better.


Consider it done.


- What the hell's so funny?

- He's taking off his earrings.

You have no idea how much shit you're in, but it's a lot.

- Who are you betting on?

- Old Towners.

You sure about that?



I'm sorry.

Please stop.




So much shit.


TURIN: You dolphins coming up for air anytime soon?


No, it's one of the other voices in your head.

That's it.

I'm taking this lens out.

TURIN: Not a chance.

We're gonna figure out what the Hullen are up to.

I need that lens to get me eyes inside the RAC.


- Who are you talking to?

- Turin.

He's inside my head.


For me, it's my mom.

Oh, no, no, baby, I...

Never mind.

Who were those guys?

Couple Old Towners being held on low-level warrants.

Seems like everyone forgot about them.

How'd you get here so fast?

I got here as fast as I could, all right?

No, really.

I only got here about 10 minutes ago.

Gared, you've been here for five days.

What have they been doing to you?

I don't know.

My head's cloudy.

The last thing I remember was a bunch of white suits bringing me in here.

TURIN: Hullen.

Senior ranks.

Pree, use your eyes while you're down there.

Find out what the hells they're doing to our people.

All right.

We're busting out of here.

But first, help Papa find those earrings.

- Hmm?

- Yeah.

I think I actually missed your damn tea.

Where are you taking us?

To the place where it started.

The voice?

How can a voice start in a place if it's all in Aneela's head?

If I tried to explain it, you'd think me insane.

Oh, that's cute.

Trying to protect the esteem you imagine I still hold for you.

Play nice.

Nice is for nursemaids, darling.

I'm a gods damn queen.

That, you are.

Tell me the truth, Khlyen.

I know when you lie.

What's the question?

Is our daughter going to die?


We're here.

What is that?

JOHN: It should be a pulsar.

I've rechecked the coordinates a dozen times.

The sound waves that Khlyen put in your memory match.

- This is where he sent us.

- Then where's the damn pulsar?


Lucy, what are you doing?

LUCY: We are suddenly moving at an extremely rapid rate.

Yeah, I got that.

Can you suddenly stop, please?

- I'm sorry, I cannot.

- Lucy, that's an order.

I am unable to follow it because I am not the one controlling our trajectory.

I'm being pulled.

By what?

One explanation for the disappearance of a pulsar is an increase in mass leading to a total collapse, which in turn leads to...

Oh, shit.

"Oh, shit," what?

What's the shit?

We're being pulled into a black hole.

Oh, shit.

LUCY: We will be crossing the black hole's event horizon in six minutes.

Threat level imminent.

It's not my favorite kind of threat level, if I'm being honest.

Divert all power to thrusters, Lucy.

Diverting power now.

But at our current rate of speed, it is likely you will turn into a stream ofsubatomic particles shortly.

- Could be worse.

- Unlikely.

Theoretically, it does not get worse than dying in a black hole.

It's always fun flying with you, Lucy.

Thrusters are now at full power.

Give it everything you've got.


No change.

We are still on course for the event horizon in four minutes.

We need more power.

Okay, reroute all coil and rail g*ns to induction drivers - while I look for more power.

- The weapons system?

- It's our only shot.

- It's also a great way to die.

If the heat from overloading the capacitors doesn't fry us, - the expl*si*n will.

- And yet I still wanna try it.


LUCY: Johnny?

You heard the crazy lady.


See, now this is what I mean when I say you're hard to shop for.

I would have never thought to buy you those.

Gift from Dutch.

You gotta move, Pree.

You've only got so much time before the guards come back - to check on your cell.

- What's the plan?

TURIN: I'll guide you to engineering where your lens there will uplink the RAC security feed to the Armada.

Once that's done, I'll handle the rest.

Oh, you'll handle the rest, will you?

And then we'll get you out of there.

- Wow.

- Oh.

We are definitely keeping these uniforms.

What are you doing?

We can take the power from the oxygen concentrator.

We also won't be able to breathe.

Fine, we'll wear rebreathers.

Look, Lucy can't figure everything out for you, Johnny.

