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13x09 - The k*lling Dose

Posted: 11/27/19 08:24
by bunniefuu
She has multiple injuries.

Her head.


Attendants say she fell from a balcony.

Nurse Sullivan, are you all right?

I know her.

Jane Cooper.

We volunteer together at The Haven.

- The women's home?

- Yes.

I saw her just last week.

We'll do our best for her, Kate.

Are you able?


- We need to relieve the bleeding in her brain right away.

- Let's go.



Is she all right?

Tell me, I'm her father.

We'll do everything we can.

She's alive.

- But unconscious.

- Oh thank goodness.

These marks are inconsistent with a fall.

They look like hand prints.

As though she were grabbed by both arms.


And I found skin under her fingernails.

You don't believe she fell off that balcony.

I think she was pushed.

No-one would hurt Miss Jane.

There's no kinder lady.

Loved by everyone who met her.

Ma'am, were you at the home when she fell?

Sunday is my night off.

I leave a cold meal for the family.

Do you believe it more likely that she jumped of her own accord?


It had to be an accident.

Miss Jane liked to go to the balcony on warm evenings to read.

Her foot must have slipped.

That railing is fairly high.

There was no book found on the scene, Detective.

Ma'am, fairly violent bruises were found on Miss Cooper's upper arms.

If she wasn't pushed, do you have any idea how those may have gotten there?

Mr. Vickers has nowhere else to turn, George.

Effie, if I start investigating a case in your building, your neighbours are gonna start to recognize me and your superintendent might put an end to our visits.

When people are in need, we can't refuse them help out of fear of being inconvenienced.



Tell me about this "case".

Mr. Vickers deposited his rent packet into the lockbox three days ago.

But the superintendent never got the money.

Mr. Vickers maintains it must have been stolen.

Oh, well I've heard that one before.

George, a letter from Watson-Cook publishing.

An offer on your manuscript!

They've had a book withdrawn and they need a replacement.

They want to publish right away.


That's awfully prestigious.

I knew they'd love it.

But right away?

Why not?

I'm not entirely sure it's ready.

George Isn't Mr.

Vickers the one who brought you brownies last week, - who's sweet on you?

- Don't be ridiculous.

He's a kindly old man who enjoys baking.

That's a likely explanation.

He'll be evicted if he can't find the money.

He can't afford to pay his rent twice.

Are you really worried about helping people in need, or are you worried about losing these brownies?

Well, both actually.

For your lunch.

I hope you'll come back again.

- If anyone were to find out - I know.

But some things are worth the risk.

Detective Watts!

Small world.

- George.

- I didn't know you lived in this building.


I don't.


Have a lady friend, do ya?

Nothing to hide from me, Detective.

We are in the same boat.

Your housekeeper stated she overheard an argument between you and your daughter yesterday, Mr. Cooper.

You bring me down here from the hospital to question me?

I assumed you would be most anxious of anyone to learn the circumstances behind your daughter's accident, sir.

Jane and I didn't argue.

I inquired about a small matter with the household accounts and Jane lost her temper.

Your housekeeper described Miss Cooper as an amiable young lady.

Was it common for her to lose her temper with you?

[COOPER.] No, it was entirely out of the ordinary and I was caught quite off guard as a matter of fact.

She appears to have bruises from the encounter, Mr.


She flew at me.

I held her off.

That's the extent of it.

And you were not on the roof at the time of her fall?

Our argument was hours prior to the accident.

Yes, Father told me they had a small set-to, but I wasn't there.

I had an appointment with Juliette.

The Dressmaker.

Is it a common occurrence for them to quarrel, Miss Cooper?

Father can test anyone's patience.

He expects Jane to take care of everything, and then complains about how she does it.

Your father mentioned the disagreement was over household accounts.

What was the issue?

Jane has Father on a budget.

He likely overspent again.

But he would never hurt her.


Poor Jane, she did this to herself.

Why would your sister do this to herself, Miss Cooper?

She had been declining for months, Detective.

Complaining of all sorts of ailments.

And you believe her melancholy was great enough that it would cause her to harm herself?

Well, didn't that chimney cleaner tell you as much?

That she was alone on the balcony?

The fellow who was there when we found her.

He said he saw everything from the Neville's roof.

There was no statement from a chimney cleaner, sir.

