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Beaches (1988)

Posted: 11/10/19 22:13
by bunniefuu
Beaches (1988)



Oh, the sun beats down

And burns the tar up on the roof

And your shoes get so hot

You wish your tired feet were fireproof

Under the boardwalk

Down by the sea

On a blanket with my baby

Is where Ill be From the park you hear

Happy sounds from the carousel

You can almost taste the hot dogs

And French fries they sell

Under the boardwalk

Down by the sea


- On a blanket with my baby

- On a blanket with my baby

Is where Ill be

Under the boardwalk

Out of the sun

Under the boardwalk

Well be having some fun

Under the boardwalk Walk

People walking above

Under the boardwalk

Well be falling in love

- Under the boardwalk

- Under the boardwalk Boardwalk



- Sound okay, CC?

- All right.

- How was that tempo?

- Pretty good.

You sound pretty good.

Thank you.

Now, if the strings and horns would only come here, right?

I know.

It's like the Claude Rains Orchestra.

Message for you, CC.

I gotta talk to that contractor.


Diana, get my bag.



- What about rehearsal, CC?

- Diana, get me my bag and my coat.

- CC, what's wrong?

- Brett.

- Brett, Ive got to go to the airport.

- Yes, ma'am.

Right away.


Are you sure you don't want me to take you up to the gate, Ms. Bloom?

No, no, no, I'm fine.

Just tell Diana Ill call her when I get there.

We tried everything to get you a flight out tonight, Miss Bloom... but it's impossible.

There are no planes landing in San Francisco.

- There's a fog.

- What do you mean, there are no flights landing in San Francisco?

- Is this the modern world or what?

- That's right, but even in the modern world... planes don't land in San Francisco when it's foggy.

Uh, Linda, why dont you check about the status of the fog lifting?

- I checked five minutes ago.

- Fogs lift.

Please check again.

I think it would be nice.

Miss Bloom would like for us to make that call.

They said they would call me when the fog lifted.

You call them.

Get-- The car's right over here.

The keys are in it.

Here's your map and your contract.

I checked the wipers.

They're all right.

-It's raining all the way up l-5, so be careful.

- Okay.


I'm a big fan, CC.



Oh, when the sun beats down

And burns the tar up on the roof

And your shoes get so hot you wish your tired feet

- Were fireproof

- Best hot dogs in Atlantic City.

Under the boardwalk

Down by the sea

On a blanket with my baby

That's where Ill be



Don't tell me.

You're lost.

I must see a hundred cases like you every day.

- You want a drag?

- ''A drag''?

You know, a drag on my cigarette.

itll calm your nerves.

I just want to get back to our hotel... but I can't remember the name.

- Big or small?

- Big.

- Ritzy or cheap?

- I guess it's ritzy.

Does it have a fountain in front, a pool inside...

- and a bunch of fruits in monkey suits playing violins in the lobby?

- Yes !

Bet your ass it's ritzy.

- It's the Marlboro Blenheim.

- That's it !

Do you know where it is?

Yeah, Ill walk you back if you want.

Oh, yes.


Just let me put on my shoes.

Where the hell are they?

What's your name?

What's my name?

I am none other than the fantastic, world-famous... child wonder...

CC Bloom !

Ta-da !

Hi, Im Hillary Whitney.

Dont you recognize me?


I do a couple of routines in the Sammy Pinkers Kiddie Show.

- The what?

- Holy mackerel, kid !

What planet do you live on?

The Sammy Pinkers Show just happens to be the most popular show in Atlantic City.

And Im the most popular act in it... along with Iris Myandowski, the hand-walking q*eer.

- Do you want a puff?

- CC, where are you?

- CC !

- Don't blow a gasket, Leona.

Im down here.

You know, when I didn't find you in your dressing room, you know what I thought?

I thought you were dead !

You watch too many movies, Leona.

Come on.

We gotta get back to the theater right now.

There's a Hollywood talent scout wants to see your act.

- Is this your idea of a sick joke?

- No, honey.

He caught the midnight show last night.

He was crazy about you.

And he's looking for a kid to star in his new movie.

Let's go !

Well, dont just sit there.

Come on !

- This is my break into the big time.

- How many times do I have to tell you...

don't wear that costume on the beach?

- I am not made of money, you know.

- Get off my back, Leona !

Oh, my God, Im dying from heat prostration.

I can't breathe.

What are you, a camel or something?

Come on, Skedaddle !

I gotta have a sip !

Who is that woman?

What woman?

That's no woman, that's my mother.

- Let's go, Leona !

- Im coming.

I am spritzing from here to high heaven.

- Come on !

- Im coming !

I've got splinters in my toes.

Ox, God, I hate Atlantic City!

- What's this one's name?

- Bloom.

CC Bloom.

- CC Boom, it sounds like a stripper.

- Not CC Boom.



Hit it, toots.



You got to give a little

Take a little

And let your poor heart break a little

That's the story of

That's the glory of love

Oh, yeah

You got to laugh a little

Cry a little

Until the clouds roll by a little

That's the story of

That's the glory of love

As long as there's the two of us

We've got the world and all its charms

And when the world is through with us

We've got each other's arms

You've got to win a little

Lose a little

And always have the blues a little

That's the story of

That's the glory of love

My mama told me that's the glory of Love



Oh, great.



CC, come here and meet Mr.


- Hi, Mr.


- Hi, CC.


Melman came all the way from Hollywood-- lris Myandowski's auditioning too?

Hey, CC, it wouldn't be fair not to let-- - I thought it was just me, Leona !

- It was, sweetie.

But Mrs.

Myandowski wants her little girl to have-- She found out from you, didn't she?

You were bragging again.

- Werent you, Leona !

- Im so proud of you, sweetheart.

lris is ready, Mr.


- What a beautiful child.

- I told you.

Who cares what she looks like?

All she knows how to do is walk on her hands.

- It's your fault !

It's your fault they picked her !

- Please, don't say that.

- I can't breathe.

- It should have been me !

- You keep bragging about me !

You gotta stop !

- Everybodys gonna hear.

- You're ruining my career !

- Honey, look, Im gonna have an attack.

- I hate Iris Myandowski !

- Im having palpitations.

You're always sorry !

Just leave me alone !

- Leave me alone !

- Please, will you stop it, honey?

Look, Im all flushed.

What are you doing to me?

- Calm down, honey.


- She got the job.

I didn't.

- I didn't mean to brag.

- Iris Myandowski's a hand-walking q*eer.

Please, CC.

Please, stop it.

- Honey, please.

- I hate my life.

Now, come on.

Get out of there.

Where are you?

Come on, CC.

What do you say, we just pack it in... and we go back to the Bronx, huh?

You could hang out at the pool with the other kids.

You could see your daddy.

And then, maybe your daddy will take you to Mr.

Cohen's candy store.

You'll have a nice malted and those little chocolate-covered cherries you like.

Wouldn't that be a nice idea, honey?

Dont you want to go home, baby?

Come on, give me a smile, honey, huh?

Okay, Leona.

Let's go home.


Ill be right back.

Yoo-hoo, Mr.

Pinkers !

The Blooms are quitting.

Find another kid to work for bubkes.


I think walking on your hands is kind of creepy.


And you're the best singer I ever saw.


- You ready?

- Ready.

Bunny rabbit.

How'd my hair come out?

This is your half.

and my address is on the back.

It doesn't say San Francisco.

That's because I don't live exactly in San Francisco.

I live just outside, in Atherton.

I live exactly in the Bronx, but Im Leaving when Im a big star.

- Thanks, mister.

- Anytime.

Id like to buy you a soda for walking me back.


Bread and butter.

What are we doing here?

We're getting ice cream sodas.

Come on.

There were sodas on the boardwalk.

Youll love the sodas here.

But people are looking at me.

- So what?

-What do you mean, so what?

- So, theyll probably kick me out of a place like this.

- They can't.

Just a minute, you two.

You can't sit here.

- Oh.

I told you.

- Yes, we can.

My name's Hillary Whitney, and Im staying here with my father... and I want a chocolate soda.

Want do you want, CC?

Whatever she's having.

Certainly, Miss Whitney.

- So how'd you do that?

- Easy.

My father's rich.

And your mother's not rich?

She died when I was a little girl.


Will you write to me in San Francisco?

Sure, but how come you want me to write to you so much?

Are you crazy?

You just happen to be the most fantastic person...

- Ive ever met in my entire life !

- I am?

I almost cried when you started singing...

That's the story of That's the glory of love Hillary, don't sing.

Hillary, what are you doing?

Having a soda with CC, Aunt Vesta.

I got lost and she showed me the way back after her ''Glory of Love'' number.

Her ''Glory of Love'' number?

Your father and I have been Looking for you for hours.

