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16x03 - Reunited

Posted: 10/11/19 13:51
by bunniefuu
Grey's Anatomy - 16x03 - Reunited

♪ Ooh-ooh ♪

MEREDITH: In the earliest days of medicine...we're going back thousands of years... doctors spoke of healing as a reunion.

[CHUCKLING] Come on.
We're almost there.

- Yeah.
- You tired?

No. Plenty left in the t*nk.


Oh, would you look at that?

That's a shame.

Not a bad morning at all.
We're only halfway there.

- Hmm?
- Let's go. Come on.

When we close a patient...

- Back up. Watch your six.
- What...

...connect severed tendons, repair a liver...

Whoo! What?

...we're just reuniting the tissue.

Nothing. That... looked heavy.

Yeah, it's almost like I'm strong or something.

What's the matter?
These just glamour muscles?

Restoring what was there before the illness.


Ideally, it's a happy reunion.

♪ Switch it up ♪

But things get tricky when we fail to make the right connection.

Or worse, when we reunite two things that were best kept apart.

Dreamt about Jackson again last night.

This time, I was in middle school and he was on the football team, and our beloved mascot was the hot firefighter.

I'm keeping the baby.


Oh, my God. Oh.

Are... Are you... Are we happy?

We are... bewildered?

Well, yeah, yeah.

I mean... I mean, how is this gonna work?

Are you and Link gonna live together, or...?

Does Meredith know?



No! No, no one knows!

Yeah, except me, who somehow always knows

about everyone's wombs.

Tell me more about Jackson and the firefighter?

He says that they're just friends, but he's lying.

He just walked out of the fog with a new girlfriend like I never existed.

I actually might hate him.

My teacher said hating someone is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.



Go get ready for school.

♪ One, two, three, four ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh ♪

MEREDITH: So, what do you get to do today?

What are you working on?
Do you get to cut? Appy/choly?

DELUCA: Why are you torturing yourself?

Because I need something to fantasize about while I pick up fast-food wrappers.

I'm running the ICU until Bailey lets me out of the doghouse.

No cutting. Nothing fancy.

It's all fancy to me.

How's your article coming along?

- Any word from the website?
- Oh, um, yeah.

They actually asked for three pitches, so I sent them like .

- Let's hear them.
- You want to hear them?

- Mm-hmm.
- Okay.


"The sicker you are, the richer we get."


"If you die on our watch, we'll still bankrupt your family!"


"You could be dead before your insurance kicks in."

Mer, this is not gonna earn you any friends in the medical community.

Yes, well, the medical community and I are in a fight.

- Oh. I think you better go.

The warden's watching you.



Uh, well, you know that just makes me want to go slower.

Mm. Such a rebel.



Have fun.


♪ _


Hey. New MRI machines installed last night.

Hey, that's great.

Yeah, but we don't have the right image-viewing software,

- so we can't use them yet.

Hey, it's baby steps.


Richard Webber?


[CHUCKLING] Oh. Gemma.

What... What... What are you doing here?

Well, after I got fired, a friend of mine named Richard Webber made a few phone calls, and those calls landed me here, in the billing department.

I'm days sober.

That's wonderful news.

Well, um, I guess we'll be seeing more of each other.

Yeah. Guess so.




Amelia. Hi.

Hey. [GASPS]

And hello to you.

Owen got paged to a trauma, so I dropped off Leo.

How you holding up?

Three hours of sleep last night.

- New record.
- Wow.

Yeah, I have no idea how I'm gonna...

Um, how I would... if I ever... um...

Don't want to be late.

Great seeing you.


WOMAN ON P.A.: Dr. Franklin to the CCU.

Dr. Franklin to the CCU.

Okay, let's run a trauma panel and page Dr. Shepherd.

No need. I'm here.

Oh. Fine. MVC, GCS upon arrival.

Looks like there's a step-off in T , and there's concern of paralysis...

Uh, bup, bup, bup, bup, bup, bup.

feet, Dr. Hunt.

Very funny. Okay, let's get the patient up to CT...

I'm not joking. That's two strikes.

Well, then leave and I'll get Shepherd.

