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05x05 - Dangerous Liaisons

Posted: 11/04/19 07:11
by bunniefuu
Previously on Supergirl [HANK HENSHAW] It was me.

I erased him from our minds.

I as good as m*rder*d my own brother.

[GRUNTING] [MALEFIC] This is not the Phantom Zone.

[LENA] Don't think of this as a prison.

I'm not your enemy.

In fact, I think we can help each other.

[ALEX] This is an Aurafacian.

This is an alien organism that attaches to a host body.

[GRUNTS] [ALEX] All right.

Let's get these down into holding.

I'm here undercover to investigate Andrea Rojas.

Two years worth of reporting that suggests a criminal conspiracy bigger than Al Capone.

I'd never forgive myself if you got wrapped up in this.

Leviathan is coming.

Imagine you, anytime of the day, anywhere in the world, with all your friends.

Then imagine that all of you can do anything that comes to mind.

Well, you don't have to imagine anymore.

Obsidian North's "Collective Dream" VR lenses are now worldwide.

So why are you waiting?

[BIRDS TWEETING] Make your imagination your reality today.

[APPLAUSE] Brilliant!

Thank you, William.

I'm proud of it.

Which is why I want every department to be writing about the launch right up until it happens on Friday.

Business, entertainment, sports, politics, work it into your stories as if our financial well-being depended on it.

Because it does.

- Gross.

- Double gross.

And one more thing.

One of you needs to start giving continual updates on our growing sales.

We need to pump this up.

- I'm your man.

- Great.

Now let's get to it.

[ALL SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY] It's bad enough that we have to do journalism-via-tweet.

Now she wants to turn us into ad hacks?

Speaking of hacks Joe Pulitzer is certainly all for it.


I was so sure you were gonna find something at that address listed in his name.

First he is linked to the death of Dr.

Jarrod, then to whatever "covert action" happened in Mexico City.

I don't know, I find it hard it to believe there's no connection.

I know.

I guess we were looking for connections where there weren't any.

I mean, he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time with Dr.

Jarrod, and then Mexico City was just about the Miss Mexico pageant.

William Dey's not a m*rder*r.

He's just a grade-A jerk.



- Kelly, hey.

- You're just who I needed.

- Is everything okay?

Yeah, it's good.

I just I want to get Alex a gift for our date-aversary, and I could really use your help A Schadel XG-1000 motorcycle helmet, in small, matte black.


That is very specific.

- So is Alex's Pinterest page.

- [BOTH LAUGH] You know, meeting Alex is one of the best things that has happened to me since moving to National City.

But having you in the picture - That's been a pretty cool bonus.

- [LAUGHS] Believe me, the feeling is mutual.

But you know what?

I, uh I promised all these reporters upstairs a round of coffee.

And if I don't get it, there will be a riot.

[KELLY] Okay.

Uh, remember, small matte black.

Got it.

[LAUGHS] [CLEARS THROAT] What's the deal?

I've been texting you all morning.

Phones can be hacked.

Call me overly cautious, but I'm trying to expose one of the world's most powerful families as criminals.

[CLEARS THROAT] That's why I was texting you.


I figured out a way I can help.

Kara Just Hear me out.


From what you've explained, you have all this evidence suggesting the Rojases are masters of corporate espionage, and have a team of operatives and assassins at their beck and call.

But nothing connecting them directly to the crimes.


Yes, it's a frustrating failure.

Well, what if I told you that my sister works for a small g [CLEARS THROAT] Government agency.

And they just arrested someone who they think targeted Elena Torres in Mexico City yesterday.

Kara, don't tell me you told your sister about this.

I-I didn't tell her details, but now we have a lead.

What's the catch?

Two conditions.

One You have to sign an NDA saying you will never tell anyone where she works.

And, two Kara, I told you you don't want any part of this story.

I am not in it for the story.

When When Andrea came to CatCo, I thought she was just a bad boss and a hack journalist.

But if she really is actually involved in a web of murders, I can't walk away from that.

I am in it for the justice.

You've been going at this solo for so long.

I could be useful.

What's the harm in letting me help?

The harm is that you could get hurt.

- I'm not just talking physically.

- Mmm-hmm.

This has cost me friends, family.

It's an obsession that's taken up two years of my life.

And I don't want that to happen to you.

You don't have to worry about me.

I can take care of myself.

Plus, if you don't bring me the offer's off the table.

[SIGHS] - Okay.

- [KARA LAUGHS] You win.

Let's go.


