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06x06 - The Return

Posted: 02/11/20 07:44
by bunniefuu

Previously on Homeland [beeping]



I just spent two years telling the country not to over-react every time we hear a bang.


This was a lot more than a bang.

When does my chief of staff get here?

It shouldn't be long.

How do I talk to him in the meantime?

Communications are still in process.

I'm so important I have no phone.

Ma'am, can I get you anything?

My staff.

What's going on?

Back up.

The van that delivered the bombs Sekou was driving it.

Well, hello.

Her school is closed, and I've got a crisis at work.

You want me to babysit?

Would you?

It appears Iran is violating the nuclear agreement.

A parallel program with North Korea?

Is that what you're asking?

Find out about Nafisi.

Get me the real answer.


His name is Saad Mahsud.

He's working for the FBI.


I'm telling you, he flat out refused.


Were you wired up when he said all that?

Delete the recording.

Sir, we're looking for Carrie Mathison for comment on the att*ck.

Can you tell her?

She's not here!

[indistinct shouting]

Are you aware of what's going on at your house?



They're calling it a hostage situation.


They've been watching us.

- Who has?

- Across the street, for weeks now.

I have proof.

[glass shatters]


Move in!

On the ground!

He's down!

He's down!

He's down!

Stay down!

and the home of the brave [Scott-Heron]

The first revolution is when you change your mind about how you look at things and see that there might be another way to look at it - that you have not been shown.

- [crowd shouting]


The brutality against protesters, the para-militarization of law enforcement.


That's when you have to keep trying.


We don't need a police state in this country to fight terrorism, we need a new strategy.

[Gil Scott-Heron]

The revolution will not be televised.


their system of indefinite detention [Scahill]

FBI and the CIA targeting Muslim communities [DeMarco]


Got an agitated non-compliant patient.

Get away from me!

- What's his name again?

- Peter Quinn.


You will not be able to stay home, brother.

You will not be able to plug in, turn on, and cop out.

- It's a very alarming charge.

- The Russians hacked our committees.


The continuation of endless w*r.


Can't you get that through your f*cking skull?


The revolution will put you in the driver's seat.


The US continues to engage in a covert w*r with very, very high stakes.


I made promises and didn't keep them.


This world began right after 9/11.


The revolution will not be televised, not be televised and be no rerun, brothers and sisters.

The revolution will be live.


Which agency?


I can't say that here in an open hearing, sir.


You saved me.





[indistinct conversations]

[telephone rings]

[exhales deeply]

[telephone rings]



[siren wails]

- You ready?

- Yeah.

[radio chatter]

[door closes]


Excuse me.

That woman who just went in she got here two hours after you put my name on the list.

So tell your friend, next time, limit himself to misdemeanors.

You said you'd check on him?

What's his name again?

Peter Quinn.

I really need to see him.

Yeah, I got that.

[radio chatter]


Your guy's not here.

They took him straight to Bellevue.

- The psych ward?

- That's all I know.

Well, thanks for wasting my time.

Hey, I didn't tell you to come here.

No, the arresting officer did.

This is bullshit.

Don't bother going to Bellevue!

He'll be on lockdown for 72 hours.

You won't get anywhere near him.

[President Morse]

We have not yet reached a definitive judgment on whether the bomber was working alone or if he had direct links to the Islamic State.

What we do know is that he was a young man filled with hate whom the FBI had already arrested as a potential terror suspect and then released, proving, once again, how hard it is to interrupt the self-radicalization process and to identify extremists before they turn to v*olence, which is why I am urging my successor to join me in calling on Congress to strengthen provisions in the PATRIOT Act that will make that possible.

More witch-hunts.


cannot prevail.

You asked to see me, ma'am?

I want to go back to New York now.

We're still waiting on the all clear from Intelligence.

The president is making speeches in Lower Manhattan.

- I'm thinking it's safe.

