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21x03 - Down Low in Hell's Kitchen

Posted: 10/11/19 13:21
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous.

In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit.

These are their stories.

Another one?

And he waited three days to go to the ER?

And he won't report.

Okay, okay, I know, I know.


All right, understood.

Hey, guys, wait up.

Hey, Noah, wait up.

Fin, I just heard from a nurse at Mercy.

There's another attack in Hell's Kitchen.

Black male, tased.

- He filing a complaint?

- No.

Then what are we supposed to do?

Your son still works at the gay men's crisis center, right?

LGBTQ, as Ken reminds me.

So talk to him, right?

If we're hearing about this, you know he is.

- Okay.

- Yeah, thanks.

Hey, honey.

Let's go.

Mom, I don't want to go to practice.

Why not, honey?

You feeling okay?

I mean, ever.

I don't like baseball.

You don't like baseball?

Since when?

You love playing with Peter.

You love being on the team.

But now it's boring.

That looks like fun.

Hang in there.

Call anytime.

I'm here.

Dad, what's up?

Can't I just stop by?

Of course.

Uh, have a seat.

Jaden was just talking about you.


He like that shirt I got him?

He'll grow into it.

So, why are you here?

There's a rumor about a serial predator working the gay bars.

In Hell's Kitchen.


The victims are all black, professional, and everybody's talking about it.

But no one wants to talk, I know.

So do you think you can get somebody to file a police report?

I can't.

These men, and I shouldn't even tell you this much, have wives, kids.

Oh, they're on the low.

That's why he's targeting them.

He knows they don't want to speak up.

Well, tell them we'll do our best to keep their case confidential.

I'm their advocate, Dad, not yours.

Yeah, but if nobody says anything, he has no reason to stop.

What's going on?

Of course.

Good afternoon.


Of course.

Of course, I got you.

Thank you.

We have to get going.


All right, we good?

All right, y'all.

Keep it real, keep it real.

Oh, God.


Oh, come on, man.

Not right now, Fisch.

Then when?

This is not going away.

Yeah, it is.

What are you talking about?

Hasn't everything worked out till now?

Don't bring my brother down, Fisch.

All you do is worry.

That's my job.

That's your job, huh?

Yeah, go home.

All right, have some wine, hug your wife.

Hey, yo, Vlad.

Vlad, pull over right here.

- No, Math.

- Look, I need some air.

All right, I'm just gonna walk.

See you tomorrow?

All right.

- All right.

- I trust you.

- Tell your wife hello.

- Be careful.

I will tell her hello.

- Have that wine.

- I will.

All right.

Where are you going?

It's all good, Vlad.


Hey, you look like Mathis.

Nah, just got one of those faces, man.

Wait, you are Mathis?

This is you playing right now.

This is "Summer Sweat," my hype song.

I'm just not who you think I am.

Yes, you are.

You're Mathis Brooks.

Okay, just relax, man.

Wait, can we take a selfie?



Hey, man, get that off me, man.

What's wrong with you?

Just taking a picture.

- Don't touch me.

- My bad, bro.

What's your problem, Mathis?

Hey, your song sucks, anyway.

Hey, look, it's Mathis.

Mathis Brooks!

You don't want this?

That dude is that dude is drunk, man.

We got a 1054, semi-conscious male under the scaffolding on the corner of 52nd and 9th.

Copy that, Central.

What do you wager?

Homeless or drunk?


Holy Mother Please help me.

A serial r*pist in Hell's Kitchen?

Yes, Chief, the victims are male.

He tases them, and then he sodomizes them with a bottle.

We need to establish more of a pattern.

When did he start?

How many assaults?

We don't know.

I'll try again.

How many reports have been filed?


We think he picks his vics on the down-low so he knows they don't want to report.

So are we divining it?

No, we're not divining it.

EMS calls, advocacy groups, and the rumors are out there in gay bars.

I can't take rumors to CompStat.

I know, and I know that you just got here and you don't want to report a spike in assaults two weeks in, but That will never be my concern.

If stats go up, good.

It means people trust us enough to disclose.

Thank you.

