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01x06 - Episode 6

Posted: 10/30/19 05:49
by bunniefuu
- Where is Adam?

- Adam's dead.


I know this number.

It's all about finding Shane Waters.

That'll break Jonathan and Margaret - Devlin and give us Katy's k*ller.

- You're pinning everything on a homeless man with mental health issues.

Do you think I'm a pervert, Heather?

I think you're an arsehole.

Jesus Christ, Alannah.

We'll find somewhere else for you as soon as we can.


Let me tell you something about Daniel March.

When he was 17, he nearly k*lled a boy.

Lexie did it.

There is no Lexie.

There is no Lexie!

Lexie should get better.

And go back home to her friends.

I got Tuesday morning off to take you to your appointment.

Ah, thank you.

I'm sure it won't be good news if they're calling me in.

We don't know that.

Did I do right by you, Cassandra?

Why would you ask that?

I wonder.

I really do, I wonder if I did right.

With your little friend.

Your Lexie.

Why are you bringing this up?

I should've just let you have your made-up friend.

It was only you trying to cope with losing your mammy and daddy like that, being left on your own.

And me getting the priest to you.

God forgive me for that.

I'm sorry.

I wasn't on my own.

I had you.

You've got nothing to be sorry for, Auntie Cepta.


Honestly, I'd forgotten all about Lexie.

Not thought about her for years.

What would I be without you?

Are you sure you don't want anything else?

There's room in the car.

No, they'll clear it all.

Take the furniture for charity.

Thanks for coming.

I couldn't have stood it on my own.

All those people saying it was a merciful release, a good death.

When it's actually just sh*t.

That's exactly what it is.

I'm taking you to the pub.

I'm getting you whisky.

I'll be out in a minute.


Lexie, are you there?




- God's sake, be careful!

- Justin - You OK?

You're so clumsy Morning, you.

How'd you sleep?

Yeah, good.

Hey, Lexie, how are you feeling?

We didn't know whether to let you sleep.

You seemed pretty zonked when I checked on you.

Now we know what happens when you mix antibiotics with Rafe's punch.

Here, you can have this one.

Oh, God, I've missed real food.


You look thin.

Help yourself to cutlery.

You OK?

Are you just going to fuss over me all day?

Don't you have classes to go to or something?

Actually, I decided we wouldn't go.

I thought we could all stay home.

All of us together.

It's been so long.



You are such a little bitch when you lose!

It'd be even worse if you were playing.

This is nice.

Us like this again.

It feels normal.

Still feels weird, not being able to remember.

Like there's this giant hole that whole night got sucked into.

Did you think I was home?

That detective said you were all playing poker.

You'd gone for a walk.

Like you always do.

Wasn't even that late when we all went to bed.

We just assumed you'd come in later.

Till, next thing, some detective is banging the door down, saying that you'd been hurt in the hospital.

We must've told that prick Mackey the same thing over and over.

He just acted like we were lying.

Yeah, he made me feel like I was lying about getting stabbed.

Despite the f*cking gaping hole to prove otherwise.


Well, you're home now.

That's all that matters.

Can't believe we almost lost you.


We got the records off that number from Maddox, sir, the one from Lexie Mangan's phone, that made those threatening calls to the Devlins.

Someone's disconnected it.

We can't get through any more.

Any other calls, incoming or outgoing?

Nothing useful, just the one to Maddox a few days ago.


Look, I need you to be my eyes and ears on Operation Mirror, O'Neill.

Anything that links it to Katy Devlin's m*rder.

Yes, sir.

And if you can find a way to help me f*ck up Mackey, you can sit on me lap and I'll give you a sweetie.

And you, what've you got?

Reilly has us going through all this to locate Shane Waters.

He's convinced Shane is the key to unlocking Vestal, and Shane's very elusive.

We're looking at CCTV, HSE files.

Local Garda are trawling shelters and other known spots.

Where is Reilly?

No idea, sir.