- I understand your frustration, but the concern here is continuity of government.


You really think that's what's going on?

It doesn't strike you as extreme, my sequestration here?

Ma'am, I was in the White House on 9/11.

We had to physically compel the vice president to take shelter.

Well, for once, I understand his position.

Leave that, please.

I want Rob Emmons here.

You know, my chief of staff, the one I can't reach because his name was conveniently left off the contact list on my so-called all-access phone.

You think you can do that?

I'll make it happen.

[President Morse]

will have full federal support as they move ahead in their investigation.

We will use any and all measures at our disposal to protect the freedoms that we hold so dear.

- Conlin, wait.

- That, I promise.

[President Morse]

Thank you.

I said, "Wait.

" Doesn't seem wrong to you, being here?

I've been trying to reach you.

Did you get the photos I sent?


I don't know.

It's great seeing you.

Come on, Conlin.

Have a look.

We're all just trying to figure out what happened here.

It's pretty clear what happened.

No, I don't think so.

I don't even think you think so.


[truck beeping]


What's this?

Taken four hours before the expl*si*n.

You recognize the van?

- Who's that?

- Not sure.

My cyber guy's been trying to ID him.

So far, we've come up empty.

Where'd you get these?

Peter Quinn took them.

The crazy vet who held your daughter hostage?

He thought he was protecting her.


Honestly, I don't know what this is a security guard.

No, he's not.

I checked.

Look, you've been on Sekou Bah for close to a year.

At the very least, you know he didn't build that b*mb.

I'm betting the FBI doesn't have a clue who did.

Well, if you're thinking it's him, you're wrong.

How can you say that?

We don't even know who he is.

I know he and Sekou weren't working together.

I'm not saying they were.

What's that supposed to mean?

Maybe Sekou was unaware.

Maybe he had no idea that b*mb was in the back of his van.

Tell me you're joking.

You really have no idea how offensive you are, do you?

Look, I just need help getting to Quinn.


To find out what he saw that night.

NYPD has got him in isolation at Bellevue.

Do you even listen to yourself?

You put that kid back on the street.

Live with it.

Yeah, I am living with it, but you live with this.

Somebody made that b*mb, not Sekou, and that somebody is still out there.

[indistinct conversations]

[elevator bell dings]

[indistinct conversations]


Yeah, that'll be about four hours.


Good morning, Saul.

You know Nate Joseph?

- I don't believe I do.

- It's an honor, Mr.


- Nice to meet you.

- Can I get you anything?

I'm fine.



- Counterterrorism.

- I see.

I, uh I heard your lecture, sir, during my training course Agent Handling in the Field.

It was the highlight of my whole two years, sir.

Thank you.

Uh, here.

What is this?

It's the updated briefing pack you requested on the bombing.

So far, no direct ties to any foreign t*rror1st organizations.

That's for someone else.

- Excuse me?

- I didn't ask for this.

I put in a request for a surveillance file on Tovah Rivlin.

- Tovah Rivlin?

- Mossad.

I just worked with her in Abu Dhabi.

I need to confirm her contacts and travel for the 10 days prior.


I do remember that now your request.

I meant to sign off, but it's been all about the b*mb the last couple of days.

It completely slipped my mind.

What's the concern?

May I ask?

No concern.

I just want to know who she's really been seeing, not who Mossad says she has.

I'm so sorry.

It'll take a day or two.

- Can you live with that?

- If I have to.

I'll get right on it then.

Again, my apologies.


Nice meeting you.

[telephone rings]

[indistinct conversations]

[elevator bell dings]

You, uh you forgot your coat, Mr.


Oh, thank you.

Am I Am I wrong, sir, or, uh, did you want to speak with me?

You were paying attention that day at the Farm.

I'm impressed.

Well, in your lecture, it was an umbrella, I believe.

Why is she lying to me?


Your boss, Acosta.

Nothing just slips that woman's mind.



