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07x17 - Shadow of a Doubt

Posted: 11/03/19 05:47
by bunniefuu
(knocking on door)

JAMIE: Hello, police.

Anybody home?

Hello, police.

Anybody here?


Hey, police.

Anybody here?

Ma'am, are you okay?

Hey, ma'am.


Did you inject this?

Any sign of EMS?

JANKO: They're coming up now.

Hey, back here.

Hey, hey.

What do we got?

I don't know.

She's not responsive.

Get her off the couch.

Get her down.

Maybe an allergic reaction.

Watch her head.

Ma'am, can you hear us?

Found epinephrine lying next to her.

Ma'am, can you hear me?

She's in arrest.

Shouldn't it be making her better?

Sure should be.

Got to get her on the bus.

Get the door.

Hey, need some help out here!

Is she gonna make it?

Doesn't look that way.

What the hell happened?

Welcome to my world.

Boss, you wanted to see me?



Matthew Kindler.

Ring a bell?

Yeah, I prosecuted him for a homicide, maybe a decade ago?

And agreed to some ridiculous plea deal in the process.

There was nothing ridiculous about it.

It's 330.

20, not responsible by reason of mental defect or disease.

He needed a hospital, not a prison.

Well, soon he may have neither.

He has a retention hearing next week to determine if he should be released.

That's just a formality in these cases.

Not this time.

What is this?

A confession for the same m*rder you put on Kindler.

That's impossible.

One Pete Cabbad is claiming responsibility.

You're saying I put an innocent man away for the past ten years?

He's not innocent.

You of all people know his criminal history.

The attorney general's office wants our help in keeping Kindler in the hospital.

We're assisting with the proceedings?

No, you're gonna testify at the hearing.


You're an expert on his history.

The defense will object.

And the judge will overrule.

Erin with this confession, the case is on a knife's edge.

And I'm supposed to tip the scales?

m*rder or no m*rder, Kindler is dangerous and he should stay locked up.

Doonan, I'm begging you, take this office out of it or else there's gonna be hell to pay and I mean it.

Take it out.


Got it.

No Can-Doonan strikes again.


Screw you.

Could you please knock?


Mind taking a look at this?

What is it?

It's a talk I'm taping for the Major Cities Chief's Association.

Needs your touch.

You mean it needs a complete rewrite.

Have at it.

And what's the beef?




Tim Doonan at the News is running an investigative piece tomorrow.

It's a museum-quality frame job.

What's he on me for this time?

Oh, it's not on you.

It's on me.

On you?


Well, it seems he sourced every waitress, bartender, doorman, concierge or owner that's crossed my path the last six months of my life.

To what end?

To make it look like I run with a particular crowd.

Particular how?

Wall Street guys, sports agents, club owners, real estate shakers, you name it.

Never mind me naming it, what's he naming it?

The Favor Bank of Greater New York or The Favor of the Month Club.

He hasn't decided the header.

Is it accurate?

Well, there's truth in it, in that I've been to those places with those people.


And that's all.

Then there's nothing to worry about.

Except that he's also writing that sometimes the check doesn't make it to me or the ticket stub says complimentary.

Did it?

It's not that linear.

Don't spin me, Garrett.

I'm not.

I'm doing my job, Frank.

And what the hell is that supposed to mean?

Like Sid, like the chiefs at Intel, g*ng Unit, Counter-Terrorism, it's part of my job to keep my ears to the ground.

It's just different ground, that's all.


To heads-up the alarms Spin. . concerns and event horizons And double-talk.

Hold on.

Do you demand the other chiefs give you every detail about how they bartered every tidbit and morsel they got?

No, but then I don't have to read about it in the paper, either, do I?


It is a talk about ethics and accountability in urban policing.

It's going to play at their convention next weekend.

I'd rather it didn't play to laughs, so fix your situation.

I can't snap my fingers Fix it.

Blue Bloods 7x17 Shadow of a Doubt Whoa, you're gonna talk to the husband now?

WOMAN: There's nothing we could've done.

How can you be so sure?

It's not your fault.

JAMIE: Owen Sarni?


