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01x09 - Wheels

Posted: 02/16/20 06:46
by bunniefuu
Episode 9 : « Wheels»


The cheerleaders repeat as diligent eye of Sue.

Captain : Go! Five, six, seven!….Five, six, seven! Five, six, seven!

For his part, Quinn, unfortunately, is watching in the stands when the Finn joined.

Captain : One, two, three, four! …Five, six, seven!….Five, six, seven, eight!

Finn sitting next to Quinn.

Finn : You shouldn't do this to yourself.
Quinn : Do what?
Finn : ….I know how much it hurts to be off the team. You're just torturing yourself watching.
Quinn : I need a good distraction.
Finn : From what?

Quinn out an envelope from her bag and hands it to Finn who reads it.

Finn : $685?
Quinn : That's how much a sonogram costs. This is just the beginning. There's gonna be more doctors' visits... vitamins, new clothes for when I explode.
Finn : What are we gonna do?
Quinn : What are you gonna do?
Finn : Well, I'm looking for a job. I mean, no one's hiring. I almost got in at Olive Garden, but they said I was too tall to be a busboy.
Quinn : Somewhere in that pea brain of yours... is a man. Access him and tell him to prove to me that I chose the right guy to have a baby with.
Finn : I will. (Quinn rising) I'll…I'll find a job. You can count on me, I swear. (Quinn approve.) Where…Where are you goin' ?
Quinn : You were right. This does hurt too much.

Quinn goes. For its part, Sue is interviewed by Jacob during his workout.

Jacob : My blog has lit up with comments suggesting... you don't have a shot at nationals since you lost Quinn Fabray.
Sue : No, the Cheerios are stronger than ever. We're gonna take nationals with this routine.
Jacob : Oh!…

Sue and Jacob laying Cheerleaders. Suddenly, Sue takes the megaphone.

Sue (To megaphone) : Mediocre!
Jacob : Yeah!
Sue (To megaphone) : Hit the showers!

The Cheerleaders go and Sue followed by Jacob.


Jacob : I have several sources reporting Quinn didn't wanna leave... but you kicked her out because of the pregnancy scandal.
Sue : Well, Jacob, this is Ohio, and in order to win... my Cheerios need to appeal to that panel of judges. So if I have a pregnant girl doing a handspring into a double layout... the judges aren't going to be admiring her impeccable form. They're going to be wondering if the centrifugal force... is going to make the baby's head start crowning. Oh, and by the way, all this... off the record.

Sue recovering the tape.

Sue : Probably should've told you that earlier.

Sue leaves. While on their side, Will and walks through the main corridors in office management Figgins.

Will : This isn't fair, Figgins.
Figgins : Is it fair that... I have to stop providing the baseball team with protective cups? I only get a certain amount of dollars a year to spend, William.
Will : Yeah, but Artie...
Figgins : …He's used to overcoming challenges. He'll just have to find his own ride to sectionals. That "handicapable" bus costs $600 a week to rent. We can't afford it.

Will and Figgins entering the office.


Will : Oh! But there's enough money in the budget... to fly the Cheerios all over the country for their competitions?
Figgins : Sue Sylvester has boosters that write fat checks. None of her travel expenses come out of the school budget.
Will : Look. When I was in the Glee Club... the best part of the compétitions was the bus ride to the event. It was about camaraderie and supporting each other.
Figgins : You think I feel good about this?
Will : Well, my students won't stand for it.
Figgins : That's very moving, but my hands are tied, Schue. If you want that bus, you're gonna have to find a way to pay for it yourself.

Wil goes annoyed.



Ringtone - Tina watching Artie, who rebuilt his shoelace. For their part, Finn and Quinn chatting in a corner of the bleachers.

Quinn : What about Target?
Finn : Tried. Not hiring.
Quinn : Another doctor bill came to my parents' house last night, Finn. We're lucky that I'm clever and intercepted it. But we have to start paying these doctors' bills... or they're gonna go to a collection agency. And then my parents are gonna find out that I'm with child... your child.

Puck listen away annoyed. Suddenly, Will enters.