So what do you need?

Manpower for a wide canvass, security cam checks.

I would like to augment with detectives from Hate Crimes.

Well, they're spread thinner than SVU.

And if they'd heard about this, they'd have looped me in.

So what do we do, just wait on him to strike again?

No, we can be proactive.

Increase uniform patrols, work your contacts.

Everything okay, Captain?

Detective Rollins says that there's another vic at Mercy Hospital.

So what's this new chief's deal?

Well, he's methodical, he's thoughtful, and he's Ivy League educated.

So why is he a cop?

NYPD, coming through.

Step aside, please.

What's up with the paparazzi?

It turns out the vic is a celeb.

- Mathis - Mathis Brooks, the pop star?


Same pattern?

Close enough.

Tased, beer bottle.

Hold on, I thought Mathis Brooks was straight.

Yeah, I mean, as far as we know, he is, but he was in the neighborhood, and he has a gay following.

So the perp assumed, the hospital called us.

Any chance he'll report?

I'm not sure, he's still in the ER, and his brother and manager are here.

They're being protective.

We were recording at Slick Beats till, like, 1:00 a.


Mathis, he's a perfectionist.

And where'd you go afterwards?

I went home.

Mathis needed air.


Fischer, there are a lot of gay bars near where Mathis was assaulted.

Any chance he went into one?


Mathis is friends with all types.

He's about all people being who they are.

He's an ally.

But he's not gay himself?


You know the women he goes out with?

One week, Halsey, next week, Ariana.

The kid pardon my French, gets more ass than a toilet seat.

Outside the recording studio?

No one strange, really.

It was all love.

Our man Vlad put us into the SUV, no problem.

So the studio's over by 11th Avenue, right?

Who got dropped off first?

Math got out on 9th.

Any idea where he might've gone?

After sessions, he just likes to go on walks, where he gets most of his ideas from.

Captain Benson.


Mathis is ready to talk to you.

Great, that's good news.

Did you do a r*pe kit?

He's a little too traumatized for that right now.


I told him you guys were cool, that you'd respect his privacy.

- You will, right?

- Absolutely.

Mathis, this is Captain Benson.

I told you about her.


And my sergeant.

Fin Tutuola.

How you doing?

Honestly honestly, I'm still not in my body.

Mathis, I'll be right outside.

He's good people.

He said that you guys were, too.

Look, I don't know if I could be of much help.

It all happened so fast.

No, if there's anything that you remember, anything at all would be great help.

I was I was under a scaffold, and I came to a zigzag in it and I heard somebody behind me, so I turned and that's when I felt this jolt.

We think that you were tased.

Knocked me off my feet.

Then the guy he bends me over the scaffold.

Pulled down my pants, and then It's okay.

Take your time.

He started yelling all these horrible things at me.

He was calling me the F word.

And the N word.

You get a look at him before you were tased?

I just got a glimpse of him.

He was a big, scary-looking guy.

White, black?


Long hair, a beard, maybe, and a hoodie.

Like I said, it all happened so fast.

So, Mathis, you should know that we think that the man who assaulted you may be a serial predator.

- What?

- Yeah, he's attacking black gay men in Hell's Kitchen.

That's horrible.

I mean, I'm not gay, but you mean just because the color of my skin, and because I was walking down those streets Did you stop anywhere on your walk?


No, I was I was just getting some air.

Like, that's all.

I'm walking after midnight.

You know what, guys, I'm sorry, I'm getting really tired.

Do you think that we can do this later?

Of course.

If you remember anything else, call us.

Thank you.

He's crashing.

Doesn't remember much.

Well, this may help.

I caught something on Instagram.

Mathis stopped by a bar last night.

Someone took a selfie.

Doesn't look too happy about that.


I guess Mathis didn't walk straight home.

What, the cops are on Instagram?

Yeah, Mathis looked pretty pissed at you in that picture.

No, no, those guys just forget that their fans make them who they are.

Is that why you went at it with him?

The bartender said you threatened him.

No, that was just drama, all right?

I don't like tourists.

What do you mean?