I'm Officer Reagan, this is Officer Janko.

We responded to your wife's call today.

I'm so sorry for your loss.

I'll grab some coffee.

Uh, please, uh, tell me what went wrong.

We don't know yet, but we were hoping you could help us clear a few things up before we fill our report out.

Whatever I can do.

Do you know what pharmacy your wife's epinephrine came from?

Her injector?


Well, uh it didn't come from a pharmacy.

It came from a back of an ambulance my ambulance.

You stole it?

Look, um epinephrine injectors are expensive these days, and it's not a optional purchase.

Are you stationed near here?

At Kip's Bay.

So, you heard your address come over the radio.

I did.

I'll never forget it.

I'm sorry, but you didn't respond.

'Cause my partner and I were on another call.

Look, Officers, I think that's as many questions as I-I can answer for now.

Of course.

And we're sorry for your loss.

Some bedside manner, Reagan.

If I hadn't prosecuted him, he would never have been committed to the hospital in the first place.

You went with the case you were handed.

The gas canister and the starter were right there in his apartment.


Yeah, turned homicide.

Set fire to his landlord's apartment, or so we thought.

Even an A student gets a B sometimes.

This would be an F.

We've all gotten one or two.

No, not me.

I need a favor.

Hence the sandwich.

Can you look into the confession for me?

Make sure it's real.


Erin, whether Kindler did it or not, it sounds like he ended up in the right place, even if it's for the wrong reasons.

Is that how the justice system is supposed to work?

Don't make this so hard on yourself.

Just testify.

Owen's supervisor said that he was working yesterday, but that he wasn't on a call when his wife's 911 went out.


You're still on this?

He'd last responded only a few blocks over.

He could've easily come to her aid.

I don't know, Reagan.

He seemed pretty genuine to me.

I think it's worth investigating.


Hey, we're not detectives, remember?

Yeah, but I know a good one.

This picture on page five, is that Billy Joel in the background?

Backstage after a show at the Garden.

He nice in real life?

Yeah, great guy.

GORMLEY: I figured that, but good to know.

Is there really a sushi restaurant where you can spend $500 on a single meal?

We should bust them for extortion and racketeering.

I've been there once.

This reporting makes it If you didn't pay your own way, once was one time too many.

Like I said, the reporting is slanted.

You could spend that much, but You didn't spend a dime.

I never ordered enough food to add up to Enough.


Yes, sir.


What's your game plan here?

I don't need a game plan.

The hell you don't.

The news cycle will take care of this.

It's very efficient.

I'm not talking about that.

Then what?

How will you account for yourself?

What forum will you use?

How about I'm getting Billy Joel to play a set benefiting the Widows' and Orphans' Fund?

Not talking about that.

How about that sushi dinner resulted in the firm underwriting Police Sports League turf fields, ten of them?

You have to account for appearances.

I have to account for results.

There's nothing in this piece that makes a case for any quid pro quo.

A guy checks into a hotel with a woman not his wife.

What does the world suppose?

They had a pillow fight?

This is not that.

Look at who you work for!

Our cops can't even take a cup of coffee on the arm.

I'm not a cop.

What's your beloved COMPSTAT built on?


I show results.

The end justifies the means?

Not in this building.

I won't sit here defending myself for doing my job.

Hey, kid.


What brings you up here to my neck of the woods?

Oh, I was dropping a witness off in the neighborhood.

Figured I'd stop by to say hello.

Just stopping by to say hello, huh?


I'm not buying it.

I'm not selling anything.

Come on, that's my line.

I own that line.

You can't come around here using that line on me.

All right, all right.

I need your help, all right?

I responded to a 911 call yesterday.

A woman might've died from an allergic reaction.


And she took epinephrine, but she got worse, not better.

Okay, so maybe it wasn't an allergic reaction after all.

My thoughts exactly.

Well, there you go.

Case closed.

You're welcome.

Can you look into it?

Look into it?

What am I, like your personal detective or something?

No, I got a feeling about this one, Danny.

I think somebody set her up.

Well, I got a feeling too, kid.

