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02x06 - Righteous Right Hand

Posted: 10/30/19 05:53
by bunniefuu



I don't think I've seen the ED this quiet since I don't think I've ever seen the ED this quiet.

Could be the new moon.

Or because NYU's on spring break.

I'd say I hope it stays like this for you, but I know you're a masochist.

Uh, no, not anymore.

I've changed.











32-year-old woman, restrained passenger in MVA.

A van hit an embankment.

02 sats in the 80s and dropping.

Okay, she may need to be tubed.

I'll get an airway box.

Casey, draw up etomidate and sux.

We got this.

One, two, three.


Okay, let's bag her with 100% O-2.

Looks like a class two airway.


Okay, use a rapid sequence technique.

Casey, when you finish, get a 12 lead EKG and a stat portable chest.

You got it.

- Restrained passenger in MVA.

- Man, I was good and asleep and then all of a sudden, boom!

Glass was flying everywhere and whatnot.

- Let's get her to bay 27.

- God bless just trying to get an early start back home to Alabama.

Okay, ma'am.

We were at this church convention.

- Ma'am.

- Oh, no, excuse me.

- Ma'am.

- I am not a ma'am.

I am a Miss.

Miss Verdene.

Miss Verdene, well, I am Dr.

Bloom, and this here is Nurse Brunstetter.

And they're gonna take care of your lacerations.

Okay, thank you.

Okay, let's expose the skin, irrigate the wounds, and set up a suture tray.


This is Kaye Henry, restrained driver of the van.

Airbag deployed resulting in chemical burns and a bleeding nose.

We're from Holy Gethsemane Christian Fellowship.

Everybody from our group has insurance.

- That's okay.

- No, we can pay.

Well, today, I am fixing broken noses for free.

Bay 24.

40-year-old woman in respiratory arrest.


Let me guess.

Restrained passenger in MVA.

Please, somebody help her!

Can someone please help with her leg?

Please, please, someone.

Please, please, don't let her die.


Mariana, bay 26.

Pneumothorax, let's place a chest tube.

Someone, please, please, help her.

Please don't let her die.

Lottie's got babies at home.

All right.

All right.

- Why's it so hard?

- Okay, ladies, I need for you both to breathe for me, okay?


Turan, compartment syndrome.

Measure lower right extremity for anterior pressure.

I'm not getting a good seal.

Mariana, angle the tube posteriorly for better blood evacuation.


- Okay, Nurse Jackson.

- I'm right here.

Nurse Jackson, let's get this going.

Where's my cane?

All right, how you feeling, Kaye?

- Okay.

- Good?

- Yeah.

- Okay, keep that that's right.

That's right.

Chest pressure's equalizing.

- Great.

- Bloom, leg pressure's 40.

Okay, do a fasciotomy using the two incision four compartment technique.

- I need my cane.

- Ow, it hurts.

All right, Kaye.

First time you've broken a bone?

- Yeah.

- All right.

This is gonna hurt, hopefully not too much.


- Auntie Kaye.

- Chante!

- That's my niece.

- Kaye.

- You need to relax.

- I need to get to her.

Auntie Kaye, where are you?

Restrained passenger in the MVA.

She has chest bruising from the seatbelt.

My chest really hurts.

Okay, we're gonna take a look at that.

Let's move Chante to a side bay and get chest x-rays, both PA and lateral.


She's been sick the last few days.

- Nausea, vomiting.

- Kaye, I got her.

I promise.

The best way for you to take care of her right now is to take care of yourself.

All right?

You need to rest.

Alfreeda Watson, 54-year-old BOTH: Restrained passenger in MVA.

- Got it.

- Her leg was trapped under the seat in front of her.

Okay, Ms.

Watson, does your does your leg hurt?

Well, it ain't childbirth, but I 'spose it does ache a touch.

Now, I'm not one to complain, but I think that New York is tired of all us ladies here from Alabama.

Uh, bay 28.

Let's get some x-rays and page Kapoor.

- Looks like nerve damage.

- Dr.


- Dr.


- Yes?


Your nurse cut my blouse brand new blouse - clean off of me.

- And I've apologized several times.

- Okay, Miss Verdene - It was a final call sale.

Now, what are they gonna do about that?

They're stitching up my face.

They're gonna stitch up my shirt.

Uh, Brunstetter, what have you got?

Sister Mary Joseph node.

Good find.

Okay, let's page Sharpe.

