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05x06 - We Can Find Him

Posted: 11/15/19 19:05
by bunniefuu
Previously on How To Get Away With m*rder We're planning your joint bachelor party!

My mom is coming on Friday.

I invited your mom, too.

The jury finds Nathaniel Calvin Lahey not guilty by reason of insanity.

The judge is gonna place you in a mental facility.

I respect Governor Birkhead.

I'm just one little defense attorney that keeps beating her in court.

- Bring her in.

- We're gonna talk to Annalise.

About Gabriel?

Who the hell is he?

- Where the hell are you?

- Outside Julie's.

- Hey.

- Oliver.


Is this about Dad being dead?

'Cause I already know that.


Mom finally die?

I need you to sit.

Are you gonna throw me some money?

'Cause those are the only excuses for you showing up out of nowhere after a freakin' decade.


Skyler, what are you doing up?

You woke me.

Who's that?

That's my sister, Bonnie.

She's your aunt.

- Who's the father?

- Some deadbeat.

He left before she gave birth.

Did you tell Bonnie?

What's wrong with you?

I didn't wanna give her more reason to go there.

She's gonna see that little girl and never want to leave her.

She's got her boyfriend.

She'll be okay.

I need to stay here.

- Why?

- She has a little girl.

I had no idea.

So I couldn't talk to her yet.

And you think that man can handle this?

- She loves the guy.

- She doesn't know him.

You have to go there and make sure Bonnie's okay.

Julie's clean now.

Maybe the kid's a good sign.

The thought of Julie having a kid is the scariest thing I've ever heard.

That doesn't mean Bonnie can't handle this on her own.

Bonnie isn't Bonnie when she's around her sister.

I've seen it.

She turns back into that abused little girl desperate to save everyone but herself.

I don't feel good about this.

Listen I love you, and I love that you came, but now I can handle this.

Okay, we know it's not conventional, but it's affordable.

And we can k*ll two birds with one venue.

Yeah, the ceremony and reception.

It's cool, right?


Oh, honey, I'm just so happy for you two.

Never in my life did I believe this day would come.


'Cause I'm such a disaster?

No, 'cause I thought there was never a man who could lock you down.

- Mm.

- Bravo, Oliver.

Mom, what do you think?

You really want to know?

It'll look better once we decorate.

Yeah, just a picture a photo booth over there and, you know, flowers.

And it's cheap, which is good, considering our bank accounts right now.

I have some savings.

Mom, no.

We've I get to spend my money on what I want.

That's not really the point Y-You know what, um, Connor?

I actually am with Joanna.

Why don't we take a look at some other venues?

We're all here together.

Might be fun.

Yeah, th-that's a great idea.

Or we could just try to make this place work, you know, 'cause a wedding's not about a location.

It's about who we invite, and you will both be there, so Whatever you say.

He's good, but who knew he was gonna be that good?

Oh, and he looks damn good in a suit!


You stalking him right now?

Of course not.

Don't lie to me.

How have you kept this a secret for this long?

I do what I got to do to keep us safe.

Now it's your job since you had to get all nosey.

I would do anything to not know this.

And who do you have to blame for that?

Just play dumb while I head out of town.

Where are you going?

You really want to know?

- Good point.

Never mind.

- Now you're learning.


Do you know what we're doing today?


But Annalise isn't here.

Should we play hooky?

iCállate y escucha bien!

Professor Keating has a professional obligation, so I'm your boss for the day.

Our client Gut Suckers is being sued for $100 million in punitive damages for making false claims about their diet pills.

The only false claim is to say these pills actually work.

I don't care if they work.

I care about preventing our client from going bankrupt.

In these boxes are trial records for every lawsuit brought against a diet pill company.

Find the best strategy and bring it to me.

- I need someone to run point.

- I can do it.

Ms. Castillo, you're taking lead.

I want a full report by 5:00 p. m.

Um Ms. Price.

Uh, Michaela actually has a lot more experience in civil cases.

Your family almost destroyed this firm.

That's why we have to take low-rent accounts like Gut Suckers.

It's about time you paid us all back.

Ms. Keating, we meet at last.


Can I be candid with you?

