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10x18 - Hell to Pay

Posted: 11/05/19 11:40
by bunniefuu
(theme music)


(foreboding music)

(indistinct chatter)


I am ordering you to sh**t!

(g*nsh*t and screams)

- You missed!

- (hens clucking)

You did that on purpose, didn't you?

(dramatic musical peak)

(excited chatter)

(some man): We have all night, so brace yourselves.

- (laughter)

- (some other man): Nice!

- Wooh!

- (general laughter)

(someone whistling)

(ooh's and aah's)

(loud laughter)

Hard to believe that they elected that bugger.

- Sir?

- Frank Williams.

Not the most honorable man from what I hear.

I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him.

In fact I did throw him once, many years ago when I was still a constable.

- Nearly lost my bloody job over it.

- (chuckling): What happened?

He robbed a shop.

His father made it go away.

Twenty years later, he's running City Council.

- We shall persevere.

- Indeed.

And now onto more pressing matters.

Any news on Mr.


Well, sir, at this point Mr.

Dobbs has been missing for three days.


Bloody socialist.

Likely planning sedition somewhere.

As far as I know, sir, he was merely asking for fair working conditions.

I know that, Murdoch.

I can hardly say that I blame him.

Not the way these bloody developers are stiffing the working man.

Oh, Murdoch, are you and the missus free for dinner?

- Margaret was wondering.

- Sir, Julia is in Chicago for the next few days.

But upon her return Ah, so you're on your own tomcatting around!

Ha ha!

Make sure you stay out of bother.

Sir, telephone call for you.

- She says it's important.

- Right.


Remind me again who you work for?

You work for the City of Toronto.

I also work for law and order.

One and the same.

And even if you disagree, that does little to change the fact that a policeman, in your employ, is wanted for m*rder.

And you're doing nothing to apprehend him.

Murdoch didn't k*ll anyone.

It's just absurd.

(chuckling): It is what the evidence says.

Evidence can easily be manipulated to make it look how you want.

I don't like what you're suggesting.

I know William Murdoch.

I know what he was looking into.

Baseless rumour.

But I don't begrudge you your feelings of loyalty toward your men.

Even I've been willing to look the other way to help out a friend from time to time.


Good to see you as well, Tom.

And it's Chief Constable Davis again.

Get out of my station, Davis.

I'm the one who's in charge around here.

From this moment heretofore, Chief Constable Davis will be leading the manhunt for your - Detective Murdoch.

- (knocking)

Chief Constable Davis.

She's here.

- Who's she, Higgins?

- He was talking to me, Tom.

Oh Tom, I'll be using your interview room.

I trust you won't interrupt.

Where is your husband?

I don't know.

Oh come on now, he is your husband.

You must keep tabs on him.

I certainly don't "keep tabs" on my husband.

Well, considering the circumstances of his disappearance, perhaps you should.

Where is he?

I don't know.

I was in Chicago at a conference when he went missing.

This would be the same time the dead woman was found in your husband's bed.

And I'm sure there's an explanation for that.

Of course there is.

A burlesque dancer found dead in a man's bed?

I can think of a few.

I doubt my husband would ever be unfaithful.

Actually I I know that he would never What was his connection with her?

I wasn't aware of any.

You're not aware of much, are you?

But I suppose that should come as no surprise.

It's been my experience that very few wives are aware of what their husbands play at when they are away.

(suspenseful music)

- (indistinct voices)

- This is absurd.

- We should be home in our beds.

- Henry's right.

But instead we're out here looking for Detective Murdoch.

- He's no m*rder*r.

- You don't think I know that, Jackson?

Then what are we doing out here looking for him?


You mean to tell me that, if you found Detective Murdoch, George, you'd arrest him?

(footsteps amplified and eerie music)

(door creaking)

(catching breath)

(same eerie music)

What did you see?

It was shortly after my performance.

- (sound of partying)

- Enjoying your party?

Very much so.

Just remember who put you here.

- I remember.

- Good.

Is it done?

Melinda Street?

I filed the applications this morning.

So, most of the street is mine.

And you are now a rich man.

A good day all around.

And jail time if we're both found out.

There is little reward without risk, Franklin.

(loud voices, laughs and music)

- Well, I should get back to the party.

- One more thing.

I need you to take care of Dobbs.


Who's that?!

(sound of steps running away)

(suspenseful music)


He says there's an intruder inside the building.

He'll have to call somebody else.

We're looking for Detective Murdoch right now.