Bloom, pressure's bottoming out!

- I'm gonna be right back.

- What?

Someone, I need my cane.

Restrained passenger, hit her head during an MVA.

And this fool done put an ice pack on it.

- You're in pain.

- But the damn thing leaked.

It's full of all kinds of fake-ass chemicals.

Okay, we're gonna irrigate your head, make sure all the chemicals are washed away.


Oh, no, ma'am.

- This is not wet and wild hair.

- Brunstetter!

Okay, this is Nurse Brunstetter, and they're gonna take great care of you.

- Bloom.



I can't wait to get back home.

Take a look at this.

She's hemodynamically unstable.


We need to cardiovert her.

Come on.

She's in defib.



Go again, increase to 150 joules.

- Charged.

- Clear.


- We have sinus rhythm.

- Back to normal rhythm.

Blood pressure's rising.

All right, vitals are stabilizing.

Casey, pull up the portable chest X-ray that you did.


What are you thinking?

EKG is showing low voltage in the lateral leads.


Cardiac tamponade, probably from that right there on the chest X-ray.

- What?

- There's a shadow.


It's more like a mass.

Let's put Zoll Padz on her chest to shock her heart back to a regular rhythm next time it goes off and page Reynolds.









If one were more conspiratorially minded, one might think that you were actually trying to avoid me.



- Rough night?

- You could say that again.

Well, surely not because of this adorable munchkin.

Yeah, well, to her credit, it does take commitment to sustain six straight hours of screaming.

Well, like her father, it would appear that she's only content inside a hospital.

Yeah, cruel, cruel irony.

Let me help.

I mean, after work, I could take her for a couple of hours, give you some me time.

That's very kind, but I couldn't ask that of you.

What if I insisted?

Yeah, thanks anyways, but we kind of got a whole system going.

So we're good for the most part.


You're right, looks like a mass.

Well, based on the size, she's had it for a while.

Any of these women know her health history?

- Not that I can figure out.

- Where'd you want me?

Sister Mary Joseph node in bay 29.

Let's take her up.


Bloom, point me.

Uh, bay 28, nerve damage.

Okay, Ms.

Watson, I'm Dr.


I realize it might not look this way now, but you ladies really were lucky, considering that there were so many of you in the van.

So because I'm a black woman, I must be with all the other black women you got up in here?

No, that not that's not what I what I meant was Relax, I'm with them.

But you should see your face.

It's like you caught a spirit or something.

Is that a bad thing?

Depends on what you say about my foot.

Well, your foot is not broken, but the swelling is troubling.

Yeah, well, that's nothing new.

As long as I can walk my fields, I'm fine enough.

You're a farmer?

Fourth generation, soybeans, when the foot isn't giving me the blues.

Have you seen a doctor about this?

You doctors want so much out of pocket, and I make too much for Medicaid.

So I figure I just ride it out until I qualify for Medicare.

Unfortunately, riding it out is not an option.

I need to ask a colleague to evaluate it further.

Have a good day.


I know you.

What's your name?



No, no, that isn't it.



You come on after my stories sometimes.

- Don't play.

- Okay, yes.


I knew it, Dr.


Fancy cancer doctor.

Oh, wait.

Are you here because I got cancer?

Verdene, you don't have cancer.

Miss Verdene.

Miss Verdene, you don't have cancer.

You gonna swear on them chunky earrings you love wearing?

No, they're not that big, are they?


Miss Verdene, may I?

- This reddish lump - Mm-hmm.

Next to your belly button is rather concerning.

It indicates an infection in your lymph nodes.

So what's that mean?

Antibiotics, a cream?

I'm afraid it's not that simple.

The infection's being complicated by your diabetes.

I got diabetes too?

Talk about buzzard luck.

My father lost a foot to sugar.

When was your last checkup?

Well, they closed the nearest hospital to me.

Take me at least an hour to get to one.

Now, who got time to drive to two hours round trip on top of an appointment?



Miss Verdene.

I'm gonna go get my colleague to come and see you.


I think you just had a seizure.

- Vijay.

- Oh, good.

I have a black female, 54, farmer, dry sense of humor, presenting asymptomatic lower extremity edema.

Black female, 52, restaurant worker, cutting fashion sense, presenting with petit mal seizures and untreated diabetes.


All right, I'm gonna need a sternotomy tray, a sternal saw, and hand me the echo.

Feel discouraged What is that?

No idea what she's singing.