Test subject 0505.

Trial commencement.

Image induce to human-form 2257.


[CONTROL PANEL BEEPS] Subject induced.

Prep for tracking.

[CONTROL PANEL BEEPS] [MACHINE POWERING UP] Q-wave sensors locked and ready to probe occipital lobe.

Ms. Luthor, you realize if this goes as planned, we are about to discover how to do what it is that doctors, politicians, even priests have failed to do.

Rendering people incapable of hurting each other.



Mr. Dey, if half your suspicions about the Rojases are true, then this presents a huge security risk.

Still, you are here as observers so follow my lead.

- Of course.

- Let him in.

Thank you for doing this.

Yeah, well, Obsidian Worldwide is a big deal.

Plus, working at Obsidian is Kelly's dream job, so before I have the DEO make any moves on her boss, I need to be certain that she is guilty.

Right, yes.

Speaking of, uh, Kelly asked me what to get you for your date-aversary.

She doesn't need to get me I told her the Schadel XG-1000 motorcycle helmet in small, matte black.

God, I love you.

[BREATHTAKER] Is this some sort of t*rture device?

It's a Truth Seeker.

It makes it so that those who are inclined to lie, can't.

For example, did Andrea Rojas hire you to target Elena Torres?

I don't ask who hires me.

My jobs come over an encrypted server that compensates me in Bitcoin.


Have you ever met Andrea Rojas or any member of the Rojas family or anyone that they are affiliated with?

I only meet the other contractors.

[BREATHTAKER SIGHS] There was this lady with k*ller tattoos, a guy who could detach most of his fingers, and this big dude with some extra appendages.

- How many - How many appendages?

He had four arms.

Like this?

Yeah, that's him.

His code name is Rip Roar.

- When did you last see him?

- William.

- Two years ago on a job in Darien - No time after?


- Mr.

Dey So where is he based?

Who are his target?

You have to know something.

I have literally told you everything.

That's a bloody lie!

- That will be enough!

- William.


What was that about?

- You have to tell me.

- He m*rder*d my best friend.


My mate from college.

Russell Rogers.

Two years ago, he got suspicious of the Rojases, and the next day, that monster k*lled him.

- Never found the body.

- Then how do you know he's dead?

These are professional K*llers.

They don't leave evidence.

I have a friend that could help with this.

I should have never told you any of this.

Now look how involved you are.

It's why I told you to stay away.

It's an emotional abyss.

[RATTLING] Hold it.

Set the case down.

Turn around.

Show me your hands.


I'll look into his disappearance.

Thank you.

And how are you feeling?

With everything that happened with Mal [SIGHS] Well, I'm still processing it all.

But it gave me deeper knowledge about myself and And my people.

I can learn from that.

How about you?

Are you okay?

You've been through a lot.

The reporter you hated turns out to be a good guy and Andrea Rojas is potentially involved in murders.

Yeah, I can't talk about this with anyone but you and Alex.

I swore to William I'd keep it secret.

Even from Nia.

But honestly, I I'm, I'm reeling.

I never would have thought Andrea was a criminal and I was convinced William was evil.

How could I have been so wrong about both of them?

And now, with Obsidian tech everywhere, I mean, everyone's just in these make-believe worlds and It's hard to know what's real anymore.

I just want some certainty.

You know, my biggest takeaway from what happened with Malefic, is when the world is uncertain, there's one thing that's rock solid.

It's the people who love you.

[CELL PHONE VIBRATING] Alex needs me at the DEO.

We had a break-in at Fort Summit.

Please don't tell me it is Lex's vault.


And this is the assailant.

It is the same guy William talked about.

What did he steal?

Mr. Luthor called it his Marathon Laser.

It's able to launch a concentrated beam of heat at a target up to 26.

2 miles away.

It's an assassin's dream.

Is there any way we can track it?

We are scanning for the w*apon.

With any luck, that will lead us to the man as well.

William said Rip Roar was a part of the Rojases's team of operatives.

Now they're stealing one of Lex's weapons the day before the launch of Andrea's lenses?

If William Dey is right about Andrea Rojas, there's a high probability of a connection.

But Kelly did say the VR launch is virtual.

So people aren't gonna be gathering in one place.

So what use is that w*apon then?

We've gotta be missing something.

I'll take another run at Breathtaker.

No, we tried that.

Even with the Truth Seeker, she's got nothing.

I might have a solution.

There is always the other assassin we caught.

What, O'Connor?

- She's dead.

- Yes.

