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02x03 - Man on the Run

Posted: 11/28/19 09:11
by bunniefuu
Oh Oh, damn it.

Sh Okay.

- Marius.

- Shh!

What the f*ck?

I'm here to save you.

- From who?

- I'll explain in the car.

You should come.

If they see you, they'll k*ll you.

No, my family's in here.



They'll k*ll your family too.



In the back.

In the back?

In the back, come on.

What the f*ck is going on, Marius?

A couple of days after I got out, these two gorillas grabbed me off the street.

They threw me in their trunk.

They kept asking me where my mom was.

- Your mom?

- No, your mom.

They they thought I was you.

- Wh-what, why?

- I don't know.

I kept telling them who I was, but they didn't care.

They said that if I didn't find your mom, they would k*ll your whole family.

Look, if my family's in danger, I gotta go back.

- I gotta warn them.

- No, no, no.

They said that that if if I talked to anybody, they they would k*ll your mother anyway.

- You told my my mom?

- No, you sit down!

Get down!

Get down!

Get down!

- God damn it!

- You gotta stay down.

Look, maybe I should just go back to prison, man.

You don't know the night that I've had.

Pete, they were gonna k*ll you in prison.

That that's why I got you out.

What, you got me out?

I paid the C. O. on the bus to leave you behind.

He had to cover and say say you escaped.

That's why CERT and the marshals are looking for you.

I was gonna meet you at the road, but but I couldn't shake them in time.

How'd you know I was going back to the farmhouse?

Pete, we were cellies for three years.

I I didn't need to guess.

Oh, my God.

This is f*cking crazy, man.

It's absolutely crazy.

No, you know what's crazy is is the fact that all those years I thought you were an idiot for robbing a g*n range.

What about the g*n range?

Oh, they know all about the g*n range.

They know all about the storage place.

They know everything.

How the f*ck do they know about the storage place?

I don't know, it's but it's why they're looking for you and your mother.

What what what the f*ck did you guys do?

Pete, I can't help you I can't help you if you don't tell me what happened.

I can't.

No, you gotta tell me what happened.

If we don't do what these guys want, you, me, your whole family.

They're gonna burn down the farmhouse with everybody inside.

What the f*ck did you and your mother do?

Oh, my God.

So eight years ago, okay?

This guy Reggie he gets me and my mom into this thing.

We called it "housecleaning," all right?

We'd sit on a house, wait for the people to leave.

And when the owners left, I would follow them, you know.

And Reggie, my mom, and the crew would clean it the f*ck out, man.

They would take art.

They would take furniture.

They would take everything.

Down to the f*cking spoons.

Then, like, three years ago, we come up north, we started hitting storage facilities.

We scouted this one in Mount Vernon.

Every day, the guard went to a bench and ate his lunch.

And the day we hit it, it was no different.

We knew we had one hour.

If he started back early, I was supposed to call.

But then my mom calls me.

She tells me to stall him.


She says, do whatever it takes.

I should have f*cking shot him.

I could have.

Kidnapped him, ran him over with my car, something.

But there were people, so many f*cking people there.

So then he he goes into this sporting goods store, except it's not.

It's a f*cking g*n range, man.

But she said she said, do whatever it takes.

And I knew what that meant, I knew if I didn't stop that guard, then my mom and the guys could end up dead.

Nobody move!

When I got back in there, the guard was gone.

It was just like I feared, man.

He went back to the space and everybody died.

Yeah, but the news said that two people escaped, a man and a woman.

No, my mom and Reggie took b*ll*ts in the sh**t, and they died on the run.

Why did they think your mother was still alive?

I can't talk anymore.

I gotta sleep.


You all right?

I'm sorry, I know it's early, Grandma.

I didn't want to wake you last night.

Oh, God.

They-they found the headlight, didn't they?

Not the light itself, but there was a bag of something in evidence that looked like it could be a headlight glass.

I knew it.

Look, it's not a smoking g*n.


But you need to get those headlights replaced sooner than later.