This patient needs a neurosurgeon to check on his spinal cord now, Dr. Hunt.

You'd risk your patient's mobility for your pride?


Somebody page me when he's gone.

DAHLIA: Your lap colectomy is ready for discharge, your emergency splenectomy's H&H is stable, and Dr. Grey's liver mets patient is in, admitted for pre-op.

For an ALPPS procedure!

I know.

Okay, you know how rare that is, right?

How about a little enthusiasm?

Dr. Grey got fired before her patient was back from vacation.



Your father's blood pressure is still running low from dehydration.

We're gonna place a catheter in his thigh to deliver fluids and meds.

A cath... Uh, will there be blood?

'Cause, see, like, I got a thing about blood. I can't...

Kenya, why don't you give yourself a break?

Go get something to eat, grab a shower, and come back, and by the time you do, we'll be done.

It's a very simple procedure.

Okay. Um...


Daddy, I'm gonna go for a little bit, but I'll be right back, okay?

So, you better be here when I get back.



Thank you.


It's Bertram Hollister, years old.

Wait for the patient, Parker.


Good morning, Doc. [CHUCKLES]
Sorry to keep you waiting.

I-I was trying to get my steps in before I go under the knife.

- Oh...
- I know. No knife.

Gets me more sympathy online when I make it all dramatic, you know?

- As you were.

Uh, Bertram Hollister...

"Bertie." Call me Bertie, please.

Okay. Bertie, , in for a scheduled, eh, percutaneous coronary intervention.

It's all quite simple.

You'll be awake while I place a small coronary stent to help open up some of the blockages and keep that heart of yours nice and strong.

H-How much time before the surgery?

I want to get in as many steps as I can.

Uh, we'll be back within an hour, but don't push yourself.

- Okay.
- And please ask for help...

...if you start to develop any chest pain or shortness of breath.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.


But you're not my doctor.
Meredith Grey is my doctor.

I understand that you're upset, Ms. Gregory, but I learned the ALPPS procedure from Dr. Grey.

She taught me.

Don't talk to me about teaching.

I taught my entire career.

Some kids get it, some kids don't.

And you never know which is which until years later, when you either get a beautiful thank-you note, or you see on the news that one of them tried to rob a library naked.


You don't have years.

The tumor in your liver is...

Meredith Grey told me all about the tumor in my liver.

And I told her I don't want some kind of experimental surgery,

I want to tackle my bucket list.

So we made a deal.

She told me, "Go on your trip and come back and see me after six weeks."

But if I'd known she was fired,

I'd still be on a beach in Costa Rica!

Dr. Grey is the whole reason I'm here!

You and me both.

Shirley, I've already spoken to the chief of surgery.

She says she's going to be there every step of the...

Young lady... my answer is no.

Now, either get me Dr. Grey, or check me out of here and just let me live my life till I die.



MAN ON P.A.: Dr. Medico to the psych unit.

Dr. Medico to the psych unit.


- Hi.
- Hi.


Have you, uh, heard anything?

No, I've just been waiting.

But they said that she fell at a construction site?

She fell into a construction site.

- Oh.
- You know Heather.

- She's always on her phone.
- Right.

RICHARD: Um, excuse me?

Um, I'm looking for the family of Heather Peterson.

Oh, that's us.

We're sisters.

We were able to resuscitate her once she arrived, but the CT revealed severe injuries to the brain.

I-I don't understand.

I d... I don't...

[VOICE BREAKING] Are you saying, um...

What are you saying?

She fell about feet.

She fractured her skull.

We've done everything we could, but I'm afraid there are no signs of brain activity.


I don't understand. I...

Is she...

Is she brain-dead?

We, um... need to wait several more hours and then run one more exam to make the final determination, but it seems likely.

I'm sorry.


- WOMAN ON P.A.: Dr. Everly to the ER.

- Dr. Everly to the ER.
- Hey, I was just trying to call.

[EXHALES SHARPLY] Have you told anyone?

Just Jo.

Which was apparently very wrong and I'm sorry.

Did something happen?

N-No. Just, uh...
Just... We're not there yet, at the... telling-people part.

