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11x11 - Answers

Posted: 12/09/19 09:01
by bunniefuu
And if you ever saw it You would even say it glows All of the other reindeer Used to laugh and call him names They never let poor Rudolph Join in any reindeer games Then one foggy Christmas Eve Santa came to say Rudolph, with your nose so bright Won't you guide my sleigh tonight Then how the reindeer love him I'm really glad you're here.

With glee Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer You'll go down in history Then one foggy Christmas Eve Santa came to say Rudolph, with your nose so bright Won't you guide my sleigh tonight Fire!

Everybody out!

There's a fire!

Get out!

Get out!


Red-nosed reindeer, you'll go down in history.

Everyone, there's a fire!

Please, move!

Everyone, come on!

Get out!

There's a fire!

Come on, come on, come on Let's do it.



Hold on.

- Nobody's allowed up here.

- Mm-hmm.


Oh, geez.

- Guys, we got it.

- Let's go.

WOMAN: Why is this door open?

Mm TJ?


What the hell is going on?

And who is this bitch?

Oh, I have no idea where I am right now.

I just I smoked this new strain.


It was so gnarly.

Came in one of those little vaporizers.

It's hard to judge.

I made a bad decision.

I thought you were cute with a touch of moron.


- But I guess I was wrong.

You got a lot of moron in you.

Listen, Mara, I can explain.

I-I came in here and I saw this older lady trying to steal your painting.


And you decided, what, that you were just gonna I don't know kiss her?

Don't worry about her, baby.

Let's just go outside, we can hit that sauna, hit that Jacuzzi, we'll get away from these guys and their testosterone, tight jeans and g*ns, eh?

k*ll him.

Off property.

You move You die on property.


- We all good?

Everything on the hard drive?

Digital forensics said that Mara was stealing her firm's financial and personal data from 200 scientists and naval architect clients.

- Did it make it onto the Dark Web?

- No.

Ooh, good thing, otherwise, tons of leverage would've been transferred to the Chinese in a matter of minutes.

- Nice work, TJ.

- Yeah, it's not much of a stretch, though, I got to be honest.

Got this whole Malibu chic thing kind of down.

The only part that was kind of hard to fake was the rich part.

Other than calling me an older woman - Oh, yeah.

- I really liked TJ.


I kind of like that red dress.

- You do?

- And now we're leaving.

- No, no, no!

- No!

- It's a Ho, ho, ha, ha.

- Wait, wait.

Deeks and I have started serving breakfast on the weekends - at the Squid & Dagger.

- Here's our plan: we treat you guys breakfast on us, you give us your honest opinion about our specialty.

Whoa, whoa.

What's the specialty?

When I was in Hawaii, your boy McGarrett gave me this thing called the loco moco Oh, oh, say no more.

If the loco moco is half as good as the one at Rainbows, I'm in.

- Hold on, wh-what is the loco moco?

- Hey!

You'll wait and see.

What's the loco moco I'm getting myself into?

Just wait and see!

Nice win today, Beale.

You know, I got to say, I kind of like being back in the saddle.

If by "saddle" you mean "perfectly broken-in ergonomic chair," then sure.


I mean working here with you.

Oh, so in this analogy, I'm the saddle.

You know what I mean.

I know.

I'm glad you're back, Beale.

Hey, there's, um, something I haven't told you.


When I was up in SF, I I shouldn't have done it.

Eric, what are you trying to say?

I caved.

I bought the new Oculus Quest.

Shut up.


Tell me you also didn't buy Star Wars Vader Immortal.

(SOUTHERN ACCENT): Beale, you big stud.

Take me to Oculus or lose me forever.

Mm, soon as I finish this after-action report, we are on the next Millennium Falcon out of here.

Oh, ladies and gentlemens, boys and girls, welcome to the soon-to-be-famous Squid & Dagger loco moco.

- Yeah.

- Oh, dear lord.

Okay, so this is rice, uh, hamburger patty, fried egg, and then our signature gravy poured all over it.


- It's impressive.

- Yeah?

Holds its own against the ones in Honolulu.

CALLEN: I got to admit I didn't want to like it, but, um I kind of love it.

I have a question.


Do you guys think Hetty's gonna retire from NCIS?

SAM: Eventually, but where's this coming from?

