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05x08 - The Treasure

Posted: 09/30/19 18:36
by bunniefuu
Previously on " Good Witch"

- Where have you two been?
- Out looking for a buried treasure.

In Middleton?
- It's a town full of surprises.

- Hello, Mother.

It's a shame she's a Merriwick.

The Davenport-Merriwick curse is a deal breaker.

What about you and Donovan?
Willing to take the risk.

Might be a way to make it a little less risky.

But you do have access to the young Merriwick girl.

- Leave her out of this.

- No Merriwick is out of this.

I want to find out if there's a way to break the curse.

I'm not gonna do it.

What are you doing here?
Uhh it's kind of a long story.

That's OK, you can tell me.

Uhhh I kind of let my grades slip at Regislane.

Well, for a long story, you wrapped that one up quickly.

Um, can we talk about this later?
Yeah, sure.


- Good morning.

Guess who used to know his way around a blow-dryer.

- You were adorable!
- Where did you find that?
My attic.

You left it behind in the move.

I am late for work.

Maybe you'll make a great discovery.

- What does that mean?
- It was your goal.

- You wrote it right here.

- I was 17 when I wrote that, I did not know what I was doing.

Except with my hair of course.

Sometimes, our earliest dreams are our best ones.

And sometimes, they're just random thoughts of a teenager.

- Thank you.


Hello, sir.

Can I help you?
- I hope so.

I want to ask this woman I'm dating to a fancy political dinner, but it's - kind of last minute.

- How last minute?

Well, why did you wait so long to ask her?
Uh, I wanted to see if she really likes me.

- And does she?
- It was touch and go, but I think she's come around.

Well, that's good news.

It's great news 'cause now I get to have her by my side at this stuffy event.

You make it sound so enticing.

I know, but there are gonna be some heavy hitters there who can help me in my future run as governor.

You would make a handsome governor.

Is that a yes?
It's your mother.

- How does she know?
She wants to meet for lunch.

- It's a trap.

- Or it's an olive branch.

If there's one thing my mother doesn't do, it's apologize.

Well then, this should be an interesting lunch.

So why are you really going to my school?
Remember when I told you my aunt pays my tuition?

My aunt is Dottie Davenport.

Donovan Davenport's mother.

She's worried about the Merriwick-Davenport curse.

She sent me to find everything I could about Abigail.


You were spying on my cousin?
I'm so sorry.

Is that why you went out with me?
No, of course not.

- Yeah, I don't believe you.

- Neither do I!
Oh, my!
You stay right there, young man!
You got a lot of explaining to do.

This is the original town charter.


- You OK?
- Not really.

What's wrong?
Or is this more of a mom conversation?
- Yeah, kind of.

- Oh.

Well, she's at the Bell, Book & Candle, but, um, I'm a pretty good listener.

It's Luke.

He, uh he lied to me.

- Oh, what about?
- Does it matter?
He's just not who I thought he was.

Ohhh I'm sorry.

Me too.

I have called this emergency meeting of the town council to announce a momentous discovery that's going to make tomorrow's Founders Day celebrations our best ever.

I have unearthed the original town charter written by our founders Nathaniel and Meredith Merriwick.

In consideration of this wonderful turn of events, I've hired an historian to come in and document our town's illustrious past for our website.

Abigail, this must be especially exciting for you, seeing the words of your relatives in all their original glory.

And this mark, is it some sort of Merriwick symbol?
Actually, that's the symbol for water.

I got it.

I got it.

- Napkins!
Who's got napkins?
- I got it.

Oh, goodness!

Something's happening.

That would be the symbol for fire.

And an X.

Could it possibly mark the spot of the fabled Middleton treasure?
I see you didn't go for the blow-dried 80's look today.

- Tell me my yearbook picture is not floating around social media right now.

Don't panic, it's not.

Abigail mentioned it to Stephanie, - and I couldn't really resist.

- It brought back memories.

Yeah, high school was a lot of fun.

- I wasn't always a saint.

Do you remember having goals in high school?

To graduate.

- How about you?
According to my yearbook, I wanted to make a great discovery.

- Well, you checked that box.

- Did I?
I'll leave that for you to discover.

Hello, stranger.

You've been busy.


I've been getting the food truck up and running.

Oh, Stephanie must be thrilled.

Yeah, definitely.

What's wrong?

I love being here, being part of a family But you also love being out on the ocean.

You knew we were gonna have this conversation, didn't you?
I know when you do leave, I'm really gonna miss you.

Don't worry, you're not getting rid of me yet.

Well, that's good to hear.

I better answer the door.

