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05x03 - Miss Rebecca Thrall

Posted: 11/09/19 08:02
by bunniefuu
Baltimore PD.

Come out, Stansbury.

We got a warrant.

PARKER: We know you're here, Scottie.

Why don't you come on out, make this easier?


Ah, please.

I if you take me in and my parole officer finds out I've been using W what's going on?

I'm sorry, Scottie.





What the hell happened?

I I just He drew.

He fired.

Is he He's dead.

You came in what you had no choice.

You had to fire, right?

He had a g*n.

Yeah, I had to fire.

CHIEF: McGinnis.


Can you hear me?


Chief, look, I got nothing to hide.

I'll wave my Garrity rights.

- I I was following protocol.

- And I'm sure IA will confirm that, but right now, I want you to go home and call a lawyer.

You need a lawyer.



You sure nobody followed you?

Password to the account.

Funds are now available.


I didn't think it'd be this bad.

You're alive, Officer McGinnis.

Which is more than we can say for Scottie Stansbury.

You've done your job.

Now let me do mine.


What's up, buttercup?

You finally change your mind, decide to join me and Gary tonight - in the hot tub?

- Yeah.

Uh, tonight?

- Maybe.

- Is it the scab on his leg?

Oh, no, no, no!

No, no, no!

Gary's Gary.

I'm just distracted.

I locked myself out of my room.

I certainly don't want to go down to the lobby.

- I was hoping I might use your phone.

- Oh, yes, of course, silly.

- Get in here.


You coming to social hour tonight?

Gonna bring Daddy's favorite little pickle-bites.

Piper, I have no idea what that means.

I spread cream cheese on a slice of dried beef, wrap it up real good around a dill.

Put a little toothpick in 'em, real good.


It's Bruno.


I'm sorry.

I I somehow locked myself out of my room.

I was hoping Oh right.


Oh, no, that's fine.

That would be gre Wait.


I found it now!

Never mind.

I Yeah, right here, in my pocket of all places.



I'm sorry.

Thank you.

I'll tell Gary we'll hot tub at 8:00.


- Don't forget the pickle-bites.




Did you get a plate number?


Who is this guy anyways?

I mean, what kind of "medical expert" agrees to help covertly identify human remains?

I'm sorry.

I didn't realize he needed a résumé and a urine sample to get the job.

You asked me for help, I'm getting you help, - and I'm breaking the law in the process.

- Yeah, for Liz.


For Liz.

That worked out well last time.

He's a friend of yours, this Pete?

He has access to the kinds of medical equipment you need.


That guy?

Did he even go to medical school?

He was the smartest kid at Harvard during my residency.

Then he sort of dropped out.

Today he's plugged in to some kind of network of criminal drug activities.

You two should get along swimmingly.

What up, Nikky?


You got gray as Grandma.

- You must be - Tom.

Cool fake name.

You a cop?

All right, you know what?

Forget it.

- This isn't a joke, Pete.

- Yeah, - well, I don't know your friend.

- You know what?

It's my mistake.

- I barely know you.

- I never should've come to you - I'm not going jail for someone I haven't seen - for help in the first place - since med school.

- because this guy is not Shut the hell up, both of you.

He is not a cop.

And you are the smartest guy I've ever met destroyed me in boards so I know you're smart enough to run this DNA test, take the money you clearly need, and keep your mouth shut.

Look, those remains, if they're damaged like you say exposed to air, natural elements then pulling DNA might be difficult.

I can do it maybe but it's gonna take time.

Then I guess you should stop talking and get to work.

Dembe told me you moved out of your hotel?

Sadly, my time at the Terrace Vista has run out.

So, what, you're apartment hunting?


While you go on a hunt for some dirty cops.

- - I believe the unfortunate incident with Officer McGinnis was far more than the stuff of headlines.

I believe it was premeditated m*rder.

Says here the victim shot first.

I still have a few friends among the men in blue.

They're whispering that the scene was staged by a well-compensated mercenary.

