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02x05 - The Truth about Kat and Dogs

Posted: 11/09/19 14:25
by bunniefuu
Charmed (2018) - 02x05 - The Truth about Kat and Dogs

- Previously on Charmed - HARRY: But you need to jump!

Go now!

Do it!

MEL: There's a shape-shifter out there who looks exactly like you.

HARRY: My fellow Whitelighters.

They're dead.

I'm the last Whitelighter.

- You're a demon.

- I'm a witch and a demon.

Allow me to introduce myself.

Abigael Jameson-Caine.

Daughter of Alistair Caine, half sister to Hunter Caine, both of whom your family m*rder*d.

- You've got to be kidding me.


The sentinel.

They're rumored to live on the astral plane.

MEL: Then let's go find the sentinel.

SENTINEL: The Book of Elders contains the greatest secrets and spells.

- Can you translate the Book?

- No.

But you can.

Just remember, nothing is without consequence.

It's Helen, right?

Oh, my God.

You're a Whitelighter.

NURSE: Helen's quiet.

It's her sister that's the problem.



That thing in there, she's part of you.

Macy, it's time to go.

Harry's here.


Go through the portal.

- Where's Macy?

- She's not with you?

We saw her leave with you.

Unless It wasn't me.

It was him.

My darklighter.



Where is she?

Where's our sister?

Don't know what you're talking about.

We know you've got a witch here.

Are you working for him?

The darklighter?

Just give her up, and there won't be any trouble.

Want to ask me a question?

Come a little closer.

- We'll stay right here.


- Caeca hunc daemonem!

- Caeca hunc daemonem!


Damn witches blinded me.

We have an antidote.

Tell us where Macy is, and we'll give it to you.

We just want our sister back.



There has to be Some kind of deal - We can make.

- What kind of deal?



Mel, no!

What did what-what did What did you do that for?

He was our last lead to Macy.

I saved your life.

Maggie, look.


- Macy?

- Help me!



Thank you.

Thank you so much.


: Thank you.

Oh, God.

Thank you.

No red dots anywhere.

Well, while you were in Clay City, I went and checked on the last two.

One in Jacksonville, the other in Provo.

Witches in trouble, yes, but no Macy.

What was that demon even doing with her in a barrel?

Marinating her, most likely.

A small sect of Malignants have gone Well, a tad cannibalistic.

Once they get a taste for witches, their appetite is insatiable.

Good news is you saved that woman before she became lunch.

Yeah, and the bad news is no Macy anywhere.

How is this possible?

Could the darklighter have cloaked her?

Or worse?

Don't go there, Mags.

Perhaps it's time you do.

"Dead" is the word you're so assiduously avoiding.

- Macy is not dead.

- You sure of that?

The other Harry has had her for, what, 36 hours?

That's plenty of time to I swear, if you don't stop talking now, we will you.

MEL: I'm telling you, we need to try Absum Veri, which I'm pretty sure I still remember.

Absum Veri?

- What is that?

- A tracking spell.

Very powerful and also banned.

How do you even know about it?

Well, I spent some time studying the list in the back of The Book of Shadows.

Those spells are banned for a reason.

The last witch to try Absum Veri was found not alive.


Guantanamo guards.

You can't keep me in this containment spell forever.

Even demons have rights, and I have things I need to do.

What kind of things?

I'm not sure your imagination could handle them, Perky Peanut.

What did you call me?

Perky Peanut.

Pretty Pony.

Primping, Prancing Princess.

I can see why my loser brother was so taken with you.

Parker is not a loser.

He's decent and kind.


He walked away from ruling the Primordials.

He was too weak.

- Ignore her, Mags.


- Angry Spice has spoken.

- Enough.

We need to focus.

We're running out of time.

I'll scour The Book of Elders for information about the darklighter, any clues as to where he might have taken Macy.

And we'll take our chances on Absum Veri.


Macy is missing, Harry.

Banned or not, this is our best sh*t.

Sorry, Harry.

I agree with Mel on this one.


Perky Peanut?

Half sister demon's really starting to piss me off.

Still looking for a "shut your piehole" potion for her.




Uh, Maggie, this is Kat.

She helped us find a path to the astral plane.


Sounds like it was a real trip.


About that Have you had any weird residual Sside effects since then?

Uh, like what?

Images of worms.

What's going on?

What is happening?

Get them off of me!


