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09x13 - Ripple Effect

Posted: 11/17/19 09:15
by bunniefuu
I didn't know wedding dress shopping could be so fun.

JANKO: For who?

- Come on, you look beautiful in everything.

With a little more champagne, I might want to try one on.

Not so fast.

You're not getting married before you're 30.

- You did.



JANKO: I've never met Jack.

- Do you guys get along?

- We got along great when we were both in the D. A. 's office.

We couldn't get enough of each other.

But then when he became a defense attorney, we never saw each other, and it just went south from there.

Because you never saw him, or because you guys didn't work together anymore?

A little bit of both.


So everything was good up until you guys decided to stop working together?

Mm, it's a little more complicated than that.


Do you need help in there?

(Erin and Nicky gasp)



Just wow!


ERIN: Ah, so gorgeous.

Oh, wow, that's it's-it's too much.

Yeah, that's that's a little pricey.

But you only live once.



She's right.

You should get it.

NICKY: Definitely.

You think?

- Yes.

- Yes.

ERIN: How do you feel?

(laughs): I don't know.


BAKER: Here's your schedule for the rest of the day.

- What about it?

- So, there's your 11:00 a. m.

- Well, that's a conflict right there.

- Okay.

We got to move Push that.

Detective Baker.

Lieutenant Gormley.


Nice turnout-- but you always bring a crowd.

Anything I can do to help.

Well, we we happen to be shy a few volunteers to be pen pals to the incarcerated.

Oh, I'm kind of busy putting them away, Kevin.

I'm not sure I'd also have the time to write to them.

Well, it's either that or sign up for the soup kitchen every other Sunday.

Well, I'll let you know.

Guy over there glad-handing, there's something about him.

Aw, it's just the old cop in me.

What award's he getting?

- You're kidding.

- Nope.

The Saint Teresa Award, which you endorsed him for.

The hell I did.

The heck I did.

Frank, your face and your quotes praising his work are plastered all over his website.

Introduce me.


You know Commissioner Reagan, of course.

(chuckles): Well who doesn't?

But I don't know you.

So, how'd the dress shopping go?




Nostalgic for your own?


I had so much fun at ours.

I had fun at mine, too, but it was so over-the-top.

I mean, we literally came up through the floor.

Smoke machines, the whole bit.

We had a five-piece band at ours.

We danced the whole night.

Who knew it was all downhill from there?

It wasn't all downhill.

- Jack.

- Frank, Henry, Joe Danny and Jamie-- I had warnings from all five of them.

- You did not.

- I did.

They are a tough bunch.

JACK: Imagine marrying their only daughter and sister.

I'm lucky I'm alive to tell it.

What brings you down here?

I was wondering if you could look into a friend's complaint.

She was robbed about two weeks ago.

Is there a suspect in custody?

No arrests.

And she, uh, she tried following up, but she's getting the runaround.

We can look into it.

That'd be great.

I appreciate it.

And her name's Collette Dawkins.

If we find something, we'll give you a call.



- Do not say it, Erin.

- Just please look into it.

I don't know why you always fall for this guy.

I'm not falling for anything.

He asked for assistance in a case.

That guy's always got an angle.

It's a white dress with a sweetheart neckline.

I thought you weren't supposed to tell me what it looks like.

Do you have any idea what a sweetheart neckline is?

- None.

- Exactly.

I can't help it, I'm just so excited.

Not as excited as you seem to be that I'm your driver today.

It just kind of threw me when you volunteered.

I thought you'd be happy.


Don't you miss riding together sometimes?


Stop, please!

(tires screech)

I need help!

I need help!

Hey, what happened?

He collapsed.

I called 911, but they're not here.

Okay, okay.

- Did he choke on anything?

- No.

Please, do something.

- Let's get him to St.


- Come on.

Okay, okay.

I got you.

Here, let me get you in the front.

- What's his name?

- Jeremy.

Hey, Jeremy, you there?

You in there, bud?

Hail Mary (siren wailing)

23-year-old Meredith Davis.

Lives alone.

Found her about 20 minutes ago.

