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01x05 - Episode 5

Posted: 10/29/19 12:10
by bunniefuu
I'm investigating the m*rder of Katherine Devlin.

Did Jonathan Devlin get you pregnant?

You, me and Jonathan.

There's no escape.

Come back and I'll have you kneecapped.

Just tell me why we're going.

I don't understand!

My baby is dead!

Is she going to make it?

She's still with us, but she's critical.

Rob Reilly's your weak point, Cas.

Come work with me again.

If it makes you feel any better, you can tell yourself Lexie did it.

You should be looking for Adam.

Ask Adam what he did in the woods.

You're looking lovely today, Maggie.

- My name's Margaret.

- I like calling you Maggie.

It's my special little name for you.

Maggie May.

Or she may not.

You're blushing.

It makes you look pretty.

You think yourself such a bad boy.

You know what every bad boy needs?

The love of a good woman to make him better.

It's only the doctor could make you better, Cathal Mills.

You want her daddy to take your head off for you?

She won't say a word.

She likes it.

Bit of excitement for her.

- Here.

- They make my tongue go black.

Mam will know.

First rule of being a man, Adam.

Keep your mouth shut around women, then you won't have to lie.

Take his hand.

What is wrong with you, Adam?

Don't call me that.

It's all right.

It's all right.

It's all right.

We're here.

LIFT: Doors opening.

Let's put a decent face on this, shall we?

- You're leaving?

- You're so dramatic, Quigley.

The stabbing in Glenskehy is potentially linked to Katy in Knocknaree and Maddox is working that case now.

You going to miss me?

Crying hot tears into my pillow.

I don't think I'll ever get over it.

Detective O'Neill is down there taking statements and he'll report back anything relevant to the Katy investigation.


Incident room, Quigley.

All three are here.

- Simone Cameron's in soft interview.

- OK.

I have to.

Yeah, yeah, course.

And someone get that light fixed.

Right, then.

Be good while I'm gone.

I'll know if you're not.

All that was total bullshit.

Lovers' tiff.

That's why she's going.

I always said they were at it.

And I was right.

We think this might be the man in the tracksuit.

Do you recognise him?


I'm certain.

I've never seen him.

Simone, you've taught Katy since she was tiny.

You've known the Devlin family for a long time.

What's the dynamic in that house?

Rosalind does everything.

That's the dynamic.

She went away for a few days in May to stay with a school friend and Katy and I ended up looking after Jessica.

Jonathan and Margaret did nothing.

But Mrs Devlin is ill, isn't she?

Is she?

Did you ever think that Rosalind and Katy were the victims of sexual abuse?

From Jonathan?


I never thought that.

Not once.

You think Katy would have told you?


Where do you think Jonathan has taken Margaret and the girls?

Katy used to talk about a caravan park where they used to go on holiday.

She really loved it.

Up the coast.

Clogherhead Beach.

You know what you're doing?


After you.

Mr Mills, how did you hurt your face?

You can answer that.

- I was playing squash.


No, you weren't.

You had a meeting with Katy Devlin's father, Jonathan.

Your friend from a long time ago now.

Not friends now, unless that right hook he ploughed into your face was meant affectionately.

Why did he hit you, Mr Mills?

I don't remember why I hit him.

I was upset.

Why meet up, then?

What did he want to talk about?


Why you were on his case.

Where were you on August 24th between midnight and 2am?

This is the date that Katy Devlin was m*rder*d, by the way.

Answer that.

At home, at my apartment.

And August 25th, between midnight and 7:45am, when Katy Devlin's body was moved from its hiding place and arranged on the altar, where were you?

At home.

What's the nature of the bond between you and Cathal Mills?

What's the secret?

There isn't one, there's no bond, no secret.

Where were you on August 16th, 1985?

The cinema.

Me, Cathal and Shane.

The cinema.

Porky's Revenge.

Why did Shane Waters smash his face against a washbasin during his second police interview in 1985?

No comment.

Why did Shane hit his face on the washbasin?

I just told you, he did that sort of thing.

During his third interview in 1985, Shane had his story back on track.

Who got to him?