- Find out what you can about this, Mr. Parker?

- Alright.


Thank goodness you're here.

How did this happen?

That is what we are attempting to determine.

Detective William Murdoch, Toronto Constabulary.

And you are?

I beg your pardon, Detective.

This is Dr.


Doctor, is Jane Cooper your patient?


I am posted at Belleville General Hospital.

Jane is my fiancée.

Jane is a lovely, proper woman from a good family.

[MURDOCH.] Dr. Gettler, do you believe she would attempt to take her own life?

She had everything to look forward to.

We were to marry in September.

Her sister said that she had been suffering from melancholy.

She complained of some illness in her letters to me, but that was simply excitement over our upcoming wedding.

- What was the illness?

- Oh, there were a range of complaints.

One day it would be a terrible headache, the next she was too cold, the next she would come over tired.

But you didn't believe her symptoms were real, Dr. Gettler?

None could be confirmed, you see.

I assured her that they would abate after the wedding.

Did her family physician agree with your assessment?

I told her it wasn't necessary to see him.

I advised her to rest and spend less time on her volunteer work.

Is this all, Detective?

I really must see Jane.

Well, that man is an arrogant nitwit.

You don't agree with his diagnosis?

Assuming his fiancée's symptoms were hysterical, brought on by the excitement of marrying him is not a diagnosis.

Her family has stated that she had been more temperamental of late.

She was ill and being told it was all in her head.

That would be upsetting.

What illness would explain the symptoms, Julia?

I need more information.

Unfortunately, Miss Cooper can't speak for herself.

Jane Cooper has congestion on her lungs.

From before her injuries?

Most likely.

It suggests that when she complained of chills, she was genuinely experiencing a drop in body temperature.

Did you find anything in her letters?


She described episodes of blurred vision.

And pain in her ankles.

There was definitely something wrong with her, and it wasn't hysterical.

Domestic bliss.

Yes, I suppose it is.

The girl's father may have had motive to harm her.

There was conflict over the family finances.

And the fiancé failed to diagnose her properly.

Did either of them have opportunity to throw her off the balcony?


I tracked down the chimney sweep who was working across the way.

He swears Miss Cooper was on the balcony alone.

He saw her jump.

- Case closed then.

- Not quite.

What have you, Julia?

Once I had an idea what to look for, I tested her urine.

It showed high levels of chloral hydrate.

Jane Cooper was being poisoned.

Chloral hydrate is sometimes used as a sedative, but her symptoms suggest excessive and chronic use.

She began complaining of ailments approximately six months ago.

The poisoning likely began then.

What if she was a regular user?

Nurse Sullivan believes Miss Cooper knew the dangers and wouldn't have taken chloral voluntarily.

This woman jumped off a balcony.

She wasn't mentally fit.

I believe that came after the chloral.

She was experiencing real symptoms, which her own fiancé dismissed.

That could make anyone feel hopeless.

How often do you think she was getting chloral?

She had to be ingesting it regularly and in small doses.

Suggesting someone in the household was responsible.

I had hoped that when the cerebral swelling reduced, we would see some brain response.

It's only deteriorated.

It is tragic to see all this damage in a girl so young.

There are no additional measures you would recommend?

You are doing everything you can.

Have you a prognosis for recovery?

I know you do not readily accept the limitations of our profession, Dr.


It is one of the qualities that makes you a good physician.

Perhaps an experimental treatment.

Prepare the family for the likelihood that Miss Cooper won't survive.


My late wife's recipe.

Mr. Vickers, you're quite sure you put the rent in the lockbox?

I mean, sometimes I think I'm remembering something but I'm actually remembering the previous time I did the same thing.

A trick of memory if you will.

As you can see I took thirty dollars out of the bank on the day my rent was due.

I wrapped the money and I wrote my name on the packet so Mr.

Kerr would know whose account to credit.

And you're sure you put it in the box?

Right after dinner, around 8 o'clock that evening.

I don't want to move house, gentlemen.

Most places to let don't have an oven with a thermostat.

Care for another?

We will endeavor to find out what happened, Mr.


We wouldn't want you to lose your oven.

Have you an update on Jane's condition, Dr.


As you know, Doctor, it's telling that she hasn't regained consciousness.


I feared as much.

I feel I should tell you this as a physician.

