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10x15 - Forest for the Trees

Posted: 10/28/19 14:51
by bunniefuu
Amy: Previously on "Heartland"

I was the first one to win a buckle in the amateurs and now I'm the first one to have a big news story on me.

What have you done first?

Well, what?

I hear you miss barrel racing?

It's nothing.

I promise I won't stand in your way.

I can't believe this, do you trust me at all?

It's not you, it's Clay.

I don't trust him.

Georgie: That's it?

You're the one who broke up with me, right?

I can't stop feeling like this.

I'm the one who broke up with Adam, - so why does it hurt so much?

- Come here.

Shh, it's okay.

(Horse snorts, hooves thud)


(Horse snorts)


(Foliage rustles underfoot)


(Foliage rustles underfoot)




(Waking gasp)

(Calming exhales)

(Heavy sigh)

(Key clacks, music plays)

(Worried sigh)

(Music plays, patrons chatter)

So, this weekend, the long weekend - No, forget it.

- Forget what?

- You can't have it off.

- But No.

No "buts".

You're not leaving me high and dry so you can go running around with Clay.


Running around?

What's that supposed to mean?

I don't know.

I don't want to know.

Man: (Bell dings)

Order up!

Well, not that it's any of your business, but this has nothing to do with Clay.


- There you go.

- Thank you.

My dad invited me on a fishing trip back east.

Oh, you fish?

Well, no, not really, but school's starting up again and this is probably the last time I'm gonna get to see him for a while.


Just give me a little more notice next time, will you, please?

Thanks, Tim.

(Horse snorts)

(Foliage rustles underfoot)

- Hey.

- Hey Georgie.

This is my cousin, Wyatt.


Seriously, Dude, nobody says that.

- Okay.

- Clay: He's from the city.

Yeah, but that doesn't mean I don't love it out here.

Especially hanging out with the big man in town.

I'm sure he's got all kinds of stories.

Oh yeah, with all the, uh, buckles.

- And Buckle Bunnies.

- Can you blame them?

- (Chuckles)

He is all cowboy.

- He's all-something.

Okay, that's enough you two.

I should get going anyway.

Nice to meet you.


You too.

(Taps horse, horse snorts)

(Hooves thud, horse snorts)

(Clicks tongue)

(Whip whooshes)

(Hooves thud, horse snorts)

(Clicks tongue)

(Gate clangs open)

Well, Amy, I think it's that time of year again, all the tack needs a good cleaning.

Uh, I know.

I've been totally putting it off.

It's just, it's so boring, Grandpa, and the smell of that polish?


I don't think I can take that right now.

Ah, maybe it's a project for Georgie then?

It's just not fair to make her do it all by herself.

We could get Jade to help.

I bet she wouldn't mind making a few extra bucks.

Actually that's a great idea.

Will you ask her?

Now that didn't take much convincing.

I know.


It's just this third trimester is really kicking my butt.

(Clicks tongue)


I haven't really been sleeping at all and I'm so tired all the time.

And Ty Ty is really annoying me.


What did he do?

Him and Bob went off to this remote village a few of days ago and they were supposed to be back at the camp by now, but I can't get hold of him.

Well, he's been pretty tough to pin down since he got there.

What make this any different?

Yeah, I guess you're right.

I'm probably just tired.

You should get some rest today.


Hey you, we're not done working yet.

(Horse snorts, hooves thud)

(Snort in the distance)

(Steps crunch in the sand)


(Small whinny)

(Hooves thud)


(Hooves rustle in the foliage)



(Birds chirp)



(Footsteps rustle in the foliage)

(Birds chirp)

S10E15 Forest for the Trees And at the break of day you sank into your dream You dreamer Oh, oh, oh, oh You dreamer You dreamer (Tired sigh)

Amy: Ty, you gotta some see this.

(Horse whinnies in the distance)


Ty: That's Ghost.

(Hooves thud)



Hey, Boy.

