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04x21 - Mr. Kaplan

Posted: 11/02/19 05:57
by bunniefuu
It's been an hour, Raymond.

Your men coming or not?

As I said, there's been a slight delay at the border.

Yes, you said that.

- I'm taking a great risk here.

- Salaam seems grouchy.

Perhaps he's hungry.

God knows I'm starving.

What the hell are we doing, standing around in this warehouse?

Let's get a meal, break bread, drink some Arak.

When the shipment gets here, we'll finish our business.

The truck isn't coming, is it?

What is that supposed to mean?

[ Chuckles ]

Oh, I've heard the rumors, Raymond.

We all have.

People are whispering.

What are they whispering?

He's saying bills are not being paid.

Yeah, suppliers are defecting.

People are talking, Raymond.

The-- the rats are fleeing the ship.

Salaam-- Salaam has men in the field, - waiting for arms.

- We need these weapons.

If they're not supplied as promised, they'll die.

The truck will be here.

Rhinehart, assure your client, as much as I detest him and his dirty little w*r, his shipment is en route and will get here when it gets here.

However, if he expects to take delivery, he needs to put his g*n back in his pants.

If that truck doesn't show, we're all dead.


We're dead.

Tell him to put the g*n down.

[ Door opens ]

And what do you know?

[ Van beeps ]


I got here as soon as I could, but the situation at the border is the least of our problems.

[ Van door slides open ]

- What happened?

- The supplier never showed.

They sent a man to say your funds never arrived.

There was a lot of yelling, then he said the Beck Family is done doing business with Mr.


Then he left.

Indeed, the rats are fleeing, Dembe.

If the payment wasn't made, it's because Kaplan's making a run on the bank.

Get Abe on the phone.

Let's find out what deals are in play.

Livio, the deal will be fine.

Things are nowhere near as bad as you've been led to believe.



No, the Latvian route is defunct, which is fine.

I-I've many other resources.

Abe: No, you should've received those funds.

We sent them over 24 hours ago.

Has she said anything?

Call Brimley.


Yes, of course.

I'm confirming that as we speak.

[ Snaps fingers ]

What the hell is going on with Bank Rheinfelden?

Man: Confirmation of the funds transfer.

For what it's worth, I can assure you there have been no security breaches on our end.

In the event Mr.

Reddington would reconsider-- He won't reconsider.

Thank you.



Von Hauser is gone, which is unfortunate, but indicative of nothing.

I can assure you the passage is safe and the documents are clean.

I've got Rice on the line.

He's-- Your only risk is if you step out now and your clients end up with inferior material or worse yet, end up in custody.


He hung up.

- Well, what did he say?

- Cancel the order.

[ Receiver clatters ]

It appears the Frankfurt and Bagan accounts are both gone.

I thought Kaplan was removed from the account.

She must be trading on your trust, saying she still represents you.

[ Inhales deeply ]

Oh, it's exhilarating.

I can actually feel my body releasing endorphins.

You were on the treadmill for 15 minutes.


- Race walking.

- Mm.

- It's an Olympic sport.

- [ Laughs ]

See, this is why you're so good for me.

I never exercise this much.

I feel amazing.

It's like a total stress reducer.

Aram Mojtabai?

Uh uh, yeah?

You've been subpoenaed to appear in front of a federal grand jury.



Everything's there in the envelope.

Is this about the task force?

Did-- did everyone get one of these?

It's illegal to tell a target of an investigation that you've been called to testify.

Keep it to yourself.

Knock, knock!


At last, a friendly face.

- Here.


- [ Brimley groans ]

- Two rabbits.

- [ Laughs ]

[ Door closes and locks ]

There's a woman in the other room.

I need you to get her to divulge the name and the address of Kaplan's new driver.

I'm skipping euchre with the Saltmans to tell you this face-to-face-- I'm out.

Please, we can discuss that later.

I'm with you what, 19 years?

There's talk of bodies turning up, an investigation.

I wanna help, but you're hotter than a 4-peckered billy goat, and I can't risk doing another stretch, not even for you.

I need you, Teddy.

Betsy's the best I can do for you.

You know what my time at Lompoc did.

No dust mite covers.

No hypoallergenic pillows.