McGinnis a paid-for k*ller.

But according to this article, he has a clean record.

The perfect alibi an officer well-respected by his peers, paid by your government to carry a w*apon to protect and serve the citizenry.

But I'm telling you, Officer McGinnis is a k*ller, and he's not the only one.

k*ller cops for hire?

Who's hiring them?

Whoever it is, this isn't the first police sh**ting they're responsible for and unless you find them, it won't be the last.

LIZ: Andrew McGinnis.

He's a rookie officer without a blemish on his record.

The victim was Scott Stansbury who spent 20 years bouncing between prison cells, - parole hearings, and rehab.

- What about the p*stol?

The one Reddington said was planted?

ARAM: It was registered to another owner who reported it stolen three weeks ago, Stansbury was never a suspect.

There's already an internal investigation under way.

- Why not let it play out?

- IA could spend months filing those reports.

- More people could die by then.

- Look [SIGHS]

I know it's not politically correct right now to say this, but, uh cops don't k*ll people, they protect them.

COOPER: Most of them do.

But the ones who let anger and emotion, prejudice and carelessness affect their behavior are every good cop's worst nightmare.

Keen, talk to McGinnis, see if something feels off.

Ressler, pay a visit to the partner.

I want to get to the bottom of this.

You kicked the door down even though you got no response?

No, ma'am, we went in because we had a warrant.

The guy violated parole on a drug conviction.

- RESSLER: And when you got inside?

- Nothing.

It was quiet.

Noise on the TV, I guess We split up.

Parker went one way.

I went the other.

And that's where you saw him?


He was dumpin' evidence dope probably down the drain.

He saw me, pulled a g*n.

and next thing I hear, four sh*ts.

He fired first.

Two sh*ts.

So I returned.

But his sh*ts both missed.

Luckiest rookie son-of-a-bitch I ever seen.

Which shot hit him?

Which shot?

He was hit once.

You said you fired twice.

I assume you remember which missed and which didn't.

He's dirty.

Why do you say that?

Said he shot twice and the second shot hit him.

Well, that's odd, it's always the second shot that goes high, off the kick of the first.

Like I said he's dirty.

Did you miss me, sweetheart?

Aw, that's nice.

- So nice.


I missed you, too.

Word to the not-so-wise [SHOTGUN COCKS]

When you come for someone, don't show up in a rental car under your own name with a local address.

You never delivered the g*ns.

Two months Rivera is fighting BLO without them.

Well, he won't get them if I'm dead.

By the by, what's with the boots?

You guys do a lot of riding?

Our brothers are dying because of you.

They cannot defend themselves.

How many has Rivera sent for me?

Enough to get the job done.

Tell him that won't be necessary.

He'll have his g*ns within 36 hours.

A shipment of g*ns?

You have no g*ns.

Or money to buy them.

Or a plane to deliver them in.

This is impossible.

No, Dembe that periodontist from Tarkio?

She was impossible.

This is simply improbable.

I want to make my client's position clear their son was unarmed when he was shot.

Tell that to the cop that he shot at.

A cop m*rder*d our son!

- If that's what our investigation determines - [CELLPHONE VIBRATES]

that officer may well go to prison.

- - MRS.

STANSBURY: I'm sorry, Ms.

Thrall, - - but there's something I need to say.

REBECCA: We discussed this.

This was our fault.

- LIZ: What was?

- All of it.

When Scottie was a little boy, we didn't have money.

We moved to this dump of a place We didn't know about the lead paint.

It made him so sick.

The Stansburys lived in public housing.


- The lead paint in their unit left Scott cognitively impaired.

- - We sued and were awarded a structured settlement worth a little under half a million dollars.

- Structured settlement?

- Yes.

The money was supposed to be disbursed over decades, almost like a paycheck that would show up every month for Scott.

But then Waterday showed up, waving $100,000 in front of Scottie.

They offered a lump sum.

Yeah, 20 cents on the dollar.

Of course, he didn't see that.

