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08x17 - Queen Pin

Posted: 11/04/19 08:00
by bunniefuu
We've been hit! Hang on! DR.

SMITH: We repaired the damage to her femoral artery.

She's still in a coma.


I hope he was worth it.

I k*lled my ex-partner.

I k*lled Boyle.

You're telling me 'cause you think I'm gonna die?

You're not gonna die.

POLICE OFFICER: Final warning.

Drop your w*apon, come out, hands high! (indistinct shouting)



Man up, T.


Move in, move in! It's too steep.

There's no way down.

Got nothing! Where's that air unit?

We need it now! DISPATCHER: Copy that.

(phone ringing)

Yo, T, what up?


I'm in a jam, man.

You got to help me.

Slow down, baby.

What happened?

Police are on my ass! Can you get to the spot?

Yeah, yeah, I think so.

All right.

Get there and stay low.

I'm on my way.

NCIS: LA 8x17 Queen Pin (grunts)

You know, I get it.



Not being ready for it.

This has nothing to do with This You don't owe me an explanation.


I'm not a threat.

I'm not here to hurt you.

And I'm not going to pressure you, but when you're ready to trust me, I'll be here.

All of me.



(phone playing Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries)

It's Hetty.

Don't answer.

I'm not.

(music stops)

(knocking on door)


Oh, my God.


Well, uh Oh.

Uh, I-I tried to call.


I hope I'm not interrupting.


I was just, uh Uh, TMI, dear.

So, this, uh, cannot wait, and I didn't want to say it on the phone.

I need you immediately to get on a plane to a prison facility in Arizona.

What's going on?

Well, Ahmed Han Asakeem has agreed to outline the power structure of a t*rror1st organization called Al Nusra Front.

The deposition is here in Los Angeles.

So he was worth it after all.



Sam coming to get me?

Well, actually, Sam has his hands full at the moment.

Um Anna, dear, you will accompany Mr.

Callen to Arizona.

(door closes)

Why is your bed on the curb?

I'm just trying to get back to the old me.


HETTY: Looks like you're gonna need another one.

Good night, Hetty.



Babe, honestly, don't worry.

It happens to everybody.

I don't really want to talk about it.

But Okay, most guys would be thrilled that they got up six times.

You only didn't get up once.

What is this about I don't want to talk about it that we're not understanding?

KENSI: Oh, come on.

Don't be like that.

You know what?

I'll tell you what.

After work, uh, we'll go again, and we'll see what happens.


I love you.

That sounds like a fantastic idea.

Bit of the boudoir blues, huh?


I know a few herbs that can help.

Still, six times.

I couldn't get up on a surfboard.

This morning, while surfing.

What are you talking about?

We got, we got a case.


Case is up.

(clears throat)


Still, um if you, uh, want those herbs.

No, no, I'm good! Thank you for your help.



Good news.

You're giving me my, uh, motorcycle back?


Detective Whiting is out of intensive care.

It was touch and go for a while, but it seems she's going to pull through.

That's good.

That is, uh I mean, that's fantastic news.

Maybe she's even more stubborn than me.

And that's really saying something.


Thank you, Hetty.

So, the three dead guys are repeat offenders.

Paul Graybridge, Rick Stafford and Marcus Talbertson.

Let me guess.

They weren't trading Pokémon cards.

Well, if by Pokémon cards you mean 50 kilos of cocaine with a street value of over a million dollars, then yeah.

Yeah, they were.

(chuckles softly)

Meet Spence Taylor.

He's an amateur base jumper and small time drug runner.

LAPD believes he's working with a guy who goes by King.

Who's King?

One of L. A. 's rising drug lords.

So far, LAPD hasn't been able to touch him, mostly because LAPD has no idea who he is.


Uh, he's the reason Sam created his whole Switch alias a few years ago.

King was using a civilian naval contractor to smuggle dr*gs in from overseas.

Sam shut it down but he was never able to catch King.

Let's hope all that work can pay off now.

Okay, let's head to the crime scene, see if we can find the connection.

Oh, actually Yes.

I'm rolling with you, Kens.

Uh, Hetty wants Deeks to back up Sam.




Where's Callen?

Uh, he's on escort detail.

He's bringing our old buddy Ahmed Han Asakeem in for a deposition.

He's lucky that it's Callen and not me.

Yeah, okay.

Uh, let's go.


