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04x09 - Stare at the Same Fires

Posted: 09/28/19 06:21
by bunniefuu
04x09 - Stare at the Same Fires

Previously on "Queen Sugar"...


What the hell is going on?

Put a stop to it.

It's out of my hands now.

I'm calling in that favor.

How will your program survive if you can't afford to plant next season?

I mean, it wasn't a total loss.

You forced people to work in a hurricane.

You cost two men their lives.

I've lost my family.

And I you to help Charley, Ralph Angel, and bless Nova and keep her safe.



You all right, ma'am?


Sure you don't want to take a break, get a coffee, clear your head from whatever's bothering you?

Well, clearing my head isn't...

Isn't exactly what I want to do.

Because then I'd have to think, and I don't want to think.

I got man problems, bill problems, kid problems, sister problems.

Oh, yeah, and I'm freaking running for office.


In New Orleans?



But still, genius, right?

You're running for office.


And if you leave here, if you're not careful, you're gonna see a lot of people out there who might recognize you.

And the later in the morning it gets, the more packed it gets.


♪♪ Another one.


♪ Dreams never die ♪

♪ Take flight as the world turns ♪

♪ Keep the colors in the lines ♪

♪ Take flight as the world turns ♪

♪ Keep the colors in the lines ♪

♪ Take flight ♪

♪ Dreams never die ♪

♪ keep the colors in the lines ♪

♪ Keep the colors in the lines ♪

♪ Take flight ♪


Nova Bordelon.

Miss Martha.

Thank you for allowing me to come.

I don't fool with folks unless their soul's been cleansed, which means I don't fool with folks in general too often.

But we're family, Nova.


You are the spitting image of your mama.

And those eyes...

I see nothing but Lavoisier blood in those eyes.

- This is for you.

- Oh!





Oh, Africa's sacred herb.

Trudy used this in mostly used this in most of our medicinals and smudges.

It was a favorite of hers.

I had a hard time finding your place, but it all feels so familiar.

Well, it should.

I've been here before?

When you were about years old, you ran all over this yard wearing out your poor mama.


I-I don't remember that...

at all.

I'm sure there are many things you don't quite remember.

Come on.

I'll make us some tea.




Country ham, red-eye gravy, grits, scrambled eggs, fancy biscuits and that rhubarb strawberry jam you like so much.

You ain't got to tell me twice.



So, may I ask, what's the occasion?

I got something on my mind that I think I should tell you.

You know you can tell me anything.

It's about Jimmy Dale.

I know you was protecting me.

But I can't get the image of you beatin' him out of my head.

You went somewhere that day, and the look in your eyes, I...


I scared you.


But your right, Vi, I was protecting you.

I know.

And I know that you would never hurt me.

But the first time I saw Jimmy Dale get violent, it wasn't with me.

It was with this fool of a man who was trying to talk to me in the streets.

That's how all this started.

- If somebody coming at you...

- No, no, I know.

Baby, I'm just trying to get back to us.

I'm trying to fix this.

And I know that what I'm saying right now ain't fair.

But I can't shake it.

Okay, well, how do I fix this?

It's not for you to fix.

I think I got some work I need to do on myself when it comes to Jimmy Dale.

I never dealt with it, and I'm learning things don't go away just because you ignore them.

- Morning, pops.

- Morning, Blue.

Okay, let's make a deal here.

No granola today, please.

But today's granola day.

Yeah, but can I just have a little bit of the sugar stars mixed in?

Joie has sugar stars every day.

That's what she tell you.

But I doubt her mama letting it go down like that.

Did you call joie's mom and set up a play date?

Not yet.

There's a lot going on.

- Pops.

- I'm gonna call today.

I promise.

Joie's all he could talk about all night.

If you're too busy, I can call him and set up a play date.

What's her name?

Oh, Miss Deesha...

She's really nice, mom.

You'll like her.

There granola waiting for you inside.


Ain't got too much time, Blue.

Deesha is Joie's mom.

You didn't tell me.

It's not a big deal, Darla.

It's a big deal to me.

When I saw you two together...

Deesha knew that I was Blue's mother and your ex, but I didn't know that she's not only both your new womanbut the mother of Blue's best friend.

I mean, why wouldn't I want to know this?

You said you don't want to talk about those kind of things with each other.

