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04x10 - Light and Shadows

Posted: 01/15/20 08:28
by bunniefuu
Previously on This Is Us I see it all so clearly.

I see myself walking her down the aisle, and afterwards coming over here and raising a toast to her and her husband at the reception.

You're never gonna be good enough for her, Jack.

- Say again?

- Jack?

Hey, Bec.

I Oh!

It was hot out there, and he just had a few too many.

Hey, why don't we get you home.

I think it's time for you to get back to L. A. , live your own life.

I think that's what's next for me by the time I'm 40, I'm gonna have a wife, I'm gonna have a kid - the whole shebang.

- You should probably date somebody first.

You don't seem like yourself today.

You had a few, uh mix-ups?

I think I need to see a doctor.

Ooh, I hate CrossFit Toby.

My CrossFit group text is going crazy.

Kate, will you grab my phone?

Thanksgiving may be over, but one more thing that I'm thankful for is what a great traveler Jack is.

Unlike the screamer in row eight.

Hey, can you, uh, put Jack in his crib?

I am beat.

Uh yeah.

Hey, are, uh Are we okay?

I thought we got past Avocado-gate.

We did.

I'm just tired.

Well, the daggers sh**ting out of your eyes tell a different story, so Why don't you just text Lady Kryptonite and ask her what her opinion is?

La You you were looking through my phone?


I was taking a cute picture of you and Jack, when I saw you trash-talking me on your CrossFit text chain.

Oh, man.

Kate you and I were just in a we were in a weird place, and I had to vent, and I made a mistake and I'm sorry.

Okay, I mean, you guys are obviously close, because she has an opinion about me and our marriage.

Her name is Kara, all right?

And no, we are not close.

I mean, I'm not closer to her than I am anyone else at the gym.

All right?

There's, like, eight people on this text chain.

Men and women.

You can read the whole thing.

It's mostly just us talking about glycemic index.

Kate we are just friends.

I promise you have nothing to worry about.

I would not look you in the eye and lie to you, okay?


When you tell me something, I believe you.

'Cause that's how we roll.

Thank you.

Let's just get past this.

- Mm-hmm.

- 'Cause we have a beautiful son, - and it's almost Christmas.

- That's right.

Oh, God.

Kev hired a matchmaker.

Yeah, so, it's the altitude, you know?

The oxygen in Ethiopia does something to the beans.

Wow, that's so cool.


I know.

So, what do you do for a living?

I just got my PhD in molecular biology.


You're way too smart for me and my little bean fact, - aren't you?

- Yeah, I-I think so.

Well Merry Christmas.


All the best neurologists are booked through the holidays.

Okay, I'm off.

I made you a protein shake for the road.



Found it on the CrossFit blog.

You're the sweetest.


Uh, I should go.

I. T.

solutions wait for no man.


There's nothing like coffee from Ethiopia.



This is what I keep telling everyone.

At least Ethiopians are good for something, right?



I really got to get a new matchmaker.

Happy New Year.

Okay, and trust me, she's the best neurologist in L. A.

All right.

Well, I'll call her first thing after New Year's.

I'm way ahead of you.

I've been wearing the doctor down and made us an appointment.


You coming out for this?

This family flies across country at the drop of a hat, and this is actually important, Miguel, so of course I'm coming.

- Got it.


- Will you do me a favor, please?

- Four.




- Don't tell Kate or Kevin.

Happy New Year!

Shut up and lay one on me.

I'm sorry.

I got a little carried away with the fr-free gin and tonics - at the golf course.

- Mm.

Probably should have had more than just toast for breakfast.

My dad seemed kind of upset.

Did something happen between the two of you?


- No.

- I know he can come across a little old-fashioned, but once you get to know him, he really is the best.

Yeah, no, he yeah, he's great.


Maybe just take it easy on the G and Ts on Saturday night?

Saturday night?

That's it's my dad's big birthday party, remember?


I wouldn't miss it.

Are you sure you don't want to come stay at my place?

I know you don't love it here.

