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05x02 - SheWork and S... Bucket

Posted: 01/26/20 08:26
by bunniefuu
Since consciously uncoupling from Deals, Deals, Deals, I've been catering regularly and babysitting whenever I need dat cash.

Although I was making an ass-load of money at Sushi Mambeaux until they got shut the eff down for a gnarly bed bugs infestation.

I'm clean now.

I'm I'm fully clean.

Uh, wow, uh, usually, we don't get everybody's back story.

That's, uh, surprising.

- Living on the edge.



To circle back Mm.

We have medium-speed Wi-Fi, draft beer on tap Okay, what?

Girl, I hope I get to work here!

So do we!

It'd be $500 a month.


Okay, I was thinking more like $1,000.

Whoa, that would get you a way bigger office.

All right, I'm just gonna say it.

Does this mean I'm freakin' hired?



Aren't you renting an office space?

I thought I was interviewing for the office manager position?

TOGETHER: We're the office manager.

Is this Yeah, 495 Broadway.




Classic me.




Also, got to say what an hysterical business model to brand this as, like, a shared co-working space when really you're storing people in what are essentially closets after luring them in with these, like, seemingly high-end perks, but it's also, like, a bag of beer in a trash can under a counter.

YouWork is a multi- billion-dollar corporation.


That is f*cking genius.

Uh Guys, don't waste my time like this again.


Nice meeting you.

Four and three and two and o-one [WATER SPLASHING]


Uh, okay, Fernando, I swear I don't know why it keeps getting clogged.

Listen, lady, toilet paper's not gonna make it through these old pipes, much less your tampons and maxi pads with wings for heavy flow.

Okay, first of all, I have an extra-heavy flow.

Second of all, I don't flush my tampons and pads down the toilet.

Third of all, you're saying I can't flush toilet paper?

Well, if you must wipe, well, the other residents use a separate garbage can for their used toilet paper, and they don't make a stink about it.



So I can't poop, wipe, and flush in my own apartment?

I mean, that's some third-world sh*t.

You mean developing nation.

I-I-I did mean that.

That is That is right.

Well, I grew up using a sh*t bucket.

And I did not mean that [CHUCKLES]

in a bad way.

I meant it in a great way.

Growing up like that is dope.

You know what?

I'm gonna get one.

I'm just gonna get one.

I'll get a sh*t bucket.

All right, got some snacks, dawg, yeah.


All right, where the f*ck was this interview supposed to be?

sh*t, phone [GROANS]

I love this city.

Every day you praying for better world now Every day rain snowing on your fur like Under weather, keep your head above the water It's in the bucket now, don't kick the bucket now Every day you gain dimes in you pocket Don't kick the bucket now [CHUCKLES]








Oh, sh*t.



Oh, no.

I just moved here.







All right, all right, all right!


All right.



Linda freakin' Lodi?


Linda, hey!

Hey, It's Ilana Wexler!

I used to work for you at your temp agency!

- Ilana?

- Come on over!


- That's so crazy.

- Hey!

- Ilana, hi!

Oh, my gosh.

So, how are you?

Good, good.

I'm just, uh, working over there in that coffee shop.

What are you working on?

Oh, well, I'm working on my screenplay.

"We Lost Grandma at the Water Park.


That sounds hilarious.

Oh, well, it's a it's a drama, actually.



But, uh, it's good.

It's good.

I just the only thing is I have to keep an eye on my stuff and my son every time I want to take a smoke break.

I mean, they didn't used to kick us out of places for smoking in the '90s, right?

You know, I never thought about it like that.

Anti-smoking is discriminatory.

I just want a place where I can work and smoke.

You know, Linda, today might be your lucky day because I have a situation starting up here where you can sit and smoke and charge your phone and your devices and work, and you never have to let your belongings leave your sight.

Whoa, that actually sounds kind of perfect.

Um, well, uh, how much do you charge?

We are charging 50 cents a minute.

You know what?

I'll take it.


40 minutes 45, I'll give ya.

All right, awesome.

I'll go get my stuff.

Yes, awesome, get your stuff, and then come back.

- Abbi!


- Man, I got you again!

- Every time, man.

Come on, girl.

Bring it in.


Uh TOGETHER: Oh, oh, oh, oh!


Doo, doo, doo.

Doo, doo, doo.

Doo, doo, doo.

Doo, doo, doo.


- Aah!

- Aah!


So, what you looking for, Abb?

Okay, so, this is a little bit embarrassing, but my building's pre-World w*r I in the plumbing, and it's, like, really Shh.


Say no more.

Bath accessories.

Dope, dude, thanks.

Great seeing you.

You too.

Holla at me, Abb!


Hey, dude, I'm in the middle of trying to find this thing at BB&B.

Hold up, you're at BB&B, Abbi?

Can you grab me six power strips and six extension cords and meet me at that place where that dude gave you that condom stat?

Well, I was gonna say stuff, too.


Holy sh*t bucket.

Dude, what is all of this?

Welcome to SheWork.

We are officially open for shiz-ness.

