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06x11 - R Is for Romeo

Posted: 02/13/20 02:59
by bunniefuu
SAUL: Previously on Homeland Astrid!




MAX: Somebody is paying O'Keefe to build a massive domestic propaganda machine.

And if this somebody is DoD or NSA or Dar Adal, - he's breaking about 10 federal laws.

- I'm aware.

THOMPSON: Mr. Piotrowski!


Mr. Piotrowski, did you bring a phone onto this floor?

I don't think so.

(inhales deeply)

Come with us, please.

What's this?

A work in progress.

It's not ready yet.

KEANE: I am the next president of the United States.

Who the hell voted for you?


That's right.

Don't go to w*r with your own national security establishment.

Are you threatening me now?

NARRATOR: Some men run towards the fight.

Andrew Keane just ran away.


Cowardice runs in the family.

We have to respond.

That is my son they are dragging through the mud!

(dramatic music plays)

(camera shutter clicking)

CARRIE: Quinn, what are you doing?


Oh, my God.

That's him, Carrie.

The m-man who was-- watched you, put the b*mb in the van.

and the home of the brave SCOTT-HERON: The first revolution is when you change your mind about how you look at things and see that there might be another way to look at it that you have not been shown.

(crowd shouting)

SCAHILL: The brutality against protesters, the para-militarization of law enforcement.

CARRIE: That's why we have to keep trying.

KEANE: We don't need a police state in this country to fight terrorism.

We need a new strategy.

SCOTT-HERON: The revolution will not be televised.

GREENWALD: the system of indefinite detention SCAHILL: FBI and the CIA targeting Muslim communities DeMARCO: Security.

Got an agitated non-compliant patient.

- Get away from me!


- What's his name again?

- Peter Quinn.

- Peter Quinn.

SCOTT-HERON: You will not be able to stay home, brother.

You will not be able to plug in, turn on, and cop out.

WOMAN: It's a very alarming charge.

WOMAN #2: The Russians hacked our committees.

WOMAN #3: The continuation of endless w*r.

QUINN: Can't you get that through your f*cking skull?

SCOTT-HERON: The revolution will put you in the driver's seat.

SCAHILL: The US continues to engage in a covert w*r with very, very high stakes.

SAUL: I made promises and didn't keep them.

PRIEST: This world began right after 9/11.

SCOTT-HERON: The revolution will not be televised, not be televised.

There will be no rerun, brothers and sisters.

The revolution will be live.

CHAFFETZ: Which agency?

McCULLOUGH: I can't say that here in an open hearing, sir.

QUINN: You saved me.




Is this why I'm here?

To watch you sh**t him?

Because I can't let that happen.

You know that.

That's not why I brought you here.

Why, then?



Lights out.

Nothing till tom-- morning.


Then maybe you can tell me what the hell is going on.

Last time I saw you, you were being hauled off by orderlies at Bellevue.

You want to tell me how you ended up here?

He blew up the boy in the van.

Sekou Bah.

I have proof.

Yeah, thos-- those photos you took.

- I-I know.

I've s-- I've seen them.

- No, no, no.


The-- The real van is in the garage in the house.

The real van?

What do you mean?



You're saying it's-- it's-- it's in that garage right now.

I saw.

Holy shit.

Q-Quinn-- Quinn, you don't have to sh**t him.

I know the solicitor general.

I met him through the president-elect.

He can make things happen, secure the evidence, get that guy in there arrested, the whole bunch of them.

Don't call anyone.

The van is from me to you.

The guy is mine.

And can you tell me why?

It doesn't matter why.

It will when you're tried for m*rder.

I don't care.

You-- You don't care?

I don't care.

Yeah, well, I do.

What is that supposed to mean?

What, I don't care?

I don't care so much I visited you in the hospital every day?

I don't care so much I took you into my home?

I lost my daughter?

I don't care so much I f*cking dropped everything when your hooker girlfriend showed up out of the blue and said you needed me.

You had no choice.

- Oh, believe me, I did.

- You owe me.

- And why's that?

- Because you made me this way!

In Berlin, you woke me f-from a coma f-f-for answers.

I don't have them.

You keep saying you saved my l-life.

You k*lled it.

You made this stroke.

Who told you that?

You only care because you got f-found out.


Quinn Y-You did this to me!

It's always your mission, y-your mission, the mission!

That is not true.

That is not true.

- You made me a f*cking monkey!