Where are you?


Just following up on a tip, sir.

What tip?

More estate gossip.

Just a tip I need to follow up.

I'll be back soon.


I don't know what else you want.

I've told you all I remember.

I never seen him around the school, around here.


Have you seen Cathal Mills recently?

He got into computers.

Lives abroad, so I hear.

No, he's here in Dublin.

This is him now.

Could they be the same man?

They look nothing alike.

Why would Cathal be stalking a little girl?

Was he ever sexually inappropriate towards Jamie Rowan?


It was the '80s, detective.

Men said dirty things to girls.

And why would Cathal Mills go after Katy Devlin?

Because he, Jonathan, Shane and Margaret are all keeping a secret.

And so are you.

Because you weren't with your parents when the children disappeared.

You were in the woods.


For an hour or so, but then I went home.

What happened to the children?

I don't know!

Christ If I did know, I'd have told you.

I don't remember seeing them at all that day.

But they saw you.

You, Cathal, Jonathan and Shane.

I have reason to believe that Jamie, Peter and Adam witnessed a violent crime.

Against you.

I have reason to believe that what they witnessed was r*pe.

Who the f*ck are you talking to?

Who's saying that?

Sandra, I can only question Jonathan and Cathal if you talk to me.

Tell me the truth about what happened to you, what happened to the children I don't know.

I don't f*cking know!

Get out of me house.

Get out of me f*cking house!

Get out.

Get out!

You're going for a walk?

Just a quick one.

For some air.

But, Lex, aren't you scared?


Well, last time you went for a walk, you didn't come back.

If you're so worried, why don't you all come with me?

Interesting I think this is the coldest I've ever been.

I better not be stepping in sh*t!

Pipe down, Rafe.

That's where the blood is washed away not just from rain but someone went out with detergent.

What is it, Lexie?

What's wrong?

I don't think I feel very well.

Come on.

Let's get you home.

Come on.

Justin, let's go.

FRANK: That's it, turn the screw.



Where are you?

Didn't know you were still here.

I've been going back through the case.

Back to the beginning, like you said, sir.


Ah Alicia Rowan hasn't been off the phone all afternoon.

She's not letting go of Adam Reilly.

Think someone should to go down and tell her in person that he's dead.

I'll go tomorrow, sir.


Don't stay too late.

You won't catch Katy's k*ller if you're knackered.


WHISPERS: Come inside.

Rafe, I know you've been using, I can see it in your eyes.

And you promised Daniel Well, that was then.

Things have changed.

But you promised.

Justin, who gives a f*ck?

Just come inside.

I think she's back to her old self.

That's because she's got you.

We've all got you.

You're so strong.

I don't know what I'd do without you, Abby.

Well, I don't feel strong.



Are you disagreeing with me?


- What are you doing?


Not funny, Lex.

What are you doing?

Just thirsty.

What are yous two whispering about?


You should get some rest.


Well, sleep tight.


What the f*ck, Abby?



What are you doing here?

I was worried.

I came to check on you, you were stirring.

Mumbling all sorts.

Thought I'd better stay, in case you were having a nightmare.

Well, I'm awake now.

So how are you?

I mean really.

Oh, you mean the baby?

I wanted to ask before, but I wasn't sure.

You never said anything.

It didn't make it.

Too much blood loss, and the cold.

Oh, Lex.

I'm so sorry.

I'm so, so sorry, I really am.

Do the guys know?


Let's keep it to ourselves, yeah?

Women's business.

Well, shall we sort breakfast?

Be down in a sec.

As you know, Miss Rowan, we've been looking for Adam Reilly, but I'm afraid to have to tell you he d*ed a couple of years ago.


A car accident, in New Zealand.

Was it his mother who told you that?

Because she'd be lying.

She always lied for him.

Miss Rowan, I know it's not what you want to hear.

I know you thought he would have answers.

I would know if Adam Reilly were dead.

He's the only one who knows what happened to my little girl.