Uh, no.


No side effects.

Kat, I'm sorry to have to rush off, but we've got a sort of family emergency.

Maybe we can grab coffee later?

Of course.

Nice to meet you.

- You, too.

- Yeah.


Okay, what was that?

I thought you said she didn't remember anything - from the astral plane.

- She wasn't supposed to.

Well, what happened there?

Can we please just stick on task here?

Absum Veri requires us to say an incantation over three items belonging to the missing person.

We need something that Macy dreads, something she denies herself, and something she desires.

The dread should be specific to her and current.


MAGGIE: What are you doing?

Pouring out the exact number of sh*ts I can take before I say something I regret.

- She dreads being out of control.

- Do it.



Now for what she denies herself.


Remember the almond milk incident?

Oh, yeah.

She went ballistic when we ran out.



Now what she desires.

- It's obvious.


- Career.

She wanted that job at the - Bioethical Research Lab in Ann Arbor.

- No.

I mean, yes, her ambition, but Macy's deepest desire was growing up with her mother.

She accepted that.

People don't just accept loss overnight, Mel.

Look, I'm sorry to pull rank here, but I'm the empath, and if anyone understands emotion, it's me.

ABIGAEL: Tantric sex takes less time than whatever it is you're doing.

This is supposed to help me translate.

Every time I pass over the text dealing with Whitelighters, it disappears.


Guess the Elders didn't want Whitelighters to see it and learn the truth about their naughty darklighter selves.

Forget the Book.

Perhaps the truth is lying somewhere else entirely.

Stop playing games.

If you know something, speak up.

Macy's in danger.

I don't know anything.

But I'm guessing if you share the same origin, it's conceivable you share a psychic connection of sorts where you know what he knows And vice versa.

Well, even if you were right, how to access that connection?

Start at the beginning where you and he were created.

I'm trying.

The Elders wiped my memory.

[LAUGHS] : Oh, yes.

And deleting p*rn cleans your hard drive.


What if I could help you access them?

Your memories.

The good, the bad and the ugly.


You bust me out of here, and we'll talk.

Nice try.

Don't you see?

We share a common enemy, Harry.

He came after me, too.

I want him dead as much as you do.

Stop talking.

I'm trying to concentrate.

Well, the clock is ticking.



Hesitate long enough, and it might be too late.

Oh, come on.

Come on.

Oh, damn it.


Against my better judgment [INDISTINCT CHATTER]

What are you doing?

Remember, my demon magic doesn't work in your precious command center.

Now, before we do this, I have some legal liability forms I'll need you to sign.

That was a joke.

Look, what I'm about to do is dead serious.

I have a special skill that demons in my family line possess.

You will experience joy and pleasure, but you may also experience pain and suffering.

And it will feel as real as it did when it actually happened.

Are you prepared for some pain and pleasure, Harry?


Just do it.



: What?

What the hell?

Not hell.

But close.

Where are we?

We're in a demon mind meld.

Welcome to your subconscious, Harry.

Let the games begin.

MEL: If this goes wrong MAGGIE: It's not going wrong.

We got this.

BOTH: Ancient spirits, Macy Vaughn, our dear eldest sister, has up and gone.

We must retrieve her.

Heed our call.

Track down our sister before night's fall.

Qui abest reperietur.

Nothing's happening.


Okay, so this is why we don't try banned spells.





We got the desires wrong.


I told you.


I don't understand.

My subconscious is SafeSpace Seattle?

It takes on the physicality of wherever I perform the meld.

So, welcome visionary.


Somewhere in here, smothered under layers of teapot cozies and mushy peas, is your connection to the darklighter.

If you can access him, his thoughts, well, that might lead us to where Where he took Macy.


I know that song.

With 'Arry Brown, a pal of mine, at nights I used to go Round to a pub, a cozy pub, a quiet little show A widder lady keeps it And there's one thing pretty clear Happy birthday, James.


And while he tells his tales of love to her across the bar I keep me chivy chase inside a pot Yes.

That's I'm always whisperin' in his ear Every opportunity I've got me.

My human name was James Westwell.

Before I became a Whitelighter.

And that's my grandmother.

Her name was Willa.

You've gotten so big.


Yes, it was Willa.

I'm sure of it.

Now, take a deep breath and make a wish.


This is a memory.

No, no.

No, no, wait.

Don't get lost in the morass, Harry.