But her tattoos are alive and sentient.

Wouldn't we need a host?

We would, yes.

Approaching me while I'm still conscious.

How thoughtful of you.

[LENA] It seems we have gotten off on the wrong foot.

So I have a proposition.

You have the ability to incept thoughts into people's minds.

I want to study your brain, so I can develop a technology that can do the same thing.

Forgive my skepticism, but last time someone showed interest in my brain, the High Council sent me to the Phantom Zone.

You'd be back in the Phantom Zone if it wasn't for me.

And yet, now we are at an impasse.

What's in it for me?

We both want the same thing.

We were each betrayed by the people closest to us.

Work with me.

I believe you've the ability to do great things.

I don't want to do great things.

I want revenge.

So I have a proposal for you.

Martian biology prevents a brother from harming his brother.

That's why I've been attacking the people closest to J'onn J'onzz.

If you remove this barrier from my brain so I can k*ll my brother, I will give you access to my mind.

It is my mission to stop people from hurting each other.

I will not k*ll.


But you've gone to extreme measures to bring me here.

And now, you are at the precipice.

Studying my mind is the key.

I know of desperation, human.

I know the depths you feel.

I would have to develop the technology first.

Your terms are acceptable.

Let's begin.

[ALEX] Okay, so let me get this straight.

Once we say "the phrase," you're gonna augment the executive section of your brain to allow the Aurafacian to speak through you.


And thanks to my polygraph filter, it won't be able to lie.

That is the phrase.

I've kept it top secret all day.

You're welcome.


It's from the oeuvre of Mr. Keanu Reeves.

"Pop quiz, hotshot. " - [ALEX CHUCKLES] - [GROANS] Brainy?

[GRUNTING] [IN DISTORTED VOICE] Release me, human!

You know that we're not going to do that.

We want information.

Come near, I'll give it to you.

You worked with a contractor named Rip Roar.

He has a very dangerous w*apon.

How do we find him?

Perhaps put an ad in the paper for a four-armed freak.

[LAUGHS] There's a chance he might use this w*apon tomorrow.

Do you have any idea who the target might be?

I never know who's behind it.

All I know is that someone is spending a great deal of capital [GRUNTS] to do a great deal of damage.

You've committed dozens of murders but don't have the slightest idea who's responsible?

I don't care to know.

You don't care about all those people you k*lled?

Their family, their friends, all those lives you've destroyed?

- You have to know something!

- I don't know.

- No, you know something and we're - [ALEX] Hey!

Hey, it's Brainy.



Let me print myself on your skin!

Pop quiz, hotshot!

[SCREAMS] Uh, did it work?

- Hey.

- I know.

I know.

I'm sorry.

- I overreacted.

- No.

You're right.

This is getting way bigger than we thought.

[SUPERGIRL EXHALES] I'm gonna confront Andrea.

Okay, slow down.

We need to be strategic.


We need to see the bigger plan here.

Plus, there is still a chance that she's not even involved.

What makes you say that?

Kelly believes in Andrea, and the work that she's doing.

It helps people.

And Andrea's never even been accused of anything illegal.

Even according to Will, Elena Torres offered only circumstantial evidence against her.

Look, Kelly has been through the ringer.

And I really don't want to pull the rug out from under her unless I have to.

Trust me, I want answers too, but these are big accusations and we need to be certain.

I know everything you're saying makes sense, but I have this gut feeling that Andrea's up to something big.

Lex Luthor had a plan for world domination that felt a lot like this.

And that time, I was almost too late.

I cannot let that happen again.

We won't.

If Andrea's involved, we'll figure out how.

I have an idea.


I trust your gut, too.

I have the Marathon Laser.

What do you want me to do with it?

Do what Lex Luthor failed to do.

Change the world.

[ANDREA] Big day tomorrow, William.

Five million subscribers big.

And counting.

Now that's the news I wanna hear.

- [DEVICE BEEPS] - Careful now.

That's my brain you're about to play with.

The occipital lobe is where the Q-waves are generated.

Q-waves are projected like sonar from a dolphin.

But your waves are a very special frequency that allows you this unique ability to control the thoughts and emotions of others.

This is the frequency we want to isolate.

That "unique ability" has been my cross to bear my whole life.

To think it comes down to something as simple as a frequency All you have to do is incept these three test subjects.

All right?

There's a Daxamite Scorpion, a Terran Oceanic Devil, and a Maladorian Dendroasp.

[CREATURE SNARLING] As you project your waves at them, we'll measure the frequency, fine-tuning as we go, 'til we hit the magic number.