I barely made it, and that was before the hypoxemia.

Whatever you need her to say, Betsy'll squeeze it out of her.

And then it's rabbit stew for dinner.

Not stewed.


She likes a little tickle in her throat.

[ Door opens ]

Uh, Mr.

Reddington, whatever this is - I-I don't wanna know.

- The accounts.

- I've gone over each one.

- And?

She's cleaning you out.

[ Door closes ]

That's brutal.

Yeah, the ME says the decapitation occurred postmortem.

Why do you think Reddington would do something like that?

Well, maybe he gave it to someone as proof.

You know, a warning to an enemy.

See, I'm thinking he gave it to a friend as a-- as a gift.

Like an offering.

Red: Donald, I want you to know that I do understand how you feel.

From Mr.


- You get an ID?

- Oh, yeah.

I ID'd the body and I was able to ID the friend.

- You know where to find them?

- I already did.

He's standing right in front of me.

This is Mako Tanida.

He k*lled some of the Bureau's best men and women.

And then Reddington goes and kills him.

Why would Reddington do that?

In exchange for your protection.

I followed you to the woods.

I saw you and Keen with Reddington.

I was wrong.

Keen wasn't informing Reddington.

Reddington was informing you, the Bureau.

After everything we did to try and hunt down Reddington.

After everything that Reddington did.

America's most wanted man.

- You cut a deal with him.

- No.

No, Julian.

I didn't make a deal, all right?

Main Justice did, and-- and when I found out, what you're feelin' right now, that's exactly how I felt.

So then what?

Reddington cuts Tanida's head off, and you think, "Whoa, not so bad having an assassin on the payroll"?


No, you went to records.

You read SCI7.

You know the good we do.

Are you trying to justify this to-- to me?

Four years, we've made more high-level arrests than every other division combined.



[ Sighs ]

Reddington's a mass m*rder*r.

If I can prove that you or anybody else on the task force turned a blind eye when he k*lled any of these people, I'm gonna take you down.


I'm gonna take everybody down.

- Now is that a threat?

- It's a promise.

Don Julio.


How are you?

I miss Alonnisos.

No money, shack on the beach, dreams of infamy.

- That was a lifetime ago.

- Ha!

Two, maybe.

[ Chuckles ]

You said you had a question.

If so, I must ask you to be brief about it.

Don Julio, I've never known you to be brusque, certainly not at mealtime.

I hear things, Raymond.

And what I hear is that your associate, Mr.

Kaplan, is proving to be a formidable adversary.

I have a name.

Squeezed it out of a contractor in Kaplan's employ.

Phillip Roque.

I understand he used to be your driver.

If I get to him, I get to Kaplan.

Can't help you.

- Can't or won't?

- [ Glass clatters ]

Seems this Mr.

Kaplan pays well.

I'm told that Roque recently bought a Porsche.

That's all you know?


That's all you need.

[ Glass clatters ]

[ Chair thuds ]

Send my love to Chitra.

[ Footsteps depart ]

Stainless steel.

Set of six.

You got your large and medium kitchen, your boning, your fruit, your paring, and your bread.

End of the month, guy with the most sales takes home a set.

Incentive-- the currency of politicians, dog trainers, - and criminals.

- We're in a meeting here.

Who the hell do you think you are?

I'm Raymond Reddington.

I'm looking for a customer of yours-- Phillip Roque.

In the last four weeks, he purchased an automobile from one of you fine gentlemen, tricked out with all the bells and whistles.



Perhaps an incentive.

[ Clank ]

You get to keep all your fingers and toes.

[ Typing ]

Phillip Roque.

[ Sighs ]

No address or number.

Everything ran through a business manager.

And who was that exactly?

- [ Door opens ]

- Hello, Abe.

- [ g*nsh*t ]

- Aah!

- [ Groaning ]

- You won't be using that arm again.

But it's your left arm.

I know you're right-handed.

I know that because we've worked together for 11 years.

I know your wife has diabetes, that your daughter's favorite animal is a hippo.

I know you love Chinese food, that you eat it every Wednesday when you shack up with your girlfriend in her apartment above WuFat Noodle House.

I know you skim an extra grand every week - to help pay for that girlfriend.