So I didn't.

I know things different...

You seeing somebody, me seeing somebody.

It's new.

But just...

Just got to know I ain't never gonna do something just to hurt you.

I'm really just doing my best.

♪♪ Hey, Prosper, Genevieve, your table's available.

Yeah, well, not this time.

We're just picking up lunch for the campaign office.

Oh, Rhon...

I just got to bag it up, Mr.


Thank you, Rhonda.

You seen Miss Charley today?

Oh, no, she ain't come by yet.

And she hasn't been at the office either.

She's usually the first one in.

Yeah, well, she probably just slept in.

God knows she could do with a little T.L.C.

We all could use a little T.L.C.

This place feels like a wake in here.

Yeah, well, after what happened here and the fire at the mill, everybody's in a bad way.

But you know what I feel?

You get knocked down, and you get back up.

Yeah, well, this was one hell of a knockdown, so I'm not even sure what the get up looks like.

Well, I do.

- You do?

- Yeah.

I got an idea.

Idea for what?

Let me talk it over with Miss Genevieve.

Alright, you all have a good day, Mr.


♪♪ ♪♪


♪♪ ♪♪

Hey, babe.

Sorry, I know I should have text first.

No, you don't got to text first.

You can come through whenever you want.

I was just, um, cramming.

I've got this exam third period.

Well, I was just thinking about you.

- Yeah?

- Mm-hmm.

I'm always thinking about you.

Don't feed me your smooth California-by-way-of-Paris lines.


I'm not.

You're always on my mind.

♪ Where we're free ♪

♪ All I see is lost in green ♪

♪ And my core breathin' fantasy ♪

♪ And ooh, take my up to that place ♪

Where's your mom?

Oh, between the mill stuff and the campaign office, she usually leaves pretty early.

That's what I thought.



We're alone?

♪♪ ♪♪

♪♪ ♪♪

That's your great grand mama...

One a long line of Lavoisier women called to be healers.

Were all the women in our family called to be healers?


But not all accepted it.

Some of us were cursed into ignoring our gift.

My own papa wanted me to reject my calling, and when I refused, he...

He banished me from the family.

What did you do after that?


Well, I spent many years in Haiti and Africa, becoming a better student.

I came back around the time you were born.

I settled in this nice, peaceful place where no one bothered me.


But your mama's visits were treasures.

And at my request, she kept my return a secret until her transition.

But now, you did not come here to look at old pictures or hear about my traveling.

Come on, sit down, sit down.

When I found out about you, I knew I had to meet you.


You came here because you were led to.


Your gift is as strong as Trudy's.

Felt it ever since I was a kid.

Did you heed the call?

In my own way.


You are Trudy's daughter.

She did things in her own way, too.

♪ Telling me I'm gon' fall for you if this goes on ♪

♪ Didn't think so ♪

♪ But you came and you saw, and you waited to conquer ♪

♪ My mama said so ♪

Hold on.

♪ Thought that I had it under control ♪

I love you, Micah.

I love you, too.

But you're my first everything.

I know.

And I want to respect that.

Your first time is a big deal.

You sure you haven't been with anybody else since you've been in St.



I met you the first month I got here, and it's been us ever since.

And I'm glad.

Listen, I know we, um...

I know we were talking about after prom, but there's a lot going on.

We got exit exams, college admission letters are gonna drop soon, graduation.

So I'm totally cool if you want to take more time.



Just the fact that you said that makes me that much more sure.

This, us, feels like the real thing, doesn't it?





Hey, mom, what's up?


Making sure you got to school okay.


Yeah, I'm good.

I-I need some hands at the mill office when you're off.



I'll stop by right after last period.

You're such a good person.

I don't deserve you.

I don't.

You okay, mom?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Uh, go on back.


I'll see you a little later.



♪♪ ♪♪

- What's up, wood?

- What's happening?

Freeing up some supplies.

Figured I'd pop in on you.

See how you was holding up without your full team.

Makin' do.

Shutting down my reentry program.

Say what?

"Further notice," they said.

I'm sorry, brother.

I was trying to do something good, you know?

I know, man.

I know.

I've been feeling empty, Wood.

I don't know why.


I ain't been feeling right.

Look, man, you just in the fire right now.

That's it.

Nova book got you feeling some kind of way.

You're in a new relationship.