KENSI: Well I mean, when she does come to work, she's late.

And then she leaves early, and she's been working from home more and more.

CALLEN: Look Hetty's never been a nine- to-five kind of person, okay?

KENSI: I know.

But it does seem to me like she's slowing down.


DEEKS: Yeah, well, NCIS without Hetty Lange is not something I want to think about.

She is strong, she wants to be here.

She's not going anywhere, okay?

The bottom line is this: I don't want just anybody taking over Hetty's place when she goes.

What about you guys?

Would any one of you be willing to take over if Hetty I don't want that job.

KENSI: Okay.

Callen, would you be willing to put in for promotion if This is nothing we're gonna have to worry about for a long time, okay?


I don't know.

I thought Granger was gonna be here forever, too.

Yeah, well, uh none of us are.

But while I am, uh I think I'm gonna get more, uh, loco moco.


Almost done with the report.

FYI, I am so Lightsaber ready and you are so going down.



We have an alert on the secure line, U.


Army CID.

Let me put it up.

Special Agent Evans.

Eric, Nell, sorry to barge in like this.

Not a problem, sir.

I know it's a Saturday, but are you able - to assemble the team?

- Yeah, what's up?

I believe that Los Angeles is going to be the target of a large-scale t*rror1st attack today.

Special Agent Evans.

Thanks for coming in so fast on your day off.

Of course.

- KENSI: Hey, Steve, what's up?

- Nothing good.

My unit is tracking a man by the name of Ethan Peretz.

NELL: Peretz was believed to be an original Stuxnet senior project engineer.

We believe that he's altered the original Stuxnet worm and created a new strain of it.

ERIC: Of course, we have no idea exactly how he altered the original worm, but at its core, Stuxnet was designed to attack large machinery and industrial processes, like, uh, power grids, water and communication systems.

DEEKS: Any of those networks go down, L. A. goes into panic.

CALLEN: So you think Peretz is gonna release this new, altered worm on L. A. ?

Our investigation has narrowed the two potential targets to either L. A. or Chicago.

Military hard targets or civilians?


My partner's en route to Chicago and I'm flying into LAX.

We've already informed and briefed the other three and four-letter agencies on the situation.

What do you need from us?

The evidence points to someone with deep pockets funding Peretz.

We think that he'll be sent with sh**t.

I'm downloading the rest of our intel photos to you as we speak.

Copy that, we will run it through Kaleidoscope and facial rec at our points of entry immediately.

Yeah, if they're in L. A. , we'll find them.

We'll also require your tactical support if we locate them.

- Not a problem.

- Yeah, we'll stay operational.

As soon as we locate them, we'll be ready to roll.


I'll be there in two hours.

Copy that.

Okay, so Eric and I will work on locating Peretz and his men.

- Let us know when you find them.

- Will do.

Well, looks like we aren't going home.

We're gonna be stuck here for a while, we might as well be productive.

Does watching surfing on my laptop count as productive?


- Deeks and I will grab the weapons from the cars and prep them.

All right, sounds good.

We'll file the after-action reports.

What, "we"?

You got a frog in your pocket?

If this guy Peretz is really a Stuxnet senior project engineer, he's basically a genius.

Yeah, I don't even want to think about what could happen in L. A. if he altered the worm to take out something like water or power grids.

We can't let that happen.

What time did we leave the Lamborghini with the valet?

1:14 a. m.

That's right.

And how many miles did we put on it?


I wouldn't go to sleep.

It's better to stay up, power through it.

If there's one thing I learned from the teams, it's to take sleep when you have a chance to sleep.

Well, it makes sense, but But now I'm awake.

Thank you.

Not a problem.

Okay, after-action report is filed.

Done and done.

- What?


When Hetty leaves She's not leaving.

I know, I know.

But, uh Kensi's right.

Can't just have someone walk off the street, take the job.

It won't work.

It won't work for the team and it definitely won't work for me.

Okay, well, I agree, I'm just not sure that I am the person that wants to take on that responsibility.

Plus, uh you wouldn't survive on the streets without me.

In what way?

- Diet, mainly.

- Mm.

Yeah, there's only so much acai and green juice that one body can ingest.

Plus, who would introduce you to all the culinary delights that pop up in Los Angeles, huh?