(Distorted sound)

(Falling thud)



(Concerned exhale)

(Steps thud)

(Worried sigh)

(Keys clack)

(Calling music plays)

(Horse snorts)

(Clears throat)

Hi, I need you.

- Uh, pardon me?

- Look.

Okay I didn't come to Hudson to listen to Clay blow hot air.

I came to look at this car.

This '67 mustang convertible.

Cherry red.

It, it's so sweet.

What does that have to do with me?

I want you to check it out with me.

I don't know anything about cars.

It's okay.

I just wanna see what you think of it.


I need a second opinion.

Why me?

Because you seem cool.

Well, what about Clay?

Oh God, no.

If it's not some obnoxious looking pick-up truck on steroids, he's not into it.

So, what do you say?

Help a guy out?

(Tires crunch)

(Dog barks)

Hey, what are you doing here?

I'm just here to clean some tack; - make a little extra money.

- Yeah?

- What about you?

- No idea.

I was just taking my cousin out to look at some car and he made me stop here so he could talk to Georgie.



What cousin?

Doesn't matter.

I'm just glad I got to run into you.

Oh, I was talking to Tim, and he said I could go on the fishing trip.


I'll miss you, but you're excited about it, right?

Well, I wouldn't say I'm excited.

I mean, it's just my dad, but I don't know, I haven't been back in a while, so.

Speaking of travel plans, I've been mulling over something.

Maybe heading on the Southern circuit.

And win some money.

Get away from this cold.

Well, that could be a lot of fun, actually.

Hey, I, I know you Yeah.

Yeah, you're the, uh you're the soup girl from the billboards.

Dude, you never told me you were dating a celebrity?

Get in the truck.

- I'll talk to you later.

- Okay.


Go on.

Get out of here.

Jade: So, he asked you out?

Not like on a "date", date.

He just wants me to check out this car he's thinking of buying.

Yeah, but you don't know anything about cars.

- I know.

- So then it's totally a date.

I guess it kind of is.

So, why didn't you go?

He's pretty cute.

I don't know him.

He doesn't even live here.

Well, that's perfect.

If it doesn't go well then he's out of here in a couple days.

On the other hand, if it does go well you can stop moping around about Adam, - I haven't been moping around.

- Uh, yes you have.

(Phone rings)

It's my dad.




Yeah, it's no big deal.




(Stressed exhales)

(Big exhale)

(Horse whinnies)

(Horses whinny)

Ty: It's Ghost.

(Stressed exhales)

(Horses whinny)

(Engine rumbles)


(Pained exhales)

(Hooves thud)



(Pained grunt)

Ty: Amy.




What's going on with you?

Ever since that phone call it's like you're trying to rub the leather right off that saddle.

What did your dad say?


Everything's fine.

Everything's better than fine, actually.

- Really?

- Yeah.

He just canceled a fishing trip we were supposed to go on.

- But it's all for the best.

- Seems like it.

Seriously, I've bigger plans I need to sort out.

- What do you mean?

- Well Clay's been talking about going to the rodeos down south and I think I'm gonna tell him to go for it.

And that I'm coming with him.

You and Clay?

Just the two of you traveling around together?

I know we haven't been dating for that long, but I think it'll give us a chance to get to know each other better.

What about school?

You just started second year.


I'm just starting so I can still drop out, which is exactly what I'm gonna do.

Hey you, good news.

I managed to secure that indoor arena.

Jack's gonna help me with the winter sessions.

I roped him in, so we're all set.


Uh, Cool.

So, I need to talk to you about the long weekend?


No, I'm still scrambling to find a replacement for you.

Well, you don't have to scramble anymore because my dad had some scheduling conflict, so the fishing trip's off.


I'm sorry to hear that.

Well, at least I don't have to find a fill in.

Yeah, but here's the thing, this is gonna be my last weekend at the diner.

I don't understand.

You're quitting?

Well, yeah for now.

I'm going down to the Southern Circuit with Clay.

Jade, you're not ready for that.

Clay's not ready for that either.

- What about school?

- Tim: Yeah.

We got to get you ready for the spring sessions where you actually have a chance.