I have reason to believe that Miss Cooper's symptoms prior to her fall were indeed real.

Not hysterical as you believed.

You didn't have occasion to examine her at the time.

No, but her specific complaints are consistent with a case of chloral hydrate poisoning.


Jane didn't take chloral.

Tests confirm it.

In future, you would do well to believe your patients when they tell you something is wrong.

- I beg your pardon.

- Dr.

Ogden, Miss Cooper is having respiratory difficulty.

Respiration increased suddenly several minutes ago.

She's running a fever.

What is the matter?


Let the surgeon do her work, Bella.

Her pulse is thready.

Blood pressure has increased from 110 over 70 to 150 over 76 - in the last half-hour, Doctor.

- Is she waking up?

No, I'm afraid she contracted a bacterial infection during brain surgery.

- And how will you treat that?

- They can't.

There's nothing to be done.

[JULIA.] I'm sorry, Miss Cooper.

The chances of your sister regaining consciousness are very slight.

But she looks as though she's in pain.

[JULIA.] Unfortunately, morphine is not always a complete barrier to pain.

We must keep her comfortable, Doctor.

Let's increase the morphine, Nurse Sullivan.

It doesn't appear to have been tampered with.

See, I think someone could have gotten it out without damaging the box.

- You think so?

- Oh, absolutely.

A piece of gum, a length of rope, two magnets, - some pine tar and a horseshoe - Hey.

What are you doing?

My name is Constable Crabtree.

This is Detective Watts.

We're investigating a possible theft in this building.

- Who might you be?

- Robert Kerr.

I'm the building superintendent.

Don't I know you?

Actually, Detective Watts was investigating another case in the neighbourhood recently.

What do you know of Mr.

Vickers' missing rent money, Mr. Kerr?

It was never missing.

Vickers didn't pay, now he wants to wiggle out of it.

He says he put his rent packet in the box at 8 p. m.

- the first evening of the month.

- That's what he says, but I collected all the rent the next morning at nine.

Everyone's rent was accounted for except his.

You accuse our family in the midst of this nightmare.

Sir, as I've explained, we believe your daughter was being poisoned.

First, you think I threw her from the balcony.

We now know that not to be the case.

Now you think she jumped of her own accord, but she did that because she was being deliberately poisoned.

You think one of us made Jane sick?

It's simply the first logical place to look.

I've found some things of interest, Detective.

Those aren't poisons.

They're for Rose's tonics.

- Your housekeeper?

- Yes.

The ingredients she uses to make her tinctures.

Ma'am, we believe Miss Cooper was being dosed with chloral hydrate.

Chloral hydrate is one of the ingredients in your tinctures, is it not?

A very little amount.

Besides, I make these to help the girls.

For sleep, to aid weight loss.

Miss Jane hardly even used them.

But you had it in your house.

Did you understand what it could do if taken in excess?

Of course, and I told the girls to leave it to me to mix.

But you had reason to make Miss Jane sick.

I don't know what you mean.

She was a kind employer.

I've read Miss Cooper's letters to her fiancé.

And in them, she describes her volunteer work at The Haven.

A shelter for women, and during her time there she met who she believed was your sister.


My sister is disturbed.

I couldn't help that, could I?

She insisted that you visit her, you refused, the two of you argued.

She had no right to judge me.

- Did you give her the chloral?

- No!

What good would that do?

She already knew about my sister.

A bit of chloral wouldn't change that.

[WATTS.] If we believe Mr. Vickers is right about when he put the money into the box, and Mr.

Kerr is truthful about when he emptied the box, we can assume the theft took place between 8 p. m. and 9 a. m.

And as we both know, the building doors are locked after 7 p. m.

After that, only tenants with keys can get inside.

So our thief likely lives here.

What do you mean, "as we both know?" Miss Newsome I In fact Effie, I've told Detective Watts about my visits.

I hope you don't mind.

It seems it's too late for me to mind.

Let's keep it between we three, then?

- Yes, yes, of course.

- I'm not ashamed.

But I do have to think of my professional reputation.

- Oh, that's rubbish.

- George.


Mr. Vickers signed his rent packet.

Whoever took it may have thrown that wrapper in the garbage.

It's not to be collected until tomorrow.

I'll leave you to it then.

She's going to die, and all I've done is prolong her pain.

