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04x20 - Therefore She Is

Posted: 11/28/19 07:10
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Flash" Together, you and Cynthia could be an unstoppable duo.

You wanna be the new Breacher?

Your Thinking Cap and the dark matter - is what caused this.

- I know!

How long before everything I know is gone?

DeVoe has taken out everyone who's gotten in his way.

He created 12 meta-humans, just so he could steal their powers.

Why does he need their powers?

The fire that burns down Team Flash will also light the path to the Enlightenment.

Since the age of Enlightenment, when reason, debate, and the search for truth flourished, the world has improved by nearly every measure in human advancement, and continues to do so.

There is no doubt in my mind that as technology continues to bloom, so will all of humanity.


Professor DeVoe?

You disagree?

Well, uh, yes, I guess.

Just, I have a more realistic view of humanity whenever technology is concerned.

What do you mean?

Well, you spoke of the Enlightenment.

One only has to look at history to find the answers.

Okay, let's.

Life expectancy over the past two centuries has increased from 30 years to nearly 70 years.

And-and we should assume that's a good thing?

Each new day, we have to share very limited resources with anything up to 200,000 newborn babies, most of whom will end up living in abject poverty and famine.

Well, thank you very much, Professor Doom and Gloom.

Remind me never to take one of your history classes.


Perhaps you should.

There's much I could teach you.



The Taoists, in pursuit of immortality, discovered gunpowder.

Alfred Nobel created the Nobel Prize so he wouldn't be remembered as the man who invented dynamite.

History has shown us time and time again that whenever a technological advancement can be used to hurt humanity, it will be.

You can't blame technology for the way men choose to use it, Professor.

You can't ignore that the best of ideas by the smartest of men often have a way of becoming corrupted.


You've located everything we need.

And now the time has come to retrieve it so we can finally enlighten the world.






Hey, babe.

Uh, it's me.

Just checking in.

For my dad.

He really wants to know your answer about taking the Breacher job.

I think his exact words were: "That little son of a Breach better tell me, or they will never find the body.

" Yeah.

But you know what?

He's retired.

He can wait.

So just take as much time as you need.

- Okay?

It's, um - Don't say it's fine.

- You know.

- Don't say it's fine.

- It's fine.

- Oh, God.

- It's fine.

- Okay.

So, just five me.




Ramon, speed lab.



Good, good, good.

Good, good, good good, good.

Thing we're gonna do to get k*ller Frost to appear, get that massive spike in your adrenaline production that we need, is, Ramon is gonna use his vibes to shake you up on the cellular level, and let's see if we can't get your old friend k*ller Frost to come out to play.

Are you sure this is gonna work?

Well, I mean, like any hypothesis, you have to test it to get an answer.

It's what we've all done since the fourth grade, known as the Scientific method?

Right you are, Allen!

Of course.

Ah, here he is.

Okay, good.

So get in position.

Don't worry, I lowered the amps on this thing.

Ramon, you set?


Snow, you ready?

I'm ready.

Three, two, one, and [ENERGY WARBLES]


All right.

Ramon, more power.


Three, two, one [ENERGY WARBLES]

All right, this isn't working.

You know what, Ramon?

Full power.

Wait, hold on, hold on.

What do you mean, full power?

We don't want to blast Caitlin across the speed lab.

Well, you need to get a spike in her adrenaline.

- Harry, she could get injured.

- Yeah.

God, this is Look, this is gonna work, okay?

Nothing has changed.

All right?

Snow's DNA tests, they confirm it.

Her meta-DNA was not spliced by Noah's powers.

You mean Melting Point's powers.

Right, that's what I said.

Melting Point's powers.

- No, you didn't.

- I did say that.

But, Harry, there's no dark matter in her system anyway.

We're just trying to spike her heart rate.

What do you mean, there's no dark matter?

Harry, you knew that.

We all did.

We did?

We did.

No, I know.

I just, I think I just, you know, forget.

