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11x02 - Decoy

Posted: 10/07/19 11:35
by bunniefuu
Previously on NCIS: Los Angeles

DOJ Agent Lance Hamilton.

Good to see you.

Eliana Sapir.

She's a Mossad.

What is it with you and this woman Eliana?

We worked together, then we were together.

Then we weren't.

How have you been, G?

Are you seeing anyone?


Law says I got three minutes to buy my beer.

I think it's a malt liquor kind of day.

Don't judge me.

Y'all got whiskey back there?

Get up.

What do I owe you?

- It's on the house, dude.

- Thank you.

Operator, this dude just came in and destroyed somebody.

Whoa, whoa!


Wait, you won!

Yes, much better time.

Making progress on my running.

Listen, I really appreciate and respect the fact that you're trying to get your personal record, but you almost, uh you almost caused an accident back there.


Not a car accident.


Okay, yeah, well, cyclers are people, too.

Cycling for transportation, I support entirely.

But no, adults wearing spandex, repping companies that don't even sponsor them, I think not.

- Wow, we've been together for - Yeah.

- How long?

- What?

- For how long?

- Huh?

How long have we been together for?

- That's not the point.

- How long have we been together for?

This is not a quiz about how long we've been together for.

I'm saying that we've been together for a long time, and it's just a little bit odd.

I didn't know you had such strong feelings - about the subject matter.

- I'm just saying, - pick a lane, you know?

- Okay.

If you're gonna ride with the cars, stop at the stop signs.

You feel pretty passionate about this.

I gotta go.

I gotta clean up and get to LAPD.

So I know that they said it was for mandatory policy training and department updates, but do you think maybe it's, like I don't know, something else, something about Like, you think that they, uh may make me shave and cut my hair?

A girl can dream.

Got a surprise for you.

I like the sound of that.

Wait, what is that?

- Huh?

- Wow.

I know how obsessed you've become with Wim Hof.

When did you fill these up?

Um, 4:00 a.


No biggie.

Jump in.

First off, I really appreciate what you've done, uh, but I just, I-I-I, uh, I think that "obsessed" is kind of a strong word about how I feel about this.

- Right.

Jump in.

- I listened to one podcast and may have mentioned that I thought the Wim Hof breathing technique was Wow, that does not look good.

Jump in.

I, uh, I just don't, uh, I don't - Aah - I don't think that looks it looks - really cold, so I'm not gonna - Jump in.

Today is not the day.

Jump in!


Do I have to take my shoes off to do this, or Oh!

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

Oh - Ha!


- Oh!

- This feels great.

- Oh, this is so great.

- I feel so bonded.

- I feel so bonded!

I've got to say, every time I come back to Tel Aviv, I like it more.

Well, what's not to like?

Weather's just like L.


Even looks like Santa Monica.

I think it's nicer than Santa Monica.

I just walked back from the beach I'm not in the mood to hear about your beach stroll, G.

It's 98 degrees with no AC in this shaping shack.

Point taken.

But it's clean.

No bugs, no cameras.

Eliana give you another Mossad Intel update on this guy?

Yeah, Uriah Ladd.

And looks like Hetty was right.

He is a former military contractor.

Looks like Ladd has cornered the Tel Aviv cocaine market.

That's a big market.

Yeah, it is.

Israeli Police and Mossad know he's got a massive stockpile, they just don't know where it's being kept.

- You have a location on him?

- We might.

Eliana and I are gonna sit on an address that Mossad got from an informant.

Oh, did you locate that American from, uh, the surveillance pics with Ladd?

Not yet, but I'm up and running.

Soon as he gets home, I'll pick him up.

Copy that.

Oh, and you know it's kismet.

What's kismet?

You in a hot box with no AC.

You don't remember you were talking about all the mental benefits of sauna Yeah.

- Hey!

- Holy snow!

Don't-don't-don't do that.

- Sorry.

- Oh What are you doing here so early?

DEEKS and I thought we'd get in some exercise - before his LAPD policy training thing.

- My God.

What are you doing here so early?

Well, um I couldn't sleep again.


Haven't heard from Eric, huh?


Not really.

That guy can be such a nerd sometimes.


Is he still up in San Francisco working - with that security technology company?

- Yep.

But all I'm getting are these short, cryptic messages he's leaving on some random cosplay site.

It's like he's working on the freakin' Manhattan Project.

Maybe he is.

Hetty wouldn't have signed off on it if it wasn't important.

I bet she knows what he's doing.

