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02x04 - Dressed to k*ll

Posted: 11/01/19 06:06
by bunniefuu

- November.

- Mike, it's Garrett.

The director just got an earful from the White House.

Apparently, you've got guys harassing the Venezuelan president.

Reyes is pissed, and he's threatening to cut ties.

What the hell's going on down there?

MIKE: I'm not aware of anything out of my station that would be on President Reyes's radar.

GARRETT: Well, I'm guessing you were aware that a legislative aide was playing Rambo in the jungle on the same op where one of our men is now missing in action.


I read the after action report.

I've already made arrangements to deal with it.

That's nice.

Embassy know you're sleeping here?

That's one of the perks of almost being m*rder*d in a foreign country.

- Jesus, God.

- GREER: What do you got?

These are the photos I took in the first container at the camp.

This is a German-made drilling rig with a triple rotating cutter head.

It retails for about $3.

2 million.

They're not smuggling weapons into the jungle.

They're bringing in mining equipment.

It's not illegal to mine in your own country.

Well, that is true, but why are they hiring arms traffickers to protect it?

What do you mean?

Remember our South African friend in the jungle?

- Part of him.

- Exactly.

Well, I took that little memento, had Langley run a DNA and print analysis; his name is Jost Van Der Byl.

And check this out.

According to FBI CODIS, he's got an Interpol Red Notice.

And he's on the Treasury Department's SDN list for arms trafficking.

You recognize this?

GREER: It looks like the same logo we saw in the camp.


What is it?

Eprius is a private m*llitary company based in London.

They provide m*llitary muscle for hot spots all around the world.

Eprius is providing security at this camp.

Okay, what does all this have to do with Moreno?

These are the pictures I took in the second container.

Now in these crates is ammonium nitrate fuel oil.

It's a common expl*sive used for mining.

And this is a forensic analysis of the daisy chain IED that k*lled Jimmy.

Ammonium nitrate fuel oil.

I connected Eprius to Jimmy's m*rder.

All I need to do now is connect Reyes to Eprius.


How do you intend to do that?

Oh, I got to go to London.

Jim, will you give us a minute?

All right, I'll get right to the point.

I know what happened when you went upriver.

You were told to fall back, and you didn't.

You went, on your own, and you opened another container.

And because I did, we now have his fingerprints connecting to this expl*si*n.

And a missing man in the jungle.

One has nothing to do with the other.

You know that.


I get why you like being an analyst.

It works for you.

You have all your puzzle pieces, you put them together, and you write your report, and you don't need anyone else to do any of it.

The hell is that?

I'm sending you back to D. C.

Mike take a look.

- I'm close.

- That is the problem.


You're too close.

You're too close to all this sh*t.

You've done some great work.

You let us take it from here.

Please don't do this.

Your flight leaves this afternoon.

You know, you keep going at it alone, that's how you're going to end up.


Where the f*ck is he going?

Well based on our position, it looks like he's about 12 to 13 klicks northwest.

So if we double-time it, we should be able to get to him by sundown.



Easy Hey!


Salud, salud.


- I need to take this.


Senator thank you for taking my call.

Um Anytime.

What can I do for you?

Well, I remember you had said if I ever needed help, to reach out, so (CHUCKLES)

Well, as it turns out, the station chief here in Caracas is sending me back.

Against your wishes, I gather.


Uh, that's right, sir.

I was wondering if you could get travel to London approved through SSCI?


What for?

Well, th-there's there's just something I need to check out, uh It's about Jimmy.



Uh I'll get my office to look right into it.

- Thank you, sir.

- Stay in touch, Jack.


Will do.

What you doing?

Trying to figure out what mining has to do with satellites in the South China Sea.

- Any luck?

- Some progress.


The mind of Jack Ryan.

A nice place to visit, but you wouldn't want to live there.

(QUIETLY): No sh*t.

So, uh what do you know about this guy?

Sergio Bonalde?

He was the last Minister of Interior and Justice before Reyes vacated the position.


So any mining operation in Venezuela has to go through his office, right?

Yeah, sounds about right.

Maybe I should talk to him.