Yeah, I'll do it first thing.


And remember I know, I know.

Used parts.


I'll call you later.

I love you, Grandma.

I love you too.

Man look at this proclamation.

g*dd*mn Easter Rebellion.

You know if it's real?

Who are you?

I'm a friend of Irish Moe's.

The f*ck you are.

You're him?

I was expecting a fellow Mick.

What are you, Pacific Islander?

What do you want?

I'm just gonna go in my pocket and get my phone.

no "I'll miss you most of all, Scarecrow.

" Nothing that anybody can look back on.

Look, I know how to play my part.

After you force me to open up the safe, you can't go straight for the cash box.

You see, Moe, one of those voices I know.

Guy's a pro, very detail-oriented.

Triple-checks his weapons.

Records his clients in case a deal goes south.

But he didn't check in after this last gig, which is not S. O. P.

So I have to assume the worst.

But I still need to know what happened.

I need to talk to that other voice.

Who is he?

No idea.

Give me a name.

I'll get out of your hair.

I'm looking for headlights for a 1987 GMC High Sierra.

- Sorry.

- You sure?

You got a awful lot of metal out here.

I know every item in this yard, and I know your truck.

People hold on to them.

Only place you're gonna find parts for it is at, uh, Pep Boys.

I see.

Thing is, I want used parts.

You know, keep it authentic.

Yeah, well, if you don't need 'em fast, I can put a order into the national database, and see if anything comes in.

Just need your name and number.

Uh, hmm.

You know, maybe I will hit Pep Boys.


So, uh, the shoes.

Shoes are pretty scuffed up.

Pattern there suggests drag marks.

My my guess would be a physical altercation with the k*ller.

Might be why his shield is missing.

Dropped it in a fight.

Maybe he dropped it, or maybe the k*ller took it as as a trophy.

Head wound came from the right; chest from the left.


I don't Uh.

Okay, okay, um.

The k*ller and Winslow are in the woods together.

Maybe to make a deal.

Maybe the k*ller took him out there for a hit.

Either way, you know, they they argued, right?

They, um, they scuffled.

Winslow decides to make a break for it, gets in his car, takes off.

k*ller gets in his car, gives chase, bashes Winslow from behind, sends him just right into a tree.

So he sheers off right.

k*ller gets out, uh, approaches passenger side, puts a quick b*llet in Winslow's temple to down him, circles around to get closer, puts two more in his chest to finish the job.

Let's walk through it at the car.


- Julia.

- Oh, good.

I thought you had that thing at Ellen's school today.

No, her recital is next week.

And it'd be nice if you and Grandpa could make it this time.

- Who's that?

- Nobody.

Valerie Abeyta?

I already decided not to bond her out.

The bail's half a million, but she's too big a flight risk.


She ran on Eagle Bonding, and word is she's got a foot in Mexico at all times.

Julia, I trust you.

Since when?

Since you got us out of that mess I made with Dockery.

I never really thanked you.

Wow, um.

You're welcome, Audrey.

And it is really settled, right?

'Cause I heard you say something about unringing a bell.

Yes, it's settled.

It's settled because I settled it.

Just asking a simple question.


Uh, Audrey Bernhardt.

Fine, fine.


Reason I'm calling is I have a problem with my truck.

Hey, Pete, remember that thing I didn't want to tell you about?

I need to tell you about it.

Call me back.


Take it Grandma's inside?

Whatever gives you that idea?

Hey, um, I'm gonna hit the store on the corner.

- You want anything?

- Uh, no, I'm good.

Um, hey, do you by any chance know if um, Cousin Pete left town?


Okay, this is gonna sound crazy, but I thought I saw him outside the farmhouse 00 a. m. last night.

He shoved some dude in a car and then drove off.

Okay, I thought you stopped smoking pot.

It helps me sleep.

And there's your answer.

Maybe I'll ask Grandma about it.

Go ahead.

Have fun explaining why 00 a. m.

What was that?

That was the, uh, ice machine outside.