You've done your best.

Now she's suffering, even with as much morphine as we can safely give her.

We'll find out who did this.

When my father was dying, he called for me.

I didn't make it in time.

This is different.

He was your father.

She's a patient.

And you are here for her.


It's Jane Cooper.

Isn't there anything more that can be done to give her relief?

You know we've given her as much morphine as we can.

It's time to stop being her nurse and be her friend.

Sit with her, Kate.

[BELLA.] Jane was such a strong person.

She took care of all of us.

[SOBS.] I hear Miss Cooper is not recovering as we'd hoped.

It's worse than that.

Perhaps it was arrogant of us to try to save her.

I don't know.


Forbes thinks I need to learn to accept my limitations.

Is this the time for such a lesson?

The alternative is to violate the Hippocratic Oath.

"I will give no deadly medicine to anyone if asked, nor suggest any such counsel.

" The girl can't speak for herself.

I don't know if her family can be trusted to speak for her.

Then it is up to you.

We ward off death.

We live in fear of it.

But, what if it were part of our job to make it not fearful, just gentle.

That is an appealing vision.

I'm so sorry this happened to you.

I wish I could have helped you earlier.

You stayed all night.

I wanted to be the one to tell Jane Cooper's family.


The Inspector told me, Jane Cooper has died.


William Doctors.

What happened?

What went wrong?

She passed peacefully.

I'm very sorry for your loss.


I can't accept this.

I'm so terribly sorry, Mr. Cooper.

[BELLA.] This can't be true.


Quite the excavation.

[CRABTREE.] Well, you'll be pleased to know, Effie.

It's given us a break in your case.

This is the wrapper in which Mr.

Vickers' rent money was placed into the box.

If we can find out who threw out the rest of this trash, we may have a lead.

I managed to get a copy of the book cover.

[WATTS.] It's distinguished.

"A Man Alone" will be in bookstores before we know it.


It's just, it's all happening so quickly, I thought I'd have a chance to make a few changes.

George, it's splendid.

And don't worry.

You are good at everything you set out to do.

Everything you tell me to do, you mean.

Yes, the important things.

That's from Jack Walker's butcher shop.

He lives in the building.

Uh .

Yes, I remember him.

He was a witness in our philately case, George.

That's right.

Let's go see what the butcher has to say for himself.



The post-mortem confirmed Dr.

Ogden's suspicions.

There was chronic chloral intake.

However, in the end, it wasn't the fall or the poison that k*lled Miss Cooper.

I beg your pardon?

It was a morphine overdose.

The patient would have been given morphine to manage pain, Miss Hart.

I recognize as much, Detective.

But this was a k*lling dose.

It was likely administered less than an hour before she passed.

My report will note it as the final cause of death.

Maybe whoever was giving Jane Cooper the chloral decided to finish the job.

Mr. Cooper, to your knowledge, was anyone from your household at the hospital last night?

Yes, but everyone was home by eight o'clock.

Including Dr.


Rose served us supper at 8:30.

We all turned in a short time later.

Detective, why are you asking these questions?

Did Jane succumb to her injuries or not?

- We have reason to believe - We can't say any more at this time, Mr. Cooper.

Nurse Sullivan.

Have you seen Dr.


I believe she is on duty.

I need to know everyone who went into Jane Cooper's room last night.

Her family stayed until the end of visiting hours.

Did any of them return later in the evening?

The housekeeper, the fiancé?

Not that I saw.

Could any of them have obtained morphine?

Not from within the hospital, Detective.

Our supply is kept under lock and key.

The two of you are listed on Jane Cooper's chart.

Who treated her last night?

Jane Cooper was in pain.

There was no hope of recovery.

Administering an excess of morphine would have been an act of mercy.

It may have been any one of us.

It was the right thing to do.

It would be best of you to ask no more questions, Detect Who treated her?

I did.

Come with me.

There was no hope she would recover, William.

She was in pain.

Anything else would have needlessly prolonged her suffering.

Say something, William.

Even if you don't approve, you must say something.

Whether or not I approve of your actions, you have taken an innocent life.

It's a violation.

Of my oath?

Against God.

I cannot imagine any God who wouldn't want me to end her suffering.

Did you even think of God?

What did you believe would happen?

You had to know there would be a post mortem.