- [ Grunts ]

Abe, you steal my money so you can get laid, which I've ignored because you're an accounting wizard.

What I cannot ignore is your betrayal.

You are how Mr.

Kaplan has drained my accounts.

- Red, I can explain-- - Phillip Roque.

- [ Grunts ]

- You wired money to buy him a car.

Where is he?

[ Grunting ]

Page 12.

- Mario Dixon?

- I can't help with Roque.

I would if I knew where he was, but I don't.

Who's Mario Dixon?

[ Panting ]

- No!

- [ g*nsh*t ]

We have a new target.

[ Speed-dials cellphone ]

Elizabeth, I need you to find out what you can about a Mario Dixon.

Kaplan wired him $300,000 two days ago.

Whatever her next move is, Dixon is helping her make it.

[ Sensor beeping ]

[ Beep ]

[ Elevator bell dings, doors open ]

[ Presses button ]

[ Doors close ]

[ Elevator bell dings ]

Grabbing lunch at Sol's.

Want anything?

Tuna salad on rye.

Extra pickles!

[ Door creaks ]

[ Alarm chirps, door unlocks ]

[ Tires screech ]

- [ Slap ]

- [ Grunting ]

- Ah!

- [ Thud ]

[ Tires peal ]

[ Alarm chirps, doors lock ]

Kaplan: Thank you, Mario.

Who are you?

Where am I?

The good news is you're going to live.

The bad news is, your depth perception will never be the same.

There must be some mistake.

Look, I don't I'm nobody.

Which is your dominant eye?

[ Gloves snap ]

Agent Mojtabai, thank you for coming in.

Did I have a choice?

Victims of Raymond Reddington were recently unearthed and turned over to the FBI.

Based on the resulting investigation, I've convened a grand jury to hear testimony about whether the task force you are a part of enabled Raymond Reddington to continue committing crimes while working as a Bureau informant Yeah, I have nothing to say about that.

and whether members of that task force ignored or facilitated those crimes in exchange for information Reddington provided in pursuit of high-level targets.

If you insist on calling my client before the grand jury, he will invoke his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.

- I'm granting him immunity.

- Immunity?

To testify against my friends who, uh, may, uh, or may not work for a task force that may or may not even, uh, exist.

Yeah, uh, I'm not doing that.

I don't have to do that, right?

Granting you immunity in exchange for your testimony takes away your right to plead the Fifth.

How-- how can they do that, take away my Constitutional right by granting me something that I don't want?

I I don't want immunity.

You can Um, I refuse, uh, to let you grant it.

Consider me ungranted.

Counselor, I trust you will help your client to understand - the gift he has been given.

- Gift?

To turn on my friends.

- My alleged friends.

- To stay out of prison.

Unless you refuse to answer my questions, in which case, you could go to jail for being in contempt.

Look, Gale-- he knows everything.

He saw me with-- with Keen and Reddington.

Yeah, but is, uh, that so terrible?

I mean, um, it's not good, but, uh, the task force is legal.

He can't get a grand jury to indict us for working on it.

Who said anything about a grand jury?

Gale's angle is Reddington and what we've let him do in exchange for cases.

It's a slippery moral slope we've navigated with care, as we do with any CI.

But our CI is responsible for 86 homicides in America.

He's ID'd most of them.

He has a timeline.

He knows we've let Reddington get away with m*rder.

Yeah, but he can't prove it.

Uh, not unless one of us testifies that it's true, which-- which, uh, none of us would ever do.

Unless he can prove the existence of a deal, he has nothing.

Yeah, but whether Gale can prove it or not and, um, I'm not-- I'm not-- I'm not saying that he can because, I mean, if I have anything to do with it, he will not.


I'm just-- I'm proud of the work that we've done here.

Proud of facilitating a criminal empire?

A necessary evil.

Maybe, but if we're being honest, some of the blood he's spilled is on our hands.

I agree with Ressler, and with Aram.

I'm proud and I'm ashamed.

And one day, when they teach a course on Reddington's task force at Quantico, we can do a panel and debate the pros and cons.

But right now, we need to get Kate Kaplan.


I think you missed the part about Julian Gale.

He's steps away from indicting us.

The closer Gale gets, the faster we need to remove Kaplan as a threat to Reddington.