We were just about to call the police.

Uh, listen, maybe we should just forget about the sodas, you know?

If I don't go back, Leona will start foaming at the mouth.

Oh, my.

Come, Hillary.

Come on.

- Whatever they had, charge it to the room.

- They didn't have anything, ma'am.

Look, Im sorry I got to go.

That's my Aunt Vesta.

Im glad she's not my Aunt Vesta.

Here, little girl.

Now, go home.

What's this for?

It will keep you honest.

Be sure to keep in touch, CC.


Well, sure.

We're friends, aren't we?

You shouldn't play with that strange little child.

-Well, who am I going to play with?

- Me.

You like to play bridge.

Ta-da !

Dear CC, we're spending the summer at our beach house.

It's very peaceful here.

I get to ride horses and think a lot.

I miss you.

It's fun to have somebody to be silly with.


All I ride is the subway.

Leona won't pay for me to go to Julliard...

so I have to keep taking dancing and singing... from Miss Jean Kayton, the freaky, fat vaudeville star.

The studio's in the cellar, which means you only graduate... when you're tall enough to hit your head on the ceiling.

P. S.

I hate my hair.

Okay, then we have Hillary Whitney on Little Clementine.

Stop daydreaming, Hillary.

Let's go.

Dear CC, Sometimes I get sick of words...

like ''proper;' ''well-bred;' ''cultured.'' I go through life thinking everyones watching me.

Are they?

Well, things are pretty good in the Bronx.

I hate school, and I like taking singing lessons.

I got to sing at my father's dry cleaning convention.

I was a hit.

See you later, alligator.

Cecilia Carol Bloom.

Dear CC, Ive decided to study law... and Im convinced Ill have some effect on the world... rather than end up in a mindless woman's club like my Aunt Vesta.

I ended up choosing Stanford... because four generations of Whitneys went there, all men, of course.

But, mainly, I have to confess, because it's co-ed.

Dear WASP Queen...

Leona gave me a great present for my 21st birthday.

She moved to Miami.

Im on my own now, and Ive got a flat, a can of mace and a subscription to Variety.

Im all set.

P. S.

How's college life?

Arent you done yet?

Now is the month of May Dear CC, I went on my first protest march... and my father called me a radical.

He doesn't understand the whole world's falling apart while he's playing golf.

Sorry my trip east didn't work out, but Dad just wasn't feeling well enough.

Will I ever see you again?

Call or write soon, will you?

Love, Hillary.

I was just about to commit su1c1de... by taking an overdose of vitamin A... when your letter arrived telling me Im a genius and don't lose heart.

Ive decided to live, even though I never get any work...

Ive got no agent, and Im deeply Lonely during this festive season.

Thank you.

Next, CC Bloom.

Let's move along, kids.


From, uh, from letter ''G.'' And just kind of medium, not too bright.

- Hi.

- Hi.


You got to win a little Lose a little And always have the blues a little That's the glory of That's the story of love My mama told me that's the glory of love Merry Christmas.

Next, T.


Whatever will be will be The future's not ours to see Ah, who needs Broadway?

I think what I really am is a jazz singer.

At least, that's what Im gonna try to be this week.

I got a job at a nightclub.

It's a hot spot, and Im packing 'em in.

How's lawyer life?

By fashion and foppery Im never discussed Attending the ''opree'' My box would be a bust I never shall have that Park Avenue air But Im in such health Why should I care The hip that I shake Doesn't make People stare But Ive got such health What do I care The sight of my props Never stops a thoroughfare But I still got my health So what do I care Your face is your fortune So some wise man spoke My face is my fortune That's why Im totally broke My ship ain't come in but I grin white I bear 'Cause Ive got my vitamins A, B, C, D E, F, G, H I still have my Got no diamonds Got no wealth I got no man but I got my health Thank you.

Thank you.

Youre just too, too kind.

Thank you, guys.

Did you catch that set, Harry?

Those people were crazy about me, so I was, uh-- - I was wondering if you could Lend me 50 bucks till payday?

- No.

What the hell is this, a piano bar or a n*zi work camp?

Im singing my heart out for bubkes, peanuts !

Im living on dog food, and you can't give me 50 Lousy bucks you already owe me.

Harry, you-- You're an angel, honey.

If your mother hadn't been such a bitch, we could have shared something important.

Last call.

Grace, give me a Stinger.

- Harrys buying.

Ain't that right, Har?

- Mm-hmm.

CC Bloom?


Oh, God.

Ive dreamt about this moment for so long.

I can't believe we're actually in the same room together.

Look, honey, I don't know what youre after...

but if its what I think it is, you're not my type, comprendez-vous?

Dont you recognize me?


Hillary Whitney?

I don't believe this !

Harry, do you believe this?

We've been writing letters since we were 11 years old.

- What are you doing here in New York?

- I don't know.

l-I just walked out on my life.

l-l-Ive been feeling suffocated for years, but I couldn't stand it anymore.

Today-- It's funny how that happens, isn't it?

I just-- I woke up this morning and I thought, ''This is it !'' And I left.

My job, my father, my apartment.

Your money too?

I hadn't thought about it, but, yeah, I guess my money too.

- Well, so what?

You're here !

- So what?

Well, come back to the storeroom.

That's where I change my clothes.

- Shall I leave my bags here?

- Are you crazy?

No !

Come on, this is New York.

Harry, give us a hand with the bags.

- Ive got a bad back.

- You've got a bad attitude.

- Ive come this far.

- Come here.

Let me help you.

I like your tail.

You know, I really appreciate the offer, but Im sure I can find a place on my own.

In this neighborhood?

Never !

- No?

- Besides, youre broke.

And Leona would have a heart attack if I didn't invite you to stay.

She lives in Miami.

She'd never know.

Hi, Marge.

How's life treating you?


Marge, you ought to cut down on the gasoline.

It's bad for the complexion.

- She could be dead.

- Nah.

If she was dead, she would have dropped the bottle.

Oh, here we go.

Welcome a chez moi.

Geez, it's cold in here.

I guess old Armand... forgot to send the heat up.

Send the heat up !


Crazy Turk.

This is where Leona sleeps when she visits.

You can have that bed.

And, uh, this is where I sleep.

Oh, God.

- So, all the comforts of home, huh?

- A bathtub?

Oh, yeah.

We got everything.

I got everything but heat.

Armand !

Send up the heat !

What a bum.

All right, here's the toilet.

Wait !

For no extra money-- Look.

What do you think?

A veranda, a patio.


It's a gale out there.

So, what do you think?

Well, l-- I know it's not Buckingham Palace, but it's home to me.

You don't understand.

Im crying because Im happy.

It just hit me that Im free.

You don't know what it's been like for me.

My father controlled everything I did, even down to the kind of law I practiced.

And now, for the first time in my life, Im doing exactly what I want to do...

rather than what Ive been trained to do.

I feel like shouting, ''Free at last, free at last !

Thank God Almighty, Im free at last !'' So... are you always like this?

- No.

- Good.

Then you can stay.

Come on !

Let's put this bed out.

I its almost 1 O:30.

So what do you think?

You gonna be long?

- Not if I can help it.

-Then you want me to wait for you?

Dont you really think you ought to wait?

I am dressed like a rabbit.

All right.

Yeah, but you gotta hurry because I got to be at this rent strike rally in an hour.

All right.

Ill sing one song for darling bunny boy.

Ill be out like a flash.

- Do I look okay?

- Here it is.

- Are my ears on straight?

What about my hair?

- Yeah.

It looks fine.

You're gonna be great.

- Break a leg, CC.

- Oh, you sound so silly when you say that.

If you call me Bugs, you're dead.

I hate my life.

Just a minute.

Message for the birthday boy from his darling bunny girl, Barbara.

From my what?

I don't write it, pal.

I just deliver it.

Happy, happy birthday bunny boy love's kind of funny with a bunny boy He loves me so hard He's my bundle of joy I try to go to sleep but its just no use 'Cause all he really wants to do is reproduce Happy birthday to you Happy birthday darling Johnny Happy birthday to you ''Love, from your darling bunny girl, Barbara.'' Hey, wait a minute.


I only do encores for cash.

You know, you've got a great voice.

Oh, yeah?


- Why do you waste your time doing this?

- I can't help myself.

I love to get dressed up like a rabbit and go out in public.

Well, is there anyplace I can see your work or-- Ill be at Gramercy Park at 4:00 this afternoon in a chicken suit.

- This is yours.

- Thank you.

I'm John Pierce.

Im Brer Rabbit.


Well, it was nice to meet you Brer Rabbit, you and your voice.

Well, Im not really Brer Rabbit, but I guess you knew that.

Im really Cecilia Bloom.

How do you do?