- Quinn, listen to me-- (screeching)

There were thousands of people who were gonna die.


(breathing heavily)

- Not my president!

- Not my president!

SAUL: Excuse me.

Excuse me.

(chanting continues)

You have ID?


Come on.

KEANE: I'm sure each president can remember a time not that long ago when there was this consensus-- you are entitled to your own opinions, but you are not entitled to your own facts.

This video of my son is not political speech.

It is not someone's protected opinion.

It is a knowing lie, perverting the meaning of the last moments of his life.

The video says he was running away.

That is not true.

He was running toward a fallen comrade to save that man's life.

That act, which was attested to by six soldiers who were actually there-- that act cost my son his life (camera shutter clicking)

and won him the Silver Star.

Whoever made the video is not only trying to undo that and damage him personally, but to damage my presidency.

I call on the actual cowards, the people who made it, to come out of the shadows and show their faces.

Madam President-Elect, are you calling this a conspiracy against you?

I am asking the people who made the video to acknowledge it.

But you are calling the men in the video liars?

Yes, I am.

And I'm calling on the media to do their jobs and check their facts.

Are you aware of the petitioning to have your son's body removed from Arlington Cemetery?

- That's ridiculous.

- Well, they've collected a quarter-million signatures online.

What about the rumor that your nominee for Secretary of Defense has withdrawn his name?

As far as I know, you are starting that rumor yourself - right now.

- So, you're not aware.

MALE REPORTER: Are you planning to resign?

Who asked that?

(indistinct murmuring)

I was elected by the people of this country to be their next president.

I will represent them.

That's all.

FEMALE REPORTER: Have you heard veterans groups are threatening to boycott your inauguration?

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.

Thank you.

We're now going to talk about the president-elect's schedule.

Is it true?

Johnson's withdrawing his name?

He has concerns.

I'm dealing with it.

You should have told me.

(door closes)

What's he doing here?

He has something important to talk to you about.


I think you should hear it from him.

Did you see that in there?

Just the end.


Ugly business.

Rob says you have something to tell me.

The video of your son causing you so much grief-- I know where it came from.

So do I-- Dar Adal.

It's more complicated than that.

Quite a bit more.

(g*n clicking)

CARRIE: Where are you going?

Where they go.

Not by yourself.

Well, they're leaving.

I left you a thing to find the key, the door code.

You can get in.

It's true what you said last night-- about Berlin.

I told myself I was doing what you would want me to do, preventing an attack.

- Look, I-I-- - And I should have told you.

I know.

And it's not just the mission.

It never has been.

You got to let me go.

(inhales sharply)



(elevator bell dings, doors open)

(door closes)

You talk to him yet?

I've been waiting for you.

Well, I've been listening to the president-elect-- her press conference.

She's calling on the cowards spreading these deplorable lies about her son to come out of the shadows.

You're not thinking of doing that.

Somebody calls me "deplorable," I think they should say it to my face.

You've got bigger issues-- our friend here sh**ting videos of the two of us together.

He says the whole thing's a misunderstanding.

It's not.

- (beep)

- I know who he is.

Hello, Max.


You know who I am?

You were here yesterday.

But nothing before that?


I'm told you took a video while I was here of Mr. O'Keefe and me.

I didn't.

Where is it?



You deleted it from your phone.

Did you, uh send it somewhere?

How could I?

I never took it.


How's Carrie?


So you know who she is?



- Did she tell you to get a job here?

- No.

- Did she tell you to take that video of me?

- I said I-- Did she tell you anything about me?

- No.

- Nothing at all?



You have no idea who I am.

I'm just some guy who was here yesterday.

How can you be so sure?

Look, I needed a job.

This-- (groaning)

(breathing heavily)

I want a lawyer.


I want a lawyer.

All that tells me is you have no idea the shit you've landed yourself in.

You have anything to say to me?




(door closes)

Shut it down.

This place, this boiler room, whatever it is, shut it down.

- How?

- You tell me.

I think we might have a way.

According to Saul, this location, the Office of Policy Coordination-- which, by the way, I've never even heard of (cellphone vibrates)


This site is well-funded, employing hundreds of people using special-access security protocols, where Dar Adal was spotted.

Meaning it's Agency.

Let's follow the money and find out.

Because if the Agency is financing a domestic propaganda campaign, they're way outside the law.

Could be just the leverage we've been looking for, put them down for real.

Maybe something good can come of this.