I expect nothing less.

I was pissed when I saw your last press conference.

I was screaming at the television.

My entire staff was hiding from me.

I don't like to lose.

Who does?

And that's why I brought you here today.

To say that I-I was wrong.

I want us to work together, Annalise.

All this time, all you've done is work against me.

And look at the outcome public opinion is on your side, not mine.

I had to just take a step back and do some soul-searching and prayer, and I-I came up with a very simple truth.

Our state can do better.

I can do better.

So, here's my pitch.

I want you and I to work together to create the Pennsylvania Fair Defense Project.

As head of the project, you'd allocate funds for public defenders, create caseload caps.

Most important I want you to draft a bill to reduce the prison population by 50% a law that could be adopted by every state in the nation if we get it right.

The catch?

Besides having to work hand-in-hand with a Republican?

It's great publicity for your re-election, I agree, but I'm doing this work already.

Yeah, but not with the power of this office behind you.

I just signed a contract with Caplan & Gold.

I can get you out of that.


And don't worry about your law clinic.

We want you to hire your students to work on this project.

Now, I'll need your decision within two days, and until then, this stays confidential.

I picked up some food on the way home from Skyler's school.

Thought about buying booze to finally get you to spill why you're here, but can't be risking my sobriety, even for you.

You said he was dead.

Y-You lost all that blood.

Mom and Dad were freaking out, I was alone with the baby, and I-I did what we talked about.

I left him at the hospital.

You're taking him from the hospital here.

Dad beat it out of me.

Told some nurse I was the mother, and they let me take him.

But when we got home Dad drove him somewhere.

Mom said he sold him.

To who?

I don't know.

They just said they'd k*ll me if I ever told you.

I just never wanted you to worry about him.

That's all this was making sure you never had to worry.

I swear, Bonnie.

Don't tell me you believe a word of that story.

I never said I believed her.

So, why are you still there?

For the little girl?

I came all the way out here.

I'm not leaving until I know more.

That's what Julie wants!

She'll say whatever she needs to suck you back in.

You said that you would support me no matter what I wanted.

Well, I want to know more, and that's going to take time.

You know her.

I think you should come home.

I'll call you later.


Where you going?

N. A. Julie.

All I want to do is get high right now, so trust me, I'm doing what's good for me.

I know you're frustrated.

I understand.

They just don't have any rooms at the hospital yet.

I'm gonna talk to D. A. Miller about getting you moved up the waitlist.

It's karma.

Never made things right with that man's family.

Seeing those photos at the trial Ohh.

things I'd done to him.

I need to write that family a letter.

It's been 30 years.

You've done your time.

Just find me somebody to write to.

Please, son.

Oh, you you don't need to hide that.

Yeah, so, uh, I got off my plane from London to a message from an old Hotchkiss classmate whose wife works for the Governor.

I had no clue why she wanted to see me until I got there.

So, you turned her down?

What is this about?

Do you want more money?!

Do you enjoy humiliating me?!

- Lower your voice.

- No, you signed a contract, and I will sue your ass if you leave!

And I'll sue you back for verbal abuse in the workplace, and it looks like I have a few witnesses here, too.

You think the board wants to hear that you've committed more misconduct?

This is the same governor I've been protecting you from since we hired you.

I took this job for the sole purpose to reform the Dumpster fire that is our public defense system.

And, yes, maybe you've put your ass on the line for me, but I am no man's savior.

I've worked too long and too hard to get an ounce of power in this world, and your ass sure as hell is not gonna decide what's right for me.

I'll let you know when I've made my decision.

Is it okay if I call you Mom, Mom?

- No.

- Of course, Asher.

Yes, I was already so excited to add Oliver to the family.

- Why not one more son?

- You hear that, C-dog?

Not only are we BFFs, but we're brothers now, too.

- Hm.

- You.

Hey, Connor?

Remind me why we invited him.

Uh, just keep him away from my mother.

She already thinks he's too friendly.

Oh, so I'm not the only one she hates.


- About that - She hates me.

Don't lie.

You work with Annalise every day.

You can easily handle my mother.

Hey, Mom, Connor's never had lumpia before.

