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01x06 - Filter

Posted: 11/28/19 07:29
by bunniefuu
[music playing]

ALAN: You wait 30 years for the woman you love, and finally you get her.

And she slips through your fingers.

I can help her.

RUTH: Marret's watching the baby?

Wendell is 15, Mom.

I want Wendell to be able to remember her when she's gone.

MARRET: I guess he could take a bus up there.

You feel guilty about your mom, and your father, and your son, who barely has a father.

Your right ear is ringing, so loud you can barely hear yourself think.

Do you listen to loud music in your earbuds?

It could just be tinnitus.

- Do you hear it right now?

- Comes and goes.

Used to bother me when I was a teenager.

[howling noise]

- MATTHEW: Henry?

- [howling noise]

[birds chirping]

PASTOR: Behold, I tell you a mystery.

We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed.

In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye [echoing]

at the last trumpet, and we will be changed.

For the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised, imperishable, and we will all be changed.

For this perishable must put on the imperishable, and this mortal must put on immortality.

But when this perishable put on the imperishable and this mortal put on immortality, then will come about the saying that is written Death is swallowed up in victory.

PASTOR: Lord, we commit we commit this vessel to the earth.

Matthew, wherever you are, our hearts will visit you here.

[RV door opens, closes]

Would you like to say anything?

Bye, Dad.

[soil shoveled on coffin]

[theme music playing]

[banging on door]

They sold it to a yard down in Syracuse.

Then you go to Syracuse.

I've gotta pick up Ruth at the hospital.

What do we need it for?

How's it gonna help her, anyway?

I can't explain in words you'd understand.

Well, f*ckin' try me.

Time is her enemy, Sheriff.

[door alarm beeps]

AUTOMATED VOICE: Front door open.

["The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine (Anymore)" by The Walker Brothers plays]

When you're without love Ba-a-a-aby Emptiness Is a place you're in With nothin' to lose But no more to win The sun ain't gonna shine anymore The moon ain't gonna rise in the sky The tears are always clouding your eyes When you're without love Lonely Without you, baby Girl, I need you Now, a few minutes ago I read a list of words and asked you to repeat them.

Can you repeat them back to me now?

Any order you like.



Listen, after I get you settled, I got some business to take care of.

When I come back, I'm not going anywhere, and neither are you.

We're gonna fix you up as good as new.

Yeah, I just I just need a system, that's all.

- [beeps]

- Front door open.

DRIVER: I'll get your bags for you.

- MAN: Thank you, sir.

- No problem.

Here you go.

[video game beeping]

- Wendell.

- Hey.

HENRY: Hey, man.

WENDELL: One second.

I'm trying to beat level 4.

[video game sounds]

They ran out of golf posters, huh?

Hey, Grant Fuhr is the greatest black hockey player of all time.

I really appreciate you comin' up here, man.

It means a lot to me.

- Sure.

- [video game sounds]

What is that, a a VR game?

Thief-A-Desty's AR.

VR is the goggles.

It'll mean a lot to your grandmother, you being here.

She can't get down to Boston so much anymore.

I guess it runs in the family.





Come on.


Found a hitchhiker.


Come in and give me a hug.

Oh, look at you.

Look at you.

Come on, I'll fix lunch.

You two can catch up.

- MOLLY: Mm-hmm.

- MAN: How much is it?

MOLLY: With a year lease it'll be 2250.

Okay, when can I see it?

I could show you the space tomorrow if Are people evacuated because of the fires?


No, there's no evacuation.

It's just a a little smoke.

I googled Prospect Street, Castle Rock.

Seems like some pretty awful things have happened in that neighborhood.

[clears throat]

Is that area safe for kids now?

[soft percussive sound]


WENDELL: "Death is swallowed up in victory.

" Hardcore.

Mom, I got lunch under control.

You should stay off your feet.

WENDELL: I thought you were the only one there.

Who are all the programs for?

The church printed 'em up.

They're gonna have some recycling to do.

I'm serious, Mom.

It's turkey and bread.

Well, you better make his a double.

Want to be an astronaut, you're gonna need some meat on your bones.

No, we're past that.

These days he's all about graphic design.

You oughta show her your drawings.

I could've sworn we we buried him in that suit.

HENRY: Buried?


Your father.


Who's that?

My client.

He's, uh, staying in the HENRY: Hello?


I'd like to speak to [continues, indistinct]

[video playing]

[video continues playing]


MATTHEW: Hey, pop a wheelie.

Come on, you can be the next Evel Knievel.