You know what, we could start working her.

She's a tough cookie, but I think we got this.

All right.

There's a thought.

Any idea when he's coming back here?

Well, he's technically just a consultant.

He's not full-time.

Supposedly he's coming back next week.

But again, who really knows what the hell's going on here?

Look, he loves you.

- Yeah.

- Right?

And he loves it here.

- Yeah.

- But I do completely understand how you're feeling, and I think that I would probably feel the same way you do, too.

Thank you, especially because I've been traveling up to San Fran every weekend to spend time with my mom.

I'm literally in the same city, and I don't hear from him.

How is she doing now?

She's a little better every day, I guess.

But I'm just realizing, you know, surviving the stroke is really just the beginning.

There's really no end to this.

This is just what life is now - for a long time.

- Mm-hmm.

I'm so sorry, sweetie.



Well, it's a good thing we came in early, lady.

Looks like we got a case.

I gotta tell you, Eliana, if these sandwiches taste even half as good as they look They do.

EatMeat makes your Bay Cities Sandwiches look like experiments conducted by third graders.

Okay, those are fighting words.

You know how I feel about Bay Cities.

Any comings or goings in the house?

- Nothing.

- Good.

- Then I say it's time to eat.

- Let's do it.

That's mine.

- I'm starving.

- That's yours.

Okay, now, that steak is kind of amazing.

It's entrecôte and chimichurri.

I have no idea what you just said, but Hold it.

Is that Uriah Ladd?

That's him.

Game on.

Well, maybe time for one more bite.

So, early this morning, this man, Liam Henderson, was run down in a 24-hour convenience store parking lot, and then shot and k*lled.

Do we have surveillance footage?

No, not of the parking lot itself, but check this out.

All right, what are we looking at, exactly?

Well, according to the report, Liam enters the store mid-robbery, and then ends the situation.

As he's leaving the store, he gets shot and k*lled.

He looks well-trained.

Was he military?

Yeah, Army.

He's been out for six years, but Aha.

That is not why we are pulling this case.

So, do you remember this guy?

Uh, yeah.

Rick Dotson.

Arms dealer, k*lled in Malibu.

Good memory.

So, Liam Henderson was his head bodyguard.

Not very effective.

Not on that night.

So we are pulling this case because of - Liam's connection to Dotson.

- Mm-hmm.

What do we know so far?

Well, we know that Daniel Aguilar k*lled Dotson, acting as a vigilante.

- And then committed su1c1de by cop.

- Right.

Now, before we get ahead of ourselves and investigate the angle on Dotson, do we know if there's a connection between the robber and the k*ller in the parking lot?

It doesn't appear so.

LAPD is looking into the robber, Will Vernon, but that looks like a dead end.

Apparently, he has a history of methamphetamine abuse, and he just ran away from his treatment facility yesterday.

- Okay.

- Wait a second.


The sh**t never comes into the store to check on Vernon.

And Vernon has stated that he has absolutely no connection to the sh**t.

Which means they probably weren't working together.


I'm guessing Hetty wants us to make sure that we were right last year about Aguilar working alone.

Yeah, that he didn't have a partner that's now out and about targeting Dotson's people.

Okay, I'll hit the crime scene.

You just - let me know when you - Whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop.

You are not working this one alone.

- Really?

- Mm-hmm.

Having the pleasure of your company today, Miss Jones?

No, not me.

I am a one-woman show here.

- Okay, so who am I partnering with?

- Well All right.

Have fun.

Ever use one of these?

Uh, no.

I bet you use Captains of Crush to train your grip.

Yeah, I don't really like to overtrain my grip.

I kind of feel like I was blessed genetically with unusually strong grip strength, and I just don't want to push it.

If you just use squeezing devices, you're only training half of your grip.

These Are you familiar with a man named Sam Hanna?

- No.

Who's he?

- No?

Oh, Sam Hanna is probably the only person on this planet that would actually enjoy discussing grip training inefficiencies with you.

Looks like they ordered dinner.

Well, I guess we're in this for the long haul.



I don't want to try your finger t*rture device.

I was just thinking that we don't have anything in common.

Like, nothing.

I like The Chainsmokers, and The Neighbourhood.

I live in a neighborhood.

I rock Heron Preston and Off-White.

I am white.

I'm serious.

We are so different, Callen.

How did we ever have a thing?

Look, I liked you, you liked me.

Sometimes it's better not to overthink it.

I'm not overthinking it.

Just wondering how it happened.