No, this place, this place is like the Ritz.

Oh, yeah, my butler, he's on vacation, but, you know, when he gets back, it's It's fine.

Just temporary.


You're two weeks late on rent, Pearson.

You know, they-they didn't have a whole lot of shifts at the gas station this week.

I take cash or check.

No excuses.

You have till the end of the week.

Got it.


- Hmm?

- It's gonna be okay.

And remember, we've got an episode of World of Dance waiting for us on that DVR when we get home.

- It's the duels night.

- Oh.

Your favorite round.

- Hmm.

- So So, Randall, the councilman office has you busy with work these days?

Every time I knock out one thing, six more pop up in its place.

Well, you really didn't need to fly all the way across the country for a preliminary memory test.

Which your mom is gonna ace, by the way.

I'm sure she will.

But I pulled a lot of strings to get this appointment, and I am happy to be here.

I'm sorry to keep asking you to keep this to yourself, but you know, Kate has a lot on her plate with Jack, and Kevin is focused on his sobriety I get it.

Rebecca Pearson?


I'm her son, Randall Pearson.

Nice to finally meet the man behind the 47 emails.

- Thank you so much for squeezing us in like this.

- Mm-hmm.

Hi, I'm Rebecca.

And this is my husband Miguel.

- Nice to meet you.

- Nice to meet you.

I'm Dr.


I'll be administering the test, which will assess your memory - and language skills.

- Any chance we can get the answers today?

I'm in from out of town, so If you don't mind hanging out for a bit, I can go over the results this afternoon.

It's mac and cheese day at the cafeteria.

- Great.

- Oh.

- Right this way, Rebecca.

- Okay.

Um I'm gonna be fine, guys.

- What do you think?

- Gross.

I wouldn't even wear that thing if I was dead.

Kev, I'm throwing Toby a Jimmy Buffet-themed surprise party.

- He has to have a Hawaiian shirt.

- Sure.

Oh, and I bought Jack this cute little Hawaiian outfit.

Look at you going all out for Toby's birthday, huh?

I don't know.

I just think that if I show him that I'm accepting his CrossFit buddies in all of their tire-flipping glory by inviting them over Even trash-talking Lady Dynamite?

It's Kryptonite.


I hate her even more.

I found these really cute pineapple string lights.


They are super on theme, and you can use them to strangle that monster who's been talking smack about you - behind your back.

- Madison, I am not murdering Lady Kryptonite.

I didn't say m*rder.

Just choke her a little.

Give her a good scare.

Yeah, that's good.

This is why you're not invited - to the party.


- Yeah.

I'm gonna go get a coffee, 'cause I have my reshoots with the M.

Night Shyamalan movie tonight, which means the caffeine drip starts right now.

Do you want to Do you want to join?

- Yeah, coffee sounds good.

- Cool.

Listen, I'm-I'm quitting this whole matchmaking service.

You know, I just I'm sick of trying so hard.

Universe, it's up to you, man.

- Kev.

- Uh-huh.

The universe does not work that fast.

Well Oh, Lord.

I don't know.

You know what, I'm gon I'm gonna - go talk to her.

- Yeah, okay.

And I'm gonna go turn my living room into Margaritaville.

- Have - Good-good luck.

Love you.

Oh, you should try cinnamon in that.



Oh, sh**t.

I'm sorry.

That's my bad.

Let me help you with that.

- That's okay.

- Oh, is that your dog?

Uh, yeah.

That's Adrian.

Like Adrian Balboa from - Rocky.

- Rocky.

Yeah, of course.

- Yeah, I know it.

- Yeah.

That's great.

Uh, Kevin.

- Hi.

- Hi.

Nice to meet you, Devin.

Oh, no, I'm sorry, it's, um it's Kevin.

I know who you are.

I'm just messing with you.


You're cute when you're flustered.

- Well, thank you.

- Sure.

I'm Lizzy.

Good to meet you.

Ugh, my mom is driving me crazy about my dad's birthday party this weekend.

