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08x16 - Old Tricks

Posted: 11/04/19 07:57
by bunniefuu
GARRISON: Before you fled Russia, I asked Arkady to look in on Katerina.

And I learned that she had a daughter my daughter.

You're a grandfather.

And you an uncle.

Does she know?

We're gonna tell her.

No more secrets.

Don't worry, Grandpa.

You survived worse than this.

Bayonet in Korea, shrapnel to your lungs at Khe Sanh.

This is just a little difficulty breathing, that's all.

And I'm gonna stay right with you.

Make sure these guys know what they're doing.

Doesn't one of you need to drive?


(siren wailing)

NCIS: LA 8x16 Old Tricks You gonna be okay?

(clears throat)

It's a lot to take in.

No, um okay, so-so, Sullivan You mean Ferris.



He's he's dead?

Oh, yeah.

Double tap to the head.


Um, and what about Sabatino?

He's He's still missing.

We have to find him.

But can we just cut to the chase, Nate?

Do you think that I am ready to get back to work or not?

Honestly, after hearing all that, I don't think any of you are ready to go back to work.

Oh, my God, Nate, are you serious?

What are you gonna do, shut down the whole team?

'Cause that's exactly what the mole would've wanted.

Unless that was the intention all along.

Wh wh so, what are you, uh, what are you saying?

I don't know, Nate.

How long have you been working for the CIA?


Uh (scoffs)

(mimics scoff)




Good one.

I'm sorry.

I shouldn't be joking during a psych eval.

No, no, no, it's-it's okay.

Means you're not trying to impress me, which is a good thing.

Shows that your confidence has returned.



So, what are you waiting for?

Unless of course you knew that trying not to impress me would impress me more.


No, no, Nate, you know what?

So help me, God, I will throw you through that window.

And now you're threatening me.

And that's the Kensi I know.

And that's the Kensi we need in the field.

So, I can go back to work?

From the sound of it, you've been back for a while.


Thank you.


Last night Lieutenant Warren Miller disappeared.

He is the lead designer of the next generation of nuclear reactors used to power the Navy's aircraft carriers.

There would be a long list of enemies who'd like to get their hands on that.

So what happened?

Well, Lieutenant Miller was visiting his grandfather, Louis Miller-- he's a new resident at the Bayside Veterans Retirement Home.

NELL: At around 8:00 p. m.

last night he had trouble breathing.

He was placed in an ambulance-- that ambulance never arrived at the hospital, and we can't find it.

So we have two missing persons: LT Miller and his grandfather.

Well, the two paramedics.

Actually, the paramedics have been accounted for.

This morning they were found bound and gagged in a utility shed in Balboa Park.

Deeks is on his way to interview them now.



Kaleidoscope picked up the missing ambulance.

Uh, this is ten minutes ago downtown, and that parking lot looks like a dead end.

We're on our way.

Oh, are you going with them, or?

Uh no.

I just have another appointment.


It's just last-minute.

It's fine.

It's totally fine.

But you okay?

Yeah, of course.

I'll be back.

Two hours.


I'm gonna put in a request telling criminals that they abandon vehicles in areas that don't require tetanus sh*ts.

Yeah, good luck with that.

It's Lieutenant Miller.

(labored breathing)

CALLEN: How is he?

His pulse is weak but he's still alive.


That's a pretty strong opioid.

That's enough to k*ll him.


Yeah, Callen?

It looks like Miller's been drugged.

We're gonna need a Never mind.

You save.

I'll drive.





(engine turning over)

(engine starts)


Found it.

This should buy us some time.

You might want to buckle up.

I'm about to inject him-- hold it smooth.

(tires squeal)

Hold on!

Washing machine!


(siren wailing)

Any more large appliances I should know about?

All right, all clear.


Hang in there, Lieutenant.

Hang in there.


Doctors are in.

How's Lieutenant Miller?

You know who his grandfather is?

LT's still unconscious, but he'll live, Okay.

no thanks to G's driving.