How are the two connected?

Because we need Reddington to deal with Gale.

Are you suggesting k*lling him?

Of course not.

I'm not suggesting anything other than what we already know to be true, which is that if we want to get out from Gale's shadow, we're gonna need Reddington's help.

And if we don't stop Kaplan now, he won't be around to give it to us.



Kaplan-- what do we know?

Westcott scissors.

Liz: Her real name is Kathryn Nemec.

She's a trained mortician turned crime scene cleaner, and one of Reddington's oldest and most trusted confidantes.

Lacrimal dissector.

Kaplan spent 30 years tending to his messes while Reddington built his criminal empire, and it took her five months to surgically dismantle it.

We believe she hired Natalie Luca to go after Reddington's money launderer, Zack Smoll, Isabella Stone to m*rder Stratos Sarantos, cutting off Reddington's Mediterranean shipping operations, Dr.

Bogdan Krilov to sideline Ressler, the Apothecary to poison Reddington.

She put 86 skeletons in the hands of Julian Gale, shutting Reddington out of Europe completely and putting us at risk.

Navabi: Does Reddington have any leads?

Liz: One.

Mario Dixon.

- Who's he?

- Put it on ice.

According to the NCIC database, Mario Brandon Dixon is a thief who specializes in high value targets-- jewels, art, cars, nuts-- - Nuts?

- Probably macadamias.

When stolen, uh, by truckload, they're actually quite lucrative, so Uh, fun fact.

Cooper: Any known associates?

He has a kid brother in prison.

Mecklenburg Correctional.

Why are you doing this?

I told you, we're gonna need him-- Reddington hired the Debt Collector to kidnap you.

Which is indefensible.

Allowed you to be drugged by a deranged sociopath.

He did, and if he's in trouble, then so are we.

I'm convinced we either rise together or fall apart.

Navabi, you and Keen get to Mecklenburg.

See what the brother has to say.

[ Man speaking indistinctly over PA ]

If you're here about Mario-- No, we're here for you, Dino, what you threw away for him.

You graduated high school with a 3.

8 GPA and a soccer scholarship to Clemson.

Mario saw the life you wanted and he dragged you into his, into this.

Believe me, I know what it's like to have a criminal brother you love.

It's been a rough haul, hasn't it?

If you're not in the SHU, you're in the infirmary.

- We can get you moved.

- [ Scoffs ]

If the information you provide leads us to your brother, we're authorized to slice five years off your sentence.


But before you interrupted me, I was gonna rat out the prick for nothing.

He's got a place in Baltimore where he keeps his booty.

Checks in on it regularly.

- [ Cellphone rings ]

- Elizabeth.

[ Beep ]

- What do you know?

- Mario Dixon works out of some high-end hipster boutique in Hampden.

We're working on a warrant now.

A warrant won't be necessary.

Just the address.

[ Laughs ]

My land!

- Look at this, Dembe.

- [ Door closes ]

Gaited trail saddle.

Do we have any need for a saddle?

Wouldn't it go great with the chaps and the spurs?

Look at that crescent wrench.

How fun.

What a handy little store.

Perhaps this is the wrong place.

Can I help you fellas find something?

[ Laughs ]

Look at you.

- [ Wrench clatters ]

- What might this old thing be worth?

- [ g*n cocks ]

- Perhaps a trip to the back room?

I trust there's a back room.

[ Door creaks ]

Now this is more like it.

- [ Door creaks ]

- Where might we find Mr.


I don't know.

Honestly, I-I don't know who that is.

You ever have one of those days when nothing goes right?

People give you the runaround, everything seems to take twice the effort.

The kind of day you'd k*ll to get your mojo back.

I'm having one of those days.

So you can either be honest with me about Mario Dixon or I can get behind the wheel of this fine automobile and run you over.

He's in Philly.

On a job.

Picking up a package from a client.

You're clear on the document and its location?

Good to go.

- Keys inside?

- Yes.

Please get the document.

The document is all that matters.

[ Man groaning ]

- [ Door creaks ]

- [ Groaning ]

It's okay.

They're gone.

[ Buzzer ]

[ Door buzzes, door unlocks ]

[ Door creaks ]

Afternoon, Mr. Gorrell.