I got a feeling that my partner and I, who banged in sick today, got about two dozen other cases to go through.

And guess what?

These cases are based on hard evidence, not on feelings.

Can you please just take a look?

It's not gonna happen, kid.

Thanks for nothing.

KAREN: He's had three incidents in his last five years here.

So you see, it's vital Mr.

Kindler be held for treatment.

And it will be two years till his next chance at release?

KAREN: Yes, but given his diagnosis, it'll be a longer road to rehabilitation.

His diagnoses as schizophrenic?

As one of the one percent of them who are dangerous.

And how long of a road are we talking about?



This confession doesn't change anything?

KAREN: It has an impact, but like I said, these incidents are indicative I'm gonna need a copy of those reports.

You know you're testifying, not prosecuting here.

And if you want me to testify, you tell me what I need to know.

I've got something you should know, Erin.

Mr. Kindler's made threats during his time here.

What kind of threats?

He said when he gets out, the first person he'll be paying a visit is you.

Thanks again, Linda.

- You didn't get this from me.

- Okay.

This is the M. E. 's report on Sharyn Sarni.

She died of cardiac arrest, not an allergic reaction.

You know, and a woman her age and in her health, it's unusual.

How unusual?


And this this is the test result on the epinephrine she injected.

It wasn't epinephrine?

No, it was, that's why it wasn't flagged in the M. E. 's report.

It's the wrong concentration.

She injected a cardiac dose, not an allergic dose.

Cardiac arrest.

Why would she inject the wrong concentration?

It was a regular injector.

There's no way she could've known the difference.

A mistake from the manufacturer?

Not in 25 years of practice.

Someone switched it.

Somebody who knew what they were doing.

A. D. A.


Arthur Cook, Mr. Kindler's council.

Thank you for coming.

Of course.

The D. A. 's office doesn't usually bother hearing our side.

I'd like to understand both sides before I agree to testify.

Good, because Mr.

Kindler's continued incarceration amounts to nothing less than a civil rights violation.

He should be released.

Even if he is innocent, his history of v*olence has raised concerns among both my office and hospital staff.

He's made some mistakes in the past.

m*rder wasn't one of them.

Trespassing and as*ault Both misdemeanors, both before he was medicated.

And what about the incidents at the hospital?

Yes, he's had a few angry outbursts during his time here.

But wouldn't you be angry if you'd been wrongfully locked up for the last ten years?

I suppose Anyone would be.

That doesn't make him unstable, it makes him human.

So you're saying it comes down to the hospital's subjective interpretation of your client's actions?


Which means you are just making an interpretation of your own.

You know what game is being played here, A. D. A.


If Mr.

Kindler is released, then you've admitted you've had an innocent man locked up for the last ten years.

Is he a threat to society?

Or a threat to the reputation of your office?

If you really are innocent, I will admit you've been done a great injustice.



Oh, yeah, yeah.

An injustice.

Is that what this is?

Nothing that you say, nothing that you do, can change the past.

I will never get those ten years, ten years, back.

They're gone forever.

And that's because of you, A. D. A.


He was set up by another tenant in his building.

And what about the gasoline and the starter in his apartment?

Both planted.


Guy figured Kindler was an easy target, and the D. A. and PD would take him with open arms.

Which we did.

What about the m*rder*r?

Pete Cabbad.

Goes by One Eye'd Pete.

The landlord had threatened to evict him.

One Eye'd Pete?

Apparently he's drunk so much he's always got one eye closed so he could see straight.

And why's he coming forward suddenly?

He's homeless and it's cold outside.

Figured jail would be better.

And you're sure it's him?

Afraid so.

There's new DNA evidence.


Trip uptown didn't go so hot?

Not exactly.

Kindler's psychiatrist said he's made some threats.

Including one towards me.

Towards you?


Are you okay?

Yeah, of course I'm okay.

It's not like I'm a damsel in distress.

Well, it doesn't matter who you are, threat's a threat.

You know I carry a g*n So do I.

And if it were me, I know what I would do.

Keep him locked up.

For your own sake.



didn't flag it because the epinephrine comes back the same no matter the dose, but her EKG and her adrenaline were irregular.


