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05x01 - Smokey Putnum

Posted: 11/09/19 07:55
by bunniefuu
[ Engine revs]

many years since I was here - It's not here yet?

- Sir?

I had the maitre d' call for my car about 20 minutes ago.

I'm gonna be late, pal.

- I was passin' my time away - [ Horn honks ]

- We got a 0-1-2-0-6.

- [ Horn honks ]

- to the left and to the right - [ Horn honks ]

Sir, so sorry.

We don't seem to have this vehicle in the lot.

The car's been picked up.

[ Scoffs ]

The hell it has!

My guy says the car's not here.

Now, wait a minute.

I haven't picked my car up.

I've been in your restaurant eating lunch.

A lemon-verbena iced tea and salmon salad, - which was overcooked, for what it's worth.

- [ Horn honks ]

And I'm certainly not one of these meatheads who tells you to keep it close.

But if my Range Rover is gone-- Sir, the ticket-- The ticket is collateral for my $100,000 vehicle, and if it's not-- This is a waste of my time.

- I need to speak to your manager, okay?

- [ Engine revving ]

sayin' "Where are we?" stop at 3rd and 43 I am so sorry.

We're having a little employee situation.

I don't want to hear it, boss.

Just do your job and park the car.

And, boss?

Keep it close.

ooh feels so good tonight - [ Engine revs ]

- ooh who cares about tomorrow so, baby, you'd better believe - I'm back - [ Tires screech ]

back in the New York groove I'm back ooh, yeah - back in the New York groove - [ Siren wails ]

I'm back - back in the New York groove - [ Cellphone rings ]


How are you today?

Liz: Oh.

I'm good.

Where are you?

I thought we were meeting up.

Just bumped into a few old friends, - just catching up.

- [ Siren wailing ]

Are those sirens?


[ Chuckles ]

We're outside.

It's very noisy here.

Perhaps I could call you back.

- Wait.

Reddington, are you okay?

- Never been better.

Hey, why don't you drop by my new place.

You'll love the pool.

I'll send you the address.

Sorry, sweetheart.

I need to get off.

- so, baby, you better believe - [ Engine revs ]

I'm back - back in the New York groove - [ Tires screech ]

ooh I'm back back in the New York groove ooh I'm back back in the New York groove [ Engine revs ]

ooh I'm back back in the New York groove [ Siren wailing, glass shattering ]

I'm back back in the New York groove ooh I'm back - back in the New York groove - [ Engine revs ]

I'm back New York groove New York groove New York groove I'm back My God, Raymond.

She's a beauty.


Yes, she is.

How'd she do?

Like Bergita Olofson in her parents' rumpus room on a Saturday night.

[ Laughs ]

This should cover my outstanding debt, along with the rest of the month.

And, Dariush, if it's not too presumptuous, I'd like pay for drinks at tonight's social hour.

I'm feeling flush.

one, two, get down [ "Paid The Cost To Be The Boss" by James Brown playing ]

paid the cost to be the boss paid the cost to be the boss I paid the cost to be the boss look at me, you know what you see you see a bad mutha look at me, you know what you see you see a bad mutha paid the cost to be the boss paid the cost to be the boss look at me, you know what you see you see a bad mutha Hold up.

Agent Navabi.

"Agent Navabi"?

I think we're a little bit beyond "Agent Navabi," aren't we?

Yeah, um, 100%, but, um, we agreed to keep it professional at work.

[ Elevator clanks ]

It's not like we broke any laws.

Oh, my God.

I forgot my bike.

Your bike.

Where is it?

In the shop.

I cracked the hub on the Rolf wheel, so, uh, took a taxi.

Well, you're late.

- Cooper's been looking for you.

- What's going on?

The new FBI director got sworn in today.

And his first order of business is a Bureau-wide review of all special operations.

They're gonna find out that Mr.

Reddington's empire has been decimated.

What they'll find is that Reddington gives us more high-level targets than anyone else in the Bureau.

I'm not worried about his ability to provide us cases.

I'm worried we may have a perception problem.

- What does that mean?

- "Perception," sir?

There was a DNA test between Reddington and Keen.

And it's only a matter of time before I have to disclose the results of that test.