- Madam President-Elect.

- Just a minute.

You'll want to hear this.

That was Brett O'Keefe on the phone.

He says he made the video.

He admits it now when we already know?

He says he's responding to your call to come out of hiding.

He wants to discuss it with you on his show this afternoon.

No debate, no prep, just two people talking.

His words.

Which, obviously, you don't want to do.

Of course she doesn't.

He's a freak show, completely irrelevant.

Irrelevant how?

His website gets 15 million visitors a day.

Each one of them crazy as he is.

So, we just let them keep screaming at us without a response?

Here's a response-- the man is insane.


We wouldn't be aware of any of this if it weren't for you.


Honestly it's hard to listen to what's said in this room, 'cause what I'm not hearing is a plan.

"Follow the money," which believe me, will be much harder than you think.

That's what you'll be doing when the world rolls right over you.

'Cause you're missing it, all of you.

It's happening right now in front of your faces.

We have O'Keefe.

We have a disinformation campaign designed to discredit the president-elect.

And as of today, we have boots on the ground like the protesters I had to wade through to get here.

That seem familiar to any of you?

Because it does to me.

It's what we did in Nicaragua, Chile, Congo, a dozen other places, all the way back to Iran in the '50s.

And it does not end well for the elected regime.

You're fighting for your lives here.

Do you get that?

You can't afford to stay silent-- and I don't mean press conferences.

What do you mean?

You said, "Show your face.

" He did.

You have to take him on.





(breathing heavily)


CARRIE: Don't!



(breathing heavily)



(breathing heavily)

(beep, door opens)

(door closes)

I'll be back in 15 mutes to pick that up.


They're going to k*ll me-- the people who are keeping me here.

Then why were they so concerned you got lunch?

You've got to help me.

Be sure to drink your milk.


(door closes)


(door closes)


(elevator bell dings)


- (engine starts)

- Let's go!


It's good.

I just got off the phone with George Pallis, the solicitor general.

He's excited about the van.

Law enforcement's already on the way.

Plus, he's coming personally to handle the immunity situation with you.

I told him I was being att*cked.

You saved me.

The assailant died in the process.

I didn't really get into detail.

I thought it would be better in person.

You want to talk about it?

We should.

I don't even mean the immunity part.

I mean, you know, what's going on with you.

Did I say "yes"?


Do yourself a favor, though, and change out of that bloody shirt before they get here.

He k*lled Astrid.


She came all the way from Berlin to take care of me, and And what?

I'm so f-f*cked up up here, I thought she came to hurt me.

I took the b*ll*ts out of her g*n, and she couldn't defend herself when he came.

I k*lled her.

No, you did not.

You did not.

That guy did.


Listen, okay?

When Pallis gets here, you need to tell him what you just told me.

I-I know I know it won't be easy, but (sighs)

at least I understand, now, what happened here.

You don't.

- Quinn-- - You don't.

This is what I do.

Don't even say that.

It's all I can do.


Because there's nothing here.

There never was.

Shut the f*ck up!

And you you changed after the stroke.

We both know it, and-- and I am so, so sorry, what I did to you.

You didn't do anything.

I've always been this way.


(police radio chatter)

(indistinct talking)

Madam President-Elect, this is an honor.



And a surprise, I'll have to say.

We're on a tight schedule, Brett.

Of course.

My word.

You brought an army.

Really, ma'am, you're safe here.

Why don't we start?

Let him go.

Let him go.

We have a friend in common, you and I.

- (door closes)

- Yeah, you said.

I don't mean Carrie.

I'm talking about Peter Quinn.

Nod your head if you've heard of him.

Yeah, I know him.

So do I.

I've known him a very long time.

He's developed quite an online presence recently-- a website-- which worries me.

You want to know why?

This is getting tiring, Max.

If I wanted to hurt you, you'd be hurt by now.

You must know that, right?

So, tell me your thoughts.

A website doesn't sound like Quinn.


At all.

And it's not just that he's always so secret about everything.

I've never seen him online.

I don't even think he uses e-mail.

Which means?

Maybe someone's impersonating him.

Who would do that?

It's exactly what that place where I've been working is set up to do.


Only, why have I never seen this thing?

Because the only place it exists so far is on your boss's computer in his office.

Then why not ask him about it?

He'd rather I didn't know.

Can you get into his computer?


Not even for Quinn?

There's a daily backup ported offsite.

I may be able to get into that.

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, friends and enemies.