I wouldn't be asking if I didn't absolutely have to know.

[footsteps approaching]

You're right, sir.

The chief was not totally forthcoming with you.

She She's off the leash, sir.

Tovah Rivlin is.

There's a standing no-surveillance order on her, at least for here in New York.

On whose authority?

I don't know.

Has she been to New York?

I don't know that, either.

Can you get a look at her file?

Well, uh, not without a flare going up, sir.

It's TS/SCI.

Better get back then.

Nate, right?

Yes, sir.


[telephone rings]


You've got a visitor.

Says you wanted to see him.



You told me never to come here.

That was then.

Those days are over.

- What do you mean?

- You're done.

You're b*rned.

Your face is all over the Internet.

You don't think I know that?

I got people out there after my ass.

I need protection.



Even my mom was looking at me funny.


Well, guess what.

People are looking at me, too.

These people here do.

They look at me.

And whose fault is that, you piece of sh*t?

- My fault?

- Yeah, your fault.

- You missed it.

- Missed what?

This guy.

What about him?

He was working with Sekou Bah.

- Okay?

- No.

I'm asking.

Was he?

That guy?

f*ck no.


You must have seen him somewhere.



I've never seen him.

You're absolutely sure?

[chuckles softly]

Look, what what do you want me to say?

Just tell me.

Tell me what you want me to say, and I'll say it.

Come on, man.

Don't cut me loose.

I got my rent to cover.

I got car payments.

I want the truth.

You think you can find that somewhere in that head of yours?

He looks like government, man.

He looks like you.

[indistinct conversations]

[bird cries]

It took me an hour to get out here on that stinking train.

Why not just meet at the Rezidentura?



There were whispers all last year about you.

Trouble in Berlin.

I expected to hear from you.


Now you have.

I didn't say I wanted to hear from you.

I said I expected it.

- Is this about the b*mb?

- No.

Tovah Rivlin, Mossad agent.

I need what you have on her movements and contacts for the past two weeks.

So, even if we had such information You do.

Why is the CIA asking the SVR about Israel?

Not Israel.

One Israeli.

What's wrong with your own surveillance?

You cover the Israelis like paint.


Technical glitch.


There's a a Russian traveling carnival that features a squirrel that's running on a wire wheel.

The squirrel thinks it's turning the wheel, but if it stops running, its feet get caught in the wires and the squirrel breaks its paws.

Viktor, I swear to God, even after all these years, I have no idea what you're talking about half the time.

What kind of trouble are you in now?

Just get me the information.

[chuckles softly]


You ready to sleep in your own bed again?



I know a scary thing happened, but our house isn't scary.

There's nothing to be afraid of.

- Where's Peter?

- Uh, he's at the doctor's.

- Is he sick?

- He's gonna be fine.



Uh, Franny, this is Mr.


How you doing, Franny?

You got a minute?


Uh, do you do you want sit up there and read your book?


I never expected to see you at my door.

I never expected to be here.

But I had the CI come by the office today.

- Saad?

- He confirmed it.

That guy in the photo you sent me?

Not an associate of Sekou Bah.

I ran his photo through NGI.

They came up empty, just like you.

So we still have no idea who he is.

Almost none.

I did find one thing.

The lease on that Jeep he's driving in the photos.

Did you get a name?

What I got was a wall of shell companies that dead-ends at some corporation off the Dulles Toll Road.



I'll go down there and check it out.

If that guy If he's involved in the bombing, like those photos suggest, but he wasn't working with Sekou, I don't even know what we're saying here.

I don't, either.

Not yet.

Mommy, it's cold!

Yeah, I'm coming, sweetie.

I called in a favor with NYPD.

A guy on the task force named Danny Jones.

He can get you into the prison ward at Bellevue tomorrow to see Quinn.

- Thank you.

- Don't thank me.

It shows just how f*cked we are if that's our best chance of finding out what's going on.