Shake Shack is not a culinary delight.

Okay, well, millions of people disagree with you.

Well, assuming I could manage to feed myself, why wouldn't you want to take Hetty's job?

I don't know.

Yes, you do.


I have been with Hetty since I was a kid.

A lot of me is her.

If I were to take her job, it would be the culmination of all of her teachings, all of her lessons.

And how is that a bad thing?

You think I'm overthinking this, I should just take the job.

No, not at all.

I think the fact that you're thinking about this means you understand how important this decision is.


- I don't know.

Maybe I'm just tired.


Maybe you should take the job.


See how it makes you react.

Thanks, but no.

If Hetty retired and I took her job, it would be permanent and There it is.

There what is?

You need something permanent.


- Every time someone or something gets close to you seems kind of permanent you push it away.

Okay, um, first of all, you're wrong, Okay?

I've been here for a long time.

Second of all don't be vague.


If you're gonna give me advice I'm talking about Anna.


I don't even know where she is right now.

Yeah, that's the outcome of how you played your cards.

Another outcome could have been she's in L. A. and you two are together.

I know that's what she wanted.

I think you wanted it.

But you never told her how you felt.

That's what I did with Michelle.

And not everyone is you, Sam.


Not everybody is perfect.

Not everyone can be the hero all the time and do the exact right thing at the exact right time.

If that was the case, my wife would be alive right now.


I'm sorry.

That was I'm sorry.

We're tired.

Let's let's get the blood moving.

Meet me at the gym.


All of Ethan Peretz's photos and surveillance images have been uploaded to Kaleidoscope and facial rec.

This is pretty much worst-case scenario.

If Peretz altered the Stuxnet worm, there's no telling what could be targeting.

I mean, it took out the Iranian nuclear centrifuges.

Maybe the target's down south.

- San Onofre nuclear power plant?

- Yeah, but all of Agent Evans's theories point to either L. A. or Chicago.

Well, then, now's the time to let the algorithms do what they do.

Letting it go.

- Care to chair dance?

Yes, I think so.



- So, were you, like, scared at all to go up to San Francisco and work that assignment for Hetty?

You kidding?

Being undercover at that company that was terrifying.

But I don't know.


What is it?

I kind of fell in love with it.

With San Francisco?

I mean, that's a cool city, but being a civilian.

Not having the weight of the world on my shoulders.

The safety of Callen, Sam, Kensi, Deeks.

It was freeing.

It didn't have anything to do with you, though.

Oh, I get that.

What Come on, no.

I missed you.

I just didn't miss Ops.

You know, Eric, we never talked at length about the whole Sydney thing and your new apartment.

I just kind of wanted to check in and If Sydney felt that strongly that she needs you, that she needs to move in with you, I'm not there to stop it.

And you don't mind having to get a new apartment?

I don't care about an apartment.

Just want you to be happy.



Hey, look, I wasn't trying to I'm sorry.

No need to be sorry.

I loved Michelle.

I'm not trying to hide that it hurts that she's gone.


Besides, I'm a better man for having told her that I loved her.

Well, she was a pretty damn lucky woman.


You bet your ass she was.

Hey, when Kensi brought up you putting in for Hetty's job, you shut it down pretty quick.

You wouldn't want to do it?


- Nah?


You're not gonna give me a reason?

You're just gonna stand on "nah"?

That job isn't my destiny.

- It's not what this has led to for me.

- Uh-huh.

Okay, I'll, uh, I'll bite.

What is your destiny?

Oh, I don't know yet.

But I've lived a lot of lives, accumulated a lot of knowledge.

I'd like to try to pass it on.

What, to your kids?

Well, obviously, my kids, but I'd like to try to find some younger agents, teach them how to do the job the right way.

Are you talking about being an instructor at FLETC?

No, no.

On the job, in the field.

Teach them how I move, what I do, you know, in real time.

So let's bring someone in.

We'll have Washington screen agents that are on the transfer list.

I've already done that.

There's none out there.

There are plenty of young agents.

- None that meet my standards.

- Uh-huh.

I'm looking for someone who wants to be the best that they can be - (LAUGHS)

- and has the singular focus necessary to get there.

Well, I'll tell you, whoever that, uh, agent is is gonna be very lucky.