You can't.

He went missing about a year ago.

- Anybody know what happened?

- Yeah.

He was an outspoken critic of Reyes.

Which is a recipe for bad sh*t happening to you.

You should talk to his wife, though.

Gloria Bonalde.

Jesus Christ.

Oh, he's a sick son of a bitch.

I'm not hungry.









No, no, no.

Señorita Bonalde.


Welcome to London, Mr. Ryan.

Have a nice day.

Thank you.

How long were you in Venezuela, Ms. Stebbins?

Nine days.

Please remove your sunglasses.

Welcome home.

Thank you.


CLERK: There you are, Mr.


Just give us a call if you need anything at all.

Thank you.


(g*n COCKS)

I took our last conversation very seriously.

You need to leave right now.

Max is here.

Why should I trust a thing you say?

'Cause I'm the one who's gonna save your life.

(DROPS g*n)

Why did you come to London?

To follow the money.

I just have to prove that Reyes hired Max.

Have you heard of a company called Eprius?


It's a PMC based in London.

Right now, they were hired to protect a mining site in Venezuela owned by Reyes.

Well, the same expl*sives they use to mine are the expl*sives Max used to k*ll Moreno.

What does the London office say?

I don't know, I haven't asked them yet.

Why not?


You're not here with the CIA.


I'm here on vacation.

Well, if we can't get any information from the CIA, we'll just have to ask MI5.

JEREMY: Harry, excuse my shock.

Thought you'd been k*lled in Tripoli.

Well, apparently not.

Jeremy, Jack.

Jack, Jeremy.

- Hey.

- How are you?

So, uh, what's your interest in Eprius?

Well, we think they're involved in the m*rder of a U. S. senator.

That thing in Venezuela?

Doesn't surprise me.

MI5 has an open dossier on Eprius.

For what?

Oh, where do you start?

Smuggling arms over international borders, illegally training local militia, forcibly removing natives from their land.

That's just the top tracks.

There's plenty of other stuff.

Well, we need to get to their CEO, Rupert Thorne.

Can you help us with that?


On what?

What's that?

It's a name.

German citizen living in Edgware.

We need all the information you have on her.


Without an official interagency request?

That's very illegal, Jeremy.

Well, so is freezing the bank account of a private corporation without a proper court order.

Fair enough.

Señora Bonalde.

I'm Jim Greer from the U. S.

State Department.

Nice to meet you, Mr. Greer.

I appreciate you coming up here, but I'm not sure why you would want to meet me when I'm not yet a representative of this country.

I think we might be able to help each other out.


Your country has a history of "helping out" in elections in Latin America.

I'm not here about the election.

I'm here about your husband, Sergio.

I just want to ask a few questions.



Why are you suddenly interested in my husband?

He's been missing over a year.

I hear he wasn't a fan of President Reyes, either.

Sergio was a man of great honesty.

That's a dangerous trait for a politician.

He wasn't a politician.

He was a government servant.


Did he ever mention anything about mining projects in the jungle in Puerto Maripaña?


I don't blame you for being cautious.

But I think we might have common interests here.

He mentioned going there.


But he went many places for his work.

Why do you ask?

I believe Sergio's disappearance is directly connected to the assassination here in Caracas of the U. S. senator.

And that Reyes may be behind both things.

What's the connection?

That's why I'm sitting here with you.

And I've got the resources of the United States government to help me find out.

I haven't touched anything in here since Sergio disappeared.

I should probably clean it out, but I'm afraid if I do, he won't come back.

It's silly, I know.

Not at all.

This is what Sergio was working on when he went missing.

What is it?

When you figure that out maybe we'll know what happened to my husband.

THORNE: By what rights did you freeze our accounts?

I think we'll ask the questions first, - Mr.


- Oh, do you?

Uh You hear that?

That is an entire office of barristers calculating how many billable hours they will be able to collect when we sue - the f*cking arse off you.

- HARRIET: Fine.

Lawyers can talk.

That is if you even can sue the government for this.

Can he?

I'm not sure.

I mean, you know, they'll, they'll sort it out in o-one, - maybe two years.