Come out, come out, wherever you are, Henry.

- What are you doing?


Krakatoa has exploded, a fiery monster in its belly.

Give us a wave, Godzilla.


You're lagging.

Let's go.

Which way do you think it is, son?

YOUNG HENRY: I don't know.

MATTHEW: The Lord blesses those who listen more than they talk.

You keep movin', boy.

Ignore the wind.

Ignore the sound of your own footsteps.

HENRY: I made some calls.

Got some good news.

[birds squawking]

It's a good place.

Better than it used to be.

They'll help you out, get you back to being yourself.

- WOMAN: Mr.


- Yeah.

This is [bird squawking]

Well, here he is.

[squawking continues]


Oh, my God!

WOMAN: It's the second time this week.

Don't worry.

We'll take care of it.

Come on.

[crickets chirping]

- [video game sounds]

- Hey.

Sorry, I had to run out.

Get some sleep.

You were, like, six when you were adopted, right?


Why didn't they have their own kid?

They tried.

They lost a baby during labor.

I guess they I guess they didn't want to go down that road again.

What were they like?

Your real parents.

Grandma and Grandpa are my real parents.

See you in the morning.

[knocking softly on door]


RUTH: Just come on in, for God's sake.

Did you take your pills?

You need a glass of water?

No, no, no.

I've been dry-swallowing for decades.

[distant barking]

- Can I ask you something?

- Yeah.

What did Dad and I used to do when we went out to the woods?

Oh, you know, camping, fishing, a little duck huntin' in season.

'Course I had to teach him half of it.

HENRY: Did he ever talk about hearing a sound out there?

- Who?

- Dad.

Well, wh How would I know if How would I know something like that?

Go ask your father.

MATTHEW: Now, we have to try really hard this time.

[voice echoing]

Really hard, son.


Lead the way.

Do you hear something?

Do you hear something?

[voice distorts, echoes]

[distant hammering]

- Is Molly here?

- Around back.

Did you ever see us go out to the woods?

At weird hours?

In the middle of the night?

Maybe a few times, I guess.

I'm just [sighs]

I'm just trying to understand why he was dragging me out there and why I can't remember anything.

I mean, why would I have [sighs]

- Do you ever hear anything?

- No.

But I know you do.

HENRY: On those tapes, I don't know, it sounds like he was losing his mind.

You hated him, Henry.

I told you that?

You didn't have to.

I was there in the woods, the night you disappeared.

You You were in the woods?

No, I You were in the woods, and I was a part of you, and you were a part of me.

We We were the same.

If you were there, then tell me what the hell happened.

I don't know.

I All I know is what you felt.

- What was that?

- Afraid.

And then What?



What, because I thought he was gone?

I don't know.


Do you even even hear what you're saying?

You wanted him dead.

That's why I went to your parents' room.

- When?

- I don't even know how I got there.

It was just like a dream.

Like your dream.

For a while I convinced myself it it didn't really happen, but it did happen.

He was lying there.

I pulled out the tube.

He was looking right at me when he died.

- What is wrong with you?

- It's true.

- He died of his injuries.

- No, he died because of me, because it was what you wanted.

You k*lled him for me?

We did it together.

When I looked down at my hand, it was like it was your hand.

You did it through me.

You are f*cking crazy.

- [beeps]

- Front door open.


Um, I gotta deal with a work thing.

You two okay for a couple hours?

Yeah, we're good.

- [beeps]

- Front door open.

So, what's the deal with all the missing pieces?


You're not having a stroke, are you?

If I tell you something, can you keep your mouth shut?


We've been here before.

This conversation.

We'll be here again.

Life used to go in one direction forward, like one of those people-movers at the airport.

But somehow I got off it.

It's like I just brought your father home from from foster care.

He was half your size.

And now here you are.

And for all I know, my father's outside taking care of his roses younger than me.

And I never know where I'm goin' next.

The neurologist said, "Find a coping mechanism.

" And I have one for every room in the house.

See, I can get lost in the past.

These are my breadcrumbs.

If I find a chess piece in the icebox, well, I know it's now, not then.

That I can find my way out of the woods.

[video camera beeping]

[beeping continues]


[vehicle approaches]

[keys jingle]


[starts engine]

- [radio plays]

- [changes channel]

MAN ON RADIO: In other news, eight staff members and six patients are presumed dead at a mental institution in Maine after a fire broke out earlier this afternoon.

In the chaos, four patients also escaped from the Juniper Hills Psychiatric Hospital and are considered dangerous to themselves and others.


This is it.