And the epinephrine in the injector was the wrong kind, right?

Yeah, I think somebody switched her meds and then just left them for her.

Like a ticking time b*mb.


And you think it was the husband did it.

Like I said, he admitted he gave them to her.


What, you don't believe me?

What I don't believe is that you went to Linda behind my back.

You said you were busy.

I am busy.

And now, thanks to you, I'm gonna be even more busy.

You don't have to help.

Oh, please.

You know, all I heard during the Ranger game was, Why won't you help your younger brother, Danny?

Well, she wouldn't interrupt the Rangers game without a good reason.

The point is, if you want to investigate, become a detective and investigate yourself.

No, I'm happy where I'm at.

Well, it sure seems like it.

Look, help me or don't, it's your choice.

Help you?

Your work is done here.

I have to investigate now, and you need to get back to patrol.

You got it?

Got it.

Why do you have Detective ABETEMARCO investigating the Kindler case?

I thought it was relevant.

The only thing relevant is your testimony against Kindler.

I want the full story before I do anything.

Get over whatever guilt you're harboring.

Excuse me?

Yeah, you prosecuted the wrong guy, but Kindler is still dangerous.

He should be locked up.

For a crime he didn't commit?

Just because he didn't commit this crime doesn't mean there aren't five others he's guilty of.

Great, let's find some evidence and build a case, the legal way.

Don't patronize me.

Monica, this is not Minority Report.

We don't get to incarcerate people for crimes they might commit.

Yours isn't the only opinion in this world, Erin.

The hospitals make these judgment calls for a reason, and we back them up, for a reason.

How much of this is about Kindler and how much of it is about us protecting the reputation of this office?

It's your reputation, too.

Have you asked yourself what you're gonna do if Kindler is released, and hurts someone, kills someone?

That'll be blood on your hands, Erin.

(door opens, closes)

DANNY: Right over here.

Why am I here, Detective?

There's just a couple things that aren't adding up.

Have a seat.

Is this about the epinephrine?

Well, you stole it.

Is that right?

Out of necessity.

They're over 600 bucks a two-pack.

You ever refill the injectors, anything like that?


Wait, is there something wrong with it?

It was the cardiac concentration, not the regular dose, that stopped her heart.

That's impossible.

Well, you have both types in the back of the ambulance, right?

But I checked the injector.

Well, you didn't show up when your wife called 911.

I was on another call.

Not according to your supervisor.

I thought it was a routine reaction, Detective.

I didn't know she'd die.

Is there something you're not telling me, Mr.


I think I need a lawyer.

I think you're right.


This isn't working.

What isn't?

You, hiding in your office, trying to wait out the news cycle.

You're better than that.

Actually, I'm not.

I'm getting enough heat as it is, I don't need you piling on.

I'm not.

Just stating a fact.

I'm handling it.

You're avoiding handling it.

Are you seriously gonna sit there and tell me you didn't overstep?

Not the way it was implied.

In some way.

You know what Raymond Chandler said his favorite w*apon was?

Not a g*n, not a knife-- a $20 bill.

What's that supposed to mean?

It means we all have different weapons we use out there.

Mine's rubbing shoulders and shaking hands.

And compromising this office?


Not ever.

You consider the real reason you're so popular?

Why your tabs get picked up and your seats get comped?

Because of the title I hold.

Yes, thanks for pointing that out.

You will hold a press conference announcing you are going to return all the favors you have received, and not with favors in return, with $20 bills.

Pay everything back?


And if I don't?

Copy that.


Anything new on Kindler?

Seriously, Erin?

Yes, seriously.

The hearing's a couple days away.

Doesn't matter.

What do you mean, it doesn't matter?

I don't work for you.

You know that, right?

Yeah, I know.

We're partners.

We work together when our boss tell us to.

I take it Monica had a word with you.


And if you want to get yourself in trouble, go for it.

Next time, leave me out of it.

Come on, Anthony, you don't think Kindler should have a fair shake?

Maybe he didn't get one at birth, and maybe he's not really that dangerous.