- su1c1de note?

- I didn't see one.

- No forced entry.

- No.

And the super let us in.

BAEZ: We're gonna need to talk to him.

WOMAN: Excuse me.



WOMAN: Officer, I'm her mother.

- Ma'am, I can't - Meredith.


She blew past me.

My daughter?

We're very sorry, ma'am.

You're not gonna want to go in there.

Looks like a su1c1de.

(gasping, shuddering)

Officer Reyes, please escort her down.

- Have an EMS look at her, help her out.

- Come with me, please.

(stammering, sobbing)

Come with me.

There's a woman outside that says she has some information about the victim.


Why don't you let her in, too?

The woman over there.

Name's Maggie Gibson.

She claims she knows what happened to the Vic.

All right.


Excuse me, miss.

Detective Reagan.

This is my partner, Detective Baez.

We're told you have some information that might be helpful to us.

- Yes.

The young woman upstairs, the one that k*lled herself?


She didn't die from su1c1de.

She was m*rder*d.

Are you a family member?

I'm just a concerned citizen.

- Do you even know the woman upstairs?

- No.

Yet you know that she was m*rder*d.

I'm positive.


And you know this how?

Because she told me.

She told you that somebody wanted to k*ll her?

She told me that somebody did k*ll her.

Are you saying you talk to the dead?

Actually, the dead talk to me.

(clears throat)

And you're convinced that our su1c1de is actually a homicide?

No question.

And you know this because after she was k*lled, she told you that she was m*rder*d.

I'm a medium.

In my world, that's called a scam artist.

I'm not looking for money, I'm looking for justice.


Justice for a woman that you don't know and you never met.

- That's right.

- Not for nothing, but the only people who show up at a crime scene are typically the friends and family, which we've already established you're not, or psychos, or the perp.

- So, which one are you?

- Neither.

Where were you between the hours of 5:00 and 9:00 a. m. today?

I was at my apartment on 69th, a few blocks away.

Anyone we can check that with?

This has all my information.

Please feel free to check whatever you like.

Can I speak with the family?


Leave the family alone.

The locket is important.

What locket?

The locket she was wearing when she died.

You find that locket, you'll find the k*ller.

Blue Bloods 9x13 Ripple Effect (sighs)

And what's this guy's scam?

GORMLEY: Grand larceny.

Posing as a charity that helps people who couldn't otherwise afford it to check something off their bucket list before they die.

And the money comes from Private and public grants, crowdfunding websites and social media.

And we're certain that goes into his pocket?

We haven't had time to track down all his alleged good deeds, but safe to assume.

Does he have a record?

28 months for a previous grand larceny.

Do you want to know what you said?

- No.

- "There is no more worthy charity "than the Last Hurrah, and no more charitable man than Liam Norris.

" Okay.

Oh, and I want to know the minute he gets here.

He's here.

He's early.

His temperature?


Oh, boy.

I'll just go I want this guy Norris prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Well, I guess that answers my question about whether the archdiocese wants to press charges.

Just make sure he gets put away for the max.

Well, look, if he skimmed more than $1,000 off his bogus charity-- and I'll bet 1,000 that he did-- he's likely guilty of grand larceny.


And what is with the fire and brimstone, Kevin?

He lied.


He used the Church for his own good.

And I thought he was helping people, not rewarding himself.

Frank, this story simply cannot get out.

You mean the one where you don't vet the people you give awards to?

There were testimonials, there were photos, there were videos.

I-I don't want to see myself on the front page of the paper being mocked for giving a humanitarian award to a shyster.

The Catholic Church can't afford any more bad publicity.

This is not that.

Do I have to explain to you, of all people, how much, well, how much good the Church does for the impoverished of this city?

Then why are you, Kevin?

Do you realize how bad this is gonna look if it gets out?

How much it's going to damage the good that we do?

Who is gonna want to support the charities we run that feed the poor and house the homeless?

Look, it's most likely gonna end up in a plea deal.

He'll do jail time 'cause of his record, no trial, and hopefully no story.

- "Hopefully"?

