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03x10 - Jahr Null

Posted: 11/17/19 09:03
by bunniefuu

Look at this.

Got 'em.

Hon, you okay?

I'm sorry.


You let her go.

Your brain, Mr.

Abendsen, is of great value to us.

Your wife is not.

Put the g*n down.

I'll see to it she gets the medical attention she very badly needs.

You sh**t yourself, you're gonna force my hand.

All right, come on.

Let's go.

Ooh, John, I always wondered if I'd see you again.


Mein Fuhrer?

- Reichsmarschall.

- We have him.

What a marvelous surprise.

I sent you a transport.

I need you to join me in the Poconos immediately.

Yes, Mein Fuhrer.

You okay?



Time to go.

This is it.

Mine Number Two.

Follow the main tunnel along these lines, just over a mile.


Uh, there.

This is where you're headed.

How will we know when we're close?

Check your compass.

You'll know.

You take care down there.

Thank you.


- Willkommen.

- Mein Fuhrer.

Well, did you learn anything useful from Tagomi?

The Japanese are aware of the location of this machine, sir.

And its purpose.

You don't think they're planning to target Die Nebenwelt?

Tagomi made no direct threats, sir.

The Japanese made no direct threats before Pearl Harbor.

Which way?

We're getting close.



Stronger here.

This way.

Mein Fuhrer.




The gateway to the multiverse.

This tunnel leads directly to the center of the anomaly.

Our machine operates symbiotically with it.

Allow me to demonstrate.

Home base, stand by for activation.

Return the conveyor.

Conveyor engaged.

Um, may we take your weapons, please?

Anything made of iron or steel.

Once fully opened, the gateway produces an extreme amount of magnetic energy.

Ready for activation.

Initiate Turbine One.

Turbine One initiated.

Cut your lights.

Help me.

Turbine One at 50%.

- Initiating Turbine Two.

- Mein Fuhrer.

Oscilloscopes are here to focus, ja?

To aim.

Aim at what, exactly?

Parallel worlds, Mein Fuhrer.

Power levels stable, sir.

Turbine Two at 50%.

Fuhrer, you'll need these.

Test subjects to control room.


Test subjects to control room.

Test subjects are entering, sir.

Standing by, sir.

Jesus Christ.


We're in final sequencing.

Weapons protocol in force.


Weapons protocol in force.

Test subjects secure, sir.

Subject number four.


Subject number three.


Subject number two.


Subject number one.


Those poor bastards.

Vital signs reading.

All normal.

All systems live and now ready.

Control room, verify information.

All turbines are 50%, sir.

Engage the conveyor.

Conveyor initiated.

Attend to one of the anomalies precisely 50 meters down the track.

45 meters.


40 meters.


Turbines at 60%.

35 meters.


Sixty percent.

30 meters.


Eighty percent.


Fifty percent.

Ten meters.

Five, four, three, two, one.

What the f*ck just happened?

They opened the portal.

All subjects have flatlined, sir.

Pull them out.

Reverse the conveyor.

I said reverse the conveyor.

I'm sorry, sir.

The gears are jammed.

It may be dangerous, my Fuhrer.

Recover the tags.

Bring it here.


Three dog tags.

The remains of three corpses on the conveyor not four.

One, sir, the young woman She got through.

It's a limited success, Mein Fuhrer.

Progress, nonetheless.

It's more than that, it's a breakthrough.


Now, we must accelerate the number of tests and expand their scale.


Thank you, Mein Fuhrer.

I want 100% success rate.

Close enough, at any rate, to begin to march troops through!


Reopen the Texas pipelines.

Nothing must thr*aten our Poconos project, not Japan, nobody, nichts.

Mein Fuhrer.

We have to somehow get expl*sives into that tunnel when the f*cking machine is on.

We could gas 'em.

Go down there with a bazooka and then a rocket launcher.

That would cause a chain reaction.

- What about detonation?

- Or a timer?



There's someone up there.

- Go!


- Yes, sir.

We can't go down.

They saw us.


Lights, lights.

Lights, lights, lights, lights.

Oh, that's not good.

Stay down!

Stay down!

Cover and fire in two One Go!








She's alive.


Please, come in.

Would you like to sit down?

Have a drink?




That is not why I am here.

I have arranged with Okami to release you from your servitude as hostess.

I understand.

I belong to you now, Kido-san.


No, Gina, you are free.

Free to live the life you wish.

To assist you Arigato-gozaimasu.

What do you think you will do?

I suppose I'll leave San Francisco and head up north to Marysville, rejoin my family.

They're farmers.

Just like your family.

When you come up north, you'll call me.

We'll spend the day together.

Perhaps I will, Gina.


Major, I'd like you to pull up records for the Signal Corps, 1942 to 1944.

All personnel involved in the Pacific campaign.

Look for the names "Hawthorne" and "Abendsen," anything similar, including anagrams.


Give us a couple of minutes?

Hello, Juliana.

How are you feeling?

Does it matter?

You've been busy since I last saw you.

That must've been a hard thing to do.

Weren't you quite fond of him?