Ain't even on its feet yet, and work is all scattered all over the place.

That's why.

It's normal, brother.

Yeah, maybe.

Look here, man, my boys, uh, Irwin and Owen are gonna stop by later on tonight.

Why don't you come by?

Aw, man, I'm one step ahead of you.

I'm gonna kick back.

Maker's ready for my soybeans.

It'll take a while without all my workers.

Alright, brother.

Nothing wild, alright?

I appreciate you stopping by.



Rose delivery, ma'am.

I'll take it on back to the...

- Okay, baby.

- Thank you.

What's that?

It's, uh, Mexican chocolate pepper pie.

My mom wanted you to have it.

As a thank you for giving me a second chance.

Rhonda, baby, take that.

There's a list on the chalkboard in the hallway.

I expect you to complete everything on it by the end of your shift.

Yes, ma'am.

Thank you again.




So, Trudy's been visiting you in your dreams.

At first, it was just a feeling, her presence.

But recently the dreams have become different.

I almost see her.

I reach out to touch her, and that's when the dream ends.


This belonged to your mama, her remedy book...

Notes she was taking when she was studying to be a healer.

She gave it to me when she left this life and chose another path.

You mean when she turned away from her calling because she accidentally got pregnant with me?


Oh, no, no.

It took her a while, but she came to realize that nothing in her life was an accident, not Ernest and certainly not you.

My mama gave up what she loved for what she had to do, right?

Oh, my goodness!

You have it twisted, child.

Know this...

You and Ralph Angel were a source of great joy to Trudy.

She's visiting you in your dreams because she wants you to know she misses you.

She loves you.

She's watching over you.

She wants to remind you to be you.

You should go see her more often.

See her?

What do you mean?

Mama was cremated.

After she died, Daddy scattered her ashes in the wind.



Your father buried your mother on the family farm.

That was her last gift to him, to you, and to your brother.



All I'm saying, though, was this, man, Saints coach, he act like, you know, good defense is optional.

Man, ain't nothing wrong with they're defense.

Ain't that right, Hollywood?

All I know is if the refs can throw a flag when a man is getting abused out of bounds, we getting that...

Hey, speaking of the super bowl, we make it to the big game maybe you take some of that green you got and chart a plane for all of us.

Make it a big party.


That's how I know you all ain't married.

You think Vi gonna put up with that foolishness?

- You do what Violet says?

- Hell yeah.


What am I gonna do, lay up with your little rusty ass?


- Speaking of Vi, though, I heard that you had a little run-in with her ex.



Where you hear that?

Hey, man, small town.

You know people ain't got nothing better to do than to talk about other people's business.


Well, I heard that old boy showed up uninvited and then you showed him his way out...

Head first.

- That man had it coming, too.

- He did have it coming.

He lucky to still be walking.

Ain't that right, Hollywood?


You know, maybe I could have...

Maybe I could have handled it a little better, kept a cooler head.

I know this...

A man put his hands on my woman, he gonna be six feet under.

I don't know, o.

You know, uh, it's a little bit more complicated than that.

Hey, man, ain't nothin' complicated, man, about protecting your wife.


- Damn right.

- Yeah.

So, I'm handling the drinks, and Prosper's taking care of the music.

Violet, you're handling...

Food and decorations.

This is gonna be a great event.

Micah, you okay, baby?

Hey, auntie.

I'm good.

How are you?

I'm good.


Prosper, Miss Genevieve, have any of you seen my mom?

I've been trying to get ahold of her all day.

Yeah, me too.

When's the last time you saw her?

Last night, before we went to bed.

This morning, she calls me and tells me to meet her at the mill office, but she never showed.

It's probably not a big deal, but...

Have you tried tracking her on that phone thingamajig of yours?

Yeah, I'm trying now.

Actually, I think I'm getting something now.

It says that she's in New Orleans, on Poydras.

She's, like, near the convention center.

VIOLET: What's she doing way down there?

Good question.




H-h-hold up, guys.



Guys, this is Darla.

- Hi.

- Hi, guys.

- Hey, Darla.

- Hey, what's up?

Let's take a break, everybody.

Just need a minute.

This is truly a...

Great surprise.

I was, uh...

I was hoping I'd get to hear a couple of minutes of your rehearsal.