- Well, I can't promise.

But I'll do everything I can to keep it out of the paper.

- You've got to do more than that, Frank.

I can no longer tolerate people using the Church for their own profit.

Thanks for dropping by.



We've stabilized him.


But he could've died.

Why didn't he have his insulin?

- He's diabetic?

- He was in diabetic shock because he didn't get an insulin shot today.

I gave it to him this morning.

Let's see the insulin that you gave him.

Uh, it's at home.

I need to see my son.

JAMIE: If you give us permission to go and get the insulin, then you can stay here and see your son.

Whatever, it's in the kitchen.

(keys jangle)

I just want to see Jeremy, please.

Stay with her at all times.

- It could be an honest mistake.

- She lied.

I want ACS on this.

We'll notify Child Services.

Great, 'cause we need to protect him from his own mother.

Thank you for coming in.

So, you believe she-she would never You'll look into it, right?

I promise you, as soon as we get any more information, we'll call you right away.

You see this locket?

She never took it off.

It was my grandmother's and then my mother's and mine.

I gave it to her on her 21st birthday.

And it's missing.

Okay, um we'll see what we can do.

Do you mind if we hold onto this?

Gonna have this officer take you home, all right?

- Thank you.

- You're welcome.


It's a coincidence.

Come on.

There's no signs of forced entry, and this girl, she had a history of problems with nobody anywhere, ever.

Yeah, but we don't have a su1c1de note, either.

Is there any security cameras on the building?

None that work, so I have security footage from surrounding buildings.

I'll get the popcorn.

Did anyone ever tell you that you're really annoying?

- Pretty much everyone.

- You have called me five times about Meredith Davis's autopsy, including on my personal phone.

And did you come down here to tell me that I annoy you, or do you have some information about that autopsy?

I came here to tell you that Meredith Davis had a contusion on her head.

- Postmortem.

- No.

So you're saying she got into a fight before she died?

I'm saying that she sustained blunt force trauma to her head.

Figuring out if that's accidental or intentional is your job.


Thanks for coming down.

Stop calling me.

And that's when he punched me in the face.

Can you send me a copy of this?

Of course.

- How do you know Jack?

- Social media.

Social media.

How's that?

You meet on Facebook or something?


You're dating him?

We went on some dates.

Are you two serious?

He's got his eye on someone else.

If she was hit hard enough, maybe she went unconscious.

- Yeah.

But then she'd have to get hoisted up there and make it look like a su1c1de.

You'd have to stand on something, which could be possible.

Hey, while you're here, why don't you, uh, dust off the toilet seat and the, uh, bathtub.

See if there's another footprint that doesn't belong to Meredith.


Looks a little big for Meredith's foot, don't you think?


Maybe the mother's intuition was right.

Or the medium's.

Thank you so much for inviting me up, Commissioner.

I can't tell you what an honor it is.

I'm afraid that perhaps you and I got off on the wrong foot.


Look, I understand You have committed criminal impersonation and identity theft against the New York City Police Commissioner and the Catholic Church, and that is just for starters.


No, no.

May I sit?



Oh, I, uh, brought you a token of my esteem.

You know, this is all a big misunderstanding.

Now, my charity helps worthy cases fulfill their dreams.

When this is cleared up, you'll be thanking me.

For using my name without my knowledge or permission?

I bet you would endorse my foundation once you understand what we do.

Oh, I understand what you do.

You're a grifter.

No, I am an imperfect man who changed his ways before it was too late.

And I decided that my legacy would be to help others check a box on their bucket list.


So, you will give us your financial records.

Well, you keep in mind that every foundation pays their employees.

You're the only employee.

I have overhead.

And I have lawyers, as does the archbishop, and charges we can press.

And what good would come of that?

I am giving you 24 hours to submit your charity's financial statements.

I have nothing to hide.

Is everything out of your mouth a lie?

That must be exhausting.

Thank you, Commissioner.

I won't let you down.

I won't hold my breath.

JANKO: Just saying, what if we didn't work together anymore?

What if we weren't in the same profession and in the same station house?