Now, they may not feel lucky when you're doing your teaching You know, some people actually get quiet when they're tired, but you you just don't shut up.

You like that, huh?


DEEKS: You know my buddy Braden?

- Uh, yoga Braden?

- No, no, no.

Volleyball Braden.

Orange County trust fund Braden.

Oh, yeah.

He's funny.

He is funny, right?

Well, he is dating this woman, and guess what she does for a living.

She is a reality TV writer.

- They have writers?

- That's what I said.

So I thought, you know what, why not throw my hat into that ring?

What ring?

The-the reality TV writer ring.

I mean, think about this.

If anyone can come up with crazy, over-the-top life scenarios that usually end up in full-frontal male nudity, it's me, right?

I'd be great for that.

And that's when I started dating Helen Mirren.


Okay, um I fully digest the fact that I am never gonna be the guy that can buy you the dream ranch in Montana or get you into the Soho House, but there is one thing that I do better than anybody else on the planet and that's make you laugh.

And for whatever reason, today, I can't even get you to crack a smile.

You want to talk about that?

Maybe I'm just more focused today.

I don't know.

Focused on what on cleaning and prepping your g*n?

'Cause you can do that blindfolded.


- There.

That's a start.

You just cracked a smile.

I just saw your teeth for the first time all day.

I'm smiling because you reminded me of when my dad used to make me clean my r*fle blindfolded.

And then he would sing "Boot Scootin' Boogie" to try and make me laugh and, you know, break my concentration.

Yeah, you had a great dad.

Yes, I did.

Oh, my God, I'm an idiot.


Today is the eighth.

We're not pregnant this month, are we?

I got my period this morning.



Well, that's okay.

I mean, because that's That's three months we've been trying.

And three months is not a long time.

I mean, is-is is three months a long time?

You're right.

It's not a long time.

ERIC: Whoa.

You know how Hetty feels about beverages in Ops.

Well, Hetty's not here right now, so what she doesn't know won't hurt her.

- Twist my arm.


- Mm-hmm.

- Still no hits on Peretz, huh?

- Mm.


I'm beginning to wonder if maybe Chicago's the target.

You know, I almost hope he altered the worm for L. A.

You do?


Something this powerful I don't trust anyone but our team to stop it.



You know, we never dated.

Wait, what?

I mean, we were best friends and then, bam girlfriend and boyfriend.

Next thing you know, we're living together.

Not anymore.

That's just it.

We're both oddly okay with you moving out.

Yeah, but that doesn't have to do with you and me.

- That has to do - No, it has to do with me and Syd, but still, Eric, I just I feel like we got so serious so fast.

That's because we knew everything about each other.

People date for years trying to find out what we already knew.

Yeah, I know, but maybe that wasn't a good thing?

I mean, maybe we should have dated, you know, and felt those butterflies.

Like, not know every single thing each other was gonna say or do all the time.

What are you saying?

I don't know what I'm saying.


You know, Kens, I've been thinking that three months is not a long time.

In fact, three months is a short time.

Because getting pregnant, baby, is a journey.

You know what I mean?

It's-it's like a hike, but not like up Runyon Canyon, it's like a journey up Big Bear.

You know what it's like?

It's like rock climbing.

We're like that guy in the documentary who was climbing the mountain at Yosemite except for he doesn't have ropes.

Why does he not have ropes?

Deeks, I know that three months is not a long time, okay?

I-I'm aware that I shouldn't be concerned at this point.

That's all I'm trying to say is that, baby, if it takes four or-or six months, - it can take eight months.

- Hey, did you know that Kat and her husband have been trying for two years?

Two years.

I did not.

- That is a long time.

- Yeah.

And she doesn't say anything, but I know that she is so terrified of this not happening for her, you know?

Okay, but listen, baby, those are your friends.

- Our friends.

- Right.


They're our friends and we like them.

- We love them, Deeks.

- We love them because they're amazing.

My point is that's them, all right?

This-this is this is our journey, and we Oh, my gosh, if you talk about hiking again, I swear to God.

No, no, I-I've moved past the hiking analogy, I found it to be pedestrian and sophomoric.

I've moved onto rock climbing.

Look, yes, it's only been three months.

