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01x01 - Pilot

Posted: 09/24/19 18:30
by bunniefuu
All American - 1x1 - Pilot

♪ Ooh... ♪

- _

STADIUM ANNOUNCER: It's deep in the fourth quarter, first game of the season, and South Crenshaw and Slauson are tied.

Third down and on the Crenshaw -yard line.

- Unbelievable catch by Spencer James!



bucks he calls that niner.

Hey, y'all, let's get this dub, baby, let's get this dub.

g*n right, trips niner, on , on .

Man, their safeties have been sitting on that all night, bro.

- Coach called it, Spencer.
- And Coach is wrong.

A'ight, look, them boys about to blitz.

Look to me, a'ight?
If I give the signal, just give me the ball, fast.

You don't score, we dead.

Man, I'll see you boys in the end zone.

ALL: Break!

ANNOUNCER: With the ball on the and out of field-goal range, the Chargers have to score on this drive.

QUARTERBACK: Hey, yo, is Mike! is Mike!

Watch that man off the edge!
Cover , just dig, dig, cover !

Yo, k*ll, k*ll, k*ll!
Check razor! Check razor!

Check razor! k*ll it! Check razor!

ANNOUNCER: Looks like they're changing the play at the line of scrimmage.


Hike! Hike!

MAN: ♪ damn, I'm the man with the hobo in his hand ♪

ANNOUNCER: He rolls back. It's a deep pass.

MAN: ♪ and damn, I'm the man with the hobo in his hand ♪

Caught by Spencer James!

He's at the , the !


Chargers win!


[SUSTAINED g*nf*re]

[g*nf*re STOPS]



MAN: Spencer James?

My bad. Didn't mean to, uh, startle you.


It's, like, one minute you're scoring, then the next...

Another day in the neighborhood.


Billy Baker, varsity coach, Beverly High.

- Beverly Hills, huh?
- Yes, sir.

I'll cut to the chase, Spencer. I've had my eye on you.

You got strong hands, you match up well against single coverage.

Saw that film on you with the touchdowns against Fairfax last season, yeah.

Yeah, I need you to come play for me.

- Play for you?
- Play for me.

But you can't recruit. [CHUCKLES]

I mean, I'm sorry. Those are the rules. Season's started.

I switch teams, I'm benched months.

No. Not with me. I can get around that.

Now, I'm assuming you want to play pro eventually. Am I right?

- Yes, sir.
- Yeah, well, I can help out with that.

You know, South Crenshaw, you got a strong team, and Beverly Hills, we've had a couple of rough seasons, but I'm gonna turn that around this year.

Plus, we can offer you something that Crenshaw can't.

Is that right?

A better education at a safer school.

I can get you a way out, man.

Look, I played in the NFL, all right, for a couple years till I busted my knee, but I still have all those contacts.

I can make all your NFL dreams a reality.

But take it from me, man, from experience, every player out there is just one injury away from needing a back-up plan.

Look, I appreciate the offer, Coach, but, uh...

I don't need a back-up.

This is where I belong.

All right.

- You have a good night.
- Yes, sir. Be safe.

- Yo, Spence.
- Hey, what's up?


NIPSEY HUSSLE: ♪ all my life, been grinding all my life ♪

♪ stacked fights, hustle pay the price ♪

♪ want a slice? Got to roll the dice ♪

♪ that's why, all my life ♪

♪ I've been grinding all my life ♪
♪ yeah ♪



And she's like this bad-ass space bounty hunter, but she's also like a spider person, so she has legs and a whole bunch of eyes

- and she's totally hot.
- Wait, what are we talking about?

"Saga," Mom. Are you even listening?

There's only two kind of people in this world...people who read "saga" and people who don't.

- You don't want to be the latter.
- MOM: I'll keep that in mind, Dillon.

Well, look who decided to get up.

I'm definitely up now.
No hot water again?

Just behind on the gas bill, that's all.

It's fine. I get paid this week.


- a cold...
- BOYS: A cold shower now and then is good for the soul.

Heh. Smart asses.

- GIRL: Beverly Hills, though?
- Crazy, huh?

Yeah, man. You told your mom?

Nah. You know how she gets.

I'm telling you, that woman don't play, man.

If Grace finds out you got a shot like this, you'd be eating mayonnaise sandwiches by the end of the night.

Man, what is it with white people and mayonnaise?

I don't know.

Damn, Shassy, that booty looking juicy.