That washer cut me off.

What's that supposed to mean?

How'd it go with Nate this morning?

Oh, you know-- he thinks we're all permanently scarred and dangerous to society, but then I reminded him that I could kick his ass, and, um, voilà .

It's about damn time.

CALLEN: I don't know.

I was kind of enjoying having this desk all to myself.

You are lying.

Speaking of which, where's Deeks?

Well, he's on his way back from talking to the h*jacked paramedics.

So, it looks like they took a call out to Balboa Park last night around 7:00 p. m.

When they arrived they were att*cked by two men wearing masks, who then stole their uniforms and the ambulance.

Did you trace the call?


Burner phone, so dead end.

KENSI: Well, why would they go to the trouble of kidnapping Lieutenant Miller and then leaving him behind?

Either they got what they wanted, or this was never about him.

What do we know about his grandfather?

NELL: Master Sergeant Louis Miller.

Born in 1936 in Philadelphia.

He's a Marine Corps vet.



Two-time Purple Heart and Silver Star recipient.

He's also from a long line of military service.

His grandfather, he served in World w*r I.

His father died in Guadalcanal.

And his son-- he lost his son in Desert Storm.


HETTY: Well, we may have started this with a missing lieutenant, but now Master Sergeant Louis Miller is our case, and we need to find him.

KENSI: Uh, may I suggest we start with the retirement home.

He was having a problem with his oxygen when he was abducted.

Maybe there's somebody working on the inside.

HETTY: Agreed.

I want you and Deeks undercover at the retirement home.


And, Ms. Blye?


Welcome back.


Thank you.

Uh, Mr. Hanna?


A Secret Service agent will meet you in the boatshed.

It seems Louis is a person of interest in one of their investigations.

What kind of investigation?

Well, that's for you to find out.


And, Mr.


You and I have another matter to attend to.

Off to the boatshed.


Have fun.

So Kensi's not the only one back at work.


The moles have been identified or caught, (groans softly)

and you still have your job.

Mm, a small victory.

At great cost.


Any, uh any update on Granger?

It may be a long recovery.

Is something else going on with him?

He'll pull through.

And he's not the matter at hand, Mr.



I, uh (clears throat)

I think I know what this is about.




No, I-I don't want to talk about that bitch.


Do you?



But your sister Alex is another matter.

Half sister.


I assume I don't need to tell you about the father of her child?

Pacey Smith.

Hetty, you don't have to worry.

I know all about him, I His arrest, his time in prison.

I'm keeping an eye on him.

You are not the only one.

Kaleidoscope picked up your father in Mr.

Smith's vicinity on two different occasions this week.

You directed resources to track my father?

He's in the country under NCIS authority.

He's our responsibility and liability.

No, Hetty.

He's mine.

I will deal with it immediately.



Your sister.

I understand your reasons for not telling Alex, given everything we've been through here recently.

Still, I would say this: don't let a temporary solution become a permanent mistake.


TV HOST: Now with the re-spin And this is our common room, where residents can play games, watch TV, tell w*r stories.

Your grandmother definitely won't be bored here at Bayside.

Oh, she entertains herself, trust me.

So, what kind of assistance does your grandmother need?



No, none of the above.

What I really want to see is your security room.

She has a habit of sneaking off.

Uh, sure.

Follow me.

Thank you.

And she doesn't miss a beat.

Next part's up to you.

(inhales, exhales)

All right.

Captain Westbrook.


The man, the myth, the legend.

My name is Martin Deeks, and I'm with NCIS.

I think you know my boss, Henrietta Lange.

But I don't know you.

That is true, sir.

Which is why she gave me the code word Diomedes.


You know what we used to call her?


Hetty of Troy.

'Cause she could launch a thousand ships.


Well, Hetty's got one more mission for you, Captain, and I've only got one more question.

How fast do you think this chair can go?

I know that smile.

We have full coverage of all public spaces inside and out and limited coverage of a select few rooms, when deemed medically necessary.