This whole thing, it's so weird, man.

'Cause it's like I'm I'm I'm out.

You know?

But I'm not, like I'm not free.

Well, it's either this or getting shivved in the rec yard.


Listen, why don't you take a shower and, uh, and and put on the clothes that I brought you?

Clear your mind for a little bit.

I'm gonna go check the perimeter, all right?

Is he awake?


No one in the family saw him, right?

I got him out just in time.

Okay, 'cause if any one of them sees Pete I get burned.

I heard you the first 20 times.

This is good.

You're sure that he's lying about his mother being dead?

I spent three years in a cell with this guy.

I can read his tells like a comic book.

Right, so now So now we get him to tell us the truth.

You were right, man.

I forgot how good it is to take a shower without two dudes f*cking in the stall next to you.

That's great.

Hey, listen, you know, I'm gonna go meet with these guys to try to reason with them.

I mean, you said it yourself, your mother's dead.

It doesn't do them any good to to keep looking for her.

Might as well lay our cards on the table, right?

No, can can't you just call them?

Well, if I call them, then they they're gonna think that we're lying to protect her.

If they see my face, then they'll know that, uh, that I'm telling the truth.

- Right?

- I I don't know, man.

I I think that that's too f*cking dangerous.

Well, if I'm not back in a few hours, then, uh, we'll know for sure.


Oh, f*ck.

That's them.

I gotta go.


What's that about?

That's for saving my life, man.

Oh, you'd do the same for me.

Yeah, you bet.

Hey, listen, if if you get hungry while I'm gone, there's a pizza place across the street.

The delivery number is in the window.

It's it's, uh, it's right next to the bar.

You can't miss it.


- Hey, Julia.

Who's your friend?

- Oh, hey, Pete.

This is Frank.

He's looking to rent an office in the neighborhood.

- Frank, my cousin Pete.

- Nice to meet you, Pete.

You want to rent in the neighborhood?

Yeah, thinking about, you know, a little storefront office.

Oh, what do you do for work?

Kind of a private investigator.

Oh, you're a P. I. , really?

What kind of cases do you handle?

It varies.

These days, I spend a lot of time watching people.

Making sure they don't go where they're not supposed to.

Like cheaters?

Yeah, you could say that.

Sure could've used you ten months ago.

Oh, yeah?

Yeah, that's a different story.

- Mm-hmm.

- It's nice to meet you, Frank.

Nice to meet you, Pete.

Hey, Julia, can I talk to you inside really quickly?

Uh, yeah, sure.

All right.

Uh, nice to meet you, Frank.


Why, what's going on?

Just stay away from that guy.

You met him for like two seconds.

Trust me.

He's bad news.

Do you hear how paranoid you Hey.

Listen to me.

Stay away from him.


I need some water.

- Hey.

- What?

Did you go by the farmhouse, last night?



Carly thinks she saw you pushing somebody into the back of a car.

00 a.

m, and she smokes pot to sleep, so.

So, um, you you called me because you needed help with something?

I do.

- Promise you won't yell at me.

- Already sounds good.

In order to keep Lance out of an early grave I agreed to launder some money for Dockery.


So you thought because I'm your shady cousin I might have some ideas for you?

- Do you?

- I might.

But, uh here's the thing.

I I need your help with something that I need to do, and then I'll help you figure out how to launder the money for Dockery.


Well, it kind of depends on what your thing is.

It's just I'm freelancing for insurance fraud.

It's this guy, he says his mother's dead.

Uh, he's trying to get the payout.

The company thinks he's full of shit.

So I'm trying to run something to get him to spill and I just Is it illegal?

No, of course not.

So rear collider wasn't a car.

It's higher.

Truck, SUV.

Some of it could have been previous damage.

There'd be rust.

Well, it was grey, whatever it was.

I'll have Crime Scene get a sample of that.

Okay, so according to your theory, k*ller hits the car, goes off right.

k*ller gets out.

Goes to the nearest window.

Passenger side.

Fires the first shot.