He just saw a check for more money than he ever dreamed of.

There ain't no way that my boy shot at that officer.


- But for him to even be in a position where that is a question?



- - I blame Waterday for that.

I I got to make a phone call.

- Waterday - [CELLPHONE BEEPS]

- tell me more about them.


- PRESCOTT: Took you long enough.

- I'm not your errand boy.


You're my indentured servant.

And you will be until you repay the debt you owe me for hiding your little mishap with the National Security Advisor's skull.

You got no play here.

You can't sell me out without implicating yourself.

That's true.

And maybe I'm not willing to do that.

Or maybe I'm bluffing.

Are you gonna call my bluff, Agent Ressler, or are you gonna go fetch me that car before the cops process it?

Text me the, uh, license and registration.



What's going on?

Look, a friend of mine, uh he did something, and instead of coming clean, he's just digging himself a deeper hole.

And he needs you to dig himself out?

Something like that.


Okay, go.

I got this.

- Thanks, Keen.


G2-8 to window R.

G2-8 to window R.




Attention Registration and insurance is at room 443.

Room 443.

Registration and insurance - 443.



Number 83?

Let's go, lamb chop.

You're not gettin' any younger.

RED: I think this is the first time you've made it a priority to see me, and I appreciate that.

Thank you, Glen.

Truth is, you look sort of blue sitting out there all alone in that stew of humanity.

Made my heart squeeze.

Your heart?

I like pokin' you in the nose and watching you bristle, but after all you been through it don't feel right.

The thrill is gone.

It's been unpredictable.

How are the mighty fallen in the midst of battle!

I knew you would show up sooner or later, hat in hand, begging for help from ol' Jellybean.

What do you need?

A million dollars.


Are you dickin' with me?

I'm a government employee.

I make 44 grand a year.

Of which you don't spend a cent.

You live with your mother, and I'm confident you've amassed quite a nice nest egg from all your various extracurricular activities.

Go ahead.

Kiss the ring, sport.

I'm gonna need to hear the details.

I need a million cash.

Not to keep, to borrow.

For two days.

Glen, please, this is important.


Who loves ya, baby?

LIZ: Waterday Financial buys a ton of these structured settlements, mostly from people like Scott Stansbury.

Yeah, people without the cognitive ability to know they're being duped.

The lump sum Waterday offers may be unseemly, but it isn't a crime.

Other companies do this all the time.

Reddington said someone is paying cops to commit m*rder.

Does the financial settlement support that theory?

Well, maybe.

Or uh, maybe it's just a really odd coincidence.

But Waterday doesn't just buy structured settlements, they also make loans.

And some of the loans they make are to cops.

And just last month, one of the cops who had gotten a loan is Officer McGinnis.

LIZ: The same cop who shot Scott Stansbury.

Are you telling me the same company that bought the victim's settlement loaned money to the cop who shot him?

That cannot be a coincidence.

Of course it's a coincidence.

Look, we're a nationwide company.

We made over 1,400 home loans in the past fiscal year.

174 of them to cops.

And so this was bound to happen.

Is that what you're saying, Mr.


Look, what we do matters.

To the officers who are looking to buy a home, and to the victims like Scottie Stansbury who, thanks to us, don't have to wait for this money to slowly drip in.

With the lump sum that we offer, they can pay for college, start a business.

We're gonna need to see the documents pertaining to your structured settlements and the loans you made to the members of the Baltimore Police Department.

Do you have a warrant?

- We can get one if you insist.

- I do insist, - and you won't get one.

- And why is that?

Well, because to get one, you'll need to convince a judge what you think is going on here, which is as obvious as it is offensive a payoff to a cop to get him to commit m*rder?

Is that what it was?



See, the structured settlements that we buy only pay out as long as the victim is alive.

Now, we paid Mr.

Stansbury $100,000 for his settlement.

At the time of his death, we had recouped $62,000.

So, sure, someone may have wanted him dead, but not us.

His death cost us a fortune.

Jennifer, of course you're conflicted.