That's the thing of it, George.

He says the intruder is Detective Murdoch.

(hushed): Oh God.

- Sir.

- George.

You're not supposed to be in here, sir.

I can leave.

I can't let you do that.

George, no.

Sir, it's for the best.

- I can't.

- Sir, you're wanted for m*rder.

You don't really believe that to be true, - do you?

- No, of course not, but come in with us.

We'll work together, we'll clear your name.

You won't be able to.

I won't be able to, not behind bars.

- Sir, I can't let you leave.

- George.


Tell Julia that you saw me and that I'm fine.

You can tell her yourself.


- I'm sorry, George.

- (grunt)


- George!

Are you alright, George?

- Where is he?

(suspenseful music)


He got away.

Damn it, we're supposed to bring him in!

- George.

- Higgins, he's safer with us than without us.

(dramatic musical peak)

- This doesn't help us, Crabtree, none of it.

- Sir.

I didn't let him go.

He escaped.

I'm sorry, Doctor Ogden.

That may be, but no one else is going to see it that way.

As far as the Board of Control are concerned, - we're aiding and abetting a criminal.

- A criminal?

Do you realize how ridiculous you sound?

The fact of the matter is that right now, your husband has no friends except us.

And the only friends that we have are each other.

Right, then.

If they're after the Detective it's because they think he knows something.

And they want him to go to the grave with it.

That's the truth of it, isn't it?

They'd rather see him dead than alive.

If he does get in contact you, Doctor You'll know!

No harm will come to him, Doctor, I promise.

Thank you, George.


What was he doing with that woman?

- I don't know.

- And why was she in our home?

All Murdoch would say is that she was a witness.

A witness to what?

I don't know.

(melancholy music)


Tell me about Lydia and William.

I don't know anything.

I'm a grown woman.

My husband is in danger, so tell me.

I saw them together.


What do you mean, "together"?

(sound of partying nearby)


They were just talking.

About what?

I don't know.

I heard that Lydia was a witness to something.

- What did she see?

- I don't know.

- She wouldn't tell me.

- Nina, you must know something.

Lydia was at a private party.

Sometimes we're called to attend them.

Some of the girls go.

Who was there?

Construction bigwigs, politicians, those sorts of people.

All she would tell me is that she heard something that she never should have heard.

- But you have no clue - Nothing at all.

(sobbing): But it must have been something 'cause a couple of days later, two men came here looking for her.

But she was gone.

I never saw her again.

I'm sorry.

I know.

I do hope you find your husband.

He's a good and decent man.

I know.

- (sniveling)

- I will.

She was my friend.

(big sob)

She was so funny.

And the city of Toronto is indeed fortunate to have the talents and acumen of Mr. Robert Graham.

Whose new development on this very site - will be this city's shining jewel.

- Hear!




Well said!

Now Robert, would you care to say a few words?

(clicking of the shutter)

Thank you, Counselor Williams.

I am honoured to be entrusted with rebuilding this small part of our beloved city.

The Great Fire was a tragedy that has left an ugly scar.

But with destruction we have a chance at rebirth.

This city will rise from the ashes and turn into something more beautiful than she ever was.

And, as I have assured my good friend, Counselor Williams, this flight will be on time - and under budget.

- (applause and acclamations)

Thank you.

My life is in danger.

I just want to get out of here, out of town, anywhere.

Who's after you?

Two men.

I've seen them, and they've seen me.

Why are they after you?


I can't help you if you don't tell me anything.

(She sighs, then snivels. )

I was working a party, and I overheard two men speaking.

It sounded like they were up to no good.

What were they talking about?

Some building on Melinda Street, how they were going to get rich.

And who were the two men?

One of them was Mr.

Williams, the man in the paper.

And the other?

A man named Graham.

Did you hear anything else?

Um They mentioned a man named Dobbs.

- Edward Dobbs?

- I don't know.

I think so.


This beautiful dress I had it made just for the party.

(sobbing): And now it's ruined.

It's alright, Miss Hall, it's alright.


Williams was one of them, sir.

Our new boss!

Well isn't that bloody wonderful!

- I'm going to investigate.

- Investigate what?

It's a crooked land deal.

What's to investigate?

Are you suggesting I look the other way?

I'm suggesting that if you look into all the deals the city makes, you're going to find hundreds of similar arrangements.

- There's one more thing, sir.

- Of course there is.

- Edward Dobbs.

- Oh, bullocks.

The man has been missing for three days.