And yes, what I'm feeling is-is not necessarily rational at this point, but the thing is is that when I got my period this morning, it just kind of, like, planted a seed in my head, and I'm having so much trouble shaking it, you know?

Stop, babe, babe, it's okay.

Hey, hey, hey.

- I can't shake it, you know?

- It's okay.

And we're always used to, like, technique and protocol and-and control, and I don't know how to do that with my body.

It's okay.

No matter what happens, we're okay.

All right, so if you found a young NCIS agent to mentor, you gonna let them drive the Hellcat?

I didn't say "young NCIS agent.

" You thinking about leaving NCIS?


Aiden's about to graduate from Annapolis.

Kam's in boarding school, she'll be going away to college.

Neither one has said anything about coming back to L. A.

I sold the house.

You bought the boat.

Boats move.

Pretty much the coolest thing about boats.

Oh, stop.

You love L. A.

You're not going anywhere.

Maybe I'll love someplace else more.

I'm not saying I will, I'm just saying I don't know.

Okay, well, when you find a place with better weather than L. A. , let me know, will you?

This is the first time since I was 22 years old that I've lived alone.


I can go where I want, do whatever I want.

And at their ages, I can be a father to the kids from anywhere in the world.

Yeah, but if you go somewhere else, what are you gonna do?

One option would allow me to be based in L. A.

H-Hold on a second.

What are you talking about?

You You're talking about a specific job?

The Department of Justice is willing to do a lateral hire.

I'd be working with Lance Hamilton.

I'd be based in L. A.

We'd work national cases.

I guess you have given this some thought.


- Dig in.

- Oh, wow.

- Um - You okay?


Are you sure?

Too extravagant?

You know, I found a promo code, so the delivery fee - was only, like - No, no, no.

I I have to tell you something.

- What's up?

- Okay, um I asked Sydney to move in.

It was my idea, not hers.

I just You know, everything's so crazy with my family right now, and I just felt like we should be together to support each other.



- Eric.


- No, - I mean, that's cool, it's fine.

- No, please, just stop.

- What's the problem?

- Stop being so nice all the time.

- What?

- Stop saying everything you think you should be saying.

God, aren't you even a little bit upset with me?

I mean, I lied and that caused you to have to move out and get a new apartment.

You should get mad, like, get mad at me.

Nell, if you're happy, then I'm not gonna No, Eric, this isn't This is the both of us.


This isn't just me.

I'm sorry for being nice, okay?

I'm not gonna get mad.

I understand why you asked Sydney to move in.

What's the big It's just my mom.


- Hey.

Come here.


Your mom is so lucky to have you.

You hear me?

Eric, my mom's not getting any better.

And now my dad has to come to grips with being a full-time caregiver for the rest of his life.

The man used to live outside.

He would hike and fix his cars and volunteer, and now He's inside all of the time, day and night.

He's, like, he's a different person.


Your family needs to be your focus now, okay?

Not us.

I know.

Eric, I just (BEEPING)

Oh, my God.

Facial rec just got a hit.

That's one of the men Evans thought was working with Peretz.

- Uh, Marcus Swanson.

- I'll send it to the team.

Okay, I will patch in Agent Evans.


- Hey, you okay?

- Yeah.




- Agent Evans.

- EVANS: Hey, Nell.

We're on our final approach to LAX.

Copy that.

We just ID'd a man, uh, Marcus Swanson, believed to be working with Peretz.

Ex-601st, out of the Czech Republic.

So the people funding this operation are either from Central Europe Or they're contracting Czech mercenaries.

Either way, we will try to ID some more - and send them your way.

- Thanks.

As soon as I hit the ground, I'll head straight to you.

You got it.


CALLEN: Czech mercenaries.

Hired g*ns to work with Peretz.

Operation is well funded.

Ops needs to locate these guys.

Uh, yeah.

Not bad.

Hey, uh, were you serious about that job and leaving NCIS?

I thought about it.

I considered it.

But if I really wanted to do it, - I would've done it by now.

- Okay, and if you did, are you one of those guys that would just leave in the middle of the night, not say a word?

If I was serious about leaving, you'd be the first person I talked to.

That's what I'm talking about.

Nice shot.


After Michelle passed, I was in a dark place, and I felt like I needed to hold on to that darkness inside of me to honor her, to respect her.