- I'm trying to save us here.

- It still won't be enough power.

And excuse me, (WHISPERS)

but Lucy needs me to figure things out.

- LUCY: I heard that.

- Shit.

Look, Khlyen didn't send us all this way so that we can just die in a black hole.

Who knows with that creepy bastard?

Maybe it wasn't a black hole when he planned this.

Event horizon imminent.

But, hey, the way physics works, if we do get out, it could be hundreds of years later.

That brown jacket you love might be back in style.


Sorry, Johnny.

I'm not.

I mean, I knew that we would die together eventually.

In a black hole, that's...

That's appropriately badass.

Lucy, open a comms channel.

What are you doing?

Sending one last message.

D'av, it's John.

Don't follow us to the pulsar.

And don't blame yourself.

Whatever happens, I love you.

Dutch, whatever you have to say to D'av, this is your last chance.


- Lucy, what just happened?

- Unable to explain.

External sensors are jammed.

Did we cross?

Is this it?


We appear to have landed.

Landed on what?

Lucy, whatever's jamming you, is it organic or man-made?

A jamming signal of any kind is unlikely to exist in a black hole.

This one appears to be man-made.

Son of a sneaky b*tch.

The pulsar's not gone.

It's hidden.

By a fake black hole.

It's funny.

I'm not normally this winded.

It's the air.

It's thinner here.

- Yet you seem fine.

- I got used to it on Arkyn.

Save your breath.

We're close.

You know, everyone asks why you never come home to visit the estates.

Well, I've been a little busy, Yalena.

Still, the 10 Families have been vicious lately.

I could have used your help.

You never needed anyone's help, let alone mine.

It's not true.

Even on your worst days, you're 10 steps ahead of everyone else.


Except me.

(COCKS g*n)

- What are you doing, Yalena?

- Me?

I'm struggling to breathe, but you're fine.

That pulsar burned my eyes, but you barely blinked.

- Put the g*n down.

- Not another step.

What have you become?

Aneela isn't the only one who got sick, is she?




I wish you hadn't done that.

JOHN: How's it looking out there?

Ground is solid.

Still no sign of any life.

I can't see anything in this shit.

Have you got Lucy's sensors up and running?

I'm working on it, but I still think I should be out there with you.

DUTCH: No, I'm not gonna go too far until we have some idea of what this place is.



Johnny, I don't think we're alone here.

I'm coming back to you.

Johnny, bit of a problem here.

Yeah, way ahead of you.

JOHN: What's the plan here, Dutch?

One of you cosplay jagoffs stop dicking around and tell me what the hells this place is.

Okay, bald aggression.

Yeah, that's a choice.

Drop your w*apon or die.

Oh, I'm so scared.

You have a pointy stick.

Dutch, stop shit-stirring and get out of there.

We obviously got the wrong place.

Don't think so, Johnny.

Patched arms.

JOHN: Yeah, I see it.

What now?


We get a little stupid.

What the hells?

I am Yalena Yardeen.

And I was sent here by Khlyen Kin Rit.

How do you know Khlyen?

I'm his daughter.


Never heard you say that before.

Because it's the first time I've ever said it.

This way.

Whoa, Dutch, what way?

Do not follow the bad men with pointy sticks.

Sorry, Johnny, but whatever this place is, it's exactly where Khlyen meant me to be.

All right, Turin, we're here.

But there doesn't seem to be any power running through here.

Hang on.

Patching the code through to your lens now.

PREE: Why is nothing happening?

- Did you do it right?

- I'm a w*rlord, okay?


You think I can't type code into a pad?

God damn it.

They must have reprogrammed the whole damn place.

You think you can override the system?

- But it's just two.

- What's just two?

- If they die, you have more.

- No.

Hullen might be a dime a dozen, but we're not.

It's not just two.

I count just two.

You're really hung up on the math, aren't you?

Yes, fine.

It's just two guys.

- But they're my guys.

- You own them.

No, but they're my guys, okay?

Just like you.


- What is love?

- Oh, gods, somebody k*ll me.