You've got a hell of a paw-shake there, Cecilia.

Happy birthday.

Thank you.

- Have you ever done any acting?

- Me?

Oh, yeah.

- Ive done summer stock since I was a kid.

- You're kidding.

I run a little theater on the West Side... and we're always looking for someone with a strong voice.

Would you be interested in auditioning?

Yeah, sure.

- What's the name of the company?

- The Falcon Players.

- CC !

-Yeah, yeah, yeah !Just a sec !

The Falcon Players?

Ive seen some of the shows you've sent up to Broadway.

I saw that play where the guy was buried in sand up to his neck.

- Yeah.

- Very deep.

- I directed that.

- And successful.

You did?


- So when do you want to see me?

When do you want me to come in?

- Friday at 4:00.

- Great, great.

- If you want me to drive, we have to leave now.

- Im sorry to be so abrupt.

Im late for an appointment.

- He's a director.

- Hi.


A director?

-This is my roommate.

- Im Hillary Whitney.

Nice to meet you.

-John Pierce.

Nice to meet you.

You're late for what?

You're late for an audition?



I'm-I'm an attorney with the A.C.L.U An attorney?


l-- I just thought because you look so good, I thought you were auditioning.

Well, we have to be going now.

- Bye.

- Nice meeting you, John.

You've got to get to that rent strike, Hillary.

The poor are waiting.

Well, yeah, it's only two lines, but they're fraught with meaning.

Look, Ive got an entrance and an exit.

I gotta look special.

What do you think?

Oh, it's gorgeous !

Do I look like Marilyn?

I don't look a thing like Marilyn.

My turn.

How is it?

- Hillary, it's exactly the same color.

- What's wrong?

No, it isn't.


You just spent two hours dying your hair exactly the same color.

It's a subtle difference.

I don't think so.

She says that she's feeling ill... and that she's pregnant and he did it.

- You gonna take this tramp's word over mine?

- Don't worry about it.

- I already took care of it.

- What do you mean, you already took care of it?

- I called in the doctor.

- And we know what that means, don't we?

Why don't you just shut up?

The warden knows what he's doing.

- The doctor is here.

- Thank you, guard.

- Im not gonna let you get away with that.

- Wait a minute.

We cut that line.

- Hey, would you show her the script?

- Listen, can I say Slavic-- Pop up all the blues and see what we have on this.

Let's see it.

l, uh, Im playing a prison guard on death row.

I know.

I did the casting.

Well, I thought Id have a better part.

- Not yet.

- But this isn't me.

Well, act like it is.

He hates my hair.

Tell me the truth.

I mean, really, really tell me the truth.

- All right.

- Do you think Im really, truly-- Get out of here.

Do you think Im really, truly talented...

or do you think Im only moderately talented?

I think youre truly talented.

Ive told you this at least eight million times.

Yes, I know, but maybe you were only being nice.

I mean, how do I know you really mean it and you're not just being nice?

I mean it!

Gin !

- Now let's get back to the laundry.

- Oh, Hillary.

- Ill never forget this as long as I live.

- What?

You doing the laundry for me.

I mean, I hate to do laundry more than anything in the whole world... and I think this is probably the nicest thing anybody ever did for me.

A man would never do this for you, no matter how much he loved you.

God rest ye merry gentlemen Let nothing you dismay Remember Christ our Saviour Was born on Christmas Day To save us all from Satan's power When we were gone astray O tidings of comfort and joy Comfort and joy Of tidings of comfort and joy All right, let's sing ''O Come All Ye Faithful'' in Latin.

- No.

- Oh, please.

I sang all those dreidel songs for you.

- One dreidel song.

You sang one dreidel song.

- That's enough.

- Well-- - Come on, Hillary, Im tired.

- I want to go to sleep.

I have a cold.

- All right.

- Good night.

- Good night, Hill.

in Bethlehem Hillary, the Waterman case is on the phone.

- They want to know-- - No, no, no, no.

Tell them Ill discuss it in court.

- Okay, okay.

- Im sorry, he's not in.

Good morning, A.C.L.U.

Yes, hold on a moment, please.

All right, Mrs. Thomas, you can just ignore the eviction notices.

I found out that your landlord's been served with enough citations...

from the Health Department to wallpaper your house.

Guess who got the lead in the Falcon Players' new musical?

Certainly not the hand-walking q*eer !

-This is it !

This is it !

- I know.

Do you feel it?

I feel it !

Oh !

Im so happy for you !

Okay, stand by, smoke.

I am the captain And this is my shrine Lord of the manor See what I leave behind A river in flames Cities on fire Yes, Im a relic trapped in the wire Hydrogen fuel It burns so clean Throbs in the veins Of my beloved machine She is my wife Her mechanical heart Constantly serving till death do us part Now our glorious w*r draws to a close The mellow winds blow And I have to know Oh, Industry Whatever will become of me Oh, Industry Whatever will become of me Of me Industry, charity, faith Oh Industry, charity, faith Oh Industry, charity, faith Oh Great !

Well, I didn't understand one damn thing in that play.

- That was the worst.

- Oh, Frank.

How can you say that?

- It was brilliance.


- Get out of here.

- Were we at the same play?

- It was avant-garde at its best.

Mom, Im showing you how they make the smoke.

in the office, where he stashed the 15 cases he bought this afternoon.

- They taught him how to do it at Carnegie Tech.

- It's the strangest thing...

but I just can't shake the feeling that I know you well.

I know, I feel the same way about you.

Why is that?

Well, that's obvious.

You must have met in a former life.

I don't suppose it has anything to do with the fact I talk about the two of you incessantly.

- Okay, everybody, this is it !

- They're here.

All right, take your time.

- I got it.

- Hill, I can't stand it.

Listen, listen.

''John Pierce gives us a probing musical attack... at automation, industry and the dehumanisation of the American worker.'' ''Earth Mother Bloom is a veritable Hannah Arendt of song.'' -Who's that?

Is she a singer?

- No.

She's a, she-- No, a sociologist- philosopher-radical.

It's a positive review.

- Positive.

- The Times.

The Times says...

''CC Bloom's performance is both promising and purposeful.'' I propose a toast to a great writer... and to a wonderful company.

- Where's the music?

- Yeah, let's party!

-To a long run.

-A real long run.

And to a great director, John.

- A great-- - Okay, CC.

Will you take a picture with my cousins here?

Just get in there.

Good, good, good.

Okay, now smile.

More champagne, CC?

- You've got to get me out of here !

- Be quiet, lady.

Be quiet.

- Im not drunk!

-Yes, you are.

Come on, let's go.

- You'll get a cup of coffee, sleep it off.

feel better.

- Don't touch me !

- Shut up !

- Relax and calm down.

Now get in the house.

- I don't have to sleep anything off!

- Go ahead.

Ill tell you for the last time, I wasn't the ringleader !

- Marge.

- Huh?

Have a drink on me.

I was a big hit.

My God, what happened to you?

I went for a swim... in the Central Park boating pond with my real friends.

Did you sleep with him?

Yes, I did.

What a snake.

So, did the two of you fall in love?

I don't know.

It was incredibly romantic.

We went to the Plaza.

We drank champagne.

I think he's the most attractive man Ive ever met in my life.

You and your feminist principles.

I know how you feel about him.

I feel sick about what Ive done.

I showed a complete lack of character.

Sexual attraction has nothing to do with character... unless-- unless you're Eleanor Roosevelt.

You mean, you would have done the same thing?



Id never do something that heartless to a friend.

- I swear, Ill never see him again.

- Oh, who are you kidding?

Besides what's the difference?

The fact is, he doesn't even know Im alive.

Looks like he's crazy about you.

What are we gonna do?

I don't know.

You want me to move out?

What do I want you to move out for?

Im used to you.

Besides, if it hadn't been you, it would have been some other girl.

Will you still water my plants while Im gone?

- Where are you going?

- I told you, San Francisco.

My father's sick.

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, sure.

We're friends, aren't we?

Hey, Hill, John says Im outgrowing the Falcon Players, and I ought to move on.

What do you think?

Where am I gonna go?

Im sorry you had to let go of your job at the A.C.L.U., but, geez, don't give up.

Your father will be better soon, and you'll be back.

Dear Ceece, I miss you.

I miss shopping at Bergdorfs.

I miss our facials.

What can I say?

Im now the adult, and my father's the child.

Im also dating a young lawyer, Michael Essex.

He's got good breeding and a good personality and good body.

Hillary, you'll never believe it.

I got offered a Broadway revue.

It's called ''Sizzle.'' It's in the worst possible taste.

It's vulgar, it's gross, it's dirty, and you know what?

It's gonna make me a huge star.

-All right, what do I do?

- Let me show you how to hold it.

Put three fingers down and make a circle.