What is SheWork?

SheWork is an inclusive work environment that caters to smokers.

I see a bunch of no offense trash furniture and two people smoking cigarettes.

Walk with me.

So, SheWork uses the urban landscape for a fast-paced work space with no boundaries.


If parkour is using the city as your gym, SheWork is using the city as your office.

So, correct me if I'm wrong.

People are paying you to use the free public charging stations?

So what?

All the great male entrepreneurs do it, okay?

They take something that already exists, claim it was their idea, throw in some fancy furniture, and charge double for it.

For letting people sit on your junk and smoke?


Wait, Ilana, hold on, hold on, hold on.

I'm I'm sorry.

Smoking cigarettes is disgusting.

- Okay, smoking is obvs heinous - [COUGHS]

But who am I to judge a nicotine addiction?

I mean, I'm fully addicted to weed.


Okay, you got the stuff.

I thank you, bitch.

Oh, yeah.

Come on.

Come on.

Come on.

Come on.

Great, thank you so much.

And, actually, a trash can is the only thing we don't need here at SheWork.

No, no, no.

This is actually mine, uh, my sh*t bucket, so Come again?

It It's my sh*t bucket.

Pardon me?

My I had to get a sh*t bucket.


Okay, um Who, what, how, when, where, and why?

Okay, it's a funny story.

Uh, you know how my toilet is always getting clogged.




Um, so, Fernando actually let me know that I can't flush toilet paper anymore, and actually I have to discard it in a separate bin right next to the toilet.

So what'd you say to him?

So, then I said I said I said, "Fernando, I will get that sh*t bucket.

" That's what I said, and I got I got one.

Oh, Abbi.

Dude, I was, like I was standing there, and I was just, like, so stunned by what was going on, I got bullied into buying a sh*t bucket.

You know, and I think we should take this issue into the community-action wing of SheWork.

- Oh, wow, is there whole other?

- Come on.



So, we have to review our resources.

- Okay.


- The printer/scanner.

- So, there's a scanning function.

What you're gonna do is scan your tits, or your ass.

Make a sh*t ton of copies.

Disseminate them to all your neighbors but get this anonymously.

Everybody's like, "What's going on?" Whose tits are these?

Meanwhile, you've planted a stack of the tits in Fernando's office, and you pipe up, and you say, "You know, I-I think it might be Fernando, and while we're on the topic, why are we sh1tting in buckets?" SheWork boosh!

Dude, you are so close on that.

Okay, what if I print out a petition, okay?


I go around to my neighbors, and I'm like, "Guys, this is an important issue.

" We shouldn't be sh1tting in sh*t buckets, okay?" I get the full signed petition, take it back to Fernando, and I'm like, "Majority rules, man.

Change is coming.

" Ooh, you are full-blown grassroots.

You are the Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of Astoria.

You're the Jewish Shirley Chisholm of toilets.

Yes, I am gonna sh*t in my toilet and flush.


Go get your bucket and take care of your sh*t.

Come on.


Take care of your sh*t.

I love you, Abb.

Ah, and I love SheWork.

Miss, hi.

Are you sick of being treated like a filthy outsider at work because of your tragic smoking habit?



How's that Wi-Fi working, L. L. ?

Ha, ha.

Charging Station-Guest is coming in clear as day.

You know, we are growing rapidly, and I'm starting to have to focus on expansion, so would you feel comfortable watching the fort?


Would I?


No, I-I was asking [DOOR CLOSES]


Hello, um, my name is Abbi Abrams, and I don't want to buy any Girl Scout Cookies.

No, no, no.

I-I'm not a Girl Scout anymore.


I'm a grown I-I'm actually your neighbor.

I'm just going around letting everyone know that I'm having a tenant meeting today in the lobby I have lived in this building for 31 years, and I've never seen you.

Well Wait, are you Melody's roommate?

You know Melody?


She dates that wonderful young man who always brings me delicious cheeses.

That's, um That's Bevers.

They're the loveliest.

I love them, as well.

Um, and I'm actually walking around today to talk about the sh*t to talk about the plumbing problem in the building.

How old are you?

I'm newly You hippies are the reason that sandwiches in this neighborhood cost $16 with your Sriracha and your oat milk.

What's wrong with cow milk?!

Well Sheesh!


- Cow's milk makes me have to sh*t!

Which is what I came here to talk to you about in the first place.

I'm on it I own it I want it I've got it I'm on it I own it I want it I've got it ILANA: SheWork SheWork, SheWork SheWork Ooh, God, I'm rich.

This city's full of trash.

This is a very important meeting of the building, and I know you're looking at me like I'm the hot, young new kid on the block.

You're young?

I'm I'm 30.

I've never seen her before.

Who buzzed her into the building?

I know you.

4H, right?


Thank you.

Oh, you're the chick who pegged Jeremy.

Yes, of course.

Okay, well I heard the moaning.

You got him good.


Sounded like an Earth-shattering orgasm.




You got me.

I I might've pegged Jeremy.

Okay, great.

But, listen, guys.

