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08x06 - What Went Wrong

Posted: 10/31/19 11:06
by bunniefuu
I know what you're gonna say.

You wanted Gallo on a short leash.

I'm not sure he fully appreciates what the stakes are.

He pulled that kid out of a rolling house fire, and lost everyone.

I can't be with a firefighter.

I can't handle wondering everyday if I am gonna see him at home, or at the hospital.

Letting him go would be crazy.

Hi, Joe.

Will you make me the happiest man on this Earth?


Wait, you haven't told anyone about it?

Oh, not yet, no.

I figured after everything that happened with this engagement, it's best not to jinx it, you know?

No more drama well, at least not for a while.

Ooh, so I shouldn't tell anyone, either.

Yeah, no, please.

Hey, it's the groom-to-be.

- There he is!

- Countdown to the lockdown.

Congratulations, Cruz.

Couldn't be happier for you.

You literally told everyone?

Last meal as a free man.


Thank you.


Thanks, Lieutenant.

Pancakes, huh?

And not just any old flapjack.

I've got a secret ingredient.

- What?

- Beer.

It'll blow your mind.

Big talk.

Better be good.

Listen to this.

There's a fire house in Montecito, California, that has a women's lounge.

A what?

"What started as a space for breast-feeding mothers "has transformed into an area for women firefighters "to gather and relax with calming lighting, music, and comfortable couches.

" Ooh, I like the sound of that.

A whole separate room for women.

Uh, why?

Maybe to get away from the sights and smells of this place.

Truck 81, Engine 51, Squad 3, Battalion 25, house fire, 1329 South Bell Avenue Pancakes to go.

These are fantastic.

I told you.

81, let's vent the roof.

Squad, see if we can get through that front door.

Herrmann, back them up with a hose line.

Mouch, Kidd, get to the roof.

Gallo, check the back door, but don't go inside.

Copy that, Captain.

Hey, front door's getting a little crispy, but I think we can get in.

Hey, hose line's seconds away.

All right.

Back door's good.

Let me know when to vent.

That's my house!


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

That's my house.

My family's inside.

My mom, my dad, and my grandma.

No, no, look, you can't go in there.

I need to get them out.


Hey, hey, hey.

I'll get them.

All right, you go out front and wait.


Fire Department!

Call out!

Fire Department!

- You good?

- Ready.

Kidd, what's the vent status?

I'm all set.

Hit it, Cruz.

What happened, Chief?

A flashover.

We're moving in now.

My God, no!

Hey, hey.

Is there someone on the inside?

Our son is at a friend's house But my mom!

Severide, there could be female victim inside.

No one's on the first floor.

Heading upstairs, Chief.

Which bedroom is hers?

That one in front.

Severide, check the A-side bedroom on the second floor.

Copy that, Chief.

Mom, Dad!

- Trevor!

- Hey, get him!

Hey, hey, hey.

Where's Grandma?

I don't know.

Fire Department!

Call out!

Fire Department!

Cruz, over here!

Don't worry, ma'am, we're gonna get you out.

I don't know what happened.

Stairs are too hot.

She'll never make it down.

Let's get her out the window.


81, I need a ladder by the first bedroom window!

Hey, ma'am, this is Joe.

My name's Kelly.

We're gonna get you out of here, okay?


A good Irish fireman.

I always wanted my daughter to marry a fireman.


She married a plumber instead.

Never listens to me.

Save your breath.

- There you go, ma'am.

- There you go, we got you.

Grandma, are you okay?

Okay, ma'am.

Give the paramedics some space.

Let them do their work.

It's okay.

I'm still here.

Her lungs are diminished.

We need to intubate.

Let's push 10mg of Versed.

10mg of Versed, coming up.

It's okay, ma'am.

You're gonna be okay.


Hold that.

- I'm in.

- Let's get her to Med.

Will she be all right?

- She's in good hands.

- Where are they taking her?

Chicago Med.

You can follow them if you want.


Get ready for overhaul.

Copy that.

Hey, how'd it go?

With the grandma.

Oh, we got her there pretty quick, but her airway was thrashed.

Doctors are doing all they can.



You gonna swap out your air bottle?

Right, yeah.

Everything okay?

No, it's not.

That's so nice.

Ooh, look at this.

Himalayan salt lamps.

I love those.

I'm relaxed just looking at this photo.


Oh, Chief.

Just the man that we wanted to see.


So we noticed that the blue office is just sitting there unused, like a big old storage closet, and so we were thinking that maybe we could turn it into a women's lounge.