Dad, I'm talking about university.


What about that?

I'll take a couple semesters off.

It's not gonna k*ll me.

Your parents know about this?

It's been a long day, I'm gonna go home now.

- All right.

- I'll talk to her.

Jade hey.

He's just looking out for you, you know.

I mean, maybe you should think about this.

It's it's only a year.

And you know, some people turned out really well even though they didn't actually go to university.

All right, having a degree isn't everything, but if we're being honest here, there are times when I regret not having one.

Well, you can always go back.


It's not that easy.

Especially now that Ty and I are having a baby.

Life happens and once you get off that education track it's really hard to get back on.

Just something to think about.

- Amy: Good morning.

- Georgie: Morning.

Amy: You okay?


Well, my hands are pretty sore from all this polishing.

I'm not even halfway done yet.

Amy: Agh.

(Engine rumbles)

Georgie: Oh boy.

Amy: What the h (Engine shuts off)

- You bought it?

- No, not yet.

So you want to go for a test drive?

With the top down?

It's freezing.

I mean, it's a convertible.

I gotta feel the wind in my hair.

You're gonna get frost bite.


See agh I came prepared.

I brought things.

This is Wyatt.

Clay's cousin.

Oh, I guess confidence runs in the family.

I'm Amy.

I'm sorry I can't, I have to finish cleaning tack.


As far a lame excuses go, that really lame.

That was bad.

Can you help me for one second please?

Can you tell her that it's not often you get to test drive a car like this?

I just met you.

And I'm supposed to be okay with Georgie taking off just because you're related to Clay?


Because I'm related to Casey.

But also because I promise to get her back safe and sound.

I'm just talking about a very short, safe test drive.


He does have a point, the tack will be here when you get back.

Okay, a short ride.



- Thank you.

- You're welcome.

Have fun.

(Door open and shut)

Thank you.

(Engine roars)

Okay, we're off.

- Jack: We're you going?

- Georgie: I'll be back in a bit.

Jack: What's that all about?

That was Clay's-Casey's nephew.

And they're just going for a short ride.

I figure she could probably use the distraction.

She's been a little off lately.


Adam, right?


I think she really misses him.

Grampa, look.

Do you remember Ghost?

Jack: Well, I'll be, it is Ghost.

Look at his chest, he's hurt.

I saw him this morning and he looked fine.

He's bleeding really badly.

We should call Cassandra at the clinic.


I can't believe that nephew of yours.

Filling Jade's head with all that crap.

She really gonna go with him?

That's what she says.

Awe man, I'm telling you.

Look you can't blame Clay for all the decisions that she makes.

Yeah, well, he's not a great influence.

Just look at what's happened since the two of them started hanging out.

He got her so drunk, - she missed her first pro rodeo.

- That's not fair.

She was making questionable decisions long before he ever moved to Hudson.

And you know that better than anyone.

Yeah, well, he's no help.

Look I know how protective you are over Jade, and I love that, but I'm not just gonna stand here and let you run down my nephew.

It's like you've had it in for him since day one.


Day one.

The day he walked in here and punched one of my rodeo students?

Well, anyway I don't think going south to compete is the worst idea in the world.

In fact I've been, uh considering running the barrels down there myself.


Well, I'd be able to keep my eye on him and I would be getting back to something that I love and winter is the only time I don't have my own rodeos going on.


You're gonna go?

I don't know.

What do you think?

(Engine rumbles)

Why are we stopping?

I just wanna check out this cafe.

But I need to get back.

You promised it'd be a short ride.

Yeah, but you need to warm up first.

(Door slams)

Hot cocoa's on me.

- (Reluctant sigh)

- Okay.

Or you could just do the top up on the stupid car.

- What?

- Nothing.


(Door opens)

- Whoa.

Man: Welcome to my cafe.

I'm Ian.

Can I grab you a coffee or perhaps a vase?

I made them myself.

No, uh, thank you, but, no.

Uh But, jeez, I love the kitschiness of this place!

- This is great.