And as a mother, I would know.

It isn't true.

We're still waiting on official records.

It could take weeks, months even.

He got to grow up, move away, move on with his life.

He must've forgotten all about them.

Well, that's an hour of my life I'm never getting back.

I bet you loved it really.

Another walk?

You sure you're feeling well enough?

Don't I seem much better?

f*ck's sake!

Can't we just go back to being normal now?

We just want you to be safe.

Well, if it makes you feel better, I will grab a horsewhip from upstairs and douse myself in Rafe's cologne.

No one'll come near me.



Fancy meeting you here.

You got out on your own, then.

How's it going in there?

Well, they're definitely hiding something.

They're on edge.

Hiding it, but they're not all happy she's home.

No suspicion, though, from what I've seen.

But don't drop your guard.

You made it past the first few days, no slip-ups, no bumps.

That's a start.

From now on, we meet here whenever Lexie goes on a walk, OK?

So what have you got so far?

Daniel's king of touchy-feely.

Rafe and Justin have their own thing going on.

Abby doesn't want the boys knowing about the baby.

Get the feeling she's worried it's Daniel's.

Well, let's see if you get any night-time knocks before the DNA results come back.

Don't worry.

You've got your pussing wound as an excuse.

Jesus, Frank!

Where are we with Lexie's identity?

Local search came back with nothing so we've gone international.

Missing persons cases, bloody millions of them.

That'll take a while.


Right, what else?

Abby's just as we thought.

Do anything for Daniel, but she's smarter than he thinks.

She doesn't trust him completely.

I think I can get to her.


Well, now we know their weaknesses, what's your plans with Danny boy?

He's hard to read.

Thinks he has them all like puppets on a string.

If we break the others, we get to him.

Divide and conquer, that's the plan.


Look after yourself.

See you tomorrow.

I shouldn't be encouraging you.


What's Daniel said now?

Just get the feeling that he's, erm concerned.

Oh, Rafe He'll go mad.

f*ck it.

He's mad anyway.

Kept saying the police were lying and you never made it to the hospital.

All the while, Justin's cooking giant stews and cakes, and Abby's planting bulbs for spring and arranging her dolls like a lunatic.

Daniel's ranting about you being dead.

And that's right after we'd seen you.

We'd, seen, you.

Why the hell would he think that?

They'd f*cking lost it.

All of them.

So why didn't you just f*ck off, then?

I thought about it.

Thought about a lot things.

Don't tell him about the There's a lot I don't tell Daniel.


You f*cking little bastards!



Come back!




Special delivery.

Contract and payment.

I don't do this for just anyone.

I thought you were going to call.

Yeah, I had to dump the phone cos some fucker kept ringing it out.

Some w*nk*r detective.

He's been all around the village, in the office.

A pain in me hole Oh, poor you.

Having to change your number.

I got f*cking stabbed.

Yeah, I know.

So we're still on?

While you were in hospital I got everything sorted.

The money's cleared.

It's yours when you want it.

I just need you to sign.

Changed my mind.

I want more.

But we agreed.

It's a seller's market.

Not possible.

Tell your boss, no deal, then.

Offer expires soon.

Greedy bitch.

Tick tock!

I can see why someone stabbed you.

He's charming.

Did you recognise him?


He'll be back, though.

I made sure of that.

Lexie was selling him something big.

Looks like an offshore account.

I'll pass it to O'Neill, see if there's anything to trace.

We can't meet here any more.

Well, this'll cheer you up.

DNA results are back from the lab.

Turns out Danny boy isn't our baby daddy after all.

And neither is Justin.


I keep saying we should sort those boxes.

Who knows what we'll find.

I'll guess.

Some more junk?

Excuse me.

Junk's been in my family for generations.

Is this going to be us for the rest of our lives?

Eating dinner, shiteing on about antiques till we're old and grey and dribbling?

Just this?

Do you have anything else in mind?

I dunno.