Which were?

Raymond Reddington's her father.

- [ Muzak playing ]

- [ Footsteps approach ]



You've just missed the Ludeman family.

I must've thrown quarters for that little girl to fetch for over two hours.

Soda pop?

You're living here.

I make my bed where I lay my head.

At the Terrace Vista Motor Lodge?

I got to tell you, I'm thinking about making it permanent.

Dariush, the owner and I, are somewhat the same size, which has been a Godsend.

I think you'd quite like it here.

They host a social hour at sunset-- music and cocktails.

It's a lovely crowd, really.

Eclectic, to say the least.

I thought you'd be a little bit more proactive, trying to find ways to rebuild, crawl your way back to the top.

Where's Dembe?

Dip your toes in.

I swear Dariush keeps the pool at body temperature.

You can't even feel the water.

[ Chuckles ]

I'm glad you're having a nice time.

But Cooper actually sent me to see if you might have a case.


I didn't realize you were here on official business.

Well, you are my father and Oh, my God, that sentence and all that it means.

But, to be honest, knowing who my father is at this point isn't gonna change who I am or the fact that you're my CI.

And I need a case.

Then I suppose I'll need my pants.

[ Door bell jingles ]

Good afternoon.

Everybody be cool.

I know who you are.

I've always wanted to hunt for bounty.

- You're Raymond Reddington.

- And you're a bail bondsman, which means you're likely looking for a fugitive.

I believe I can help.

Are you asking for a job?


Your biggest case.

- Who is it?

- This isn't happening.

You're offering to help me find a fugitive?

You're a fugitive.

And as much as it pains me to hunt one of my own, it pains me more to admit I need the cash.

So, a name.

Smokey Putnum, wanted for embezzling over $2 million from Davis and Fox Entertainment.

- The movie company?

- No, the carnival.

How fun.

Even better.

I love a good carnival.

Liz: Um, could you excuse us for just one moment?


I'm sorry.

What are you doing?

We need a Blacklister.

Harold needs a Blacklister.

I need to pay the rent, and beggars can't be choosers.

- We need a name.

- And we have one.

Smokey Putnum.

Please, do tell.

Putnum went dark about two days ago.

He's due in DC for a trial in 36 hours.

Now, if he doesn't show up, I forfeit my $80,000, all-cash bond.

What do skip tracers usually get?

About 10%.


I couldn't sleep right if I took a penny over 50%.

$40,000, and I'll have Smokey to court on time.

Elizabeth, you'll need to pack a bag.

We're taking a road trip.

- "We"?

- Yes, please.

I don't have a car.

[ Scoffs ]

[ Footsteps depart ]

- See you in 36.

- [ Door bell jingles ]

[ Cellphone rings ]

Tell me you have news.

[ Indistinct announcement over PA ]

I was able to trace the suitcase to a bus station in Columbia Heights.

But it's gone.

No witnesses, no surveillance.

Dembe, one of Kaplan's associates has to have it.

We need to find that suitcase before it finds its way to Elizabeth.

[ Country music playing ]

Yes, sir.

I told him the situation.

[ Sighs ]

No, he doesn't seem to care.

It's Cooper.

He's been happier.

Hello, Harold.

You're a bounty hunter now?

Have you ever had deep-fried butter?

Bringing a fugitive carnival manager back to stand trial for embezzlement?

Clogs more arteries than a car accident during rush hour, and, yet, people out here can't get enough of it.

Keen told you we're under review.

We have a new director.

I need Blacklisters.

And you'll have one soon, after we do a little rebuilding.

You expect the FBI to help you rebuild a criminal empire?

Perhaps you're the one in need of some clarification.

The Blacklist has value because it is based on the best possible intelligence-- information that was not available yesterday and will be obsolete tomorrow.

The criminal underworld is not static, Harold.

It consists of constantly shifting alliances and leadership which can only be discerned by a few key players.

I was one of those players, and with your help, I intend to be one again.

Because, like deep-fried butter, I am unhealthy and yet irresistible.

[ Cellphones beep ]

Excuse me, um, sir?

I'm wondering if, uh, you decided to tell the new director about Agent Keen and Mr.

Reddington's relationship.