Honey, Mathis is so deep in the closet, he went past Narnia.

And that makes you mad?

They're saying security cam saw Mathis leave the bar after you two got into it.

And did you follow him?

No, I did not follow him.

- You didn't follow him?

- No, I I went uptown to meet someone.

Okay, someone got a name?

I didn't ask.

Listen, I'll pull up his Grindr profile for you.

Spoiler alert.

He looks nothing like his picture.

We had a suspect who got into a fight with Mathis at a gay bar.

So he didn't tell us that he went into the bar.

I don't have to remind you it's not unusual for victims to leave out details - that might make them look - Gay.

Is he straight, or claims to be?

He's not gonna cave on that any time soon.

He's high profile.

We have a serial out there.

He has a civic obligation, Captain.

You want me to shame a celebrity into coming out of the closet so you can publicize the case?

I wouldn't say shame.


Excuse me.

Yo, I just want to thank all my fans for the well wishes.

Look, I can't say too much right now, but don't worry.

Your boy's gonna make it.

I'm gonna hit y'all later, okay?


Hey, sorry about that.

My fans are concerned.

Well, so are we, Mathis.

Someone is out there, preying on gay men.

Gay men who are afraid to come forward, to file a police report.

Mathis, your music means a lot to people of all types.

If you were to come forward If you did that, everyone would think he was gay.

Look, hold up, Fisch.

So you think that if I made a public statement, that that it would matter?

No doubt.

More than you can imagine.

Come on, man.

Look, who cares if some people choose to think that I'm gay?

This is bigger than Mathis now.

What happened to me can happen to anyone.

There's a predator out there.

It's targeting members of our community.

Our community.

He outed himself.

I didn't think that he was ready to go that far.

That's pretty brave.

Well, it's helping us.

I mean, the story went viral overnight.

This has led me to self-discovery.

Like many gay black men, I felt compelled to live a lie.

I just want to thank you guys.

I looked into that man's eyes and I saw the hatred in his heart.

This experience, even as horrible as it was Dad.

- Hey.

- Ken, good to see you.

This is DeVonn Thompson.

I told him anything he says here, you'll keep confidential.

I was leaving a bar.


" In Hell's Kitchen?

It's low-key.

I mostly keep to myself.

Someone starts a conversation, okay.

Anybody talk to you that night?


I headed home.

I was going to the E train, walked down under scaffolding, and they said someone tased me.

Used a bottle.

I came to in the ambulance.

So you didn't get a look at him?

They say anything?

Not that I heard.

And how often do you go to this bar?


My family thinks I'm going out with the choir after practice.

Has anyone ever approached you on another Tuesday that seemed odd?

Yeah, actually about a month before, I was outside smoking.

This white guy, drunk, asked for a cigarette.

He saw they were menthol.

He gave me a hard time.

How so?

He said Your wife know you smoke those?

What, like he made you?

I got a bad vibe.

Went back inside.

Is it possible that this guy was there the night you were assaulted?

I didn't see him.

- Hey.

- Excuse me.

Another vic called.

A broker.

He saw Mathis on TV, and he said I can come downtown to talk to him if I pretend to be a client.

So he's on the low too.

Ask him if he remembers anyone asking about his wife.

My wife and my kids.

He asked if they'd be up when I got home.

Do you remember when this was?

July 23rd, Tuesday.

I came back into the city.


And you said he was blue-collar?

Rough, dirty-looking, reddish hair.

Could he have followed you?

I guess, but I didn't see who tased me.

What about his voice?

Did he say anything?

Not a word.

All I remember When he was assaulting me, I could see the toes of his boots covered with paint.

Six days ago?


Tuesday, I visited my mother, and got a beer on the way home.

Okay, when you stopped at the bar do you remember anybody asking you about your wife or your family?

Earlier that evening.

Tall guy, white, thuggish, trying to pry.

I shut that down.

My two worlds must run on separate tracks.

You understand?


I'm just trying to catch this guy.

Thanks for waiting.

What do we have?

Well, four victims, all assaulted after leaving bars in Hell's Kitchen.

The perp knows the neighborhood.