What was your plan?

I had a patient to care for.

I didn't make a plan.

I suppose I hoped that Violet would put it down to treatment of pain.

She's a much better coroner than that.

Yes, it appears she is.

You have just confessed to m*rder.

It's not m*rder, William, it's euthanasia.

In the eyes of the law, there is no difference.

You could go to jail, Julia!

I don't believe it will come to that.

Doctors do this, William, more than you know.

When it's necessary.

When the suffering of the patient exceeds their hope for survival.

You did it in the midst of an investigation.

- You have encountered these cases before.

- Your father was different.

Are you going to arrest me?

No, no I'm not.

I didn't mean for you to be put in this position, William.

I still have to find out who poisoned Jane Cooper.

If I can now.

As your husband, I must recuse myself from your case.

I'll be handing it over to the Inspector.

[BRACKENREID.] Mr. Cooper has already been to see me.

He has friends in the Crown Attorney's office.

This is the needle I used to administer a fatal dose of morphine to Miss Jane Cooper at eleven o'clock last night.

I was alone.

Mine are the only fingermarks on it.

One night during the w*r, I was making my way back to camp after a skirmish.

I came across a soldier on the ground.

Just a young lad, probably his first trip overseas.

He was gut shot.

There was no chance to get a medic to him in time.

He begged me to He didn't have much time left in any case.

Sometimes we don't know what we'll do until the moment arrives.

And even then Doesn't make it any easier.

Thank you, Inspector.

I understand, but I can't fix it.

Even if I could throw this needle into Lake Ontario where it belongs.

The girl's father is angry and he wants answers.

I understand, Tom.

I'm going to have to arrest you, Julia.


Dr. Ogden gave Jane Cooper the morphine.

Is your boss taking your wife to jail right now?

Were you able to obtain Jane Cooper's personal effects?

Yes, but aren't you more worried about the doctor?

It remains the fact, Mr.

Parker, that someone tried to k*ll that young woman.

I did find this in her clothing, Detective.

From Mr.

Gettler, posted before the jump.

He writes that he isn't sure they should marry, given her illness.

"A man who spends all day among sick people can only hope to find relief in his own home.

" This fellow is a jackass, if you'll pardon me for saying so.

This explains the timing of Miss Cooper's su1c1de attempt.

And directly links the poisoning to it.


Gettler never told us about this letter.

That could indicate a guilty conscience.

The writing of the letter alone doesn't make him a suspect.

Besides, he lives in Belleville, only visited Toronto every other week.

Not often enough to administer the poison.

They wrote to each other every day.

- What's that?

- Potassium hydrate.

If this is chloral, it will decompose to chloroform and potassium formate.

Smells like chloroform.

You were right, Detective.

The envelope glue does contain chloral.

Enough to have caused Miss Cooper's symptoms?

Difficult to say for certain.

But even half a gram a day could make her quite ill.

Yes, that dose could be consistent with her symptoms.

You're not here to consult me.

You did something that affects both of us.

An act of considerable moral weight.

Why did you not come to me?

I did talk to you, William.

But I didn't ask you the question directly because I didn't want anyone else to be implicated if it came to this.

You made this decision on your own.

I spoke with you, Nurse Sullivan, Dr.

Forbes, Dr.


But it was my responsibility.

I see.

That's what I've been trying to tell you.

I didn't do this without thinking it through carefully.

You spoke with Dr.


Mr. Walker.

Detective Watts.


How can I help you?

This came from your shop, Mr.Walker?

Yes, it did.

It was found in a garbage bin from this building.

Was that bag yours?

Oh, this was chicken kidneys.

I bring them home for Mr.


He feeds them to his cat.

That means Mr.

Kerr likely took the money himself.

Thank you for your help, Mr.


Not at all.

Let's go have a word with the superintendent, Constable.


You had decided to break off your engagement to Jane Cooper.


I was only expressing my worries.

I had hoped she had not received the letter yet, that it had nothing to do with what she did.

Some time after your engagement, you concluded that you had made a mistake and you decided to poison her.

Whatever for?

So you wouldn't be the cad who broke off an engagement.

The glue on her envelopes contained chloral hydrate.

You poisoned them, gave them to her, then kept a daily correspondence so she would ingest it regularly.


I never decided I didn't want to marry her.