Not yet, but as a rule, I like to come down on the side of transparency.

So you think the Bureau should be kept informed about personal relationships?

[ Cellphones beep, vibrate ]


Just got word from Main Justice.

Laurel Hitchin was found dead.

The National Security Advisor.

Medical examiner and Mobile Crime are on scene now.

- You and Navabi, get there.

- Sir?

We both know Reddington's behind this.

If it points back to him, it points to us.

- Go.

- Find out what's going on.

- Aah!

- Settle down, boy.

Big Boy: Dog house is closed.

We're looking for Joe Putnum, or "Smokey," as they call him.

US Marshals come and gone.

K-eaz-eep y-eaz-our m-eaz-outh sh-eaz-ut.

I w-eaz-ern't go-eaz-nn-eaz-a s-eaz-ay n-eaz-oth-eaz-in'.

Y-eaz-ou al-eaz-ready s-eaz-aid t-eaz-oo m-eaz-uch.

[ Laughs ]


[ Grunts ]

Wh-eaz-at, uh, d-eaz-id y-y-eaz-ou-- Ah, the hell with it.

The Marshals.

What did you tell them?

And preferably not in Cant.


It's a private language carnies use to keep outsiders from understanding what they're talking about.

I spent two summers operating the Whack-the-Cats at the Emmet County Fair.

And to be honest, I had no idea what the hell any of them were saying.

But I'm pretty sure this one was telling this one not to cooperate.

Bad advice.

We'll tell you same as we told them.

Don't know where he's at.

Wouldn't say even if we did.

Why not?

Putnum stole from you.

[ Scoffs ]

Says Hawkins.

She handled the books.

Always got first count.

Total cake-cutter.

Got caught, cut a deal to testify against Putnum.

That's why he skipped.

Minute he sets foot in the court, he's got a snitch waiting to finger him for a crime he didn't commit.

Who's TL?

The lady asked you a question.


Who's TL?

Tammy Lynn Thompson.

And where might we find Tammy Lynn?

[ Police radio chatter ]

[ Camera shutters clicking ]

[ Indistinct conversations ]

You think it was an accident?

No sign of forced entry.

Any prints, signs of a struggle?

Well, we're still dusting.

Good news is, turns out she has a surveillance system.


We just got here.

Give me a little time.

We're talking about the National Security Advisor dead in her own home.

I want real-time intel on this.

When you know, I know.

This was no accident.

[ Birds chirping ]

Didn't know Smokey had no sister.

I'm sure you didn't.

Smokey still doesn't know.

Loretta spent her last five years trying to find him.

And when'd she die?

Just under a year ago, which is why we must find Mr.

Putnum soon.

If I can't conclude the paperwork by week's end, the entire inheritance will be forfeited to the state.

Tammy Lynn, I've worked with Jacobson and Orr for 36 years.

I have never seen an estate payout this big.

We're talking life-changing money.

Putnum smokes Hartswicks.

We saw a picture of him at Russell Springs.

This one's still warm.

Oh, dear.

- Where is he?

- [ g*n cocks ]

What the hell are you doing?

Mr. Putnum, you need to come out right now, or we're gonna make a mess in Tammy Lynn's living room.

Get out!

Get out of my house!

Mr. Putnum?

I'm gonna count to three.

1, 2, 3.

- [ g*nsh*t ]

- What the hell?!

- [ g*n cocks ]

- No?

Let's try again, shall we?

[ g*nsh*t ]

- [ Ceiling rumbling ]

- Smokey?

[ Chuckles ]


The janitor at my elementary school was called "Smokey. " No idea why.

He never smoked a day in his life.

But I tell you what-- If you don't come down here right now, they're gonna be calling you-- [ Ceiling creaks ]


[ Rattling ]

[ Grunts ]

Now, there's an entrance.

[ Coughs ]

You can't take me back.

They got Hawkins.

She cut a deal.

That greedy, craven, little coward is gonna testify, and when she does, they're gonna lock me up.

Maybe you should've thought of that before you stole the money.

Red: Tell me it's true.

The file says you were a gaffer with the Ringling Brothers.

I've always been fascinated by your line of work.

His "work"?

Running the bumper cars?