Maybe you can show him how it's made.

There won't be any lumpia unless someone makes this stove work.

Oh, yeah, there's a little trick to it.

I know you had to move here to save money for the wedding, but you want to know another solution?

Get married in a church.

They're cheap.

Mom, we have already talked about this.

- You think God hates you.

- I know.

That is not what I said.

Why not ask your father for money?

- Oh, God.

- Oliver told me he's rich.

- He and I aren't that close anymore.

- Hm.

Of course you can come to the bachelor party.

The more the merrier!

- Oh, God, no.

- Asher.

Don't be mad at Asher.

I forced him to tell me.

What mom goes to their son's bachelor party?

The cool moms, that's who.

Joanna and I are gonna be on our best behavior, isn't that right, Jo-Jo?


Stop sucking in that gut and shrink it instead!

Gut Suckers is the only weight-loss pill that actually blocks one-third of the calories you consume from being digested.

Go ahead.

Enjoy life!

Did you hear that?

Gut Suckers' FDA application claims that it prevents one-third of consumed fat, not calories, from being digested.

That means that it's the ad agency's fault, not our client's.

Why is Ms.

Castillo wrong?

A corporation assumes liability for the actions of its subcontractors, including branding and marketing, which of course I learned from you.

9:00 a. m. tomorrow, I want 10 more ideas better than this one.

You couldn't have told me that before?

I just remembered.

Or you'll do anything to impress her because you're in love with her.


So, looks like it's my turn to scratch your back.

- What?

- You helped me when I was running point on Senior's case.

It's only right I return the favor.

I can come by tonight.

I'm good.

I should be there with you.

You are.

You're talking to me.

Well, then let me find out if what she said is true.

I can, you know, look into where your father was around that time, see who he talked to.

You digging around in any official capacity could get her daughter taken away.

Saying things like that makes me want to come and rescue you.

What's going on?


Actually, I do need your help.

So, my baby sister's in town.

She cut me off when I was using a lot.

But she's here now 'cause she found out I've been hiding something from her.

She thinks she's the one that's been protecting me this whole time, but really it's the other way around.

And all I've done is try to protect her, to the point that I kept secrets that ate me alive, that made me use.

But the only way I can tell her that is to risk losing her forever, 'cause if she knew the truth, it would k*ll her.

You sure there's nothing I can do?

Frank's there.

We've got it covered.

I'm already inside this case.

I can help.

You've helped Bonnie enough.

We all have.

But I'm sure you didn't come here to talk about her.

My pops wants to send a letter to the Reinhoff family.

I'm looking for an address, but if the media gets hold of it or the Governor No, the Governor's on our side now.

She offered me this job this morning.

You trust her?

I don't trust anyone.


You want some lumpia?

When my Oliver was this age, strangers would stop us on the street and tell me how beautiful he was.

- People still do that!

- Mmm, Mrs.

Hampton, - this is so good.

- Honestly, I forgot how much I missed a home-cooked meal.

- Don't you cook for Asher?

- Mom, I told you they broke up.

- Why'd you do that?

- Look at you both.

Talk about making a beautiful baby.

Aww, that's sweet, but, uh, Missy and I here are better off as friends.

And Michaela's actually reassessing her interest in men these days.

- Wait, what?

- She's kidding.

I'm focused on work right now, something that Laurel should probably do so that Tegan doesn't fire her for failing our client.

Some ladies at church tried Gut Suckers, and they couldn't get off the toilet for days.

They should've called it a liquid diet.

Mmm, who needs another drink?

Oh, thank God.

What, did the lumpia get you, too?

Joanna found a nicer wedding venue, and she asked if I would kick in 10 grand so we could surprise you.

This is so messed up.

I-I didn't have the guts to tell her I don't have the money.

Don't you dare feel bad.

She's the one not listening to what we want.


No, I know, but she just wants you both to know how loved you are.

I'm not having a wedding that I don't want.

Why don't you just talk to Oliver, all right?

Maybe he can get through to her.

No, he can't.

He's afraid of her.

You don't understand what she gave up for me her friends, some family.

That doesn't mean you have to do everything she says.

Actually, it does.