But I won't gamble my job just to be a contrarian.

You think that's what I'm doing?

I think that's what you do, all the time.

And I thought you were more interested in justice than the party line.

I'm interested in keeping my job, and you should be, too.

Look, you're gonna do whatever you want no matter what I say.

I'm out on this one.

Oh, God.

You know, I think it's sweet.

What is?

Jamie-- coming in, asking for your help.

More bitter than sweet.

He clearly still looks up to you.

No, he doesn't.

Trust me.

That kid's so set on going his own way, he won't even take a step for fear that someone else may have walked there before him.

He became a cop, didn't he?


I think your opinion matters more to him than he'd admit.

Yeah, right.

You and Owen been partners a long time?

A year and a half.

So you know each other well.

We're pretty close friends.

You guys know how it is.


Except I don't text my partner at 2:00 in the morning.

What are you talking about?

We dumped Owen's phone.

Phone calls, texts.

Even videos How long?

Around six months.

Did you know his wife?

Of course.

That didn't bother you?

Owen and I aren't in love or anything.

We just work long hours in a high-adrenaline job.

It just sort of happened.

Owen ever say anything to you about leaving his wife?

Nothing that I would take too seriously.

We have kind of a dark sense of humor, Detectives.

Indulge us.

Well, uh, every now and then he would joke about getting rid of her.

You mean k*lling her?

Uh, not in those words.

You never thought to tell anyone about this?

Like I said, it was just one of our morbid jokes.

You see enough of what we see, and what's normal starts to change.

Here's the thing.

For Matthew Kindler, it's not beyond a shadow of a doubt.

It's not even beyond a reasonable doubt.

The bar is set at a very low clear and convincing evidence" that he's dangerous.

DANNY: So it's not good enough some doctors, experts in their field, are calling this guy a menace?

LINDA: To another doctor, maybe.

Not to a lawyer, clearly.

If he's innocent, he should be let go.

So he can commit another crime?


What did he do?

FRANK: It's what he didn't do.

He didn't commit the crime he was institutionalized for in the first place.

There's the rub.

But he did do something, right?

A couple misdemeanors, that's it.

Yeah, but you said the doctors said this guy's nuts.

What are we missing here?

DANNY: Yeah.

That we don't lock people away for having mental health issues unless and until they are proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to be a menace to society.

JAMIE: I've always loved that phrase, shadow of a doubt.

It's like they let a poet write the statutes that day.

But that's not really even a legal term, is it?

Actually I don't know.


The legal language is reasonable doubt to a reasonable person.

But there is a lawyer who you all know and respect that said, The law says reasonable doubt, but I think a defendant is entitled to the shadow of a doubt.



Was that O. J. 's guy?

What's his name?

No, it wasn't him, it was, uh No!

- Clarence Darrow?

- Nope.

Oliver Wendell Holmes.

Strike three.

Give up?

Give up.

Atticus Finch, To k*ll a Mockingbird.

Ah Ah He's not a real person.

But the lawyer who probably inspired more people than any other to go into the law.

Okay, so what about Garrett?

Are you gonna give him the whole shadow-of-a-doubt deal?

My wife reads me the papers at bedtime.

It doesn't apply if you confess to doing what they said you did.

What they're saying is he's trading access for the lush life.

Did he cop to it?

More or less.


More or less?

More than he wanted, less than I'll accept.

Can we leave it at that for now?

Sore subject?

Could we just leave it at that?

I would like to think you can have a good friendship without having to share in that friend's rationalizations, or even his illusions about himself.

I'd like to think that.

I hope my friends feel that way towards me.

Faults and all.

Me, too.

Me three.

I clearly do, or I wouldn't have any friends.


DANNY: Come on, you gonna sit here and tell me there's nothing going on?

- Okay, I don't have to sit here and take - Owen.

Why didn't you respond to your wife's call?

- Like I said, I thought it was routine - Owen, stop talking!

We were caught up.

You mean you and Michelle were caught up?



Like you wanted to replace your wife with a younger version No.

so you slipped her some bad meds No, I would never do that!

Detective, my client is here as a courtesy.