Jo's my best friend. And you told Maggie, so...


I'll just stick with "I'm sorry."

Can I ask how you're feeling?

Mm. Sleepy... and pukey.

- My two favorite dwarves.





Ma'am, are you okay?



Ma'am, are you dizzy?


Okay. Uh, ma'am, ma'am, my name is Dr. Lincoln, and we'd like to try to get you some help, okay?




Absolutely not.

But she won't let anyone touch her, including you.

Which is very sad, and in my opinion, very foolish, but I am not granting Meredith Grey privileges.

So, would you say because Dr. Grey's gone, we're giving worse care?

Uh, Qadri, keep your rhetorical questions to yourself.

It is one surgery.

One surgery too many, Dr. Karev.

Look... [EXHALES SHARPLY] I already made a concession by agreeing to let you perform a complicated surgery that you have only observed.

I made this concession because I have faith in you.

If your patient doesn't share that faith, uh, I would direct my energy into convincing her.

But Meredith Grey is not stepping foot into one of my ORs.

What if she doesn't have to set foot in the OR to help?

I'm listening.


MAGGIE: Contrast.

Are you feeling any discomfort, Mr... um... Bertie?

I haven't felt this good since my wife and I went to Woodstock.

You know what I mean?

You went to Woodstock?

We were a little on the older side, but Lois liked to keep up with the kids.

We left when it started to rain.

I don't have too many regrets in my life, but I sure regret leaving that party early.

What else?

Not writing enough love letters to Lois.

Not quitting my job earlier.

Drinking too much when my... my kid got sick.


And the train station...

It was... It was supposed to be : .


It was so... It was so hot.

It was...


What was I saying?

Um, you were... you were talking about your regrets.

- Heparin.
- Oh, right.

Can't change the past, can you?

But I'll tell you, I think I got the secret.

It's love.

Love makes it all worthwhile.

All of it, Bertie?

Really? The heartbreak, the loss, the back-stabbing, the petty behavior of people that you thought you could trust?

Love makes all of that worthwhile?

Uh, I'm Dr. Karev. I'm the chief.

I-I don't know if Heather ever discussed her wishes with you, but if not, um, then you can decide if you...

If we want to unplug our sister.

Um... I don't know what Heather would want, but I can't imagine it's th...

No. No. No.

This is not how we end, okay?

We are family, and I know that we have drifted apart, but this can't be how we end.

What, she just... she walks into a dig-site and dies?

Come on. I don't accept that.

I'm sorry. This is not how we end.

Where are you going?

I don't know!


Yeah, she's pretty badly dehydrated.

Should we get her a banana bag?

I don't want to poke her until

I can explain what I'm doing.

- Interpreter's been paged.







She's Korean. She says she's lost... something.

Ask if she knows her name.


Oh Soyoung.

She knows her name. Her name's Soyoung.

Ask her if she knows what year it is.


Hey, what's going on?

We're not sure.

We found her lost in a hallway, leaning against a wall.

She's dizzy and very dehydrated.


She said she has a friend that's a bird and she lost him.

I don't know. She seems a little disoriented.

All right, let's get her hydrated, and we'll give her a work-up just in case.

And see if you can get her to call her family.

- Okay.


KORACICK: Entering the ER!

Wh... Whoa, whoa.

Just trying to make this easy, Hunt.

Here you go.

[CHUCKLING] All right.



If Dr. Grey's not with you, don't even bother.


Dr. Grey!

How was Machu Picchu?

Ugh. I thought if my liver didn't k*ll me, that bus ride was gonna.

[EXHALES SHARPLY] Ms. Gregory, I have permission from the chief to allow Dr. Grey to observe and assist remotely on your surgery.

Meaning that they'll have me on video-chat so I can see every move that Dr. Karev is making.

Fortunately, my supervisor owes me.

So, just your face? Not your hands?

Remote surgery is practiced all over the world.

I'd rather do it myself, but a judge has decided that I better stay on this side of the road instead.

So, it's the next best thing.

That judge sounds like a horse's ass.

[CHUCKLES] I won't fight you on that.


She was a good student?

Shirley, she was a great student, excellent.