I'm sorry?

You know, a designated place for the women of 51 to come together to bond and form community, like the one in Montecito, California.

California women's lounge?


In Chicago?

- Yes, sir.

- Mm-hmm.

I don't think so.

So you have a problem with women needing personal space?


You know what?

Blue office is all yours.


Come in here a minute.

Yeah, what's up?

Close the door.

Mind telling me what happened back there on that call?

What do you mean?

You had a face full of soot and your SCBA mask in hand long before I ordered you inside for overhaul.


I went in the back door.

By yourself.

After I told you not to.

I'm sorry, Captain.

It was Gallo, I stuck my neck out to get you into 51, when everyone else was telling me you're too impulsive.

I know.

It was a major screw-up.

I'm really sorry.

You won't know what sorry is until you scrub all the toilets, wash the truck, mop the floors, and about 100 other dirty jobs I haven't thought of yet.


I'm all over it.

Then you're gonna spend your off shift re-training at the academy.

Okay, understood.

Oh, and then pray Boden doesn't fire your ass 'cause this is going in my after-action report.

Prepare to be wowed.

We are about to completely transform this place.

The salt lamp!

They had it.

And look at this pillow.


Oh, so soft.


I can see us spending a lot of time in here.


- Hey.

- What's up, guys?

What's that smell?

Autumn in Vermont potpourri.

That is lovely.

Yeah, so I was looking for a snack in the kitchen.

I just happened to notice that everything made out of chocolate was suddenly missing.


Any idea why that might be?

Uh, we have a lot to do here, so thanks so much for stopping by, guys.

I didn't even get to ask where they bought the potpourri.

Hey, Chief.


He in the doghouse, or something?

Went off the reservation on that house fire.

I'm sure Casey will tell you all about it.


About that fire.

Um just got off the phone with Med, and that was a good effort from this morning, but I am sad to say the victim did not pull through.


She didn't make it?

She had a lot of smoke.

We did all we could.

That poor family.

And that boy.

They already lost everything, and now this.

We should help them.

Pass the boot?

We could do better than that.

What about one of those online campaigns?

Yeah, count me in.

All right, well, I'll get the ball rolling.

Uh, guys, let's go check on the family.

Take it, please.

It's just a few things I was gonna give to Goodwill.

Thank you, Lois.

That's really sweet.

- Oh, hey.

- Hey, guys.

We just heard the news.

So sorry.

Yeah, on behalf of everyone at 51, our condolences.

Hey, thank you.

Thanks for everything you did for us.

You got a place to stay?

Yeah, yeah.

Andy and Ellen have taken us in till we can you know, sort things out.

She knew we didn't want her cooking home alone.

Why didn't she just wait till we came back?

Don't get yourself worked up.

To just leave a plan frying like that.

She's so slow going up and down the stairs.

Honey, we can't dwell on it, all right?

Phyllis was just, you know old.

And forgetful.

We wanted to see if you folks would be okay with the firehouse setting up some kind of fundraiser on your behalf.

Just to help you get by.

No, no, you've done so much All right, Kristen, let's not look a gift horse.

It's very kind of you.

We can use all the help we can get.

Okay, well, we'll put it together.

And let us know if there's anything else we can do.

Take care.

Something seem a little hinky to you?

That guy sure doesn't like to let his wife talk, does he?

What's up, bud?

Your grandma seemed like a cool lady.

She was the best.

We were playing chess in the living room over there, like, two days ago.

All right Hey, hang in there.

This is nice.

There's no weird smells, no nasty snoring noises.

No screaming matches about football or macho brags about k*ller timing on my dummy drag.

Hey, that was me.

My time was incredible.

Well, point is, I love it here, and I'm never leaving.

It's like taking a bath in sunshine and rainbows.

Ambulance 61, injured person, - No.

- 1217 North Larrabee Street.


We'll be back, beautiful lounge.

Don't change.

Don't worry.

I'll relax enough for the three of us.

Thank God you're here.

It's my roommate.

Where is she?

I was in the kitchen while she was in the shower, and then all of a sudden, I heard this really loud crash from the bathroom.


What's her name?


I called as soon as I saw.

Here, let's try and get you up, okay?

Watch the glass.


No, don't look at it, Samara.

Look at me, okay?

I promise we'll take care of you, all right?

Mild tachycardia.

Oh, my God.

Is that bad?

She's getting married tomorrow.