It just seems boring, all of a sudden.

Everything the same, never switching things up.

Well, at least I can put onion in the stew more than once a year now.

I guess it doesn't really make you gag after all?

I think the antibiotics are doing weird things in my mouth.

I thought it was the texture you didn't like.

God, you should see your faces.

I was having you on!

I was f*cking with you this whole time.


Which way did he go?


I'll k*ll him.

Did you get him?

I think he's hiding.

Can't say I blame him.

He knows he's outnumbered.

Here, kitty, kitty, kitty.

You know what my ancestors used to do with peasants who slipped out of line.

He's moving.

Get him!


Jesus, Lexie, be careful, you'll hurt yourself.

Daniel, don't!

What the hell were you thinking?!

I was thinking I needed my grandfather's g*n, because that bastard could've been the one who stabbed Lexie.

And he could've been trying to hurt one of us again.

Lexie, did he Are-are-are you It's nothing.

I'm fine.

- Back to your old self.

- What did he throw, anyway?

It was a rock.

There was something sellotaped to it.

Oh, my God.

Actual torch-bearing villagers.


We should call the police.

- Are you insane?

- They could arrest you, Daniel.

- For what?

- The g*n.

What g*n?

I can't go through that again.

We'd be handing them a suspect.

Will we call Detective Mackey, or what about the other one, O'Neill?

What do you think, Lex?

I can't stand Mackey.

He hates us.

O'Neill was nicer.

Then we're all agreed.

We left everything the way it was for you, detective.

Well, needless to say, it would've been better if you'd just called us.

Yeah, well.

We wanted to get a good look at him, given the recent circumstances.

All the more reason it was a bleedin' stupid thing to do, chasing after him in the dark.

He att*cked us.

Can't you see?

So did any of you get a look, then?

We know he was from the village.

He had stubble.

I felt it.

And I scratched him, right across the neck, so he'll have marks.

That was pretty reckless of you.

Just trying to be helpful, detective.

We'll give you a call when we find him.

Meantime, might be an idea to lay low.

Stay out of the village.

Thank you, detective.

What about chorizo?

We haven't had chorizo in ages.

Do you think the house is all right?

Shouldn't one of us have stayed, you know, just in case Oh, calm down, Justin.

They won't actually burn it down.


That's what we need.

I'll come with you.

Your favourite.

Kept loads of them at home while you were gone.

I wanted to bring them to the hospital but they wouldn't let us, so Rafe ate them all instead.

Sounds about right.

I hated the idea of you there, all on your own, no-one to talk to.

sh*t Here!

Here, you I knew it was you.

Where the f*ck have you been, now, eh?

Here, I'm talking to you.

Look, you've got the wrong person.

No, I haven't.

You said you were going to help me.

You said you were going to do something.

And you just left me, left me all alone there I don't know who you are.

f*ck you, you don't know who I am!

Are you f*cking thick or something?


Let me make this clearer.

f*ck off.

f*ck you!

f*ck you, you stuck-up little bitch Do I have to repeat myself?

I'm having a baby and people keep on f*cking hitting me!

Everything OK?


Just someone I used to deal to.

She can't get it into her head I don't do it any more.

Come on.

Hi, Cassie.


I see you're a unicorn?


It's her choice.

What, to come on a stakeout?

Ah, she's fine.

Here, put your homework away, love.

Get back on your computer game, OK?

There's a good girl.

Villager with a brick is John Naylor, local pisshead.

Says he got those scrapes coming off his bike.

Which is currently a better excuse than I've got for the DPP.

You saying you never got into a punch-up when you were in the field?

I'm just checking you're not losing yourself.

I want you to come in tomorrow.

O'Neill's going to have another go at him, push at the stabbing.

Could be useful to have you there.

Come in through the side door, keep your head down, OK?

Why haven't we found her yet?

We have to find out who Lexie really was.

I won't have her buried as a Jane Doe.

All right, calm down.

I told you, we're looking.