Well, what if this, our-our chemistry, our relationship, what if that's what it's based on?

On work?

And what if we didn't have that?

Eddie, where is this coming from?

Is that why you wanted us to ride together today?



'Course not.

I'm just saying Doc.

Doctor, did you get the test results back?

We've examined the vial and the syringe that you found at the apartment.

- Mm-hmm.

- Neither of them contained traces of insulin.

Could there be a mistake with the medication?

I see parents neglect their kids every damn day of the week.

I've admitted him to the pediatric ward.

At least there I know he's safe.

For now.

(elevator bell dings)


My assistant said you called.

I was in court.

Yeah, so she said.

Hey, I-I really appreciate your help with the Dawkins case.

I bet you do.

Something wrong?

You could have mentioned she's your girlfriend.

She's not my girlfriend.

She's my ex.

"Ex" as in?

Uh, as in we dated for a while.

A while?

Maybe half a dozen dates.

Uh, that's what single men do, Erin.

We date.

Yeah, you left that part out.

I asked you to help because she was victimized and no one was doing anything about it.

Jack to the rescue.

I really don't know what you're mad about.

You're dishonest, Jack.

Every time I start trusting you, you do something like this.

Every single time.

Where'd you get the insulin?

I don't have to talk to you.

Your son could've died.

Leave me alone.

I'm working.

All right, we leave you alone, you're gonna end up in an interrogation room charged with endangering the welfare of your child.

Is that what you want?

I gave him the insulin, and no one believes me.

You gave him water.

What are you talking about?

We tested it.

You injected Jeremy with water.

I bought insulin.

Insulin costs $191 for one vial.

I'm a single mom.

I don't have health insurance.

You do the math.

Well, who'd you buy it from?

Someone told me I can get prescriptions cheaper online.

So I did.

I paid cash.

He met me in Williamsburg, gave me the insulin and disappeared.


You have his number?

(voice breaking): A woman from Child Services told me that they're gonna take my son away from me.

Not if you can help us prove it wasn't your fault.

I would never do anything to hurt him.


We believe you.

That's where I bought it from.

What do you got?

Crime scene got the shoe print, and a few specs of blood, but no fingerprints other than Meredith's.

How about a match on the blood?

It's a partial profile, which is gonna make it impossible to pinpoint the suspect.


Nothing's impossible.

We've been up against greater odds before, believe me.

Okay, well, not impossible, but a little help would be nice.


What do you mean, help?

I asked Maggie to meet us at the apartment.


- The medium.

- I know who she is.

You really want to encourage that whacko?

She said she'd get a better read if she was in the place where the crime took place.


Maybe we should bring some tarot cards, and they might tell us who k*lled Meredith Davis.

MAGGIE: There was a struggle DANNY: Which is what typically occurs between two people when one's trying to k*ll the other one.

He was trying to kiss her, and she hit him.

She hit him here.

He was bleeding, here.

And then, she went for the phone, he grabbed her, he pushed her.

She didn't want to die.

Yeah, most people don't.

He has her locket.

You can't give us any kind of description of him?

No, just a, a uniform.

A gray uniform.

That's all I know.

Okay, well, how about a name?

First name, last name, a name on the uniform, of the company he worked for?

'Cause that's what would really be helpful here.


Well, it doesn't work that way.

Oh, okay.

How does it work?

Oh, right.

You prey on people when they're most vulnerable.

I'm sorry that you don't believe, but that's your problem, not mine.

My only problem is that you're wasting our time with all this mumbo jumbo.

Okay, we have a case to solve here, and we got work to do, so, I'm done.

You know, I find that people who don't believe in my gift are the ones that are most afraid of it.

I'm not afraid of your gift, okay?

Like I said, I got work to do.

Who's Linda?

What did you say to me?

Is that your wife?

You should probably go.

Danny No.


You should go.

This is Antoine Reynard, 26, from Rosedale, Queens.

That's the guy who robbed your ex.

I picked him up this morning.

We can charge him with robbery in the second degree and as*ault if your friend can ID him.