Was it you, Jonathan - or both of you?

- No comment.

Where were you August 16th 1985?

At the cinema, watching Porky's Revenge!

Yeah, according to Margaret.

It just seems, I don't know, significant to me that you ended up marrying your alibi.

How did that happen?

How did that happen?

Me and Margaret got close.

You mean, you got her pregnant, so you didn't have much of a choice, did you?

You got Sandra Sculley pregnant, too.

Didn't marry her.

You left her to deal with that on her own.

Why did you have a sexual relationship with your alibi?

Keep her close, keep her quiet?

You're a real prick, aren't you?

Where were you on August 16th 1985?

I was at the cinema.

I went to see Porky's Revenge.

Where were you on August 16th 1985?

At the cinema, watching Porky's f*cking Revenge.

What are you lying about?

Because you are lying about the disappearance of Jamie Rowan and Peter Savage, and I think that lie, between you and Shane and Cathal and Margaret, is the reason your daughter, Katy, is dead.

I know what my daughter's name is.

I know that she is dead.

And the only one lying here is you because you don't know what you're doing.

You're failing.

I think I'm getting close.

Really close.

That's all the questions we have for today, so you can go, OK?

Just this way, please.

Oh, yeah.

You were right next door to each other the whole time.

Didn't I say?



You're blushing.

You haven't got sh*t.

Not yet.

Let's go, Mr Mills.

I enjoyed that, Detective.

Gave me a taste for it, you know?

That's what I want to do, is work m*rder, eventually.

You did good, Phelan.

Well, I mean, listen, any time, Detective f*cking Welcome to Whitethorn House.

It's been in my family for generations.

And now it's ours.

Jesus, look at all the dead heads!

My family love k*lling things.


- We're all going to die!

- SHE GIGGLES Will you look at that prick?

Hijacking my investigation to finance his own.

What's he got, photos of the powers that be getting blow jobs from rent boys?

Fecking disgrace, lying to those kids about their dead friend.

Hiya, come on in.

Please, take a seat.

I'll get some coffee to be brought in in just ten minutes.

OK, so the good news, the very good news, is that Lexie is awake.

Awake and talking.

- Oh, thank God.

- Talking?

Yeah, well, burbling a load of nonsense, to be honest.

They've got her on the good dr*gs, you know.

Has she been able to say what happened, who did it?

No, eh, once they start weaning her off the painkillers, she'll start to make more sense, OK?

Right now, we need you to look at some faces.

See if you recognise anyone.

You want out of this, Maddox, you just say the word and I'll get you out and there'll be f*ck all he can do about it.

Thank you, Sir.

Search from top to bottom.

We need to make a complete record of how they live.

Take samples for ID.

It goes without saying, any weapons, any narcotics, we need a complete record of how they lived.

And leave everything exactly as you found it.

Three, four, five, six, seven.

Steps three and seven creak, eight.

Document and photograph every single inch of Lexie's room and when we've done the house, we move to the garden and surrounding lanes.

This man was seen around the Knocknaree estate and woods.

He's a chief suspect in the m*rder of Katy Devlin.

You think what happened to Lexie has something to do with that little girl?



In your statements, you say Lexie liked to go for a walk at night, through the garden to the lanes.

So if someone had been watching her, they'd know her movements.


Was she seeing anyone?

Sexually, I mean?

If she was seeing someone, she'd have told us.

Why do you think she was seeing someone?

It's just a question, Mr March.

How about these men, do you recognise any of them?

We're all going to die!

We're all going to die!

Identikit cover stories and they didn't ask one single question about suspects, leads, evidence, nothing.

Operation Mirror is born.

Welcome to the world, blessed, warped child.

Abigail Stone knew Lexie was pregnant.

The others don't have a clue.

She knew.

Oh, I love this f*cking life.

Where are your daughters?

At the beach.

Or the swings.


Can you look at me, please, Mrs Devlin?

I need to ask you about Jamie Rowan and Peter Savage.

Do you remember them?


You remember that evening, that night, August 16th 1985?


Where were you?

I went to the cinema to see Police Academy 2.