Looks like Matt Sapolu just got home.

Israeli PD gave me the go-ahead to pick him up.

You're good to go in and get him alone?


I heard from Nell the guy's last job was at the Torrance Best Buy.


You think maybe he was a fellow mathlete?

I mean, I don't know if that's something you can just come out and ask somebody.

It might be, like, a secret handshake?

Shouldn't you be using this time productively?

I don't know, doing something like finding out why Eliana ditched you at that bar in Rome?


How did you even know?


For the record, no woman has ever ditched me in a bar.

So, Nell said that you had some additional information on Liam Henderson's m*rder?

Two months ago, an alert caught my eye.

One of Dotson's bodyguards, Nick Alarcon, was gunned down in a carjacking.

- May I?

- Of course.



Um, uh, capital T-E-A-M, number eight, N-A-R U-T-O.

What the hell is "Team 8, Naruto"?

I have no idea.

I actually stopped asking Eric about our passwords about five years ago.

My mom always said, if you don't want to know the answer, don't ask the question, so I don't ask the question.


Okay, I didn't think anything of Alarcon's m*rder till three weeks after.

Another one of Dotson's bodyguards was k*lled.


Eddie Pratt.

Dead outside a motel in Salt Lake City.

And now Liam.


Someone's k*lling everybody associated with Dotson's security team - the night he was k*lled.

- Is there anyone left alive?

One guy.

Rick Takada.

Can't find him, can't get a beat on him anywhere.

I'm getting nothing but dead ends.

Also, another thing, Dotson had a rival arms dealer who was initially suspected in his m*rder, a guy named Colby Talbert.

- We're looking for him, too.

- I can tell you one thing, ain't gonna be easy to find him.

Hey, uh, Lance, Kens.

I just located Dotson's girlfriend, Karen St.


She's currently renting a house in Beverly Hills and I sent the address to the Audi's GPS.

- Good work.

- Let's do it.


Hey, Kensi.

- Hi.

Good to see you.

- Hey.

This is DOJ Agent Lance Hamilton.



Pierre, we'd like to ask you a few questions about Rick's bodyguards the night of his m*rder.

- Yeah, I expect you would.

- Were you in L. A.

this past year?

Uh, on and off.

I-I rode a downward spiral after Rick's death.

We were together for five years.

I went to Tokyo for a while, found out that copious amounts of alcohol don't mix well with grief.

I'm very sorry for your loss.

Thank you.

Rick was a very kind and generous man.

When I found out about Nick and Eddie's murders, I-I It freaked me out a bit, so I upped my security and I hired this well-oiled team.

So you think there's someone out there - k*lling Rick's people?

- Yeah.

I don't believe in coincidences.

Do you think whoever k*lled Nick and Eddie is in L. A. ?

Well, I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but Liam Henderson was k*lled early this morning.


I-In L. A ?


I I can't I-I c I can't just sit here and wait to be hunted down.

Do another sweep, right now!

I know that he took Rick's m*rder the hardest.

He took Rick's protection so seriously.

Do you have any idea who could be targeting Rick's bodyguards?

Let me be very clear with you, Agent Hamilton.

If I knew who was k*lling Rick's people, I'd send these guys after them, because I know, whoever it is, eventually, they're going to get to me.

What about the arms dealer, Colby Talbert?

What about him?

I told you last year he and Rick settled their differences.

That's finished.

No, I know what you told us.

But recent Intel is showing that Colby was moving in on Rick's territories in Thailand, Hong Kong, other places, after Rick's death.

Now, he didn't succeed, but he did lose a lot of men trying.

Well, yeah, I had no idea that Colby tried to do that.

It makes sense, I guess.

Well, if you think Colby could be behind this, and you want to speak to him, I-I think he just got back to the States.

Uh Jackson Hole, I believe.

That's great.

- Thank you very much.

- Yeah.

Karen, if you think of anything else, please don't hesitate - to call.

- I will.

- Okay.


- Thank you, Kensi.


Be well.

G, I got him.

Easy as you thought it would be?


Sneak up from behind me, you bitch.

Once I get my hands free, it's a wrap, you done.

What's-what's that?

What-what did he say?

- Nothing.

The TV's on.

- Ah.

Well, find out what he knows about Uriah Ladd.

Eliana and I can't go into that house blind.

Copy that.

I hope you got backup rolling.

You don't want to be in here alone with me.


We're gonna have to reset expectations on how this is gonna play out.

I'm alone.

I'm gonna take these cuffs off.