She says everything has to be perfect or the neighbors will talk.

Jack, what's wrong?

Rebecca, I think we should take a break.


What do you mean?

We're just too different.

I mean, you-you dine at country clubs, and I-I can't even afford the pepperoni on this pizza.

But I don't care about that.

- I never have.

- Yeah, but I do.

I'm a part-time mechanic at an auto shop scraping to make ends meet.

That's who I am, a part-time mechanic.

You That's not who you belong with.

Where is this coming from?


I'm sorry.

I can't even afford the tip.

So, if you could, uh I'm sorry.

And the streets are full of strangers All the news of home you read Just give you the blues Okay, so this is your first task.

Please draw lines connecting the circles, - alternating between letters and numbers.

- Please redraw this cube to the best of your ability beneath there.

Please draw a clock from memory, put in all the numbers and set the clock's hands at ten past 11:00.

I'm gonna read you some phrases, and I want you to remember them and then repeat them back to me.

"I only know that Michael is the one to help today".

I only know that Michael is the one to help today.



Just for the record, I am perfectly capable of taking my wife to the doctor.

Rebecca and I, we're getting older.

So we forget things sometimes.

Hey, Miguel, I would love it if I came out here for absolutely nothing.

But I know my mother.

I spent one day with her at Thanksgiving, and I could tell that something was off.

How could you not see it?

Like I said, Randall, Rebecca and I are getting older.

It is normal.

I went grocery shopping yesterday, and I forgot to pick up milk.

Do you want to go up there and make an appointment for me next?

- Okay.

- And to top it all off, you had to fly out here like some kind of hero.

Due respect, Miguel, I'm not being a hero I'm being supportive.

Due respect, Randall, you're just being Randall.




My turn.

- Okay.

- Uh, movie theater popcorn with peanut butter M&M'S sprinkled all over it.

That is not a guilty pleasure.

That's just a delicious snack.

Well, no, no, I agree, but you didn't let me finish.

- Okay.

- Okay, sometimes I don't even stay for the movie.

- No.

- I will snatch that up, go home and just binge old episodes of Ice Loves Coco.

Should I know what that is?

No, it's Actually, it's probably better that you don't.

- Okay.

- Okay, favorite musician.



John Legend all the way.

Ooh, that's a good one.

When I was a little kid, I actually played - a little classical piano.

- Huh.

Not anywhere near as good as him, but That's cool.

Um - Hmm.

- Do you need to get that?

- No.

It's okay.

- It's okay.

- No, no, it's-it's just my mom.

- Okay.

She would flip if she knew that I was here with you.

She is a big Manny fan.

- Ah.

- Mm-hmm.

You can get it, though.

It's okay.

I mean, I'll-I'll do the whole thing.

- What?

- You know, you put her on speaker and I say hi to her and I say, "Manny say what?" I've done it, like, a million times at this point.

I mean, that's very nice of you to offer, but you don't have to do that.

I'd kind of rather just keep you all to myself, if that's okay.

That's even better, actually.

That's great.

Besides, I can tell her all about it when I fly home tomorrow.

You fly home tomorrow?

You don't you don't live here?

- Mm-mm.

- Ah!

I'm just here for a conference, and I had my last day free.

I'm still a Chicago girl.

Oh, man, that's Chicago.

- I know.

- Well, I'll tell you what.

I got to work tonight.

I got these reshoots to do.

But until then, I'm pretty free.

So, um, tell me your L. A. hopes and dreams.

I will take you where you want to go.

- What do you want to do?

- Uh I was gonna go to Hollywood Boulevard and put my hands in Paul Newman's handprints.

Yeah, no, listen, I got a better idea, okay?

- Okay.

- I'm gonna make a couple of phone calls.

Just trust me.



I'm Kurt.

It's so good to finally meet - all you guys.

- Well, we're glad to be here.

Your husband's the best.

He really is.

Um, is Kara here?

I've heard so much about her.

Mm, nope.

I don't see her.


Hey, uh, guys, he's, like, seconds away.

Time for the surprise.