I forgot.

You forgot?

Harry, are you okay?



He's not.

Harry, you're Losing my intelligence?


The injection of dark matter from the Thinking Cap apparently overwhelmed my synapses.

Instead of making my brain faster, it's slowing it down.

Why didn't you tell us this sooner?


How long until No way of knowing.

I mean, there are days I can think clearly and other days I I can't.

The good news is, um, from what I can see, the regression seems to be reversible.

Okay, great.

I'll start working on it full-time.

No, you won't.

I did this to myself, and I-I thought "Oh, you know what?

"Use that Thinking Cap, and then I can outthink Devoe and then stop DeVoe.

" I was wrong.

Now here we are.

Okay, well, we're gonna fix this.

You and I both know there's a ticking clock and I can't help anyone like this.

Yes, you can.




Look, guys.

Ralph Caitlyn's powers, now this.

DeVoe knew how to break us apart, but I mean, we're all still here.

We're a family.

That's how we're gonna beat DeVoe.

All right, Allen.

All right.



Vandermeer Steel.

Smaller than I expected.

The first step to our Enlightenment is as simple [ELECTRONIC PULSING]

As opening a door.



Alloy 1771.

Now, the gallium antimonide substrates within these can harness power at 400% efficiency.

The precise amount, I calculated.

You can pick 'em up.



You should let us leave.

I can't do that.

Yes, you can.


How are you [GRUNTS]


We have what we need.

I suppose we do.



- Code Red!

Code Red!



This is unnecessary.

You knew there were gonna be casualties when we began.

This is his own doing.

Yes, my love.


What are we dealing with?

First of all, we're trying to determine what was in that vault.

Watch your step right here.

There was no drilling, there was no lock picked.

And the only thing anybody would tell us about what was in the vault was that it was some sort of secretive technology.

Also, security guard here was a 24-year-old, apparently shot himself.

Wait, a robbery and a su1c1de?

He was newly married.

Has an infant at home.

This is smelling like some meta madness to me.

Who else can "Kilgore" a retinal scan and "Dibny" a vault lock?

Okay, well, I'm gonna go interview some people, see what I can find out.

All right, Cisco and I will try to figure out what DeVoe stole.

All right.

I'll be over here.

Okay, so.

Where should we start?

I'm thinking: if we can gain acc [DRAMATIC MUSIC]

to their files Alloy 1771?

It's the only item missing from the inventory files.

Or I can just stand here and look pretty.

Hey, know what you can do, actually?

You could vibe the g*n.

The file didn't say what Alloy 1771 was.

So we need another way to learn why DeVoe would want it.

Uh, vibing and DeVoe do not mix, remember?

Yeah, I know, man.

But I mean, what are we supposed to do?

It's the only way.

Barry, I don't really feel like getting blasted into a wall right now.

I'm sure there's another way we can find out what this is that doesn't require me getting a migraine.

It is a solar panel.

Constructed of metal that absorbs and multiplies the sun's energy at 400% efficiency.

What would DeVoe be doing with a solar panel?

Nothing, on its own.

He's gotta be building something.

Look, I-I need you to vibe the g*n.

Maybe I should put this in movie terms for you.

Everything in DeVoe's wake is like the "Home Alone" house.


It's booby-trapped.

I would need to double my powers just to even attempt to vibe the g*n.

Well, hold on.

I mean, could Could Gypsy double your powers?

- That's a good idea.

- No, not.

Not what?

Gypsy's busy.

Her dad just retired.

She's having to do double the work.

Earth 19 is a mess right now.

She's swamped.


Combining your powers could make it so we know DeVoe's next move.


Thanks for meeting me.

- I need a favor.

- Okay.

I need you to distract Cecile for a while.

What for?

Well, that's the thing.

I can't tell you, because if I do, she'll read your mind and find out.

Why can't Iris do it?

Because Iris knows exactly why I'm trying to distract Cecile.

- Ah.