Once your Fuhrer was through with him, there was nothing left of the Joe I was fond of, was there?

No, I understand.

You had no further use for him.

No, I'm not like you, John.

You've been quite useful to me, Juliana.

But I'm afraid your usefulness is just about to run out.

You have Abendsen.

Tracking your movements was quite helpful in apprehending him.

And Mrs.


So this little, uh, probe that you all led into the machine what exactly is it you think you saw there?


Great success is built on failure.


What is it that Himmler plans to do with that machine, anyway?


What's he gonna do?

Is he gonna try and roll tanks through the portal alongside the troops?

With no idea what they'll find on the other side?

If they even get to the other side?

Or have none of you thought it through that far?

And, of course, what you can't conquer, you'll just destroy, won't you?

That's what we all have to look forward to.

Just a future full of endless worlds conquered and destroyed by fascists.

Wyatt Price and your other, uh, confederates at the Lackawanna, I'm gonna need their names, I'm gonna need their descriptions.

Would you like to tell me now?

Have it your way.

You know, the night Thomas came to see me it was heartbreaking how ashamed he was.

Believing he'd let you down by being less than perfect.

Telling him how much you loved him just wasn't enough to save him from the way he was raised.

I can only imagine how that must weigh on you.


Nearly scared the crap out of me.

Hello, Richie, me old buddy.

How the f*ck did you find me?

I asked an exterminator pal where the cockroaches go to die in this town.

He gave me your address.

When the f*ck did you slip into New York?

And why the f*ck would you make such a dumb f*cking move?

Seem to have done well for yourself since you burned your uniform.

I buried it.

Raunchy, Richie.

I got my finger on the pulse.

What can I say?

I'm like a madam.

Protected by my clientele list.

You wouldn't believe who my customers are.

Yeah, but interracial?

It's a nice, long stretch in the reeducation camp if you get caught with that stuff.

Oh, is that why you came here, to warn me?

- Or thr*aten me?

- Richie.

Bite your tongue.

I'm here out of nostalgia.

And And?

Well, the resistance burned out in this town, so organized crime is my second-best bet.

Organized what?


You're an entrepreneur.

Give the people what they want.

And I got a whole list of shit that I want.

And is it a threat if we pay for it?

Old Mother Hubbard lives in the river, the river Euphrates.

Little Boy Blue, come blow Are we certain he isn't speaking in code, hoping to get word out somehow?

Cryptographers are analyzing it, but no.

Nothing so far.

Let me hear a little better.

The Star-Spangled Banner.

When Johnny comes Marching home again Hurrah, hurrah.

Hickory, dickory, dock, Jehovah is my rock in whom I take refuge.

Do not believe his addled act.

He's vital to the success of Die Nebenwelt.

This man knows a great many secrets.

I had a dream the other night and when everything was still For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son Tom.

Tom, the piper's son, stole a pig, and away did run.

Oh, don't let me interrupt you.

- I'm just trying to stay sane.

- Hmm.

How is she?

How's Caroline?

Oh, I think you know that depends on you.

Abe Hawkes.

Yep, that's you, all right.

Changed a bit.

20 years.

Haven't we all?

Army Pictorial Service.

An interest in movies right from the start, I see.

Well, you're interested in motion pictures, too, aren't you, John?

I imagine you've been given access to Hitler's stash of the films.

I imagine you've watched many of them.

And why would you imagine that?

Oh, I think you'd be compelled to explore worlds in which history fate made out quite differently.

To study images of such worlds would profoundly affect a man like you.

How do you know what sort of man I am?

Well, I don't think we were ever friends, exactly, but I do recall a GI speaking of a Lieutenant John Smith in hushed tones.

Don't forget we served on the same side.

You know, it was a long time ago.


You ever think back?

I wonder, do you ever take yourself back to a time before you switched sides?

All right, Abe.

I think that'll do for now.

And away did run.



Is Mrs.

Smith not here?

No, sir.

They left yesterday.



Smith and the girls.

A nurse came to the apartment.



Some sort of mix-up, I suppose.


Smith sent her away, and then they left.

All right, Bridget.

Thank you.

Did they, uh, happen to say where they were going?


Dawson's beach house.

Oh, yes, of course.



John, where is your family?

I have sent them away for a few days, Mein Fuhrer.

Helen was very tired.

Sends the wrong message when a Reichsmarschall appears at a public ceremony without his family.

I'm particularly sad that your children are not here to witness this today.

You will get your house in order.

Today is for you.

The generation born since the end of the w*r.

A pure generation, free from the decrepit ideologies of the past.

You are the future.

You are the Reich.

But you must be vigilant.

The enemies of the Reich are everywhere.

Those who would anchor you to the past must be eliminated to make room for the new.

Today, we tear down the old.

Here is your Fuhrer's gift to you a new beginning!

Jahr Null!

Reichsmarschall give the order.

Come in, Major.

Copy, Reichsmarschall.

Clear to target.

At long last, her light goes out.

With the destruction of this former icon, the American Reich enters a bold new era.

In downtown New York, n*zi youths are pouring into the streets to celebrate - Sick bastards.