[ Silenced g*nsh*t ]

[ Silenced g*nsh*t ]

[ p*stol clatters ]

[ Sensor beeping ]

[ Beep ]

[ Elevator bell dings ]

- Georgie.

- Hey.

Is it true?

- Did they finally issue a subpoena?

- Yeah.

An agent named Aram Mojtabai.

- How great is that?

- Oh, it's great if he talks.

Let's hope he's not the strong, silent type.

Georgie, what's that?


Your mom dropped it off.

Homemade tuna salad.

She seems like a real sweet lady.

[ Object thuds ]

Red: Dembe, call an ambulance.

Why on earth would she do this?

My eye.

My eye!

[ Groans ]

- [ Grunts ]

- Why did she take your eye?

There's a scanner at work.

She needs my eye for access.

To what?

Where do you work?


Stone Canyon storage facility.

I don't know what that is.

Stone Canyon.

What's stored there?

The government.

Their secrets-- everything.

[ Groans ]

[ Cards rattling ]


ID and requisition, please.

[ Silenced g*nsh*t ]

[ Cellphone rings, beeps ]

Who is this?

Kaplan: You can call me The Cleaner.

Where are you on the case, Agent Gale?

You know I can't tell you that.

Have you presented your findings to Main Justice?

How do I know you are who you say you are?

86 bodies, 62 g*nshots, 11 stabbings, nine blunt force traumas, four were poisoned.

Where are you on the case?

A grand jury's been convened.

Without proof of a connection between Reddington and the task force, they'll never hand up in indictment.

The bodies just don't give me that.

No, they don't, - but I can.

- [ Line disconnects ]

[ Elevator bell dings, doors open ]


The guy with the shoulder bag.

[ Battle Tapes' "Belgrade" playing ]


Hands where I can see them!

[ Motorcycle engine revving ]

[ Tires screech ]

[ Engine revs ]

Liz: We're in pursuit.

Suspect's on a motorcycle, headed west on 6th, near Independence.

there's a breach in the hull started going under It's a dead end.

Liz: Aram, he went underground.

Some kind of tunnel.

- Do you have eyes?

- I do, and it is an absolute maze.

Okay, if I'm reading this right, he could access half the city using these tunnel lines.

- Could you narrow that down a little?

- We don't have to.

We've got support units from the Bureau, A*F, ICE, - and DEA scrambling right now.

- That's great.


Word got out that Stone Canyon was compromised.

They insisted.

I can't let you, I can't let you go - we pretend in the darkness - [ Engine revving ]

we pretend the night won't steal our youth singing me the sweet songs of seduction let me be the fool, fool, fool who will live and die for you - [ Tires screech ]

- [ Man shouts indistinctly ]

[ Police radio chatter ]

- [ Man shouts indistinctly ]

- [ Tires screech ]

[ Siren whoops ]

[ Radio chatter ]

You Agent Keen?

We found him carrying this.

- Has anyone opened it yet?

- No, ma'am.

On orders from Director Harold Cooper himself.

Thank you.

What is it?

It's Reddington's signed immunity deal with the Department of Justice.

Let me get this straight.

You think I'm going to jail?

You two are smarter than that.

You shot three federal officers.

You stole a classified document from a government facility you shouldn't have even known existed.

- You won't charge me.

- Is that right?

Oh, I guarantee it.

See, I know what I stole back there-- proof of an immunity agreement between the FBI and Raymond Reddington.

You want some advice, Mario?

You should stop talking.


No, no, ladies, I'm just getting started.

See, you charge me, I have a constitutional right to present a defense, and I promise you that immunity deal will be Exhibit A.

I wouldn't celebrate.

We're not charging you, but we're not exactly letting you go either.

Meaning what?

You're gonna sh**t me?

All due respect, you two don't seem the type.


I'll leave you two to talk.



You got the FBI on your payroll?

They deliver me right to you, no questions asked.

I was thinking about that poor soul whose eye you stole.

What a shame.

[ Inhales sharply ]

d*sfigured for life, caught up in all this nastiness.

Wasn't my decision.

Take it up with the lady who hired me.



I will, when you tell me where to find her.

Are you nuts?

I know about your immunity deal.

That means I'm dead no matter what I tell you.