He surprises all his vics in isolated, scaffolded areas.

All tased and assaulted with a bottle.

And this hasn't gotten to the grand jury why?

Because these victims won't testify.

They'll testify if we subpoena them.

Counselor, these men lead double lives that we ought not force them to reveal.

They are helping us to find the pattern.

Right, the first three assaults were on Tuesday nights.

Mathis was last Friday.

So Mathis is the only one who saw his assailants come forward.

The other three only remember a tense interaction with a big, red-haired man at their bars.

And this is who they saw.

That's Mathis' sketch.

You've noticed the sketches diverge?

The MO is different too.

Mathis saw the guy.

He also heard him say gay and r*cist slurs.

Which could be our perp escalating or devolving - Or both.

- Right.

We can't have another as*ault.

Today's Tuesday.

We flood the zone tonight.

Chief, I don't have the manpower.

You will now.

I'll borrow UCs from Street Crimes for every bar on the list.

Black UCs that read as upper middle class, late 30s, sophisticated?

Not a lot of those in Street Crime.

You know what, Chief?

Don't take this the wrong way, but you're his type.

That's, what, the fifth guy in an hour?

The Chief can pull.

Look at you.

Handsome, sitting by yourself, playing all so hard to get.

Gay bars, straight bars, pickup lines are always so sad.

If you say so.


All right, it's almost closing time.

Chief did his job.

Just not our night.

Okay, nothing from the UCs at the other bars, either.

I'll text the captain.

You sure I can't buy you a drink?

Thanks, I'm waiting for a friend.

I can be your friend.

Another time.

Whoa, whoa, hold up, hold up.


Here we go.

Some guys can't take a hint.

Haven't seen you around here.

You can't been around here.

Buy you a drink?


It's late.

Wish you'd come in earlier.

White guy, red hair.

Fits the profile.

Yeah, it does.

Gotta get home to the wife?

Am I that obvious?

Maybe not to her.

You know what?

I really should go.

Safe home, Cinderella.

What happens after midnight?

You turn straight?

Let's move.

No, you stay put, Counselor.

You want to make yourself useful, get that napkin for DNA.

- Rollins.

- On it.

All eyes.

The suspect is following the Chief.

He's wearing a denim shirt, jeans, and work boots.

Waiting for your prince?

Got something for you.



Put it down.

Drop it.

Drop the w*apon.

Get your hands up.


I was going for a walk.

- You all right, Chief?

- Glad you made it before he tased me.

I didn't do anything wrong, man.

It's for protection.

Keep talking, Prince Charming.

You're under arrest.

Just 'cause it's got a rainbow flag, I'm not supposed to go into a bar built with brick my grandfather laid?

I grew up in Hell's Kitchen.

Before these people came here These people.

What, gay people, or black people?

Or both?

You like seeing the neighborhood change like that?

Put the bait and tackle back in the box, Detective.

My client just wants to clear this up and go home.


The bartender says you're a regular on Tuesdays.

Yeah, I see my parole officer on Tuesdays, do my urine test, I treat myself to a few beers after.

To be clear, the urine test is for narcotics, not alcohol.

- You're right.

- Right?

Moran was released from Greenhaven four months ago after a three-year bid on as*ault.

He's got a rap sheet going back to his childhood.

Sexual assaults or hate crimes?

Neither, but he fits the profile.

And he obviously has a problem with gays and blacks.

We caught him following Garland with a stun g*n in his hand, and a bottle in his pocket.

I know the attorney.

He'll find the holes.

Call the victims and do a lineup.

Well, the first three can only put him at the bar.

They didn't see their assailant.

But Mathis did?

Bring him in.

My brother's still got a way to go.

I don't know if now is a good time.

It's gonna have to be.



I'm Detective Rollins.

This is Sergeant Tutuola, you remember.

Looking better.


What's been helping, the love of my fans.

My friends.

I feel so blessed.

And creatively, it's opened him up.

He's working on a new album, "Phoenix.

" It's all about metamorphosis.

The healing.

Well, this may make you feel better.

We have a suspect.

Oh, word?

Th-that's great.