TAYLOR: Don't know what I would've done if you hadn't shown up.

I got you, man.

You know, me and you could just run off with this money.

King would find and k*ll us before we had a chance to enjoy it.


Just got to regroup before I talk to King's people.

How'd you find this crash spot?

Yeah, this lady I used to put some work in for let me use it.

You know?

The hell is this, Switch?

You know exactly what it is, man.

Sit down.

A freaking cop?


I should've known.

Yeah, you're not that smart.


Don't beat yourself up.

You're not the first to get played.

Yeah, well, when I put the word out, I'll be the last.

Word's not going out.

Go ahead, man, send me to prison.

It's nothing.

But every hitter in the city's gonna be coming for you.


I'm putting you back out on the street.

Let everybody know how tight we are.

How tight you are with LAPD.

Your people think you're dead.


You should've called by now.

Longer you stay here, the more suspect it looks.

And if you do get jammed up, what's gonna happen to that beautiful family you've been hiding out in the Valley?

Oh, you didn't think I knew?

Kid has your eyes.

Looks just like you.

See, the only moves you made are the ones I let you make.

What do you want?

Testify to King's identity.


You're crazier than I thought.

I don't even know who King is! You been moving weight for this man and you don't know who he is?

Man, you know how he operates.

He's a ghost.

Orders come down through his man, Rush.

You ever think Rush could be King?

Man, he could be the Pope for all I care.

If the money's right and on time, I ask no questions.

You ask no questions.


Well, this is what you're gonna do.

You're gonna call Rush.


You gonna tell him where to meet you.

And you're gonna introduce me as your new connect.


No, no, no, pass.

See, the funny thing is, you seem to think that you have a choice.

I see your kid goes to private school.


Mom has a Benz.

Funny thing is, nobody's working in that household.

And if you go away, so does their lifestyle.

Man, I trusted you! You know the rules.

This is chess, not checkers.



Gibson, would you say that this recent bust is another huge win for your office?

This is a major score for the LAPD and for the city of L. A.

We will win this w*r for the safety of our children.

Thank you, D. A.


Sir, over here.

MAN: Sir, another question.

Excuse me.

WOMAN: Of course.


He's right here.

D. A.

Gibson, this is Special Agent Blye.


And Special Agent Nell Jones.



What do we owe the pleasure?

Well, we're working on a case that might be connected to this bust.


Seizure of 50 kilos of cocaine is more than a bust.

It's a devastating blow to the other side.

- You're right.


- Hmm.

Congratulate Detective Johnson here and his stellar police work.

It's the dedication of people like him and yourselves that will win this w*r.

Sorry, sir.

We've got a full schedule of interviews lined up.

Ah, yes.

Well, it's a necessary evil if we're gonna win this w*r.

If you need anything from us, reach out to Wilson here.

He's an extension of me.

And, uh, welcome aboard.

- Thank you.

- Okay.

- Sir.

Seriously, he's a very busy man.

Try not to call unless you have something concrete.

Uh, do you know who's behind the supply?

Not yet.

We suspect it's King and his people.

How did you know to initiate the sting?

Anonymous tip.

We followed up and it actually paid off.

Detective Johnson.

I'll let you know if we get anything else.

(laughing): All right.


Thank you.

Okay, I'll have Eric follow up on the anonymous tip.

Someone's gonna have to answer to that missing 50 kilos.

Yeah, if they haven't already.

Hey, yo, stick to the script.

If you start having second thoughts, think about your family's future.


Was getting worried.

Who's this?

This is my man, Switch.

I wouldn't have made it off the streets without him.

I-I trust him with my life.

You may have to if you can't explain what happened.

Things got out of hand, man.

Cops was everywhere.

Look, it had to be a setup.


What I'm wondering is how you got away.

I-I-I bailed.

Man, I got shot and fell 60 feet.

I barely made it myself.

What you think, babe?


Agree with your girl.

Don't buy it.

Your man's a snitch.

Yo, what the hell, Switch?! (groans)

(Taylor screaming)


TAYLOR: No, no, no.

No, no, no, no! As gangster as that was, Taylor owed us money, which now means you owe us money.

Taylor was a friend of the family.

I'm sorry to tell you, but your friend was an LAPD informant.

And I have proof.

My cell in my pocket.

Check it.

Check it.

How you think LAPD crashed that party so fast and Taylor was the only one that got away?

I told you Taylor was weak.