If you can take me out, you're home free.

I checked the CCTV cameras on the street behind the house.

No sign of anyone leaving or anyone new showing up.

So, where did you go that night in Rome?

That-that was a long time ago.

And we're different people than we were I get it if you didn't think we should be together.

- Is that what you think?

- Well, you went to the restroom and then you never came back, so I don't know what I was supposed to think.

My cutout contacted me in that restaurant.

My cover was burned but yours wasn't.

I did what we do, I walked away.

So, it was, it was just business.

Which part?

The being with you or the walking away?

Uh, maybe the part where you said, uh, you might have feelings for me.

I believe I said I loved you.

Why do you think I walked away?

Hey, Sam.

You good?

I haven't heard anything.

We, uh, tried to text you.


Just had to set a few ground rules over here.

Oh, yeah.

That must be tough dealing with a seasoned Geek Squad professional.

Eliana still there or did she leave you again?

That's funny.

All right, buddy.

- Good talk.

- Sounds good.

DOJ Intel just confirmed Colby Talbert's location in Jackson Hole.

We could get up there.

I've got the jet in Santa Monica.

I just don't understand what Colby's motive is to take out Dotson's people.

Unless they were more than that.

What are you thinking?

What if Dotson's bodyguards took over his illegal arms operation after he was m*rder*d?

And then they would be the ones causing problems for Talbert.


What's up, Nell?

I just got a hit on Kaleidoscope.

Dotson's last bodyguard, Rick Takada, just checked into a hotel downtown.

Address is on the Audi's GPS.

- Thanks, Nell.

- On it.

It was the right decision.

Your cover stayed sound for another 18 months after I left.

You don't have to explain it.

You did what was right.


I didn't understand it then but I-I get it now.

After you took down Russo and his men, I thought about reaching out, but I heard you were back in L.

A L. A.

is on the other side of the globe.

I get it.

I was in Baja, California then.


I didn't think we were the type of people who could "just be friends," and I knew that neither of us would ever quit doing what we do.

Does that make any sense?



Perfect sense.

Got movement.

That's Uriah Ladd.

I count four men, two women.

That's everyone that's entered the house.

Those bags are way too small for the amount of dr*gs Ladd has.

Could be weapons.

Well, if the dr*gs are inside, he probably would have someone guarding them.

Unless they're in a vault of some kind.

Or he could be leaving now to go to his stash place.

We check out the house here or we follow Ladd.

What's your gut say?

That this is a joint Israeli PD/Mossad operation that I am just assisting on.

It's your call.

We stay on Uriah Ladd.

I'll drive.


Drink this.

You want to eat something?

You're welcome.

Think I'm gonna thank you for a soggy sandwich?

It's barely edible.

- Easy.

I made those.

- I'd be at home on my couch watching TV with plenty of my own food had you not come barging in.

I ain't thanking you.

So you're gonna play victim?

You wouldn't be here if you weren't running blow with Uriah Ladd.

Who says I'm doing that?

A little lady that knows all.

How'd you get in the game out here in Tel Aviv anyway?

Got another sandwich?

I thought you said they were soggy.

They are.

They suck, but I'm hungry.

Hey, Kens?

What's up, Nell?

Rick Takada just took a large canvas bag from his car and brought it back up to his room.

If I had to take a wild guess, I'd say it's filled with r*fles and handguns.

- All right.

Copy that.

- This Takada guy's scared.

All his buddies have been taken out one by one.

He's the last man standing.

He's gonna be dangerous.

I've alerted LAPD of the situation and put the REACT team on standby.

- Moving.

- On you.



- What's going on?

- We're police officers.

I need you to listen very carefully.

Go back into your room, shut the door, lie down in your bathtub, and do not come out until somebody comes for you.


Go ahead, sweetheart.

It's gonna be okay.

I got the door.

That was the fire escape.


Federal agents!



One, two, three.


Looks like Takada put up one hell of a fight.

So LAPD has no sign of the sh**t on the motorcycle, and there are no g*nsh*t victims admitted to any hospitals - in the area.

- Are you sure you tagged him?

Yeah, I'm sure I tagged him.

Upper body, probably his shoulder.

Well, he's gonna have to patch himself up, then.


Nell's got something.

- Hey, Nell, what's up?

- Hey, Kens.

I just tracked down the sh**t's motorcycle.

He just turned into a parking lot in Koreatown.

It looks like it belongs to a small drugstore closed for renovation.

Address is on your GPS.

Great job.