You're in very good hands.

All right, then.

But don't k*ll me.

Okay. Okay.

We will text you when we are ready.

WOMAN: Get back to work!


Okay, okay.

Whoa, whoa. Hang on. Stop squirming.


Hi... Hi. What...
What are you doing here?

Um, Koracick. What are you doing here?

Oh, you know, just... failing.

I mean, really, deeply failing in a poo-covered, publicly humiliating way.

Let me. Let me.

Okay. Thanks. Just go under.

- Yeah. I got her. Hey.
- Okay.

It j-just... just went up her back.

I mean, it's... it's everywhere.

Yeah. Well, it's bad.
It's a bad one. Yeah.

Okay. There we go.

You're good.

And, boom. And there you go.

It's... I think we got it.

And here... we... are. Aah.

- Wow. Thanks.
- Yeah.

- I got it.
- Oh, thanks.

Mm. Mm.

Okay, so, I, uh...
I guess we'll just, um...

I guess we'll just go to the park.

Hey, why don't... why don't we give her a tour of the hospital, hmm?

I got a couple scans to look at, and I'm not ready to say goodbye to you both yet.

You're just humoring me because you know I miss the smell of blood.

And that's why you love me.

- I do.

WOMAN ON P.A.: Dr. Bowie to Pediatrics.

Dr. Bowie to Pediatrics.



How you feeling? Any soreness?

Eh, that's a personal question.


What... What happened here?

Oh, run over with a x on a walk-through.

Ah. Let me see.

- Mm.
- Okay.

Yeah, I can... I can make that disappear.

Oh, really?

- Yeah, of course.
- Wow.

I can throw a couple sutures in there.

It'll heal up much better.

I mean, unless you like scars.

Well, scars are cool.

Facial scars, though?

Yeah, those are the coolest kind.

You don't want to see my skills?


- Come on.

It's not lying not to tell people, right?

- It's your first trimester.
- Mm.

- I'm just so used to rigorous honesty...

...I feel like I'm lying to everyone I talk to.

Honesty and privacy are not mutually exclusive.

Ooh. I like that.

Pretend you have the nuclear codes, and if you tell anyone you're pregnant, then the whole world will end.

That feels entirely possible.

So, Ms. Oh doesn't want a work-up.

She keeps insisting that nothing's wrong, but her passport's from South Korea.

I'm nervous she has dementia, and she somehow got herself on a plane to the U.S.

Okay. We should just admit her for her own safety, at least until we can locate some family.

- Hi, Bertie.

How you feeling?


I hate hospital rooms.
Can I take a walk yet?

The sedation has just worn off. I think it's best if you...

How about... we walk together?



[SIGHS] And thank you for always sticking up for me when we were little... [SNIFFLES]...

teaching me it's okay to say no...


...and giving me your sweatshirt to wrap around my waist when I got my period at school.

I'm sorry we fell apart.

- If there was anything I could do...

'Scuse me.

What... What are you...
What are you doing?

This whole building is bad vibes.

I can feel them pulsating off the walls, you know?

And that's not gonna help her heal.

She needs good energy.

There's nothing to heal.

Well, he said that nothing's official for a few hours.

So... she's got time.

That's just a technicality, Haylee.

She's not gonna get better.

I know it's difficult, but can we...

Okay, so, do you want me to just pull the plug out of the wall?

Look, just because she can't talk to us doesn't mean that she's not in there.

That is exactly what it means.

Really? Oh, okay.

Well, why were you just talking to her?

Because... I'm grieving and I'm irrational.

You're giving up, just like you did with Mom.

Maybe if you got some fresh air...

Don't you dare talk to me about Mom.

I visited her every day while you were off

Eat-Pray-Loving yourself across Thailand!

I paid for her Reiki!

Reiki? Reiki doesn't cure cancer!

They make a decision yet?

You always resented me for that trip!

Because grown-ups stay in town when their parents are dying!

- Maybe if you'd seen my therapist...

I think we're a little ways off from that.

A psychic is not a therapist!



Patch her in.




- Hey.
- Hi, everybody.

- Hi, Bohkee!
- We miss you, Dr. Grey.