She never asks me for anything.

She's your mother.

She's not supposed to.

Well, fine, but you can't be mad at me for trying to be a good son.

You need to tell her.

No, I'd just rather have a big, stupid wedding.

That's not what I'm talking about.

Look, you are a good son.

That's painfully obvious after seeing you two together.

Just feels like I have to come out all over again.

You do.

But this time you have me.

You hungry?

I can order a pizza once Skyler's asleep.

Why do you have this?

The serial number's unregistered.

So if the police found it, you would be arrested, Child Services would come take Skyler.

I live alone in a bad part of town.

I may not be mother of the year, but she's the only reason I haven't taken that g*n and blown my brains out.

What about my child?

You promised me that we would protect him, and that was the only thing that got me through those nine months, was knowing that he wouldn't have to go through what we went through.

We We don't know anything bad happened to him.

Someone bought him.

Do you seriously think they had good intentions?

I'll make it right.

Help you find him if that's what you want.

We can find him.

And all I've done is try to protect her, but the only way I can tell her that is to risk losing her forever, 'cause if she knew the truth, it would k*ll her.

What do you think?

I think Bonnie was better off without this in her life.

I mean, what do I do?

Play it for Bonnie?

I don't care.

Of course you do.

Listen, I told her to come home, she said no, and I have enough decisions to make right now, so you decide.

But you're the one that told me to come here.


I'll handle it.

Are you here to offer me an apology?

Actually, I'm here to accept yours.

Okay, you can't make jokes if you can't take them.

I was reading over the Governor's proposal, and from what I read, the offer isn't exactly what Birkhead made it out to be.

Paragraph 12B the project's budget will be determined by quarterly targets to reduce the incarceration rate.

Failure to meet those targets will result in you having your funding frozen.

This is your best argument to turn down the job?

This project is a smokescreen, Annalise.

She knows she can't beat you, so she's gonna bury you in bureaucracy instead.

If you can't see that, I can't help you.

Governor Birkhead's office.

Hi, this is Annalise Keating.

I was hoping to speak to Governor Birkhead.

One moment, please.

Ms. Keating.

I was hoping to hear from you.

Unless you're calling to turn down my offer.

I have concerns about the budget, specifically paragraph 12B.

You're uncomfortable with the quarterly targets?

Making change doesn't come cheap.

I'll need a set budget, regardless of our progress.

I'll talk to my people.

Anything else you're bumping on?

I want a pardon for Nathaniel Lahey Senior.

He's waiting for placement in a mental-health facility, but he would prefer to live with his son.

A pardon would be the only way to make that happen.

That is a-a bold request.

So is asking me to work for you.

These decisions have to be vetted by the Board of Pardons, but I'll look into it and see what I can do, okay?



I hate it.


Too tight in the crotch?

No, M Mom, let's just look for something that's a little more modern.

I don't want to clash with Connor.

Right, 'cause this wedding is about what he wants.

Why don't you like him?

Before you met him, you had a good job, a good place to live.

It was my idea to move.

How am I supposed to know that when you never call me?

Come on.

We talk every few weeks.

We used to talk every day.

So what happened?

Did I do something to make you mad?

Or is it him?

Mom, Connor's not the reason that I've been pulling away.

Are you sure?

He's very bossy.

Um, I've been avoiding telling you something.

First of all, uh, I'm I'm fine, and healthy.


Why wouldn't you be healthy?

I'm HIV positive.

Th I-I'm undetectable, which means that the the the medicine is working, and so that's good, and I'm gonna live a happy, healthy life for a long time, just like everybody else, so I just didn't tell you so you wouldn't worry.

But you not telling me does make me worry.

Mom, the first thing you told me when I came out is that you wanted me to be safe.

We both know what that meant.

And I and I am I am safe, e-even though this happened.

Just I'm ashamed that it happened.

Even though I don't want to be, but I guess I just hate disappointing people, especially you.

So I'm I'm sorry.

And I shouldn't say that.

This doesn't have to be such a big deal, but, um I'm I'm I'm really sorry.

Look at me.


Look at me.

I'm here for you until the day I die, no matter what.

I just hate that you felt you had to go through this all alone.