Ratting Kaplan out gets me nothing.

She had you steal that agreement.

Must've had a plan to bring it to her.

You can tell me where and when, or you can tell him.

One way or another, the truth will come out.

We don't know each other, so I'll forgive you for not knowing that I don't scare easily.

I expect to die here today.

That's the end of your leverage.

- But-- - There's a "but.

" Please, do go on.

If you want to negotiate, I might be willing to help.

I can deliver her to you.

In exchange for what?

[ Cellphone rings, beep ]

Yeah, I got it.

Any problems?

Nothing unexpected.

But anybody holding this thing is a target.

I don't wanna keep it any longer than I have to.

I can meet you later today.

[ Closes cellphone ]

We're all set.

I'll serve her up on a silver platter if you hold up your end of the deal.

Liz: You got Dixon to talk.


You know what?

Don't tell me.

I honestly don't wanna know.

I didn't touch him.

- But he told you how to find Kaplan?

- Yes.

Southwest Waterfront.

5:00 PM.

She'll be there personally to take possession of the agreement.

5:00 doesn't give us much time.

Then you'll just have to hurry, Elizabeth.

I'll be in touch as soon as I know more.


What about Dixon?

Our people should wire him up.

They'll have time before the meet.

- I'm sorry.

I have to go.

- Go where?

Reddington, there's something wrong.

I can hear it in your voice.

Where are you going?

I have to take care of something.


The w*r ends tonight.

[ Closes cellphone ]

[ Engine turns off ]

Dembe: This is a mistake.


Your purpose is to protect Elizabeth, but mine is to protect you.

If things get very bad, this will make that impossible.

Hello, Dom.

What do you want?

You told me never to open this.

Yes, without me.

That's not what you said.

I'm old, but I'm not that old.

You said this was for emergency only.

The last resort.

If you opened this, it would mean-- I know what it means.

What is it, Raymond?

What's happened?

I'm under attack, Dom.

Most of my business has been destroyed, many of my people k*lled.

Mother of God.

Fight back.

That's what you do, is that you fight.

I'm trying.

But regardless, this isn't for me.

I don't understand.

You're just giving this away.

Why would you do that?

[ Grunts, exhales ]

For Masha.

She's alive, Dom.

I thought we lost her once.

I won't lose her again.


Dom, will you wait a second?

You're gonna give yourself a heart attack.

- Like you care.

- [ Door closes ]

Like you're even capable of considering anyone else's feelings but your own!

That's not fair.

Masha's alive.

My granddaughter is alive.

How long have you known this?

[ Voice breaks ]

How long you let me sit here, thinking that she was You told me she was dead!

How could you lie to me like-- I wasn't lying when I told you Masha was gone, I believe she had died in childbirth.

She deceived me, faked her own death.

At the time, she wanted to get away from me.


Well, so do I.

She had help from one of my people, a woman close to me who betrayed my trust.

Dom, I know you've been conditioned to assume my selfishness.

I'm sure that's largely my fault.

But this is different.

This woman, she's made it her mission to eliminate me, to remove me from Masha's life, whatever the cost.

And the truth is, she's proven to be remarkably adept at k*lling at the people closest to me.

She knows everything about my operation.

I kept her at my side for years.

But the one thing she doesn't know is you.

I haven't told you about Masha because I didn't wanna risk coming here or making contact with you again until this fight was over.

So now I'm supposed to say thank you?

You don't have to say anything.

You don't have to believe me or help me or like me.

You never have.

I don't know why you'd have to start now.

But this isn't about me, Dom.

This is about Masha.

- If I don't come back-- - You always come back!

If I don't come back, you need to find her, Dom.

Tell her who you are.

[ Door opens ]


I have to go.

I'm sorry.

For what?

All of it.

I wish I'd been the person you wanted me to be.

[ Front door closes ]



- Um, can I talk to you for a second?

- Not now.

- Tactical teams in place?

- Waiting on our command.

Where's our asset?

Reddington should be here by now.

I'll call him.

[ Beep, cellphone rings ]

- Elizabeth.

- What's goin' on?

You're supposed to be here with Dixon.

Our meeting with Kaplan's in less than an hour.

I'll be taking that meeting alone.