I miss all of you, Qadri.

Okay, we're gonna be switching you to the overhead camera.


Okay, can you see?

I'm good.

Karev, you have to hurry because I only have a -minute lunch break.

I'm kidding. [LAUGHS]





Okay, I've accessed the femoral vein for you.

Now, feed the guide-wire in and hold it.

Take your time, don't rush, get it right.

Don't let go of it.

And, um... what if the wire slips?


Because it slipped.

Slipped? Slipped where?

Inside the patient.


Okay, hold pressure over the wound

and do not let go whatsoever, okay?

We need some help in here.
We need to move the patient to the cath lab right now.

- Oh, my God. Ah.
- Let me see.

I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry.


You dropped a guide wire into your patient, DeLuca?

It landed in the right atrium.
It's under control now.

And you didn't feel the need to call me immediately?

By the time I asked permission, he could have been dead already.

Would that have been better? Snare.

Get that wire out of that man's body, and then I want a detailed report on my desk.

Understood. Won't happen again.


Does she think you did this?


OWEN: So, the knife nicked the brachiocephalic artery, but it's this dissection here that I'm worried about.

Oh, that's terrible, and beautiful.

- Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.

We had a similar injury in Germany.

Factory accident, but the same idea.

We put a filter in with endovascular access to prevent distal embolization, and then we put a stent graft over the dissection.

We had a good outcome.







Do you have to go?

[SIGHS] It's just Koracick.

I have a bunch of interns paging me when we're on the same floor.

Hey, do you want to help me find a new hiding spot?

How about the OR? Baby's first scalpel?

- Yeah, let's do it.
- Yeah. Let's go.

HAYLEE: That was the third grade!

HEIDI: And you still haven't changed.

- Still?
- Still.

Why? Why am I surprised that you don't care about Heather's soul, seeing as you don't have one yourself?

- That's ridiculous.
- All right, look, enough.

Stop it. That's enough!

This arguing isn't doing anyone any good, and it certainly isn't doing your sister any good.

Now, you can bicker for the rest of your lives as far I care, but in this moment, she needs you.

So, pull yourselves together.


He sounds like Mom.


But he's right. We need to focus on Heather.

She is...

She was so full of life.

She would not want to live like this.

I don't want to abandon her.

[VOICE BREAKING] And I don't want her to abandon us.

I mean, sh... sh... she's so young, and... and she's been through so much.

I just don't... I don't want her to... to die.

No one should have to do what you're doing.

But you do have each other now, and if you make this decision together, at... at least you'll find some healing.

At least your sister will have given you back to each other.

He's right.


She is not here anymore.

Are you sure?


Um... there's some paperwork to fill out, and then we can proceed.

Until then, um...

I think you should say your goodbyes.



Good separation of the lobes.

How's your view, Dr. Grey?

Worry about Karev's view, Qadri.

Okay. We finished dividing the liver.

Okay, so now you're down to the IVC.

So, you need to...

Check the dissection plane for hemostasis?

Yep, got it.

Lap pads. Irrigation, suction.

- What happened?

Uh... I'm not sure. Suction.


It could be the liver parenchyma, but I can't see.

Is that just blood?
Is it arterial or venous?

I'm looking. It looks venous.

I mean, it's probably the middle hepatic vein or the IVC.

- Did you nick one of them?
- No. Suction.

I mean, it could be backflow from portal hypertension, but I can't see.

BP's dropping. Hanging another unit.

I'm scrubbing in.

Can you identify your landmarks?

She's losing a lot of blood.

I need to see. I just need to see.


- Vascular exclusion.
- Vascular exclusion.

We need to clamp the IVC above and below the liver, cut off the blood supply, and stop the bleeding.

- Clamp.
- Wait. Have you ever done that before?

It could k*ll her.

Qadri, shut up or get out.


BERTIE: I don't know.

Seems to me you'd be better off without him.

Just put him out of your mind.


Any tips on how to do that?

Just give it a few decades.



I'm sorry. Ms. Oh is a little disoriented.

Soyoung, is that you?


You two know each other?

This is the first woman I ever loved.