What's his deal?

Did he confess?

No, not yet, but You're the only one that's seen his face.

Nah, it was dark, so I don't know if Yeah, and Dr.

Freeman, that's Mathis' psychiatric advocate, she doesn't want him triggered.

Don't worry about that.

There's a two-way mirror.

You can see them, they can't see you.

We need you to step up.

Okay, yeah.

Yeah, whatever you guys need, I'm in.


Take your time.

Number number three?

Are you saying that it's number three?

Am I?

Actually It was number six.

Wait, was it was it three?

What is this, Counselor, phone a friend?

Just saying what everyone's thinking.

Hold up, hold up.

You know what?

I know what's wrong.

I turned, and then I got a glimpse.


So I was like this.

Number two.


- Number four.

- Okay.

No further questions.

Well, tomorrow is another day.

We're gonna go out this way.

Walk you out?

How'd it go?

Not great.

Doesn't surprise me.

Listen, on the drive over here he kept asking what number the perp was gonna be.

The detective told me that she'd never had a victim ask that before.

Okay, he was nervous.

Cross-racial IDs are always difficult.

We caught Moran with a stun g*n.

But none of the other victims have agreed to testify.

That puts Mathis front and center.

Moran's got an alibi for Friday night.

He said he was at a Mets game with his ex-girlfriend.

An ex-con's ex-girlfriend.

I think you'll find a way to deal with that.


Hadid, you warned me that D'Angelo finds holes.

So fill them up after the arraignment.

The press knows we have a suspect.

This train's left the station.


Moran, you're charged with four counts of aggravated sexual abuse in the first degree.

- How do you plead?

- Not guilty, Your Honor.

Your Honor, Mr.

Moran arrested while on parole.

It's a clear violation.

I'm sorry you didn't learn your lesson.

Remand to Rikers.

I'll get to you as quickly as I can.

Hey, Carisi.

I always liked you as a cop, so here's a tip.

Your star witness is lying.

I mean, demonstrably.

You should save that for trial.

Oh, it'll come out before then.

Right now, I'm trying to decide between CNN and Fox.

You got a preference?

A bizarre twist today in the alleged tasing and sexual as*ault of pop superstar Mathis.

Security footage has surfaced of his brother Aygon purchasing a stun g*n from this store.

Dumbass used his corporate credit card.

D'Angelo must've known to go looking for his.

Did somebody tip him off?

Moran told him that he didn't do Mathis, and he would know.

Moran's alibi check out?

Yeah, his ex took a selfie of them and their kids on the upper deck at Citi Field.

It's already all over Twitter.


So even if Moran is good for the other three assaults Which he is.

Mathis poisoned the well.

Is this for real?

My brother buys a taser, and now y'all think I made the whole thing up.

No one here is saying that.

It's all over the news.

NYPD's trying to make me look like a liar.

NYPD, or your brother?

He likes gadgets.

He has a drone, too.

And tasers are legal in New York State.

They are.

Any idea where your brother was during the time of your attack?

I'm not his keeper.

You show know Moran has an alibi for the night you were assaulted.

Okay, I see.

So y'all pick up the wrong guy, and now you're trying to make me carry the weight.

Okay, let's go over your story and find out what we missed.

Maybe there's a copycat.


Maybe there's two guys out there.

Mathis, stop talking.

We came here to cooperate.

Is my client now a suspect in any way?

That remains to be seen.

- Then we're done.

- Whoa, whoa, listen.

We're just trying to get to the truth.

The truth is I was att*cked!

Come on.

Brother, you saw me in the hospital.

The cuts, the burn.

I'm telling y'all this happened.

What that guy took from me I can never get back.

Why in the hell would I make something like that up?

He really believes it now.

You mean he's doubling down.

You gotta give him credit for that copycat theory.

I think it's more likely that he's the one who copied the crime.

He's heard about these other assaults.

He piggybacked.

So we grill him until he admits it.

That's not gonna happen.

Can we at least agree he didn't tase himself?

That's a good point.

So let's talk to Aygon.

He bought the stun g*n.

Ask him why.