Elizabeth, this man was responsible for moving the greatest show on earth from city to city.

The Pentagon sent its top people to study his logistical legerdemain to learn how to move troops in and out of battle.

Imagine the trains, all the performers, their equipment, the crew, roustabouts, the animal wranglers, veterinarians.

An entire city moved at night.

Not to mention the lions and tigers and bears, oh, my.

What a showman.

What a mind.

I forgot my insulin at the house.

We got to-- We-- We-- We got to turn around.

- We're not turning around.

- But my insulin.

I sincerely doubt you have-- What do you want?

You want money?

You can have the money.

It's yours if you let me go.

How do I know you still have it?

- You're not seriously considering-- - It's in Richmond.

5052 West Graham Road.

It's yours.


I'll take it.

- No, no deal!

- Yes!

Thank you.

After I surrender you to the court and collect my bounty.

Now, it's just over 600 miles to DC, so if we push on, we should be there in 10, 12 hours.

That said, if time permits, I would love to stop along the Bourbon Trail and try a Honey Ginger Buck.

I think we might be stopping a little earlier than you'd like.

Must be US Marshals.

US Marshals!

Pull over!

- Oh, God.

- Don't stop.

No, no, you-- you can't pull over.

They're US Marshals.

If I don't stop-- If you do stop, they'll search this car, and while it may be Mr.

Putnum they're after, they'll be thrilled at their unexpected discovery.

Let me handle it.

- Elizabeth, no.

- [ Tires screech ]

Just let me get rid of 'em.


I'm transporting a fugitive.

- What is it?

- Trouble.

These aren't Marshals.


- [ g*nf*re ]

- [ Man shouting indistinctly ]

[ Glass shatters ]


[ g*nf*re continues ]

[ Tires screech, metal twisting ]

[ Groans ]

[ g*n cocks, fires ]

Get in!

[ Car door shuts ]

[ Tires screech ]

[ g*nf*re continues ]

[ Screams ]

I got a lot of questions!

But first, who the hell were those guys?

They're skinheads?

What the hell do you mean, skinheads?

Other than the fact that they happen to have skinheads?

They run a massive drug cartel that launders profits through Davis and Fox Entertainment.

- The carnival?

- It's a cash-heavy business.

The profits are Smurfed and worked into the proceeds of each city.

So, your brilliant criminal enterprise was founded on the concept that you steal money from the most ruthless, bass-ackwards groups of racists you could possibly find?

You're dragging me halfway across the country for 40 grand.

That's a business plan?

[ Coughs ]

This car's shot.

I'll call Cooper.



Why not?

If the Feds take Putnum in, I don't get my 40 grand.

Are you kidding me?

I'm an FBI agent.

He's in my custody.

I'll make sure you get your money.

If I give him to you, you're gonna take him to the nearest FBI field office, where he'll demand an identity hearing or fight extradition.

In either case-- He'll miss his court date, and you won't get your money.

- Hey.

Talk fast.

- [ Handcuffs rattle ]

Your smoking car's like the Bat-Signal.

Those g*ons'll find us any minute.

[ g*nsh*t ]

Next one goes in your leg.

I'm not afraid of you, Bub.

Do you even know why you're turning me in, hmm?

To stand trial for embezzling from my employer-- not the cartel-- from the carnival.

The Feds have no clue the cartel's even involved.

Only reason they know anything about the missing money is because of some random IRS audit, but the truth is gonna come out in court, and I'm gonna be k*lled in jail.

So how about you let me go, I stay alive, and when I'm home safe, I'll write you a check for the 40 grand?

Think that's a lot smarter than whatever you two geniuses have planned.

Red: "Planned"?

[ Laughs ]

I don't have the foggiest idea how to get you back.

That's what makes it fun-- the surprises.

Your carnival people, your skinheads, your mouth that won't stop running.

So buckle up, Smokey, because before this is over, you and I are gonna get to know each other better than either of us would like.

And my 40 grand-- I'm gonna enjoy earning every damn penny.

Uncuff him.

[ Engine humming ]

Putnum: I'm-- I'm-- I'm getting dizzy.

I need to get my blood sugar up.

I need-- I need to get-- get some air.