Sorry, is that normal?

What the hell?

Oh, whoa.


Look out!

Captain Westbrook!

What (sighs)

Nice work, sweetheart.

I mean, Captain was flying Blackbirds over Russia in the '60s.

I wouldn't be surprised if he hits Mach 3.

All right, Nell, you should have the home security feed up now.


Got 'em.

I'll start scanning for anything suspicious now.


I'm gonna check out Louis' room.

Watch my back.

Will do.

We talked about this.

It is not mine.


Even better.

Haven't seen you in a little while.

What are you doing here?

It is best you do not know.

Does this involve Pacey Smith?

We talked about that, too.

Look, he served his time.

In America, we give people a second chance.


You don't believe in a second chance?

Then what are you still doing here?

In this country?

With me?

This is your second chance.

We made a deal!


No more secrets.

Did we?

We were going to tell Alexandra everything.

But at the first sign of danger (pops)

Grisha, do not second-guess yourself.

It was the right decision.

We must protect the family, no matter the cost.

Just stay away from Pacey Smith.

Can you do that for me?

It might prove difficult.

(alarm chirps)


He had been very quiet.

I thought he might have suffocated.


(muffled panting)

This may be how you do things in Russia In Russia he would be dead.

He's the father of your grandson.

He is a drug dealer.

Prison did nothing to change him.

I took these yesterday.

They are members of a g*ng with ties to a Mexican cartel.

That was three days ago at Alexandra's house.

WOMAN: This is getting ridiculous.

Can you please just call him?

THOMPSON: He is on his way, Agent DeChamps.

If you'll just have a seat I'm tired of sitting.

I'm tired of waiting.

I guess Agent Hanna has more important things to do than listen to me.

That depends on what she has to say.

Agent Hanna, this is Secret Service Special Agent Nicole De DeChamps.

I can't listen to you butcher it again.

It's about time you got here.

Oh, well, I came as soon as I heard.

Thank you, Agent Thompson.

Good luck.

Well, he's a piece of work.

Well, I don't want to waste any more of your precious time, Agent DeChamps.

What do you have on Louis Miller?

Do you know what this is?

Looks like a picture of a coin.

It's a 1933 double eagle gold coin.

The Gold Reserve Act of 1934 made it illegal for citizens to possess gold currency, but I think Louis Miller's hiding one.

Wait, hold on.

A decorated vet's been kidnapped, and you're talking to me about pocket change?

I thought maybe the guy threatened the president.

I don't work threat assessment or protection detail.

I do financial crimes.

This is hardly pocket change.

In 2002, a double eagle was legally auctioned for seven and a half million dollars.


So what makes you think Louis Miller has one of these seven and a half million dollar coins?

Even though the '33 never made it into circulation, several coins still ended up with collectors.

The Secret Service has spent decades tracking them down.

Initially, the investigation focused on a U. S.

Mint employee named George McCann.

But recently we found evidence that another employee took a coin, Jackson Miller.

Louis' grandfather.

Yeah, I figure it's been passed down through the family ever since.

I interviewed Louis twice last week and I was planning on going again today, but it seems he's given me the slip.

Yeah, well, we found his grandson drugged within an inch of his life.

Trust me, he didn't do this to hide a coin.


When you spoke to Louis, was it at the retirement home?


He's not very mobile.

We think someone at the home may be involved with the kidnapping.

Maybe you started this chain of events.

We spoke privately in his room.

But when I left the second time, there was an old man standing outside his door.

Maybe eavesdropping.

Did you catch a name?


But I could pick him out in a photo lineup.

NELL: Hey, Deeks, I'm sending you a photo now.

Agent DeChamps just ID'd a veteran of interest.

Name is Edward O'Boyle.


I got him.


Gentlemen, young lady, (giggles)

what's the game?

Texas hold 'em.

What's it look like?

I am gonna raise you five.

You mind if I join?

Who are you?

My name's Marty.

I'm actually here visiting my uncle.