- Huh.

- What?

Angle on the entry, Winslow's temple was was low.

The shot would have had to come from near the ground.

b*llet would have hit the door.

Unless Winslow's head was cocked to the left after impact.

Be the sh**t.


It's after impact.

Car hits the tree, comes to a stop.


sh**t goes around for the double tap.



You know, your theory pans out.

I'll, um I'll finish my report with it.


Wait a minute.


What is it?

Does that look like blood to you?

It's hard to tell.


It definitely is.

All of Winslow's splatter's on the driver's side.

This is nowhere near it.

I'll have Crime Scene take a sample of that too.

I knew I wasn't seeing things.

So, I mean, who who was he?

Well, he's just a buddy of mine.

He's been in recovery.

Like a a drug addict?

Well, no, he's been clean for a while now.

But, uh, he's been having a rough time.

And last night, he really felt the urge so to his credit, he called me.

I didn't pick up the phone, and then he came to the farm, thinking that I was still there.

So what what are you, like his sponsor or something?

Uh, uh, well, we're friends.

You know, friends look out for friends.

So where is he now?

He's at home.

We talked for a bit.

He's fine.

Sounds rough.

I bet he could get some good stuff though, right?


Totally joking.

Oh, like you want to smoke some crack.

Yeah, no, yeah.

No, I'm I'm sorry about your friend.

Oh, it's funny.

No, it's fine, thank you.

Yeah, no, I'm sorry, really.

If it's okay, would you mind just keeping this between the two of us?


Thank you.

Yeah, thank you, um.

I mean, for for being the one family member who's always straight with me.

You're welcome.


Oh, my God.

- I am so sorry.

- No, no, don't worry about it.

I I better get out of here before I destroy your car.

It's a piece of shit.

It's all right.

It's already destroyed.

Yeah, number 15, your order's ready.

Two chili cheeseburgers I'm sorry, sweetheart.

- Oh, my God.

- What?

You look exactly like my sister.


Uh, okay.

Can I get a picture of us together?

- Uh, that's not weird.

- Yeah, I know.

But it'd be like looking in a mirror.

- Jesus - You know?

She's gonna love it.

Thanks, sweetheart.

Uh, no prob.

So, um, is it working or not?

Hold on.

It's still connecting.

Hello oh.

So you think your cousin is lying?

Uh, that's what I want to find out.

What's the best beer you got?

I like Twin Pines Pineapple Porter, Porkfat's Double IPA Just give me a Red Stripe.


Guess not.

Hit me again.

Well, I don't care what you think.

No, you're not going.

Well, you should have thought about that before you No, missy, you are not going.

Because I'm your mother and I said so.

I'm sorry.

My daughter.

She's having a hard time accepting what "being grounded" means.

It's none of my business.

You have kids?


None that I'm aware of.

Don't get me wrong, I love my daughter.

There are just times, you know, I want to strangle her.

I bet.

And don't even get me started on the 12 grand that I spent fixing these after she was done with them.

But you know the truth is, they're even better now than they were before, so.

That's money well spent.

- Right?

- Yeah.

Thank you.

Mister Pete.



Thank you, Mr.


Hey, um, would you like another drink?

I'd love one.

Hey, uh, can we get the lady another drink, please?

Yeah, sure thing.


How old's your daughter?

Oh, she's 14.

No way.


No, you're not old enough to have a teenager.


Listen to you, Mister Charming.

No, I was pretty young when I had her.

You know, that's probably why she gets into this much trouble.

She's like her mom.

Welcome back, sunshine.

Come on.

We're both better than that.

Sorry about your jaw.

I didn't mean to do that.

But, hey, it happens, right?

Least your hand's okay.

Write down the name.

No need to get ugly this time.

Ugly it is.

Let's try this again.


I I thought he was gonna puke.

Yeah, I need to change your friend's bandages.

It's not gonna be pretty.

You might want to leave the room.

Oh, that's okay.

I'll stay.

Like I said, you might want to leave the room.

Fair enough.