[ Whispering ]

Mind telling me what's going on?

I don't know.

I feel pretty good.

Knock it off.

Rent money and an adventure?

What are you up to?

I feel alive.

Zipping off in that car, b*ll*ts flying.

What a thrill.

[ Chuckles ]

And the driving.

Dembe's always driving.

I should do more driving.

I am sorry about your car, however.

You can pretend to be loving this all you want, but I know the truth.

The truth is you're scared.

Scared because you've lost everything and you don't know how to get it back.

Good morning.

- Hmm.

- Cincinnati?

No, not yet.

I do have a funny joke about Cincinnati, though.

A priest, a rabbi, and Pete Rose walk into a casino and-- Orange juice!

I-I-I-I need a glass of orange juice!

- Oh, stop it.

- Anybody?

- My-- My-- My-- My-- My blood sugar!

- Stop it!

I need it, I need it!

I'm-- I'm gonna be sick!

[ Country music playing ]

How is it?


It's delicious.

I'm sorry I don't have any money.

I would've paid.

I'm just happy you're happy.

I tried to tell you I'm a diabetic.

Just eat your pie.

Please don't do this.

The cartel, those skinheads, they have people on the inside.

You know what will happen to me.


I'm serious about the money.

It's yours if you-- if you-- [ Cellphone rings ]

Oh, it's my boss.

Well, that's a sentence I never expected to say.

- [ Cellphone beeps ]

- Maurice, great news.

We have Putnum is custody.


Where are you?

Well, there was a slight hiccup in our plans.

We'll be taking the 2:00 PM Cardinal out of Cincinnati.

Should arrive with plenty of time before the trial.

[ Cellphone beeps ]

[ Cellphone speed-dialing ]

Just got a location on Putnum.

Cincinnati Amtrak, next train to Union Station, DC.

- [ Cellphone beeps ]

- Tad got a location.

[ Knock on door, door opens ]

Ressler: You wanted to see me?

Shut the door.

Sit down.

- [ Door closes ]

- Something wrong?

You were at Laurel Hitchin's home the day she passed.

Yeah, which I included in my report.

I saw that.

But I noticed you omitted the fact that there was bad blood between the two of you.

Well, I didn't see how that was relevant.

In the weeks before she died, you stormed into Hitchin's home, shot one of her guards, and accused her of m*rder.

In turn, she had your badge taken away, and now you're one of the last people to see her alive.


And you have nothing to say about that?

No intel on how she died?

I'm sorry, but what exactly are you getting at?

I'm asking if it's a coincidence that the woman you despised ended up dead shortly after you paid her a visit?

Well, it sounds like it.

Either that or, uh, karma.

I see.

I had to ask.

That's all, Agent Ressler.

[ Door opens, closes ]

[ Cellphone speed-dialing ]

[ Door bangs ]

- Yes?

- Hey, it's me.

I think you and I need to talk.

[ Train whistle blowing ]

Train's delayed again.


How long?

Another hour.

We're gonna miss the cut-off.

I'm gonna find us a car.

To steal?


No, you're not.

I'm sorry, my dear, were you about to suggest something else?

Don't speak to me like I'm a child.

Elizabeth, please keep an eye on our fugitive.

Announcer: [ Over PA ]

Second train to arrive on Track 5.

Next is service to San Antonio.

All passengers He's your dad.

That's why you're helping him, because he's your father.

Drink your coffee.

I saw you badging our bus driver.

I couldn't figure it out-- A cop with him?


I'm not helping him.

I'm bringing a fugitive to justice.

I see.

You won't steal a car, but you'll take me to prison, where I'm gonna get k*lled?

I'm just doing this by the book.


[ Cellphone speed-dialing ]

I got to use the can.


You think I'm gonna try and run?

I'm not stupid.

I-- I just got to take a leak.


I'll hold it for you.

[ Door handles rattles ]

[ Door bangs ]

[ Toilet flushes ]

[ Water running ]

[ Door handle rattles ]

[ Engine revs ]

[ Tires screech ]



[ Doors close, tires screech ]

[ Indistinct conversations ]

They got him!

He's gone!

Putnum's gone!

- [ Through cellphone ]

- The truck had Texas plates.