Thank you, Anthony.

I'm sure Collette will be very, very grateful.

You two need anything else?

I got work to do on a case.

- Which one?

- Any.

I'll make one up.

Take care, Jack.

Thanks again.

I just want you to know that I had no ulterior motives in this case.

I wanted to help her out because it was the right thing to do.

- Oh, please.

- Sorry.

Do the Reagans have a monopoly on good deeds to, uh to fit in with the self-righteousness?

Don't make this about my family, Jack.

I'm a single man.

I'm allowed to date.

Didn't say you couldn't.

Then, what is the problem?

I can't be expected to be faithful if you and I are not even in a relationship.


We just have booty calls.

Erin, I don't understand what you are mad at here.

Why couldn't you have just said, "She's my ex"?

Because I didn't think it was relevant.

You didn't think it was a problem to ask me to get involved in a criminal case where the victim is your girlfriend so you can make points with her?

- The only woman that I've ever tried to make points with is you.

But it is impossible to live up to your expectations.

And-and that's the Reagan way.

You raise the bar so high that absolutely nobody can live up to it.

Hey, mission accomplished.

I don't know.

I just don't believe it.

JANKO: Well, what about those psychics that help police close cold m*rder cases?


So, you think the medium is scamming you?

- Yes, pretty much.

NICKY: But wait a minute.

What is she really getting out of it if she's not making any money off of it?

I don't know what she's getting out of it.

Maybe attention.

Who knows?

Not all scams are about money.


Well, I got a guy running a fake charity, I could care less what his motivation is.

Is that that bucket list thing you were talking about?

- Yeah.

- See, that I'm all in.

I love bucket lists.

What's on yours?

Nothing's on my bucket list.


Got everything I want, seen too much as it is.


DANNY: I'm with you, Dad.

Though with all the speeding through the streets of New York I've done in my career, I would like to try my hand at Le Mans.


- That's it?

- It's in France, and I'd have to drive for Team Porsche.

That's a lot.

I got at least a dozen things that I want to do.

You're 16.

I'd hope so.

Such as?

Skydive over Mount Everest.

Ski the Alps.


That's great.

- Except you don't ski.

- I'll learn.

I'd like to sing backup at a Taylor Swift concert.


I'd like to surf in Tahiti.

I would also like a million followers on Instagram.

SEAN: Know a great way to do that?

Skydive over Mount Everest.


JAMIE: Also, I want to sleep in one of those huts on the water in Bora Bora.

- Mm.

- Mm.

Well, a real nature boy, aren't you?

We could do that on our honeymoon.

HENRY: Just don't have the ceremony there.

I don't want to travel that far for it.

- What about you, Pop?

- Top of my bucket list?

- Mm-hmm.

- Don't kick the bucket.


Come on.

Well, I always wanted to visit the Vatican.

Well, Betty and I-- we were supposed to do it on our 50th, but, uh, then she got sick, and, uh, we had to cancel.

Did you know Pop always wanted to go to the Vatican?

You know, he never mentioned it.

That's my biggest fear-- that I'll get old and regret the things I didn't do.

Anything in particular?

You know, our jobs-- one of the side effects is that it makes us doubt everyone, even the ones closest to us.

Occupational hazard.

I know you don't like Jack.

That is correct.


I know you have a soft spot for him, always have.

It just makes me wonder if maybe part of the problem was the way I handled things with him.

Strike first, and ask questions later.

No, you have high expectations.

There's nothing wrong with that.

We're just so trained to look for the bad in people that maybe if we let it it stops us from seeing the good.

You're saying our jobs can make us immune to seeing the good in people?

I'm saying that's the danger.

Jack accused me of having expectations that were unrealistic.


And what do you think?


I think it's not so much about lowering standards as it is admitting that no one's perfect.

Least of all us.



Uh, you didn't have to come all the way down here.

When I saw your message I just wanted you to know that we confirmed your story about the fake dr*gs.

You arrested them?

Let's just say we're working on it.

Oh, thank God.

I was so worried you wouldn't believe me and I'd lose my son.