- And therefore Barry knows.

Which means that Cisco knows, Kid knows.

- Whatever you need.

- Really?

- Yeah.

- Thank you.

You're welcome.

All right.

Lose my mind, become a babysitter.

Oh, come on.

Listen, if anybody's gonna reverse what's happening, it's gonna be those kids at S. T. A. R. Labs.

I mean, they love you, Harry.

And they will never stop trying to help you.

- So don't lose hope.

- Right.



And that is how I aced my intro to heat transfer my first year at university.


Ducked and run.


I miss those days.

I was young and foolish and brave.

And now you're just foolish.

To agree to a date with someone I first met as they were so rudely disagreeing with my professional opinion.

Foolish, maybe.

Yeah, no one's ever challenged me like that.

It was refreshing.

Well, I think I'm going out of my head [PHONE RINGING]

Ah, maybe you are right about technology's distracting us.

It certainly can destroy moments.

Although, sometimes technology can create them as well.


I want you To want me - [LAUGHS]

- I need you So badly I can't think of anything But you And I think I'm going out of my head 'Cause I can't explain the tears that I shed Over you Thanks for coming to help us, Gypsy.

You two are up.

So, how do we do this?

Okay, so to co-vibe, we have to be totally in sync.

All right?

Our minds have to be on exactly the same page.

Just like always.




So that was weird.


What did you see?

I don't know, a-a dock?

Um, looked like a shipping container.

Number 16.

That must be what DeVoe is gonna steal next.

He's gonna have to steal it from us.



All right.

It looks like we made it in time.

Whatever's in this container, we can't let DeVoe have it.

Actually it's what's in this container you can't let me have.

Well what was in this container.




Hit him!

Gratitude for the workout, brief as it was.



Damn it.

Damn it!

Why didn't we see the right container number?

Someone's vibe wasn't clear enough, Cisco.

Are you blaming me?

You lost your focus, what can I say?

Yeah, getting hit against a metal container wall sort of does that.

You know, I hit that wall too.

I'm perfectly focused.

Oh, well, if you're so focused, then why'd you let him get away?

Don't even try and put that on me.

I'm sorry, I didn't put that on you.

You put that on you.

I'm gonna put my fist in your face, - is what I'm gonna - Is that how we'd work together if I took the job?


What job?

I brought that metal piece from the shipping container, in case we want to try co-vibing later, but think we both saw where that led us, so So you said Breacher retired.

He offered you a job on Earth 19 to replace him, didn't he?


You know, another shot in the dark, but you haven't actually given Breacher or Gypsy an answer yet.


Which way you leaning?

I wanna be with Gypsy more than anything.

It's just complicated.

Hey, no, man, I get it.


But look, I mean maybe you guys working together to end this will make the decision easier, for both of you.

What if she doesn't want the same thing as me?

I mean, you're never gonna know unless you ask.

And listen, Cisco, I mean we can't beat DeVoe without you.

You're our secret w*apon.

You and Gypsy just need to be on the same page for that w*apon to work.

Yeah, and I don't know that we can be.

All right, well let me help you.

- Barry.

- No, I hold on.

So that's gonna end well.

- Last one.


Okay, we, uh, need food.

We need wine.

Lots of both.


I'll unpack.




Hurry home.

I can stay, if You're sure?

- Yeah.

- I really should.

Last chance.



Me, hunter!

Me hunted feast for my queen!

You don't believe these things you wrote in this journal, do you?

This reads like some radical's manifesto, Clifford.

It is a realist's awakening.

You declare w*r against every technological philanthropist.

Men, men, men.

Pushing us to the brink of Armageddon with their "inventions.

" No, they want a better mankind.

Don't be naive, Marlize.


The severity of our society's failings require extreme ideas if ever we were to restore some semblance of balance.

"Technology has become a cancerous cell in our social biology.

Exercising it would require a total purge, not only of the material world, but also human consciousness"?

This is not balance!