I mean, it's just my sister is sick, but - this really crosses a line.

- No.

I It isn't only about the money or paying for an operation or even about saving your sister's life.

It's It's also about the victim.

His name is Robert Urwiller, and he's suffering.

Robert is cognitively impaired and no settlement amount will ever make him whole.

His pain aside, look at his record.

The assaults, the prison time.

Jennifer, when I vet these candidates, I carefully consider everyone involved.

Statistics show it's unlikely Robert will even ever make his 45th birthday.

But you can let him go.

You can end his suffering, and save your sister's life in the process.

You busted me out to help you strategize.

And I'm telling you, we need a covert landing strip where these boys can belly down a Gulfstream, and that means a minimum of 500 meters of well-camouflaged pavement that ain't monitored by by by by radar or FAA.

He doesn't have the capital - for a covert runway - Was I talking to you, gumdrop?




You're broke.

Now, I can promise you that this moron will run his mouth with harebrained ideas as long as there's air in the room, but none of those ideas are gonna float if you can't pay for them.

And as your financial planner, - I have a fiduciary obligation to point out that - Oh, oh, oh, oh!

Oh, so so the racketeer who cut a deal with the Feds for embezzling - has a fiduciary obligation?

- Why don't you button your lip and figure out where to park the plane?

- Oh, I got a place.

- Is that fact?


Why don't you bend over and I'll show you?

- Bend over?

- Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

Listen, you two need to find a covert runway.

I don't care if you have to build it yourselves, just find it - and try not to k*ll each other in the process.



Right on cue.

Liz said you wanted to see me?


About a certain business venture I'm pursuing.

I think you'd fit right in.

The AUSA agreed we don't have enough to get a warrant.

ARAM: Yeah, a cop who had gotten a loan from Waterday shot a man who had gotten his settlement bought by them.

And they lost money on the deal plus, we only have one example, but, granted, that seems like one more than anyone would need.

But since it wasn't, we reviewed the class-action lawsuit that Stansbury was a part of now, out of 179 plaintiffs, four sold their settlements to Waterday.

Stansbury and these three My God.

Two were shot by police after high-speed chases.

The other charged an officer with a knife.

- su1c1de by cop.

- And the cops they all got loans from Waterday?

Loans that, as far as we can tell, they've never paid back.

LIZ: We don't know why, but Waterday appears - to be financing assassinations.

- COOPER: Get this to the AUSA.

Have them pull search and arrest warrants.

And find Ressler.

We need all hands on deck.


Step away from your desk.

- Who's in charge of your cybersecurity?

- I am.

Mr. Johnson's secretary.

Where's your boss?


It's your office.

Rhona knows not to call me unless it's an emergency.


Hey, what's up?

A and they showed you a warrant?

And what did they take?

Um, you know what?

Forget it.

I'm on my way in.


The FBI just raided the office.

Did you hear what I said?

The Feds know.

They're pulling the files, Rebecca.



Come on!

Let me up.

We're in trouble.


They're pulling your files from your office.

Wha Wait.


Wait, wait, wait!

Come on!

What are you Rebecca!





Raymond Reddington.

They said that you were out of the game.

Taken down by an old lady, no less.


And to think I've always had such good fortune with older women.

- Who's the boy?

- Levi Edwards.

My munitions man.

He'll be inspecting the merchandise.

Why should I make a deal with you, hmm?

Until today, you dismissed me as a thick-necked sea lion.

I believe I said walrus.

I don't remember, I was drunk at the time.

TOM: We're here for some g*ns. .

50 caliber, G3s, as discussed.

- You brought money as discussed?

- The money won't be a problem.

Money's always a problem.

I hear it may be your biggest problem.

Adika, I didn't come here to waste my time or watch you eat.

You've been trying to get me to kiss you into the business for years, I'm here at your table to do just that, so put down the fork Where's the money?

I said it won't be a problem.

This doesn't feel right.

You don't feel right.

On the contrary, I've never felt better.