I'm going to immortalize the look on his face and then t*rture him with it.

You don't think he suspects anything, do you?

Heck if I know.

He hasn't been to the gym in two weeks.

What do you mean?

He goes every day.

Oh, he switched to a different gym a couple weeks ago.

Oh, look.

- Surprise!

- Hey!

The smell of the sea breeze and the ocean - Here we go.

- Okay, this isn't the part of the adventure where I find out Kevin Pearson is a serial k*ller, is it?


No, of course not.

- Okay.

- When that happens, you'll know.

- Hmm?

- I'm just kidding.

Here we go.

Where are we?

This is the Hollywood Bowl.

- How did you do this?

- Uh, the-the manager is a fan, so Yeah, I do have to make an appearance at his daughter's bat mitzvah, but, uh Well, that's very generous of you.

Hang on.

Sorry, my mom is just dying - for a play-by-play.

- It's okay.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

No, it's okay.

So what'd you tell your mom about me?

Um that I'm beginning to feel like Cinderella, without the fancy shoes.

Kevin Pearson, hopeless romantic.

Yeah, well, I get it from my parents.

I don't know.

They had this sort of, uh, effortlessly magical love story.

- Mm.

- You know?

My dad actually used to talk about it in terms of fate.

Yeah, he said he knew my mom was the one the moment that he saw her.

He said he locked eyes with her, felt it in his bones.


Well, to your disgustingly romantic parents.

For making you who you are.

Oh, I'm nowhere as near as good as my dad.

Um, I did, however, do that.

Hey, Kev!

- What's up, man?

- What's up?

I hear you got a special lady in the audience.

Uh, I do.

Yeah, this is Lizzy.

Hi, Lizzy.

This one's dedicated to you.

Hell, nobody else is here, so all of them are dedicated to you.

Have a seat.

Sweetheart, you're five hours early.

Where's Jack?


So, how'd the test go?

Well, I think.


She asked me what day it was and what city I lived in.

And I told her that only L. A. would be this warm on January the 11th.

- Well, sounds like you did great, honey.

- Yeah.

Look at that little guy.

Look at him.

I have been thinking a lot about when you were that age.




Kevin and Kate might have been the only babies in the world that liked to sleep in.

But you, you were always an early riser.

And I used to tiptoe into your nursery as soon as I heard you crying.

And I would listen to Joni Mitchell on my little Walkman that was a gift from your father.

And I would sit in my rocking chair by the window, and I would rock you on my lap.

You'd stay pretty quiet as long as I kept rocking you.

And then we would watch the sunrise together.

Except we couldn't actually watch the sun come up because your siblings were asleep, and I didn't want it to get too bright in there.

But we would watch the light change through the curtain.

And I would hold your warm little body against mine.

And I'd listen to my music and your breathing.

And I would just wish that I could make time stand still.

Babies change so fast at that age.

I knew that any morning might be the last time you ever let me rock you like that.

So I made sure to remember every little detail of those mornings.



All right, well, I-I'll be right up.

Thank you.

Um, that was Dr.

Whitaker, and she has my results.

But she wants the two of you in the room with me when I hear them.

Talk Let's have conversations in the dark World is sleeping, I'm awake with you With you Watch movies that we've both already seen I ain't even looking at the screen It's true I've got my eyes on you And you say that you're not worthy And get hung up on your flaws But in my eyes you are perfect As you are, as you are I would never try to change you, change you I would always want the same you, same you Swear on everything I pray to That I won't break your heart I'll be there when you get lonely, lonely Keep the secrets that you told me, told me And your love is all you owe me And I won't break your heart.

Listen, I understand how you feel.

I had a few heartbreaks, too, before I met your father.

Thanks, Mom.

You like him very much, don't you?

- Jack?

- No.

I love him.

Oh, come on.

You haven't been together long enough - for all of that.

- I love him.

It doesn't matter how long we've been together.

You wouldn't understand.

Because your father and I aren't in love?

No, that's not what I meant.

- Yes, it is.