Welcome to a very special edition of "Real.


" Special because my guest is the next president of the United States, Elizabeth Keane.

Welcome, Madam President-Elect.

Thank you.

So, let me ask you what everyone is asking right now-- why are you here?

Because you invited me.

Well, I've often invited you, but, usually, you prefer the loving arms of the mainstream media.


Trust me, I have taken some beatings - from the mainstream media.

- (chuckles)

I'm here because a video was released last night which viciously slandered my dead son.

I challenged the people responsible for making it to show their faces, and you did.

So, here I am.

You do know it's not slander if it's true?

It's not true.

Not true.

Have you seen it?

I have-- more than a dozen times.

Perhaps I can remind you.

NARRATOR: Captain Keane do?

RUDY: He ran past me.

He was shouting ANDREW: "Out of the way!

Get out of the f*cking way!" NARRATOR: Some men ran towards the fight.

Andrew Keane just ran away.

Cowardice runs in the family.

As I said, I have seen it.

And I have to ask, why would you want to make a mother-- any mother-- watch the last moments of her son's life?

I know it must be painful for you and I-I'm sorry.

But I want to be clear about this.

You say-- You say it's not true.

Are you accusing these men of lying?

Yes, I am.

Either they're confused or they've been suborned.

What about the footage?

Is it lying?

Why does it end there, on a shot of my son running away?

Because that's what he did.

But what happens next?

Six eyewitnesses testified Andrew was k*lled pulling a wounded soldier out of enemy fire.

So, what happens next?

Where is the original footage?

You produced the video.

You must have it.

You know why I produced the video?

To destroy the memory of my son, to hurt me, and to damage my presidency.

No, no, and no.

I produced the video because some people-- people you call cowards, though every one of them's a veteran-- came to me with a story of injustice.

No one believed them because it involved a powerful person with an even more powerful mother.

They were voiceless.

They were hurting.

Well, thank God they had film, and thank God I could do my bit to make our democracy a little more equal.

Creating false stories doesn't make democracy more equal.

It harms it deeply.

Let people see all of the film.

Let them judge.

They already have.

Five million views in the first hour, more than two million posts.

One-and-a-half million of those posts came within a minute of the video being released.

How is that possible?

People were angry.

They felt that you tricked them, stole the election on the back of your son's fake w*r record, so they responded.

People didn't respond.

That is a physical impossibility.

Those numbers exist because a vast majority of those posts were made by bots-- digital entities pretending to be people.

Dig into those identities and you find no one-- no real names, no Social Security numbers, no addresses, no jobs, just a stream of hate.

Dig deeper, you find many of these bots are run in a place called the Office of Policy Coordination, which is in a building off of I-95, with a control center six floors underground.


An underground bunker?

- Yes.

- Really?


Run out of this studio.

You didn't just produce the lying video.

You faked the hate and the lies that accompanied it.

People hate you, Madam President-Elect.

No one's faking that.

Boy, are they angry.

You know what would make them even angrier?

If they learned how your operation was funded.

- Excuse me?

- If they learned you were financed by the same establishment you claim to despise.

That is an outrageous lie!

You are not a free voice speaking truth to power.

You're a government shill.

- Now we are talking slander.

- I have evidence of collusion with serving members of the intelligence community.

It will go to the Attorney General.

You will be prosecuted.

You will be shut down.

Because in my government, truth will have a value, and you will have no place.


Just wow.

I don't even know how to respond.

You've even got my switchboard going crazy.

Let's take a call.


You're on "Real.


" BILL: Hey, there.

This is Bill.

I just want to say-- Hang on, Bill.

Are you real?


Are you real?

Because the president-elect doesn't think you are.

What the f*ck?

Yeah, man, I'm real.

You're not a-a fake, a-a-a bot?

No, I'm f*cking not.

She's just trying to dodge the issue.

What is the issue, Bill?

Andrew Keane is.

I was in Iraq, okay?

Everybody knew he got special treatment because his mama was a senator.

It didn't keep him from getting k*lled.

He was k*lled because he was a coward.

He should be dug up out of Arlington because that's for real heroes.

And I'll tell you something else, for free-- your son runs like a f*cking girl.

Uh, like I said, people people are angry.

A random caller, huh?

I don't think so.

I've noticed this about you.

Whenever you are trapped in a lie, you raise your voice and change the subject.

Not today.

We're done here.

(police radio chatter)

- Carrie.