Show him some in return.

He'll get courtesy when I get the truth!

You know what I find interesting about you, Owen?

You're sitting here, and you're all broken up, and you're playing all innocent, and you're the same sick son of a bitch that made jokes about k*lling your own wife!

What are you talking about?

I spoke to your partner.

That's what I'm talking about.

Michelle said that?

Yes, she said it!

All right, fine, I No, no, yo-you don't have to.

No, I do!

You don't!

I would never thr*aten my wife, or even joke about it.

But you're right, Detective, I was having an affair.

Is that why you missed the call?

Yeah, Michelle didn't want to go.

She hated seeing Sharyn.

Because Michelle runs your life and tells you what to do, and you just listen, huh?

She gets her way, but I would do anything to get that day back, Detective!

I would do anything.

Michelle, she would have known about the epinephrine, too, right?

Yeah, it came from our ambulance.

She ever have any reason to handle it?

Yeah, she gave it to me to give to Sharyn.


Well, isn't that fascinating?

Detective, there's no way Michelle would Michelle working today?

No, but this must be a an accident.

She would never I'm gonna need an address for Michelle.

She would never An address!

MAN: Prior to this confession, when's the last time you spoke to Mr.


During the original plea process.

Ten years ago?


So you've had no contact with this man for the past ten years?

That's correct.

Yet, here you are testifying on his behalf.

I'm testifying to the facts.

The facts of this confession.


A confession, not a conviction?

As I said, myself and the investigators from my office Are you an expert on DNA analysis, Ms.


The DNA was reviewed by experts.

But are you one?



And members of your own office asked you to testify against Mr.

Kindler, correct?

As an officer of the law, it's my responsibility to testify objectively, not selectively.

Answer the question, please.

They did.

Hospital experts all say this man is dangerous, but not you.

I'm here to testify on Mr.

Kindler's criminal history, and the validity of this new evidence.

That's all.

You really don't think this man is dangerous?

If you're asking my opinion, I think he would never have ended up in this hospital if he wasn't falsely accused of m*rder in the first place.

What are you doing here?

I might ask you the same question.

You first.

Cynthia and I are trying a trial separation.

And how long's that been?

Couple of months.

How many is that?

The third, if you're keeping score.

How did you get up here?

I used to be a detective.

I still remember how to get past a desk.

I'm taking a sick day, to answer your question.

You sick?


I'm taking one of, like, 12 accrued.

But if that's also a problem, I can be shaved and dressed in five.

Look, I came here as a friend.

Or at least I thought so, but I didn't even know you were separated, so If we're friends, we're friends second, boss and employee first.


And I didn't want to burden you with my problems.

Then don't.

Hold a press conference, eat crow, and move on.


Or you are being exactly the kind of ass you accuse me of being on so many occasions.

But I didn't do anything wrong.

As you always And my actions don't affect the 35,000 cops, or the eight million citizens.

As you always say, optics, appearances, perceptions.

Oh (sighs)

As a friend, swallow your pride and fall on your sword.

Or resign.


Okay what?

Okay, I understand my options.

And I never for a second thought that the comps and the strokes were about anything but my proximity to you.

Just so we're clear.

(door opens, closes)

(indistinct radio chatter)

(engine approaching)

(engine stops)



You awake in there?


Of course.

Thanks for pulling me in on this.

Of course.

Thought you could use the overtime.

That aside, let's just make this collar.

Any sign of her?

No, I think she's still holed up in there, far as I can tell.

All right, keep an eye out, keep your radio on tac A.

You got it.

Lights are on.


TV's on, too.

Michelle Adler?

Police, open up!

(engine starts)


Step out of the vehicle.

I said, police!

Turn off the ignition and step outside of the vehicle (engine roars)

(tires screeching)


DANNY: You okay?


Get your hands on the dashboard!

Get 'em up!

Get out of the car.

Get out of the car!

Turn around.

You're under arrest for being a complete idiot.


You all right?


Good morning, friends.

First of all, I want to thank Captain Wallace and his team for the invitation to speak to this convention of the Major Cities Chief's Association.