Should the shadows She's induced, spontaneous respiration.

Why should my heart Forceps and chest tube, pass it on the tray.

Turn up her meds.

And long for heaven And home When Je - You have those suture boots?

- Yeah, X-ray detectable.

Oh, she was almost to the bridge.


You're interested in learning to become a surgeon today, Dr.


- She was singing - Get your head in the game.

Ten blade, please.

Thank you.

We are ecstatic to be considered as adoption candidates.

Believe me.

It's just that to come in for us to in come tomorrow, I don't know my um, I don't know my husband's schedule, really, and I don't wanna spring anything on him on his schedule, I mean.


Oh, I see.

I see.


No, no, no, no.

No, if tomorrow at 4:00 is the only time you have, then we will make it work on our end.



Yes, thank you.

No, we look forward to meeting you.


Well done, Iggy.

Hi, Chante, I'm Doctor Frome.

I work here at the hospital.

Is it finally my X-ray time?

No, it is not finally your X-ray time, because I have one or two questions that I'd like to ask you first, if that's okay with you.

Where's your white coat?

The white coat, um, I don't know.

You know, I haven't worn that thing in a long time, because I find that it makes people feel more comfortable when I don't wear it.

Plus, if I'm being honest, I'm a super messy eater.


- So lame.

You're crazy.

You're definitely not the first person to tell me that.

So when's the X-ray?

Well, Chante, um, we can't give you an X-ray, because you are pregnant.

We give a blood test to women who don't know if they're pregnant before we give them an X-ray.

Because an X-ray can harm the fetus.

Do you understand what it means to be pregnant?

I have a baby in me?

Am I in trouble?

No, you're not in trouble.

No, you're not in trouble at all.

Um, did you know that you were pregnant?

- Maybe.

- Did you plan this?

Um, was the sex consensual?

Did you want to have sex?

Who doesn't wanna have sex?

I like sex.

Do you like sex?

Do I like sex?

Um, sure.

Sex is great.


- Yeah, okay.


Okay, yeah.

That's healthy.

There's nothing wrong with liking sex.

I just need to make sure that nobody did anything to you that you didn't want.

I wanted to, and my boyfriend was a scaredy-cat.

He forgot the condom.

Yeah, condom's pretty important.

Let me ask you this.

Do you have a plan with your pregnancy?

I want an abortion.


Do you understand what that means?

I don't wanna I don't wanna have a baby.

Sorry for the impromptu music.

My mom used to sing "His Eye is on the Sparrow", like, every Sunday.

Yeah, after church, it was laundry, singing, and folding.

Angle that light for me.

She was choir section leader before she got sick.

The altos, music, church, it meant a lot to her.


Duke, I am fully aware of the relationship between black women and church.

They're everywhere but the pulpit.

My mom doesn't let me miss a Sunday, but that's on Sunday.

Can I have the cardioplegic solution sent down?


- Ah, damn it.

- What's wrong?

The mass causing the tamponade has grown through the chamber wall.

Where is the echo I asked for?

On its way from Hastings' surgery.

Get it here now.

Can you do a resection to remove it?

The way it's positioned posteriorly, I have to remove the heart entirely and then resect the mass.

And then put the heart back in?

Prep the SCS bath on the back table.



Henry, I'm Dr.


I just wanted you to know that everyone in your group has stabilized except for Tamala Robeson.

Her family's so worried.

How is - Whoop, you okay?

- I'm fine.

- Why don't we take a seat?

- I'm fine.

Why don't we have a seat?

- No, I'm fine, really.

- Why don't we have a seat?

Tell me about Tamala.

There was a complication.

During surgery, we found a tumor, and it was there long before the crash, but it has penetrated her heart.

So there's a number of things we can do, but I need you to understand that your friend is facing a very high-risk operation.

Well, it's covered.

Anything she needs is covered.

I organized our trip.

It's all right here.


When we rented the van, we paid for the personal injury insurance.

I've read the policy, there's no limit.

So she's entitled to the best care you can offer.

- Hmm.

- The very best.

And I made everyone pay the extra $7.

50 for the insurance.

They carried on a while, but Well, I'm sure they're thanking you now.



Goodwin, would you be open to praying with me?

Um, I'm not really the most prayerful of guys.


Heavenly father from whom all blessings flow.

It was your will to work through this accident.

Bless the hands of these surgeons as they do your work.

We are your instruments, Lord, prayerful or not.