VIC: Does this always take so long?

Can't rush perfection.


So... am I first woman you've dated who's stronger than you?


[LAUGHS] Stronger?

- Yeah.
- Really?

Yeah, you're strong, sure, but...

Oh, so, you can carry a -pound guy down six flights of stairs?

I mean... I can probably knock out four.



You know, my training is to zero in on the smallest, most intimate detail, making sure to give it all the attention it deserves, really just making sure that I'm taking care of every last inch of my patient's needs.

So, um... while I may not have... [SIGHS]

...been trained to carry a -pound man anywhere,

I do have a great number of skills that I think you'll find come in handy.


And just like that... we're done.




- Maybe we should...
- Please don't say...

BOTH: Take it slow.

- You know?
- Yeah.

Yeah, we probably should.

♪ Woke up to moonlight, wait for the sunrise ♪

♪ I've been here before ♪

I think that's long enough.

Yeah, me, too.

♪ Yesterday rains came ♪

♪ Everything's changing ♪

♪ The past has closed its door ♪

I was stationed in Korea during the w*r.

♪ But I know there's something more ♪

Every Sunday, I used to walk into... into town to... to go to a specific odeng stand.

Fish cake skewers.

So good.

- Ooh.

It was run by the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.

She didn't speak English, and I didn't speak Korean, but we communicated by dictionary.

I-I-I taught her my name by pointing to the word "bird."

- Bird!

♪ A world to explore ♪

When I got word that I was shipping home, we... we made a plan to... to meet at the train station.


I-I was reassigned to an earlier train, and I-I had no way of getting in touch with you.

I-I-I c... I couldn't defy orders.

So I went home alone.

Eventually, I-I-I married and had a family,

- but I never forgot you.

I never forgot you, Soyoung.

I'm so sorry, Soyoung.


♪ Jump from a mountain, run through the fountains ♪

Wow. I've never felt that way about anyone.

[SIGHS] I'm hormonal.

I'm feeling that way about everyone.



♪ 'Cause you know there's something more ♪

♪ You know there's so much more ♪

She said she didn't show up to the train station, either.

She was too scared to leave her country.


What do you know?

♪ So far to go ♪


But I thought about you ever since.

- ♪ On this open road ♪

♪ A world to explore ♪

♪ So far to go ♪

"I found you online, and when you posted about your surgery,

I bought a plane ticket and tried to come and find you."



"But I didn't tell my family in fear that they would stop me."


♪ Away we go ♪

"I don't know what will happen in the next life, but I didn't want to leave this one without seeing you again."

- ♪ Yesterday rains came ♪

♪ Everything's changing ♪

♪ I know there's so much more ♪

Okay, no PVCs, and his blood pressure seems to be responding well to the IV fluids.

Why didn't you tell Bailey it was me?

[SCOFFS] Please. She already knew.

So, what? She just likes yelling at you, or...?

Schmitt, I was in charge, and what happens on my watch is my responsibility, even colossal screw-ups I would never make.


This is a guide wire, what almost k*lled our patient today because you couldn't hold onto it.

So, you know what you're gonna do?

You're gonna hold onto it.

For a week.

It's going with you everywhere... on rounds, while you sleep, while you eat.

And hopefully, it'll put you in the simple habit of not letting go of it.

Oh, God. It's his daughter.

[BREATHES SHAKILY] Do we tell her?

No, you're telling her.

What? I thought it was your responsibility.

Yeah, with Bailey. This is all you.


Oh... Oh, God.

[SIGHS] Suction.

C'mon. C'mon. C'mon.


Okay. Middle hepatic vein repaired.

Keep her on norepi drip.

C'mon, c'mon, c'mon.

Clamps off.


[SIGHS] Blood flow restored.


Okay, now, so, for the right lobe, you need...

Hemostatic sheets.

Thank you.

DR. KNOX: M.A.P.s stable.

Great. Great.
Okay, next, I have to, uh...

Next, we, uh...


There is no next.

You just completed your first successful Stage

- of an ALPPS procedure...

...during your first week as an attending.


Okay, okay. We're not done yet.

Drains, please.