Will : All right, guys. We're doin' a new number for sectionals. I know that pop songs have sort of been our signature pieces. (Distributing partitions.) But I did a little research on past winners... and it turns out that the judges like songs that are more accessible. Stuff they know. (The Cast is disappointed.) Uh, standards, Broadway.
Kurt : (Smiling) "Defying Gravity"? I have an iPod shuffle... dedicated exclusively to selections from « Wicked. » This is amazing.
Will : (Fixing Rachel) Think you can handle it, Rachel?
Rachel : It's my go-to shower song. It's also my ringtone.
Mercedes : Why do we have to go all vanilla on this song? See, what we need is my chocolate thunder.
Cast : Yeah! It’s clear.
Will : We don't have time to rearrange the song for you, Mercedes. Rachel is singing it. Don't worry. We'll find something for you to dip in chocolate. (laughing followed by the Cast.) On to item two. The school won't pay for the special bus we need... to take Artie and his wheelchair with us to sectionals.
Tina : Wh…Wh…What?
Rachel : That's completely unfair.
Will : So, we're gonna have to raise money to pay for it ourselves. See, when I was in Glee Club and we needed new silk cummerbunds for regionals... we held a bake sale.
Cast : Euh!…. No.
Santana : Wait. You're joking, right? I mean, bake sales are kind of "bougie."
Will : So hip people stopped eating delicious sugary treats?
Brittany : It's not that. It's most of us don't know how to bake. I find recipes confusing.
Rachel : My family's fully committed to takeout.
Finn : Yeah, Mr. Schue. Kids are busier than when you went here. We've got homework and football and teen pregnancy, lunch.
Mercedes : Can't Artie's dad just take him?
Will : (Dissatisfied) I can't believe how insensitive you're all being. Are you a team?
Quinn : Of course. But Artie understands. Don't you, Artie?
Artie : Of…Of course. It…It's cool. I mean, anything that takes away our time from rehearsing doesn't serve as a team.

Wil is very disappointed. Suddenly, the alarm sounds, all students except Artie out trying to do his shoelaces.

Will : Let me help you out, buddy.

Will makes his shoelace.

Artie : Thank you.
Will : Hey, I'm really sorry about how they all reacted, Artie.
Artie : It's okay. I'm used to it. They just... don't get it. (Will look him) Can I use the auditorium this afternoon to rehearse, Mr. Schue? Some of the band equipment's in there.
Will : (Smiling) Sure.

Artie goes away leaving Will saddened.


Artie alone, repeating a song close to his heart.

Artie - Song : Dancing with myself

Suddenly, Will observes away perplexed.


Ringing - The cast gathers for a new Repetition.

Kurt : I have something I'd like to say. (Rising) I wanna audition for the « Wicked » solo.
Cast : Waouh!

Rachel is very unhappy.

Will : Kurt, there's a high "F" in it.
Kurt : That's well within my range.
Cast : Who!….Oh!…
Will : Well, I think Rachel's gonna be fine for the female lead. But I'm happy to have you try out something else, Kurt. And we'll make sure that it's got a k*ller high note.
Cast : Ah! Yeah!

Kurt, disappointed, then sits down.

Mercedes : You tried.
Will : Anyway... I wanted to say something to you guys. I was a little disappointed at how you were all so willing... to take the bus together to sectionals... and make Artie drive by himself with his dad. We're a team, guys. We're in this Glee Club together.
Mercedes : Artie doesn't care. His dad drives him everywhere.
Artie : I do care. That kind of hurt my feelings.
Rachel : We didn't think you would take it personally.
Artie : Well, you're irritating most of the time, but don't take that personally.

All the cast including Will laughs.

Will : I don't know if you guys really understand how much harder...Artie has to work just to keep up.
Artie : Preach.
Will : We're riding to sectionals together...or we're not going at all. And to pay for the bus, we're having a bake sale.
Cast : Oh!….

The cast is disappointed.

Puck : Bake sale.

Suddenly, the wheelchair into the room with the help of Will.

Will : St. Ignatius nursing home was having a tag sale. And my A.V. Club friends here agreed to help out.

Artie smiles as the cast disillusioned.

Will : ….For the next week, each of you is going to spend... three hours a day in a wheelchair.
Cast : Arg.!….
Will : And we're doing a wheelchair number.

Will applauded in front of students except Artie irritated him smiling.


All students in the Glee Club in wheelchair forced to walk in high school. He meets all the difficulties that daily cross Artie.


Quinn making cakes when Puck enters.

Puck : I didn't even know we had a home ec room. What's all this?
Quinn : Ingredients for cupcakes... for the stupid bake sale.

Puck putting tickets in the hands of Quinn.