Just figure out the override.

We'll come back to human school later.

- DUTCH: Johnny, you still there?

- Yep.

But not up for much conversation.


Fine, I'll just tell you what I see.

We're heading down some sort of tunnel.

Weird carvings along the wall.

LUCY: Johnny, would you like my help?

He seems rather enormous.

I got this, Luce.

All right, listen up.

I don't know who you are, and I don't care because me and my friend out there, we're Killjoys.

Didn't do anything for you?


'Cause we're kind of a big deal.

Where did you get this?

It belongs to a friend of mine.

You k*lled him.

Well, someone's being rather presumptuous.

Then where is he?

Okay, fine, fine, fine, yes.

He may be a little dead.

But he died doing what he loved.

Trying to k*ll a friend of mine.

- We can't go any further.

- Did you forget the key?

Guys, you had one job.

No, we can't go any further.

You have to go alone.

Good luck.

Well, if this is a surprise party, you're in big trouble.

This blade cauterizes as it cuts.

I could slice you in half and keep you alive until you talk.

I'm gonna enjoy this.

Okay, I'm in a room.

Some sort of Qreshi hangings.

Old as shit.



LUCY: You still got this, John?

No, I super got this.



- Lucy, was that you?

- Yes.

I detected the guard's metal-tipped boots, so I electrified the floor grid because I am very smart.


I didn't even know you could do that.

Surprises keep our relationship spicy.

Also, you did need my help.

You're gonna lord this over me for a while, aren't you?

Does this mean that your sensors are back online?

Yes, I've piggybacked onto the jammer's frequency.

Way ahead of you.

Lock this fool in and see if you can track the source of the jammer.

And a cryopod in an empty temple.


But who's inside?

No, no, no!


A little help here.

Those glowstick-carrying b*stards locked me in.


YALENA: Aneela?

- It's you.

- Of course, it's me.

You don't recognize your own mother?


Who are you?

You're not my daughter.

PREE: Okay, here goes.


The override worked!

Good job, partner.

Now get that lens in the biometric scanner.

You know what that looks like?

I don't know why you keep underestimating me, but it stops now.

Of course, I know what a biometric scanner looks like.

- TURIN: Once you take that lens out of your eye...

- I think that's it.

We lose communication.

Then how do we get out of here?

Go through the canteen, head for the barracks, and wait for the jump pod.


All right.

Here goes nothing.

Come on, come on.

All right, boys, we are in!

Let's get out of here.


The kids.

Oh, shit.

GARED: What are they doing to them?

I don't know, but if we can...

No, no, no!


We are not the cavalry right now, honey bun.

We are just two men in borrowed suits and seriously outnumbered.

No, no, if we try to save those kids like this, we're dead, and so are they.

Be smart.

We have to come back for them.

- Right away.

- With an army at our back.

I promise.



And things were going so well.

You look just like her.

How is this possible?

I could try to explain, but you may think me crazy.

Well, you certainly talk like Khlyen.

I take it you know him?

I take it you're not Hullen?

What with the cryopod.

Do you know why he sent you here?

Not yet.

But a lot's riding on me figuring it out.

So you traveled to a distant star, braved a black hole, made your way to me, and you don't know why?

I assumed Khlyen sent me here to k*ll you.


Khlyen has many faults, my dear.

Willingly hurting me was never one of them.

I wish I could say the same.

Then we knew very different Khlyens.

It's just a scratch.

You'll live.

That makes two of us, which is strange, since I shot you.

You're confused.

You fainted and hit your head.

Fainting's for the weak.

I took a very sudden nap.

How did you know.

I was different?

You didn't hold my hand.

After I saw Aneela, I was broken.

And you didn't even hold my hand.

There's a coldness to you now.

An emptiness you're trying to hide.

You've kept your charm but lost your heart.

I was never very good at hiding anything from you.

What happened to you and Aneela on Arkyn?

It's easier if I show you.

Show me what?

What all this is for.


JOHN: Enjoy your nap.


Told you I could hit them.

LUCY: I told you where they were standing.