I'll never forgive myself that she saw this, these were my last words to her.

Have Constables in Belleville search his rooms.

The superintendent confessed to the crime.

How brazen of him.

Apparently he had arranged to let that apartment to his cousin of his for a higher rate.

Perhaps we'll get a new superintendent who is less concerned with overnight guests.

Now, now, do you want the reputation of your building to go completely downhill?

The Belleville Constabulary said there is no sign of chloral in Dr.

Gettler's apartment.

I have an idea.

I leave tonight.

I simply can't stay after all of this tragedy.

You understand, Bella.

Don't go, please.

We knew Jane best, you and I.

We can be an aid to each other.

It would be wrong.

Better I should never see you again.

You can't mean that.

You don't want me here, Bella.

I would just be a reminder of Jane.

Silas, I do want you.

I've always wanted you.

Please don't leave.

Or if you must, take me with you.

Thank you Dr. Gettler.

Miss Cooper, I suspected you may be in love with your sister's fiancé.

- You've just confirmed it.

- Is this true, Bella?

He loves me, too.

- I know it.

- Whatever gave you such an idea?

You were just too honourable to admit it.

Weren't you?


Chloral grains and a bottle of glue.

From your writing desk.

[MURDOCH.] The means to poison your sister's envelopes.

Come with us please, Miss Cooper.


What about your wife, Detective?

Will she be prosecuted?

I don't know.

I've left that to the Inspector.

You seem like the sort of man who would want to protect your wife.

Dr. Ogden is a strong woman.

She values her independence.

By all accounts, Miss Cooper was a strong woman, too.

That wasn't enough when the men in her life failed to protect her.

Let's go home.

What about the charges against me?

I'll settle it with the Inspector.

But for now let's get you home.

You've had a long day.

Will you look at that?

It's flying off the shelves.

Effie, just give me one moment.

Beautiful day.

Any good?

It was a present.

- Enjoying it so far?

- So far?

Absolute rot.

- Well?

- He's just starting it.


Ogden took full responsibility for Jane Cooper's morphine overdose.

I'm sorry to hear that, Inspector.

Yes, well her confession could have serious consequences.

And if the wrong people find out, - she could lose her job.

- Or worse.

You know and respect the doctor as much as I do.

She did this because it was the only merciful thing to do.

I have no doubt of that.

I knew you'd understand, Miss Hart.

That's why I've come to ask you for a favour.

Would you be willing to remove the morphine findings from your post-mortem?

I wouldn't normally falsify evidence, Inspector.

I know.

It's asking a lot.

I saw that girl's injuries.

We should all be fortunate enough to have someone like Dr.

Ogden at that time.

Then you'll change the report.

I'll rewrite it and I'll burn the original.

I won't forget this, Miss Hart.

We are very lucky to have you on our team.

Good evening.

Ah, Detective.


I want to talk to you.

All right.

You know that when you saw me the other morning, - I wasn't visiting a lady friend.

- No explanation necessary.

I lied to you because the truth is somewhat embarrassing.

- There's really no need - I've had money troubles of late.

Yes, I was careless during my travels.

I couldn't make my rent this week.

Mr. Walker was kind enough to let me stay with him.


Well, money troubles happen to the best of us.

But Detective, you should know, that your money troubles are safe with me.

Thank you, George.

It's all taken care of.

The girl's father had a change of heart, given his own daughter set events in motion.

He won't be pursuing the matter.

And the evidence?

I've lost the syringe.

Thank you, sir.

I appreciate that.

Oh, and Miss Hart agreed to rewrite her report.

- You've gone to Miss Hart?

- She was happy to oblige.

It's all done and dusted, Murdoch.

Go home and see your wife.

What did the Inspector say?

All the charges have been dropped.

You still disapprove of my actions.

Your work comes with difficult choices.

And I'm certain this decision wasn't made lightly.

It wasn't.

It was very difficult.

I needed my husband.

And when he found out, his first reaction was to treat me like a criminal.

Perhaps my faith is a point that we will never agree on.

But I do expect you to make an effort.

Can we let it be?

For tonight?

It's not that simple.

This isn't over.

The Inspector has covered up your crime by going to Violet Hart.

She now has information that could be harmful to all three of us.

That has nothing to do with what I'm trying to say to you right now.