I wasn't alone.

I had Connor.

Then he should've told me.

Let's hear it, Ms.


Or am I gonna have to tell Keating you're a failure?

I guess we'll see.

What's this?

The precedent that's gonna save our clients from bankruptcy.

In 1993, a class action was filed against Trim-Me.

Like all diet pills, the Trim-Me recipe is nearly identical to Gut Suckers' caffeine mixed in with some other inert fillers.

The judge ruled Trim-Me had to offer a 50% refund to every customer.

In exchange, the company would be protected from all claims of damages.

So, I suggest we offer the judge the Trim-Me precedent.

That way, instead of paying $100 million in potential damages, Gut Suckers pays out what we've estimated to be only $5 million.

This is a rare occurrence, but I'm actually impressed, Ms.


Good work.

To be honest, I couldn't have done it without Michaela, so she deserves some of your love, too.

I'll make sure to give you both credit when I talk to Mr.


Maybe you're the one who wants to get in her pants.

I would never steal her away from you.

You k*lled it.


We'll have to toast you at the bachelor party.

- I didn't invite you.

- I know.

Asher did.

I'll see you both there.

How is he friends with Asher?

No idea.

Under the principle of stare decisis, the court must follow the Trim-Me precedent, so I just need your approval to go to the client, advise them to settle.

If they say yes, Gut Suckers will be paying more in our legal fees than they will to the customers.

This is the part where you say, "Great job.

" What's going on?

Did Keating accept the Governor's offer?

She told you about that?

I know everything that happens in this building.

I also know what she wants it's what we all want to be wanted.

'Cause we can't afford to lose her right now, especially when I'm out whoring myself for diet-pill money.

So beg her to stay even if that means getting down on your hands and knees, 'cause that woman's not gonna stand for anything less.

And honestly, I kind of love her for that.

So, I made some calls about your dad.

The mental-health facility waiting list is a beast.

That's why I came to you.

Except when you're the D. A. of Philadelphia asking for a favor.

They're gonna transfer your dad to Wilson Park Hospital tonight.

It's one of the best in the state.

He'll be in good hands.


Go tell the old man.

How's Bonnie doing?

It's just a bad flu, but she'll be okay soon.


And all I've done is try to protect her, but the only way I can tell her that is to risk losing her forever, 'cause if she knew the truth, it would k*ll her.

I went through her record again, found this.

Julie was arrested for trespassing in some house a year after she took the baby from the hospital.

Same family lives there with a kid the same age yours would be.

His name's Jake.

Your dad must've sold the baby to them.

Julie knew, couldn't help herself, so she went to check on him, and they called the cops.

She knows who your son is, Bon.

She's always known.

There you are.

Sorry about this.

We wouldn't have let them plan the party - if we knew you were coming - Sit.

You made this?

Oliver did.

When he was 10.

He was always trying to marry his Power Rangers.

The other boys didn't get it.

I didn't get it.

So, when he came out to me all those years later, my first thought was this book, how he would never get the wedding he wanted.

I know how much you mean to my son.

And I can only assume he means just as much to you.

He does.

He's been through so much, you know that.

He deserves this.

And so do you.

And I won't be upset if the ceremony happens to be in a church.

I still haven't made my decision.

So hear me out.

I know you think the only reason I got angry was because you leaving would screw me with the board.

That's not why I got upset.

I admire what you're doing, Annalise.

That's why I fought the board to fund your clinic.

And why I looked into Birkhead's proposal to see if it was a sham, which it is.

She's considering pardoning Nate Senior.

- You can't trust her.

- But I can trust you?

I can see why you wouldn't.

I haven't really been open with you.

I didn't ask you to be.

You shouldn't have to worry about who you're working for, though.

My misconduct wasn't some gross thing in a copy room.

It was me falling in love with a client.

I thought she loved me, too, but the fact that it's now labeled in some H. R. file as "misconduct" Let's just say that was the firm's way of protecting themselves.

I'm not a bad guy.

I never said you were.

Then stay.


Use me to help you fight this fight.

I promise I will have your back at every turn.

'Cause I am more than willing to destroy whoever gets in your way.