I appreciate the pest control, but my next question is how do you know this?

A few years ago, I caught a cop who had a nasty coke habit.

I feed him his fix, he feeds me some info.

It's a beautiful arrangement.

Listen, man, I never trusted Taylor.

When he called, I thought it was a setup, so I checked with my source.

He confirmed it.

Your boy was an LAPD informant.


You could be an informant.

Baby, considering the fact that he just k*lled Taylor, I I don't think he's working with the police.

I been out here for years solidifying my name on these streets.

Ask about me.


I heard of him.

He's a legit player.

So, what's this gift gonna cost me?

Access, man.

It's no mystery King has the winning hand.

I just want to be a part of it.

Look I know you guys took a hit this morning with that deal.

I can help.

How are you gonna help King?

Because I come bearing gifts.

(shouts, groans)

Oh! Oh.

He's alive! (grunting)


Switch not let you in on his little plan?

Come on, come on, come on, I got you.


You're all right, you're all right.

You're all right, huh?


What the hell, man?! Yo, you can't do this type of stuff, man.

I want a lawyer.

Well, actually, I am a lawyer, but I think the words you're looking for right now are, Thank you for saving my life" (stutters)

My life needed saving because of you.

Mm, actually, you made that poor decision years ago when you decided to be about that life.

But don't worry, you can start a whole new life.

You know, just behind bars.


He's all yours.

Hey, Tobias.

Long time, no see.

My name is Ahmed Han Asakeem.


I keep forgetting.

How's your friend?

Oh, you mean since your, uh, Al Nusra cronies tried to have us k*lled?

She's great, thanks.

And she's very excited to see you.

What do you think?

Ten minutes alone with Kens?

Don't insult her.

She only needs two.

Yeah, sometimes she likes to play with her prey before she kills them.

(cell phone rings)

What do you got, Eric?

Callen, Homeland's been picking up on chatter about Asakeem's release.

Anything specific?

Um, could be nothing, could be something, but the inmates are definitely talking.

That could be Asakeem himself releasing the information.

Well, either way, I'm looking into rescheduling your return flight.

I'll tell you what.

Book us on every flight from Arizona to L. A. , and then every flight from Arizona to New York.

Sorry, every flight?

Every flight, every airline.

All right.

I'll send you the actual flight info.

All good?

A little change of plans.

You up for a road trip?

(door opens)

What happened to knocking?

You could have knocked.

Hi, handsome.

Foxy lady.

Oh, I, uh, I got you your two favorite things in the world.


Chocolate chip cookies and chips.

How did it go?



Um, well, Nell is still going over details with LAPD about the bust, and, uh, D. A.

Gibson is gonna take this one straight to the governor's office.

God, he's got my vote.

He's put away some of the city's biggest traffickers.


How is this going?

Well, our man Switch has charmed his way into their criminal hearts.


Nothing says greetings like half a million dollars.



Think this guy's King?

Yeah, he seems to be the one in charge.

(phone rings)

Go ahead, Beale.

Looks like that anonymous tip into LAPD came from a burn phone.

I'm tracking the serial number to see where it was bought, and where the call originated.

Keep us posted.


b*tches are runnin' the in there Can't handle nothin', so you lookin' like clowns Like what you see?

I see paper.

Lots of it.

Don't make money, it don't make sense.

Yeah, you got that right.

This is for me Licky licky boom boom down No competition, look around Who freak you like this girl?

I'll come and undress, and you'll leave in a towel Go ahead, say no to my love Shake that ish to the realest fire So what are we doing here, man?

I don't drink or get lap dances before noon.

King wants to meet you.

That's funny.

I was thinking you were King.

WOMAN: Of course you were.

Most men do.

I'm King.


And with your skills and connects, you're gonna help me become a queen.

Let me shake Impressive.

Very impressive.

Damn, girl, you so fine, so fine Talk to me, what's with the name?

So tell me, is it all right, all right When I was a little boy, my father took me with him to the bank to get a loan.

Stunning just from head to toe Now, my father wasn't the most articulate man, but he was proud.

But the way that dude in the bank looked at him, it's like they were from two different worlds.

Broke my heart and pissed me off.

All the things that you ain't seen yet, yeah We didn't get the loan, but more important, that man didn't respect my father.

I said that would never, ever be me.

Whether it's Wall Street or the city street, I know how to talk to people on all levels.