I went to get popcorn and I saw the boys in the corridor there.

They went to see Porky's Revenge.

That's where I saw them.

Cathal, Jonathan and Shane.

No, I meant, where were you when they asked you to lie for them?

Because you didn't see them there, did you?

Aren't you tired of this, Margaret?

Aren't you completely exhausted?

It's time to stop now.

Where were you when they asked you to lie for them?

I went to buy popcorn and I saw the boys in the corridor there.

Cathal, Jonathan and Shane.

That's where I saw them.

I'm going to get the truth, Margaret.

I'm going to get it all.

You found us.

Do you recognise this man?

Never seen him around the estate?

Are you sure?

I'm sure.

Jess, stop, you're going to get sick.

Rosalind, you went away for a few days in May to stay with a friend, is that right?

Simone Cameron mentioned it.

Who was the friend?

Just a girl I used to know in school.

Rosalind, if the friend is a boy, you can say.

A boy?

Or a man.

When I look like this?

It was just a girl I used to know in school.

I'm sorry, I have to get the tea ready, Jess, come on!

I got you something.

Are you all right about taking this?

My number's in it.

It's all paid for.

You ring me any time.

Day or night.

If you remember something, if you're not sure about something, if you want to talk, if you need help.



You must have you a theory, Ms Rowan?

I do.

Katy Devlin was m*rder*d by someone who knows this estate, and knows those woods.

This man that was seen at the dig, this man they say they're looking for.

I think it's Adam.

He walked out of those woods without a mark on him, and he knows what happened to Jamie and Peter.

Adam was a child himself.

We all know children can be brutal to each other and Adam's a grown man now.

A grown man who knows this estate and knows those woods.

Look for him, ask him where he was the night Katy was k*lled.

Ask him what happened to my daughter and her friend.

Ask Adam.

You haven't got sh*t.

Peter, where are you?

Peter, Jamie?

There's no blood in the house.

This tree is in the grounds.

That's where the blood is.

Washed away.

Not just from rain, but someone went out with detergent.

Soapy runoff in the tree roots and the undergrowth.

No w*apon.

That's where she was stabbed.

Great work, O'Neill.

We'll, er, we'll take it from here.

Soapy runout at the roots.

Good little housekeepers.

It's not good enough.

One second.


Look, I just want to clear the air.

Things didn't work out between us but let's be professional, yeah?

f*ck you, Cassie.

Jesus Christ, well, I tried And f*ck Rob too.

Not that it's done you much good, has it?

How did you I've got to carry on working with him.

f*ck you very much.

I got your prescription.

Whose fault is it that I have to take them?

Detective, did you see my front page?

Wondering if you had any comment?

Alicia Rowan is a vulnerable woman, you're exploiting her grief.

You say exploiting, I say speaking truth to power and it's a good question.

Where is Adam?

He changed his name.

We're tracing him.

Anything else to say to reassure my readers?

Yeah, sure.

f*ck off and stop trying to derail my investigation.

What investigation?

You don't have a suspect and until you do, I'll keep asking about Adam.

There's a story here.

I know it.

Find Adam, he could be your man.


Who's there?

Get out!

Get out!



I never wanted you.

Apart from Daniel March, not one of them with a history of v*olence.

Until now.

Raphael Lahiri, "Rafe.

" Family owns hotels.

They're loaded.

He gets an allowance.

Spunked a fortune on cocaine.

Clean now, thanks to Daniel March.

Justin Mannering.

Parents divorced, spends his childhood pinballing between people who hate each other, they both remarry and get new families.

He's on his own until this new family comes along, courtesy of Abigail Stone, she's been the subject of care orders since she popped out of the womb.

Mother's f*cking insane.

Her whole life has been chaos.

But look at her, smart as a whip, she works and works, gets herself a scholarship to Trinity and a home, thanks to Daniel March.

She'll fight hard.

- She's the one who scares me.

- Reminds me of that picture of you and Sammy Boy that you've got in your flat.

She looks at him the way he looked at you.

Proper love.

Whatever that is.

But Daniel's not looking at her.

He's looking at Lexie.

So she should scare you?