- Hello, Natalie.

- Hi!
You must be Cassie.

Martha's told me all about you.

Martha told me you're here to write about Middleton's history.

Middleton's website will be the talk of the town.

- There's plenty to write about.

- And plenty to see.

- I'm Vincent.

- Hi.


Nice to meet you.

Just the man I was looking for.

It is imperative that the Middleton treasure is unearthed in the next 24 hours, so that I can announce its discovery at Founders Day.

- The Middleton treasure?
- Legend has it that Nathaniel and Meredith Merriwick Our town's founders.

Had a trove of riches when they arrived here from the Old World.

But its location was lost with them in the Great Flood.

Now I know that you have sailed the high seas, and I would imagine with all your thrilling expeditions that you must know someone who has a, shall we say, knack for finding things.

You're in luck, I know the guy.

- You're looking at him.

- Oh!
Well, may I ask what your credentials are?
Well, I was once contracted to find a sunken pirate ship from the 18th century.

Never had treasure in it, but my crew and I were able to track it down in the middle of the Mediterranean.

- That's impressive.

- Very impressive.

You're hired!
Guard this with your life.

I believe the first clue to the treasure was revealed with a secret water mark.

- I start the search right away.

- If you don't mind me tagging along, it'd make for great material for my research.

I don't mind at all.

Look, I've got to head out, but we'll meet up later.

Looking forward to it.

Anyone ever tell you you make the best coffee in town?
Yes, but I never get tired of hearing it.

- I got news.

- Good news or bad news?
- Yes.

- Alright.

What's the bad news?
Martha just found a clue that might lead to the Middleton treasure.

And you volunteered to try and track it down?
You're kidding, right?
I'm sure he's not.

Martha's obsessed with that treasure.

I can juggle treasure hunting and launching the food truck.

- Can you though?
- Without a doubt.

But if it's gonna be a problem - I could step in and help.

- You'd do that?
I would do that.

: Deal.

- Awesome!
- No flowers?
- I figured it was your turn.

Were you expecting an apology?
Your son made it clear that sorry is not part of your vocabulary.

You're aware that Donovan wants to be governor someday?
I'm sure you must have a point.

My point is that your relationship could jeopardize everything.

- It isn't my birthday.

- This is far from a gift.

Your father's stint in prison could derail Donovan's political future.

- I highly doubt that.

- You're willing to take a lot of risks with my son's career.

This has nothing to do with my father, does it?
Of course it does.

You're still worried about the curse.

Abigail, the curse hasn't gone away, but you still can.

I don't give up that easily.

No inscription symbols, nothing.


I had my doubts the town founders would leave an answer key.

Hey, you never know.

One time, I found a section of a map etched into a pirate's wooden leg.

You must be a terrible poker player.

- You believed me for a minute.

- More like ten seconds.

Alright, we got a fire symbol and an X.

Could mark the spot.

Maybe the treasure's in a fireplace.

It'd have to be one that was built 225 years ago.

Well, information on buildings from back then would be somewhere here in the archive.

Or X could stand for ten.

Fire plus ten.

Ten fires.

That would generate a lot of heat.

We should check if anything burnt down back then.

The town's first windmill went up into flames.

Read about it in my preliminary research on Middleton.

There's a plaque dedicated to the windmill out near Foster's Wood.

I've hiked by it a few times.

You see something?

I was just thinking maybe you should go check out the area around the plaque.

- What, you're not coming?
- I'm supposed to interview Mrs.

Stanley, Middleton's oldest resident.

Are you sure?
I'd hate to find the treasure without you.

I'll catch up with you later.

You know what I like about roses?
They have a built-in defense mechanism.

- They're not the only ones.

- Is it that obvious?
A surprise from Donovan's mother.

She wants me to back off.

- Because of your father?
- For starters.

Did you tell her that you and Donovan tossed - a coin in the well?
- I didn't get a chance.

It's like the harder I fall for Donovan, the more things seem to go wrong.

Ohhh You should put something on that.

You know, you are focused too much on the negative.

That's because everything happening to me right now is negative.

You can't have a positive life with a negative mind.

Abigail, I have to tell you something.

That doesn't sound good.

It's not.

The only reason Luke was interning at the mayor's office was to get information on you.

He was working for - Dottie Davenport.

- How do you know?
Let's just say it's been a pattern.

Grace, I'm so sorry.

Are you OK?

Not really, but talked to Sam.

He's a great listener.

One of the many reasons I married him.

You know there is a Merriwick solution to all of this The pralines are mine.


I don't think that sundial's gonna make for a good interview.