Uncle, uh, Randall Uh-huh.

You talk too much.


Beat it.

Oh, Eddie, let him play.

Yeah, Eddie, you should let him play.



Buy-in's a hundred.

A hundred?

As in like a hundred dollars?



High rollers.

Under the table.

It's not the Bellagio.

Geez, Louise.

Um, hi.

You don't normally take appointments in the middle of the workday.

That's true.

But, you know, like I said, it was last minute, so Hmm.

So you're I mean, I know we don't tell each other everything, and that's fine, but you'd tell me if you weren't okay, right?

(door opens)





What are you doing here?

Oh, just coming to check up on my patient.


Your patient?



She's, uh she's back in the field.

Oh, yeah.


Kensi is back in the field, yeah.

And (stammers)

I think she's doing well.

I think she's doing really great.

I mean, we're not the experts.

You're the expert.

You're the psychologist.

We're not.

What do you think?

(Nell chuckles)

I think she's fine.

I mean, she just finished searching a kidnapped veteran's room for a rare gold coin, so it's nothing too serious at this point.

NATE: Yeah.

That's how it always starts, right?

Then comes the running and the sh**ting.





I just got some more info on Edward O'Boyle.

ERIC: Hey, that's the veteran Deeks is playing poker with, right?

Yes, it is.

But none of this makes any sense.

Hey, can you run down some names for me?

Yeah, no problem.



Um, did-did you did you need something?

'Cause Kensi should be back later.




I'll just come back when she's here, and Okay.

Bye, Nate.

I mean, he's really weird sometimes, right?


So Beach Boy, you folding or what?

No, quite the contrary.

I am, gentlemen (whistles)


all in.


Look at you.


Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

Why'd you do that?

That was a good hand.

(coughs, groans)

This damned air-conditioning.


Excuse me.

(woman giggles)



Just you and me, I guess.

Let's see 'em.

Well, read 'em and weep.

Full house.


Very impressive.

But not as impressive as four kings.




You got guts, kid.

Maybe another time, huh?

I did not see that coming.

And I really I really needed that money.

'Cause my uncle, he's got the, uh well, he's got the scurvy.

And the back is It just Sometimes I get tears in my eyes.

Can I just borrow this for a second?


Oh, no.

What is this?



Cards inside your napkin.

I mean, that's a pretty great grift, but the key to this whole thing, gentlemen, is right there, because while Eddie was cheating, Ginger here was distracting you.

Didn't even work on you a little, handsome?

I mean, you are a stone-cold fox, but I got a lady bird.

Thank you, though, Ginger.

EDDIE: Okay.

So you caught us.

What are you gonna do now?

I'm a w*r hero.


Well, the voices in my head actually informed me that you're not, Eddie, a w*r hero.

Oh, I am.

No, you're not a w*r hero.

You're a liar.

But that's okay.

We all lie.

For instance, me-- I'm not here visiting my uncle.

Oh, geez.

Run, Ginger!

Yeah, I'm way ahead of you, Eddie.

EDDIE: I'll fend him off.

DEEKS: Uh, Kensi, we got a runner.

Actually, it's more like a slow walker.

It's like a scurry.


Eddie, ow!

What the heck, man?


What's the matter?

Did I hurt your little head?

No, uh-uh.

DEEKS: Put down EDDIE: Your pretty little head.


Where you going?

DEEKS: Put down the cane, Eddie.

How about this way?

Eddie, stop, stop, stop, Eddie.

Come on.

Put the thing down.

Eddie, put God Almighty.

Now, this is, this is just some huge misunderstanding.

- Aah!


- Tell 'em, Eddie.

Eddie, put it put it put it put it Eddie, I'm warning you.

EDDIE: I'm warning you.

DEEKS: You don't warn me.

- I warn you.

Eddie, drop the cane!

- I'm warning you!




You can't choose who you love.


One more time.

Put down the cane!


Drop it!

Drop it!

Drop it!