Now put away the g*n before you do something you'll regret.

This feels like a setup.


GLEN: Okay, okay, I'm here.

I know I'm late.

Traffic was a bitch.



I'm ticklish!

Who the hell is this?

Geynor Collins, TG&L Lending.

I'm the moneyman.

The one who makes the magic happen.



What are you eating?

Smells like duck.

RED: A million reasons for you to have faith in my financial fortitude.

We'll need the merchandise delivered by the end of day.

Leave the money.

I will make some calls.

Forgive the overt mistrust, but I'm not going to hand you a penny until Mr. Edwards has had a chance to inspect the shipment.

No deal, then.

I need collateral.

Then take Edwards.

If there's a bump in the road, do with him as you wish.

Now get your merchandise in order.

I'll call you with a rendezvous site shortly.

We can make this work.

I'll take your word for it.

Take him.




I I'm on my way 45 minutes tops.

Smokey, Buhari's plane is supposed to land here in four hours.

If I were throwing a picnic, it'd be lovely, - but there are trees.

- The runway will be ready.

Tell that wizard the McClintock boys are here!

Where the hell is he?

We need the shovels and chainsaws!

- Shovels and chainsaws.

- Tell her to button her lip.

I I I got shovels and chainsaws.

- Smokey, if this doesn't work - Mr. Reddington, I need you to trust me on this.

We are going to belly that gunrunner's plane in that field, so help me God, I just need 45 minutes to get Leroy and Quackers there.

We'll jive then, my friend.

Who the hell are Leroy and Quackers?

ARAM: Based on the insurance records, I think maybe I figured out who the next target is.

- LIZ: Insurance records?

- Waterday's in the insurance business, too?

Oh, no, but they take out a ton of it.

Life-insurance policies on the lives of the people whose settlements they buy.

Johnson said the company paid Stansbury $100,000, but they had only received $62,000 when Stansbury died and the settlement payment stopped.

That's true, Waterday lost a few thousand on the settlement payouts, but they took out a $5 million policy on Stansbury's life.

So when he died, they made a fortune.

Let me guess they had policies on the other victims, too.

- Isn't that a little obvious?

- Uh, yes and no.

First, Waterday had policies on all of the people whose structured settlements they bought, not just the victims.

And second the victims.

It looks like they pick ones who are living on "borrowed time.

" Cancer victims, addicts, people whose illnesses may explain the type of erratic behavior that could result - in a deadly altercation with the police.

- LIZ: And the next target you said you might know who that is.


Based on the three knowns the recipient of a structured settlement, a preexisting medical condition, and a large insurance policy on their life I found one name in the Waterday database Robert Urwiller.

Let me get two of them scratchers.

Might be my lucky day.


SMOKEY: Let's get that last maple to the south pulled!

That oak, too!

Mikey and John, run a string line and mow me some threshold markings.

Humberto, check our compaction in the touchdown zone!


Chip-chop-chip, folks!

Show time in 20!


My land!

They don't make men like that anymore, do they?

Thank the Lord.



- That's it, huh?

- Yep.

- Was it brought in like that?

- No idea.

Sign here.





Whatever you're doing has to wait.


This situation has been handled.

Good, because we got a location on the blacklister's next target.


- Ressler, you there?

- I'm on my way.

RED: Smokey, you were born a century too late.

You're a miracle worker.

Heddie, I can't thank you enough - for keeping us on budget.

- Oh, you had not budget.

- Well, there you are.





I've been waitin' - for the longest time - It's him.

This ought to be interesting.

Agent Keen, I've got Urwiller's car heading east on Irving Street.

Do you have a vehicle description?

You are looking for a 1994 tan Toyota Tercel - which just made a left on Georgia.

- You still can't get him on his cell?

- I tried at least a dozen times - Trying again now.


- Can't nobody save me - [SIREN CHIRPS]


Devil, please don't take me alive Ah, ooh Mr.

Cooper, I just spoke with Agent Ressler and gave him Agent Keen's 10-20.