Bless us and show us the way.


Lucky the accident happened so close to us.


Some are calling it an act of God.

What do you think?

Well, I know is that half these women came in with a host of preexisting conditions, diabetes, cervical cancer, hypertension.

And then they crash right when they need care most.

I don't know.

I'm a cynic.

I mean, maybe it was divine intervention.


Maybe there was an intervention.

I just don't know if it was divine.



Is there an update?

Uh, no update.

I just, uh do you mind if I sit?

Um I met this woman once, and the amazing thing about her was that she loved her friends more than anything.

And her friends were in trouble, through no fault of their own.

They couldn't get the care that they needed.

So she decided that she was gonna help her friends No matter what.


So she did something dangerous.

And I would never tell you her name, because I don't wanna get her in trouble.

Because I respect her.

I expect she appreciates that.

But I do have a question for her.

How did things get so bad that the only way she saw to save her friends was to crash their van?

Perhaps it's what this woman saw.

She had a friend who used to love going for walks.

Now she can't breathe.

One's in and out of a wheelchair, another died too early.

This woman sees it all, sees her friends at church, praying for the hospitals to return, for money to buy medicine, for deliverance slow to come.

So maybe she prays for something different, for the strength to act, for a sign, and she gets nothing.

Until a nice young man at a van rental office offers to sell her supplemental injury insurance.

You spend your life wondering what salvation will cost, and the answer turns out to be $7.


All I had to do was one scary thing And all our prayers were answered.

"So do not fear, for I am with you.

"Do not be dismayed, for I am your God.

"I will strengthen and help you.

I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

" Meaning God will see you through?

Meaning sometimes you wait for the right hand of God, but sometimes the hand is you.


So me losing my concentration is me having a seizure?

In some cases.

Petit mal seizures present in different ways.

And this is from the diabetes too?

Uncontrolled diabetes puts you at a high risk for strokes and other diseases.

You should not drive until you get this under control.

Well, if I can't drive, how am I supposed to get to a doctor for help?

A church member can't drive you?

An hour each way?

Perhaps family?

No one I can rely on.

I'm always bailing them out.


So what am I dying of?

Miss Alfreeda, you're not dying.

Tell that to your face.

The swelling in your leg, we thought that it might be cancer or a blood disorder, but it's neither.

It's your kidneys.

They're failing.

So I am dying.

Well, your GFR is 16, which means that the creatinine isn't clearing from your kidney, which means you need a new kidney.

Well, it's a good thing I brought a spare.

Well, you did bring a vanload of potential donors.

You want me to take a kidney from one of my church members?

A blood relative would be better, though.

Do you have any family?

No, I don't have any family here.

Stop telling tales.

I'm her much younger sister.


I forgot about her.

See you see how she is?

I was gonna do the Christian thing and offer up one of my kidneys, but I ain't doing it now unless she asks - for once in her life.

- Nobody is asking you for anything.

Like, when I helped you keep Mom and Daddy's farm last year.

Go ahead, tell the truth.

Shame the devil.

You know what?

That's right, baby sister.

Go on, keep Christ in your heart and your kidney, because I don't want nothing from you.


We'll have only two hours for this.

Why is that, Dr.


Because we're harvesting the patient's own heart.

After two hours, the organ will degrade beyond viability.

And the mass?

Is presenting posterior as a left atrial mass.

And I can resect it with clean margins in about 45 minutes, maybe another 45 to restructure the heart muscle.

That leaves you with 30 minutes to sew it back in and warm the trunk.

Is there enough time for that?

Sitting about 4 degrees Celsius.


All right, ladies and gentlemen, listen up.

Now this may be an atypical surgery for us, but what is typical is our efficiency and our precision.

So use them today, and we may have a chance to save a life.


Let's get after it.

You're fully on bypass.

SVC partial dissection complete.


Transecting the ascending aorta.

Pulmonary artery clamped and dissected.

Aortic cross-clamp off.

Removing the heart.

Resection tray right behind you.

Heart is on the move.

Start the clock.


Chante, you pregnant?

Yes, ma'am.

Is it Mario?

What'd I tell you about messing around with that fast-ass boy?

The baby.

Is the baby okay?

What with the accident The fetus is totally unharmed as far as we can tell.


Thank you, Jesus.



We're gonna figure this out.

I don't wanna be a mommy.

Oh, baby.

I know it may seem scary right now, but Auntie Kaye will be right here.