We're a team.

We need each other.

That's not what you said.

Well, I'm a complicated person, Lucy.

- I contain multitudes.

- Of bullshit?

Okay, remind me to adjust your sass metric when I'm back.

Now, where's this signal that you're tracking?

Deeper in the tunnels.

YALENA: What is this place?

Who lived here?

If I'm right, the first to connect with that.

- What is it?

- It's a plasma pool.

Originally, I thought it was an organic perfectant capable of curing all illness and disease.

But inside hides something alien and evil.

YALENA: Aneela's voice.

KHLYEN: Calling to her and only her day and night, driving her mad.

Aneela calls her The Lady.

She wants out.

But I finally know how to stop her.

These plasma pools exist within a temporal web, allowing those bonded with the Green to communicate.

But every communication leaves a unique mark.

And all of hers lead back to here.

You're going to silence her with goo?

Targeted prion.

Once I introduce this compound into the plasma, it will infect every linked pool like a poison dart.

We'll find this Lady wherever she hides.

And this will all be over.

Lucy, you won't believe what I'm looking at.

LUCY: A magneto-optical trap used to mimic the properties of a black hole.

How long have you known it's here?

Since I synched my sensors to the jamming frequency, but I wanted you to feel like you found this yourself.

I didn't know you could be so patronizing.

I'm a complicated program, Johnny.

So shutting this beauty down, that'll disable the traction pull, so we can fly out of here, right?

It appears the energy from the hidden pulsar is being used to power this device.

Shutting it off will only open a small window in which...

We'd have to get the hells out of range before the magnetic pulse turns back on and crushes us on exit.


And I'm guessing that window, it's impossibly small, right?

Correct again, Johnny.


Yay, me.


PREE: What the hells is this?

Oh, no.

TURIN: That's it.

I'm going in to get our boys.

What is your plan?

Bring me every w*apon, pseudo-w*apon, and potential w*apon you can find.

Load up the jump pod and send me to the RAC.

Figure out the rest when I get there and start sh**ting faces.

- It's dangerous.

- It's the job.

Too dangerous.

The Hullen will k*ll you.

You are not strong enough.

- Now you're just being mean.

- You have no plan.

Well, I'm not gonna sit here and do nothing.

That's all the plan I need.

LUCY: The guard I electrocuted is awake and manually overriding my door.

I can no longer contain him.


It's safe to assume he's coming for you.

Oh, yeah?

I've never felt safer.

- Any luck finding Dutch?

- Negative.

Okay, Lucy, if I shut this down, can you keep the comms open so that I can tell Dutch what's happening?

I hope so.

Yeah, me, too.

Okay, okay, okay.




It's solidified.

What happened?

DUTCH: Aneela.

She did this to keep The Lady from escaping.

So it's over.


Aneela is still alive, and so is the Green.

It may be frozen, but it's not dead.

Then why are you here?

You should be helping her.

I will, once you give me Khlyen's compound.


It's not for you.

How do you know that?

He would have told me.


Khlyen is gone.

The only thing that's left of him is a memory now, in the Green.

Then we failed.

I'm so sorry.


I'm the one who's sorry.


But if Khlyen is dead, it's time to destroy it all.

JOHN: Dutch, can you hear me?

Dutch, if you can hear me, we've got a short window to get out of here.


You're not coming through.

Say it again.



Come with me.

Tough call.

Let me think.


Turin is my guy.

If you're gonna k*ll me, k*ll me.

But don't insult my intelligence.

Come with me, please.

So you can string us up and bleed us dry?

Hells no.

God damn it!


He's with Turin.

- Yeah, that's definitely him.

- Okay.

- SOLDIER: They're down here!

- Get down!

You are my guys.

And now I'm stuck in a cryopod.

Because Khlyen sent me here.

Because D'avin abandoned us.

And because I let a 200-year-old lady knock me out.

And because I keep taking everyone's shit.

And I am sick of it!



Yalena, listen to me, please.

This is my fault.

I made him wait.

What are you not telling me?

This is about more than just Aneela.