Stick the cue through the circle.

- Okay, all right.

-Just go for the ten.


Make that-- - Ooh, I like this.

Look, it came back.

- Pretty good.

Okay, that's it.

That's all you get.




I like the sound.

It's a great little sound.


Click, click.

So, you hear anything about Hillary?

Um, her father took a turn for the worst... and she has to stay in San Francisco a little longer than she thought.

You play.

Ill just watch.

- You mean, play alone?

- Yeah, you do that pretty good.

Dear Ceece, I thought it over and I feel you should be true to your talent... and not be seduced by the money of Broadway.

By the way, how are my plants doing?

I gotta tell you, girls, you don't look that good.

I wish you'd cheer up.

She'll be back soon.

I miss her too.

Now, come on, John, what do we need signers for?

How many deaf people are gonna come see our show?


Three deaf people always come to see any show.

Will you get out of my office?

I don't want to talk about it anymore.

- CC !

CC, come on.


- Hi, Bill.

What's the matter?

- Come, come in here.


Where the heck were you all day yesterday?



- Why?

I must have tried to call you a billion times.

- No kidding?

My machine must be broken.

I wonder who else called.

What's the matter?

What did you want?

- I don't know.

- You don't know?

I guess I missed you.

That's a nice thing to say.

- You want to have dinner tonight again after the show?

- Yeah.


- Like a real date?

- Real.

- Semi-date.

- Whatever.


Any news about the funeral?

The funeral.

Well-- The funeral was yesterday, and she's gonna stay a little while longer... to settle the estate with her father's lawyer.

That's all I know.

-Well, Hillary, I did it.

- Bye, Mr.

-- Im leaving the Falcon Players next month... to start that bawdy revue I told you about, the one called ''Sizzle.'' I know you don't approve, but, hey, Im gonna be rich.

I can't wait.


Dear CC, Well, I did it.

Im Mrs.

Michael Essex.

Michael wasn't just my father's lawyer.

He was the son my father never had.

And in his final days, it gave him great joy to see us together.

The ceremony was beautiful... and our wedding reception small but lovely.

The only flaw was your absence.

But I understand the show must go on.

By the way, hows John?

Do you see much of him socially?

Last night, when we were making love... did you say you loved me?


I thought I heard you say you loved me.

Did you?

Yes, I did.

Is that usual?

What do you mean?

I mean, is it part of your routine?

Do you say it to everybody?

I don't have a routine, CC.

I haven't said it to anybody in ten years.

Is that true?

Im a womaniser, CC.

Im not a liar.

That's great...

'cause I have the most wonderful idea.

For richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do you part.

CC and John, by the power vested in me by the state of New York...

I now pronounce you man and wife.

By the way, you may kiss the bride.

Here's your tape.

Ive got to get back to my lunch.

- What did you do that for?

- This is the happiest moment of my life.

I don't ever want you to forget it.

Does that make any sense?


I t makes perfect sense.

I know you by heart That's CC Bloom's biggest hit of 1 988.

Thousands of CC's fans were disappointed last night when her concert was rained out.

insiders say shed left earlier for personal reasons, but whatever the reason...

all money will be refunded and the concert rescheduled for a tater date.

Putt over, please.

- She's running ten minutes late.

- I waited a year for this play.


Hillary, the curtain's going up.

Oh, sorry, Michael.

And now we take you back to 1 9th century Bavaria...

for a very sad story about two of my favourite subjects: industrial theft and bosoms !

Otto Titsling inventor and Kraut Had nothing to get very worked up about His inventions were failures His future seemed bleak He fled to the opera at least twice a week One night at the opera He saw an Aida Whose bust was so big it would often impede her Bug-eyed, he watched her fall into the pit.

Done in by the weight of those terrible tits Oh, my God There she blows Aerodynamically this girl was a mess Otto eyeballed the diva lying comatose amongst the reeds And he suddenly felt the fire of inspiration flood out of his soul He ran back to his workshop where he futzed and futzed and futzed For Otto Titsling had found his quest To lift and mould the female breast To point the small ones to the sky To keep the big ones high and dry Every night he'd sweat and snort Searching for the right support He tried some string and paper clips Hey, he even tried his own two lips Well, he stitched and he slaved and he staved and he stitched Until finally one night in the wee hours of morning Otto arose from his workbench triumphant, yes He had invented the world's First over-the-shoulder Boulder-holder Hooray Exhausted, but ecstatic Otto ran out to the diva Bearing the prototype in his hot little hand But little did Otto know At the moment of his greatest triumph lurking under the diva's bed was none other Than the very worst of the French patent thieves Phillipe de Brassiere And PhiI was watching the scene with a great deal of interest later that night white our Aida slept into the wardrobe Phillipe softly crept He fumbled through knickers and corsets galore Till he found Otto's tit sling and he ran out the door Crying, ''Oh, my God What joy, what bliss'' ''Im gonna make me a million from this'' ''Every woman in the world will want to buy one'' ''I will have all the goods'' ''Manufactured in Taiwan'' Ooh !

The result of this swindle Is pointedly clear Do you buy a Titsling Or do you buy a Brassiere Hoo !

Listen, Ive got a racquetball court in the morning.

So we go in, say hello, a quick dinner and back to the hotel nice and early, right?

- We already agreed on that.

- And let's be sure to tell her how wonderful we thought the show was.

- You are going to be civil, aren't you?

- Of course Im going to be civil.

She's your very best friend in the whole wide world, right?

Ta-da !

I can't believe it's really you.

Im so happy to see you again.

Oh, Hillary, Hillary.

And you.

- This is Michael.

- Oh, hello, Michael.

- You were fabulous tonight.

- Oh, it's so exciting to finally meet you.

That Otto thing that you did-- I really enjoyed it.

Stay, stay, Arthur.



Arthur, Arthur, back to the bedroom.

Back !

You're embarrassing me, you idiot !

Get back !

Go back, you brain-damaged bag of bones or Ill Have you gassed !

- This is quite an apartment.

- Oh, do you like it?

Im so glad.

Naturally, of course, we're paying through the nose for it, but...

really I think it's worth every single penny.

We're leasing, but we have an option to buy.

It's so close to the theater and the stores.

Remember when we said we wouldn't be caught dead above 1 4th Street?

I couldn't bear that downtown squalor one more second.

But enough about me.

Let's talk about you.

What do you think of me?

No, tell me the truth.

What did you think of the show?

Are you kidding?

We loved it.

Especially that Otto-- Stay, stay !

Stay, stay, stay.

Good boy.



- Oh, my God.


I haven't seen you since the night that play opened.

Yeah, it's been a long time.



Come, you haven't met Michael Essex, Hillarys husband.

This is my husband, John Pierce.

So, Hillary, what do you think of the place, huh?

Not exactly the old dump on Avenue ''A;' huh?

No, it's not.

It's all so new.



No, I don't miss practicing law at all.

But it meant so much to you.

It's a little difficult having two lawyers in the same household.

Somebody's got to do the entertaining.

Hillary, really, truly, you were devoted.

I thought you were.

The poor man's friend, you know?

Yeah, Im still the poor man's friend.

- Taxi !

- I guess you are.


There are lots of ways to be the poor man's friend.

- Let the doorman do that.

-John, tell me what you've been doing with yourself.

Oh, living the high life with hi-ho here.

- He looks good, doesn't he?

- Yeah.

The theatres mounted a lot of new, successful productions this year.

- We're very lucky.

I bet.

- I bought the jacket.


If I was in the theater, Id want to be just like you.

I would.

You have an integrity that seems Lacking in so many others.

So what do you do all day now that youre a housewife?

I mean, dont you get bored sitting around all day?

No, because I don't sit around the house all day.

Im extremely busy.

- Doing what?

- I beg your pardon?

How do you keep busy?

Doing what?

What is this, CC, the Spanish Inquisition?

We haven't seen each other for a while.

I just want to know how she spends her time.

- Is that a crime?

-I don't know.

Is that a crime, Michael?

I don't know.

You're the lawyer.

Is that a crime?

I spend my time working on various charities.

Im on the board of the Junior League, the Stately Homes Preservation Society.

- Im a docent at the art museum.

- She's a docent.

She docents.

Excuse me.

There's someone bigger than you here tonight.

- You've got your horticulture classes.

- Horticulture classes.

You may not be aware of it, but gardening's an art.

Hey, who's criticizing?

Just so youre happy.

I am.

Im very, very happy.

- Miss Bloom !

Good to see you.

- Hi.

- Mr.


How are you?

- How are you, Nicky?

-Just a second.

I have your favorite table ready.

- Great.

Very happy.

- This is the toast of Broadway: CC Bloom.

- Hi.

Nice to see you.

- Who's winning?