But it didn't feel right.

It's not what she would want.

So I think that time, that darkness I think I've moved past it.

That's good to hear.

I didn't know what to do for you, how to help, I You were there.

That's what counts.

You were there every day.

So, uh why are you staying?

I mean, you're absolutely right it's the first time in years you haven't had something holding you here.

Our team is good.

Better than good.

But it's not the best that's ever been.

We can get it there.


What's your plan?

'Cause I know you got one.

After Hetty steps down, Headquarters promotes you to her job, we find a young agent, maybe two of them, we teach them the way we do things, and we turn this office into the best that's ever been.

This really something you want to take on?

Then I'm in.

There you go.

So I was thinking about our journey No, no.

No more journeys.

Path, can I say path?

Paths are fine.

I was thinking about our path, and maybe we should consider adoption.

Well, just hold on.

There's so many kids out there that could use an amazing mother like you.

I was just And I appreciate the sentiment, but I am definitely not there yet.

Yeah, I'm not there yet either.

I don't know why I said it.

I'm just trying to figure out what to You don't have to be sorry, okay?

I-I don't need you to make this right for me.

I-I guess all I need you to do is just be in it with me.

Of course I'm in it with you.

Okay, then tell me how you're feeling, what's going through your head?

- Like, what is this doing to you?

- You want me to be honest?


I'm scared to death.


I'm terrified that I'm terrified something's gonna go wrong.

I'm terrified that he or she's not gonna be healthy.

I'm terrified that something's gonna happen in this baby's life that I can't solve or can't fix.

I'm terrified because I have no blueprint.

I was raised by wolves.

My mom was non-existent and all of a sudden - I'm trying to make a path that - Okay, okay.

Okay, okay, okay.

I'm sorry.

And I think that's so ridiculous, too, because that's if we have the baby, 'cause part of me just goes, "You know, we're-we're not 30 anymore, so maybe we waited too long.

" That is exactly what I was thinking.

Like, all we do is think about is it the right time for us, for our careers, for us financially?

And maybe that's just us being selfish and arrogant.

- Kind of like Babe Ruth.

- Yeah.

- Calling the shot.

- Right.

- We're not Babe Ruth.

- This year, on this day, you know, the sun's gonna be shining and we're just gonna get pregnant.

And then God just laughs at us.


Good news is this.

What's the good news?

Now, more than ever, in spite of all this thing that were talking about I know that I want to have a baby with you.

We're ready to have a baby.


Little baby wolves.

Yes on all that.


You know, you weren't way off base with that whole "permanent" thing.



And if I'd acted differently, who knows where that could've gone.

But like I said before, I don't even know where she is now.

All things being equal, you'd like to have a relationship with her?

A serious one?

I don't know.

And I'm not-I'm not saying that 'cause I don't want to answer your question.

I just don't know what kind of relationship I would be even capable of having.

I-I think a shrink could spend a year trying to unpack all the That's because you don't know who you are.


You spent your entire adult life trying to find your father and uncover your identity.

You've done those things.

Now you don't know who you are without that weight on your shoulders.



Facial rec and Kaleidoscope got a hit on Ethan Peretz.

He's in Santa Monica.

He gets into the Suburban.

Then another Suburban pulls out, followed by his own What time is this?

Uh, time code four minutes ago.

Please report to Ops immediately.

We have located Ethan Peretz.

Peretz is in L. A. ?

Yeah, we first spotted him in this supermarket parking lot in Santa Monica there's Peretz getting into that Suburban.

And the second Suburban follows him out.

Do we have eyes inside the vehicles?

How many people are we dealing with?

Unfortunately, no, but we do know each SUV has an eight-person seating capacity.

That's a lot of potential sh**t.

SAM: They could be using the space for g*ns and amm*nit*on.

Oh, that's much better, super comforting.

- Where are they now?

- Uh, we were able to leapfrog surveillance and traffic cams and as of 15 minutes ago, both Suburbans are headed south down Lincoln Boulevard.

So the Stuxnet worm att*cks industrial control systems.

What potential targets do we have on the Westside?

Well, we're still running it through our database, but it looks like he won't be able attack water or power grids.

Communications, cell phones, Wi-Fi?

Uh, possible, but all those systems are fragmented with a ton of different transmission points.

