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04x22 - Mr. Kaplan: Conclusion

Posted: 11/02/19 06:00
by bunniefuu
[Lou Reed's "Vicious" playing]

Vicious You hit me with a flower You do it every hour Oh, baby, you're so vicious Vicious Vicious Vicious - Vicious - My name is Alvin Stanton.

I'm the U.


Attorney for the District of Columbia.

You can spare me the introductions.

I expect this will be a long day and I'm not getting any younger.

You understand why you're here.

To tell you what I know so you can judge if my truthful testimony merits immunity.

There are allegations that the FBI allowed Raymond Reddington to continue to commit crimes while acting as a criminal informant.

That's a fact.

He has continued to commit crimes, including m*rder.

And the task force led by Harold Cooper?

- They knew about this?

- Yes, and I can prove it.

I gave Agent Gale the bodies.

I can give you locations and dates that the bodies were collected and buried.

[Whispering indistinctly]

Okay, Ms.

Nemec, we'll offer you immunity.

I need a day to get my affairs in order without a protective detail.


It's not a request.

It's my offer.

If you think you can prove this case without me, feel free to pass.


Okay, gotta run.

As I said, I'm not getting any younger.

Cooper: You're asking me to protect Kaplan?

Panabaker: From Reddington.

Wouldn't do anyone any good if he got to her.

When you authorized Reddington's immunity deal, you knew that we would have to let him maintain his criminal empire.

That's what makes him valuable to us.

You're a big boy, Harold.

You knew we'd support you as long as you kept the deal hidden.

- You didn't.

- My people could go to jail.

Well, you've done good work.

Grand jury hands up an indictment, I'm sure the judge and jury will agree.

If you're right and we don't go to jail, does the Bureau take us back?

When it's over, where do we go to get our reputations back?

I wish I knew.

Aram won't testify against us.

They gave him immunity.

But how did they know to do that?

Gale only knew about us, not Aram.

I can't protect you.

It's my job to do that, and I can't do it.

Ressler: We're only here because of Reddington.

Because he shot Kaplan for trying to help you.

And that's indefensible, but he says he wants to protect us, - and I believe him.

- Maybe I didn't make myself clear.

We're going to be arrested.

And there's nothing Reddington can do to protect us against that.

To be honest, that's what makes me the angriest.

That here we are at the end, and we still don't know why he walked into your life that day.

Where are you going?

To do something I should've done a long time ago.

Red: Once Kaplan testifies, an indictment is inevitable.

Cooper tried to shut it down.

Harold has to work within the system.

Henry Prescott does not.

Who's Henry Prescott?

A man who knows how to bury problems.

- If you find yourself up against impossible odds - [Door closes]

due to poor judgment, Henry Prescott's the man you want on speed dial.

He's the courage you never had, cool head in a crisis.

- [Gasping]

- Like you said, you and your husband fought.

When he left the apartment, he was drunk and depressed.

You had no idea he was headed for the roof.

The roof?

- [Thud]

- [Screaming]

[Car alarm blaring]

Finding him is the key to sweeping the grand jury under the rug.

Weren't you squatting in a Congressman's apartment?

The House is back in session.

And those are the charred remains of 16 false identities that Kate has somehow compromised.

At the moment, my resources are scant, which is why I need your help in finding Prescott.


How can a fixer for hire derail a grand jury?

Four years ago, I surrendered to protect you.

From Tom, Berlin, Cabal.

And now you may go to jail because of me.

It appears Kate may be right after all.

Maybe I am the person you need protection from.

Liz: Prescott Do you have any leads?

The lead on Prescott, Warren Casualty, it has no physical address.

Only a P.O. Box.

Reddington said it's a front company Prescott uses to hide his clients and launder his funds.

Well, the address was a bust, but corporate tax returns tell a different story.

See, in the last three years, the company's reported $17 million in earnings from various sources, including a Russian bank and two offshore shell companies.

These are clients we'll never get access to.

With the exception of one Banish Capital, an investment firm owned by one Jay-Jay Brickman.

The football player?

[Beep, speed-dialing]

Reddington, I think we found a way for you to get to Prescott.

All right, check it out, check it out, check it out.

We're gonna have an aquarium behind the bar.

7,000 gallons or something, just crazy big.

For fish?

Nope, not for fish.

For the ladies.


We're gonna have 'em done up like mermaids - Red: Mermaids!

- swimming around.


You're not in Miami anymore.