This could be more than politics as usual.

This could be m*rder.

No one will believe a word of it.

Your only source is nothing more than a dance hall girl.

- No one's gonna take her seriously.

- I am.

You're not the average man, Murdoch.

I'm going to speak to Dobbs' wife.

I doubt she'll add much to the mix, but go ahead!

(eerie music)

- Mrs.

Dobbs - Just get away from me.

I have nothing to say to you.

Or any police, for that matter.

- I just have a couple of questions.

- I don't know where he is.

That's exactly what I'd like to help you with.

Help me.

I doubt that.

Your type never helps people like us.

You're just lackeys.

I can assure you that I am not.

- Now if your husband is missing - If?

He hasn't been here in three days.

There is no "if" about it.

Someone has k*lled him.

Or taken him.

They tarred and feathered a union man in Colorado, not long ago.

They'll do worse to Edward.

Who would do worse to him?

Robert Graham.

Edward had called for a strike against his company.

He was having some success.

If someone has hurt Edward (breathing deeply): Graham had something to do with it.

(dramatic music)

I'd like to question Mr. Graham.

- No.

- No?

Graham's an untouchable.

He holds the secrets of almost every elected city official in his hands.

Sir, he may be responsible for a man's disappearance.

A man no one cares about.

A socialist and a rabble rouser.

- A man nevertheless!

- (phone ringing)

If you want to go after Williams and Graham, you're going to need more than the words of a dance-hall girl - and a socialist's wife.

- (phone still ringing)

Detective Murdoch.

I'll be right there.

Edward Dobbs.

They pulled him out of the lake yesterday.

He'd been in there three days.

But, take a look at this.

He was obviously strangled.

His wife's worst fear.

And nothing I can use.

Let me know if you find anything else.

(sound of a door)


You do remember?

I'm off this evening.

Ah yes, yes, right.

- Right, of course.

- I'm so happy that my comings and goings still leave such an impression on you.

(little chuckle)

(endearing music)

(door opening)

Mr. Graham.

Have a seat.

- I'd prefer to stand.

- Very well.

A man in your employ is lying dead in our morgue.

That's a shame.

It's an Edward Dobbs do you know him?

I have over a thousand men working for me at present.


But only one man who was leading a potential strike action - against your company.

- It's a democracy, that's within his right.

I believe he was m*rder*d.

And since I'm in here I suppose you believe I had something to do with it?

Would you like to clear your conscience?

I have no need to.

Are you sure?

So now that you've put me on notice, am I free to go?

For now, Mr.


For now.

Thank you.

(knocking at the door)

I just want to go out of town.

You can't leave yet.

I still need you.

For what?

If what you told me is true, I need your help to take down Williams.

- Why bother?

- You can't - They are going to k*ll me!

- They won't.

They won't.

I'll protect you.

- Please.

- I doubt that.

Especially after what I saw.

You told me you just saw two men arguing.

(quickly, after hesitating): Yes, that's right.

- You're lying.

- I am not!

You saw something more.

You saw something that scared you.

What was it?

- What was it?!

- I don't want to end up like Mr.


What happened to Mr. Dobbs?

(little sobs)

I saw more than I said.

(wind-like noise)

Well, I should get back to the party.

One more thing.

(music, voices and laughter)

I need you to take care of Dobbs.

(agitated moaning)

So do it.

- (hushed): Are you crazy?

- Far from it.

(desperate moaning)

I I I can't.

This man here he's our new enemy.

A worker who thinks he is more than he is.

A member of the rabble who thinks he is above politics.

But I I say the word and the world knows you're a crook.

You do this for me and you're rich forever.


(suspenseful music)

(heart-wrenching moan)

(tearful moaning)

(pleading moans)

(moaning and grunting)

(grunting and choking sounds)

(stressful music)

I didn't help.

I didn't do anything, I just I just watched that man die - before my eyes.

- Alright - (screaming and sobbing): NO!!

- (impact of body on floor)

(eerie music)

(small, sharp breath)

- (loud knocking)

- Toronto Constabulary!

Open up!

Open up, Murdoch!

- (more knocking)



(suspenseful music)

(indistinct voices)

Chief Constable Davis, what in God's name is this?

You can't read?

On your feet, Constable.

- Detective Murdoch could nev - A young woman was found dead in your Detective Murdoch's bed.

He ran from the Constabulary.

- He certainly could - Davis, I think this is ludicrous.

I don't want you to think.

I want you to do your job and bring Detective Murdoch in.