You know she's going to hate you by the time she's 13, right?

See you, Holly.

Well, we were all there.

Yeah, why is it just her?

Did they ever say why they only wanted to see you, not all of us?

I guess they want to see if I recognise him, if it helps me remember anything about the stabbing.

- Mm.

- Bye.


And his cheeks were all aglow Well, I suppose it could've been him.

I bear orders from the captain, get you ready quick and soon He was at this all of yesterday.

For the pikes must be together at the rising of the moon Mr Naylor?

At the rising of the moon It's clear to me there's bad feeling between Glenskehy and those up at the house. . .

Of the moon - Ah, I can't say I blame them - With the pike upon your tearing into someone attacking their house, their home. . .

Shoulder at the rising of the moon - What did they do to deserve that?

- Oh, come tell me It's what they stand for.

Them, up there, the Marches.

Living like that while the rest of us suffer.

So a rock through the window's your best solution?

Or, better still, burn the place down?

We have a chance to live better.

They're the ones blocking the motorway, blocking our chance to earn some decent money.

They're just a bunch of students.

But you hated them, didn't you?

And you've a habit of hanging in those lanes after a few drinks.

Suppose one night, you bring a Kn*fe with you, you see Lexie Mangan out on one of her walks.

Shame on you.

They whistle and you come running like a good little dog.

Treating me like a criminal, when they're the ones pulled a g*n on me.

Now, whatever criminals you're looking for, they're in that house.

A g*n?

If there's a g*n in that house, you know I'm going to have to report it.

And that means pulling you out.

So, are you telling me there's a g*n?

No, Frank.

There's no g*n. . .

Be together at the rising of Where's Mackey?

Submitting Naylor's audition tape for X Factor.

I need you to do something.

Piss off.

Sam, can you check on Alannah Shorey for me?


What'd you do to her this time?

Just promise you'll check on her, OK?

What the hell are you doing, Cassie?

He has an alibi.

My guy just confirmed it.

The night of the m*rder, he was in a bust-up down the local.

Got locked in the t*nk until morning.

What about the g*n?

Yeah, nice little story to wiggle his way out of an as*ault charge.

Well, you searched that whole house top to bottom, didn't you, yeah?

Just to be safe, you get yours back on you, OK?

At all times, no exceptions, you hear me?

I don't care where you have to stash it.

Yes, boss.

Well, off you go.

We're getting close now.

Won't be too long till you're back here for good, OK?

If anything happens to her anything, I'll f*cking k*ll you.

Said he wasn't the one who stabbed me.

He had an alibi or something.

They just were asking me all these questions.

Like what?

Ah, how he got the scratches on his neck, how many of us were chasing him.

I thought they were going to charge me with as*ault.

I told you this would happen.

Did they mention the g*n?


But do you think we should get rid of it, just in case?

But he can't have said anything.

You think that's it?

They're going to let us live in peace now?

She's right, we need to get f*cking rid of that thing.


It's mine.

Calm down, Rafe.

Why do you always get to decide everything?

Always telling me what to do.

Who put you in charge?

Who made you the f*cking king?

Oh, Christ, Justin, don't start that again!

Flinching like a kicked kid.

When are you going to grow a f*cking pair, hmm?

Don't talk to me like that.


What was that?

You mumbling, stammering twat!

I said, don't talk to me like that, that's all.


Or what?

What puts me in charge, what makes me king, to use your own phrase, is the fact that I'm not unravelling, and I'm thinking with clarity, and I'm going to handle it, like I always do.

So put a leash on yourself, Rafe.

You f*cking prick!

Rafe, that's enough.

It's OK.

It's all right.

We should be angry.

But not with each other.

Maybe that lowlife didn't s*ab Lexie, but it doesn't mean one of his friends couldn't have.

I say we go down to the village, we show them that we're not afraid.

You up for that?


Evening, all.

So good to be back.

Don't worry, we know you don't like to serve us, so we brought our own.