- I am.

By quite a bit.

Im home !

- In here.

- Arthur, get down.

Get down !

You're still playing cards?

You were playing cards when I left this morning.

- So?

-You want to stop maybe and have a late lunch?

- No, I don't.

Do you, Hillary?

- No, thanks.

Arthur !

- This is a great color on me, isn't it?

- I guess.

-Well, is it or isn't it?

Be specific.

- No, it isn't.

It makes you look like a corpse.

Is that specific enough for you?

May I have a tissue, please?

Thank you.

- Hill, I have a great idea.

Let's get a facial.

- Oh, I can't.

Michael's conference ends in an hour, and then we have to leave for the airport.

- I wish I could.

- Maybe next time.

Oh, Hill, look.

Isn't this divine?

It's so sweet.

I can't wait to have a baby.

I know what you mean.

-You do?

- Of course I do.

- Why wouldnt I?

- I don't know.

I just thought someone like you wouldn't care about children.

You're so obsessed with your career and all.

Im not obsessed.

Just because I work doesn't mean ''someone like me'' doesn't want to have children.

Well, wanting them and caring for them properly are two different things.

It's a full-time job.

For some people.

Yes, the ones that take the responsibility seriously...

and dont just have children to gratify their overweening egos.

- Can I show you something?

- No, thank you.

What the hell is going on here?

- Would you please Lower your voice?

- No, I won't.

I want to know what's eating you.

You have been a total bitch ever since you came to New York.

I could say the same thing about you.

- Ive simply been reacting to you.

- For God's sake, dont you get it?

We've grown apart.

It happens to the best of friends.

It's happened to us.

We might as well face it.

- You're ridiculous.

- Im ridiculous?

We haven't grown apart.

Youve fallen apart.

I don't think I care to pursue this.

So long, CC.

Take care.

Why, you stuck-up little witch !

- When your father died, he took the best of you with him.

- Don't make a scene.

You tried to be an interesting person for a while, but look at you now.

You've completely reverted to type.

You're nothing but a small-minded, tight-ass little snob these days !

How would a pretentious little climber like you know that?

- Experience.

- ''Experience''?

- I know what's eating you too.

- Really?

What's eating me?

- Plain, old-fashioned jealousy.



What am I jealous of?

Your insane ambition?

No, it must be your new money.

No, l-Im jealous of your marriage of convenience.

That must be it.

My what?

Arent you afraid you got him by default?

Maybe I am.

But at least I belong to myself...

which is more than I can say for you.

Im doing what I set out to do.


Im living the life you didn't have the courage for.

So don't give me you're not jealous.

You're so jealous you can hardly breathe.

Can I help you with something?

Oh, no.

No, thanks.

Ladies and gentlemen... the captain has turned off the seat belt sign.

Please feel free to move about the cabin...

but we do suggest, for your own safety...

that you keep your seat belt fastened white seated.

- Ill be right back.

- Okay.

But what will I do without a best friend?

You've got me.

It's not the same.

Dear Hill...

Stop sending my letters back.

I have to talk to you.

Okay, okay, so we had a fight.

So what?

Let's make up.

John and I are having such a terrible time lately.

I don't know what's the matter with him.

My career's going so well.

Come on, Hill, lighten up.

Im your only ethnic friend.

Please, Hill, keep in touch.

Love, CC.


Coming home for dinner tonight?

Um, no, sweetie.

I don't think so.

- Im swamped with work.

- Work, yeah.

- What's on your-- Uh-- - What about-- Sorry.

- You were-- - I just wondered what you were going to be doing today.


Im going to my exercise class...

and Im going to buy a wrench.

A wrench?


We don't have one.

Well, super.

Sounds good.

- Bye.

- Bye-bye.

I don't think Ill be too late.


J Isn't it nice here in Miami Arthur?

Maybe you ought to think about moving down here.

What do you say?

Are we there yet?

The neighbour said the beach across from the Fontainebleau.

Don't worry.

I wait with the puppy.

CC !

CC, my baby!

I don't believe that it's you !

Y-You-You're a gift from God !

You're a dream !

- You're a dream come true for me !

- I just saw you last month.

- Who is that?

- CC Bloom.

So everyone should look?

- This is my daughter, CC Bloom, the Broadway star.

- CC, can we Have your autograph?


My friends: Mrs.

Valdez, Mrs.

Cohen, Mr.


- He's in bagels.

- It's a distinct pleasure.

Could you give me five minutes?

We want to talk.

- Take a dip.

- Nice meeting you.

- Sit down.

- She's a real star.

What do you mean, you left him?

What happened?

After only three years, you left him?

Was it another woman?

It's not a soap opera, Leona.

Everything with you is a soap opera.

Tell me, honey.

Go ahead.

Get it off your chest.

Something just died between us, that's all.

He used to care what happened to me.

He stopped paying attention to me.

What's so funny?

Never mind.

Leona, what's so funny?

Why are you laughing?

Tell me why you're laughing !

- Ma !

Tell me !

- What?

All right, Im gonna tell you.

You want to know?

Im gonna tell you.

Why do you think Im living down here in Florida, huh?

I give up.

You like the sun.

I don't give a shit about the sun !

Im here because it's peaceful !

That's why !

You always wanted too much attention.

You wanted so much attention from everybody all the time that you wore people out.

You wore me out, you wore your father out-- may he rest in peace-- by the time you were 1 5 years old !

Oh, come on.

I love you, CC.

- No, you don't.

- Yes, I do.

I love you very much.

But I just can't pay any more attention to you.

You know what I mean?

I want to, but I just can't do it.

And if I were you...

I wouldn't leave anybody for not paying attention to me.

Because sooner or later, you're gonna have to leave everybody.

You understand me?

Welcome home, Miss Bloom.

Arthur !

Arthur !

That's it !

- Im putting you to sleep !

- I got him.

Do me a favor.

Take him for a walk down by the river.

- Maybe somebody will steal him !

- All right !

John, Im back.





John, Im begging you.

Please give me another chance.


Please don't leave me.

I love you, John.

I need you.

- You don't need me.

What do you need me for?

- What?

I need you !

You need an escort?

You need somebody to hang up the fur coat?

Come on.

That's not how I want to spend my life.

I don't care about success the way that you do, CC.

Moving into the mainstream-- You know that never interested me.

We have been fighting about this for so long.

What's wrong with success?

We're Americans.

We're supposed to want to be successful.

- You're too good for it, is that it?

- Yeah, that must be it.

No, I like it here.

Im happy here.

This is what I do.

Im not threatened.

Im not scared.

I just-- Im glad you're a success.

- It makes me happy that youre successful.

-Are you?


I just don't want to go where youre going.

Then I won't go.

You're already gone, Cecilia.

You're long gone.

You're CC Bloom.

What the hell's the matter with that?

That's great.

That makes me happy.

I feel that in some small way that maybe I had something to do with that.

Are you sure this is what you want?


Im sure.

I love you.

Ill always love you.

I just want to let go of us before ''us'' gets bad.

Happy anniversary, sweetie.

Oh, Michael.

Oh, we're so good here.

Nobody around.

I know it.

I love it here.

I wish I didn't have to go back tonight.

Do you really have to?

Cant you stay one more day?

- I could quit my job.

- Good.

Id like it.

One more day, come on.

Im sorry, Hillary.

Ill see you back home on Monday.

If youre lucky.

Have a good weekend.


You're back early from the beach.

Yeah, it got rained out.

- It's beautiful now.

- Yes.

That's my robe.

Don't dump me, Freddy.

Don't dump me when we get back to Lubbock.

The only thing that kept me going was waiting for you to come back.

Dont you worry about a thing, little darlin'.

Im gonna take good care of you.

Give me a little kiss.

Stop that.

We didn't rehearse that.

This isn't working for me !


- Cut.

- That's a cut.

Cut !

Cut !

- Was there too much dust?

- It's fine.

- Stop rocking the truck.

- Quit the dust-- Will you stop the rocking !

Jay, baby, how was the belch?

Was it real?

Very honest, very good.

What is it this time?

- I wouldn't do a thing like that !

- Do what?

Beg this assh*le to stick around after he screwed my sister and stole my Winnebago.

Why would somebody like me do such a pathetic thing?

Ah !

Because it's not you.

It's a hooker from Lubbock.

It's called acting.

- Why dont you do that until l tell you to stop?

Trust me.

- Trust you?

You Have your frigging head in that monitor the whole time !

You haven't said anything about character or motivation !

You could be watching a Laker game in there for all I know !

Clear the set, will you?

- Clear the set, people.

- Clear the set !

- Clear the set !

- Look, it's no secret, CC.

I didn't want you on this picture.

You're trouble.

Your looks are shot.