Hey, Aygon.

Hey, buddy.


Hey, hey.

- Detective.

- Yeah, Rollins.

Working some stuff out, huh?

Must be stressful, your face in the news like it is right now.

Well, tasers are legal in New York, and I like gadgets.

I have a drone.

Right, I heard.

It's just funny, you buying a taser the same day your brother's att*cked.

It's for protection.

Mathis told me he heard about a guy attacking some men at the studio.

Oh, so he knew about that before he was att*cked?

Probably from Twitter.

He's always on.

Oh, okay.

Well, another thing.

Our lab found some fingerprints on the bottle near the crime scene.

Those gonna turn out to be yours?

What's going on?

Mathis told you not to talk to anybody.

It's Vlad, right?

Can I ask you some questions?


Everybody thinks Mathis is lying.

But I know that kid.

Did you know he was gay?

Oh, okay, that came as a bit of a shock.

I knew his family.

They're church people.

I think he was just ashamed.

But he was brave enough to out himself and say he was the victim of a crime.

Because of his integrity.

Only thing is, we don't think that a crime took place.

You like Mathis, right?

I love him like a son.

The DA wants to come down on him hard.

Now, do you think your client is so desperate for attention that he would stage an attack?

'Cause we can subpoena your phone, your email, your business records, and if we find out you were complicit in this I didn't know.

I swear to God.

I thought he'd really been att*cked.

Then you need to tell us what you did know.

I didn't believe he was gay.

But TMZ was threatening to out him.

So he heard about the assaults and he made a plan.

So why didn't TMZ break the story anyway?

I threw them some dirt on a former client.

Crazy thing is, if you hadn't found the actual guy, this would've worked.

Last week, I was brutally assaulted in this neighborhood.

When the NYPD asked me to come forward at great personal cost, I did the right thing for the greater good.

What happens next?

They call me a liar.

I'm heartsick that the NYPD sees black men as criminals and not victims.

What the hell is this kid thinking?

He was gonna be outed.

He was getting in front of it.

He figured he could get more sympathy as a victim.

Not from me.

I want him in cuffs.

But, Chief, our other actual victims are afraid.

So we go after Mathis, then nobody comes forward.

It's too late for that.

If your other victims had been willing to testify in the first place, we wouldn't be here.

Okay, Ms.

Hadid, you're new to SVU.

We don't blame victims here.

Human sexuality and criminal behavior are a hell of a lot different than securities fraud.

Thank you, Captain.

What I do know, the longer this stays in the news cycle, the longer we're standing here with our junk in our hands.

- Excuse me?

- Oh, I'm sorry.

Egg on our faces?


Hadid, you're the one who pushed Carisi in the first place.

Listen, all due respect, but this feels like a circular firing squad.

All Captain Benson is saying is that we have an obligation to make this case, and Ms.

Hadid is just reminding us that the clock is ticking, quickly and loudly.

The clock isn't ticking, Counselor.

It's blown up.

D'Angelo's already gotten a judge to drop the charges on the Mathis as*ault.

I don't see a path to indictment on the other three.

It's there.

We just need to keep working the case.

I'll see if I can get you 24 hours before the DA says drop the case.

With all due respect, Chief, she is not my boss.

- You are.

- I am.

But she calls her boss, and he calls my boss, and the two of us are out doing traffic stops in Staten Island with Dodds.

I don't care about her exploding clock.

So talk to our other victims, find more.

I'm not letting this go.

Ken tried to get DeVonn Thompson to come in.

- No dice.

- And I'm 0 for 2.

Marcus, Talbot, they won't return my phone calls.

And we can't run the r*pe kits without their permission.

Any evidence from the crime scene?

The only bottle CSU found was Mathis', and that's just gonna end up having his DNA and Aygon's prints on it.

Did you recheck security cams?

Yeah, Moran grew up there, though.

He skirted the cams like a guy staying dry in the rain.

Hadid gave us till end of day.

So go back to 9th Avenue, see if any of the bartenders, any of the patrons can put Moran with the other vics.

We can try, but after Mathis, their walls are up.

Can you blame us?