So, are we ready?

As long as k*lling J'onn J'onzz is the final result, "we" can't wait.

I really appreciate you bringing food.

It's exactly what I needed.

It's gonna be another very late night, so Oh, no.

What happened?


You know, just another day at the DEO.

A stolen Luthor w*apon and a conspiracy of meta-assassins.

Well, I am here for you if you ever need to talk about anything.

Of course.

How are you?

Well, Obsidian is abuzz with the launch, and I had my first patient success story.


He was having nightmares for over a year.

And with VR therapy, they stopped.

That's amazing.


And I made a surprise reservation for our date-aversary.

- At the waterfront.

- Really?

- That's nice.

- [LAUGHS] But don't you have to be on deck for the Obsidian launch?

Well, since it's virtual, I can bring the lenses to dinner, and then we can join millions in virtual celebration.

Okay, now that sounds like one of your boss's freaky advertisements.

Just because it's freaky, doesn't mean it's not awesome.

- Well, cheers to that.

- Ah.


- William.

- [WHISPERING] Kara, are you mad?

I'm looking for clues to what Andrea's been up to.

Well, I am, too.

But if Andrea sees you in here, she'll k*ll you.

- And that's not a metaphor.

- It's fine.

I I looped the cameras.

I borrowed something from the DEO.

What are you doing here?

What I should've done in the first place, gone straight to the source.

Now, thanks to my friends at MI-8, I can.

But, well, you should know first the DEO got a lead on Rip Roar.



From what I understand, he's stolen a pretty powerful w*apon.

And they're afraid he's gonna use it in connection with Andrea's launch.

That means we have less than a day to figure out what she's planning.

- [EXHALES] - [KARA] You really think Andrea would leave information on her laptop?

I mean, she's kind of tech savant.

Oh, there's got to be something in here.

If there is, don't you think it'd be like, in a nook or cranny or under the floor or something.

You look your way, I'll look mine.

- [COMPUTER BEEPING] - Of course she has a Firewall.

"Access denied?" [KARA] I think I hit pay dirt.

How did you know to look in there?

Lucky guess.

But look what she has stashed in here.

Foreign currency, I mean, that's pretty shady.

Uh, some sort of chain and Hello.

Isn't that Russell?

Did they know each other?

They more than just "knew each other.

" At least according to Russell the last time I saw him.


I'm crazy about her.

I think she's the one.

Man, you are sunk.

Well, almost.

- What do you mean?

- She comes from a powerful family.

You know, there's a lot going on there.

And they make a point about shutting me out.


They don't think you are good enough?


It's not that.

[EXHALES] It's more like they got secrets.

What, like dead bodies?

Oi, you're not getting into something dodgy, are you?

Nothing I can't handle.

This doesn't sound good, Russ.

I just don't know how deep these things go with these people.

But Andrea is nothing like her family.

I'll sort it out with her tonight.

Then tomorrow, I can figure out a time when she can finally meet my best friend.

What, you haven't mentioned me?

If you think I'd let her anywhere near that wicked smile of yours before we're settled, you're madder than I thought.

- Ah.

- [LAUGHING] [WILLIAM] That was the last I saw of him.

[KNOCK AT DOOR] Russell?

You need a new lock, mate.


- Where's Russell?

- Dead.


That's horrible.

Let's get out of here.

[SIGHS] [CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKS] [KARA] Well, I reset the cameras.

[EXHALES] No one will know we were in Andrea's office.

She has to be involved in this.

Rip Roar, Russell.

Do you remember how she reacted when it happened?

She is a billionaire heiress.

I didn't have access to her.

The police couldn't find anything, so they just presumed he skipped town.

- [EXHALES] - There's no body, no leads.

So I tried to find some leads by researching Andrea and her family.

I know I'm on the right track here, just haven't been able to prove it.

And now, with Russ's k*ller back, maybe it's time I just ask her point blank.

William, don't even joke about that.

We We have to be certain of what we're up against first.

Now is not the time to be rash.

Look who's talking.

You broke into Andrea's office before I did.

That's true.

But you've You've dedicated so much of your life to this already.

What's the risk in hanging on just for a little bit longer?

Is that what you told yourself when you were chasing the Lex Luthor story?

To slow down and "hang on?" Actually, yeah, it was.

And it was really hard.

But I did it because I could feel that I was close.

Just like I can feel we are so close right now.

[CELL PHONE VIBRATING] That's, uh Sorry, it's my sister.