The bags under your eyes, doll-- You got enough luggage in there to go to Europe.

I don't know what you've been doing to get by.

Maybe you still think you can dazzle them with your talent.

Im here to tell you you're through.

You ain't got it anymore.

You get your fat ass back in the truck, and you'll shut your smart mouth.

You'll do every line as written; every word, every syllable.

-We understand each other?

- Yes !

You assh*le !

Stop it !

Get this bitch off me !

Come on !

All right !

Show a little respect !

Dear Hillary, If youre still mad at me, you're gonna love this letter.

My career is now officially approaching oblivion.

My agent had a brilliant idea.

He thinks I should be a disco queen.

What do you think?

Yours, CC.

Look at this.

Your friend, the singer-- She's here in San Francisco.

- CC?


-The Pink Palm.

I met my first husband there.

It's a snake pit.

Wait till I get my hands on that agent.

Ill k*ll him !

That toad.

He told me this was a nightclub with leather banquettes...

and a dressing room with a door on it !

I mean, look at this place !

It looks like a flamingo threw up in here !

Lady, lady, excuse me.

We're not open yet.

Well, look whos here.

It's okay.

Oh, Ceece, Im so glad to see you.

I feel awful for sending your letters back.

I don't even know what happened in New York.

I don't care anymore.

I want you to know, whatever it was you said...

I forgive you.

Go home.

I have nothing to say to you.


I do have something to say.

You and your damned letters.

Every time I opened one, I was happy before I even read it.

Just to get them made me feel important.

All your crappy stories, your big dreams !

- I didn't know that.

- Well, what the hell did you know?

Did you know how bad things were for me?

Did you know my career was in the toilet?

No, because you never answered one of my letters.

If youd only answered one, just one !

Tell me what a jerk I was, anything.

I don't know how to fight back.

Im not strong like you.

You took away your friendship without even discussing it with me.

That friendship was more important to me than anything.

I trusted it.

I believed in it.

But you didn't.

And now it's gone.

Thank you very, very much for forgiving me...

but I don't forgive you.

I was jealous.

I was so jealous of you I couldn't see straight !

You did everything you said you were going to do !

Everything !

And your talent !

This incredible talent !

l-I can't even yodel !


What's yodelling got to do with it?

You're beautiful.

You're smart.

People look at you.

It was all my fault.

No, it was our fault.


No, you were right, what you said.

You were right.

When John looked at you, it used to drive me nuts.

I can't even think about it today.

Look at me.

I start to shake.

Excuse me.

Could I have a Stinger, please?

Here, here.

- You want something?

- I can't.

It was just so obvious he was in love with you.

- Oh, Hillary, it was?

- Of course it was.

- Didnt you know that?

- We broke up.

Oh, no.

It really did me in.

I was so wrecked, they had to shut down my first picture.

- What happened?

- It was horrible.

I was terribly edgy.

I wasn't comfortable in the medium, you know?

So I broke the directors jaw.

Worst of all Arthur died'.

- Oh, Im sorry.

- He was hit by a laundry truck.

- He went just like that.

- At least he didn't suffer.

No, but I always thought I hated him, when really I loved him.

- There was no time for me to show him any affection.

- Im sure he guessed.

- He never knew how much I cared.

- No, he guessed.

- People know those things.

- Hillary, believe me, he wasn't smart.

You shouldn't t*rture yourself like this.

Ceece, wh-who's Arthur?

My dog.

Remember my Great Dane?

Oh, he was so stupid, but he was so sweet.

He used to like to run after trucks and-- Hillary, you've got so fat !

Im not fat.

Im having a baby.

You're not.

You're having a baby?

- Im three months pregnant.

- That's great !

Before I caught him with that woman, we made love and-- - What woman?

- There is this woman, and I caught them together.

- Michael?

- Of course, Michael.

And that's when it happened.

Except he doesn't want it because he's going to marry her.

Can you believe he's going to marry her?

Would you make this a double, please?

Let me get this straight.

You caught Michael with another woman?


And now youre going to have a baby all on your own?

Oh, Hillary, I think that's so wonderful.

-You do?


- I do !

I think it's the most exciting thing.

And if its a girl, will you name it after me?

Oh, Ceece.

Baby mine Don't you cry Baby mine - Oh, CC, feel this.

- Dry your eye Press your head close to my heart Never to part Baby of mine Little one When you play Pay no heed What they say Let your eyes sparkle and shine Never a tear Baby of mine - No, I want you to come.

- Forget it.

- Why?

- Because you know how I feel about sickness.

- It depresses me.

- Im not sick, Im pregnant.

I know, but this is a hospital.

There are sick people here in the halls.

- You don't want to see the baby on the screen?

- Draw me a picture, Hillary.

- Hi.

- Hi, Im Hillary Whitney to see Dr.


- Okay, Dr.


Sixth floor.

- Thanks.

- You're welcome.

- Hillary!

-Oh, hi.

My obstetrician.

This is Dr.

Richard Milstein.

- This is my oldest friend-- - CC Bloom.

- Herself.

- Ive always been a great fan of yours.

- How nice.

- I travelled through a hurricane to see you on Broadway.


Gee, I hope it was worth it.

Oh, absolutely.

You were brilliant.

And your wife?

Did she think it was worth it too?

Oh, that was before I was married.


Also, she's not my wife anymore.

I just got divorced Last year.


Oh, Im so sorry to hear it.

I mean-- I hope it wasn't too painful.

Are you ready for your radar?

It's sonar, and I thought you weren't coming because you don't like sick people.

Not coming with you?

Are you mad?

I wouldn't dream of missing a chance to see the little darling on screen.

- What floor?

- Six.


- What did you think?

I couldn't tell.

- About the restaurant?

Gee, I thought it was great.

I love that Victorian crap.


I thought it would be too provincial for you after New York City.

- No, I grew up in the provinces.

- Uh-huh.



- The Bronx.

- Oh.

- l-I suppose you're anxious to get back.

- To the Bronx?

- No, to New York City, show business and everything.

- Oh.

Oh, yeah, that.

Maybe I am and maybe Im not.

What do you mean, maybe youre not?

Well, maybe Im sick of the show business life.

Maybe I want to have something normal for a change, huh?

Maybe Id like to be a wife and a mother and-and-and have kids...

and join a quilting bee and have a station wagon.

- Did I hurt you?

- No, no, Im all right.

You mean you'd consider giving up your career for marriage?

Oh, God, yeah.

If I met the right guy, maybe.

Okay, Hillary, shut your eyes.

I can't believe how perfect this is.


What do you think?

Am I the picture of a doctor's wife or what?

I don't know what to say.

You hate it.

You hate my hat.

You hate my hair.

No, no, it's the brooch.

Here, wait a minute.

- Try this one.

It was my grandmother's.

- That's so beautiful.

- It will be perfect.

- You think my brooch is tacky?

- This will make it perfect.

Don't worry about it.

- Oh, thank you.

- Everything will be all right.

- A doctor, a doctor I can't believe Im marrying a doctor, a doctor It's for you.

It's your agent.

You're leaving?

Just like that?

I have to.

It's a lead.

A lead !

It's my chance to come back from the dead.

- What about the baby?

- Ill be back for that.

I told you that.

- Look, do you want this?

I can't really wear-- - No.

- All right.

What about the brooch?

- No, I won't let you do this.

- What?

-Just waltz in and make a mess and leave it for me to clean up.

I don't know what youre talking about.

I told you I would clean up the room.

Im talking about Richard, your fianc.

You're heartless.

You are really heartless.

- You just used that poor man to get back on your feet.

- I did not !

- You did too !

- I did not !

- You did too!

Maybe I did.

But I didn't know I was doing it, so it doesn't count.

Besides, I feel terrible about it, all right?

All right.

Then have the decency to tell him you're leaving.

Yeah, all right, I will.


But I was, uh-- - I was just thinking.

- Thinking what?

Im in a mad rush to get back to New York.

- Ive got to go.

- No.

- He's a very old friend of yours.

- No.

- He'd take it coming from you.

- No !

- He's your gynaecologist !

- No.

Hillary, please.


I can't face him.

She's gone?

It was the part of a lifetime, Richard.

She just had to go.

I don't understand it.

Just yesterday she was telling me how she wanted to become a nurse.


You might as well have this.

Oh, thank you.

It's lovely.

It's-- Why don't we get together next week and have lunch and talk about it.

- Sure, sure.

- Really?

You mean it?

You're perfectly welcome to come inside.

No, thanks, Hillary.

I really should get going.

- Take out that whole section there.


Hi, CC.

Gee, you haven't changed a bit.

Neither Have you.

You look great.

When my agent...

told me it was you who wanted me for this show, l-- I just couldn't believe it.

Why me?