I cleared my schedule as soon as I heard you were coming.

- I'm turning down the job.

- Why?

Well, I just don't buy it the sudden change of heart, the caring about people who can't vote for you.

- You're wrong about me.

- I doubt that.

I'm not your enemy, even though it might be a hell of a lot easier for you to see me that way rather than the person that I truly am an ally reaching across the aisle to make real, positive change because that is what this world needs right now.


What the world needs is someone with no political motives fighting for the people in this state who are wrongly imprisoned.

That's me.

So, you don't want to hear about the pardon?

The Board agreed to free Nathaniel Lahey.

You just need to accept the job.

All these years, and he was 20 minutes from our house.

Just be honest with me.

Please, just tell me the truth for once.

Dad was gonna keep him.

At home, with us.

So, on our way back from the hospital we stopped at a light, and I jumped out of the car and started running.

I didn't stop 'til I reached that house.

And there were woods.

And I promised you I'd protect him.

So that's what I did.

I buried him.

8, 9, 10!

All right, go, Pam Sandwich!

- Trust the gay force!

- Whoo!

- You got this, Pam!

- Whoo-hoo-hoo!

Put those lips right on his stuff!

All right, Joanna, it's your turn.

- All right!

- Yeah!


Hey, Dad.

It's me.

If you get a chance, could you give me a call back?

I wanted to talk about the wedding.

Where's li'l man?

Oh, asleep, but I should go check on him.

- I don't like you that way.

- What?

It's why you've been avoiding me, right?


You're not my type.

Plus, I'd never hit on you knowing it hasn't been that long since what happened to Wes.

You know about Wes?

The whole school knows.

But you asked me if Christopher's dad was still in the picture.

I only did that so you didn't think I was some creepy stalker.

Well, now I do think that.

I'm not.

I'm just sorry about everything you've gone through.

Attention, party-goers!

Please make your way into the living room for a very important "safety demonstration" from Firefighter Freddy.

- Whoo!

- Oww, oww, oww, oww!

Party, party!

Don't talk to me anymore.

You got bumped top of the waitlist.

They're gonna transfer you to the new place tonight.

How did you do that?

Pig privileges.

Here's the address for your letter.

Reinhoff's got a brother down in Georgia.

Name's Eugene.

I know you don't approve but writing this letter will be the sanest thing I've done in years.

All right.

Thank you.

"Dear Eugene, my name is Nathaniel Lahey, and I'm the man responsible for the death of your brother, Gerald.

" "Here I finally am, writing the apology I should've a long time ago.

" I had every intention of turning her down.

But then I couldn't.

Not when I could free the man whose case gave me back my career.

This job has the power to help me do something right and good.

It's bigger than you, me, this firm.

So that's what I'm choosing.

I have Ms.

Keating in my office.

Please relieve her of her badge and escort her directly out of the building.

She no longer works here.

"I spent the last 30 years in a cell thinking I was in pain.

But you've been in the real pain.

" "The kind that never goes away.

" Who you calling?

Hi, I'd like to report an unregistered, unlocked firearm in a home where a child lives.

You'd hate yourself tomorrow.

"You lost your brother before his time, and it was at my hand.

There's no words to make up for that sin.

I was sure I'd spend the rest of my days paying for what I did.

" "But then my son came back to me, helped me get a second chance.

" - What's wrong now?

- Your dad's gonna be a free man.

You mean the transfer?

I mean he's gonna be pardoned by the Governor.

The paperwork clears in a week, just enough time to make space for your new roommate.

"My son chose to love me in spite of all the bad things I've done.

" "I wish I could trade places with your brother" It's time for your transfer, Lahey.

Van's here.

"give him the second chance I got.

" Mr. Lahey?

Yeah, I'm waiting to talk to my pops.

He there?

Hold a moment.

"I promise to spend the rest of my life carrying the weight of all the pain I've caused you.

" Mr. Lahey, I-I'm afraid there's been an incident.

What does that mean?


"Let it go now, sir.

All that pain.

All that grief.

I've got it from here.

" "'Cause that's the least that I owe you.

" "Sincerely" "Nathaniel Lahey Senior. "