I'm sending you everything I got from the database matching that criteria-- 6'1", tattooed neck, white supremacist with known ties to the Lone Star State.

He has a "warrior rune" tattoo.

That could indicate he did some time - in federal prison.

- Okay, got it.

By the way, Mr.

Cooper told us about you and Mr.


Most people are really happy to have a lawyer in the family.

- You've got a master criminal.

- [ Red grunts ]

How cool is that?

Wait, this is the guy.


Odin Neiland.

He did five years at FCI Lewisburg for distribution of methamphetamines.

Wait, Liz, hang on a second.

Okay, this guy has ties to Roman LeMarc.

Okay, LeMarc runs a neo-n*zi outfit called the Friedrich Brigade.

They are a ruthless, Mafia-style crime syndicate that smuggles dr*gs through the federal prison system.

Reach out to FBI headquarters.

Have them run their contacts and sources and see if they can't get a location - on this scumbag.

- [ Keyboard clacking ]

LeMarc had to have his people listening in on us.

To the bondsman, maybe?

It's the only way they could have found us.

And as for Putnum, if he's not dead yet, he will be soon.

[ Engine starts, revs ]

- Let's go.

- Go where?

What about Putnum?

I doubt he's dead, and I think I know where to find him.

Get in.

It's been a pleasure.

You're not going anywhere, not until you tell me what's going on.

You left Hitchin's body at the scene.

There's cops crawling all over that place.

They'll discover she slipped and fell and hit her head.

You're supposed to be a fixer!

You were supposed to make this go away!

Calm down, Mr. Sturgeon.

[ Sighs ]

Laurel Hitchin was the National Security Advisor.

She had enemies, she had lots of them.

And because of your brilliant plan, you just triggered a multi-agency investigation into her death!


Sturgeon, I don't care what kind of scrutiny it draws, because I'm very good at what I do.

The evidence is gone, every trace, which means you were never there.

So unless you go home and suddenly grow a conscience, this thing is over.

You're welcome.

Now, goodbye.

[ g*ns cock ]


Mr. Putnum, go find your money.

You, sit.

Mr. LeMarc, I understand you're upset.

You trusted a man to launder your criminal nastiness, and instead, he absconded with it.

I'm here to make things right-- a proposal.

You get your money, and I get the man who took your money.

[ Laughing ]

Now, why would I agree to that?

Because I have the g*ns.

[ Footsteps approach ]

Take your money and go.



No, no, no, no, no.

I don't want to get involved in your affairs, so if you take your money and leave, you'll never see me again.

And Mr.

Putnum will not be telling anyone-- the courts or otherwise-- about the intricacies of your business operations.

I'm his rabbi now.

- You're free to go.

- No, you're not.

Whoa, whoa.

What the hell's going on?


LeMarc was just leaving.

And what if I tell you I'm not leaving here without both him and my money?

I put a b*llet in your head and keep your money.

I said no.


LeMarc, she won't sh**t you, but trust that I will.

On three.

- 1, 2-- - Don't touch that money!

[ Chuckles ]

Now, that's a nasty look that takes practice.

You must have sisters.

You walk out that door, I fire.


[ "The Edge Of The World" by Redeye playing ]

I remember you were a charmer laughing as though Want to know why I took the money?


It's in my nature.

Back when I traveled with the bigtop, I liked to get a little card game going after rap.

You know, stud, hi/lo, Texas Hold 'Em.

My daddy, he was a gambler like his daddy, so, um, I had to be careful.

It was four years ago, I-I got into a game with a few of LeMarc's boys.

Lost a lot of money that night.

Lot of money.

That's how they got me.

LeMarc wanted me to pay off my note, asked me to find a way to launder his money for him, so I-- I did it, but I wasn't never gonna get out from under him.

That's why I was skimming from his cartel.

To get out.

I should've known all those years ago, but just like my daddy, I was a gambler.

No way to avoid the family curse.

It's nature vs.


And nature wins every time.

Our DNA is what it is.

ah-ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-ah-ah [ Gear shifts ]

[ Chuckles ]

I'll-- I'll-- I'll die in there.

Don't do this.

Mr. Putnum, I believe turning you in is the right thing, the legal thing.