This is lobotomizing people!

It is rebooting the masses' brains, to let them forget their technological crutches!

They are babies with pacifiers!

Oh, and who will teach them?

You, Professor?

How does any of this help humankind?

Don't you see?

Marlize Our technology is k*lling us.

You and I, we can fix this.


As partners.

We can lead them, all of society, humanity, on the true path to Enlightenment.

- Hey, Harry.


DA Cecile Horton.

Joe said you needed to adjust my mental activity dampener.


Joe yes.

I have to do that.

It's, uh, it's not a big deal.

It's a standard procedure.


That's, yeah.


All right.

I'm in.

Well, it's installing, so now you just you just sit.

And wait.

For a long time.




What is happening with your thoughts right now?

With my okay.

So there was an incident with dark matter Yeah, I know, I know, Joe told me about that.

- That's not what I'm talking about.

- What do you mean?

Your thoughts are screaming at me.

It's like they start to form, and then, it's like, the more the ideas appear - The more they disappear.

- Exactly.

Well, that explains my "can't" days.

What does that mean, Harry?

It means, DA Cecile Horton, that the more I try to use my brain the sooner I'm going to lose it.



Another one, please.

Uh, make it a double.

Thank you.

- Here you go.

- Thanks.

I've been looking everywhere for you.

Can't a woman caffeinate in peace around here?




I know why you're upset, but it's all right.

- Really?

- Yeah.

Look, Cisco just thinks if he takes the job, he'll be letting us down.

But, I mean, he just needs to follow his own heart, do what he needs to do, not worry about us.

He knows that.


That's actually really great.

So now all you guys have to do is talk to each other.


Well, that part's not so easy, so Yes it is.

- What are you doing?

- What?

Don't even think about.



Don't ever "whoosh" me again, all right?

Totally, I'm sorry.

Um, Cisco.

What is going on?

Just getting 'em back on the same page, okay?

Cisco, Gypsy is upset, because, frankly?

I mean, it's taking you too long to accept Breacher's job offer.


And Gypsy.

Cisco, he's-he's just worried about abandoning his team.

I mean, it's not that he doesn't want the job.


Okay, so Now you both know, right?

And you can dive in and work this out Let's talk about this.



CCPD is reporting two more break-ins at tech manufacturers Boeing Lab and the Jamison Institute.

More hardware was stolen.

- DeVoe.

- Was anybody hurt?

Three fatalities, all of them security guards in high-level clearance areas, just like at Vandermeer.

He's taking whatever he wants, k*lling anybody that gets in the way.

Guys, I-I'm sorry, but we have to figure out what kind of machine he's building, right now.

Look, we have to try.



- You okay?

- Yeah.


- Oh, God, are you okay?

- I saw that one coming.

- You okay?

- I'm good.

Thank you.

They okay?

Tests show, physically, they're fine.

As a couple, not so much.


Where are you going?

I need to get these two back in sync.

I mean, we gotta get ahead of this somehow.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down, cowboy.

What do you mean?


Maybe you've done enough already, okay?

Cisco and Gypsy are clearly going through something, and, you know, it's not up to us to counsel them through it.

Well, then who is it up to, Iris?

- Just stop for a second - We can't stop.

The second we do, everyone could fall apart.

The team's hanging on by a thread.

- But we are hanging on, Barry.

- For how long?

I mean, look at what's happening.

DeVoe is k*lling innocent people.

He's stealing pieces of tech, for God knows why.

Just trying to keep up with him is tearing us apart.

Babe you can't put it on yourself to hold everyone together.



Cisco is family.

And when family hurts, we all hurt.

I get that.

But sometimes you can't answer their questions for them.

Sometimes, you just have to support them while they find them on their own, whether they're together or they're apart.


That's it.

The pieces of tech don't fit together because they're not supposed to.

He's not building one thing, he's building multiple.


Harry, I know this is hard.