It's er, it's the detective, Mum.

The one for Katy, the one I've been helping.

Well, go and help him, then.

It's important, don't worry about me, go on.

I'll be in the kitchen.

Detective Riley, do you want a coffee?

I need you to come with me.

I can't.

The neighbour who sits with Mum is out and er There's a female Garda outside.

I'll let her in, she can meet your mum and then we can go.



That's actually quite alarming.

Say something.

We're all going to die!

Oh, God, Lexie, what happened?

Who did it?

I don't know.

I don't remember.

I just want to come home.

I want to get out of this f*cking hospital and come home.


I'm having emotions.

I'm going to have to leave the dig permanently.

Mum needs me full time.

I'm going to really miss it.

I need you to show me where you saw this man in the tracksuit.

Where he was standing.

I'm not sure if I can remember Close enough will do.

Erm, I was round about here, and he was over there.


Now turn away and don't look around until I tell you.

- Close your eyes.

- What?


That's the man you saw.

I'm not sure.

Damien, you need to stop pissing about.

Look, think, this is the man you saw?

I've been doing nothing but looking and thinking and I'm not sure!

It was summer, more leaf cover, his face would have been in shadow.

You want me to say it's him but I can't.

I can't if I'm not sure and I'm not, I'm not!

That's enough!

That's enough.

Fine, I'll take him home.

No, no, I'll take him home.

Come on, Damien.

Even I know that this is way out of line.

And if I know, that means you do too.

Back to work!


I'm on my way.

- Rosalind?

- Hi!

I got you a juice because you're on duty, but do you want peanuts or anything?

No, I'm all good, thanks.

Has something happened, Rosalind?

No, nothing.

Nothing out of the ordinary, anyway.

Has something happened that used to be ordinary?


Christ, no.


Absolutely not.

I thought that's why you asked me about boyfriends, why you gave me the phone.

I get everything wrong.

I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.

I don't know what I'm doing.

I, I don't know who I don't know who I am, not without Katy.

I just miss her so much, I I think I'm going mad with it, just Just left behind like this and no-one understands, no-one.

- I understand.

- No, you don't!

You don't, no-one does.

I'm another one that got left behind.

Just like you.

My friend disappeared.

My best friend.

One day just vanished.

He was just gone.

And I was lost.

Everything turned on its head.

Nothing made sense.

Left behind.

So I do understand, I really do.

Is that why you wanted to be a policeman?

I want to get answers.

Why did you ask me about boyfriends?

Because I thought you were lying about staying with a school friend.

I was.

I'm going to wash my face and change out of this.

Then at least I won't look stupid while I'm explaining about that.


Left-handed assailant.

Critical sh*t.



I didn't stay with a friend.

I don't have any friends.

I went into Dublin and stayed in a hostel.

- The cheapest one I could find.

- Why?

Jessica started her period.

She doesn't understand how to look after herself.

So I do it.

She's my sister and I love her but I suppose I I just snapped.

So I stayed in a hostel with these damp beds and mad people screaming at each other and in the day I walked around and then I went home and got on with things.

That's it.

So pathetic.

No, it isn't.

I'm so sorry about your friend.

And I'm so sorry about your sister.

AUTOMATED VOICE: Doors opening.

- Where are you going?

- Home.

You've seen the time?

And O'Kelly's waiting for you.

AUTOMATED VOICE: Doors closing Who do you reckon chucked who?

I think Reilly dumped her.

She got stars in her eyes and he gave it the old [HE WHISTLES]

What's the matter with you?

I'm bored of you talking sh*t, Quigley.

Most of my day has been spent taking calls asking me why my lead detective on Operation Vestal told a journalist to f*ck off on tape.

You can tell him to f*ck off whenever you like, but not on tape, not on a case like this.

It looks like we're not doing our jobs.

He's getting a campaign going now to find Adam because we haven't managed it.

Good luck to him.

Adam's dead.


Had it confirmed in the last hour.

Wrapped his car round a tree in some remote town in New Zealand.

- Couple of years ago.

- Well That's pissed on his campaign chips, huh?


So what have you got, Detective?