How did you know I was here?
Something about the way you were looking at the town charter told me you may have cracked the clue.

I wanted to make sure I was right before I wasted your time.

Time being the key.

Now imagine the face of a clock on the front of this.

The date, October 12th, is 12 o'clock.

That puts the X in the 10 o'clock position.

The fire symbol could stand for light.

And light plus time of day brought you to the sundial.

Which has been here since the town was founded.

I guess great minds think alike.

You know, I think you're trying to find the treasure for yourself.

I'm tired of writing about what other people accomplished.

It's time I find out what I'm capable of.

Will you take a step to your left?
Oh, that's cool.

Very cool.

You have no idea what you're looking at, do you?
I know exactly what I'm looking at.

They're blueberry muffins.

I think your aunt will enjoy.

- Thank you.

- It's fine.


- He looked happy.

- Yeah.

He's been researching his family tree and he discovered that he had an aunt here in Middleton he didn't know about.

They're meeting for the first time.

- Well, that's exciting.

- Yeah, almost as exciting as selling that clay tablet that I had on consignment.


Frieders, the dentist, discovered that when he was hiking in Morocco.

Seems like a lot of people are making discoveries.

It's never too late.

- Subtle.

- I thought so.

- OK, what do you think of this?

For the food truck?
- - You don't like it?
I like it.

- It's encouraging.

- OK, it is good, but with all your skills, I think it could be even better.

Have I told you how much I appreciate your honesty?
- Can I make a suggestion?
- Please.

The best sandwich in the world - is the Monte Cristo.

- In the world?
Let me rephrase.

My Monte Cristo sandwich is the best in the world.

You know, I make a pretty good Monte Cristo myself.

- I'm sure.

- But you think yours is better?
Tell you what, we should make one, and the best Monte Cristo is the signature sandwich for the launch.

You're on.

- Any luck?
- It's all Greek to me.

Or Latin actually.

"Veritas intus jacet.

" The truth lies within.

That makes sense.

The fire symbol and the X were hidden within the charter.

Hmm, is that what led you to the sundial?
Yeah, and this shadow of four horizontal lines, which looks like the symbol for air.

So the clues are based on the four elements.

And air's literally everywhere.

Leaving you nowhere.

I just hope Natalie is as lost as I am.

Who's Natalie?
Martha hired her to write about Middleton, but she's really trying to get the treasure.

- You told Martha?
- I was hoping to find the treasure first and avoid that conversation.

Well, let's figure this out.

The symbol looks a little like a flag.

OK, flags hang at, uh, post offices, schools, city hall City hall was probably built when the town was founded.

Ah, that stained glass window.

It's divided into four rows.

Looks like we found our air symbol.

- You OK back there?
- (ADAM)
: Don't worry about me.

I'm worried about you destroying my bistro.

Your bistro or your pride?
I present to you the Hawkins' Ham and Cheese Tour de Force, also known as the Monte Cristo.

- You are pretty confident.

- You'll understand after you have your first bite.

Mm-hmm - Not bad.

- Nice try.

You know, I think we need to bring in an impartial judge.

- That good, huh?
I didn't say that.


Thanks for the extra set of eyes, Cassie.

They are the window to the soul, or in this case, the treasure.

I just have to find it before Natalie does.

Sometimes when you stop racing, you actually win the race.

Look at that.

Centuries-old stained-glass window.

We've been expecting you.

- We have?
- I have.

I'll let you two work this out.

Good luck.

How did you know the window was the next clue?
I didn't.

I followed you here.

I'm impressed.

And what do you see?
Besides the four seasons depicted in stained glass?
You worried I'm gonna figure this out first.

Not worried, determined.

That's something we have in common.

I have a feeling we have a lot more in common.

You sail, right?
I do.

I've been landlocked for a while, but getting the urge to get back out there.

We had a 40-foot sailboat when I was growing up.

- Ah, you still have it?
- I wish.

Well, if it isn't my intrepid treasure seekers.

If you're here, you must have some good news for me.

We do have news about our town's historian.

Well, I'm all ears.

She's turned out to be a big help.

Then, I will expect to be looking at that treasure by this time tomorrow.


Is Grace here?
I don't think Grace wants to see you.

I figured.

She wasn't answering my texts.

Why did you lie to her?
I I didn't want to, - but I didn't have a choice.

- That's a cop-out.

I know that now.

What changed?
I told my aunt that I didn't want to be her spy anymore.

- Hmph, how did that go?
- Not well.

She cut you off?
I cut myself off.

She was still gonna pay for school whether I helped her or not.

I just couldn't take money from her anymore.