- the destruction of liberty.

- Wyatt, it's time.

- In solidarity with their Fuhrer, they celebrate the beginning of Jahr Null.

Blood and soil!

Blood and soil!

Blood and soil!

Blood and soil We could not have hoped for a more spectacular start to Jahr Null.

Danke, Mein Fuhrer.

But for now, you are being recalled to Berlin.

Is Miss Riefenstahl stepping down from her post?


Unfortunately, your high-handed behavior, your flouting all rules and conventions Did you really believe perversion had no price?

That club was raided on my orders.

You are being sent back to Berlin for a course of mandatory reeducation.

And what will happen to her?


Harris' fate is not your concern.

Is that really necessary?

Mein Fuhrer.

There's been an outbreak of disturbances on the streets.

What sort of disturbances?

Young people throwing stones, Molotov cocktails.

Seem to be targeting schools and museums.

This is their night to express their passions.

Sometimes a purge is essential.

Blood and soil!

Blood and soil!

Blood and soil!

Blood and soil!

Blood and soil!

Blood and soil!

Blood and soil!

Blood and soil!

Blood and soil!

Blood and soil!

Blood and soil!

Blood and soil!

Go home!

You gotta go home!

Who do you think you're talking to, old man?

Blood and soil!

- Don't you f*cking touch me!

- That's right!

Blood and soil!

Blood and soil!

Heil Himmler.

The main branch of the public library's been torched.

- Call the fire department.

- No, let it burn.

People need to be reminded who to fear.

We should probably get inside, sir.


Well, you should have been in Berlin for the Kristallnacht, John.

It was beaut Hit.

Get him under cover, now!



Let's go.

Where is it coming from?


Northeast corner, open window.






Get back!

- Get 'em open!

- Let's go.

This land of the free, it's for you and for me Or for anyone at all who is seeking liberty We welcome every stranger And we help him all we can And now that we're in danger we depend on every man The stars and stripes are calling you To lend a helping hand If you're true blue it's up to you To show just where you stand Who's there?

What kind of an American are you?

It's time to show what you intend to do - You made it.

- Yeah.

Come in.

Did you hear about Liberty?

Such a waste.

What I could have gotten for that torch alone What is wrong with you?

Have you learned nothing all this time?

Is everything a commodity, Robert?

Are you that much better than them?

They smash things, you sell them.

Um I'm beginning to be offended.

And what makes it worse is that you know the value of all these irreplaceable things.



Wait, wait, wait.

What are you, my conscience?

'Cause if I want a conscience, I'd take Jiminy Cricket over you any day of the week that ends in "Y.

" Ed?

you should tell him.



Kido caught up with him outside of Denver, so Jack and I have come home to carry on.

Carry on?

I don't understand.

You've preserved all these things.

Frank he wanted us to preserve our future.

So I'm asking you, just for tonight if you'll come with Jack and me and help us keep Frank's dream alive.

You want me to ?


You Look at me.

I'm not I can't.

Come on, Ed.

We're wasting our time.


g*dd*mn it.




Where are you?

Are you okay?


The the girls and I we're safe.

That's that's good.

Listen, you shouldn't have run away from that nurse.

I wasn't running from a nurse.

I'm not I'm not angry with you.

I'm just You just you scared me, that's all.

Can you just come home?


Can you just bring the girls and come home?

I love you, John but I was running away from you.

You tie a bowline over there, right?

I don't know how to tie a bowline.

You ever tie your shoes?

All right, give me that.

I'm not a ranch hand.

Are are we sure this is straight?

I think you mean "even.

" This is for you, Frank.

One, two, - three, go.

- Go.

Looks great.

Ah, thank you.

It's amazing.

We need to go, now.

How is the Fuhrer, sir?

Still in surgery.

Cry, baby Bunting, Daddy's gone a-hunting, and cattle and fat sheep can all be had for the raiding.

But a man's life-breath cannot come back again.

I really can't stay, but baby, it's cold outside.

I wondered when you'd be back.

You and I need to talk, Abe.

How's Caroline?

Still with us.

I need to see her.

Well, you're gonna have to earn it.

My wife in trade for "the secret"?

If I knew the first thing about traveling, do you think I'd still be sitting here?

In a jumpsuit?

I assume you know about the machine they're now testing?

Four people were sent into a portal.

"Volunteers," I suppose?

Only one went through.

And the one that went through was ?

Just an average girl, far as I could see, couldn't have been more than 18.


" Hmm.

I wonder if her mother and father felt the same way, no?

I think you'll find this girl was quite unique.

If she was able to enter a parallel world, it's because she didn't exist in it.


No, you're lying to me.

Some people exist in both worlds.

Different versions, but the same.

And they can travel, too, I've seen it.

You mean, i if one of them dies, and leaves a space?

Yes, that's true.

But it all amounts to the same thing, John.

Whatever plans you people have, they won't work.

Last one.


In my line of work, I thought I'd seen everything.

Is that why you squirreled away a copy for yourself?

Liam, pal, I never did that.

Just promise me you'll make copies of your copy.

Keep the faith, and spread the word