- It's just Jack And you're wrong.

I love your father very much.

I know it's not a flashy kind of love.

No spontaneous cross-country road trips, that's for sure.

But that isn't all that love is.

Not a love that endures, anyway.

When you're with someone day after day, night after night, it becomes about you know, the small, ordinary moments.

Like when you're reading the paper together, and he hands me an article he knows I'm gonna like without saying a word.

Or he makes me a Tom Collins to drink while we're watching Mary Tyler Moore.

Your father is dependable.

He provided a life for us.

And I know that you think that that's old-fashioned, but it means something.

Someone you can rely on.

So you can imagine how scary it was for us to see you with someone like Jack.

No job, no prospects - Mom - Let me finish.

Let me finish.

It was scary for us.

But this is your life, and you have to do what you want.

Which is why I think I should tell you that I think your father got into Jack's head.

What do you mean?

Well, evidently, when they were playing golf, your father made it very clear to Jack that he's not good enough for you.

And your father can be very convincing.

I have to go.

- What should I tell your father?

- Whatever you want to tell him.

Rebecca, if-if he is really your choice, this dark, complicated man make sure he gives you a great love story.

One for the ages.

Rebecca, I know this might be difficult to hear, but it appears you have what we doctors call "mild cognitive impairment".

- Mild cognitive impairment?

- What does that mean?

It means that the test revealed some changes in your understanding of things.

And that concerns me.

For example, there are some inconsistencies between the spacing and the numbers and the shape of the clock.


I mean, I'm no Michelangelo, but the numbers are correct and in order, and that is very clearly a clock.

Yes, it's clearly a clock.

But it shows the beginnings of spatial dysfunction.

So I struggled with one question.

That hardly feels like a failing grade to me.

You also had trouble remembering several phrases shortly after hearing them.

Um, so what are you saying?

Could-could you please just tell us what she has?

Before we put a name to it, I'd like to do more blood tests and an MRI to rule some things out.

But right now, there's nothing to do but wait and see how Rebecca does over time.

What, exactly, are we looking out for?

On one end of the spectrum, we could just be looking at continued minor incidents of memory loss.

Or things could begin to deteriorate.

There is a chance that over time you'll experience more difficulty with memory.

But for now, we need to run some additional tests to understand what it is we're seeing here today.

I'm so sorry to sound like a broken record Good night.


Everyone's gone.

Let's just do this.

Okay, Tobe.

Do you want to tell me why you've been going to a new gym for weeks without telling me?

You were right about Kara.

Lady Kryptonite.

When we got back from our Thanksgiving trip, she tried to kiss me.


And I stopped it.


It never even happened.

I dodged her head like Neo in The Matrix.

But I also realized that I probably shouldn't be spending any more time around her, so I switched gyms.

Okay, well, then why didn't you just tell me?

B-Because Kate, I promised you that there was nothing to worry about.

And I was wrong.

And I didn't want to give us yet another reason to fight.

Well, Toby, did you ever consider she got the wrong idea because you avoid being home with me?


I don't I don't do that.

Yeah, you do.

Yeah, and I've been dreading this conversation the whole party, 'cause I was for sure that you were gonna tell me that you had feelings for Kara Kah-ra and that would have been the worst thing that I could hear.

But then I would understand what's happening between us, and I would understand why you want to be anywhere - but here with me and Jack.

- Kate I feel you pulling away.

Am I crazy?


No, you're not crazy.

This isn't about you, Kate.

All right, I love you to death.

And I love Jack more than anything.

That tension that you're feeling when I'm home that Kate, when you look at our son, I see pure, unbridled joy in your eyes.

But when I look at our son it just makes me sad.

Sad that he'll never see the ocean.

Sad that he'll never know what we look like.

Sad that he'll, that he'll never watch Star Wars with me.


So, yeah, I k*ll myself at the gym, and I vent to people other than my wife because I don't want to see that look that is on your face right now.


It's Mommy.



Um Do you want to know what I got you for your birthday?