The guilt got to you?
Grace got to me.

And I know she may never forgive me, but I want her to know that she inspired me to do the right thing.

- Mmmm OK, don't let our friendship influence your decision.

Or the fact that I officiated your wedding.

I'm perfectly capable of being impartial.

I'll close my eyes, and you can mix them up.

Yes, great!
- Ready?
- Ready.

: OK.

- Let's see.

Rich, buttery, delicious.



- Good interesting or bad?
- Hey!
It's OK.

I've made my decision.

- And?
- Which one is your favourite?
- It's a tie?
There's no ties in sandwich contests.

Well, your sandwiches are both wonderful and you should serve them together.

- How do we do that?
- I think you should combine them into one amazing sandwich.


It's like divine intervention.

More like a Cassie intervention.

I don't care what Dottie Davenport says, Donovan is lucky to have you as his date tonight.

Thank you.

I'm sorry you got dragged into all this.

I'm sorry I trusted Luke.

Don't worry, there are good guys out there.

I know.

You found one.


No matter how many curses or broken pictures or thorns come between us.

That's the Merriwick attitude.

Hey, Sam!
OK, I'll be right there.

Is everything OK?
Donovan was in a motorcycle accident.

Are you OK?
You know how I said I was a great driver?
I lied.

At least, you still have your sense of humour.

And some bruised ribs.

He's lucky there was a guardrail.

Am I lucky enough to get out of here?
I'd feel better if you stayed overnight for observation.

- I would too.

- Finally, something we agree on.

I'll wait outside.

Donovan's been riding that thing for 15 years; he hasn't had an accident until now.

It's not the curse.

Do you have a better explanation?
I have a logical explanation: it was an accident.

We don't need any more accidents.

It's a little too crowded for me here; I think I'll come back in the morning.

I can tell you actually care about him.

Please, stay away.


Who ordered breakfast in bed?
Well, I thought I'd surprise my wife, but she had to get up early.

What did your wife do to deserve such a special treat?
I've been thinking about the goal I wrote in there.

Hmm "to make a great discovery.

" - Mm-hmm.

- Hmm.

I've already made it.

- Well, in that case - Where are you going?
Someone made me breakfast in bed.

- But you've already seen it.

- Seen what?
Martha Tinsdale.

Dottie Davenport.

- What an unpleasant surprise!
- Aren't you gonna invite me in?
If I'd known there was going to be a reunion, I would have worn my homecoming queen tiara.

I have a much bigger bone to pick with you than that.

- I can't wait.

- How dare you entrench a spy in my mayor's office?
It wasn't your office I was interested in.


I'm aware that you were trying to dig up dirt on my predecessor, but my concern is that now your little mole is working for me.

You have my word that Luke won't be a problem.

Like I had your word that you would run a fair and honest campaign for homecoming queen?
You can think what you want, but my brownies won over the student body.

Baked goods were against the bylaws!
That tiara belongs to me.

I will happily hand over my tiara if you can get Abigail to stay away from my son.

I warned Abigail about the curse the moment I found out they were more than political rivals.

She is a stubborn one.

You know what?
If anyone can beat the odds, she can.

It would appear we're done here.

Don't cheat them out of their happiness the way you cheated me out of my homecoming glory.

And by the way, your mole is fired!
Thought you might like some caffeine.


Still not splitting the treasure with you.

- Treasure belongs to Middleton.

- Belongs to whoever finds it.

Surprised you left me alone.

- I knew you'd still be here.

- You doubt my ability to figure out the next clue?
I doubt you'd want to find it without me.

It has been an adventure.

This is where I left you yesterday.

This clue's kind of got our number.

The slides.

- Form Roman numerals.

- How mysterious!
And encouraging, right?
There's different numbers in each windmill.

- Read them out.

- "4, 2.

"1, 8, 7, 6.

"8, 8.

9, 5, 1, 4.

" Well, that's quite the riddle.

Quite the opposite.

Every sailor knows longitude and latitude.

- The coordinates.

- Well then, let's coordinate.

We've got an hour 'til my speech.

Hear ye.

Hear ye.

Come one, come all to the wondrous and magical town of Middleton!
Founders Day is upon us!
Hey, the Bistro Food Truck is officially open for business.

Since you're our first customer, your meal's on the house.

- Or on the truck.

- Oh, awesome!
- What do you recommend?
- You should try the Hawkins-Borden Ham and Cheese Tour de Force.

Otherwise known as the Monte Cristo.

Maple syrup is our secret sauce.

Sounds good to me.

Make that two.

Is it possible the treasure's been in our beloved wishing well all these years?
It matches the coordinates.