Do you agree, Elizabeth?

Yes, it's the right thing to do.

You have 45 minutes before I have to be at the courthouse.

C-Can you at least let me call Tammy Lynn and say goodbye?

Right there.

[ Dialing ]

For a moment there, I didn't think we were gonna make it.

I never should've let LeMarc go.

Red: You weren't willing to sh**t an unarmed man in the back.

I think that's something to admire, not regret.

LeMarc's the real bad guy in this.

If we had him, Putnum could agree to testify against LeMarc, get leniency, stand a chance.

I'm not defending what he did, but he's only in this situation because-- Because of his father?


Or perhaps it's the dumb luck of a gambler.

He just wanted to get away from the criminal in his life.

Can't blame him for that.

- [ Laughs ]

- [ Indistinct conversations ]

What the hell?

What happened?

What's going on?

A b*mb-- They're saying there's a b*mb in the building.



Federal agent!

There's no treat.

This genius here called in a 10-89 as a diversion - to avoid a court hearing.

- [ Handcuffs click ]

I need you to escort him.

He's got an appointment with a judge in 40 minutes.

So that's it?

Reddington takes you on a grand adventure to bring a carnival barker to justice?

I know it sounds crazy he would do something like this to make ends meet, but Putnum is now in the US Marshals' custody, and he is at trial as we speak.

He did it for the money.

I owe you an apology.


I've decided to disclose your relationship with Reddington.

It's the right thing to do.

I want to do the right thing.

I'm sorry for the personal scrutiny that will likely result from this-- the doubts, suspicions of your loyalty, which may rise again.

I'm not going to sugarcoat it.

This is gonna be a struggle.

But I have great confidence in you, confidence you'll make the right decisions, if you just stay true to yourself.

[ "Run Run Run" by ChinChin playing ]

Got your bail money?

I did.

Thank you.

There's something you should know.

You may be my father, and I am going to help you rebuild your empire, because it will enable us to catch criminals.

But I'm not gonna lose sight of who I am in the process.

Please don't make me return the car.

I've always secretly wanted a Wagoneer.

It smells like Dad's car.

Like peanut shells, gasoline.

[ Laughs ]

Elizabeth, if it helps to salve the wound, we did bring a fugitive to justice.

And a neo-n*zi is walking free, and his cartel is thriving.

And as for Putnum, the only way he could get leniency is if he returned the money he embezzled, but thanks to us, he can't do that.

And his former partner, Hawkins, is being transported from jail to the courthouse and is going to testify against Putnum, and he will be found guilty, and he will go to prison.

And there is no guarantee LeMarc won't have him k*lled.

I know you're scared, but that's all right Oh.

when you're living out here in the wild [ Tires hiss ]

when you're living out here in the wild Hey, Morgan.


You have the package?

- Any trouble?

- Close call.

We passed the real transport van on the highway.

Make sure the guard gets his money.

And thank you, guys.

I'm in your debt.

instinct's the only thing that keeps us alive take my hand and every step Who are you?

- Your Fairy Godmother.

- [ Van door closes ]

Your deal with the prosecutor got your sentence reduced to four years.

With me, it's reduced to none.

- [ Handcuffs rattling ]

- Care to hear more?


Judge: I've given the prosecution several continuances.

And now your star witness is nowhere to be found-- Your Honor, if I may, it was contin-- No, you have no witness.

The charges against the defendant are dismissed.

- Mr.

Putnum, you are free to go.

- [ Gavel bangs ]

when you're living out here in the wild That's what this whole thing was about?

You had to get Putnum back in order to draw Hawkins out, which could only happen if Putnum showed up to trial.

This whole thing was about getting to the accountant.

That's half of it.

I'd be happy to explain, but there is something I need you to do for me first.

Agent Navabi and I we're, um - Dating?

- Yes.

And if, uh, that's gonna be a problem, you know, with the higher-ups, then, uh, I'd be willing to-- [ Knock on door ]


You wanted to see us?

Aram, it's not a problem.

What's going on?

I heard from the medical examiner.

He's concluded Laurel Hitchin's death was an accident.

Forensics pulled nothing off the surveillance.