Alive, preferably, but I'll accept the other.

If Murdoch ran, it's because he had good reason.

He certainly did.


Arm yourself, Inspector.

We're going out looking for your man.

(dramatic music)

(indistinct voices shouting)

(footsteps echoing)



You're not going to hit me again, are you?

No, George, I'm not.

The only reason you connected is because I truly wasn't expecting it.

Of course.

What do you need me for, sir?

George you must know I had nothing to do - with Lydia Hall's m*rder.

- Of course not.

You hardly need mention it.

But the fact of the matter is Chief Constable Davis is out for blood.

- Don't you think you're better off coming with us?

- No, I don't.

But there is something that you could do for me, George.

I need you to find out all you can about Frank Williams and Robert Graham.

They're the ones after you?

- It would appear so.

- Sir, that's not - that's not good news.

- I'm aware of that, George.

I also need you to speak with your reporter friend.

- Sir?

- At this point I don't think anyone in the Constabulary, or City Hall for that matter, can help me.

See needs to find where the skeletons are buried.

I'll see what I can do.

If you find anything, leave it here.

I'll check back.

Sir, I think we should be doing this - through the normal channels.

- George, there are no normal channels anymore.

(voices approaching)


You get out of here.

I'll take care of them.

No sign of him, lads.

What Station House are you boys from?

I see you're looking for Get your HEY!!


(suspenseful, dramatic music)

Get out.

I won't say it twice.

First, let me say I understand the chain of command.

I understand loyalty to a superior officer and, most importantly, I understand loyalty to a friend.

Your Detective Murdoch is a lucky man.

I don't see much lucky about his situation.

Ah, well, he put himself there.

I highly doubt that.

Well, I'm not interested in your opinion.

What you need be concerned with is your record.

You have spent time in jail, your career is limited as it is.

If you don't cooperate with me, your career is over.

I don't give a damn.

Well I do.

And I want answers.


Now I know you two have been staying in contact and I want you to bring him in.

I won't do it.


- AAH!!

- Answer me!

- Give me the right answer!



- Stay away from my man.

- I'm your superior.

- I don't give a toss.

Crabtree, get out.


I've handled better than you with a hangover.

Don't even think about it.

Get used to it, Davis.

You'll be back in here soon enough.

(door closing)

Here, get that down ya.

What did Murdoch say?

Has he gotten anywhere?

He wants me to look into Robert Graham.

You won't find anything.

- Does he know who k*lled Lydia?

- No.

But it's clear they're trying to make it look like him.

Surely sir, there's not a judge in the city who would believe that?

I mean, it's William Murdoch.

They'll take him into custody, he won't even stand trial.

Murdoch will end up a Catholic wracked with guilt searching for salvation at the end of a noose.

My God.

So what do we do?

We help him without being seen to help him.


You're back on active duty.

But watch yourself.

You best tell Murdoch to surrender, or there truly will be hell to pay.

(George sighs. )


(somber melody-less music)

(unnerving music)

(muffled groans and cries)


I need you to get me something.

A new suit.


I need you to get me any information you can on Franklin Williams and Robert Graham.

They're public figures.

They're well known.

I need to know what they get up to when they're not in public.

- I'm not sure.

- Louise, Detective Murdoch is my friend, he needs my help.

- They're powerful men, George.

- And Detective Murdoch is a good man who's been accused of a crime he didn't commit.

I'll look into it.

Thank you.

George, I have to go.


Thank you for coming, George.

I wasn't sure you'd be here, sir.

They'd never expect us to meet in the same place twice.

- Any news on Julia?

- Only that she's been taken.

They're trying to force me out.

It might be the best thing to do, sir.

Not yet.

Meet me here again tomorrow.


You said you would keep me safe.

You should have protected me.

- (floor creaking)

- William Murdoch, you are under arrest.

(cocking of the g*n and suspenseful music)

Go and put the kettle on.

If you'd have asked for help, you wouldn't be here.

You really believe that?

Does this looks like it?

- Go on, get out.

- They'll know you did this.

Go get what you need on whoever's framing ya.

I'll find your wife.

(melancholy music)

Thank you, sir.

(clicking of lock and footsteps)


(groans and grunts)



I'll expect you out now.

You can't say that you weren't warned.

Cat got your tongue, Brackenreid?

I've been on the job twenty years, Davis.

There's nothing you can do to stop me.

You heard him.

You're finished.

I may be finished with the job.

Doesn't mean I'm finished with you.