Listen, a friend of mine died in this Lincoln.

- I need to get it back.

- This car's goin' to Fat Tony.

Believe me, he doesn't give a shit about your friend.

I'll give you 200 bucks for it.

- Ain't for sale.

- Make it 500.

You deaf, assh*le?

Get the f*ck off my rig!

The woman I love is sick, and I'm gonna help her.

This piece of shit is mine now.

Damn it.

- [beeps]

- Back door open.

- [crickets chirping]

- [owl hooting]




It's okay.

It's okay.


Willie frightens easily.


You're Willie?

Who are you?

Odin Branch.

Willie's my interpreter and protégé.

I can read lips if you speak deliberately enough.

You were at the cemetery.

Both of you.

Honestly I was surprised you didn't hold your father's service out here.

This This place was his church.

You knew my father?

Very well.

We shared certain interests.

Spirituality, philosophy, physics.


What are you doing out here?

We're out here to listen, of course.

Just like you.

Also to correct young Willie.

HENRY: What are you listening to?


Your father called it The voice of God.

Please, join us.

I'm fine.

Most people can't hear it at all.

Some hear it once, then never again.

A lucky few hear it constantly.

Practically deafened by it.


WILLIE: There are geographic variations, naturally.

Quiet in some places much louder in others.

You're saying You're saying my dad believed he could hear God out here.

WILLIE: For a time.

The ancients called it the Music of the Spheres.

Of course, I have a more scientific view.

The nature of the schisma is the preferred nomenclature now.

So you don't believe God is talking directly to you?

Henry, I have advanced degrees in bio and psychoacoustics.

Best I can tell, schisma is actually nanoscale turbulences caused by cochlear quantum totalities abrading in parallel.

Other ears, other nows.

All possible pasts, all possible presents.

Schisma is the sound of the universe trying to reconcile them.

I, um I should get going.


To some listeners, the schisma sounds like a ringing in the ears.

You You ever had that, Henry?

A ringing in your ears?

See, the sound may come and go, but the schisma is eternal it's eternal and everywhere, underlying all space-time.

But it has been getting louder again, Henry.

It hasn't risen to these levels in decades.

The problem is, no matter how strong the signal the world is noise auditory distraction so even those lucky enough to hear the schisma have to clarify, amplify.

And of course, the most committed of us do more.

HENRY: What do you mean, more?

During the last amplitude crest your father conceived a device.

My father was a minister.

WILLIE: Very much so.

He compared it to the schematics Noah was dictated from God.

He called it The Filter.

Of course, he never got the chance to build it.

Fortunately, I did.


WILLIE: It's an anechoic chamber, but with certain custom modifications.

The wedges are a low-density polyurethane foam, and this shape provides an optimal impedance gradient for sound waves.

Inside this chamber is total silence perhaps the only total silence on Earth.

- All noise cleansed.

- [Odin grunting]

And what's left is The schisma.

I thought you said I already hear it.

WILLIE: What you hear now is just a rumor.

What you'll hear in The Filter is truth.

The truth is louder, believe me.

Step inside and hear for yourself.

I'm not getting in there.

WILLIE: That's your choice.

I understand.

[Odin grunting]

WILLIE: Henry, you're suffering so much.

I watched you at the cemetery.

You're searching for what kind of man you are.

For why you've come home.

Do you have a child, Henry?

A boy.

WILLIE: Does he know you?


How can he if you don't know yourself?

Most men never see the light.

This light isn't something you see.

[Odin making sibilant sounds]

WILLIE: The schisma is all I hear now.

That's why I did it.

That's why I corrected myself.

And after tonight, young Willie will be corrected, too.

You made yourself deaf?

Not deaf; perfect!




[Henry panting]

- [ethereal ringing]

- [groans]


MALE VOICE: Do you hear it now?


Do you hear it now, now, now MATTHEW: Henry, where'd you go?


[loud crashing]

[Henry grunting, panting]

[whooshing, clanking]


[Henry groaning]


Got it.

I got that f*ckin' Lincoln.

Truck'll be here with it by the morning.

What do we do then?

There will be a monument.


To Warden Lacy.

What the f*ck are you talkin' about?

To everyone who helped put me in that cage.

You said you'd f*ckin' help her.

Why would you say that?

Jesus Christ.

Where's Ruth?

Why would you leave me in that trunk, Sheriff?




[phonograph record stuck on repeat]

- [repeating same sound]

- [Alan shouting]


[fire alarm beeping]


[fire alarm continues]



ALAN: Ruthie?

[music playing]