He's en route as we speak.

- And Urwiller?

You make contact?

- Uh, not yet, but we're still trying.

Coming Ah, ooh, yeah - [CELLPHONE RINGING]

- Ah, ooh, yeah - My time is coming, coming - [RINGING CONTINUES]

On my damn cellphone.


- My time is coming, coming soon - License and registration, please.

- I'm sorry - License and registration.

Aram, we have eyes.

There's a unit on scene now notify Annapolis Police and get cars there right away.

Copy that.

- Whoa!

What are you doing?!


Ah, ooh, yeah - Ah, ooh, yeah - LIZ: FBI!

Drop your w*apon!

Put the g*n down.

I'm not gonna warn you again.

My time is coming, coming My time is coming, coming soon RED: Adika!

How was your flight in?

ADIKA: Bumpy as hell.

Are you trying to k*ll us all?

Well, I picked the site for its magnificent views.

- Levi, you look well.

- Any chance we can untie me?

Adika, I appreciate the good faith.

And if your merchandise is as good as I hear, there's no end to what you and I could [BIRDS CHIRPING]

- What is it?

- Shh.


You hear that?

There it is again.

I don't hear anything.


A piping plover.

Their breeding grounds are along coastal beaches and alkali marshes, so to hear that bell-like call from a shorebird this far inland my gosh, poor little fella must be lost.

Do you want to talk birds or g*ns?


- [g*nf*re]


- Impressive.

Not if you're a lonely little plover.

The other five crates are in the jet. . 50 caliber and 3Gs, as discussed.

Dembe, if you could please grab Mr. Buhari's payment.

Levi, you look fit.

You can help me load the merchandise.


Adika, what the hell have you done?

- A*F!

- Everybody on the ground!

- A*F!

Get on the ground!

- Let me see your hands!

I said hands!

Get on the ground now!

I said don't move!

- Nice work, Chief.

- Hands!



Nice ride.

Guy I was helping out it belongs to him.


Why are you driving it?

Turns out he k*lled a guy, stuck him in the trunk.

I'm dumping the body for him.

Officer Serry won't talk.

Aram told me that the Waterday CEO is dead.

But, more than likely, he had an accomplice.

And, for all we know, is soliciting more cops.

If we can get to Serry, we might be able to put an end to this.

Mind if I take a run at her?

Why not one crooked cop to the next?

Maybe you can bond over the body in your trunk.

There's a body in the trunk?

Hurry up before it gets ripe!

I told her I wanted a lawyer.

I'm not answering any questions.

A Mongolian peasant gets brought into an office, where an important man offers him a million dollars on one condition that he press the red button on his desk.

And he tells the poor man that if he presses the button, an old man in Mongolia drops dead.

Now, he won't tell him why, only that his death is good for the people.

So he pushes the button, takes the money, and goes home.

But he's haunted by what he did.

He can't spend any of the money, and eventually, he commits su1c1de.

A man recently told me that story.

Said we all have a Mongolian peasant in our lives something we've done that we're ashamed of and that the minute someone finds out what that is, well, he can make you do anything.

Say anything.

Confess to anything.

Either to cover it up or to atone.

She said the target was sick - She?

Your contact was a woman?

- that he didn't have long to live that if I did it, I'd have money to take care of my sister.

So I pushed the red button.

Do you have a name?

Some way to contact her?


- Yes?

SERRY: I didn't do it.

- We had an agreement.

- I know.

I just - I couldn't.

- Couldn't or wouldn't?

You know what?

There's still time.

I'm just not comfortable talking on the phone.

- Can we meet somewhere?

- You want to meet?



TOM: You know, I told Liz that I didn't want to do this that I wanted no part of it.

But she insisted that we work things out.


And now we're going to prison.

I'm going away to prison because of you.

And the only saving grace is that you will be even further away, buried in the hold of a ship somewhere in the Indian Ocean.

And Liz will finally be rid of you.

And here I was thinking she had finally made peace with me.