Hey, I-I know how hard it was to come here.

I appreciate the good faith.

Nothing good about any of this.


[ suspenseful music plays ]

Madam President-elect, sorry to interrupt.

Is Emmons here?

We just heard he's been held up.

When should I expect him?

No ETA as of yet.

Did they say why?

I'm afraid not, ma'am.

[breathing heavily]

I'm done here.

Thanks, guys.

Thank you.

[floorboard creaks]

Can I help you, ma'am?

Ray Conlin's a good guy.

I'm not sure why he's trying to help this assh*le.

Same as me.

He wants to know what happened yesterday.

I told you on the phone some guy with PTSD took some hostages, tried to k*ll some cops.

That's not what I heard.

- Yeah?

- Yeah.

I heard there was an angry mob throwing rocks at his house.

Door stays open.

Make it quick, 'cause this never happened.




Are you all right?


This is all my fault.

I should have listened to you about the man across the street, the guy you said was watching me.

If I had none of this would have happened.

I found the photos on your phone.

Max can't dig up anything on him.

I mean, like, nothing.

Neither can the FBI.

I know, right?

Deep f*cking spook.



The photos stop just before he gets to the van.

What happened next?



Quinn, please.

I realize it's been rough, but this is really important.

Did you did you see anything else?

Did he put a b*mb on the van?

You said "P-Protect Franny.

" And I did.


Then you took me down.

W-What do you mean?

When my back was turned.


I was trying to save your life.

They were gonna k*ll you.

Look You were confused.

I-I understand.

But it's coming down on both of us.

We need to figure out what's going on.

How did you get in here, anyway?

They told me nobody gets in here nobody.


Who said that?


"Why" what?

Why did you show them the pictures?

I didn't.

You said the FBI couldn't find him.

No, I showed one guy, the guy who is helping us, who got me in here to see you.

- Guard!

- Quinn, come on.

- You're with them.

- No, I'm not!

- Guard!

- I am on your side.

Get away from me!

- Guard!

- Quinn.

Look at me.



[ ominous music plays ]

Are you here for a job interview?


Uh a vehicle registered to this address w-was involved in an accident.

Uh the one parked right out there, actually, the blue Jeep.

I need to speak to the driver.

I'll have to check with Accounting.

I think they might all be at lunch.

If you want to wait over there?

Can I borrow your pencil if you're done?


Does everyone in Northern Virginia have a security clearance?



It comes with your Starbucks rewards card.


Figured I had this gig in the bag.

Well, with all the people they're hiring, you probably do.



You Langley?

You don't look like Fort Meade to me.

I've been at the Bureau the last four years.

I was tailored access operations at Lackland.

Dude, they kept us in a cage.

I can't wait to get into the private sector.

All that data they wouldn't let us touch.

Can you believe the numbers they're throwing around here?

I know.


They say anything strange to you?

"We're a node on the parallel backbone.

" Sitting on the biggest fiber-optic-cable transit in the world.


8% of the world's data, the great bitstream from which all else must arise?

Right f*cking underneath us.


Gives me an information throbber.

Group "A" applicants, follow me.

Bring your paperwork.

Let's go.


Excuse me.



[What the f*ck?]

[bell dings]

Please stay together.


[electricity buzzing]

What are you doing in here?

I'm looking for Carol in Accounting.

Well, she's obviously not here.

Step into the hall, please.

Step into the hall.

[chuckles softly]

She may still be at lunch.

What is this place, anyway?

You told reception you were looking for a car.


A blue Jeep registered to this address.

- I think you've made a mistake.

- I think I haven't.

What organization is this?

A private one, and you're trespassing.


What's your position here?

Could I have your name?

You wouldn't have lied your way in if you had any legal authority, like a warrant.

The guards will escort you out.

[footsteps approaching]

[cellphone rings]

- Hello?

- Did you see Quinn?

Kind of.

"Kind of"?

What's that?