- What?
- Coop, those girls roll with Shawn.

- You really want to play like that?
- Listen, that weak-ass, wannabe gangbanger can't touch me.

Plus, I got you for back-up anyway.

- Don't touch me like that.
- Why? What you gonna do?

- What? What?

♪ chains on this chest of mine ♪

♪ chicks on my chesterfield ♪

♪ drop text say she loves the boy ♪

♪ guess I got that sex appeal ♪

♪ volume, billion decibels ♪

♪ hear me coming two blocks away ♪

♪ I be thuggin' till the day I die ♪

♪ my current mood's pac today ♪

How you talking to my girl, Coop?

- That's not your girl, Shawn.
- It is my girl.

She only yours when you with her.

- She mine right now.
- What you want to do, man?

- I'll show you right now what I'm about to do.
- Well, show it.

- What's up?
- SPENCER: Hey. Hey!

- SHAWN: What's up?
- Hey!

What's up? You beat up on females now, Shawn?

Female, my ass. She-man, more like it.


What's up, homie?

- I can explain.
- You don't have to.

Coach Baker already explained everything.

How you doing, Spencer?

- How could you not tell me, Spencer?
- Mom.

Don't "Mom" me right now.

So that's how it is?

I say no, you just go around me?

- Spencer, I just wanted to help.
- I don't need help, man.

- I'm happy where I'm at.
- GRACE: Happy? Is that right?

You think I didn't hear about that sh**ting over at Crenshaw the other night?

That I didn't get a call about your little fight?

You've been in and out of trouble at that school for years.

I'm a clerk down at the courthouse.

I see this type of stuff all the time.

Good kids gone bad, getting caught up with gangs.

Did you know there are over active gangs in the L.A. area?

- Not helping.
- Look, Spencer, I went to Crenshaw, but somebody gave me a chance.

Somebody helped me find a way out.

Please let me find you one.

I mean, hell, my own kids go to Beverly.

- So maybe your father...
- I don't have a father, not anymore.

GRACE: Corey left a few years back.

He went to coach college ball in Nevada. We haven't seen him since.

BILLY: Oh, well, I'm sorry to hear that.

That's, uh, that's a shame.

You're breezing by at Crenshaw, barely cracking open a book.

You're smart, Spencer, and you could make something of your life beyond just football.

Football is my dream.

You may not believe in that dream, but I do.

You don't think I know why you don't want to take this shot?

You don't want to be like your dad.

You're a good man.

You're proud of who you are.

And, Spencer, I am so damn proud of you for that.

You have no idea.

But choosing not to take an opportunity like this...

Take it from me, that's not really choosing.

Tell me I'm wrong.

Tell me that going to Beverly isn't the best thing for you, baby.

SKYZOO: ♪ I'm here for the crown ♪

♪ I'm here for the crown ♪

♪ I'm here for the crown ♪

♪ I'm here for the crown ♪

♪ yo, I'm here for the crown ♪

♪ hop out the way while I'm tearing this down ♪

♪ sharing along and sharing aloud ♪

♪ get you the state of the way of it now ♪

♪ 'cause I came here to hold up the ring ♪

♪ play the parade, you know what to sing ♪

♪ here's to the people who know who we are ♪

♪ and know that our heart isn't all that we bring ♪

♪ 'cause I got a few tricks up my sleeve ♪

♪ you walk in this w*r, you'll be itching to leave ♪

♪ more for the win, vision of me ♪

♪ is anything that you envision to be? ♪

♪ I came for the crown ♪

♪ and the diamonds that sit all around ♪

♪ and the chair that the line's in front of ♪

♪ and the stares from all of the crowd ♪

♪ I'm here for the crown ♪

♪ hey ♪

♪ hey ♪

Welcome to Beverly Hills.

Now, remember, you're here on an academic permit, which can be revoked if you don't maintain your GPA.

But I've seen your records.
That shouldn't be an issue... exceptional grade average, above-grade-level testing.

You won't miss a day at play.

Look, no fighting or it's over. One and done.

Look, I just did what I needed to get by.

I know. See you at practice.

WOMAN: All right, listen up.

I want you all to do a search on chromosomal DNA and make a slide on how it connects with last week's work on protein.

- Spencer, right?
- Yes, ma'am.

It's OK if you don't have a computer.

Just pair up with a classmate for now.

OK. Thank you.

Hey, Todd.

Keep watching that Logan Paul feed.