And I, uh, brought you and the guys some beignets.

Appreciate that.

I do, but...

We need to talk.

I read Nova's book.


Of course.

I was, uh...

I was wondering why you hadn't been returning my calls and texts.

I was going to, soon as I could find a way to...

You know what?

You could have at least faced me in person rather than ghosting me like a teenager.

I'm not ghosting you, Darla, and I'm not judging you.

But I do have a problem with what I read, and...

My past is more important to you than right now?

And I thought...

I thought you of all people would understand.

But, I mean, it's fine.

I get it.

I don't think you do.

My issue isn't with the book or what's inside it.

I don't care about your past.

I care about your future.

And mine.

What's that supposed to mean?

I think you're two minutes away from relapsing, and you're not doing anything about it.


I'm fine, Leo.

When's the last time you called your sponsor?

I don't know.

A couple weeks ago.

I know the signs of a relapse.

I've had several.

There's no way that my past can be made public like yours was and it not have a bad effect on me.

That's you.

I feel fine and in control.

I'm still working my steps.

What do you want to do?

For the sake of my own sobriety...

...I need to pump the brakes on our relationship for a little while.

Listen, we...

We got a gig later.

I need to get back to rehearsing.

I'll call you in a couple days.

Maybe we can talk.


Alright, y'all, let's get back to it.



♪♪ ♪♪

For her, please.

Why are you here?


Your son is concerned about you.

He called me, told me where to look.

Let's get out of here.




I'm not going with you.

I know you're still angry with me.

I understand why more and more each day.

But right now, you also need to be safe.

You're running for office.

Come on.

Going home.


Come on.

♪♪ ♪♪



You mad at me?

No, baby.

I got a whole lot on my mind right now.

Owen and irwin was over, from the rig.

How they doing?

Heard about the beating I put on Jimmy Dale.

They was glad about it, gave me props.

Well, you guys like that kind of talk.

Usually, I'd enjoy it, but I don't know.

It must've been something you said that made me realize that most times when me and the fellas get together, all we doing is keeping the jokes and the sports talk coming.

Something wrong with that?

Well, it is if that's the only thing we're doing.

Seem like the only time I ever talk about any real stuff is when I'm with you.

Like today.

I really didn't even know what to say to Ralph Angel when he was down.

Well, we women have had lots of practice talking to each other.


Look at this.

Now, how come us men don't do things in groups like y'all do?

You know, all these different support groups for women at St.

Jo's and not one for men.

Maybe if we had one, we wouldn't scared the ones we love so much with the way we act sometimes.

Maybe you right.

This is all the lights I got.

- Ooh.

- That gonna be enough?

Man, this is more than enough.

- Alright.

- Your aunt Vi's gonna be super-happy, man.

Thank you.

Ain't no thing.

Ain't no thing.


Yo, can I ask you something?

Anything and always.

What's going on?

It's about relationships.

You and Keke a'ight?

Yeah, we good, we good.

You know...

We're so good that...

We're ready to take it to the next level.

- Ah.

- It's her first time, and I'm not too far behind myself.

I just...

It's a big deal for both of us.

It's important you do right by her.


I mean, things are great between us now, but...

You know, college...

I don't know.

A lot could change.

I feel you, buddy.

Change is always gonna come.

What really matters is that you got love for her.


I think I do.

I think about her all the time.

Yeah, you in there.


- I know.

- Congrats.


But how do you know it's for real?

Like, my dad told my mom he loved her, and look how that turned out.

Don't worry about all that.

You ain't your Daddy, Micah.

Real question is, what's your gut saying?

I don't know.


That I'm an idiot if I stop tripping about what might, might not happen and just...

Be with her.


- What?

Your gut sound kind of smart.


Man, your business, bruh.

I got it.



- All that hair.



Blue wanted to try to call to say good night.

DARLA: I'm sorry.

I was, um...

- I was out.

- My bad.

I didn't mean to interrupt you on your, um...

- Your date.

- No, it's okay.

I'm home, and I'm really happy to talk to Blue.


Your mama wants to say good night.

Hi, mommy.

I tried to call you a hundred times.

I'm sorry.

How was school?

School was just okay.

But Theresa's was amazing.

Oh, yeah?

Tell me why.

Joie made this really cool model space rocket with Ms.