Some people say I turn it off and on.

Like a switch.

Like a switch.

You've always been a solo act.

Why the change of heart?

'Cause I realized you can't get where you want to be alone.

No man's an island.

You could've kept that money and gotten out of town.

You're being short-sighted.

I'm out for the money you can't fit in a duffel bag.


Believe it.

You're right.

We took a hit on the deal.

But I can get the cash tomorrow no problem.

But I need it tonight.

That sting created a time issue for my partner.

He's blaming me for the lost shipment, wants double his money back.


Didn't think the great King had a partner.

Lately, he's been thinking that he's the one that's in charge, making demands.


It's disrespectful, and, frankly, it's time for him to go.

So what are you saying?

You want me to take care of him for you?


It has to be me.

We're gonna meet in person tonight.


You, you're gonna help me get the cash and deliver it.

And then I'm gonna k*ll him.

You do that, I'll help you get off that island.

I'm in.

Thought you was a savage, now you I know exactly where we can get some extra cash.

Sam's going after King's distributor, too.

Shut this thing down for good.

That's good.

Two birds and one stone.

Let's finish it.

Do I sense an attitude?

Are you okay?

I was just thinking about Asakeem and the thousand ways I would crush him for what he did to you.

And, honestly, I can't even imagine how you feel.

To be honest with you, I don't feel anything.

It's not Asakeem, it's not Sullivan, it's not any of the hundreds of others.

I chose this job.

And I choose to be okay with it.


I mean, that's just really evolved of you.

I'm just I got to be honest, I'm not there.

I just want to break all his fingers.


And the other thing, too is that I have you.

And that's all I care about.

CALLEN: I got chills They're multiplyin' And I'm losin' control 'Cause the power you're supplying BOTH: It's electrifying! (giggles)

That was better.

I know.

See, we're gonna work on this.

So this is the new form of American t*rture.

What's that, Asakeem, you don't like musicals?

It's not the song.

It's you two.

Why don't you just pull over on the side of the road and do it already?

Where are we going anyway?



We've been driving for over an hour now.

Yeah, we didn't say which airport.

You don't like road trips either?

You think, by staying off major freeways, my brothers won't find me?

I don't know what you're talking about.

I'm following Waze, okay?

Sometimes you got to let go and just trust it.

You must be worried to take such extreme countermeasures.

Be exposed to the open road like this.


My brothers will find me anywhere.

I mean, I wouldn't say I'm worried.

We're just kind of taking this opportunity to show my lady friend here the beautiful countryside.


Unless you want me to soil this car, I'm gonna need a bathroom break.

That's why you don't bring a t*rror1st on a road trip.

They ruin everything.

BOTH: You're the one that I want You are the one I want Ooh, ooh, ooh Honey, the one that I want CALLEN: Come on, Asakeem! So, if Sam can convince King to fully trust him, he's gonna be inside one of the biggest criminal organizations in Los Angeles.

And blow the lid off this whole thing.

Ah! What's up, fam?

Oh, whoa.

Switch is in the building! What's up, man?

My man.

What's up, fam?

Everything's great, man.

Thank you for handling that thing over in Inglewood.

Those dudes started pressing a brother real hard.

Well, you know, they mess with you, they messin' with me, right?

No doubt.

So, uh, what's up?

You in the market for something new?

Yeah, I'm, uh, getting a little hardware for my lady here.

Aw, look at you.

Winner, winner.

- Yeah.

- Aw, I'm the real winner here.


I thought you was a loner, bro.

Yeah, well, I wised up, man.

You should, too.

I don't know about that.

But I got something for you.


Oh, yeah.

Customized, baby.

Yeah, yeah, I appreciate that.

I like that a lot.


I can't wait to see it.

Oh, what's This a joke, bro?

You see me laughing?

Get in the back, man.

Move, big boy.

Ain't got all day.

Move! Go ahead, man.

Hey, yo.

On the floor.

Come on.

Right now! I'm gonna give you one chance to rethink all this.


You always did talk too much, man.

Where the cash?

We ain't got no cash here, playa.

What, you think I'm stupid?

You had the mom-and-pop shops paying protection for years.

That's why you had them problems in Inglewood.

I know about the protection ring and all that.

Switch, there's no cash here! When I ask you a question, assume I know the answer.

Get that bag out of there.


Now, look at this.

Literally a wall full of money.

Fill it up.