I just hope that you can help us, testify against them.

I will, whatever I can do.

How can I thank you for all you've done?

- Please.

- And your partner, too.

And for that incredible donation.


You both have been so generous.

Just, just All right, okay.

Have you been here all night?

Only since midnight.

It's 8:00 a. m.

Yeah, well, couldn't sleep.

Had six more hours of video surveillance to go through.

Somebody had to do it, so I did it.

Well, why didn't you call me?

Danny, I'm really sorry I dragged a medium into this.

It was so stupid.

It's okay.

But when she mentioned Linda It's okay.

I made a little discovery last night.

There's a, uh, food delivery service.

They deliver to Meredith's neighbor in apartment 2B.


A security camera up the block recorded footage of the van.

I ran the plates.

The driver of the route that day was Steven Nagy.


Steven Nagy, registered sex offender.

You just have to sign here, stating that you ID'd number three as the person who robbed and assaulted you.

You have no idea what this incident did to me.

I am so happy it's over.

Well, I'm glad we could help.

I don't know how to thank you.

Well, Jack's the one you should really be thanking.

Funny, he said the same thing about you when I tried to thank him.

You two should really get together already.

What what is that supposed to mean?

DAWKINS: Even when we dated, all he talked about was you.

It's the reason I broke up with him.

It's like there were three of us in the relationship.

Keys How'd it go?

14 arrests.

I'm so stoked we were able to shut them down.

No other mother has to go through what Mrs.

Rodriguez had to.

- And, miraculously, she received a donation covering the next year's worth of insulin.

- Oh, really?

That's nice.

Would you know anything about that?

I decided I didn't need the most expensive dress in the shop.

And that is exactly why I love you.

Not because we work in the same place or at the same job or in the same building.

Besides, if I just wanted to date a female cop, there's plenty in this precinct to choose from.

Oh, I'd like to hit you so bad right now.

But you can't.

But you can meet me at Donovan's in an hour.

You can hit me there.

DANNY: Uh, we're looking for information on a Steve Nagy.

He work here?

Uh, he's been with us about six months.

Six months.

Uh, okay.

How about on, uh, January 8th?

You have any records if he worked that day?

Uh, he worked that day, but he left early 'cause he got injured.

- Injured how?

- He got a gash on his cheek, from a branch that fell on him.


Okay, uh, is he working today?

We'd like to talk to him.

Um, he starts work in five minutes, so he should be here any minute now.


Steve Nagy?

Detective Reagan, my partner, Detective Baez.

You mind stepping out of the vehicle?

We got a few questions.





(tires screeching)

What are you doing?

I'm calling his cell phone.

(phone ringing)

Stop following me.

We just want to talk to you, Steven, that's it.

You want to arrest me.

(tires screeching)

Hang on.

Why don't we both just slow down and we can talk about this face-to-face?

I swear to God, I didn't mean it.

You didn't mean what?

(horns honking)

DANNY: Hey, slow down your car.


Just pull over and let's talk about it.


He still there?

I just wanted her to stop screaming.

Okay, Steve, look, take it easy.

Okay, we'll talk it out together.

We'll figure something out, okay?

Now, here's what I need you to do.

I want you to turn off the ignition, throw the keys out the window, put your hands on the dashboard, all right?

Can you tell her family that I'm sorry?

No, you're gonna tell her family that yourself, you understand me?



He's gone.

Don't worry, I'm not working.

They froze all my assets.

I did that.

Are any of those pictures real?

Did you come all the way out here just to rub it in?

It was on my bucket list.

All of 'em.

And I got the notes to go with them.

Well, then I'd have to hire a handwriting expert to verify.


You know, I'm just gonna stand here and take it, does that work for you?

Yeah, that works.

Vince D'Amato, 29th Infantry at D-Day, Omaha Beach.

You got him, two of his vet buddies airfare and a driver to the American Cemetery over there about a month before the cancer took him.

Yes, I did.

You saying I didn't?


Here's what I don't get.

Instead of just having them driven there, you had the driver take them down to the beach so that they could climb up the bluffs, same as they did in '44.