Alex, what's up?

Brainy tracked the signature of the Marathon Laser to the Socorro Satellite Station in New Mexico.

We need Supergirl there now.

I'm on my way.

[CELL PHONE BEEPS] [EXHALES] Something came up with my family.

But just promise me you're not gonna do anything.

[WHIRRING] Rip Roar.

I know who you are.

And I know you k*lled Russell Rogers.

You know nothing.

And you're out of your depth.


I need J'onn.

[SUPERGIRL] Thank you for helping me.

I'm feeling a lot better.

You know I'm always here for you.

Hey, look, I tracked down the apartment where Russell Rogers lived in London.

I did a psychic sweep.

I did see evidence of a struggle there years ago, but nothing else.

You mean he's still alive?


I'm still looking.

Where are we on Rip Roar and what did he hit me with?

[BRAINY] It's called a Fusion Cannon.

Or at least it is 100 years from now.

It's the result of the ingenious combination of Lex's Marathon Laser plus a particle amplifier.

That's what Rip Roar stole from the satellite base.

Yes, the combined technologies create an energy beam 100 times hotter than the center of the sun.

[SIGHS] If it's capable of damage like that, imagine what else it can do.

We need to find it.

[BRAINY] Uh, yes, about that The amplifier's radiation obfuscates the cannon's energy signature, which makes tracking it quite difficult.

Well, Obsidian North's launch is today.

So whatever Andrea's been up to, will probably come to a head.

Brainy, is there anything about the launch we might have missed?


Gotta be connected.

Andrea, Rip Roar, the w*apon.

And we've got to find out how before he hurts anyone else.

He's got to be stopped.

[METAL CREAKS] Alex, hi, it's me.

Look, I know you're busy, so I will text you the address for the restaurant tonight.

And if you're running late, don't worry.

Just get there when you can.

And we'll start to relax.

[ANDREA] Okay, people.

The Collective Dream launch is in less than an hour.

William, what is our user count?

We'll have nine million.

That's more than the population of most of the world's countries.

Well done.

[LENA] And now, our final test subject, the Maladorian Dendroasp.

It is 100 times more aggressive than anything on Earth.

I want you to do to it what you did to them.

Sensors are ready and calibrated.



It worked.

[BRAINY] Lake Vostok.

Okay, in English, Brainy.

Actually, it's in Antarctica, where I believe Rip Roar is heading.


After cross-referencing information gleaned from Breathtaker and the Aurafacian, I have discovered that each of the three Rojas assassins all targeted an employee of the Lake Vostok Antarctica Base, all within the last month.

A scientist, an engineer and a security officer?

What's the significance?

Well, given what each of the targeted individuals knew, it is possible that every single security protocol on that base can now be overridden.

I still don't get it.

Lake Vostok is the largest subglacial lake in the world.

Now, I'm no super-villain, but if I were, and I was right over an Antarctic lake with a w*apon designed to fire a beam 100 times hotter than the center of the sun, well, it would be, as they say, "a hot time in the old town tonight.

" [CLAPS] Not that that's a good thing.

So you're saying that he's going to melt the ice cap around Lake Vostok?

If he did that, it would unleash a flood unseen since the time of Noah's Ark.

This one's still alive.

[CLATTERING] Rip Roar, no!


A massive eruption in the Antarctic water table has sent shock waves east and west, resulting in an unprecedented number of sea swells.

Based on the seafloor pattern and the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, the biggest is set to make landfall on the Pacific coast in under an hour.

Which part of the Pacific coast?

All of it.

Leaving so soon?

Smart move.

[RUMBLING] What have you done?

I do what they tell me to.


Who is "they?" I don't know.

[ALEX OVER COMMS] Supergirl, can you hear me?

Alex, we have Rip Roar, but he punched a hole in the lake.

We know.

The eruption just sent a tidal wave our way.

We can deal with the swell, Supergirl.

You and J'onn need to seal that geyser, or else we'll have bigger problems than a wave.

What do you mean?

That geyser is pumping out three cubic miles of water every second.

At that rate, every coastal city in the world will start flooding in 12 minutes.

The loss of life could be in the billions.

[CRACKING] So how do we stop that wave?


It's too late.

Once it's started it can't be stopped.

Trust me, I can stop this.

Thank you.

[CELL PHONE BEEPS] Welcome one and all to the most amazing party you'll ever attend.

Welcome, welcome to The Communal Dream.

Welcome, welcome, everyone.