And while you wait, I'm sure all the really nice people you work with will totally understand your inability to pay.

Oh, bloody hell, what the f*ck?

All right, sit down.

So, I'll tell you what you want to know, but then you need to unfreeze the account and f*ck off.


Ask your questions.

Was it President Reyes who hired Eprius to guard his mining operation in Venezuela?


Do we look like Guerrilla-Wars-R-Us?

We don't do politics.

We just work with money people.

So, who then?


A company called Vogler Industries, they're based in Stockholm.

They have mining operations in Malaysia, Chad, Nigeria and now Venezuela.

JEREMY: You know 'em?

Was that it?

- Oh, that was easy.

- JACK: Stop.


Do you recognize this man?

His name is Max Schenkel.

Yes, he's someone that we've worked with in the past.

But not by that name.

Explain "worked with".

Just to be perfectly clear: we do not do the work.

We do not ask what the work is.

In a case like that, we make an introduction.

But no more.

We collect a fee for putting two parties together.

So who did you put together with Max?

A company in Venezuela called Cinco Palmas.

It's a shell company.

Well, that's the idea, isn't it?

To create maximum distance between yourself and whatever it is you want done.

When was the last time you saw Max?

Everything was done through an encrypted e-mail account.

I-I was simply a middleman.









Here you go.

Oh Paul, would you mind keeping it down?

- Sorry.

- Thanks.

I just have an early morning.

Sorry to interrupt.

- My sister.

- Oh.

(WHISPERS): Sorry.

Against us Houses on the ground And flowers upside down It's wonderful to meet you.

In the eye of the storm.

Hello, Mr.


Please come with me.

- VALENTINA: Señora Bonalde?

- Ah.

Gracias, Valentina.


- I'm sorry for calling so early.

- Oh, it's okay.

I'm an early riser.

Old Navy habit.

What can I do for you?

President Reyes came to see me the other night.

At my home.

Hmm, what did he want?

He offered me a job.

I'm guessing the job was contingent upon you dropping out of the race.

He's not a patient man.


Someone in my security team told him where I was.

This is my family.

I'm sorry, Señora Bonalde but I'm not sure what you're asking me to do.

- You offered to help?

- Mm-hmm.

I need someone to help protect my family.

Señor Presidente.

Señor Presidente.

Gracias, señor.

No, no, no, no, no, no!


Where did you get this stuff?

The man you stole this from, where is he?

g*dd*mn it.


GREER: What is it, Jack?

Have you ever heard of "flash Lidar"?

I'm just gonna assume that was rhetorical.

JACK: It's a form of satellite imaging technology.

What they do is they use millions of points of light to penetrate solid surfaces and create a topographical map of what's below.

- sh*t.

- Listen to this.

Remember the company I told you about, Vogler?

They've invested hundreds of millions of dollars in research and patents.

My satellite.

South China Sea.

I think they're using it to see where to dig.

All right, listen, do me a favor, okay?

Find Monica Herrera.

She's a lawyer in Caracas.

- She's the go-between.

- Okay, got it.

When I get something, I'll give you a call.

You at headquarters?

- No, I'm in London.

- London?

- I'll call you back.

- Ryan!

Target spotted entering Leicester Square.

Surveillance and sharpshooters into position.

MI5 AGENT 1: We're getting into position now, Mother.

Copy that, we have visuals.

MI5 AGENT 2: Target is 200 meters away.


Edge of plaza.

Leather jacket.

Baseball cap.

- Where is he?

Where, where, where?

- We need you in close.

- We got him, we got him.


MI5 AGENT 3: Visual confirmed.

Visual confirmed.

50 meters away.

Stand by, all teams.

He's headed your way, Mother.

Okay, here we go.

All teams, ready?

He just walked in.

And go, go!

- On the f*cking ground now!


London Police.

Please stay in your seats.

Hold him.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

He made me do it.

He's got my sister.

- (g*nshots)


Find out where the f*ck those sh*ts came from!

Brick building!


- MAN: Watch it!

MAN 2: Hey, mate, what the hell?





Everybody down.

Get down!