MAN: Good evening, everyone.

It's Michael and Penny again What's that?

bringing you a delightful song with a funny little title called "I Do Like to Be Beside the Seaside.

" Now everyone delights to spend their summer holiday Down beside the side of the silvery sea I'm no exception to the rule In fact, if I'd me way I'd reside by the side of the silvery sea My father.

Cavendish tobacco.




Moving on.


- You think she dealt with Mom, but you're wrong about that part.

Or you're wrong about Macy.

I should have trusted my instincts.

Macy and I are in a different place in our life.

What is that supposed to mean?

Uh, meaning your obsession with guys has always trumped any career ambition.




Uh, that's rich, coming from The Haunt's former - Bartender of the Month.


- And Parker's not just some guy.


Yeah, he was a demon guy who tried to steal your powers.

He said he was sorry.

Stop being so judgy.






That should work.


So should this.

Let's hope this demon hound likes tofurkey.



GIRL: Truth or dare?



I choose dare.

Close your eyes.

First kiss.



Who's that?


There was a woman.

She was right here.

Seems there are some things lurking out there you don't want to face, Harry.

But if we're looking for psychic connections to the darklighter, you're going to have to go deeper.

How, exactly?

Time to break down your walls.

Considering it's you, it might take a sledgehammer.

Come on.

Let's go find out what's in the dark recesses of Harry.

Please stop.


If I do what you ask, will you leave me alone?

Fine, then.

Let's get this over with.







Is that you?

Where have you been?

I don't know.

You bastard!

How could you do this to me?

To your son?

What did I do?

I gave up on you being faithful to me a long time ago.

But another family.

Another family.

You are a scoundrel, aren't you?

Do you know how many nights Carter falls asleep in my arms, asking where you are and if you're coming back?


You're insatiable and greedy.

Clara, forgive me.


It's too late, James.

I'm sorry.



Well, I guess now we know where the "dark" in your darklighter came from.

All right, demon hound, come and get it!



All right, take two.




: Hi, this is Mel.

Leave a message.


I'm trying.

You broke the rule.


The no relationship rule.

We agreed not to make the same mistakes again.

And I haven't.

I swear.



Now, can we just get on with this?




BOTH: Ancient spirits, Macy Vaughn, our dear eldest sister, has up and gone.

We must retrieve her.

Heed our call.

Track down our sister before night's fall.

Qui abest reperietur.






How could I have done those things?

Perhaps the memories weren't real.

Maybe the Elders planted them.

We're in a demon mind meld.

I'm afraid those memories are real.

But they're over.

Well, you've done this, luring me into the darkness.

What was the point of all that?

Well, the point is to find Macy and end the thr*at that hunts us all, that assassin.

I warned you it would be painful.

Look, the dark version of you k*lled two of my favorite playthings with a flick of his wrist.

Now he has Macy, and something in your brain might hold the key to finding him.

A quiet little show [HARRY EXHALES]

WILLA: Happy birthday, James.





Sounds like we're in the right place.






Are you okay?



Did you see its teeth?

I was too freaked out by its eyes.

Every time we get it wrong, that demon dog gets more dangerous.

Every time we get it wrong, it's another minute that Macy's missing.

We just need to get it right next time.


If only we could get into Macy's head.

If only.



Normally, it's fun to watch someone struggle and suffer, but this is getting old.



My brain won't let me in.

What would you like me to do?

Well, we don't have time for therapy.

She's back.

Who is that?

You tell me.

I don't know.

She's gone again.

Harry, this door, it's locked for a reason.

The thing the Elders feared most, your connection to your other half, it must be on the other side.


It's a mental firewall.


You won't get through it with brute force.

It's not about fighting, - it's about surrendering.

- To what?

To the scariest thing of all.

The truth.




Wouldn't this be the worst way to die, after everything?

Being a dog sack for a demon hound.

I'm sorry, Mags.

I wasn't right about this spell either.

Well, it's good to know we're both wrong sometimes.

You weren't wrong about everything.

I kissed Kat.

I mean, not really kissed.

It happened when we went to the astral plane, so it was sort of like a dream.

The real Kat has no idea it even happened.

Well, that's okay.

You didn't break the rules in the real world.

But I wanted to.

And I look at Parker's Insta every day.

We all have secret desires.

Secret desires.

We can get into Macy's head.

Her journal.