TODD: Whatever, Olivia.

You can share with me.

Thank you.

I'll warn you, my chromosomal DNA knowledge is non-existent at best.

I might be able to help with that.

Salad bar, coffee cart.

They serve Sushi on Fridays.

Sushi on Friday?

At Crenshaw, we get Sushi on Monday, that's all.

Smart and funny. I'm impressed.

DAYE JACK: ♪ I walk a lonely road ♪

♪ I walk it all alone ♪

♪ the hope is all I got... ♪

Leila Keating.

Beverly Hills' resident sweetheart.

Dad's some big-time record producer.

And I heard they spend every Thanksgiving with the Obamas.

And rumor has it, she even smoked pot with Malia last year.

You must be Spencer.

Jordan Baker. QB. Team captain.


- Oh, so you must be...
- Yeah, Coach is my dad.

Well, our dad.

I'll take it from here, Olivia.

Come on, let me introduce you to the team.

Hey, thanks for the tour.


Sushi on Friday?

It's a date.

It's a date?

BILLY: I'm telling you, Eddie, this new kid, new kid's a game-changer.

The team's gonna be much stronger this year.

- We're gonna be putting up points.
- You better, 'cause, as you're well aware, the Boosters provide funding for our sports program, funding that'll dry up fast without a title this year.

- And without one...
- Or I'm gonna be out of a job.

- Is that it?
- Nobody's talking changes right now.

We just...

- we need to turn this around.
- OK.

Meet the crew.

This is Hadley, Leila, and up top, Lucy, JJ, and Asher.

Hey, what's up? Spencer.

- Hey.
- Hey.

I think you and Asher play the same position.

- ASHER: What's up, man?
- Oh, receiver, huh?

Yeah, broke the school record for receptions last season.

- Me, too.
- So how are you liking Beverly so far?

It's OK, I guess.

I know it probably feels like Lost footage or rich kids from Instagram, but it's not so bad once you give it a chance.

- I'm sure it'll grow on me.
- Hey, so lay it on me.

Crips or Bloods?

Excuse me?

I'm dying to check out a Crip walk for real.

I've only seen one on YouTube.

Yo, yo, he's just joking, man. Ignore him.

Asher, you wouldn't know a Crip walk if it bit you in the damn white ass.

That didn't sound like a joke to me, bro.

- Don't be so sensitive.
- Sensitive?

Hey, yo, thanks for the welcome.

- Asher.
- What?

- I was making conversation.
- No, you were being an ass.


Um, I'm sorry about Asher.

I know how he can come off, but he's really not that bad once you get to know him.

- Is that right?
- I think he's intimidated by you.

- I think they all are.
- Those guys?

With all their Yeezys and man jewelry?

They got it made.

Me, I had to catch buses to get here today.

And I've been wearing my cousin Ray's hand-me-downs since I was born.

And you know ray loves him some polyester.

OK, don't nobody like polyester.

OK, but aren't you some like crazy good football player?

I do all right.

You just got to see the field.

Right there, that guy.

Gait's off, loose hands.
Yo, yo, he about to fall.

- Oh!
- How did you do that?

Happened the first time I picked up a ball.

It was just a twitch of the fingers, a look, a tick.

So do me.

I mean, read me or whatever it is.

You're like a defensive back.

A defensive back?

- Gee, thanks.
- I just mean you're confident, smart.

You like attention. You like to call the plays.

That's not the most interesting thing about you.

I saw it the minute you crossed the yard.

You're lonely.

Defensive backs, they like to play on an island, always by themselves.

I was kind of hoping for a super power,

- but not even close, huh?
- I ain't always right, so.

I should get to class.

But I'm glad you came to Beverly.

Me, too.

All right, fellas, let's get it.

Show me something, boys.

Y'all in trouble now, boy.

Let's go, baby.

- BOY: Back up.
- MAN: ♪ walk ♪

♪ na na na na ♪

- Ahh!
- ♪ na na na na ♪

Ooh. He caught it, though.

♪ Na na na na ♪

- Whoo! Come on.
- ♪ na na na na ♪

♪ your runway walk ♪

♪ let me see your runway walk ♪

♪ make your heels click, make the runway talk ♪

- What the hell, man?
- I got it, I got it. Calm down.

Hey, yo. You're running the wrong plays.

You know what they say, we all wrong, we all right.

No, that's not what we play here.

Maybe it should be.

BILLY: All right, boys, bring it in.