- Hello, sir.

(car door closes)

So, what exactly is this place?

According to Quinn, it's a briefing post for special-ops teams heading to the Middle East.

He staged out of here himself for almost a year.

I got a call from the agent in charge.

He said there's some issue with the body.

What's his name?

The license says Porteous Belli.

I doubt it's real.

You want to tell me how this happened?

He was trying to k*ll me.

Quinn stopped him.

Things got a little crazy.

I guess so.

He was choking me out.

Quinn saved my life.

It never occurred to either of you this guy could have been a major witness?

(camera shutter clicks)

We still have the van.

Show me.


There's a photo of Sekou with his mom and sister on the visor.

It's what you've been asking for-- an actual prosecutable case.

Quinn handed it to us.

His immunity deal covers everything, right?

We'll make it work.

O'KEEFE: I met power today.

Power came to my place of work, surrounded by goose-stepping men in long coats.

And I'll be honest-- I was afraid.


I felt the weight of the state, that jackboot on my neck when I heard these words from the president-elect-- "You will be prosecuted.

You will be shut down.

Because in my government, you will have no place.

" For a moment there, I thought I might have changed some minds.

You did.

Just don't expect to change his.

Whatever happened to government of the people, by the people, for the people?

I'll tell you what happened.

- Whether by fraud or deceit - Turn it off, please.

O'KEEFE: or our own collective-- I want you to know how grateful I am you came forward.

It couldn't have been easy.


'Cause you're about to throw me under the bus to get Dar?


That and because I know how protective you are of the Agency.

Whatever is going on here, it's not the Agency.

Not mine, anyway.

Well, they're out in the open now, thanks to you.

Excuse me, ma'am.

The-- The protest has grown in front of the hotel.

We can go in the back.

No, the front.

Big Apple is coming in.

I have to say-- you did well.

- Not my president!

- Not my president!

15 seconds, ma'am.

Once we stop, we move fast.

(chanting continues)



(chanting continues)

Abort drop-off.

Go to nest.

- Close up.

- Roger that.

(breathing heavily)


Madam President-Elect?




The solicitor general's here.

He wants to talk to you about what happens next.

I know you say you don't care, but please, at least listen to him.

He confirmed the immunity deal.

You're gonna get out of this.

We both are.

What are you looking at?

You want to tell me?

QUINN: What do these letters look like to you?

A "B"?


"P," maybe?


I-I don't know.

What does it mean?

Local time, where they're going, the guys who left here this morning.


" What if it's that?

Bravo time.

Syria, Jordan.

CARRIE: What if it's "R"?

Where are they then?

Romeo, East Coast.

East Coast?



Don't move.

Where's George Pallis?

A call came in for him.

There's some situation with the president-elect.

What situation?

You'll have to find him.

He's around here somewhere.

(police radio chatter)

(camera shutter clicking)

(cellphone clicks)



Rob Emmons.

Rob, it's Carrie.

I can barely hear you.

I'm at a house in Queens.

Yeah, we heard, from George, the good news.

But-- Hold on.

Excuse me.

You there?


Yeah, I'm here.

What's going on?

There was an incident with the president-elect.

Some demonstrators got out of hand, but she's okay.

We got reinforcements on the way.

What do you mean "reinforcements"?

What kind of reinforcement?

Who are they?



Look, Carrie, I got to call you back.

No, no, no.


This is important.

Ho-- Okay, hold on.


What reinforcements?

- Rob?

- (whispering indistinctly)






I'm with you.

What is it?


- Copy, traffic control.

- Hello?


Copy that.

- Who was that?

- Carrie Mathison.

- What did she want?

- I don't know.

The line was bad.

MAX: Could you sit down?

You're making me nervous.

Are you even in yet?

I've been in for 20 minutes.

There's a lot of stuff here.

Oh, for f*ck's sake.

Did you find Quinn?

Not exactly, but I found this.

Toxic Soldier?

That's Quinn?

That's his handle, supposedly.

He started posting on conspiracy sites about four months ago.

Is any of it real?

Quinn was in lockup for a lot of this, so what do you think?

World government, deep state, the usual stuff, except that's not his main preoccupation.

What is?

Elizabeth Keane.

So, you want to tell me what's going on?

(sirens wailing in distance)

(fire crackling)


(breathing heavily)



Quinn, you're okay.


Oh, thank God you're okay!



(sirens wailing)

(police radio chatter)