I took care of you, didn't I?

We'll get through this.



Chante has expressed more than not wanting to be a mother.


Well, why don't we let Chante take this opportunity to share her feelings?

I want an abortion.


Did you put her up to this?

No, but she is clearly articulating her choice to end this pregnancy.

Then she should have clearly articulated that I am her legal guardian, and I am in charge of her decisions, including her medical ones.


I you need to know that I'm just here in support of Chante and what she wants.

And it seems like this pregnancy would be a burden.

Because you think we couldn't care for this baby?

That's not what I'm saying We are more than capable of taking care of our own.

Every child born into this family is loved and extremely well taken care of.

Chante's child will be no different.

But is that what's best for Chante?

Based on what, your 45 minutes of knowing her?


Folks always want you to make a choice, then look at you funny when you don't make the choice they wanted you to make.

One side shakes their heads, saying you're oppressed, the other filled with so called "Christians" who don't give a damn as soon as the baby gets pushed out.

But let's be clear.

This black family right here ain't being co-opted for anyone's crusade.

Oh, Max!

What about if I got you a food service?

Don't need it.

It would take the pressure off of cooking.

Luna's still bottle feeding, so Not for the baby, for you.

- Oh.

- Be my treat.

Yeah, I'm good.

I eat most of my meals at the hospital anyway.

Have you tried the pretzel and hummus combo?

- It's very - Max.

I'm good.

Why won't you let me help you?

You know what?

How 'bout this?

When I need your help, I'll ask for it.

Speech therapist to distro four.

Speech therapist to distro four.

How's our group?

Most are recovering, and we've got aftercare plans for the noncritical ladies Are you the medical director?

Is this about my unpaid parking tickets?

We're following up on the accident on the FDR.

I'm Detective Grove.

This is Detective Vasquez.

Oh, why don't we discuss this outside?

We'd like to have a conversation with the driver, Kaye Henry.

Well, she's recovering.

If she's awake and conscious, we wanna talk to her.

And if she isn't, we'll wait.



Kaye, the police are here to speak to you.

You understand there will be repercussions if they find out the crash was intentional.

And the only option is to tell the truth.

So what are you saying?

That I don't want you to go to jail or your friends to lose their insurance.

But they didn't do anything wrong.

They don't even know what I did.

It doesn't matter.

Deliberate actions negate the policy you purchased.

For a while there, I really thought I was doing God's will.

But this and Chante I was all wrong.

Now it's time to do right, Dr.


This isn't in my hands, never was.

Kaye, what are you gonna tell the police?

I continue to be thrilled that I am an only child.

What do you mean?

Verdene and Alfreeda letting decades old personal drama get in the way of their health.

Will it k*ll Alfreeda to ask?

It's a kidney.

But why offer someone something and then make them ask for it?

Asking isn't such a big deal.

So it makes perfect sense that Alfreeda could die while Verdene keeps her kidney hostage, waiting for her to ask for it?

It's about respect.

Verdene has sacrificed her own health, swooping in to help her entire family, never getting a word of praise.

I'm sure no one ask her to be their savior.

She's doing it for the attention.

- That's not true.

- Of course it is.

She's gotta be the bride at every wedding and the corpse at every funeral.

Come on, show her some R-E-S-P-E-C-T.


Respect is earned, not demanded.




- Hi, Chante.

- Hi.

So Chante, I brought Dr.

Bloom here with me, because I thought you might feel more comfortable speaking with a female doctor.

I also wanted to tell you that we went around the hospital and we spoke to some lawyers here.

And if you want to have an abortion, then you can.

- Yeah.

- But Kaye said no.

Yes, I know, but as your guardian, she is there to support you whenever you can't make a decision on your own.

But in this case, I think it's very clear that you can.

And as you're only nine weeks, it is still legally your choice to make.

I don't want Kaye mad at me.

Chante, you know, I had to make a choice too when I was your age.

Doing what was right for me, it helped me make that choice.

Didn't make it any easier, but it did make it clearer.

Do you wanna have an abortion?



Now, look, since you're under guardianship, we just need to ask you a few more questions.

More questions?

Just to make sure that you have thought everything through.

Like, after the abortion, what's your plan?

My plan?

Your relationship with Kaye, um it may change.


Like, if she's mad and doesn't want me to live with her no more?

Not living with Kaye is a possibility.

Something that you have to think about.

And I can't lose Kaye.

I can't lose Kaye.