(Eddie sighs)

Okay, that's fine.

I got everything under control.

Nothing to see here, folks.

Thank you for your Thank you for your service.

We're gonna play bingo at 2:00.


(Kensi sighs)


Please don't k*ll me.

Please don't k*ll me.

CALLEN: Pacey, nobody is gonna hurt you.

Look, they don't know anything yet, okay?

I swear, okay?

You can destroy it.

And they won't have anything, okay, and I'll stop, I promise.

Listen, suka, I saw who you met with.

Hold on a second.

Where is it?

You know what?

Have at him.

No, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

It's the third button from the top.

It doesn't transmit.

It just records, I swear.

A bug?

It's a wire.

LAPD uses these.

It could be a trick.

It's not a trick.

He He's not a criminal.

He's a criminal informant.

We have rights.

We want our lawyer.

Harry Zanetti.

He's very good.

We called him.

He said he wanted nothing to do with you.

That's because you two are con artists with multiple identities and outstanding warrants in over a dozen states.

KENSI: You go from retirement home to retirement home, just scamming other elderly people into putting you in their wills.

It's not a scam.


They bequeath that money to us.

GINGER: Yeah, these-these people have no families.

Their inheritance just goes to the government.

Yeah, I say better us than them.

You know, it came to a snag with Louis Miller because he has a grandson, which means the Double Eagle goes to him.

Double Eagle?

I-I've never heard of that.

Oh, please.

That was just too much money for you to pass up on, wasn't it?

So you tampered with Louis' oxygen, and you hired two guys to hijack his ambulance.

Wait a minute.

Hold on here.

They left the grandson for dead.

So the question is, where is Louis?

He's at the hospital.

I don't understand.

DEEKS: Ginger, you're far too pretty and far too smart to play this dumb.

(laughs, squeaks)

KENSI: You're looking at kidnapping and attempted m*rder.

DEEKS: You also assaulted an LAPD officer.

So, you know what time it is, Eddie?

It's time to show your hand.


Tell 'em, Eddie.

Well, listen, you got it all wrong.

Yeah, we do know about the Double Eagle.

I overheard Louis and the lady agent talking, and after the lady left, I asked him about the coin.

Louis denied everything, but I can spot a lie, so Ginger went to work.

GINGER: I-I talked pretty to him.

I showed him a good time, if you know what I mean.

(Eddie laughs)

Think I do.

EDDIE: Yeah.

But there's no point in inheriting a multimillion-dollar gold coin if you can't sell it.

That's where Malcolm came in.

Malcolm Ariano.

He works part-time at the home.

Teaches computers.

He's a very, very smart guy.

GINGER: I had the idea after watching 60 Minutes.

Um, they did a piece on the Dark Web.

You know about the Dark Web, right?

GINGER: It's like a black market, but it's on the Internet.

In the sky.

GINGER: No, no, it's not it's not in the sky.

It's a cloud.

Clouds are in the sky.

No, it's (whispering): We talk we talked about this.

There is no There's no EDDIE: No clouds in the sky?

GINGER: Oh, my God.

You just are something, aren't you?

Okay, you know what?

So Malcolm found a buyer on the Dark Web?

No, not yet.



What's that look?

We're thinking maybe he did, and whoever it is doesn't want to wait for your scam to pay off.

In fact, they want to eliminate the middlemen-- in this case, you two.

Which is why they kidnapped Louis.

You're saying what?

The kid conned us?

Oh, let's face it, Eddie.

We're getting too old for this.

EDDIE: Oh, geez, Louise.

ERIC: According to Eddie and Ginger, one of the home's part-time employees, Malcolm Ariano, was the one looking for the buyer.

Now, Malcolm was also one of the last people in Louis' room before Louis had trouble breathing.

ERIC: We tracked Malcolm's cell phone to a warehouse downtown.

It belongs to an import company owned by a South African businessman.

His name is Desmond Visser.

NELL: But Visser's legit business is just a cover-up for his true passion-- collecting rare items.