Well it is hard, DA Cecile Horton, because my brain, the one thing that has defined me for, well, pretty much my entire life, is about to vanish, and then who will I be?

You'll be the exact same man you've always been.

Yeah, but dumb.

Same man.

Way less intelligent.


There are lots of ways to be intelligent.

Not just using your head.






Do that again.


- Do what?

- Do it again!

Do it again!




- How did you do that?

- I saw it!

Inside your mind, before it vanished.

In wait.

So you can Write down what you're thinking.

- Before it - Disappears.

- Wow.

- Yeah.


I brought the sample.

- Hey.

- Hey!


All right.

- Fingers crossed.

- Yep.

Here we go.


- Yes!

- Yeah?

- Show the others.

- Got it.






It's me.



I need you to come home.

I can't.

I'm making a difference here I'm changing lives for the better.

These people need me.

I need you.

I'm sorry.

I can't be with someone that thinks that society is a disease, that believes that our world is being plagued by technology.

I am nothing without you.

You're a brilliant man with a great future ahead of you.

What kind of future do I have if you are not by my side?

I just wish that you could show the same compassion for the rest of humanity as you do for me.

Listen to me, Marlize, I my thoughts, I cannot I-I just I just don't think that [g*nf*re, SCREAMING]






[DISTANT g*nshots]


So what were you gonna say?

Before we were so alarmingly interrupted.


Look, I just Cisco, I BOTH: Don't want you to take the job.



That is such a relief.

Because I don't want anything to change.

Not only have we not been on the same page, we haven't even been on the same planet.


We've been doing this back-and-forth thing for almost a year, negotiating who gets to go to whose Earth and when, just to see each other, and on the off-chance we do get to see each other, there's, like, a countdown until one of us has to leave, and I'm tired of it!

I don't want to have to Breach to see the woman I love.

I want to wake up next to her.

Every morning.

So what are you saying?

I'm saying I want more.

I'm saying I don't want Breacher's job, but I do want you.

I want you too.

What am I supposed to do?

Pack up my entire life, everything?

Forget about my job, my responsibilities - No, no, no - Move here?

No, no, that's not what I'm asking you to do.

I would never ask you to leave the Agency.

I know how important that is to you.

But tell me, and tell me honestly this, what we have Is this enough for you?


It is.


Well, it isn't for me.

Hey, guys?

I need you both in the Cortex.

- BOTH: Why?

- I know what DeVoe's doing.

It's not one machine.

They're machines.

Machines that work together, but they're still separate.


Separate satellites working together for a single purpose?

So this guy really is a Bond villain.

DeVoe would need a massive amount of computational power for them to be able to talk to each other.

Something to triangulate navigation between each satellite.

So, like, a quantum computer?

Mercury Labs just put a whole system of quantum computers online, at their home base.

That's where he's going.

Okay, great.

This time, we catch DeVoe by surprise.




The key to communicating our message of the Enlightenment.

Polynomial time computing.

And a dream shall soon become reality.






Don't move.


Knock him out, and then cuff him!

On it!


Gypsy, now!

Stop it, you're k*lling him!


- Cisco, look out!

Barry, hit him again!



Caitlin, what the hell are you doing?

Bringing her back.


DeVoe is creating a sonic pulse.

You need to get out of there before Oh, I get it.

You'd like me to frighten you into becoming your better half.


- DeVoe!

- Ugh.

Children should be seen, not heard.

I'm very sure seeing your bestie die would be frightening enough, but I can't k*ll the Flash.

Well, not just yet.

My plan for the Enlightenment requires his further participation.

You, however are a lot less fortunate.

Barry, he's gonna k*ll Gypsy!



- Now, do you feel that?


Around your throat?

That is the gravitational equivalent of my boot busting your windpipe.

She's innocent.

Leave her alone!


This isn't part of our plan.

Cisco, wake up!

Wake up!

Our plan is to save them.

Well, you can't save everyone, my love.



- Perhaps.