Evidently, it was as simple as it sounds-- slipped and hit her head.

So that's it.

Case closed.

Case closed.

You may think you want to be off the pool, believe me, up and ba-- Smokey!

What the hell is he doing here?


No way in hell.

No way.

Eaz-I t-eaz-old y-eaz-ou i-eaz-f I-eaz e-eaz-ver s-eaz-aw y-eaz-ou-- B-eaz-ack o-eaz-ff, p-eal.

I-eaz'm i-eaz-n n-eaz-o m-eaz-ood.

Okay, take a breath.

Let's celebrate.

Can a diabetic drink wine?

- Dariush.

- Who has diabetes?

Well, you can't blame a guy for trying.

Earlier today, you two were both on your way to trial, to prison, and now, thanks to us, you're both free.

Free to greet opportunity knocking at your door.

- What?

- Opportunity?

Imagine owning 2% in a multi-national conglomerate with interests in travel, beverage, technology, cyber, defense, revolution, with gross profits that would be the envy of most companies in the Fortune 500.

Which-- Which-- Which conglomerate is that?


You live in a motel.

And LeMarc is still out there.

I have every confidence that the FBI is in the process of finding whatever rock LeMarc and his men are hiding under.

Well, we We-- We-- We-- We don't know anything about your line of work.

Hawkins here knows money laundering like the Pope knows the Bible.

And you, Smokey-- You know everything there is to know about logistics and tactics.

It wasn't your fault the greatest show on earth went out of business.

That says more about lack of vision than anything else.

And sure, you're down on your luck and you made some poor choices that put a wedge between you, but I removed that wedge today.

And if you're as smart as I know you two are, you'll agree to this proposal.

And together, we'll take a wild ride.

[ "Don't You Forget About Me" by Paul Stone playing ]


More wine!

Help yourself to the pretzels and the cheeses.

We're all family here.

- won't you come see about me - [ Chuckles ]

I was wrong.

You're not at all scared of the future.

Oh, my gosh.

giving me everything, inside and out don't you forget about me You're actually loving this.

[ Laughs ]

don't, don't, don't, don't don't you forget about me as you walk on by [ Laughs ]

will you call my name?

What are you doing here?

You shouldn't be here.

I was careful not to be followed.

[ Sighs ]

The official report came back.

ME ruled the death an accident.

Which is why I'm here.

Yeah, I couldn't help but wonder how Reddington's security man, Mr. Sturgeon, knew details only the police should know.

So I did a little police work myself.

I ran your prints.

Turns out you're not Mr. Sturgeon after all, but rather Special Agent Donald Ressler with the FBI.

What do you want?

I want you to know you're gonna be doing me some favors in the very near future.

Did you forget that you got rid of the evidence that I was even at that crime scene?

I didn't get rid of it, Agent Ressler.

I hid it.

Do what I ask, when I ask, and it'll stay hidden.

- We'll be in touch.

- [ Car door opens ]

lala, la-la, lala, la-la la, la, la la, la, la-la-la - [ Laughter ]

- [ Speaking indistinctly ]

That was Cooper.

He's got a beat on LeMarc and his crew, and they should be in custody within the hour.

So you get your bad guys, and I get mine.

[ Door opens ]


Where have you been?

Do you want a drink?


Thank you, Elizabeth.

How'd you do?

I couldn't find it.

Dembe, that suitcase We need to find that suitcase.

[ Hinges creak ]

[ Keys rattle ]

[ Lock clicks ]


Don't sh**t.

[ Gasps ]

You're back!

[ Laughs ]


[ Grunts ]

How you doing?

Are you really here?

I really am.

God, I missed you.

I have some news.

You've got news?

I've got news.

It's about Reddington.

What about him?

He's my father.

He's your father?

I know, it's crazy.

Uh, but it explains so much.

I mean, of course, I'm confused about why he took so long to tell me and how I feel about everything, but-- Wait a minute.

You're here.

[ Laughs ]

So, do you have something to tell me?

I wanted to tell you that I love you, Liz, and that I'm never gonna leave you, ever again.

[ g*nf*re ]

[ Casing clinks ]

[ g*nshots ]

You better not leave.

I'll k*ll you.