[CLAPS] All right, we're gonna mix it up a little bit.

All right, Spencer, you ever played safety?

- No, why?
- Give it a try.

Man, I don't play defense.

You play what I tell you to play.

- So you're just gonna change my position?
- Spencer.

After everything we talked about?
Man, I didn't come here for this.

- I came here to score touchdowns.
- You came here to play football as a team.

Am I right or am I right?

Thank you.

You got one of two choices, son.

You can either be on this side of the line or that side of the line.

You choose.

What's it gonna be?

Set! Go!

- MAN: There we go.
- BILLY: Atta boy.

All right. Good work, son.

- Whoo!
- Good stuff.

That's how you play football.

You better get comfortable there.

And I'm playing with a bunch of guys who don't want me for a coach who said he'd have my back and he moved me off the defense.

And I'm supposed to what, play along, help them win their season?

Then don't.

What, throw the season?

No, make it your season.

You'll find a way. I know you will.

- You let some lily white coach...
- He's black.


- I don't know then. Maybe he right.
- Man, shut up.

Listen, man, for real.

Black, white, plaid, it don't matter.

You just got to do you.

You got the goods on and off the field.

I knew it from the moment I met you right here in this park.

Man, I don't know, Coop.

That place just isn't who I am.

- It ain't me.
- What?

And this is?

You decide who you want to be.

You tripping, man.

Really now. What's up, man?

- Tell me about these Beverly Hills girls.
- Man.

They're skinny.

- Skinny?
- Skinny.

- What? I can't...

Aw, man.

Can I help you, Mr. Beverly Hills?

Stay here.

Hey, yo, leave her alone, Shawn.

Or what?

Or I remind you of that beatdown I gave you in the sixth grade.

Try it again and see what happens.

You know what, maybe I will.



Watch your back, Beverly.

MAN, ON RADIO: - live, look at the molestation...

- Hey, hey.
- Hello.

- Hi, Dad.
- What's up?

OK, I got so much. [INDISTINCT]


So it wasn't really working out too well out there today, was it?

Heh heh.

Yeah, the new guy wasn't really a team player, was he?

Ah, he'll get there.

In the meantime, I need you to do me a solid.

Could you please take Spencer under your wing?

I mean, help him connect with some of the other fellas?

Bring him into the fold.


What's up with you and this kid, Dad?

Why do you care so much?

By the Grace of God, Jordan, the way you live is really good.

I come from Spencer's neighborhood. It's a tough go.

There are a million ways you can go wrong.

I mean, you have no idea what that's like.

Guess I don't, yeah.

Look, the kid needs a chance, and I'm asking you to give him one.

WOMAN: Boys, I made dinner.

You ordered Sushi.

- Same thing.
- Not really.




♪ Uhh, yeah ♪

♪ you don't want this problem ♪

♪ uhh, yeah ♪

♪ it's whatever you want, you see that Benz ride slow... ♪

What the hell are you doing?

- I'm picking you up.
- In your red car and your red hat?

You're like a Bloods poster boy, man. Gonna get your head blown off.

[LAUGHS] I'm just playing.

I'm just playing. [LAUGHING]

Come on, dawg!

- Hey, what up, Mike?

Just drive, bro.

PELL: ♪ I got that moola, moola ♪

♪ queso, queso ♪

♪ camouflage money, they can't see my bankroll ♪

♪ I've been whippin', whippin, ' ♪

♪ Django, Django ♪

♪ smooth, smooth, blame it on the jame-o ♪

SPENCER: All this on a coach's salary?

JORDAN: My mom's an attorney.

Oh, there you boys are.

- You must be Spencer.
- Oh, yes, ma'am.

I am so happy to finally meet you.

You're all Billy's been talking about lately.

Isn't that right, kids?

- Sure is. Yeah.
- Romancing the stone.

I have a question, though, and I want you to be honest.

Careful, she's a crier.

I am making my famous gazpacho tonight.

And I just need to know a few things.

Do you have any allergies,

- dairy, gluten, you're not paleo, are you?
- No, ma'am.

When it comes to food, the only thing I am is hungry.

OK, we're gonna hit it, Mom.

OK, you guys do that.

Whatever that is.

DENM: ♪ I want to have it all right now ♪

♪ but sometimes you gotta wait for the good things ♪

♪ feel like we're going round and round ♪

♪ but sometimes you gotta wait for the good things ♪

♪ but sometimes you gotta wait for the good things ♪

♪ but sometimes you gotta wait for the good things ♪

♪ I did when I was... ♪

♪ Saturday night ... ♪

- Hey.
- Hey, what up?