Fill it up! Go.

Hurry up, man.

Fill it up! Fill it up.

Quicker! Go! I got it, I got it.

Hurry up.

Fill it up.

You don't know what you're getting yourself into, bro.

SAM: Get another bag, get another bag.

Let's go.

You don't know what you're getting yourself into, bro.

Just fill the money up, man.

Fill the bag up with money, man.

You don't know what you're getting yourself into.

SAM: Just fill the bag up with money.

I'm telling you right now, bro.

You, off the floor.

Get in there.

Come over here.

Get over here.

Get over there.

Get in there.

Get in there, big boy.


Don't come out! All right, let's go.

(engine starts)

(tires screeching)



Stay down! Down! I'm telling you, I was robbed! I know who did it! You should be worrying about the federal charges you're facing.

What about my money, huh?

You better hope you find Switch before I do! 'Cause this ain't over! I'm telling you right now! You don't play with my money! You can play with my woman, but you don't play with my money! (siren whoops)

JOHNSON: Considering the amount of dr*gs and g*ns inside, I'm not gonna ask if you're running an op without informing LAPD.

(chuckling): What?

I'm offended.

I'm not playing, Deeks.

This is no time for your games.

This is real.

The credit is yours.

All that matters is they're off the streets.

You can thank me later.


How long can we bat cleanup?

I don't know.

Let's hope that Sam gets that distributor before we have to find out.

How long has Sam known about this guy?

And what happens if we weren't here?

It doesn't matter.

Sam knows what he's doing, and he trusts us to have his back and we had it.

My gut was right about you.

Just doing my part.

I'll take care of this.

Then we can drag Zeus' ass off of Olympus and back to Earth.

Do you wanna go downtown?

See the city lights It's the red light district Who's Zeus?

Go downtown The distributor.

I'm gonna send a message to Zeus and the whole city.

It's gonna be a hostile takeover.

I know you're greedy But I'm feelin' sexy And with your man inside the LAPD Mm-hmm.

Taste my you're gonna help me.

Sweet and creamy Let me paint your mouth.

(country music playing)

I was beginning to get worried.

You should've joined me.


Plenty to laugh at out here.


No time for pie?

You don't deserve pie.

Look at this guy.

Typical American.

Something I can help you with?

You seem like the military type.

Two tours.


13 Bravo.

CALLEN: Let's keep moving.

Well, I wonder how many of your buddies I k*lled using IEDs! What'd you say?

CALLEN: Okay, look, I'm a federal agent.


I've got him.

You defending this jerk?

He's mocking our fallen brothers.

What are we supposed to do, (chuckles)

stand here and let him get away with that?

Hey, guys, guys.

We're on the same side here.

We don't want any trouble.

BUFORD: Your friend here found some.

Hey, you think I want to waste thousands of our tax dollars defending this jerk?

I don't think so.


Trust me.

And you guys get it.

Forget the badge.

I'd like to give him some good, old-fashioned American justice myself, but unfortunately I have a job to do.

But I will promise you this.

He will pay.


He's gonna pay right now.

MAN: I've heard enough.

Settle down, Buford.

Now, this man here is an officer of the law.

So all of you will show him the same respect that you show your mama.

Get out of here, son.


Thank you, Sheriff.

You'll have no more trouble from these boys.


I got three sh**t over here.

I've got two.

Get Asakeem in the car.

Get up.


Get 'em all?

CALLEN: Back inside! Back inside! Get in.

ANNA: Al Nusra?

Not unless they've gone multinational.

Then who the hell are those guys?

I don't know, but it's clear that Al Nusra's not the only one looking for Asakeem.

Talk to me, Eric.

So, we traced those sat phones to a cabin several miles away from the prison where Asakeem was being held.

Do you have an address?


Won't do you much good.

Fire department footage shows a charred crater where a cabin used to be.

They didn't just burn it.

They blew it up.

I was thinking maybe we could find video surveillance footage of these guys snooping around.

A drone.

Video history shows it's been patrolling the area for over a year.

So once they got their eyes on Asakeem, they torched their base of operations.

Look, send in a forensics team.

There may still be something there we can use.

I'm on it.

Everything good?


We got to move.

Another team has entered the Asakeem sweepstakes.

MAN: That's good, go ahead.

Yeah, good.

I take it you know how to use one of these?

I had a little experience.


What's your man inside LAPD say?