- Ian: Uh, thanks.

You got a great sense of humor, man.

Okay, uh Oh my God, that's This is, that's phenomenal.

What is this?

It is an old timey photo parlor.

And they have costumes.

Feeling good.

Feeling good.

Well, get into character.

(Shutter clicks repeatedly)

(Georgie giggles)

Oh yeah!

Jade: Oh, it's just you.

- Just me?

Well, no offense, but Georgie's gone AWOL, and so I've been left to clean all of this stuff by myself.

I hope you didn't call me over just to help?


I want to talk.

It's never a good thing when a girl says that.

No, actually it is because well, I've been thinking Okay, now I'm really scared.

Okay, can you just shut up a second and let me talk.

I think it's great that you wanna do the Southern Circuit.

It would be a really great adventure for us.

For us?

You mean?

I've always wanted to see Texas and New Mexico and Albuquerque and compete with the big boys and It would great for us to get to know each other like that.

- Yeah - The problem is I just started second year and, I just, I don't wanna lose that momentum, you know?

- Look, Jade - So I can't go.

- Just not right now.

- (relieved)


Oh, Geez that's too bad.

You didn't want me to go, did you?

I wouldn't put it that way.

The truth is, it never occurred to me.

We just started dating.

How did you think it was gonna work out if you just took off?

Well, I'll be back in the spring, you'll still be here, we can pick up where we left off.

Jack: You want me to handle that r*fle?

Cass: Why?

You think this is the first time I've shot one of these?


Hey, here he is.

Jack: You can't tranq him from here.

(Irritated exhale)

I meant on account of these trees.

How 'bout you guys wait here.

I'll go on my own and see if I can bring him back toward us.

Or he'll get completely out of range.

Ah, let's give her a chance.

(Birds chirp)

(Footsteps rustle in the foliage)

(Ghost snorts)




Do you remember me?

I'm not gonna hurt you.


I wanna help you.

It's okay.

Come here.


Come on.

That's it.

Come on, good boy.

(Hooves thud)

That's it.

I'm not gonna hurt you.

(Hooves thuds rustle in the foliage)

- (Nickers)

- Easy Hey hey Easy.

(Hoof thuds, nickers)

(Small laugh)

(Dart sh**t, Ghost nickers)


Come back!

It's okay, he won't get far.

You're okay?

I think he remembered me.

Are you gonna be able to help him?

You know what it's like when a horse gets cut on his chest, there's a lot of blood, but it usually looks worse than it is.

Probably, it got cut up in barb wire.

He gashed himself pretty badly, but it won't be too hard to suture.

I'll give him some antibiotics and he should be fine once I'm through.

You hear that, boy?

You're gonna be just fine.

(Ghost grunts)

I am in no mood for this.

Well, somebody has to talk some sense into you.

I'm not going on the circuit, so you can spare me the lecture, okay?

- Really?

- Yup.

Turns out it was never an option to begin with.

- Well, that's great.

- Clay didn't want me to go.

I think you're making the right choice.

So is Clay still going?

He hasn't even given it a second thought.

He's gonna go running around doing who knows what and I'm supposed to sit here and wait for him to come back.

Oh, I'm sorry.

No you're not.

This is exactly what you wanted.

(Heavy sigh)

You know, I actually thought he wanted to be with me.

But he's just like everyone else in my life.

Moving as far away from me as possible.

So Please, can you just leave me alone?

- See.

- See what?

More fun than cleaning tack, right?

It's not setting the bar very high.

Come on, admit it, you're having fun.

Well, I know I'm having fun.

I think you're great.

Well, you're okay.

I guess.

Wow, you really know how to pump a guy's tires.

(Small chuckle)


Um I, I can't I'm sorry.

For what?

I really should get back to Heartland.


Hey, it's okay.

I get it.

It's fine.

I mean, most girls around here would rather be with a square-jawed, wrestle a steer to the ground-type of guy.

Like my cousin.


No, that's not Wyatt: Hey, I said it's fine.

I'll take you home.

I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.