So, come here often?

Every Wednesday after the club.

I suppose you got a place like this, right?

- Uh, yeah, it's kind of like this.
- Do you live close?

- Yeah, I'm just... just down the street there.
- Bigger?

I mean, I... you know, I don't really compare.

- It's not the size that matters.
- OK.

BILLY: Look, you think I want to drag my ass all the way to Crenshaw?

You think I did it out of the kindness of my heart?

All right, I didn't whip up a smart kid permit so I could mold young minds.

No, no, no.

Look, I would not have recruited him if anybody on the squad had half of his potential.

OK, I understand that.

Why don't you bring all the Boosters down this Saturday, and I will show you what he can do.

Yes, sir. Yes.

Spencer James, he's gonna bring it home for us.

Trust me. Yes, sir.

All right, take care.

You seeing this?


We need to get rid of him.

So how was it hanging out with the steroid set?

- Are you serious?
- No. No, I just like to mess with Jordan.

So what's up with you two anyway?

Y'all don't seem too close.

I mean, we used to be close, and then high school happened.

He became a big football star and I became this, the social pariah of Beverly High.

- Man, shut up. You're cool.
- OK, yeah, says the new guy.

It's shocking, I know, but no one's super eager to hang out with sober girl post rehab, so...



I just went down a bad path and tried to drown it out with pills, parents freaked, and here I am.

k and days later, I'm good as new.

It's... it's fine now.

Is it?

You know, you're the first person to even ask me that.

LEILA: Spencer.

Oh, hey, what's up?

Hey, so I'm throwing a party at my place tonight.

It's just a small team thing to celebrate the start of the season, and I was hoping you could make it.

Yeah, for sure. I'll come by for a bit.

- Great.
- Cool.


- Bye, Olivia.
- Bye.

- What?
- "A," she's taken.

That's Asher's girlfriend. OK?

And, "B," those parties,

I'd steer clear.


♪ Do you slide on all your nights like this? ♪

♪ Do you try on all your nights like this? ♪

♪ I might... ♪

Oh, Spence! How you doing, man?

- Hey, what up, bro?
- How you feeling?

- OK, you got me there.
- Yeah.

♪ Do you slide on all your ♪


Hey, what's up?

- This is quite the set-up.
- Yeah, well, home sweet home.

You having fun at least?


Introduce yourself, get to know people.

Oh, you mean the bougie babies of Beverly Hills?

Selfie, shot, Snapchat, repeat.

- I think I'll pass.
- You're being judgy.

Am I?

OK, well, Adderall diaries over there isn't the halon and the dyon, but maybe not all of us are as basic as you think.

So you can stand here in the corner not fitting in, or you can make an effort.

That part's up to you.


Oh. Whoa, whoa.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Where you going?

- The night is young, OK?
- Dude, I got to go.

Hey, the team managers, they're dying to meet you, man.

Come on. Homey, come on. Come on.



As requested.

- Oh, no, we got practice tomorrow.
- Come on, it's Saturday practice.

Just a few drills. No big deal.

Trust me.


♪ Yeah, don't stop ♪

♪ let me see ya ♪
♪ work, work, work ♪

♪ let me see ya ♪
♪ work, work, work ♪

- , , .
- ♪ Work, work, work ♪

♪ let me see you ♪

♪ work, work, work, work, work, work ♪

- ♪ let the thing drop ♪

- Hey, thanks for the ride last night.
- What?

Ah, you didn't drop me off at my house?

No, bro.

Whoo! Time to buck up, buttercup.

- Booster hawks are watching.
- Who's that?

Boosters here to see what you got.

- Yo, I thought it was just drills.
- Nah, man, scrimmage day.

Whoo! Whoo! Let's go, man.

- MAN: ♪ now we going tribal ♪
- Damn!

♪ It's down to survival ♪

- ♪ going down with the underdogs ♪
- Ready? Here we go.

♪ And we don't need nothing and no one to fall on ♪

♪ nobody's dreaming tomorrow ♪

♪ keeping it on the bottom ♪

♪ right ♪

♪ you want to tell me your problem now ♪

♪ run it by y'all now, throw now ♪

♪ this dog ain't alone now ♪


Get it together, man.

You smell like a party bus. Heh heh.