Thanks, Nell.


Let's go.


Great job today.

- You're a brave little girl.

- Thanks.

Guess those bags were filled with g*ns.

Smart money says this is where he keeps the dr*gs.

We get one shot at him.

We storm in and the dr*gs aren't there, whole operation is a wash.

Sam needs to get Sapolu to talk.

He will.

That's what he does.

I'm just playing.

You make a mean sandwich, dude.

- Where's Uriah Ladd's stash pad?

- Hmm?

Where's he keep the dr*gs?

He had a place like that, you better believe it'd be hard to find.


So your file says you're from the IBC.

- Does it now?

- Mm-hmm.

Guy your size, you had to play ball at Poly.

Lockdown corner.

A few L. B. s ran up on me since then.

A lot of recruiting out of Poly.

You play at the next level?

One season at SC.

Blew out my ACL, never played again.

- Damn.

- It is what it is.

What about you?

You play?

Sure did.


Soft hands, tight routes.


Eh, snapped my shin first game of my senior year.

Football was taken from me just like that.

Once I healed up, I set my sights on the military, and since I wasn't going to the league, I wanted to make my mark on the teams.

What'd you do after you got hurt?

You graduate?

Nah I just got mad at the world.

Got kicked out of SC, arrested a few times.

You asked me earlier what it is that got me into the game in Tel Aviv.

That's it.

I know that story, man.

I'm sure you do.

Look, Sapolu.

This doesn't have to be your life.

It doesn't have to end in Tel Aviv.

You could go home.

I know I ain't walking away from this free and clear, but But if you help me I can help you.

You have my word on that.

I can help you.

Where does Ladd keep his dr*gs?

- Got the bike.

- Copy that.

Door's been compromised.

On my three.

One, two, three.

- Federal agents!

- We know you're in here.

We can get you medical help!

Nell, we need an ambulance.

It's not for Lance or myself.

Medical's on the way.

Who hired you to k*ll Dotson's bodyguards?

Come on, buddy.

Do the right thing.

Talk to us!

- We're losing him.

- The hell we are.

Come on, buddy.


- He's gone.

- Damn it.

What is it?

You got something?

G, I found the location of Ladd's drug stash.

Yeah, is it the warehouse we just watched him enter?

It's a warehouse, but it's not that one.

It's, uh, it's one street over.


There's an underground tunnel that connects the warehouse that you're sitting on to the one with the dr*gs.

- Underground tunnel?

- Yeah.

And Ladd has the dr*gs in an armored truck ready for transport.

When we were at Karen St.

Pierre's house, I noticed that one of her bodyguards was carrying the exact same knife as that guy.

So what's up with that knife?

Well, the knife is a Fairbairn-Sykes dagger.

It was developed during World w*r II.

- So it's rare, it's an antique?

- No.

It's timeless.

It's the perfect design.

In fact, the British Royal Commandos still use it.

So the sh**t was an ex-Royal Commando?

She did say she hired a well-oiled team to protect her.

What she actually did was hire a team to go after all the bodyguards that were on duty the night her boyfriend was m*rder*d.

Yeah, that's what it sounds like.

I mean, she blames the bodyguards for Rick's m*rder.

When they say "ride or die" They mean Karen St.


Let's get her.

This is the warehouse Ladd and his people went into, and this is the one Sapolu said houses the dr*gs.

All right, well, the tunnel has to come right through here.

I've got a TAC team on call, but if we can seize these dr*gs - without a firefight - Well, hold on.

If we do that, Ladd could get away.

Keeping the dr*gs off Tel Aviv streets is our priority.

It's not Ladd?

He has ties to people we want out of the country.

If he's on the streets, he may lead us to them.


Well, if that is the case, the best bet is to just access the warehouse, and try and take back the armored truck with the dr*gs.

And if Sapolu's telling the truth, there shouldn't be too many guards there.

And if he's lying We're walking into a sh**ting gallery.

Hey, Kens, I just found the audio of your interview with Karen St.

Pierre last year, and I've isolated the clip about Dotson's bodyguards.

Play it.

You're not going to find them.

Rick hired very specific people to protect him.

Last night was a total failure for them and they know it.

They don't want to be found.

Karen's behind this.

I should've seen it.

Come on, you met a grieving and scared girlfriend.

That's exactly my point.

She would've been stupid to stay in L. A.

after she heard about Liam's death.

She would've been on the first flight out.

Unless she was the one that had Liam k*lled.

Look, nobody could've predicted that she was capable of this.