He says that the majority of the force is dealing with a m*rder over in Echo Park.

They're moving kind of slow, so we got all day.

Giving us plenty of time to take Zeus down.

You know, it would really help if I knew where we were going, you know.

It's a surprise.

MAN: Rocco, load it up.

KING: Listen up.

Get your heads right.

We're gonna light this city up.

Hook 'em up.

No, we're running out of time.

We're gonna have to blow this op without the distributor because we cannot guarantee civilian safety if this spills out into the street.

No, we're gonna give Sam more time.

If he wanted to shut this down, he would've given us a signal.

Maybe Sam shouldn't be making this call because Sam is too attached to it.

Deeks, we (phone rings)

Eric, yeah?

We may have found something.

The burn phone was purchased at a convenience store off of Century Boulevard.

We scrubbed through days of footage and found this.

D. A.

Gibson's assistant, Wilson.

It would be a heck of a coincidence, right?

So we did some digging.

Unless Wilson is a financial genius, his ex-wife's bank account has way more zeroes than it should.

NELL: Wilson is currently at City Hall as we speak.

Kens, I'll meet you there to pick him up.

On my way.

Using the power of my office right under my nose.

I can't believe I was that stupid.

We understand, sir.

It happens.

This is a major blow.

I'll have a briefing tonight from my home outlining the details, but the negative publicity's gonna crush my chances politically.

But the people have the right to full disclosure.

Especially from the D. A. 's office.


I want to thank you both again.

Hey, Deeks.

We got Zeus.

Wilson admitted to being King's distributor.

Sam's clear to take her down.

Sam, you say the word and the team's coming in.

It's a go.

Copy that.

Load up.

Switch, you ride with me.

Nobody touches Zeus.

He's mine.

(engines starting)

MAN: Yeah, I'm right behind you.

Federal agents! SAM: Whoa, whoa, whoa.

(tires squealing)

Move in! Step out of the vehicle now.

Drop your weapons.

Drop your weapons.

Weapons down.

Out of the vehicle.

King, let's be smart.

It's a wrap.

You're outgunned and outmanned.

Let's be smart about this.

Now step out of the vehicle with your weapons down.

Just be calm.

Don't get out of the car.

Don't do it! Moving! (shouts)

Down on the ground! (grunts)

Right there.

You stay right there.

(officer shouts)

(Deeks speaks indistinctly)


k*ll Zeus.


We got him.

And you're not going out that easy.

Eric, I need an ambulance.

43rd and Degnan.




Copy that.

OFFICER: We're good.



Stay with me.

I need that ambulance now, Eric.

Hey, stay with me, stay with me.

(breathing raggedly)

Hey, King, King, stay with me.


Full confession, my friend.

You got King and her distributor.

The rest of the pyramid's gonna fall.

Nice work.

Oh, yeah.

He's got all the answers.

I'm sorry.

What's wrong?

It feels too perfect.

I'm not sure this guy has the juice to pull it off.

So then why confess?

King would've eaten this guy alive.

She used city trucks at the club to move her product.

That burn phone.

Eric said the anonymous tip pinged off a tower in the Hollywood Hills.

Sunset Boulevard.



That neighborhood is Mount Olympus.

KENSI: So what are you thinking?


I'm not sure.

Just better not to get you guys involved in case I'm wrong.


And how may I help you?


For starters, you can tell me how you sleep at night.

I Excuse me?

Using city trucks to move dr*gs.

Blackmailing your assistant to take the fall for you.

Listen, young man, I don't know what you're trying to insinuate, but How's it work?

You sentence rival crews to harsher sentences while you control the streets?

That's brilliant.

(chuckling): No.


A symbol of justice.

Ruler up on high.

You abused your power.

And that ends now.

I'm the L. A. district attorney.

You can't arrest me.


I'm a federal agent with a federal arrest warrant.

Step outside.


You don't have any proof.

I have King.

And that's all I need.

Well, mission accomplished.


I'm exhausted.


You and me both.

(both sigh)



Oh, no.

We got to clean the g*ns.



Do we have to?

Hetty will k*ll us if we don't.


I think the g*ns can wait.

But this can't.

That cabin wasn't just a safe house.

It was outfitted with military-grade tech.

Not only that, I found evidence of drones monitoring at least ten different prison facilities.

Someone has invested serious resources into finding Asakeem.

HETTY: Come out, come out, whoever you are.