- [Door closes]

- Now who the hell are you?

Someone who knows better than to mix themes in an entertainment venue.


Get this chump out of here, man.

- [Thud]

- [Groans]

- What do you want?

- Ooh, that's a long list.

But at the moment, I'll settle for Henry Prescott.

- Doesn't ring a bell.

- Well, let me ring it for you.

A few months ago, you were tweaking on whatever you were tweaking on at that nightclub in Vegas and inadvertently discharged your handgun in the general direction of a crowded dance floor, sending a Belgian tourist to the emergency room.

Henry Prescott is the man who made that all go away.

Let go of my friend, please.

Now if I knew the man you were talking about, and I'm not saying I do, I'd only call him if I had a problem.

Like a real problem.




- [Click, g*nsh*t]

- Aah!


There's a problem.

Your drug dealer's bleeding out on the floor in your VIP room of your new nightclub.

With the morals clause in your new contract, you won't collect a penny.


Henry Prescott.

Call him.


A moment.



[Chair wheels roll]



This is pretty Jurassic.

I was told it was still here.

Guess it should be here then.

Just go on right over there.


Knock yourself out.

[Door opens and closes]

[Knife clicks]

Look, I did the best I could.

I don't know how long he's gonna last.

I hear, like, these little gurgling noises - when he breathes.

- You did fine, JayJay.


I'm gonna transport your associate to a private clinic.

But first, you need to tell me what happened here.

I happened.

- Who's this?

- I don't even know.

He came here looking for you.

Next thing I know, he's sh**ting up the place.

You confirmed you were my client to a stranger?

The man has a g*n in his hand.

Hell, yeah, I confirmed.

My apologies for the forced introduction, Mr.

Prescott, but I require some information.

On November 19, 2015, your services were engaged to pick up a package in Dupont Circle.

I need you to tell me the exact disposition of that package.

I don't need to tell you anything.

Ah, come now.

If you don't give me the information I've requested, it'll all be over.

What are you gonna do?

sh**t me?

I don't have to.

To be effective, people like you must operate from the shadows.

Anonymity and discretion are your stock and trade.

And I'm about to make you famous.

Once you, Jay-Jay, and g*nsh*t wound here make the headlines tomorrow, your phone will never ring again.

Or you can tell me what I need to know.

Where's the package?

[Breathing unevenly]

This is a mistake.

[Lowered voice]

Hey, you'll be fine.

All you have to do is answer their questions.

If you don't, you'll be held in contempt.

You'll go to prison.

Agent Mojtabai.

You're up.

Uh, I do.

Drucker: Sir, please state your name and occupation for the grand jury.

Um, Aram Mojtabai, and I am an FBI agent.

You're an agent with a task force created to work with a criminal informant named Raymond Reddington?

Yeah I'm not really supposed to talk about my work, so We've heard testimony that your task force has allowed Reddington to commit violent crimes and done nothing to stop it.

Stop Mr.


Well, if you knew him, you'd know that's that's basically impossible.

I see.

So you knew he was continuing to commit crimes - while serving as your informant.

- I-I - You just weren't able - I-I didn't say that.

No, no - to control him.

- That's not accurate, - what you're saying.

- Newton Phillips.

Alistair Pitt.

Milos Pavel Kinsky, AKA Berlin.

Diane Fowler.

These are all people Reddington m*rder*d while working with you, correct?

Agent Mojtabai, the grand jury has subpoenaed your testimony.

You have immunity.

Nothing you say can incriminate you, so you can be compelled to answer!

Okay, you know what?


I'm proud of the work we do with Mr.


Yeah, I'm proud of it.

You heard me.

Yes, his world is absolutely terrifying, - Okay, we're done here.

- but it exists.

- Agent Mojtabai, you are excused.

- And the only reason we know that - is because Reddington is the one who helps - Agent Gale, please hold - Agent Mojtabai in contempt, - us take down the very worst people in it!

- while I secure a warrant for his arrest.

- You don't Okay.

Get up!

Okay, okay, fine.

Do you know how we have to do that?

- [Handcuffs click]

- We have to make choices.

Write that down.

You wanna put us on trial?

Give us a trial.

Let us have a chance to present a defense.

We'll see what happens then.

I-I told you this was a mistake.

[Brakes squeal]

[Engine turns off]

- That Prescott?

- Yes.

He has something I think you'll find of particular interest.