I'm sorry I can't be with you in person; I've always had such a great time when I can attend.

There's a quote from the great mystery writer Raymond Chandler, which goes, All in all, my favorite w*apon is a $20 bill.

Got me to thinking about how we use the weapons at our disposal, and, as importantly, the ones that maybe we're underusing Sit down.

This won't take long, and I won't be fielding questions.

No Can-Doonan have the guts to show up?

TOMMY STILLS: He's not here, Garrett.

Not surprised, Tommy.

FRANK: All of us, chiefs and cops, walk in the shadow of a doubt every day.

So let's turn that around.

Let's give the people we serve the benefit of the doubt, when we can.

With 20/20 hindsight, I can see, while there was no quid pro quo alleged or proven, there was perception of impropriety caused solely by my actions.

In remedy, I am undertaking an exhaustive and comprehensive course of repaying for any and all goods or services to the appropriate individuals.

That's all, folks.


(reporters clamoring)

FRANK: Let's take out a stick of gum or a voucher for a cup of coffee instead of a summons book, when we can.

Let's build trust by accepting that in every city and town, trust is a two-way street.

(indistinct chatter, music playing)

So, this is the type of joint you and your hipster friends hang around in nowadays?

Uh, graduated with the guy who opened it.

First round's on him.


I can see the charm.

Thanks for bringing me in on the case, talking to the boss.

I know you didn't have to do that.

It was Baez's idea.

Well, I'm just glad you got a full confession.

Yeah, well, you know.

The confession's the easy part.

Part I can't figure out is why they always try to run.

It's that ugly mug of yours.


That's funny.

Look, I know Dad talked to you, and I'm sure everyone's talked to you by now, but when are you going to admit you're wasting your talent?

I'm not wasting anything.

Come on.

You know, a lot of people make it in patrol, but very few could solve a m*rder.

I didn't solve it.

Oh, you don't think you would've?

I've said it a hundred times.

I'm happy right where I am.

I say actions speak louder than words.

If I wasn't on patrol, I wouldn't have got that 911 call in the first place.

Come on, Jamie.

What is it?

Can we just have a drink?


Actually, no.

Look, I'm not trying to tell you what to do here.

I know it seems that way, but trust me, I'm not.

If you're happy in patrol, and it's fulfilling to you, then I'm happy for you.

Just I just hope you're not hiding out there, that's all.

I hear you.


Remind me to never let you drive again.

I'm a great driver.

Look, the way you kamikazed that woman, no.

That was right out of a Danny Reagan playbook.


That was you, writing your own playbook.

That was a great hit!

A great hit?

I stopped her.

You stopped her, but you left the whole car exposed, so the door could open, she could run down the street.

If I wasn't so fast, she probably would've got away.



Packing for home?


You and Cynthia worked it out.

Not yet.

But we're gonna have to.

I can't pay for this rent above my regular nut, now that I'm in the full refund business.

Silver lining.

We'll see.

That speech I gave, that was all you.

So thank you.

I made my mea culpa to the press just like you would've.

How so?

Like I was scraping out my eyes with a rusty fork.

So thanks for the years of leading by example.


This a trap?

Oh, come on.

Costs more than $50, so it's against NYPD regulation for me to accept that as a gift.

Thanks, but no thanks.

Been there, done that.

How about you give me a buck a drink and we call it happy hour?



How are you this evening?

I just wanted to say thank you, personally That's okay.

You don't need to come any further.


Thank you.

Thank you for helping to get me out of, um (exhales)

that place.

It feels good to be free again.

Very good.

Well, it was the right decision.

I'm so glad that you saw it that way.

I brought you something.

Mr. Kindler, put down-- put Whoa.

I mean you Get your hands out of your pockets, I want to see both hands up.

I mean you no harm, Ms.


Both hands, Mr. Kindler.

Ms. Reagan, I just wanted to bring you these.

They're journals.

I-I've kept them for the last ten years.

I was hoping that hoping that maybe this would bring you some sort of confidence, that you did the right thing.

Well, I should probably be going.


Again, thank you.

Good night, Ms. Reagan.