I really did have a great time today.

It's not often I just get to go with the flow and have fun.

Ah, sorry that I ruined it.


You didn't.

The kiss was actually pretty, wow.


Then why did you kind of freak out?

I don't know, it felt weird to like it.

I just, I just broke up with my boyfriend, and no, he's not the rugged, square-jawed-type.

What Adam is or what he was, was my best friend.

In this world of macho cowboy wannabes, he actually stands out as much as you do.

Sounds like an interesting dude.


And smart, like ridiculously smart.

And he makes me laugh.

And totally understands me.

Loves animals.

He drives me crazy the way he obsesses over how everything has to be a certain way.

I'm even missing that stuff right now.

I'm sorry.

You don't need to hear all of this.

No, please continue.

I love listening to a cute girl rattle on about how much she likes another guy.

Can we please put the top up?


Uh, no, we can't.

It's freezing.

Joke's over.

Okay, it's broken.

I wanted to take you out so bad that I drove it over anyways.

Truth is, I haven't been having a whole lot of luck with the girls back home, which is why I need a cool car like this.

I'm sorry.


Please, no pity.

Plus I think my luck's changing, I just found out that my kisses are "pretty wow".


- Okay.

- (Giggles)

Okay, he's all done.

At least until the sedative has worn off.

- How long will that take?

- A while yet.

But we'll stay with him until he's back on his feet.

Would you mind if I had a moment alone with him?

- Yeah, sure.

That's fine.

- Thanks.

Yeah, we can pack up this stuff later.

(Footsteps rustle in the foliage)

(Ghost groans)

You gotta be more careful.

We've got you all fixed up.

But you stay away from barbed wire, okay?

Hey, Do you remember Ty?


We're gonna have a baby.

We're gonna have a family just like you.

(Horses nicker)

(Sad sigh)

We're gonna be all right.


What is there to even say anymore?

I don't know.

You tell me.

I'm gonna bet that it's not all about Clay going south.

So, what's the deal?


Okay, you don't want to talk to me, fine.

Look, Tim, I know I've been a total train wreck all year.

That's not true.

Well, not completely.

No, I've been screwing up all over the place.

You're always the first one to point it out.

And you're right, okay?

You're right.


Okay, I'll admit, I've been a little hard on you at times, but I also believe that there's usually a reason why people go off the rails a little.

Now what did you mean about everyone trying to get as far away from you as possible?

Just mad at Clay.

Okay, we, we've established that.

What else?

My dad has this new girlfriend and she has kids, younger kids and he's just really busy all the time and he practically never calls.

What really happened to the fishing trip?

His new daughter had a dance recital.

It just, it just feels like he's completely forgot about me.

It's like I don't even matter any more.

Come here (Crying)

Jack: That's a nice little church.

You made a good choice.

I'm just glad I was able to talk Caleb out of a western themed wedding at a rodeo arena.


- No, I'm serious.

- It might have been fun.


Thanks, guys.

I know it's kind of weird, but I finally feel like I made a connection with that horse.


That's great.

I may not have been able to get close enough to tranq him if you didn't, so.

I'm gonna go check on those sutures - while he's down for the count.

- Okay.

(Footsteps rustle in the foliage)

Jack: And you you might have saved that horses life.

Thanks, Grampa.

Cass: Amy!


(Footsteps rustle in the foliage)

- What happened?

- He's gone.

Where did he get to?

I don't know, I came back and he wasn't here.

Maybe the sedative wore off?

No, it's too quick.

That's impossible.

This is crazy.

It's like he just Disappeared.

How it go with Jade?

Well, turns out it wasn't all Clay.

She's got some issues with her dad.

So does that mean my nephew might actually be out of the doghouse?

Not even close.

Because he's the one that came up with that whole idea about the Southern Circuit.

And you're gonna on it too, aren't you?

I'd like to.

But I would miss you like crazy.

And the time would fly by.

And you did say that you didn't want to be the one to stand in between me and my dreams.

- I said that?

- You did.

- And I loved you for it.