Please tell me you got good news.

I do.


Moe Solomon's room, please?

It's 205.

It's right there.


You know how mothers are.


My mom Yeah?

No, no.

No, she didn't have to be.

No, she was born with the caul.

So she knew what I was gonna do before even I did.

I remember my mom, it was the same thing.

I would just be thinking about sneaking out, and there she'd be.

Marjorie, he said, "Born with the caul.

" Ask him if she was a psychic.

You know, sometimes, I would even think that my mom was psychic.

- Yeah?

- Mm-hmm.

Was she?

Well, no.


Wait, what?

- Look I know a lot of people - No.

think that it's bullshit, but yeah.

No, she was.

It was spooky how much she knew.

I I didn't get away with none of the stuff my friends did, none of it, none of it.

Was kind of a buzzkill for your childhood.

No, no, no, no, my childhood was great, yeah.

Grandparents, cousins lived out on this farmhouse out in the countryside.

But, um What?

My my my dad was k*lled when I was little.

So my mom, she was always looking for another guy, you know?

Trying to find me a a role model.


So these guys, oh, my God they weren't exactly solid citizens.


So we, you know, we traveled around a lot.


No, dude, there was this one guy, Reggie he was into some heavy shit.

We bounced all over the country like rabbits.

Close it, Marjorie.

Really love my mom.

That's sweet.

Where is she now?

She's dead.


You just said you love your mom, not that you loved her.

No, she's she's dead.

Eh, you don't seem too sure.

- I'm pretty sure I'm sure.

- Yeah?

You sure?

Come on, Pete.

- Yeah?

- Just tell me the truth.

Just tell me the truth.

I gotta meet a friend.

Who, Marius?

What the f*ck is going on?

It's real simple, Pete.

Your mom is alive.

And you're gonna tell me where she is.

I ain't telling you shit, lady.

Oh, sure you are.

Because we got your friend, Marius.

Unless you talk, he's a dead man.


Prelim lap report came back on the blood smudge that we found on the dashboard.

- Hm?

- AB Negative.

- Okay, what was Winslow?

- O Positive.

Looks like someone was in the car with him when it crashed.

I want to check out the crime scene first thing tomorrow.

I'll bring coffee.

All right.

Grandma, call me as soon as you can.

I need to know your blood type.

Okay, there they are, on the red one in the driveway.

But they're still on the truck.


Won't steal headlights off someone else's truck.

I asked you for replacements.

These are all I could track down.

I told you, used parts for the Sierra are hard to find.

Then you go take 'em off.

Look, I can loan you the tools, but I'm not getting out of the truck.

As I recall, we bailed you out on 3/4 collateral so you wouldn't miss your daughter's birthday party.

I know, I Audrey, I did my time.

Would you really ask me to risk everything I've built since then for some headlights?

I'm sorry, Bobby.

Just drive.

Oh, Jesus, Marius I'm sorry, Pete.

I didn't I tried to tell them that Maggie was dead Shut the f*ck up!

- Oh!

Oh, my balls!

- Oh, f*ck.

What's our safe word?


So, how do I launder $150,000?

Right, uh, laundering money.

You you basically take something worthless and you, uh, give it value.

Such as?

Well, say you you to a thrift store, you buy a bunch of cheap clothes, and then you sell them uh, for a lot more, or you say you did, then you're basically giving the money a story.

You're then then it's clean.

I like that.

But that'd take a lot of clothing.

Well, no, not clothing, you take.

Audrey's worthless properties Hey, hold on.


Okay, that's really tight.

Well, you want it to look real.

So what do I do with the properties?

You, uh, you sell them to Dockery.

Who does he sell them to?



Where is she?

I already told you, she's dead!

No, they know!

And they have information!

They know you're lying!

Please, I don't want to die!

I don't want to die!

Five seconds, and his brains are all over this truck.

- Five - She's in Sedona!

I swear to God, that's all I know.

The last time I talked to her, she said she was in Sedona.