Because right now, you don't have anything apart from a bunch of people telling the same story they've been telling for over 20 years.

It's stalemate.

It's all about finding Shane Waters.

That'll break Jonathan and Margaret Devlin and give us Katy's k*ller.

You're pinning everything on a homeless man who's most likely an addict with mental health issues, who is going to get rinsed in court as an unreliable witness.

- You need more.

- I know.

It's probably the first thing you thought, the first thing you saw.

You've probably already got it, the key to it all.

So, go back.

Go back over everything.

- I have been.

- Go back again.

But first, go home and get some sleep.

Come on, son.

I have faith in you, eh?

Was it an accident or deliberate?


Officially an accident, but it reads deliberate.


That f*cking case.

- Ugh!

- Tough.

What you've been through?

Got to be thin.

You've got to be a rake.


Which stair creaks?

Third and seventh.

- Kitchen.

- Cutlery to the right of the sink.

Bowls, plates, mugs, second cupboard on the right, glasses first on the left.

Tea is always loose leaf, coffee beans, not instant, and ground as needed.

Sugar in an old Stilton jar.




You're alive.

Just about.

sh*t Who was it?

Don't know.

It's a blank.

You said anything about me?

Our thing?


- So we're still on.

- We're still on.

I'm going to have to dump this phone, but you'll hear from me.


Lexie's got a mystery caller?

I know this number.

Same number used to make threats to Jonathan Devlin.

Called Lexie's phone.

Death threats against Katy.

That's no longer the focus of the investigation.

He knew Lexie.

The call was still made, Katy's still dead.


Make connections, Rob.

- I know what I'm doing.

- Do you?

You still have a key to my flat.

Yeah, well, not on me.

Just put it through the door.

And Sam knows, by the way.

He hasn't said anything to me, so he must have weighed it up, his ambition versus your honour, chose ambition.


Are you like this with all women or is is it just me?

Cassie, you are all the same.

When it comes down to it, you're all the same.

You're no different to any other woman.

To be honest, I'm disappointed.






You haven't got sh*t.



- FAINT VOICES:, Come on!

- Hurry up!


Come on, this is fun!





Shut your eyes.

Bet you won't be able to tell.

I bet you I would.

You'd be able to tell if it was Jonathan kissing you?


All right.

Shut your eyes.

And don't open them again until you've had three.

All right.

But no tongues.

And no grabbing.

Go on!

That was definitely Shane.

Don't open your eyes.

And no guessing till the end.

I said, no tongues.

And no grabbing.

He says you like it.

He says you love it.

Cock-hungry whore, he says.

Can't get enough.

- Grab her arms.

Grab her arms!

- Get the f*ck off me.

f*ck off!

I told you to grab her f*cking arms, will you?

No, Jonathan, please!

Don't do it.

Hold her legs!

Hold her f*cking legs!

You f*cking twat.

Your turn after No, please!

Stop it!


Please, don't.


Please, Jonathan.

Please, please don't!


Keep up, Adam.

Hurry up!

You f*cking little bastards!


Jamie, where are you?

- Why can't you remember?

- Come back!

Come the f*ck on!

Why can't you remember?





- Who's there?

I'm armed.

Who's there?



Let's do it.



Cass, wake up.



This is Cassie, please leave a message.


Come back.

Please come back.

I have something I want to tell you.

It's Rob.

Attrition, sedition, depose the King.

Or the Queen.

Or the whole f*cking court.

I'll be in the lanes each night when you go for your walk.

OK, Lexie, here goes.

Thank God you're home.

Anything comes back to you, you let us know, OK?

- And if we need anything from you - You know where to find me.

- You look after her, you hear me?

- We will.

Get me away from that prick.

So what's your plans with Danny boy?

Thinks he has them all like puppets on a string.

We break the others They said Daniel once tried to k*ll someone.

We get to him.

Have you seen Cathal Mills recently?

Why would Cathal Mills go after Katy Devlin?

There'd better be something from that sh*t show Mackey's running.

What is it, Lexie?


You should've talked her out it.

- Maddox is a survivor.

- [g*n CLICKS]