[ Lowered voice ]

You lied about the location.

You're gonna k*ll her.

I don't know what the outcome will be.

[ Whispers ]

I asked you not to do this.

You asked if I could promise you that I wouldn't.

I said no.

[ Line disconnects ]

[ Cellphone beeps ]

That was Dembe.

He said he can't find Reddington.

What do you mean he can't find him?

If we don't show up with Dixon, our whole operation's blown.

Where the hell is he?

[ Car door closes ]

[ Car door opens, closes ]

Where did Kaplan tell you to meet?

Where's what you promised me?

A box?

I'm supposed to believe that my escape plan and my future survival fits into a box?

This is no mere box.

Inside, you'll find travel vouchers, security codes, boat keys, and ownership papers for a private 96-acre island off the coast of Brunei.

It's a self-sufficient turnkey property with a desalination well, a solar and wind farm, full-time waitstaff, a grounds crew, security team, and a property manager, all paid for in perpetuity by a very healthy trust fund.

Paradise with no extradition treaty.

And what's to prevent you from kicking me off this island once I move in?

Right now, the island's owner is legend.

Nobody on the island knows who it belongs to.

All they know is that one day, someone will arrive with a key that fits into an old lock on the front door.

Whosoever opens that lock with this key, the staff will loyally serve and the guards will forever defend against all comers.

[ Latches click ]

The location of the meeting.

[ Sighs ]

Falstaff Theatre on M Street.

Two miles from here.

Kaplan expects me in 20 minutes.

[ g*nshots ]

[ g*n cocks ]

The box is actually intended for someone else.

[ g*nsh*t ]

[ Body thuds ]

[ Knock on door ]

Whatever it is, if it's not about locating Reddington-- - It's not, but - Then it'll have to wait.

Sir, I've been subpoenaed to testify in front of a grand jury.

I'm not supposed to tell you because you're a target of the investigation.

- Me?

- Everyone.

Julian Gale's convinced the US Attorney that we've broken the law.

Sir, he's coming after us.

All of us.

[ Door unlocks ]



[ Silenced g*nshots ]

[ Bodies thud ]

Hello, Kate.


I have to hand it to you, you did it.

My associates, my accounts, cash reserves-- gone.

About the only thing you left me is a hat on my head.

And this.

The way out.

The island.

Too many killings, Kate, on all sides.

I don't want more death, and neither do you.

I simply want this to end.

You can have the island.

To be my prison.


In paradise.

Elizabeth is who she is, Kate.

She's not Masha anymore.

With little to none of my presence or influence through the years, she has grown up to be Special Agent Elizabeth Keen.

Her area of scholarship and expertise is the study of criminals.

The habits and inclinations, the curiosities and proclivities, the psychiatry of criminals.

That's who she is.

That may be the world she was born to, but it is most certainly the world she has chosen to live in.

I can continue to give her more distance, but she is going to continue to be who she is.

And I'm not going to stop watching out for her.

So either you go and save yourself, or this ends right here.


I'm not going anywhere, Raymond, so you better make sure you finish the job this time, for both our sakes.

Gale: FBI!

Drop your w*apon!

[ g*nshots ]

How did he find us?

Kate must've made a deal.

[ Car doors close ]

[ Engine revs, tires peal ]

[ g*nshots ]

Reddington's got the immunity agreement.

- Call this in.

- What about Kaplan?

[ Door opens ]

[ Door closes ]

[ Holsters g*n ]

You didn't run.


Just standing here makes my hip flare.

I'm sorry I failed to deliver on my promise to you.

Raymond must've intercepted the immunity agreement, or perhaps the task force did.

- It doesn't matter.

- No, no, it does matter, lady.

I needed that document to prove that Keen, Ressler, and I don't know who else in the FBI enabled Reddington to grow and profit from a criminal empire.

The date on that agreement, that was my smoking g*n to bring them down.

So, yeah, it does matter, because without it, - I've got nothing.

- Wrong.

You have me.

Raymond thinks he out maneuvered me today, but he underestimated my commitment.

I've been his cleaner, keeper, and confessor for 30 years, and I'm prepared to tell you everything you need to know in open court.

In exchange for immunity.


So maybe we should get on with it, and you should arrest me.