Guys, you are gonna want to hear about this.

When I initially ran Karen St.

Pierre, her passport stated that she had only traveled to Tokyo this year, but I just heard back from Canada.

She took the name Karen St.

Pierre in 2011.

Before that, she was Karen Williams from rural Northern Quebec.

Let me guess, Karen Williams traveled through Thailand, Hong Kong and Bulgaria in the past year with a Canadian passport.


The same territories Colby Talbert was trying to move in on after Dotson's death.

She's capable of so much more than just k*lling Dotson's bodyguards.

You think Karen took over Dotson's business after he was m*rder*d?


Or maybe Karen is the real arms dealer.

What if she used Dotson as a front man to protect herself, to keep herself hidden.

If that's the case, that was one hell of a plan.

Nell, we are seven minutes out from Karen's place.

REACT team's still 20 minutes out.

Copy that.


Drop your weapons.

dr*gs are here.

Let's go.

My Mossad team will escort us to a secure location.

Federal agents.

We just want to talk to Karen St.


Hey, Kensi, what's going on?

Step away from the vehicle, walk towards me.

- H-Have you made a break in the case?

- I said step away from the SUV.

Listen, I'd love to help you, but I can't right now.

I have a flight to catch.


After Liam was k*lled here, it's safest for me to leave L. A.

We can't let you leave until you speak with us.

Kensi, I'm really scared.

I have to go.

You buying this?

Not so much.



Listen, Kensi, I like you, so I'm gonna make this offer once.

You and your partner are gonna get into your vehicle and drive away.

No one gets hurt, no one will ever know.

That's not happening, Karen.

You're not in a position to win.

We're not leaving without you.

Drop your weapons now.

Kensi, by now you've figured out who I am and what I'm capable of.

You used Dotson as a decoy.

You were the arms dealer the entire time.

Decoy's a bit harsh.

We cared for each other.

But yeah, you're right, I didn't want to be the face of the organization, but since most men like to underestimate us, well, it was a pretty damn easy ruse to keep up.

Walk away.

Like I said, that's not happening.

Tell your men to put their weapons down.



Light 'em up.

Going for the long g*ns.

Get down.

Take it.


- Get Karen!

I'll cover you!

- Moving.


Nell, I need an ambulance for Lance.


Hey, hey.

Whoa, whoa.

All right, all right, all right.

We got Karen.

She's secured.

Did you hug her again?

Sort of.

All right.

- Can you sit up?

Let's go.

- Yeah.

I'll put in a word for you.

Tell them you helped.

I'll try to get you home.

Whatever you can do, man.

Hey, Sapolu, keep your head up.

You're the guy who got a ride to SC.

You can be that guy again.

I appreciate you, uso.

We worked well together, Callen.

Just like old times.

Yeah, it was fun.

Didn't think I'd ever see you again.

I didn't think you wanted to see me.


I guess I was right.

I wanted to see you.

I just know that I'm not what you're looking for.

I don't know what I'm looking for.

At this point in my life, that's probably not a good thing.

Sounds like a personal problem.

Sam and I are leaving in an hour, so I guess this is goodbye.

For now.

Oh, you're saying I'll see you again?

Still keep a place in Rosarito Beach.

- Oh, stop.


- Mm-hmm.


Okay, so wait.

Lance doesn't even need to stay in the hospital overnight?

Uh, it's not so much that he doesn't need to stay at the hospital - Cheers.

- Cheers.

as much as he doesn't want to.

Okay, so this guy gets stabbed and then insists on buying us dinner?

Pretty much, yeah.


I think I like this Lance.

Yeah, he's a good dude.

- Mm-hmm.

- Hey.

Whoa, Lance.

Geez, are you okay?

Sometimes you got to get your ass kicked to know you still got some fight left in you.

All right.

All right, so enough with the mystery.

What's on the menu?


May I present to you the best sushi in L. A.


At least that's what the app on the phone says.

- Wow.


- Dig in.

- Okay.

Thank you.

- Thank you, yeah.

- Any time.

- Mmm.

Well, I assumed you ladies thought I was gonna be bringing tacos or pizza to the party, so I figured I'd give you a surprise.

Well, consider us surprised and impressed.


- I wish DEEKS was here.

He loves sushi.

- Aw.

I would never spend this much money on sushi for DEEKS.

I'd opt for gas station sushi.

He'd never know the difference.

He probably wouldn't.

Aw, poor DEEKS.



Oh, my God, this is so good