Leave it, Davis.

Station Four is done.

The only person that Murdoch has on his side is that little imbecile.

I've got men on him, but I doubt he's good for much.

Listen, you know the two that are glued to Williams.

- Right.

- Well, I'm on to them.

And I'm not in uniform.

If Williams is involved in Dr.

Ogden's disappearance, - then they've got something to do with it.

- Watch yourself, sir.

I've lost my job and my best man, it's too late for that.

It's up to us to make this right, Crabtree.

You and me.

- (man nearby): Paper!

- (sound of engine)

I asked you to look into those two.

- I was, but - Instead you wrote an article all but accusing Detective Murdoch of murdering a woman and - abducting his wife.


- Because that was the story.

Who told you Doctor Ogden had been taken?

I received my report from Chief Constable Davis.


And what do you know that's not in here?

- Is she still alive?

- I don't know that, George.

You don't know.

You know Davis is a part of this, don't you?

- George, you're being ridicu - Davis is a part of it, and so is Williams, and so is Graham.

- They're civic-minded men.

Good citizens.

- That is a lie and you know it.

Get your hand off me.

I don't see much of a future for us if you continue to act this way.

Now, I know you're fond of Detective Murdoch but, it's clear that he's not the man you thought he was.

Well, it's clear that you're not the woman I thought you were.

I was just doing my job.

(desperately yelling): HELP!




(sweet, tender music)

I don't know anything.

I told the Detective and his wife all that I know.

I can't help you.

I would if I could.

I know.

I think I just wanted to see you.

Well, here I am.

I'm so sorry.

I never should have let you go.

(quiet sob from her)

You deserve better than me.

I'm only realizing now that there is no better than you.

But I don't know what to do.

With the Detective and Dr.

Ogden gone You'll find them.

It's gonna be alright.

(She sighs. )

That's so touching.

Get out of here.

I would have thought you'd be out looking.

Or is it that you'd rather spend time with painted ladies than look for your Detective?

- Or his missing wife?

- I said get out.

Strike me and you end up in a cell where you will be even more useless than you currently are.

But Constable, think about this you are at a crossroads in your life.

If you help me, you will have an unimpeded rise to the top.

Your Inspector is gone.

Your immediate superior is a m*rder*r.

Things are looking up for Constable George Crabtree and all you have to do is look away.

I won't be doing that.

Sounds to me like you wish to add another item to your long list of mistakes.

Enjoy your time with your whore.



Don't worry, George, nothing he says will bother me.

The way you just stood up to him makes me so proud of you.

Once you have her, have Fergus and McFadden take her to the other location.

Davis will be here in half an hour to clean up the mess.

(snap of the fingers)



(groaning and screaming)

This would have worked out a lot better for you if you hadn't of seen my face.

- Get rid of her!

- (Julia screams. )


- (muffled screams)

- So you didn't see who left the note?

- No.


- It's from Detective Murdoch.

- What's it say?

He needs our help.

(indistinct voices yelling nearby)

Let's go.

(approaching engine sound)






(clicking of g*n)

You should have stayed retired.

If you've hurt her You'll what?

I'll k*ll you.

I doubt that.

(cocking of g*n)


You sure this is the place?

This is where we met last time.

- Then where is he, George?

- I don't know, Jackson.

- (sound of running footsteps)




- (more sh*ts)

- AH!!

- (more sh*ts)

- AAH!!

(last sh*ts echoing)

(breathing hard): No.

(panting): No!

Oh my God.




(dramatic music peaking)





Out of the way!

(people protesting)





This is an emergency!

This is Detective William Murdoch.

Three constables are down.

I need an ambulance at the church at Yonge and Heath.

Right away!

Yes, right away!

You there!

I need your assistance.

We'll send someone.

You stay with me.



They need your help!

Where's my wife?

- If you've hurt her - You'll what?

Reach through those bars and throttle me?

And who says I have her?

Or know anything about what's happened to her?


- I'll make you a deal.

You sign a confession that you m*rder*d that strumpet and I will endeavour to find your wife.


(sniggering): You do not have a lot of bargaining power, Detective.

Your Inspector is not here for you.

In fact, he may be dead.

Your wife is gone, and if she is not dead already, she soon will be.

And I've heard at least one of your loyal constables is dead.

So, will you sign that confession?

(breathless): No.

I'm sorry for you.

(door opening)

(door closing)


Detective Murdoch.

it appears you are going to need some help.

(dramatic musical peak)