Congratulations, Karev.

We don't need Dr. Grey for this.

- Great work, Kare...

First, I'm going to disconnect the supportive medication.


But I will continue the meds that keep her comfortable.




Now I'm going to disconnect the vent, and then, she'll be gone.


We love you, Heather.

You're gonna see a light. Walk toward it.

- Walk toward the warm light.






Oh. It's her friend Ashley.

Send it to voicemail.


Ashley, hey.

It's Heidi.



- What?
- What's wrong?

It's Heather.

Oh! Oh, my God! It's Heather!

Wait, like her spirit?

Oh, my God. What is she saying?

No, she's alive! She's not dead.

Somebody stole her bag.


Who... Who is this woman?
Who is this woman?

I don't know. I don't know.

You plug her back in! Plug her back in!

Well, it's a little too late for that.

Don't go toward the light!

Do not go toward the light!

Stop yelling at her.

Oh, my God.

They haven't seen each other in years?

Yeah. But to look at them, it's like it was yesterday.

They had something good, and then they let it go because it scared them, and then they spent the next six decades regretting it.


That's a lot of regret.

I'm happy with our decision... but it scares me.

And telling people is just gonna make it more real and [SIGHS] scarier.

But it's still a good thing.

I want to tell my family and my friends.

I want to share this good.

And I want you to do it with me.

I mean...

I guess.


So, the injured woman stole the sister's wallet?

And was misidentified.

I knew we shouldn't unplug her.

Oh, no. Don't put this on me.

- We agreed to unplug...
- Eh, no, no, no, no.

You're not gonna start this again.

This doesn't happen every day, and it doesn't happen for no reason.

So, instead of... bickering, you should thank God you're all still alive and have another shot at life and at... at forgiveness and... and at sisterhood.

Don't... Don't... Don't...
Don't waste this.

♪ Go on and put your hand... ♪

Go find Heather and...and make up, for God's sake.

♪ No matter the road, no matter how hard ♪

- Mm.
- ♪ Put your hands up ♪

Oh, come on, you know he's only worried we're gonna sue him for emotional distress.

Okay. Let's go. We're walking.

♪ Put your hands up ♪

Every time I think this place might be turning around...

♪ What you waiting, what you waiting ♪

Where are you going?

♪ So, what you waiting for? ♪

I'm gonna call my wife.

This is a chief problem.

♪ Put your hands up ♪

♪ Ohhhh, ohhhh, ohhhh ♪

♪ Ohhhh, ohhhh, ohhhh ♪

♪ Ohhhh, ohhhh, ohhhh ♪

♪ Put your hands up ♪

But I don't understand what you mean by "dropped it."

How do you drop a guide wire?

Because I screw things up.
It's what I do.

Don't do that. Don't dismiss yourself.

I know, I know.
I should be... more positive.

No, no, that is not what I mean.

I mean... demand more from yourself, Levi.

♪ What you waiting for? ♪

- ♪ What you waiting for? ♪
- Come on.

- ♪ What you waiting for? ♪
- Where are we going?

Skills lab.

You're gonna thread that wire through a simulator at least a hundred times without messing it up.

What kind of boyfriend are you?

The kind that doesn't want to date someone who can't do a central line.

All right? We'll order some pizza, and we're not gonna leave until you get it right, okay?

♪ What you waiting for? ♪

You're staying with me?

Well, yeah. I'm not dead inside.

♪ What you waiting for? ♪


♪ What you waiting for? ♪

- ♪ Put your hands up ♪
- I'm just gonna...

Okay, fine.

Oh! Damn it!



Hey, Dr. Pierce.


- Hi.
- Hey.

Dr. Hughes... I mean, um, Officer Hughes?

Agent? Agent?

"Hughes" is fine.
Um, or you can call me Vic.

Right. Vic.


Um, so, I, uh, I don't want this to be awkward.

It's not. It's not awkward.

Okay, it seems like it is.

Uh... no. It's...


Some people just move on faster than others.

Wow. Well, to be fair, my guy died.

You were there.

- Oh, God. No, not that.
- Yeah.

Not you. I mean Jackson.