- I'm an idiot.

(Casey chuckles)

- Nothin' for you over here.

- (Casey laughs)




Can we talk?

I'm happy to take a break.

- Clay's actually outside.

- Oh, Good.

So I've been thinking about what you said yesterday.

Which part?

About that Adam guy.

My opinion is that you have to go for it.

Pull out all the stops.

Let him know how you feel.

Because if you can say no to all of this, then that guy must be pretty frickin' special.

It was great meeting you.

Yeah, you too.

When I think of Hudson it's gonna be of you.

And how cool we look in these awesome costumes.

(Small laugh)

- You look ridiculous.

- Tell me about it.

Texas is sounding pretty damn good right about now.

Sorry about my cousin, bugging poor Georgie again.

I'm sure she can handle it.

Besides, How hard can it be dealing with somebody who actually wants to hang out with you all the time because it seems like you can't wait to head in the opposite direction from me.

Whoa, hold up.

I'm not trying to get away from you.

I just wanna compete.

Like I said things will pick up exactly where we left off.

Oh, how nice of you to keep me involved in your future plans.

But the only thing you're gonna be picking up when you get back to Hudson is your butt, which I am dumping right now.

And then kicking all over the place next rodeo season.

Wyatt: Whoa Should I go back in the barn?

No, I think we're done here.

Happy trails.


Driving with the top down was nothing.

That felt cold.


(Music from the computer plays)


Hey, thank God you're okay.

Where have you been?

Why haven't you been answering my calls!?

Whoa, whoa, calm down.

I told you we went to a village to immunize some livestock.

It took a little longer than we expected, so we stayed an extra night.

I was worried sick.

Everything's fine, Amy.


I'm sorry, it's just I've been having these weird dreams and And you know that appaloosa horse, Ghost?

- He showed up here.

- Ghost?

From the fishing cabin?


He was injured really badly, and So it made me feel like something was wrong - with you too.

- Come on, Amy.

I know it sounds crazy.

It's just the last time I saw that horse, you had your motorcycle accident.

You're right.

That does sound crazy.

You said he was injured.

Is he okay now?

I think he's gonna be okay.

We were able to help him, but I went back to check on him, Ty, and it was just like he disappeared.


Well, you can relax, I'm okay.

Completely exhausted, but I'm excited to becoming home soon.

I know.

I can't wait.

I can't even believe that you're coming home already.

Well, I have some more unpacking to do.

I'll call back later, okay?

- I love you so much.

- I love you too.


(Big exhale)

(Distorted sounds)

(Falling thud)

Bob: Ty.



Another dizzy spell?

Here, you should sit down.


- Good.

- Yeah, I'm good.

I'll get you some water, okay?

I'm I'm fine, I'm just just tired.

You've been saying that for couple days now.



- Dude, you are burning up.

- I just need to sleep.

I'll feel better when I get some rest.


(Picture rustles)

(Buttons beep)

(Readying exhale)

Hey Adam, it-it's me.

I'm good, how are you?


Um I was just wondering, maybe we could get together, I just wanna talk.


Yeah-yeah, sure.

It sounds good.

All right see you soon.


(Beeps phone off)

(Relived sigh)

Hey Grampa.

Well, you look to be in better spirits today.

I finally heard from Ty.

And guess what?

He's fine.

So I was worrying for nothing.

I kind of figured that was the case.


I wanted to thank you for helping me with Ghost.

Happy to.

I know that horse has a special meaning to you.

I just hope you can finally get some rest.

Well, I am taking Spartan out to get some exercise and then I promise I will give this whole napping thing another shot.

- (Laughs)

- That sounds like a plan.

- Okay.

(Horse whinnies in the distance)

(Sheep bleat)

Ty: (coughing)

What are you doing out here, man?

You should be resting.

- Ugh.

- Come on.



I would leave alone I'd let my kingdom fall If you're not here (Ghost whinnies)

If you're not here Still I need you It's a faint light But I see you It's a crazy life And everybody wants something new The only thing I want is you