Deesha, and they brought it to school, and all recess, we pretended that we were astronauts.

And guess what.

I was the one who got to walk on the moon, just like you taught me when we played astronauts.




That's amazing.

Joie wanted to do the moonwalk, but we drew straws, and I won.

You should have seen me, mom.

I was walking in slow-motion, like those astronauts in those old moonwalk videos, taking one...


And really slow leap for mankind on the playground.

Then Ms.

Deesha gave us all cupcakes with the names of planets.

Mine had caramel icing.

It was delicious.

But we had so much fun.

You had so much fun?

I really wish you were there.

I wish I was there, too.

I love you.

Good night.

Good night.

♪♪ ♪♪

♪ Black girl ♪

♪ We'll leave this fight to someone else for now ♪

♪ You can close your eyes, let your hair down ♪

♪ Breathe in, breathe out ♪

♪♪ ♪ Yes, there will be battles you sometimes lose ♪

♪ They'd never last for a day in your shoes ♪

I'll be in the guest room if you need me.

♪ You still need to rest, too ♪

♪ You still need to rest, too ♪

CHARLEY: Why did you say all those things?

♪♪ ♪♪ I didn't do it to hurt you.

I thought I was doing something good for all of us.

I really did.

But I see that it was just good for me.

♪♪ I love you so much, Charley.

So much.

And I'm sorry I hurt you.

♪ Keep it tucked away ♪ I'm sorry.

♪ They'll have to find another wonder for today ♪


♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ You don't always have to be the one to save the world ♪

♪ You're always the one to save the world ♪

♪ And they never say thank you, girl ♪


♪ I love you ♪


♪ Good night ♪


♪ Good night ♪


♪♪ NOVA: "I said a lot of things I shouldn't have said about my sister, Charley Bordelon, in my memoir, 'Blessings and Blood.' but I'm here to try to fix what I broke.

I'm sorry.

I was wrong, and I'm writing this article to set the record straight.

My book hurt people.

It diminished my sister, a woman I know see as among the strongest I've ever encountered, and I'd rather not one person pick up this book if it means hurting more people or costing the people of St.

Jo the best champion they could ever elect.

As a councilwoman, she'll protect the farmers of St.


She'll put you first, not herself.

I know this because despite the unforgivable things I have done, she still allows me to call her 'sister.' she is what we all want to be...

Strong, wise, compassionate, a leader.

Most importantly, Charley Bordelon is the big little sister I want to be when I grow up."




Hi, this is Darla.

Leave a message.

Hey, Darla.

I know you're busy, but...

I was kind of worried about you earlier.

I don't know why.

I just...

Just want to make sure you're good.

Anyway, uh...

Having a little get together over at the mill tonight.

You're welcome to come by.

It'll be nice to see you.

Let me know.

♪♪ Ma, I need you to come with me.

Can you do that?

- Micah...

- Ah, come on.

Come on.

I have to show you something.

Trust me.

Micah, why'd you bring me here?

It's okay, mom.

You got to trust me.


What is all this?

Micah, what is going on?

WOMAN: There she is.




♪♪ Right here, right now is where we hold the line...

- That's right.

- ...Where we say "enough," where we decide we will not be moved not one step further.

- Yeah, that's right!

- But we're tonight to do what we've always done...

- Yeah, Prosper.

- What we got to do.

...create something out of nothing.

- Yeah.

- Yes.

Charley, Ralph Angel, Nova...

Now, we come together to claim this space and what's left of this mill, what it was and whatever it shall be.

- That's right!

- We share the pain it takes to move forward.

Every step on this journey is not going to be easy.

- No!

No, it's not!

- It's time to come together.

- Yes, it is!

- Yes, it is!

No matter what.


♪ I've got a feeling ♪

♪ Everything's gonna be all right ♪

♪ I've got a feeling ♪

♪ Everything's gonna be all right ♪

- Oh, yeah.

- Yes, ma'am.

♪ I've got a feeling ♪

♪ Everything's gonna be all right ♪

♪ Be alright, be all right, be all right ♪


♪ My mother told me ♪

♪ Everything's gonna be all right ♪


♪ My mother told me ♪

♪ Everything's gonna be all right ♪

♪ My mother told me ♪

♪ Everything's gonna be all right ♪

♪ Be all right, be all right be all right ♪






♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