Let me do what needs to be done.

You didn't come here to save Aneela.

I came here because I can't save her.

That compound will k*ll everyone linked with the Green.

It's the only way to be sure.

Including you and Aneela and how many others?

This is a su1c1de mission.

That's why I didn't want you to come.

I've thought it through.

It's the rational choice.


You don't get to calculate the odds and cut ties with our daughter when there's still any chance we can save her.

You have too much faith in me, Yala.

That has never once been true.

Khlyen Kin Rit, I have known you since our sixth summer and loved you since our 12th.

I've never seen you quit once.

I won't help you do it now.

I'm trying to do what's right.

Then fight.

The moment you know the battle is lost, truly lost, I will use this, and I will k*ll this Lady myself, but not until then.

I know that you're still in there.

That you still feel for us.

It's just an echo.

But I think our echo is still more than most people ever get to feel.

Then don't you dare give up on us.

Yalena, give me the canister.

Don't destroy it.

We failed.

We haven't failed.

I just haven't won yet.

Here's what I want.

To save Aneela, destroy The Lady, and have a gods damn normal life again.

Will you help me?

What is Aneela to you?

She is my family.

Like you.

So don't you dare give up on me.

One request.

If you can't do the impossible, do the honorable.

The thing I couldn't do.

You promise me that you will end Aneela if you can't save her.

LUCY: Still no response from Dutch.

- Try again.

- Her comm must be damaged.

We are running out of time, John.

Okay, no problem, I'll just go back into the caves, past the angry bloodthirsty guards, turn the machine off again, and go find Dutch myself.

How will you find her?

He could try bloody looking.

- Nice of you to join us.

- Nice of you to wait.

Lucy, get us out of here.

We're cutting it very close, John.

If we don't break clear before the security field resumes, we could be...

Splatty and dead, I get it.

Now push this shit.

You okay?

You find what you need in there?

Yeah, I did.

DUTCH: I could take you with me, you know.


Khlyen will find his way back to me.

He always does.

And I'd like to skip all the dramatic bits in between, thank you.

You have a lot of faith in someone who's let you down.

Well, it's a very hard life if you only have faith in yourself.

But a safer one.

When you last saw Aneela outside the Green, was she happy?

In her way, she found her perfect match.

And are you happy?


I'm fine.

There are more important things in the middle of a w*r where everything might end.

Anger's good, until it hurts you more than it heals you.

And when you're ready, I hope you choose to let yours go.


Gotta hand it to you, Pree.

For a bartender, you make a pretty good recon scout.

Gingersnap, for the last time, I make a pretty good everything.

ZEPH: Do the showers in this place work yet?

Because I need five of them.

PREE: Hey!

I thought you were coming with Pip.

- Where is he?

- Resting.

From what?

A really bad headache.

TURIN: Speaking of headaches, take a look at this.

We have full eyes on the RAC, thanks to my guy, Weej.

Are you serious right now?

Next thing we have to do is get those kids back.

Yeah, and then we take back our g*dd*mn ship.

Our home.


Look what she's dripping.

It must be plasma.

Pure and unfrozen.

The Lady has a Greenpool.

So this is how we k*ll The Lady.

With some tweaks, hopefully.

Once we get Aneela out.

Just you and me still, or...


Why did you come along?

Because you asked.

- 'Cause...

- We're family?

You're damn right, we are.

So is he.

And family don't give up on each other.

I know that much.

And despite what Khlyen did to me, I may be damaged, but I'm not broken.


Is everything all right, girl?

LUCY: Your message to D'avin was received.

Well, hey, now.

Did he send anything back?

Maybe a nice apology?

No, because it wasn't D'avin who received it.

- Then who did?

- Unidentified.

But I recognize the intake transmission receipt headers.

They're Black Root ships.

They must be following D'av.


No, they're following the kid.

Based on the coordinates of the time of receipt, I believe they are in the J sub-system that includes the planet Telen.

Telen, isn't that where you're from?

And if D'av took the kid there...

Then the Hullen are headed right for them.