I booked us a few days away with Jack at a retreat for families with blind children.

I thought it sounded like a great thing to do for our family.


You were right.

I didn't want to be.

And of course, I did notice things.

Little things.

She couldn't come up with the word spatula the other day.

Called it a, uh "food flipper".

And I just really needed to believe that it was just plain getting older stuff.

Because the idea Because the idea of anything actually being wrong with her I know.

I'm gonna take care of her.

I promise.

- Okay?

- Yeah.

And I'm gonna track all of her doctor's appointments, the medication that they put her on.

- I promise.

- I know.

We're gonna get through this thing one step at a time.

- Okay?

- Mm-hmm.

Let's get out of here.

- Yeah.

- Think I was promised an episode of World of Dance.

Yes, you were.


Okay, everybody, I'm gonna take a five-minute break and I'll be right back out.

Really beautiful, man.



Really used to playing to more people.

- So - I mean Tell me, on a, on a scale, one to ten, how am I ranking on your best dates ever list?

You're definitely ranking higher than the guy who broke up with me while we were bowling.

- Mm.

- We were mid-game.

Five frames left.

He couldn't wait.

But you're not ranking quite as high as my junior prom date.

- Hmm.

- What can I say?

- Brad was my first love.

- Well, I'll have to figure out a way to beat good old Brad, won't I?

I, um - You okay?

- I-I can't - Okay.

- I can't do this.

I'm sorry.

I d what, uh I didn't I'm-I'm sorry.

I did not expect t-this to get this far.

I mean, who gets to even, like, meet their hall pass, let alone have them be interested in you?

- And I didn't know - I'm sorry, what?

Um You know, the one celebrity that you could sleep with and it wouldn't count as cheating?

So I'm your, I'm your hall pass?

I saw you earlier and I texted my husband and he said to go for it.

But he's been calling all day, and I think that he's freaking out.

- It's been him, not my mom.

- You're married.

And I just can't Yeah.

I'm your hall pass.

- You are amazing.

- Am I?

I mean, really.

- Just so you know.

- Thank you.

Thank you.

I'm sorry.

I should go.

I'm sorry.

Um I'm sorry.

- Thank you.

- I'll tell him.

- Okay.

- Yeah.

Oh, oh, buddy, you, you are perfect.

Have I told you that yet today?

- Toby?

- Yeah?

Toby, come here.


What's going on?

He's reaching for the light.

He is reaching for the lights.

The doctor said that he-he might do that.

He might start to see light and shadows.

Oh Hi.

Hey, Kevin, we're ready for you.

- All right.

- I'll walk you over.


Kevin's on his way.

Nothing like starting the work day off at 11:00 p. m. , right?

Man, it has been a day, I'm telling you.

Did you know that celebrity hall passes are actually a thing?

Yeah, I-I thought they were just, like, urban legend.

You know, like, uh, key parties or Richard Gere and the gerbil.

But no, people do this stuff.

Probably my fault, though.

You know, I mean, I keep putting myself in these obviously terrible situations because I'm so desperate to have this crazy love story like what my parents had.

But maybe it's just not in the cards for me, Noah.

You know what I mean?

Maybe it is just not in the cards.


Can you take that?

I got to concentrate.

Uh, hey, Miss, we're actually about to close.

Sorry, yeah, I'm just, I'm looking for someone.



I-I talk, you listen.

I don't care about what you can give me.

I don't care if you have a good job or you come from good stock, or you're on a good track.

I don't care about any of that stuff.

And whatever my dad told you about not being good enough for his precious little daughter, I want you to forget about all that.

Because I am in love with you, Jack.

You are?


I am.

And you and I?

Oh We're gonna have it all together.

We're gonna have the big moments and the small moments and it's gonna be one for the ages.

I can't believe you beat me to saying "I love you".

Well, you better believe it.

Rebecca Malone, I love you.

Don't you ever forget it.

- Hey, babe.

- Hey.

How you doing?

I'm hanging in there.

I'm gonna grab some water and then I'm coming to bed.