Mr. Prescott, my associate, Frank Sturgeon.

I'll need him to confirm the findings.

It's organized by date.

[Door creaks open]

Ressler: What is this place?

Red: A depository of sorts.

Prescott's insurance policies.

[Switch clicks, lights crackle]

We're looking for 11-19-15.

You'll want these.

And here we are.

These have particular interest to me?

- I'm certain of it.

- [Clanking]




Dive in.

Mother of God.

Congratulations, Donald.

Your hunt for Reven Wright is over.

Please tell me you're here to get him out.

I can't do that.

No one can.

He will remain here until he agrees to cooperate, which he will never do.

- Oh, come on.

There gotta be something - You're a smart girl, Janet.

You saw an opportunity and you took it.

Could we please just focus on Aram?

I am doing that.

That's why I'm here.

- To tell him the truth about you.

- About me?

What did you get for giving him up?

I have no idea what you're talking about.

I got a warrant for your car's navigation system to see where you've been.

And guess what?

You've been here at the courthouse, on the same day as the grand jury was in session.

I was subpoenaed to testify.

I didn't tell Aram because I wasn't allowed to.

Aram wasn't allowed to either, and yet he told us.

They told me if I cooperated, they would expunge my criminal record.

The second chance I couldn't pass up.

Can you honestly tell me you would've done differently?


I can.


You did the right thing.

I know it doesn't seem like it right now, but you did.

I'm totally freaking out in here.

And I'm half-Muslim, which is definitely not a big plus.

I'm sorry.

What can I do?

Uh, nothing.

It's, uh Thank you, it's fine.

What is it?

Look, Janet's been amazing.

I know you hate her, which is why I didn't wanna say anything, but the fact is, is I'm barely hanging on in here, and if it wasn't for her Not that it even matters, because Mr.

Kaplan is gonna testify tomorrow afternoon, and when she does, there's, um there's nothing I can do to protect you.

Reddington has a lead, an angle he thinks might get you out of here.

Is that what you came to tell me?

Yeah, that was it, what Reddington's doing.

And I fed your turtle.


That's That's incredibly thoughtful.

Hang in there.


[Footsteps depart]

[Thunder rumbling, rain falling]

[Bus air brakes hiss]

[Birds chirping]

[Thunder continues rumbling]

[Binoculars thud]


[Thunder rumbles]

I'm sorry, Katarina.


[Knock on door]

[Door opens]

Liz: You wanted to see me?

[Indistinct conversations]

[Door closes]

I know it's hard to believe, but I was a golden boy once.

Fresh out of the Navy.

Youngest agent ever appointed to the Pentagon's combined investigation and intelligence task force.

At the time, Reddington was stationed overseas working counterintelligence.

You worked together.

He was shadowing a Russian operative code-named Seaduke.

So that's why he surrendered to you.

Seaduke made Reddington and dispatched a team of Spetsnaz to abduct him.

For 10 days, they tortured him, until he was rescued by an FBI-SEAL Joint Task Force.

I was working lead on the agency side.

My job was to secure the physical evidence in the event that Seaduke was captured and prosecuted.

I'm sorry, um why are you telling me this?

Because I meant what I said.

I'm angry that you still don't know why Reddington walked into your life.

[Inhales deeply]

The blood on this shirt from Raymond Reddington has been sealed in an evidence locker for over three decades.

I procured a sample and submitted it for a DNA profile.

Yours was already on file.

Procured a sample of Reddington's blood?

From evidence?

That's tampering.


And I should've done it the day he surrendered.

I submitted the sample and your profile to a private lab.

They'll have the results within 24 hours, so you'll finally know whether or not Raymond Reddington is your father.

Female victim, apparent cause of death mid-range g*nsh*t wound.

No stippling present.

The body appears to have been preserved through full immersion in a formaldehyde-phenol bath.

[Squishing sound]

Ah, the straw in the wind.

Ballistics will match this to a w*apon of Hitchin's.

Yes, proving her guilt.

You get Prescott, he gets us Reven Wright, her body gives us that b*llet, that b*llet gets us Hitchin, who has the power to derail a grand jury.

If we provide her with the proper motivation.

I'm sorry, Donald, I know you've been longing to prove Hitchin's guilt.

But the only way to survive now that you finally have that proof is to trade it away.


You know how I know Hitchin was the k*ller?

Tommy Markin.

He was the man who k*lled my father and got away with it.