He was in bad shape.

I made it worse.

So, did he tell you anything?

Mostly how I f*cked him over.


He f*cked me over, and look at us practically partners.


Yeah, that's what I expected - So, where are you?

- In a parking lot where I tracked down that blue Jeep, which then disappeared while I was inside a very strange place.

Strange how?

I'm thinking we should discuss in person.

Can you get out to my house?


Head south on 95.

I'll text you the address.

[radio chatter]



I'm here to see the president-elect.

- She's expecting me.

- Just a second, sir.

How did you get this address?

From the e-mail.

What e-mail?

Who sent it?

One of you guys.

I don't know how you people work.

I'll need to see it.

Then why did it say "delete"?


I need to see some ID.


Good afternoon, ma'am.

I'm her chief of staff, for Christ's sake.

[car door closes, engine turns over]




She's clear.

[dog barking, growling]

Out, please.


Now what?

Every vehicle entering the perimeter has to be swept.


I'll just walk there then.

You need to wait with the vehicle.

You got to be kidding me.


car now.

[birds cry]

[footsteps approaching]

Tovah Rivlin is a very busy woman.

Abu Dhabi, Tel Aviv, back and forth, back and forth.

Five times in ten days.

Five trips?

That's all you got?

No, I have something else.

Another trip, the only one not to Abu Dhabi.

Show me.

Not so fast.

Nothing's for nothing.


Come on, Viktor.

That isn't our arrangement.

Like all arrangements, it's subject to review, surely.

Not this one.

We back-channel for our bosses, turn down the temperature, keep the peace.

Such as it is.

We don't hold each other for ransom or ask what we cannot give.

You know what your problem is, if you don't mind me saying?

You're always have to win every argument.

It's not your most attractive feature.

I'd like to keep these.

Now it's my turn to say "no.

" The question is what do we do now?

- We?

- Yes.

This puts us in a bad situation you and me.

How so?

Bombings in Midtown.

President-elect in hiding.

And now a split in your famous partnership with Dar Adal.

There's no split.

It's obvious you're on the outside looking in.


Maybe you're not much use to me after all.


Emmons, sorry for the confusion.

Yeah, well, someone better streamline that sh*t before we get to the White House.

Absolutely, sir.

I'll take you to the president-elect.

She's been working all afternoon.

- If she's busy, I can wait.

- No.

Trust me she wants to see you.


Anybody got eyes on Big Apple?

[man #2]

Checking on that now.

- Where's the president-elect?

- We're working on that, sir.

I need a 20 on Big Apple.

- Take somebody out back.

- Checking now!

[ tense music plays ]

I haven't been up here for a while, not since early in the campaign.

You live nearby?

Ulster County.

We grow apples.


I always like that side of the river better.

Have we met before?

Did you work on my first Senate campaign?

I didn't.

And I'm good with faces.

You look so familiar.

You didn't volunteer for the Hudson Valley Committee back in 2000?

I can tell you for sure that I didn't.

I've never voted for you.

I'm okay with that.

Half the country can't stand me.

I'm just curious why you agreed to do this.

Because you're the president-elect, you asked me, and I know it's right.

Thank you.

I appreciate that.

I hope I can win you over.

You don't need to do that.

I'd at least like to know why you couldn't support me.

- It doesn't matter.

- Well, it matters to me.

How many times in your life are you gonna be alone with the next President of the United States?

I guess I don't trust you.

And why is that?

You backed away from the w*r.

I did, yep.

We left the job unfinished.

I agree with what the man said.

You break it, you own it, but you don't cut and run.

Well, I came to a different conclusion that we had been there long enough, that we had done all we can do.

My son, John, didn't feel that way.

He said, "A Marine never gives up.

" He d*ed over there like your boy.

I'm sorry.

I'm so very sorry.

The worst thing happens, and somehow, you are still alive.

I've never heard you speak of him not on any of your campaigns.