- What about gas lines or - (BEEP)

Got another hit both Suburbans just passed LAX, heading for El Segundo.

There's got to be a target south of there we're missing.

Ooh, I may have it.

So, there's a secure off-site air traffic control center in Torrance.

That center would have a direct and secure communication line - with LAX it's the perfect upload point.

- Mm-hmm.

So, what does that mean that they can intercept communications between LAX and incoming flights?

I'm saying that worm could alter flight plans, coordinates, speeds it could crash every plane in the air.

LAX logs over 1,600 flights a day.

- That's the target.

- Let's roll.

Okay, I will re-route Agent Evans to meet you guys in Torrance.

KENSI: Glad you could join us.

I was in the neighborhood.

You got eyes on Peretz and his men?

Yeah, they pulled over in a parking lot to ready their weapons and ballistics.

We count Peretz, plus six additional sh**t.

It's a lot of firepower.

Odds are in their favor.

I'll take those odds if it means that planes aren't falling out of the sky.

NELL: So I've been in communication with the security detail at the off-site air traffic control center.

They've got the entire facility completely locked down.

And, guys, the two Suburbans are leaving the parking lot now - and moving out.

- Copy that.

We got to move.

SAM: I'll ride with Evans.

They got real firepower.

Set up 20 yards out.

- Got it.

- Copy that.

- Federal agents!

- Federal agents!



That's not cool they're ruining my fancy clothes.

CALLEN: They're gonna blow the door.

Nell, alert everyone inside back away from the door!

NELL: Copy that, Callen.

I have eyes on the door and doing it now.

Evans and I will get to that van.

Should be able to see the door from there.

Cover us.

- Got it.

- One, two Three!


- Cover me.

- Move!

Don't do it, Peretz.

Put down the detonator.

Even if you blow the door, you'll never make it to the terminal to upload that virus.

DEEKS: Don't even think about it, Egon.

It's over.

You hear me?

Put it down.

Back against the wall.


Turn around.


We're clear.

Copy that.

Nice work.


"Wow" is right.

That was a day.



Um, I've been thinking.


And between our jobs and my family everything else life's pretty stressful right now.

I don't think we need to add to it by trying to define our relationship.

You want to break up?


No, I'm saying let's just keep it simple.

So, when we're both in L. A. , we hang out.

As boyfriend and girlfriend?

I'm saying that those titles are essentially meaningless.

They're really for other people.

So they can label us and put us in a little box.

But we know what we have.

It's confusing and messy and a little weird right now, but it's us.

I like us.

Me too.


Do we, like, press a reset button?

- I think that's a thing.



I'm sorry.

I know I just kind of threw I do have one question.

When can we get out of here and play Oculus Quest?

Right now.



- You'd better run, Beale.

- Thank you.


- You got it.

Well, the head of security is very grateful.

They had not game-planned for this much firepower or expl*sives.

I bet they're gonna have a plan for it now.


Peretz is being transferred for interrogation.

Hopefully they'll figure out why they targeted L.


And if they were working with anybody else.

Well, I got to roll.

Thank you all again.

Give me a call me if I can return the favor.

- Will do.

- Chief.

And now, my friends, it is officially the weekend.

- Let's get out of here, huh?

- I got to be honest, I'm so tired, I don't even know what day it is.

Is it Sunday?

I will see you boys in 48 hours.

We'll see you.

Let's go.

Would it be weird if I fell asleep right here?

You can't fall asleep right now.

- I don't want any more loco mocos.

- No, I know that.

You know what the good thing about not being pregnant is?

Ooh, that you can drink?

I so want a beer.

Oh, I can use three.

You know, I think I'm, uh, I'm gonna look for Anna.

That's good.

As much as it pains me to admit that you may have been right, I'm not sure that I gave her a fair shot.

I also think that Michelle would be glad that you're happy.

I think so.

You know this is difficult for me, right?

- Yeah.

- These little private talks.

- I know.

- Yeah.

Like, this whole day has been difficult, frankly.

- I know.

- Mm-hmm.

- Ah - We didn't drive the Hellcat here.

No, we didn't.


Everybody left.

Yes, they did.

Think all these g*ns would make the Uber driver uncomfortable?

We're gonna find out.