He's even paid !sis for looted antiquities.

ERIC: Yeah, he's had an obsession with this Double Eagle coin ever since he lost it at the one auction in 2002.

It seems this obsession has become full-blown madness.

NELL: So, Sam and Agent DeChamps are on their way to the warehouse now.

We tried to contact Callen.

We can't get in touch with him.


Do you think we should be worried?

I'm sure he has a good reason.

(indistinct chatter)

(garbled radio transmission)

They accepted your story?

Yeah, Pacey stuck with it, said one of the dealers found the wire.

But that an NCIS agent undercover came in and saved him.


I think Pacey's just happy to be out of the CI business.

And you?

You are not compromised?

Officially, no.

Unofficially I crossed a line for you today, cleaning up your mess.

Grisha, I only did what I thought was best for Alex and my grandson.

It's not your decision.

You You can't be a father from a distance.

Either you're there, or you're not.

This isn't working.

The secrets, the lies.

Who are we really protecting?

(indistinct chatter)

SAM: Eric, we just pulled up to Visser's warehouse.

He's leaving with Malcolm Ariano and a small army.

Track them.

I didn't see Louis with them.

He might be inside the warehouse.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

We do this together.


Federal agent!

Top, are you okay?


Did you bring anything bigger than those peashooters?

Well, it depends on how long you can live without this t*nk.

I'll live.

Go ahead.

DeChamps, are you a good shot?

First in my class, but I don't like to brag.

Don't miss.

(rapid g*nf*re continues)


Good arm.

Good shot.

Never thought of using it for that.


Wake up.


We need to talk.

Louis is alive and safe.


Oh, thank heaven.

DEEKS: Yeah, but we just interrogated one of Visser's men, and he said that Malcolm told Visser that you guys have the Double Eagle.

EDDIE: What?

Why would he say that?

That-That's not true.

It doesn't matter.

That's what Visser thinks.

LAPD is sending marked units to the veterans' home.

GINGER: No, you should send them to the bus.




What do you mean?

What bus?

Well, we're supposed to be on a bus to the Orange Coast Casino right now, along with half the residents.

Why do you think we've been playing poker?

I found them.

That's the veteran'' charter bus.

And those are Visser's SUVs.

(tires squealing)

ERIC: Visser just forced the veterans' bus onto a closed road near Westminster Avenue.

(tires squealing, engine revving)

How far out is Sam?

He and Agent DeChamps are catching up, but there are at least four heavily armed men in those SUVs.

You said Westminster Avenue?


Not far from Seal Beach.

Oh, I know exactly who to call.

(woman gasps)

MAN: Open the door!

(men speaking indistinctly)

Open it!

Got it.

Stay there.

(passengers chattering indistinctly)

WOMAN: Who are these people?

Stay calm, everyone.

(train whistle blowing)

(men speaking indistinctly)

Hetty, we just pulled up behind the bus.

You make the call?

I put in a request for assistance, but we don't have an ETA.

For now you're on your own.

Well, what are you waiting for?

Anyone ever tell you you're a little impatient?

Hey, you only live once.

Yeah, that's the problem.

Head down.

(indistinct shouting)

(tires screech)

SAM: There's the cavalry.

Just in time.

(indistinct shouting)

(woman gasps)

MAN: Weapons down!

Hands where we can see 'em!

Step away from the vehicle!

(passengers murmuring)

MAN: Hands up!

Hands up!

Down on the ground!

Hands on your head!

MAN: Get out of the vehicle!


Search that SUV!

Come on, let's go.

HETTY: Remind me to send the C. O. at the Naval Weapons Station a nice bottle of Scotch.


That's it.

Now, you stay right where you are!


Turn around and freeze!

(passengers chattering excitedly)

Turn over!

Hands behind your back!

WESTBROOK: He's all right-- just a good conk on the head.

DEEKS (sighs): Well Eddie, Ginger, it saddens me greatly to say this is where we part ways.