I didn't want to use him like that.

But then you made him invisible.

And not just him, but all of them, what they did and why it matters.

My God.

If anyone has a right to claim them I can't.

It's because you're ashamed of him.



God, no.


I voted for the w*r.

I voted to send my son and yours to a place they should never have gone for reasons, I came to understand, were false and misguided.

John d*ed 6,000 miles from home, clearing IEDs from roads in the desert.

That's what he chose to do with his life.

He didn't think it was false or misguided.

He thought it was important.

I didn't mean it like that.

Yeah you did.

[helicopter blades whirring]


They found us.

- I'll pull over.

- No.

[sirens wailing]


- Agent Thoms?

- Ma'am, are you safe?

If you're asking if this was my idea, the answer is "yes.

" [Thoms]

Then please ask Mrs.

Diehl to pull over.

We have a vehicle on the way that will return you to the compound.

I'm not going back.

Under Chapter 18, United States Code 3056, it is illegal for you to deny protection, ma'am.

I am not denying protection.

You are free to escort me back to New York.

Neither Mrs.

Diehl nor her vehicle are equipped to transport you safely.

She is perfectly equipped.

Ma'am, I understand your impatience, but it's still possible that you were the target - of an assassination attempt.

- No.

Agent Thoms, I don't believe that anymore.

And you know what?

I don't believe anybody else believes it, either.

See you in New York.

[cellphone beeps]

[breathes deeply]

[bird squawking]

[doorbell rings]

[doorbell rings]

[ suspenseful music plays ]

[cat meows]

[tires screech]

[indistinct conversations]

Where's my daughter?

- Ms.


- Where is she?

Uh, cleaning up.

She'll be right back.

Hey, sweetheart!


Come on, sweetie.

Come with me.




Too tight.


[indistinct shouting]


Which one, though?

My God.

You get used to it.

[indistinct conversations]

[radio chatter]


There she is!

You sure I can't change your mind?

You're more than welcome to stay the night, drive back in the morning.


I really should get going.

You've given me a lot to think about.

Not the easiest conversation I've ever had.


I think they're waiting for you.


- Madam President-elect!

- Madam President-elect!



Diehl is free to go.

- You will not trouble her.

- Yes, ma'am.

Who told the press I was coming?


Emmons, apparently.

- Madam President!

- Madam President!

All right, if everyone will just settle down, I will answer a few questions.


Madam President, can you tell us where you've been the last two days?

No, I can't.

But I want to thank the dedicated people who looked after my safety and the safety of this great city.

There are some reports suggesting that you yourself were the target of the att*ck.

Well, I'd rather wait for the results of the investigation before commenting on that.

The president is urging you and Congress to reauthorize certain provisions of the PATRIOT Act.

That would be a mistake, in my opinion.

We don't need a police state in this country to fight terrorism.

We need a new strategy, one I plan to roll out right after my inauguration.

- Madam President-Elect.

- Yeah?


Who was in the pickup, the one you drove up in?

She prefers to remain anonymous.

But I'm grateful to her.

We had a very interesting talk.

- About what?

- Our sons.


Madam President, can you speak up?

We can't hear you back here.

We talked about our sons, the ones we lost in the w*r her John and my Andrew how they both did their best to serve our country and face down fear, just as we must face it down here at home.

Yes, a b*mb went off in New York City, something we all pray would never happen again.

But if there's one thing I know about New Yorkers, it's that we don't scare easily.

We come together in hard times.

I understand NYPD was on the scene two minutes after the expl*si*n.

Patrol officers rushing bravely into a situation that was uncertain at best.

That's who we are.

That's who John and Andrew were.

Thank you.

- Madam President!

- Madam President!


[door opens]

It's all quiet downstairs.

I'll be on the couch.

Thanks, Max.

I'll start installing the security system in the morning.

Good night.


[door closes]






[electricity buzzing]

Hello, Peter.