And she made me promise that if anyone asked to say she was dead.

Another promise I couldn't keep!

Oh, f*ck!

Give me your f*cking car keys!

- Hell yeah, Marius!

- You son of a bitch!

Sit down!

Sit down in the f*cking chair!


Get going!

All right, you gotta lay low.

I'm gonna go get some supplies and figure out an exit strategy.

I'm so f*cking sorry for all of this.

No, just just stay in your room this time, all right?

Here, take that.

In case you need to reach me, I'm the first up on the speed dial.


Go, go.

Did you see which room he went into?


Who is he?

I'm not 100%.

But I think I've seen his face before.


At the police station.

On my brother's computer.

Hey, Sam.

It's Otto.

Moe's in the hospital.

I tried to get in to see him, but they said he's out for the night.

Look, uh call me as soon as you can.

I I got a bad feeling.

Hello there.


Do I know you?

Oh look, son, take it easy.

If you want this shitty car that bad, you can have it.

No, this isn't the car I'm looking for.

You hired a house painter, yes?

You only said a few words to that nurse back there, but you have a very distinct voice.

Look, I know how to play my part.

After you force me to open up the safe, you can't go straight for the cash box.

You gotta grab some of the other shit too.

Is that you?

It is.

Is he dead?


Where's his car?

Look look, I don't Where is my father's f*cking car?

Are you out of your f*cking mind?


What the hell?

You can't go in there.

Sean hired me to follow her.

If you go in there, I'm gonna have to tell Sean.

Because like it or not, he's my boss.

Hey, Houdini.

How'd it go?

Well, I just got the feeling back in my fingers.

Find out if the guy's mom is still alive?

Well, he he doesn't know where she is, so we can't prove anything.

But but thank you.

Uh, I'm sure that was weird.


Yeah, did you did you talk to Lance?

I tried.

He's gone.


Yeah, his office is empty, his house.

Where is he?

I don't know.

But I'm a skip tracer.

I'll find him.

Hey, did you ever, uh did you ever try to find my mom?


I know the the whole estrangement thing, but did you ever did you ever try to find her?

Okay, what I'm about to say, you have to promise never to tell Audrey.

Yeah, okay.

You do, I'll tie you up again and there will be no safe word.

I cross my heart.

After Grandpa's stroke, I thought your mom should know about it.

So I asked Sam to find her.

He was able to track her down to Sedona.

But by the time I called the number, the phone was disconnected.

He was able to put her on a plane to Buffalo, but then that was it.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

No, I just want the whole package, DHS, TSA, the whole thing.

How soon can it be?

Yeah, that's great.

Look, I'm depending on you.

You're my rip cord.

All right.


- Marius?

- I thought we failed.

But we know Pete's mom isn't in Sedona, but I just spoke to Julia.

Pete told you in the bar his mom's psychic, right?

Sedona, Cassadaga, New Orleans, those are all spiritualist centers.

Marius, I have something to tell you.

So Julia said that Sam tracked her to Buffalo.

What spiritualist center is the hot spot for Buffalo?

You need to listen to me.


I I'm there's no guarantees, but that's all I got for right now and a leopard doesn't Marius, can you just shut the f*ck up?

I know who the money belongs to.


The owner of the storage facility.

"Luka Delchev"?

You don't know who that is?

- You remember Billy Primo?

- Uh, yeah, of course.

He tried to get me into something, but I couldn't do it.


Well, Billy disappeared five years ago, right after Luka found out that Billy pulled the Jamaican Switch on his niece, got ten grand out of her.

Billy tried to run, but you don't run from Luka Delchev.

And when they found Billy's body, he had no teeth, no gums, no mouth.

What what does that even mean, "no mouth"?

It means that Luka made Billy drink acid over $10,000.

What do you think he's gonna do to us over 11 million?

Marjorie, we're gonna do this right.

There is no way I'm going anywhere near Luka Delchev.

Neither should Adam or Nicole.

Marjorie, look, listen I'm out.

You should be too.



Uh, wrong room.