I came to you because of Mathis.

And now because of him, even if I did testify who would believe me?

Ken said something I left out.

Could be helpful.

Talk to me.

You remember the first time I told you I met Moran?

I was outside the bar, smoking.

I left out a part.

He followed me back into the bar then the bathroom.

He got down on his knees unzipped my pants.

Was that consensual?


I know I'm repressed, but once we started, he really let go.

Then what happened?

I went back to the bar.

I took a picture of us.

It was like Jekyll and Hyde.

He just snapped.

I got out of there.


Now, this wasn't the same night he assaulted you.

No, I ran into him at the bar a month later.

I got out of there, but he must've followed me.

That explains a lot, but unless DeVonn testifies, that photo's inadmissible.

Let me call Carisi.

Maybe there's a way that this gives him some leverage.

Plea bargain?

After your star client has just been outed, pun intended, as the biggest liar since Pinocchio?

Forget Mathis.

Well, I would, but he's on every channel.

And plus, none of your other victims say they saw my client's face.

Actually, I have one who did very clearly.

In fact, I got some evidence that you are entitled to see.


Yes and no.

What the hell is this?

That's a photo of your client with a man that he later victimized, taken shortly after your client dropped to his knees and expertly gave this gentleman oral sex.

That's a lie.

In the downstairs bathroom at Swank.

You two look pretty cozy.

You son of a bitch.

Take that back.

Calm down, Jeff.

Look, this photo is probative of nothing.

I mean, you just said the interaction was consensual.

I did.

And a jury will be told that as well.

They'll also hear the next time your client saw his lover, he followed him, he demanded his phone, and then he sodomized him in rage.

Is that right?

Try finding a juror who hasn't heard about Mathis.

Nobody's gonna believe any of this.

That is fair enough.

I just want to make sure that your client knows what is gonna come out in a public trial.

Also I mean maybe the trial doesn't go his way.

It's a pretty difficult backstory to carry into prison, as I'm sure Mr.

Moran knows.

I'm not gay.

He's bluffing.

You're not going away.

Maybe not, but, Mr.

Moran, here's your choice.

Confess, and you go into prison as a straight man who assaults gays.

Or this goes to trial.

And everybody hears that you're a self-loathing h*m* who gets angry after he services black men in bars.

As your attorney once said to me what's your preference?


I have good news, and better news.

I heard you about being short-handed.

I'm getting SVU a white shield.

A white shield?

You mean somebody that's not a detective.

You'll both be great mentors.

Also, Ms.

Hadid just called to thank me.

Jeffrey Moran took a plea.

He'll do seven years for sexual abuse 1.

So nobody has to testify.

That is great news.

Any thoughts on what changed his mind?

Um It's kind of a "don't ask, don't tell.

" All right.

I'll take the win.

But next, we need to pursue charges against Mathis.

We have to send a message.

And what message is that?

False reporting is extremely rare.

We keep this in the news, and survivors are going to be afraid that they won't be believed.

So Mathis never pays for the damage he's caused?

He's paying.


For what it's worth, my Deputy Chief wanted to put you in jail, but we talked him out of it.

What, I'm supposed to thank you?

I didn't make this up.

Look, I don't know why you did what you did, but it's coming from a bad place.

This where you tell me that you're disappointed in me?

That I screwed everything up?

Not everything.

I was talking to my captain.

If you hadn't ever came forward, we would've never caught Moran.

That's true.

Nobody remembers that.

The whole world's just laughing at me.

Not me.

See, I know something was done to you.

It ain't about this time.

It ain't about this thing.

But you gotta deal with whatever happened to you in your past that brought you here.

That's on you.

Come in, hurry up.

Class has started.

Hurry up, you're late.

Get in line, please.

Oh, hi.

Can I help you?

I want to dance.

Um, uh, this is Noah, and we're here for our first dance class.

Okay, great.

Come on in.

Hurry up, you're late.

- Sorry.

- Get in line, get in line.

Can you see me?



Chin up.

And plié.

And stretch.


And stretch.

Ribs in.



Go to second position.



And chin up.


Go to second.