[INHALES DEEPLY] Uh, forget it.

It's... It's... It's not awkward.



Oh, no. Uh, there are places for that,

and this isn't one of them.

DAHLIA: Meredith Grey -D printed portal veins as a second-year attending.

I know this because I read an article about it one night in my college dorm while my friends were out playing beer pong and sleeping around.

I put everything into matching here.

And to working with her.
And you fired her.

Qadri, you just saw a gifted attending perform an extremely rare and technically difficult procedure, and all you can think about is Meredith Grey?

Do you know how many other residents asked to be on that case today?

[SCOFFS] Fine.
You want to count residents?

Guess how many residents came here to work with Meredith Grey!

We didn't come here for Dr. Koracick or Karev or Avery.

Dr. Bailey, we didn't come here for you.

We all had our choice in programs, but we picked this one. I picked this one, and it wasn't to watch Meredith Grey on a TV screen!

Oh, you know what?

Oh, you're right.

Yeah, you shouldn't have to work like that.

So, let's fix it. Work somewhere else.


You're fired, Dr. Qadri.

Uh, now you and your hero have something in common.

MEREDITH: We do our best to reunite the healthy cells and tissue, and if we do our jobs right, there's another kind of reunion... the patients and their families, their loved ones, their lives.

And you see all this?

This is where we get to do some really cool stuff.

Like stick our hands in bodies and sew up s*ab wounds.


I know she can't understand me, but I still like telling her.


Wow. Time has really flown by.
Um... I should go.

I think you should stay.

If I don't get her down, she is gonna be a nightmare in the morning.

No, no, no, Teddy. I think you should stay at work, okay?

Come back.

I'll stay home with Allison for a while.

- No.
- Why not?

Because I'm not a failure.

I know that I am doing a terrible job, but I will figure it out.

You're not failing.

I think you're just, you know... doing it wrong.

That's called failing.

Teddy, you've been happier today than you've been since she was born, you know?

You love it here, and a happy mom is a better mom, so just do this.

We're all gonna be better off.

You really want to stay at home with her?

'Cause anything beats playing hide and seek with that Koracick.

I really hate that guy.



- ♪ So hold on to me ♪
- Okay.

- Mm-hmm.
- I'll go change. Be back.

Wait. What? You're starting now?

Yeah, I'm starting now.

- Okay.
- Oh.

♪ Amidst the drums everybody's pounding ♪

But those reunions can get tricky, too.


I-I wish I could've... I wish I could've filmed Schmitt telling this guy's daughter, honestly.

He gets all serious, and he asks her if she's ever heard of Sven Seldinger.

- Who?

He invented the guide wire, apparently, in the s.

Then he proceeds to explain how the process should have worked.

- I wanted to let him keep going, but, I mean, I had to put this woman out of her misery.

Oh. Still beats my day.

I would have literally climbed through the phone into that OR if I could have.

Instead, Bailey just hung up on me.

And then I had to deal with a beehive in a discarded toilet.

Link and I are having a baby.

BOTH: What?

Yeah. It's, uh, exciting and scary and, uh, maybe a mistake.

I'm sure you have an opinion, but, uh, I... we... I just... w-we... wanted you to know.

If you had troubles before going into the OR, they won't magically go away now that you're healed.

- Wow!

Move over!

Oh, y-you're happy.

Yes, of course I'm happy.
I'm gonna be an auntie.

- Auntie Mer.

I just... I didn't...
I had no idea that...

the two of you were even so serious.

BOTH: Neither did we.

Some things will get better...

♪ Once in a life ♪

FOX: This is Catherine Fox.
Please leave a message.

MEREDITH: ...others could get worse.

And how was your day?

[CHUCKLING] Uh, I've had better.

Couldn't have been any worse than that doctor that pulled the plug on the wrong patient.


[SIGHS] Was that you?

Oh, I'm gonna need details.

How about over dinner?

Because when you let your guard down...

♪ What do you say? ♪

Sure. Why not?

♪ Whoa-oa ♪'re a lot more likely to go down a dangerous path.

♪ Ay, ay, oh, ay, oh ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Ay, ay, oh, ay, oh ♪