I told Reven that story, told her that's the reason why I became a cop, to prevent other Tommy Markins from getting away with m*rder.

She was the only one I told, and then she's k*lled, and Hitchin asks me to look into a suspect.

Tommy Markin, the man who got away.

It was like Reven was sending me a message through her k*ller, begging me to solve this case.

Cooper: And we have.

But Reddington's right.

We either all go free or we all go to jail.

Woman over P. A. : Bus number 348 from Pittsburgh now arriving door number 2.

[Lock clicks]

[Cellphone rings]

[Ring, beep]


Mr. Kaplan.

Please don't do this.

Raymond has left me no choice.

Let's meet.


Just you and me.

I can no longer trust you.


But I have every reason to trust you.

[Door opens, closes]

Well, if it isn't America's Most Wanted and Deputy Dawg.


I thought you were on administrative leave, not cavorting with criminals.

Donald doesn't cavort.

In fact, I think you'll find our little meeting today rather serious in tone.

Is that right?

Say something, Agent Ressler.

You don't look well.

There's a federal grand jury investigating whether Donald and his task force have been enabling me to continue to commit crimes.

My, sounds like a problem.

It seems inevitable that my immunity agreement will be revoked and the members of the task force will be indicted forthwith.

Well, jeez, fellas, I'm so sorry to hear that.

Fortunately, for us, our problem is your problem.


And why is that?

- I can't do this.

I - Unh-unh-unh-unh.

As you can see, Laurel, Donald's upset.

And what has him wound tighter than a $2 watch?

His impending indictment?


It's this.

A slug the medical examiner just pulled out of Reven Wright's body.

You and I both know ballistics will match it to the Glock 19 in your nightstand, and as I understand it, Agent Ressler has a team standing by as we speak ready to enter your home and seize the firearm.


You're bluffing.

Tragically, Reven Wright's body was never found.

Until today.

Until Henry Prescott, the cleaner that you hired to dispose of Reven's body like a piece of garbage, took us right to her.

Red: Let's give Prescott a call so you can hear for yourself.

With that b*llet, Donald finally has what he's been looking for since the day you k*lled Reven irrefutable proof.

I'm listening.

We hand over the slug, and you make that grand jury go away.

Ha ha.

It's not easy.

- I see.

- [Phone closes]

Then we've wasted your time and ours.

I do wonder what else Donald's men will find in your nightstand.

Are you a vibrator kind of gal, Laurel?

We'll see.

If I do this, you don't mention me and Reven Wright in the same sentence again.

- Say it.

- Deal.

Not you.


Boy Scouts don't give up their merit badges easily.

How do I know you're gonna hold up your end?

I give you my word.

[Horn blares, indistinct conversations]

[Siren wailing]

Mr. Kaplan would like to see you.


[Brakes squeal]

Ms. Hitchin, what are you doing here?

The question, Lindsay, is what the hell are you doing here?

Conducting a grand jury investigation.

You're investigating the FBI's relationship to Raymond Reddington here?

What the hell are you thinking?

Do you have - Who's this?

- I'm Special Agent Julian Gale.

Are you?

Well, you may not be for long, Agent Gale.

Reddington's supposed deal with the FBI is a matter of national security.

The testimony you're taking touches on highly sensitive matters that go way beyond what anyone in this room should be hearing, - including the two of you.

- Is that so?

Because I This investigation is over by executive authority.


I want this case closed and all the records expunged.

Make sure you get the court reporter's transcription and any exhibits.

What's he got on you?

Must be good.

- Excuse me?

- So it's true.

Reddington can corrupt just about anybody, huh?

Keep talking, Agent Gale.


Your entire career's not over just yet.

Make sure you destroy what little you have left.

[Cellphone rings]

[Ring, beep]


The grand jury investigation was just closed.

- The whole damn case, it was withdrawn.

- Withdrawn?

Yes, withdrawn by National Security Advisor Laurel Hitchin.

It's a cover-up.

What about my immunity agreement?

It's gone.

The deal was you testify, then you get immunity.

- Now that that's off the table, you - [Cellphone beeps, speed-dials]

[Cellphone rings, beep]

Yes, ma'am.


[g*n cocks]

Hands on the wheel.

[Door handle clacks]

- [Passing horns blare]

- Ah.


It's been a long time.

You look fit.

Jumping jacks?


You got to her.

When was the last time you and I saw each other?



Cape Town?

No, that's not right.

Don't tell me.


It'll come.