Which is why we need a plan.

I don't need a plan.

I don't need a plan.

I need just Kaye.

Uh, excuse me, Detective, where you taking her?

The precinct.

It's none of your concern.

Uh, you're taking a patient out of my hospital.

I'm very concerned.

Kaye, what did you say?

Nothing, just that she lost her way.

So now we go to the precinct.


- I'm attaching the aorta.

- You have 45 seconds.

Still have to do the pulmonary vein.

Duke, I need those hands.

Target core temp is 37 Celsius.

- Sir?

- That's the pulmonary vein.

Right there.

Use your 6-0 Prolene stitch.

Don't back wall the vein, stat.

Give me a 6-0 Prolene on a stick tie.

Idle breathing looks good.


She's normalizing.

You have five seconds, but they're flicking by.

Vitals are stable.

Ah, the boot should be wider Time.

- Time, Dr.


- I hear you.

- Almost there.

- Full shocks, holding.

- Detractor number two.

- Clamps.

- Duke.

- Done.





- Got a heartbeat.

- I got a pulse.





The brainwaves aren't picking up.

Brain's warming too slowly.

Does that mean she has brain damage?

We won't know until she wakes up.

A little help here.

Get her to bay 24.

What happened?

We were driving away and she just started seizing.

- Casey, do a finger stick.

- What's going on?

We need ten units of insulin.


Blood glucose at 550.

I need ten units of insulin, subq.

Is she okay?

Kaye's a brittle diabetic.

- Brittle?

- It's a form of diabetes.

It manifests with dramatic spiking of blood sugar levels.

Could that have caused the accident?

Very well could have.

How are you feeling, Miss Verdene?

Well, it ain't childbirth.

How long till you know if I'm a match?

Could be as soon as tomorrow.

You can say thank you now.

I could.


Thank you.

Now, was that so hard?


Well done, Vijay.

Acting out their ridiculous feud in front of them.

Who was acting?

You weren't really upset, were you?

Talk to my hand.



Um, hi.


I should learn to accept a blessing when it's offered to me, right?

And to be, you know, less of a jerk.

Well, it's about time.


Oh, and some other ideas I've been noodling: a diaper service.

Or what about a CSA?

Or how would you feel about your very own car service?

It all sounds great.

Surprise me.


Auntie Kaye!


You're about to squeeze me in half.

I don't wanna lose you.

I'm not going anywhere.

- Don't go, don't go.

- I'm right here.

The court is restoring Chante's right to make this medical choice.

And, um she hasn't made a decision yet, because she's a little bit scared of how it might affect your relationship.

Auntie Kaye, will you still love me?



But you're blocking a blessing, Chante.

No, I'm not.

God's with me.

God is with you?

I prayed no baby.

God crashed the van here.

The doctor said "no baby," see?

I crashed the van.

It was me.

God had nothing to do with it.

God's in you.

Is God in me?


No, that's not [SIGHS]


I don't know.

I don't know.

I hope so.

Auntie Kaye.

Auntie Kaye.


Still no change?



Tamala kind of reminds me of my mom too.

It's just we, uh we haven't talk much lately.

Family stuff.

Well, if this was your mom, what would she want right now?

Couldn't hurt.


Why should I feel Discouraged Why should the shadows Come [MONITOR BEEPING]

Why should my heart Be lonely And long Why should I feel Discouraged And why Should the shadows come His eye ALL: Amen!

Is on the sparrow And I know He watches me [PHONE LINE TRILLS]

Hey, Mama.

No, no, no, nothing's wrong.

I, uh I just called to tell you I love you.

And I sing Because I'm free Could you enter this in the database, please?

His eye is on Shall we wait for your husband?

You know, he's not gonna make it, but we are both very excited about moving forward with the adoption process.

Okay, great.

Come on in.


Have a seat.

His eye is on The sparrow Ed's still empty.

How'd the changed woman enjoy her shift?

You know, it was exactly what I needed.




Tidy Town Cleaners.

Are you Dr.


Uh, yeah, but I didn't The bill's covered, tip included.

A gift from your friend Helen.

- Right.

- May we come in?


Sor you know what?


Actually, I'm good.

I'm okay.

I'm okay.

Thank you.

- Oh, but we've already - Thank you.

- Yeah, sorry.

- But we've already No, no, I appreciate it.

Thank you.







Come here.



Oh, I got you.


Hi, hi, hi, hi, hi.