Would you mind watching outside to make sure the path to the ambulance is clear?

All right.

There we go.

BP is good.

I can't.

I can't I know, I know, it's okay.

What you're experiencing is called respiratory alkalosis.

It's scary, but it's not fatal.

There we go.


There we go.

Follow my lead.

Breathe how I do.

It's working.

You're doing great.

Heart rate 70 and dropping.

How do you feel?

I feel better.



You're recovering.

She'll be okay.

Do you want to meet us at the hospital?


Wait, what did you say I had?

Respiratory alkalosis.



You were having a panic attack.

Totally normal, especially under stress.

And weddings can definitely be stressful.

If I'm this stressed about getting married, maybe I'm making a mistake.

I'm not so sure about that.

Our friend Chloe was dating this amazing guy, but just when it hit her how much he meant to her, she broke it off.

So what happened?

Someone smart smacked some sense into her.

And now they're engaged.

I don't know, guys.

I had an investigator on the scene within an hour.

He didn't clock anything suspicious.

Pan frying on the stove top left unattended.

That's not exactly a stumper.

I'm sure that the pan started the fire, but who lit the stove?

That's the question.

I'm telling you something is off.

This guy said that his mother-in-law was old and forgetful, but she's with it enough to play chess with her grandkid?

Even when we were in the fire, she seemed pretty sharp to me.

And every time that his wife tried to talk, he'd jump right in with an answer.

Always had the right thing to say.

Yeah, well, my guy interviewed them both.

They left the house a half hour earlier to shop for Halloween decorations.

I got a time-stamped receipt and everything.

But let's say they're leaving, Jim lets his wife go first, he hangs back, puts the pan on.

They're miles away before that oil boils over.

Or maybe the old lady just made a mistake.

Sharp-as-a-tack people forget pots on stove tops all the time.

That duplex fire in Norwood Park last week.

That's a 30-year-old who left a pan on the burner and fell asleep in front of the TV.

k*lled him and his neighbor.

Severide, when I took over OFI, I inherited a mountain of backlog cases that I'm struggling to close.

I'm can't drop everything just because you have a hunch without a lick of evidence to back it up.

You damn well should.

She deserves that.

Poor girl was a mess.

You should've seen this one.

She talked her right off the ledge.

She just needed a little reassurance.

That's all.

This is the house with the women's lounge, right?

You heard of us?

Shaw and me were just saying we would k*ll for something like that at our firehouse.

Mind if we check it out?

Not at all.


Make yourself at home.

Thanks a lot.

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

It's official.

People, women, are talking about our lounge.

You know, soon enough, it's gonna become a refuge for female first responders all across the CFD.

We did that.

I'm just sayin'.

- We rule.

- Yeah.

Give me some.


Yeah, but do you guys have any idea what kind of an uproar it would cause if we decided to make a "men's only" area at the firehouse?

The HR complaints, the lawsuits.

We should do it.

Yeah, I'm not so sure.

Yeah, that could really backfire.

All right, yeah, we wouldn't get away with it, and you know why?


The world is going to hell in a hand basket.

Sorry I made you wait.

Hey, Hermann!

Hey, thanks for backing me up with Van Meter today.

Come on, you don't gotta buy me drinks for that.

Course not.

This is to celebrate your engagement.

Chloe's great.

And you're one lucky bastard.

No one deserves it more.

Thanks, boss.

It's OFI.

Hey, this is Severide.

Van Meter.

Hey, yeah.

Twenty minutes.

See you there.

Sounds like you got through to him.

- What's up, Chief?

- Hey.

- Chief.

- Yeah.

- Hey, Chief.

- Hey.

I read your shift report.

You got a minute to talk about Gallo?

You didn't have to come looking for me, Chief.

Four-word text would've covered it.

"I told you so.

" Well, there's more to it than that.

Listen, I know that I was wary about the young man at first, but I have watched you take him under your wing.

Casey, you found potential in him.

I believe that under your command, he will live up to that potential.

So the fact that he defied an order and went freelancing doesn't bother you?

There is something you should know about Gallo, something that Chief Burkett, he shared with me.

You know that fire he survived as a kid?


His family didn't make it out.

He lost everyone.


Now I probably should've told you.

Didn't feel like my story to tell.

His whole family?

Mother, father little sister.

Happened to Gallo around about the same age as that little boy who lost his grandmother yesterday.

You think that's why he lost his head on that call?

It's a reasonable assumption.

Then he should've explained that.