She had because she's kind and decent and she sees the best in people even when she's being lied to.

You're certainly living proof of that.

I'm an open book compared to you.

I know you swear you never lie to her, - but I know better.

- Do you now?


I do.


It's her.

SWAT Commander, target is on site.

We move on my go.



Bulletproof glass.

Good to see you again, Ms. Thrall.

If you're gonna leave me locked up with someone, perhaps it could be a redhead with a nice smile and a friendly demeanor.

- Who the hell is this guy?

- Sorry it took so long.

Once I knew Humberto had your African friend and his chums in transpo, I stopped for some Bengay ointment.

Think I overdid it with my back.

RED: I use Epsom salt baths.

These guys work for you?

I thought I was going to jail that I was never gonna see my family again.

You're telling me this whole thing was about getting some g*ns?

Not just g*ns.

A man needs to travel, and when traveling, - I like to stretch out a little.

- That Buhari thug could've k*lled me - if this had gone wrong.

- Tom, if I wanted to get rid of you, I'd put the b*llet in your head myself.

However, you are important to Elizabeth, so, like it or not, you're important to me.

There's a piping plover out here somewhere.

Have either of you heard it?

COOPER: I understand you stumbled your way into a new jet.


I can't wait to get airborne.

This is the longest I've been grounded in some time.

But not to worry, Harold, it's a two-for-one special this week you not only get Miss Rebecca Thrall, you also get that despicable African gunrunner your agency has been hunting for years.

I need you to arrange for him to be taken into FBI custody directly from my people.

You still have people?

I make friends easily.

And this gunrunner.


Did he happen to have any g*ns?

Not this time.

- We mustn't look a gift horse in the mouth.

- It's where you live, but you don't know how it's built LIZ: I know he can be terrible sometimes, but come on - elephants?


- That sounds at least amusing - Yeah, for him, maybe.


I was taken hostage, all right?

He could've gotten me k*lled.

I cannot believe that you are related to him.


Because he's a nutjob.

Nutjob or not, he is my father.

And I I appreciate you offering to help him.


- Means the world to me.



- Okay.

They need me.

Um - I'll see you in a bit.

- Okay.


- It lit me up - Nik.

McGee just called.

Said he was able to extract DNA from a tooth.

Well, that's great.

Nik It lit me up Thank you.

Look, just, uh let me know the minute you know more.

Something's stirring in a deep Atlantic trench Doesn't forget the thousand years Before it slept - It's the beast, it's my heart, it's open - You know, Donald, before I turned myself in to the FBI, I held people like you in extremely low regard.

Right back at you.

But I've found your determination to do the right thing, your genuine commitment to the thin blue line that separates order and innocence from the likes of me to be quite admirable.

Why are you telling me this?

I want you to know you can count on me if you ever find yourself in as difficult position as Officer McGinnis has put himself in.

Never gonna happen.

Nevertheless, my offer stands.

It lit me up For the day I hope will never come.

It lit me up It lit me up like a rag soaked in gasoline In the neck of a bottle breaking right at my feet It lit me up and I burn from the inside out Who was he?

Who was who?

All you did was get a car out of impound.

And you'll be getting your next assignment real soon.

- It was a good dream - [ENGINE STARTS]


DEMBE: She's a nice plane, Raymond.

No fuel and no pilot, but a plane of our own.


I like it out here.

It's peaceful.

GLEN: I'm telling you the mosquitos out here are the size of birds!


Glen, you came for your money, which has been returned in full and while I'm deeply grateful for what you've done, you're perfectly welcome to go.

Nah, I know what it's like to feel alone, partner.



- Want another dog?

- No, thank you.

Well, I don't mind if I do.

Moving on - Moving on - [FARTS]


Excuse me.

That's right mosquitos or not, I'm afraid we'll be sleeping with the door to the jet open tonight, boys.

- Many times I've been told - [GROANS]

All this talk will make you old So I close my eyes Look behind Moving on Moving on So I close my eyes Look behind Moving on