Well, I heard you weren't busy.

I bet.

You're the only person with enough talent to play the part.

So youll do it, even though Im the director?

- Sure, Ill do it.

-You will?


Business is business.

So, rehearsals start Monday?

10:00 sharp.

Thank you.

Thank you.

What do you mean, you can't?

- Some people are afraid of snakes.

- Snakes?

- What does that have to do with anything?

- Im afraid of blood.

Im afraid of death.

I can't even stand to hear someone say, ''mucous membrane.'' - You were going to be my partner.

- Ive made a terrible mistake.

I should have known you'd do something like that !

This isn't the first time !

What are you saying?

The time you left me waiting in the lobby of the Plaza Hotel and you never showed up.

I cannot believe you're bringing that up again !

It was the most inconsiderate thing anyone's ever done to me.

I told you a million times what happened.

I went to the Iranian queen for a pedicure.

His manic-depressive boyfriend stole my purse with everything in it !

- CC.

- Richard.



I hear your play is a success.

Oh, yeah, yeah.


I hear youre getting married.

- Hillary told me she's quite beautiful.

-Thank you.

She also says she's very-- she's very nice.

You're going to stay, arent you?

How'd I get in here?

Miss Bloom, are you all right?

Somebody !

Anybody !

Oh, you gotta be joking !


Wake up.


- Is it over?


-What is it?

- It's a girl.

It's a beautiful little girl.

Oh, she's so beautiful.

This is the most important moment of my entire life.

Look at her.

She's very smart.

I do not fear the Wizard of Evil...

for I am Princess Opgel...

and even he cannot resist my powers.

I know he locked Prince Charlie in the tower-- Victoria Cecilia, are you in bed yet?

Yes, Mom.

And she goes to rescue the princess.

And she goes up the slimy steps...

and meets the Wizard, and she kills-- The Wizard of Evil shows up unexpectedly...

and he grabs the princess.

He puts her into a deep, deep sleep...

for at least eight hours, I hope.

Come on.

Let me pull the bed down.

Just ten more days till school's out.

You know what?

I can't wait too.

I don't know about you, but I am exhausted.

- Love you.

- Love you.

- Good night.

- Good night.

Pouncer, Pouncer The wonder cat Im so glad you're not a rat Or a bat or too fat - Pouncer, Pouncer, the wonder cat - Victoria, it's time for dinner.

Dear favorite lawyer, that was great advice you gave me.

I held out, and they had to outbid two other record companies to keep me.

So I get to do another album, and Im going to pick music that I like.

You are the greatest.

Love, Ceece.

But, Mom, you said I could.

You can invite Melissa the last week in August, but not before.

But I thought she could stay the whole month.

I already told her.

Then ''untell'' her.

l-I want this summer to be peaceful.

I can't shake this flu.

Im tired.

I don't want to spend my time taking care of other people's children.


But who will I play with?

The same children you've played with every summer since you were born: the ones who live there.

Im late !

Im sorry, puss.

Im just so tired.

Im very tired.

You're always tired.


- Thanks a lot.

- Bye-bye.

- Okay.

Hi, Frank.

Gorgeous night, isn't it?

- It certainly is.

By the way, I want to congratulate you for winning the Tony.

- Wasn't that something?

Did you like my speech?

- Oh, yeah.


I didn't mean a word.

Did you see those three other broads gnashing their teeth?

- Yeah.

- It was great, wasn't it?

- What's this for?

- It'll keep you honest.

- Congratulations on the Nordoff case.

- Thanks.

- Oh, Hillary, do you have a minute?


Im due in court now.

Well, the attorney from the drug company called me this morning.

- They want to settle out of court.

- I bet they do.

Forget it.

You're being stubborn.

Im not stubborn.

Im right.

Look, I respect you-- We all respect you-- but get off your moral high horse and-- Going to court is not going to solve a thing.

Its just going to complicate a simple financial deal between your client and mine.


Hillary, you all right?

- Hillary, you all right?

- Can't breathe.

- What's the matter?

- She can't breathe.

She can't breathe.

- I don't know what's going on.

- Oh, my God.

Call a doctor, somebody !

- Do you know C. P. R.?

- No, I don't.

- Honey, what can we do for you?

- Maybe she's a diabetic.

I don't know.

What is it?

Call 91 1 !

Call a doctor!

Technically, it's called viral cardiomyopathy.

What that means to you is that she will suffer from shortness of breath...

fatigue, dizziness.

- Do you mean all the time?

- Im afraid so.

You see, this virus att*cks the heart and damages the muscle.

I don't know how disciplined she is now...

but she's gonna have to change her lifestyle.

With proper rest and medicine, we can slow down the deterioration.

- Hi, puss !

- Hi, Mom.

Come here.

Give me a kiss.

I missed you so much.

Missed you too.

- What are you doing here alone?

- Aunt Vesta's outside talking to the doctor.

- Oh.

- Are you okay?

- Sure, I am.

Im gonna be home at the end of the week.

- Really?

- Yeah.

- Good !

What's this?


I its how the doctor can tell what's wrong with me.

- What is wrong with you, anyway?

- I caught a virus.

In your heart?

Who told you that?

I heard the doctor say it to Aunt Vesta.

Yes, I caught a virus in my heart.

And you caught three new freckles.

- You've been busy, havent you?

- Yeah.

What's their names?

- Ellen, Betty Ann and Benji.

- What color are they?

- Broken windows and empty hallways - Hi.

I was wondering if you could help me.

- I want to see everything you have on a heart disease...

- A pale, dead moon - called cardiomyopathy.

- In a sky streaked with gray Let me look that up for you.

- Human kindness - Viral cardiomyopathy.

Is overflowing And I think it's gonna rain Today Scarecrows dressed In the latest styles With frozen smites To chase love away Human kindness Is overflowing And I think it's gonna rain Today Lonely So lonely Tin can at my feet I think Ill kick it down the street That's the way to treat A friend Bright before me The signs implore me Help the needy And show them the way Human kindness Is overflowing And I think it's gonna rain Today Hillary, I want to help.

I came all the way from New York.

Just tell me what we have to do.

Ive chosen medication and rest.

But that's not very aggressive, Hillary.

- There's lots of stuff they can do for the heart nowadays.

- Sure, Im on a list for a donor...

but it's unlikely with my tissue type.

But you will get better?

Look at it this way: Ill never have to take another aerobics class.

W-Why do you always go to those crappy jokes, Hillary?

I mean, I feel Lousy enough as it is.

These are nice.

I better put them in water before they die.

I mean, wilt.

- CC.

- What?

I still want to take Victoria to the beach house for the summer...

and we can't go alone.

No, of course not.

Well, don't worry about it.

Ill hire you a nurse.

No, it's all right.

We can, um-- Ill do that myself.

Better put those in water before they die.

- Where did you get this?

- Get what?

This is great.

This picture of us in Atlantic City.

Victoria found it in a box.

Look at us.

I always hated my hair.

What a pair.


now that I finished my record...

Im free for a while.

Maybe I should go to the beach with you instead of a nurse.

Id like that.



I set the alarm on your wristwatch...

so we'd know what time to give you your pills.

- Are you okay?

- Yeah.


- Well, you made a noise.

- I did not make a noise.

- I distinctly heard you make a noise.

- I did not make a noise.

What are you doing?

What are you doing?

Im just helping you into the car.

- Yeah, I still have the use of my legs.

- I was just being helpful.

Victoria, get in the car.

I always sit in the front with you.

CC's driving, so you have to sit in the back.

Will you sit in the back with me, Mommy?

There's not enough room.

When we get there, will you go swimming with me?

I can't, but CC will.

Wont you, Ceece?

Yeah, sure.

I love the water.

Never mind.

Ill go by myself.


You pull gently.

You just reach back, and you pull gently.

Thank you.

Be my guest, all right?

Who said I wanted to go swimming anyway?

It was your idea.

All right, are we ready?

- Yes.

- We're off!

You lose again, CC.

Im fed up with this geography stuff.

Let's sing.

You are my sunshine My only sunshine You make me happy when skies are gray Youll never know, dear how much I love you Please don't take my sunshine away The other night, dear as I lay steeping I dreamed I held you in my arms But when I woke up I was mistaken And I hung my head and I cried Hi, Victoria !

Are you staying all summer?

Mom, the Halen family's here !

Hi, Tom !

What a place.

Well, that's the end of it.

This is the last piece in the trunk.

- That doesn't go there.

- Well, where does it go?


Okay, Your Highness?

- Are you staying all summer?

- It looks like it.


To help your mother.

She doesn't need any help.

She has me.

Mom !

- What?

- CC's towel is on the floor.

Well, pick it up.

If I leave my towel on the floor, you always make me pick it up myself.