More like Tequila and regret.

Hold up, y'all set me up?

- Last night I thought...
- Thought what?

Thought that we were a team, friends?

The only reason you were even at that party

- is because we told Leila to get you there.
- To what?

What, haze me?

Make me look bad?

You got me confused with somebody else, bruh.

Then go back to Crenshaw.

What'd you say?

Say that again, bruh.

Come on, bruh. What? Say it again, bruh.

I will not let you blow this.

One fight, and you're done. Game over.

Cool it.

And you... you should know better than this.

Oh, do not put this on me, Dad.

You worked this whole thing up.

It was all a lie. Even the guy's permit to be at the school was a lie, a lie to save yourself.

Hey, yo, Spencer, you think he cares about you?

He's just trying to save his job, OK?

- That's... that's what matters.
- Enough.

- Not you.
- Jordan.

- You don't matter to...
- Jordan, enough.


Back to work.


Yo, man, I quit.

I'm done here.

Why, because I need your help to win a season?

- Look, winning is my job.
- Then you should have said that from the start.

All that "here to give you a chance" talk, I didn't need it.

- And I don't belong here.
- Look, yes, I need you to win games, but you need me more.

- Is that right?
- This is your chance, Spencer.

This is your way out.

- Look, I'm trying to help you.
- I didn't ask for your help or a way out.

Look, you might recall I wasn't the one knocking down Beverly's door.

You came, said you'd help me get to my dream.

And now that I get here, you change my position?

- How is that helping?
- You can see the field, Spencer, in a way few players can.

Look, I made a promise, remember?

I said that I would help you get to the NFL.

But in order to do that, I need you to see the field from every angle, because when you do, you'll be unstoppable.

Look, I'm just getting to know you, OK, but I can see it plain as day.

You're looking for a fight.

And all your life, every bad decision you've ever made is because your father left you when you were a kid.

Listen to me.

But the path you take now, that's up to you.

COOP: You see these dudes?

- Yeah, they're great.
- Nah, they used to be great.

Now they just stuck.

They didn't take their shot when they had it.

Well, I can't keep living with a foot in two worlds, Coop, feeling like I don't belong in either.

Then don't belong.

Take the best of both and you boss up.

I don't know if I can do it.

You can and you will.

- All right, so what about you?
- What about me?


- Look, if I ain't here...
- Listen, that dude is all talk.

I got that handled.

- Coop.
- I promise you, he backed off.

Listen, Spence.

If I had a tenth of your talent, bro,

I'd say forget this place and bounce.

Who wouldn't?

Think about Dillon, your moms.

You could really get him a better life.

I'm not gonna let you throw that away.

And when you're living your best life, rocking it in that Super Bowl confetti, you gonna think of how your homie Coop set you straight, how somewhere she dying for a Ducati.


I'm serious, though, man.

GEORGE FITZGERALD: ♪ is it cold when you're dreaming? ♪

♪ Is it cold when you're under? ♪

♪ And wanna roll back ♪

♪ roll back to yesterday ♪

Hey, honey.

There's someone here to see you.

What can I do for you, Spencer?

I want to play in the NFL.

I want a life better than the one I've been living.

Look, man, what drives me to play is my anger, all right?

That's what you see between those white lines.

And you were right about my dad.

I'm angry he left.

Angry 'cause I gotta fight for every damn step I take, angry my mama can't pay the bills.

Look, man, I gotta do better for her...

For Dillon.

And Beverly will help me do that, football or not, so...

I will play any position you tell me.

But before I do, I need to know why.

Why me, man?

Because I wanted to win, Spencer. I, uh...

I wanted to get back just a little bit of what I lost when I busted up my knee.

But then I saw you on the field, and you remind me of me.

Now, you say you play because you're angry.

I understand that.

But if we're gonna do this, I'm asking you to play for something bigger now.

ANNOUNCER: Please welcome your Beverly High Eagles.


That's my boy! Whoo!


♪ Heart of a lion ♪

♪ fire inside me, blaze like a siren ♪

♪ why would you try it? ♪

♪ Wake up the beast, no, I can't keep silent ♪

♪ I put my time in, now is my time ♪

♪ your time is expiring ♪

♪ blood, sweat, and tears,
I conquered my fears ♪

ANNOUNCER: After a quick turnover on downs,

Chatsworth scores.

- JORDAN: Hut hut!