We'll have to invert the flow of water.

The geyser's pushing it up.

Maybe a whirlpool could pull it down.

We'll fly around the base.

But we need to do it in perfect formation.

With this amount of water, the suction could pull you under and suffocate you.

Well then, we'd better keep our cool.

[ANDREA] Why aren't you at the launch?

Did you find something more important?

Actually [CHUCKLES] I did find something.

His name is Russell Rogers.


I saw the photo, Andrea.

I know all about the two of you.

What did you do with him?

I don't know what you're talking about.

I know about O'Connor and Breathtaker and Rip Roar.

I know about you and your family, and everything you've gotten away with.

Corruption, theft, m*rder.

But you're not going to get away with it any longer.

Because I am going to destroy you, if it's the last thing I do.

William William?

The launch is going great, don't you think?

Sure is, Ms.



[RUMBLING] That's a huge wave!

[PEOPLE SCREAMING] Brainy, I hope this works.

[GRUNTS] [PEOPLE SCREAMING] Everybody get to high ground!



I got you.



Everybody move, move!



[PANTING] [DOOR OPENS] [SUPERGIRL] Did he say anything?

He isn't talking.

Even with the Truth Seeker.

But he said "they. " "They" told him to do what he did.

He has to know something.

But according to Brainy, I mean, the tech he wears is biologically adhered and it functions as some sort of mental armor.

We can't get to him.

Also, it wasn't the Rojases.

- What?

- We ran the analytics.

Okay, flooding the West Coast would've taken out Obsidian North's manufacturing hub.

And if you and J'onn hadn't stopped the geyser, then they would've lost billions.

I gotta say, I'm glad that I don't have to tell Kelly that her boss is a crime lord.

But this still leaves us with a case that doesn't make any sense.

If it wasn't Andrea and the Rojases, who was calling the sh*ts?

Someone has to be behind this.

I agree.

And whoever it is, we're gonna find them.

It just might take longer than we thought.

[DOOR OPENS] There's something you both should see.


- [SNIFFLES] You look like you've seen a ghost.



[SNIFFLES] Yesterday was just, um, a lot.

With everything that happened at the waterfront.

And Alex was She was amazing.

But I was there and I almost saw her die.

I guess it triggered me.

I'm so sorry.

Look, I know that Alex can take care of herself.

I do.

But My fiancé d*ed fighting on the front lines, and I never got over it.

This brought it all back.

I just I can't shake this feeling of [EXHALES] dread.

Well, it sounds to me like you could use a friend.

[SNIFFLES] Do you wanna grab lunch sometime and talk?

I'd like that.

Thank you.

It is finished.

What is?

I have clarity on how to dispose of my brother, now that you've removed my mental block.

But I didn't remove it.

I could never let you hurt another person.

We had a deal.

If you intuited anything about my research, you'd know that.

You like it here, don't you?


I like it here.

I like it very much.

You look beautiful.

Well, I did wear your favorite color.

Um I'm so sorry that I missed our date-aversary and your voicemail.

But you know what we're up against.

You were incredibly brave.

Well, I've developed a few skills over the years.


Uh, come here.

I I got you something.

Oh, I got you something, too, but I forgot to bring it.

Oh, that's okay.

This isn't our real date-aversary.

So when it is, you can give it to me then.

Close your eyes.

- Close them.

- Okay.

Okay, open.

A Schadel XG-1000.

So you can be my riding partner.

This is amazing.

I'm just so glad that we can be together right now.

Thank you.

[KNOCK ON DOOR] Don't worry.

I didn't confront Andrea.

Though, believe me, I wanted to.

Now, I'm even more confused than ever.

The Rojases would've lost everything if Rip Roar had succeeded.

If they're not the villains, then who?

And now it gets even more confusing.

Um [EXHALES] The DEO caught Rip Roar and they were able to ID him.

It's Russell.



That's That's not possible.

I thought they k*lled him.

All of this was to avenge his death.

I don't believe it.

What could they have done to turn him into that monster?

I'm so sorry.

I know how painful this is.

But now that we have him in custody, the good thing is we can finally get you some answers.

About him, about Andrea, about any other questions we might uncover.

Thank you.

You know I didn't want you involved in this.

But I don't know how I would've done it without you.

[ANDREA] Thank you.

You've really outdone yourself with those contact lenses.

I hear they're as omnipresent as one of our plagues or floods.

That was you yesterday?

Leviathan is everywhere.

And now a problem has come up.

We need you to fix it.

It's Rip Roar.