But I won't watch you k*ll an innocent life again.

Yes, you will.



Remember who you are.

Is this truly the lesson you wish to bestow today?




Get the case.



What happened?

Come on, it's okay.

What did he do to her?

Hey, talk to me.

Come on, it's okay.



You're okay.

You're okay.

No thefts have been reported in the last 12 hours.

So DeVoe managed to get everything he needed.

And we still don't know what his next step is.


You know, he said something about the Enlightenment.

The hell's that supposed to mean?

I know what he's thinking.

I know what he's planning.

We know what he's planning.

- Harry, wait.

- What?

I can give them the CliffsNotes version.

No, no.

The component parts stolen to create each satellite will possess a 30 cubit quantum system, okay, and each system is c-capable of Each system is capable of redirecting concentrated dark matter back to Earth in 10-million-megawatt bursts.

Which Level of which is toxic enough to affect each and every human brain on the planet and reboot them back to a Reboot them.

Back to a simplified state.

Just like mine.

DeVoe wants to remove the intelligence of everyone on Earth?


Exactly, Barry.

Exactly right.





I'm really gonna do this.

You treat me like I am the only woman in the multiverse, and I want more.

What is wrong with me?

I don't know what's wrong with me.

I'm sorry.

Nothing's wrong.


Nothing at all.

I guess mayby sometimes, one plus one just equals two, you know?

What are you gonna do?





Good-bye, Cynthia.

Bye, Cisco.


ALL: Surprise!

What is this?

It's your baby shower, baby!

This is why you were singing "The Girl From Ipanema" in your head all day.

He has been planning this for days.

Oh, this is so sweet!

I feel really guilty pulling everybody away at a time like this, but It's the perfect time to celebrate.

Surrounded by family.

You guys!

This baby is gonna be so loved.


- Thank you.

- You're welcome.


Why don't you go talk to him?


Hey, man.

Are you okay?

Not really, no.

Do you want some space, or Actually, I got plenty of that right now.


I'm sorry for pushing the two of you.

I think you both did the right thing, though.

Then why does it hurt so much?


Look, I don't think you should do that again.

You could have gotten yourself k*lled.

- I have to get her back.

- We will.


I will.




It's fine.

It's fine.

When the line cut out, I came.


I thought I'd lost you.

You'll never lose me, Clifford.

You were right.

Technology has become a cancer.

Driving civilization to consume itself.

A militia group found out about the water purifier that I created.

And they just k*lled dozens of-of people to take it.


Women and children slaughtered.

For a simple piece of technology.

Your journal.

Wrote of a world where humanity forgot that this technological menace was capable.

But what I didn't tell you was that I saw the truth in it even then.

And it frightened me.

And that's why I ran.

And I'm not frightened anymore.

You believe.

I believe in you.

Enlighten them, Clifford.

You're the only one who can.

I'm nothing without you.

The chair will rejuvenate your fractured scaphoid.

Prepare the satellites for assembly.


I said, prepare the No!

Initially, we set out to enlighten the world.

Now you want to rule it.

I am leaving you, Clifford.

Nothing can get in or out.

You dare orchestrate an exodus on the eve of humanity's greatest reckoning?

You made a vow.

To my husband!

But my husband is dead.

The Thinker's first victim.

The Enlightenment will come for you too, Marlize.

I will be all that remains.

Oh, Clifford.

You are nothing without me.

Special delivery!


You're super pregnant!

Looks like you're due about 21 days from tonight, I'd say.

I-I mean, if I were guessing.

Sweetheart, who is it?

Uh, someone sent us a diaper bag.

It looks like it's a gift from someone who wanted you both to know how special you are.

Someone who understands that time is precious and right now is all we've got.

- Aww.

- Relatively speaking.

- Dad?

- Hey, look what we got.


Who sent that?


Wally already sent us a bassinet, which apparently was owned by Moses.

Was there a note?


Who was it?

Some delivery girl.