In her nightstand.

In her room.

MEL: Could he be asleep?


Dogs do love to nap.



Shut it up.

- Mel.

- I'm trying.

Do you think?

We're good.


- Go.



Castle Breithe.


Heavily guarded.

No one enters.

No one leaves.

Rumor is it was enchanted.

- Take me back.

- What?

Take me back now.


You're gonna have a headache for a bit.

Probably like the worst hangover.

Wh-What are you doing?

I'm tired of secrets.

I'm going to Scotland.

Are you coming?


I've been here before.

That's where I learned to heal.

An Elder cut her hand.

I can see her face now.

She was so calm.

Dear God.

What happened?



He's still alive.

- Don't go near it.

- What do you mean?

It's-it's sick.

We have to help.

Harry, don't!


Why the hell did you do that?

It would have k*lled you.

These are Caliban.

Hired assassins.

Their hands are lethal.

Anything they touch dies.

You're welcome.

Well, they must have been placed here by the Elders to defend the castle.

ABIGAEL: They have no mouths.

That's one way to keep them silent.

How do you know so much about them?

When I was 13, I reached out to my father, thinking the great and mighty Alistair Caine would welcome a daughter with open arms.

Instead, he sent them to k*ll me.

Turns out Daddy isn't big on bastard witch daughters.

I'm sorry.

You're not the only one with memories you'd like to repress.

Sigillum ianuam.

El oblinito ilud.

That should hold it.

At least for a little bit.

MAGGIE: This is where she keeps it.

It's not here.

What do you mean?

Th-Th-The journal, it's not here.




He's slamming into the wall.



What is this?


[PANTING] : Oh, no.

Oh, no, I can't.

You can.










What did you see?


What are these?

A prison.

For every darklighter they created.

The Elders used their acolytes to separate us into two Whitelighters and darklighters.

I met this woman Helen McGantry The first Whitelighter, their first attempt, which went very badly.



They must have decided it was too dangerous to give the dark halves a corporeal form, so they Turned them into smoke.

They locked them up for eternity.

This is all that's left.

The ash.

Darklighter residue.

The Elders d*ed, the Whitelighters d*ed.

It makes sense.

So did all the darklighters.

Well, except yours.

My connection with the Elders was severed.

I became a free agent.

So did he.

What are you looking for?


Ah, that's me.



Yeah, that's me.

Her journal is not here.

We've turned the place upside down.



You wouldn't be so cranky if you'd taken your nap!



It's Kat again.



Well, that's a design flaw.


"Marisol wants you to know "what you're looking for is between the sheets.

" Marisol?

How does she know about Mom?

She doesn't.

Well, she was wrong.


Or Her journal.

It's here.

- How did Kat?

- I don't know But she did.

Why is Macy drawing Harry?

And keeping it in here?

Secret desires.

What-what if?

What if he's all of them?

Dreads, denies, desires Not three things but one.




So the assassin, the k*lling machine who slaughters witches and demons, who came after me and Macy is My other half The darklighter.

I'm half a man.

And someone or something let the other half out.

The darklighter Has a master.

Perhaps there's fingerprints.

- No, no, wait.


Final line of their defense.

The jars were never meant to leave this place.

BOTH: Ancient spirits, Macy Vaughn, our dear eldest sister, has up and gone.

We must retrieve her.

Heed our call.

Track down our sister before night's fall.


BOTH: Qui abest reperietur.






Who is a good demon doggy?



Hi, puppy.


Oh, my God.


I am no closer to Macy than I was before all this started.

Aren't you?

If he's your other half, then you share memories, emotions, feelings.


My mind.

One more time.

- I need you to take me there.

- Why?

I need to find that woman.

Maggie, look.


HARRY: She's got to be here somewhere.






I was so worried.


I'm sick, Harry.

Can you heal me?

She's talking To him, my darklighter.

This is his memory.

The psychic connection.

You seem different, Harry.

You seem different, Harry.

I am different.

Do you like it?

Do you like it?





Damn it.


Harry, we did it.

We got the coordinates for the tracking spell.

New York City.

Lower Manhattan.


But there are no red lights anywhere near there.

Doesn't make any sense.

If she's in danger, why isn't it showing up?

Because she's not.

In danger.

At least not yet.

How do you know that?

Because He has feelings for her.

How do you know that?

Because so do I.

For better or worse he and I are the same person.