♪ You seen it this stylish without a stylist, huh ♪

♪ it's been a long time I've been on this road ♪

♪ I'm racking my mileage up... ♪

ANNOUNCER: And Spencer James breaks up the pass!


JORDAN: Hut hut!


- ANNOUNCER: And Beverly with a timeout.
- One second.

- What's up?
- Number 's hurt.

He's pulling up on his right hamstring after every play.

Asher runs a pick on him, Jordan runs right, I can bring it in for the win.

You think you can take him?

I know I can.


What's up, Coach?

Spencer's going in.

Good stuff. Good stuff. Get in there.

- What?
- Good work.

ANNOUNCER: Here's an interesting sub.

Spencer James coming in for Asher Adams on offense.

We're all gonna be right this time. You got it?

All right.

Ex pick, TB rule left on one, on one. Ready?

ANNOUNCER: All right, here we go, folks.

Beverly down by with seconds left in the game.

Here we go, here we go. . Watch . Here we go.

! Hut!

ANNOUNCER: Baker drops back.

Scrambles to the left. James going wide.

What a block by Spencer James!

He cleared Baker for the end zone.

He's at the , , !

- Touchdown!
- Yeah!

Beverly wins!

What a game!

BOY: Yes! Yeah!

I'll be damned.

You good? Here we go.

You straight?

- You good?
- SPENCER: Yeah.


I may have to keep you on defense after a hit like that,

- you know that, right?
- Face it, Coach,

- I'm too pretty for defense.
- There you go.

I'm proud of you, son.

Hey, man, can I talk to you for a second?



I'm sorry about the whole getting you to the party thing.

I didn't know what they were planning.

I would never do something like that.

- If I had known...
- It's OK.

It's not, but maybe we start over?


Yeah. Yeah, we can do that.

CAMPFIRE: ♪ whoa, whoa ♪

♪ now you've been summoned for a special occasion ♪

♪ I, I stay ready 'cause destiny impatient ♪

♪ changes, I've been seeing changes ♪

♪ if you talking fire then we speak the same language ♪

♪ rah ♪

♪ and they trying to cut the supply ♪

- ♪ but my energy is at an all-time high ♪
- Spencer.

So we have a problem.

Ah, Chatsworth is contesting your transfer permit.

♪ Whoa, whoa ♪

- We're gonna fight this.
- They're accusing us of recruiting.

You're gonna stand there and tell me it's not true?

- He's a straight-A student.
- And that's why the football coach went down to Crenshaw to recruit him, because he's smart?

That's not gonna fly, not with the board.

OK, what if he moves to this zip code?

Yo, my moms can barely afford to give me lunch money.

You think she can afford to move us to Beverly Hills?

- OK, we're gonna figure this out.
- How?

Look, face it, Coach, it's over.

Maybe there's another way.

- You're sure about this?

But it's the only way to stay.

- Living in Beverly Hills.
- Just during the week.

That way I qualify for the district.

- With Coach Baker?
- With Coach Baker and his family.

On weekends, I'll be home with you.

Look, Ma, if you don't want this, I won't go.

OK, just say the word and I'll call them.

No. I asked you to give yourself a chance at something more.

And, uh, this is the, uh, the only way to do it.

Way I see it, you gotta go.

This is what's best for you, Spencer. If you can do it, make something of yourself.

Also, can I have your room?

Nah, definitely not.

Come here.

RUEL: ♪ save your breath, my brother... ♪

- We're here.
- ♪ It's not going in ♪

♪ I'm not your disciple ♪

♪ I choose how I sin ♪

♪ I've got a distant memory ♪

♪ of previous lives ♪

♪ so don't say I'm not ready ♪

♪ back off with those knives ♪

♪ you don't know me like you used to ♪

♪ you can leave but I refuse to ♪

♪ you can tell me that I'm crazy ♪

- ♪ but I won't stop and this won't make me ♪
- Hey, let's go.

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ oh ♪

♪ don't tell me I'm not ready ♪

♪ ooh ♪

♪ oh ♪

♪ don't tell me I'm not ready... ♪

Welcome to Beverly Hills, Spencer.


♪ You don't know me like you used to ♪

♪ ooh... ♪

- Hey, Gracie.
- Hi.

- ♪ Oh, oh ♪
- BILLY: We need to talk.

♪ Don't tell me I'm not ready ♪

We got to tell Spencer the truth.

♪ Don't tell me I'm not ready for love ♪

♪ ooh ♪

♪ oh ♪