Let's Let's focus up, okay?

So, maybe, you know, I'm not young.

Great, I'm getting up there.


And maybe you only know me as the chick who pegged Jeremy.

I'm I'm fine with that.

Uh But allow me to help you, okay?

There's a better quality of life that we can have, okay?

I-I-I'm in the city.

I'm riding the rails.

There are changes that need to be made, okay?

I-I don't know much, but this is what I do know.

This is what I do know!

We can be the change we wish to see.

Let's say "no" to sh*t buckets.

I love Jeremy.

If he let her peg, we can probably trust her.

- All right.

- My man.

You are my man.


Listen, uh, let's take a quick pic, 'cause what is activism without posting it on Instagram, right?

I don't know if it exists.


Yeah, great.


Hello, Linda.


Did you notice I signed a new client?

Linda, you exquisite genius!

May I kiss you?


Mm, smoky.



So tender.

Fernando, thanks so much for stopping by.

Why don't you take a seat.

It's good.



I called the city.

I told them everything.

I told them about the plumbing.

I told them about the heat.

I told them about every single thing that needs fixing in this building.


Change is gonna come, my friend.



I think you're gonna want to take a look at this.

There you go.

This is not good.



Fernando, no disrespect to your country I'm from Flushing.

I grew up 10 minutes from here.

I apologize.

I'll pass along your demands.


I'm the Rosa Parks of poop.


How's everybody doing, huh?

Morty, you want a fresh one?

And, Ms.

Katherine, anything for you?

Yes, girl.

Bev, anything?

She on a diet.

I get it.

James, anything?

Got a birthday coming up.

Debbie, snack, smoke?

I'm not a business bitch.

I am a business, bitch!

SheWork, where your lungs are your g*dd*mn business.

Welcome to SheWork, my privileged brothers.

We've already met.


- Hmm.

You know, when you're running a company, you meet a lot of people, so Listen, we've been watching you all day, and this is getting out of hand.

Afraid we're gonna have to shut you down.

SheWork is a woman-owned business founded right here in New York City.

You can't shut us down.

Okay, yeah, hm, okay, yeah, go for it.

Yeah, let's see Let's see how it goes.

Except I can promise you that you're gonna see YouWork start to trend hard but bad.

Because I hooked up with someone very high up in the human resources department of Twitter once.

One second to side bar?

Would you like a conference room?



I don't want to f*ck with Twitter again.

I don't like the sound of that.

Plus we have to play them in soccer this weekend.

Oh, my God.

We'd never hear the end of it.

Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum.

- Let's pay her off.

- Cute.

- Make her go away.

- Hundred bucks.

- Split it with you.

- Yep, I did it.


We'll give you 100 bucks to go away.


You're hilarious.

What's your real offer?

- $100.

- $900.

- $100.

- $800.

- $100.

- $700.

- $100.

- $600.

- $100.

- $100.

Is this a $500, and that's my final offer.


I guess we're not getting a mani-mani-pedi.


Yeah, yeah, mm, mm.

It's Friday.

That's our thing.

I know it is, but it's okay.

We can skip it this one week.


Wow, thank you.

Only in New York.

It is a genius idea, though.

Okay, guys, it's over.

Thank you for believing in me and SheWork.

You made me realize how beautiful yellow teeth and brown finger nails and hair that smells like soot can be, so thank you for that.

All right, pack up and go home.

We had a good run.


I paid a week in advance.

You know, the market is just so up and down, brother.

It's, you know, the market.

Bye, Ken.

Where's Ilana?

She's gone.

I-It's over.

But I didn't even get to apply for office manager.

Where's my computer?

Who took my computer?

My screenplay!



Where's my kid?

Man, the beauty of that bucket is that I'm squatting so low to reach it, so I'm, like, in Squatty Potty position.

It's almost like a two-for-one.

Hold on.

You sh*t inthe bucket?

You're only supposed to put toilet paper in the bucket.

No, I know.


See Okay.


sh*t, sh*t, sh*t, sh*t, sh*t.





Hey, what's up?

Holy sh*t, Ilana, look at this.

"YouWork's innovative smoker's rooftop results in a massive stock hike"?

Those assholes!

They stole my idea.

I knew I should've done an equity split.

You know what, dude?

It's okay.

We are still two badass activated women.

I mean, Ilana, you founded and sold a company in one day.

And I, like, mobilized my people to form a mini, like s-small revolution in my building!

That's right.

I mean, we can be the change we wish to see in the world if we if we have a dream and we rise to meet that dream and we go high when they go low.


Oh, my God.

Dude, Fernando got fired?

Oh, no!

There's a new building manager?


KANAKAREDES: Raising the rent in three months?!

Oh, what the f*ck is this?

You like our sharp cheddar?

- I-I do.

- Yeah, who doesn't?

It's the best cheese.

I'm I'm obsessed with sharp cheddar.

So am I me too.

I He's taking it out of my out of my fridge,

- and he must be giving it to you.

- Well, they're very good.


That's I'm happy someone's enjoying them.