- Uh - How?

Did you bribe her?

As a matter of fact, I did.

Ah, anywho, Mr.

Kaplan I need to know how to reach her.


Good luck with that.

She uses burner phones.

You must have her latest number.

So what are you gonna do?

k*ll me?

No, I'm gonna take your phone.

Ho Chi Minh City!


That's it.

I got away from you aboard that catfish trawler on the Saigon River.

My God, the humidity.

But fun times indeed.

More to come, Agent Gale.

[Pats arm]

More to come.

[Opens door]

[Doors close]

Hitchin did it.

We're in the clear.

- Which means so is she.

- And Aram?

He was found in contempt of a grand jury - that no longer exists.

- [Cellphone rings]

- Where's Keen?

She needs to hear this.

- [Ring, beep]

Your plan worked.

I'm gonna give you a cellphone number I need you to trace.

Did you hear me?

We're in the clear.

I haven't been able to reach Elizabeth.

- Is she there?

- No.

- Who's the number for?

- Kaplan's burner.

If we find it, we find her, and I think Agent Keen.

She doubted my plan, Harold.

I believe she had another one in mind.

A direct appeal to Kaplan.

Red: Who was relying on the grand jury to separate us.

I fear Kaplan's backup plan will be more extreme.

Cooper: The number.

Give it to me.

[Van departs]

[Wind blowing]

Mr. Kaplan?


[Seabirds calling]

[Waves crashing]

Are you okay?

[Seabirds continue calling]

I swore an oath to your mother I would protect you with my life.

I fear I've failed you.

What are you talking about?

We're at the end now, and I'm lost.


I don't know how to keep you safe.

You don't have to keep me safe.

This could be over.

It could stop.


Masha, I can show you the truth.

What truth?

If you want to know why he came into your life You're scaring me.

I can take you.

We can go together.

But it has to be your choice.

We have a location.

Virginia State Highway 501, just south of Brookneal.

- We're rolling out.

- We need to take 501 North.

- We're closer.

Keep us updated.

- [Phone closes]

Kate, where are we going?

I loved Raymond.

And your mother.

I loved her, too.

This secret what Reddington's hiding from me I think I know [Engine roaring]

[Tires squealing]

[Engines revving]

[Tires squeal]

[Tires screeching]

[Door closes, g*n cocks]

Elizabeth, if you get out of the car, you choose Raymond.

If you stay, you choose the truth.

Kate, get out of the car.

[Seat belt clicks]

[Door opens]

[Thunder rumbling, door closes]

Turn the engine off, Kate.

[Engine rumbling]


Please, Kate, turn it off.

Get out of the car.


[g*nf*re, tires screech]

[g*nf*re, engine roaring]

- Baz?

My God.

- [Engine starts, tires peal]

I need an ambulance!

Highway 501!

[Tires squeal]

[Engine revs]

[Tires screech]

[Sirens wailing]

[Tires screech]

[Siren stops wailing, car doors open]

Hello, Kate.


Clever use of Laurel Hitchin to commandeer the grand jury.

Critical oversight on my part.

You're so focused on destroying me, you're willing to hurt one of the few people you've ever loved.

You're right.

I was so focused on you, I didn't see that getting you away from her is unnecessary.

All I have to do is give her the truth.

I don't know what that means.

Our secret.

At Tansi Farms.

What have you done?

I have it, Raymond.

I went there and I dug it up, and I'm gonna give it to her.

[Siren whooping]

[Brakes squeal, engine turns off]

[Radio chatter]

I need a perimeter at the 1-mile mark and patrol boats on the water.

All communications go through - the Bureau command which we're establishing - [Tires screech]

- [Car doors close]

- on the east end of the bridge.

- [Radio chatter]

- Red: Look around you, Kate.

It's over.

anticipate the possibility of prison?

I don't see what choice you have.

I made a promise to Elizabeth's mother to protect her girl at all costs.

And I can't do that from a cell which is why I have a contingency plan.

Isn't that what you taught me, Raymond?

Always make contingencies.

Are you okay?

You're not hurt?

Yeah, I'm fine.

We gotta get out there.

- Absolutely not.

- No, we can't wait.

We gotta help her.

Reddington's gonna k*ll her.

We both know why you're here to finish what you couldn't months ago, to put a b*llet in my head.

That's the moment I've anticipated.

sh**t me dead, and when you do, my confidante will be alerted, and Elizabeth will be given our secret from Tansi Farms.