But he just should stood there while I tore him a new one and didn't say a word.

I need to know that he understands what went wrong.

If he doesn't, how can I send Kidd or Mouch into danger with somebody who's hiding his Achilles heel?

I support you whatever you decide.

But I wanted you to have all the facts.

Van Meter?

Yeah, in here.

Okay, so what are we doing?

Well, after that guilt trip you laid on me, I started thinking about motive.

There was no life insurance policy on the victim, but I thought I should see if she had a nest egg, so I went down to her bank.

I guess your victim clipped a lot of coupons because she squirreled away $320,000.


People have k*lled for a lot less.

Well done, Van Meter.

So what are we doing here?

It's a solid theory, but there's still no evidence.

I'm hoping to find something physical that points to arson.

Well, thanks for taking a closer look.

You knew I would.

Seen enough of your hunches play out over the years.

Oh, hey.

Look at this.

This is a trailer line, right?

Leading from the pot to the countertop?

The grease boiled over, caught fire in the gas flame, and ignited something else.

Dish towel.

Something like that.

Not necessarily suspicious.

But look at this.

Maybe a pile of oily rags.

Pan with the rags and then the rags are what really got the fire going.

Caught the curtains.

The cookbooks.

What's the matter?

Van Meter, isn't this how the Norwood Park fire went down?

Yeah, it is.

Every single detail.

The Tribune wrote a piece describing every element of that fire.

Hold on.

Are you saying that this guy used the Norwood Park fire as a blueprint for arson?

And m*rder.



Good morning.

You're the one who polished all these floors?

My cousin owns a janitorial service.

He lent me the machine.

But if there's anything else you want me to do, just say the word.

What I really want is for you to tell me what really happened the other day at that fire.

Yes, sir.

You ordered me to the back of the house to check the rear entrance, but you specified I do not go inside.

I took along my flat ax and my Halligan bar, and used them to force entry on the back door.

After that, I opened it approximately six inches to ensure that there were no victims caught on the inside of the door.

You know what?

Just Finishing polishing the floors.

And sharpen all the axes on Truck.

You got it, Captain.

You see what I mean, Chief?

Jim replicated the Norwood Park duplex fire to a tee.

He had to make sure his fire was big enough so that it would k*ll Phyllis.

Do you have any physical evidence?

Nothing conclusive, and Van Meter's taken his investigation as far as he can.

He'll refer it to CPD.

It's up to them to build a case.

But you're not hopeful.

I think they're gonna need a confession.

I don't think Jim's gonna give it to them.

Oh, man.

Still on the ropes, huh?

Any end in sight?

No idea.

This morning, Casey had me walking through what happened on the call.

And when I tried telling him, he cut me off like I was talking gibberish.

It's like he's waiting for the right excuse, but I screwed up.

I acknowledged it, and I apologized.

What else can I say?

I don't know, man.

I'm sorry.

It's on me.

All I can do is keep working my ass off and show the Captain I'm meant to be here.

I actually missed the women's lounge when we were off shift.

It's nicer than my apartment.

Oh, sounds like our lady friends are still enjoying the space.


Hey, hey, hey.

Hi, I'm Sylvie Brett.

I'm the PIC here at 51.

You are?

Captain Leone.


Great to meet you.

So small thing.

I'm pretty sure that smoking is prohibited in a firehouse.

Are you a paramedic or a narc?

It's just that it smelled like autumn in Vermont last shift, and now it's closer to a Piña colada.

You know, I thought the whole point of this place was to be supportive of each other.

Oh, absolutely.

'Cause I'm not really feeling a very supportive vibe right now.

All right, that's good enough, Gallo.

- You can put the axes away.

- Yep.

So Mouch is gonna call Trudy, see if she can suss out who's handling the PD investigation.

What investigation?

You know that house fire from last shift?

It's looking more and more like the dad set the fire to take out the mother-in-law.


Are you kidding me?

Yeah, crazy, right?

Turns out the old lady was sitting on a pile of cash.

So he burned her alive.

And he put his son through that that hell.

I mean, the kid lost his house and his grandmother.

He was gonna run inside.

I had to stop him.

I had to physically stop him.

- Gallo.

- What?

I'm sorry, Captain.

I think I just figured out how we're gonna break that son of a bitch.

Hey, man.

- You all right?

- Yeah.

I'm pretty new to 51, too, so I don't have much standing to give you advice, but if there's one thing I know about this place, it's that you can be yourself here.

In fact, you have to be.