Do you think it's at the bottom?
- I really hope not.

- Every clue's had a symbol of one of the four elements: water for the charter, fire for the sundial, air for the window.

And earth for the well.

We just found the Middleton treasure.

May I?
It belongs to Middleton.

It's nothing but sand.

- This is kind of amazing.


I've had better.


This is the best sandwich I've ever had.

I, uh talked to Sam.

And now you're talking to me, so it's good, right?
It's a start.


'Cause I'm gonna need someone to hang out with at school, so Hmm.

"Well, my fellow Middletonians, I" I I've got nothing.

- I wouldn't be sure about that.

- Cassie.

What am I going to do?
Your speech is gonna be wonderful.

My speech is gonna be a disaster.

I wanted to announce that I'd uncovered the lost Middleton treasure, but it's still lost!
Hmm "We climb mountains not so the world can see us, but so that we can see the world.

" You want me to climb a mountain?
Honestly, Cassie, sometimes I have no idea what you're talking about.


Thanks for coming.

There was no way I was calling my mother for a ride.

I'm fine.

- I promise.

- Fine for how long?
What do you mean?
Maybe your mother's right.

About the curse?
- You're serious?
- Look what happened to you.

It was an accident.

Well, we don't need any more accidents.

Well, I need you.

I'm the last thing you need.

- - We make a good team.

- We do.

We also make a good sandwich.

- We do.

- Yeah, I'm really glad I thought of combining the Hawkins Tour de Force with your Maple Syrup Masterpiece.

Just kiss me.

- Yoohoo!
May I have your attention, please?
You don't think she was talking to us, do you?
- Let's go hear her speech.

- Hahaha!

Good evening, one and all.

225 years ago, on a day just like today, our beloved city of Middleton was born.

Now, I must confess I was hoping to use this speech to announce the discovery of the fabled Middleton treasure, but much to my dismay, the treasure remains lost.

You know a good friend of mine once told me, "We climb mountains "not so the world can see us, but so we can see the world.

" So perhaps our founders never wanted the treasure to be discovered, but rather it's the search that was important, so that all of us, the glorious citizens of our charming little town, can truly learn to appreciate the wonder all around us.

Happy Founders Day, Middleton.

And here's to the next - 225 years!
I'll be kind if you'll be faithful You'll be sweet and I'll be grateful Cover me with kisses, dear, lighting up the atmosphere Keep me warm inside our bed I got dreams of you all through my head Fortune tells us that I'd be free And that's the day - You came to me - They're amazing!
- Mmm-hmmm - So are you.

Came to me Mmm-hmmm (SINGER HUMMING)
You seem happy.

I am.

We never found the treasure.

- So?
- Come to me sweetest friend I thought you'd be more disappointed.

Maybe I found something better.

This will be our favourite song Come to me with secret pain I'll love you more, so don't be scared And when we're old and near the end - We'll go home - It's beautiful.

- Mm-hmm.

- And start again -
We missed you at the fireworks.

I wasn't really in the mood.

You called things off with Donovan?
- I had to.

- Because of the curse?
It wasn't looking good for us.

Sometimes, when we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.

Sometimes, they don't.

Look what I found.

Oh, thank goodness!
Half my life is in here.

You write anything about me?
There may be a passage in here.

So what's next?
More treasure hunting?
Another treasure hunt isn't happening any time soon.

Why not?
The Middleton treasure was gonna buy me a boat.

Maybe I can help.

I've got a 30-foot sailboat docked in a marina that's just dying to get out on the water.

Have you ever been to Miami?
We've been looking everywhere for you two.

Here we are.

But not for long.

I really miss the ocean.

You just got here.

- Well, it's not for good.

- Promise?

We'll be back for Grace's graduation.

She would love that.

- Bye.

- Bye-bye.

Am I glad to see you two.

Would you mind giving me a hand?
Lead the way.

Much as I look forward to Founders Day, I'm always slightly relieved when it's over.

Oh, it was one of the best ones yet.


It was one of Middleton's finer moments.

"Veritas intus jacet.

" Our motto right here in the charter.

Latin for "The town will triumph.

" Hmm, it actually means, "The truth lies within.

" Oh!
What truth could that be?
Clearly, it's not the secret of the treasure.

Um, looks like the motto remains a mystery.

- - Hmm.

A mystery.

Hey, do you mind?
You know, every great detective story has a red herring.

And if you look closer the truth lies within.

Looks like the town motto was more of an instruction manual.

- I wonder what it unlocks.

- I guess we'll find out.

Could be your next great discovery.