There's one flaw in your plan, Kate.

I'm not gonna hurt you.

I never should've pulled that trigger in the first place.

I certainly won't now.

Not again.

I'm not going to prison, Raymond.

Pull the trigger.

Release the truth.

I won't.

Then I will.

I loved you, Raymond.

- Kate!

- Kevin Morby: They say No!

Love's an ocean They say Love's the sea [Splash]

They say All that I've done wrong One day is gonna find me They say A lot of things - Who's to say - Thank you.

That they are true I'm so sorry.

I didn't think I had a choice.

When they said they were gonna revoke my immunity agreement if I didn't cooperate, they threatened me, so I gave you up.

I'm sorry, you what?

When I testified for the grand jur Hang on.

Didn't Didn't Samar tell you?

Hitchin: I asked Harold if he would mind if I delivered this to you personally.

I wanted you to know how much I respect your dedication.

I also want to make sure you understand your place in this marriage.

You do what I want, when I want it.

Yeah, that's not gonna happen.

That's exactly what's gonna happen.

Hey, you don't pee standing up in my house, Donald.

Stop it!

- [Head thuds]

- Drowning Then we're drowning [Knock on door]

- Have a moment?

- Yeah.

I'll give you some privacy.

I ran his DNA two weeks after we met.

[Door closes]

We were undercover in Montreal having dinner, and he said that everything I thought I knew about myself was a lie.

It was intimate and weird.

And when we thought we were made, he snuck out the back and I palmed his scotch glass.

But when the envelope came back, I was scared it would confirm the devil was my father.

I didn't look at it.

Threw it away.

Elizabeth, I'm sorry.

If you don't want to know Mr.

Kaplan was my nanny.

Somehow I'm not surprised.

She loved you so much.

And now she's gone.

Just like Sam.

And my mom.

Everyone who knew me best, knew the answers about who I was, where I came from [Paper rustles]

I hope you get the answer you're looking for.

[Door opens and closes]

[Exhales slowly]

[Stateless' "Bloodstream" playing]

[Paper rustling]

Agent Mojtabai.

- Good to have you back.

Well done.

- Words can be like knives Thank you, sir, that means a lot.

They can cut you open You got out.

And the silence - When you came to see me in jail - Surrounds you why didn't you tell me Janet was the reason I was in there?

Because I saw that she was making you happy.

You seemed I think I might've inhaled you I could feel you - Behind my eyes - [Door opens]

[Door closes]

You should be going, Mr.


Words can be like knives - [Door opens]

- They can cut you open [Door closes]

[Knock on door]

And then silence surrounds you - [Unlocks door]

- And holds you You lied to me.

- [Door closes]

- Spaces in between The day we met, you asked how I got my scar.

And I told you my father gave it to me.

But you knew that already, didn't you?

- The spaces in between - [Paper rustling]

What was it you said?

A father who's a career criminal and a mother who died of weakness and shame.

To put my finger on it I tried Why didn't you just tell me who you were?

Why keep it a secret?

Come into my life, give up everything, go broke trying to protect me, and not tell me you're my father?

Behind my eyes Broke is such a harsh word.

I prefer illiquid.

Into my bloodstream What was so awful that you withheld the answer to a question I've been wondering my entire life?

I think I might've Were you afraid I'd turn out like you?

'Cause guess what?

I am like you.

All those times you asked me to think like a criminal, was it a test to see how naturally it came to me?

I could feel you Floating in me Because it did come naturally.

And that terrifies me.

[Inhales sharply]

Elizabeth, if you need to walk away Walk away?

Are you serious?

How can you be so smart and so clueless?

Yes, I'm terrified.

I'm angry.

I'm angry at you, at who I am, at the fact that I want to help you despite everything you've done to me and to yourself.

But anger and fear and a certain amount of hatred are all normal in a family.

And that's what we are.

And I'm not gonna walk away from that.

Dembe: You didn't deny it?

Red: I didn't.

Dembe: And she thinks that's Kate secret?


So she doesn't know about the suitcase?

Not yet.

It is gone.


Raymond I'm not sure Elizabeth will ever be ready to learn about what you did to Katarina.

We got to find that g*dd*mn suitcase.



[Locker door closes]

- [Latches clicking]

- [Cellphone rings]

[Ring, beep]


I got it.

Mr. Kaplan's instructions were very specific.

I'm on my way.

[Latches click]