That rule about not going alone on a call, that applies inside the firehouse, too.

Talk to Casey about whatever it is going on with you.


- What's up?

- Hey.

Thanks for meeting us.

Of course.

What's the play?

We just found out that the kid almost ran into the burning house.

Could've easily died.

I don't think the parents know.

And I figure if the dad feels enough guilt, maybe he'll confess.

All right, or, turn the wife against him, she helps us build a case.

Hey, Lieutenant.

Thought that was you guys parked out here.

Can you step outside for a sec?

Yeah, sure.

Jim, this is Officer Ruzek.

Chicago Police Department.


Uh, hey.

What's what's going on?

Sir, is your wife home?

Uh, yeah.

Hey, Kristen, honey, come here.

What's this?

Your son Trevor.

Did he tell you folks he tried to run into the fire to save his grandmother?


No, no, no, he was with his friend Toby, a block away, right?

- Yeah, he - I mean, I know he came back once he heard the sirens, but He showed up right when we did.

If we didn't have a man at the back door, he would've run straight in.

You should've made sure your boy was much further away before you lit that stove.

- What does that mean?

- I don't understand.

We have reason to believe that Jim set that fire on purpose to k*ll your mother.

- What?

- That's crazy.

That's arson, m*rder, and possibly child endangerment.

I didn't set that fire.

It means that your son is gonna go into the system while this thing works its way through the court.

- No.

- I'm afraid so, ma'am.

Whether you knew your husband's plan or not, - doesn't matter.

- Hey, there was no plan.

I didn't do anything.

- I need you to come with me, okay?

- This is ridiculous.

- I didn't do anything.

- You can walk out real easy, or I can put you in cuffs and drag you off.

- Just listen to me.

- Sir He didn't do anything.

I did it.


I set the fire.

Just please don't send Trevor away.

Kristen, honey, what are you saying?

I'm sorry.

How could you do that?

She was napping.

I I thought she would go quickly, that the smoke would overwhelm her like in that fire in the paper.

They said the victims never even woke up.

All that money, it should go to making our lives better.

For Trevor.

Oh, my God.

I'm sorry, Jim.

We need to have a conversation - down at the district.

- I'm so sorry.

Come on.

Jim, I'm sorry.

- Come on.

- I'm so sorry, Jim.

I'm sorry.

Come on.

So, yeah, thanks, Hank, for the update, and thanks for helping Severide and Cruz out with that.

Yeah, thanks.

The things people are capable of I'll never understand it.

At least the boy still has his father.

Try and focus on the silver lining.

What are you talking about?

The definition of the word "lounge" The property is damaged.

We created this space so that women could come together and bond and relax.

I was relaxed until you came in.


I Chief.

The women's lounge is a disaster.

You gotta help me shut it down.

These women from other firehouses started coming in and some of them are just horrible human beings, and now they won't leave.


If you set things right in the blue office, I will make sure that no one from another house set foot in it again.

Thank you, Chief.

I really, really, appreciate it, and. .

I'm sorry for all the chaos.

The community that you were looking to create in there hopefully this will remind you that you already had that out here.


It'll be nice to have you back in the common room.

You were missed.

Thanks, Herrmann.

That's some pretty high-level interrogation you did on that case.

You've might've missed your calling being a detective.

Couldn't have done it without you, brother.

You know what?

I wanted to ask you something.


I was thinking about my wedding, and Well, I mean I would ask Otis if he were here.

But he's not.

And so, um I wanted to ask you, uh if maybe you're Joe Are you asking me to be your best man?

Would you?

Hell yes.

Thanks, boss.

Drinks on me.

Captain, you got a second?

I need to tell you something.


Go right ahead.

So When I was a kid part of the story I don't often tell I lost my entire family in that fire.

But the thing is I heard my little sister call my name from across the hall.

And I was so scared that I ran for the closet.

To this day, I'll never know if I could've saved her.

Maybe I could've saved them all.

When I saw that kid the other day so scared for his family It took me right back to that night.

And I I lost control of myself.

I don't know if that means I can't be a firefighter anymore.

But that's what happened.

Actually that's what gonna make you a great firefighter.

We all have some kind of pain we're living with.

I lost my fiancée in a fire.

And it took me a long, long time to recover.

This whole house lost Otis.

And that wound isn't healing any time soon.

But when you can admit to the pain own it That's when it scars over, makes you stronger.

Becomes the armor you wear into battle.

I hated letting you down.

Don't do it again.

I won't, Captain.