But could we trouble you for an ice bucket, please?

Can we just sit down?

Well, hello.

Fancy seeing you here.

Who's your friend?

Did you tell him I gave you those?

What the f*ck are you looking at?

A toast.

To all of you.

What lovely neighbours you are.


Always one for an entrance.

I'm going for a f*g.

D, one, six, five, four, eight Justin, just wait, will you?

Lexie, what are you doing?

Just lighting up.

Give me a second.

Well, keep an eye on him.

I'm going to get another drink.

What's the matter with you?

I'm not going back in there.

What are you so afraid of, Justin?

I'm the one who got stabbed, not you.

It still doesn't make sense to me, you know.

I'm sure they f*cking hate us in there, but stabbing me, none of those auld folks have it in them.

You know what the guards told me when I was at the station?

They said Daniel once tried to k*ll someone.

Did you know that?


When he was 17.

But the whole thing's just weird.

Did you really not notice I didn't come home that night?

Justin, you can tell me.

I just want to know what happened to me.


This place is dead!

Let's go home.

Did you get lost on the way to double maths?

Erm, is Detective Reilly here?

Ah, do a number plate trace.

Detective Reilly?

I came soon as I could.

We nicked a shoplifting g*ng yesterday.

Yeah, they scored, like, 1,000 euros' worth of stuff in under two hours, gifts and Right, so I was going back through the footage of where they hit.


Yeah, I didn't, I didn't see it at first.

Then I saw the paint cans.

That's him.


I knew it!

I knew that was Shane Waters the second I saw him!

What was that?

You've found Shane Waters?

Well, f*ck me sideways.

I don't know you, but I love you.

No, seriously, I f*cking do.

He's right, you know.

Well done, Phelan.

O'Neill, get a look at this beauty.

All right, come on, Quigley, we've got to go.

Good news, sir.

We've found Shane Waters.

He's alive.

He's still here in Dublin.

So this is our star witness?

Well, let the plods get on to it.

We'll see what state he's in when they find him.

He's going to be the key, sir, I can feel it.

No, it's still just speculation, Reilly.

Where are you with that cheque Mackey got us from our mystery caller?

I just read O'Neill's report, sir.

Foreign banks, endless holding companies.

It's a paper trail to nowhere.

Yeah, well, let's keep pushing it, huh?

You know, there better be something from that sh*t show Mackey's running.

Everybody thinks he's Billy Big Bollocks because he gets results, but he's dangerous.

He cuts corners.

Gets people k*lled.

Good officers, friends of mine.

You should've talked her out it Maddox.

The whole thing.

Maddox is a survivor.

Let the fun begin!



You're coming with us.


Are you going to introduce me to your friend, Heather?


f*ck off.

What the f*ck?

Come on, then.


ABBY: Lexie?

Rafe's done his punch and we're all getting ludicrously drunk.

Come on!

Be there in a sec.


Sorry we didn't wait for you.

For you, my dear.

I've been thinking there's something I need to tell you.

What is it?

I want to do right by you, Abby.

I didn't before, and then I almost d*ed.

It's for the best that I lost the baby.

I think it would've been very painful for you.

Not at all.

Daniel would've been so happy.

We all would've been.

TO THE OTHERS: Hey, let's get the party started!

Jesus, Rob!


I am done with you.

I'm done with you, Rob.

- Do you hear me?

- Aargh I mean it this time.

Don't come home.


We're so happy!

We're all so happy.


Who the f*ck are you?



I've got a sighting of Shane Waters for you.

They didn't know his name.

They did just recognised the description of that jacket he wears.


What are you doing?

There's nothing there.

It's an old scar.

So what's the plan, Dan?

Your job is to apprehend the k*ller of Katy Devlin.

Get the f*ck away from my baby!

My house.


You don't want to do this today.

My main objective - Hey, hey - Whoa, whoa, whoa!

is to find out which one of you m*rder*d Alexandra Mangan?