And then you arranged for the guards to look the other way when they came over the wall.

Who does that?

They said it was something they'd really remember.

Well, I'm sure they did.

What I mean is, who thinks like that?

Well, me.


Well, it seems you have some good in you, Mr. Norris.

You used that vivid imagination of yours to go above and beyond what those old men could possibly imagine.

And in doing so, you gave them, pretty much, a last hurrah.

Is this a trap?

You will return all the money you got, minus a reasonable salary.

Agree to probation and two years community service.

Which you can work off at the Last Hurrah, which will be run by an outside agency, not you.

No jail time?

Well, if you don't abide by the conditions, the charges will be reinstated immediately.

You will be looking at a lengthy sentence.

Don't blow it.

Why are you doing this for me?


Well, someone I know and trust reminded me that sometimes people deserve a second chance.

I don't know what to say.

Don't say anything.

Probably be a lie anyway.

Commissioner thank you.

And that pen you gave me doesn't work.

(chuckles softly)

I'll have what he's having.

How'd you know I was here?

I followed the trail of broken hearts.

Very funny.

You were right, Jack.

You're a single man and you can date whomever you want.

I just thought you could have given me the history before I took the case.

And would you have rejected the case if I had told you?

- No.

But I may have given it to a junior A. D. A.

So, in the future, if you need a favor for someone you're dating or someone you want to impress, maybe you can be a bit more forthcoming.

I will be more forthcoming.

Actually, no, don't ask me for favors for people you're dating or you want to date.

Okay, done.

Is that it?

The, uh, requests?



Uh, what else do I have to do?

Have dinner with me.

I can do that.

I mean, go figure, the guy actually helped some people.

73, to be exact.

Where are you going with this?

Mr. Norris has agreed to a plea deal for community service and probation.

If he keeps his nose clean, he won't do jail time.

Which is the exact opposite of what I asked.


Well, since when am I the man looking for justice and retribution and you're the one advocating leniency?

Hey, it's your own fault; that's what 16 years of Catholic school will do to you.

Well, didn't Catholic school teach you to respect your elders?

Oh, don't give me that.

Frank, I asked for two things: that Norris pay for his crimes and that you keep it out of the press.

And I am keeping it out of the press.

And the archdiocese is going to fold Last Hurrah into its charity umbrella.

We have enough charities.

Oh, come on, it's in the black, Kevin, and I can't think of better publicity for you.

And that's the end of it?

And Norris stays on.

He's not trustworthy.

Well, he's a lost soul in need of saving.

Isn't that your guys' bread and butter?

That's a lot of asks.

Well, I'm not done.

Could you get me an audience with the Pope?

For my dad?

Why wouldn't Henry ask me himself?

Because he'd never ask.

And because it's a surprise.


Well, you ask a lot.

It's in giving that we receive.

Oh, now you're gonna quote St.


He's as good a guy as any.


Well, in that spirit, congratulations, Frank.

You have just been chosen as the new chairperson of the Rikers Island Pen Pal Committee.

Come on, Kevin, those inmates don't want to hear from me.

Meetings are every Monday at 8:00 in St.

Stephen's, starting next week.

See you then.

God bless.

(door opens, closes)

(doorbell chimes)

Oh, Detective Reagan.

Uh, do you want to come in?

No, no.

Thank you.

Just wanted you to know we found Meredith's k*ller.

In fact, I just dropped off the locket to her mother.

I'm happy that her family will know the truth.

Me, too.

We have something in common, you and I.

We do?


We both speak for the dead.


Well, the leads you gave us were very helpful.

So, thank you for that.

But you're still skeptical.

Let's just say I prefer to stick to facts.

Before, when I brought up your wife's name, I'm so sorry.

I didn't know that it would hit such a chord.

You know Not for nothing, but everybody knew about my wife's death.

I mean, it was all over the news, you could've looked it up.

But I didn't.

And she didn't die.

She was m*rder*d.

I don't want your help.

I have no interest in communicating with the dead, okay?

My wife knows how much I love her.

She says she loves you more.