Agent Thompson will take you from here.

It was all my fault-- I-I put all those vets in danger.

- No, Ginger, we share the blame.

- No, no, Eddie, Eddie, you don't understand.

This morning I told Malcolm to stop looking for a buyer.

I-I think he thought we were trying to double-cross him.


Why would you do that?

Because Louis told me where the coin really is.

And after that, I just, I couldn't go through with it anymore.

Um, and-and where is it?

Well, you-you would have to ask Louis.

I That is not my place to say.

Now, come on, Eddie.

Let's go.

EDDIE: See ya.

I'm gonna have to use the men's room before we get on the train.


All right.

WOMAN (over P. A. ): Dr. Cooper to Radiology.

Dr. Cooper to Radiology.

(monitor beeping steadily)

You're still here.

I thought Louis gave you the location of the Double Eagle.

He did.

Los Angeles National Cemetery.

Buried with his son.

You were right.

He kept it in the family.

Don't worry, Agent Hanna, I'm not gonna go digging up a marine's grave.

I'd need to get a court order, permission from the Health Department-- - I'm too impatient for all that.

- Mm.

I don't think you really cared about the coin anyway.

I think you just wanted to get Louis back.

(low, indistinct chatter)

(forced chuckle): Anyway that's really funny, Nate.

I-It's so good to see you.

Yeah, it's good to see you, too.

- Yeah.

- Bye, Nell.

Night, Nate.


Miss that guy.

Don't see him often enough.



Eric, you don't have to do that.


I know you're seeing Nate.


So, is this weird?

Because you used to see Nate?

I mean, like "see him" see him?

Eric, I'm still seeing Nate.


As my psychologist.



(laughs softly)

I think this has been a really difficult year for all of us.


I mean, Kensi and the mole and all that fieldwork.

And your drone strike over Syria.


You know, we never talked about that.

I don't know how.

You go through the same stuff I go through every day.

And you're just always so I'm not, Eric.

I'm really not.

(sighs heavily)


(doorbell rings)

Uh, Agent Callen.



Is everything all right?

Oh, don't worry, this-this isn't, uh, official business.


Okay, so why are you here?

Alexandra, do you know where your name comes from?

My name is not Garrison.

It is Nikita Aleksandr Reznikov.

Your mother She called me Nikki.

You know, I actually, uh, had a lot of questions about the day that she died.

About her.

And about both of you.

It's time we start giving you some answers.

(door opens)


Uh Mommy?

Yeah, yeah, what is it, baby?

The timer beeped.

I'm hungry.

ALEX: Right.

I-I made lasagna for dinner.

I should probably Why don't why don't we come back?

Do you want to stay?

I didn't actually I didn't make the lasagna, I just put it in the oven, but That sounds wonderful.


We'd love to.


You want to see a trick?

Years ago, I gave one of these to your grandmother.

This one is yours.

Come on, let's eat, let's eat!

(laughs): Okay.

Come on.

Go ahead.

Go ahead, go ahead, honey.

Come on in.

(elevator bell dings)

WOMAN (over P. A. ): Medical assistant needed in Pulmonary Medicine.

Medical assistant needed in Pulmonary Medicine.

Excuse me.

Where is Owen Granger?

I'm afraid he's gone.


From what I understand, one minute he was here, and the next minute he wasn't.

He must have turned off his alarm, because no one heard him leave.

Sorry, what?

I guess he pulled out his I. V.

and walked out.

But he was gone before my shift started.

(exhales softly)

Are you Henrietta?

Uh, yes.

I believe this is for you.

(gentle guitar intro playing)

HETTY: "Don't blame the doctors or the nurses, "but I've had enough of hospitals for one life "and I have some unfinished business to take care of.

"I have no idea "what you're going to tell everyone, "but I'm sure you'll think of something-- "you always do.

I'm sick and tired of this w*r "Be safe. O. G.

" Black feeling, it's hard to trace (exhales)

Feel I'm knockin' on heaven's door Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door.