She's a guest, honey.

Happy, dear?

- Hi, Victoria !

- Hi, kids !

- Hi, Heather!

Hi, Brigitte !

-Victoria !

Um, continue making the castle.

Ill be back to check your work.

- She's so bossy.

- Yeah.

I think Pouncer's getting hungry.

You should probably bring him in.

We have the same hands.

You're right.

We do.

We have exactly the same hands.

Come on, Pouncer.

- Come on.

- There.

- Hillary, what are you doing?

- Im looking for a picture.

The one of my mother.

I its-- I have to find it.

I can't remember her hands.

I can't remember.

Her hands?

Im so scared, CC.

Im just so scared.

We'll find it.

We'll find it.

Its just gonna take a minute, that's all.

Here's one.

That's it.

Thank you.

Come on, you know the words.

I can't.

There's too many people.

Who's watching?

What's the matter?

You think we're gonna get arrested?

People pay me to do this.

You ought to come see me work sometime.

- Could I?

- Of course you can.

Ill tell your mommy.

Okay, you ready?

First you put your two knees close up tight Then you swing 'em to the left and you swing 'em to the right You step around the door kind of nice and tight And then you twist around and twist around with all of your might Spread your loving arms way out in space Then you do the eagle rock with style and grace Put your foot way out and bring it back And that's what I call Battin' the Jack Very good.

Very good.

Take our bow.

Thank you.

Very nice.

Very nice.

Bravo !

Bravo !


Hold on.

Ill see if shes here.

Hillary, it's for you.

Im not here.

Victoria, tell them she's not here.

You make me say that to all your friends.

They're gonna think Im holding you prisoner.

I don't care what they think.

We're going down to the dock Later to buy some lobsters.

- You want to come?

- You know I can't walk that far.

Im gonna drive.

Id rather not.

Okay, then, why dont you get dressed and sit outside on the beach with us?

Im happy here.

It's a beautiful day.

Okay, stay in.

But will you at least-- Will you at least get out of those pajamas?

You've been in them for over a week !

So what?

Who the hell are you, the clothes police?

Just leave me alone, okay?

That's all I want: to be Left f*cking alone !

Hillary, Im sorry to keep on you...

but I know how hard this is for you.

No, you don't.

You don't know what this feels like at all.

Im the one who won't live to see my daughter grow into a woman...

who won't be able to protect her from the world.

And I hate that she'd rather be with you...

who has energy, who is fun.

You told me to play with her !

I know I did, but I didn't know it was gonna make me feel like this !

I don't want it to be over with yet.

So you don't understand what this feels like, all right?

You're still in the land of the living.

Well, so are you.

You're not dead yet, so stop living as if you are !

- That's wonderful.

- Thank you.

All right now tell us the truth.

I want you to pull out all the stops on this.

We know the performer.

Who's the person?

Who is CC Bloom?

Don't do it.

Don't do it.

Oh, Lila, I can't tell you how many times...

- Ive asked myself that very same question.

- She's gonna do it.

First and foremost, I would have to say...

that CC feels things deeply.

CC is a deeply feeling person...

and, because of this, is deeply emotional.

Do you understand?

Can these two things exist separately?

Well, Id-- Id love to explore this duality...

but Im afraid weve just run out of time.

- But thank you so much for joining us...

- My pleasure, my pleasure.

And thank you for joining me on Star Talk.

And until next week, this is Lila Lake saying...

Dont judge, keep sharing.

- What did you think?

- I think you sounded kind of dumb.

Shut the darn thing off.

- Hi, Mom.

- Hi, puss.

Sit here.

I thought Id help with dinner.

What are we having?

- Beans.

- Beans?

Would you braid my hair, Mom?


Come here.


-Ah !

Gin and game.

- I don't believe it.

- As usual.

- Oh !

You're driving me-- - You will never beat me at cards.

- You k*ll me.

- Never.

- You just k*ll me.

You know, it's really been a great summer.

We have had some laughs, haven't we?

You know what I was thinking about last night?

Remember that first Christmas we had at the loft?

I was remembering those stinking Christmas carols.

- What Christmas carols?

- ''What Christmas carols?'' The Christmas carols you forced me to sing every night.

- You know what?

- What?

You really do stretch the truth.

You know that?

Out of the way, kids.

We're tying to pack.

We're going home tomorrow.

But guess what?

Im going to Los Angeles to see a CC Bloom concert.

Can I be your date?

Good-bye, Hillary !

Bye !

Good-bye, CC, and thanks for the autograph.

I gotta go make lunch for Victoria.

''Stretch the truth.'' What crust.


I know everything there is to know about you...

and my memory is long.

My memory is very, very long.

Im counting on it.

Why does a squirrel make its nest so high up?

So nobody can touch it.

Come on.

Ill help you finish packing.

What do you mean?

Im already packed.

-What is all this stuff.


- My clothes.

You're only going to L.A.

for two days.

Well, you never know what might come up.

- And that?

- Oh, I told CC I would Learn her how to play.


And I think she's going to be too busy with her concert.

Next time.

Is the Hollywood Bowl really a bowl?

You'll see for yourself.

Now, get my brown carry-on bag.

It's in the top of the hall closet.

-That's all Im taking?


Now hurry.

The cab will be here in less than five minutes.

Go on.

Come on, Pouncer.

Get off the furniture.

Mom, the brown bag isn't in here.

The new maid must have moved it.

Mom !

Mom !

Please get up.

Please !

I don't know what to do !

Please !

Help me !

Please get up, Mom !

Please !

I its time for Mrs.

Fricker's shot.

Hillary Whitney.




I waited for you.

Im here now.

I want to go.

I don't want Victoria to see me here.

Are you sure?

Are you really sure?




Who do I speak to about getting Hillary Whitney released?

- Do you know how sick she is?

- Yes, I know how sick she is, and so does she.

- She wants to go.

- I don't think we can let her go.

I have to talk to the doctor in charge.

It must have been cold there in my shadow To never have sunlight on your face You were content to let me shine That's your way You always walked a step behind So I was the one with all the glory While you were the one with all the strength A beautiful face without a name For so long A beautiful smile to hide the pain Did you ever know that you're my hero And everything I would like to be I can fly higher than an eagle For you are the wind beneath my wings Did I ever tell you You're my hero You're everything everything I wish I could be Oh, and l I can fly higher Than an eagle 'Cause you are the wind Beneath my wings Oh, the wind beneath my wings You, you, you The wind beneath my wings Fly Fly So high against the sky So high I almost touched the sky Thank you, thank you Thank God for you The wind beneath My wings Victoria?


your shoes and socks are all wet.

Let's take them off before we get a cold.

All right?

I was...

just going through your mother's papers.

In her will Victoria, she-- She said she wanted you to live with me...

but you don't have to if you don't want to.

Everybody wants you.

Aunt Vesta wants you.

Everyone wants you.

Can I stay here in my house?


Does my father know that she died?

I don't know.

I thought you didn't see him.

I know who he is.

I saw him on the street twice.

I can call him if you want.


Well, maybe-- maybe someday.

If you don't-- If you don't want to come with me, Victoria...

l-I will understand.

Ill understand.

I mean, I don't know what kind of a mother Id make.

You wouldn't believe the things that go through my head sometimes.

And Im very selfish too.

I don't know what she was thinking of when she picked me.

Not that I don't want to do it.

There's nothing in the world I want more than to be with you.

You think about it.


If I go with you...

can I bring my cat?

Of course you can bring your cat.

You can bring any old thing you want.

It's time to go, Victoria.

You've got to give a little Take a little And let your poor heart break a little That's the story of That's the glory Of love You got to laugh a little Cry a little Until the clouds Roll by a little That's the story of That's the glory Of love As long as there's the two of us We've got the world and all its charms And when the world is through with us We've got Each other's arms You've got to win a little Lose a little Yes, and always Have the blues a little That's the story of That's the glory Of love That's the story of That's the glory of Love - You know that song I just finished with?

- Yeah.

I sang that song the day your mother and I met at Atlantic City.

- We were just about your age.

Did you know that?

- Yes.

We met when I was under the boardwalk smoking a cigarette.

- You smoked when you were my age?

- Yeah, sure.

- What else did you do?

- Whatever they told me not to.


I just finished doing the Sammy Pinkers Kiddie Show...

and I was tying to get some peace and quiet under the boardwalk steps...

when I saw this prissy little girl wandering around.

Be sure to keep in touch, CC.


Well, sure.

We're friends, aren't we?

Fly Fly Fly away You let me fly so high

♪♪ Oh, fly

♪♪ Fly Fly high against the sky

♪♪ So high I almost touched the sky

♪♪ Thank you, thank you

♪♪Thank God for you

♪♪ The wind beneath my wings