Quinn : …What's this?
Puck : It's what I had left over from my pool cleaning money... after I bought dip and nunchakus. I was getting that you kind of need money... for our kid.
Quinn : For my kid.(Puck sigh) Eighteen dollars.
Puck : How much has Finn given you?
Quinn : Just stop. I told you before. I don't care if that baby comes out with a Mohawk. I will go to my grave swearing it's Finn's.

Quinn, annoyed, giving it money.

Puck : It would be pretty awesome if it came out with a Mohawk.

Quinn laughing.

Quinn : You are such an egghead.
Puck : I'm not.

Quinn fixing it, then it takes an egg and crushes it on the head.

Puck : Oh!…Ok….

Quinn laughs, then he Puck balance of flour to the face. Then they both balance each other ingredients in figure laughing like two kids.

Puck : Ok….Ah!…
Quinn : No….That was perfectly measured! There you go. Oh!
Puck : No….Come on. Oh!

Suddenly, Finn emerges amidst this bazard surprised.

Finn : What the hell?
Quinn : (uncomfortable) …We're baking.
Finn : I can see that.
Puck : I'm gonna go change.

Puck goes in front of Finn pensive.


Mr. Hummel opened the box of donuts in front of Kurt saddened seated

Mr Hummel : Where's my jelly cream center?
Kurt : Sorry, Dad. I must've forgotten.
Mr Hummel : What's up with your brain today? You know, I think it's goin' soft from all that crap you put in your hair.

Her father takes a donut and sat facing him.

Kurt : It's organic, and I'm fine. I'm sorry. It's a Glee Club thing.
Mr Hummel : It's not about a guy, is it? Because I'm not ready to have that conversation.
Kurt : Well, at least you don't have to worry about me getting someone pregnant.

Kurt laughs in his face terrified face of his father.

Kurt : ….It's not a guy. We're doing this amazing song for sectionals... a personal favorite of mine, and Mr. Schuester won't give me a chance to sing it.
Mr Hummel : Why?
Kurt : It's traditionally sung by a girl.
Mr Hummel : Well, you sing like a girl. You know, in a good way. (Kurt approves) Look, Kurt. I don't know how this music stuff works. I'm pretty exclusively committed to my Mellencamp collection, but... isn't there more crossover nowadays? You know, chicks doin' construction? Guys wearin' dress shoes with no socks? Didn't that girl from your high school just join the boys' wrestling team?



A wrestling match where the girl's school wins against a boy.

Girl : Yes! Whoo!

[Back to reality]

Kurt reflecting on what his father has told him.

Kurt : Yes, but her parents had to sue the school.
Mr Hummel : This is really gettin' you down, isn't it?
Kurt : I'm... full of ennui.
Mr Hummel : So it's... really getting you down?

Kurt, unhappy, agrees.

Kurt : Yes.


Mr Hummel, furious, sits opposite the principal's office, perplexed, and Will, surprised.

Mr Hummel : You can't discriminate against my kid because of his sex... religion, political affiliation... or the fact that he's q*eer as a three-dollar bill. And I won't accept it.
Figgins : This isn't academics or athletics, Mr. Hummel. It's an arts program, and Mr. Schuester's judgments are subjective.
Mr Hummel : You put on a blindfold and listen to my kid sing... and you will swear you're hearing Ronnie Spector.
Will : Wait...

Will touching his arm, but Mr. Hummel pushes too furious.

Mr Hummel : Don't try to backpedal on this, Schuester.
Will : I was just going to agree with you.

Will a few moments after explaining the situation to Rachel.

Will : I know this is gonna be hard on you, Rachel... but I can't in good conscience preach about the importance of helping Artie... and then reject Kurt's request out of hand.
Rachel : So you're giving him my part?

In the principal's office, Will says to Mr. Hummel's point of view.

Will : Now, I can't just give him the part. That would be just as wrong. But I can let him audition.
Mr Hummel : What do you mean, like a tryout? All right, that seems fair.

Moments later, Will continuing to talk with Rachel, who is furious.

Rachel : This is totally unfair. You gave me the part.
Will : And I will give it to you again if you can sing the song better than Kurt.

Rachel is angry.
While in office, Mr. Hummel is more relaxed.

Mr Hummel : Okay, this seems like a reasonable deal. But how do I know this isn't just some show... to stop me from takin' a flamethrower to this place?

Will and Figgins are bewildered by the lack of understanding of Mr. Hummel.

Mr Hummel : …Who's gonna judge?

Moments later,Will explaining the Glee Club his views.

Will : Now, all of you are gonna judge. And in the spirit of full access, each of you is going to get a vote. Whatever singer has the most votes gets the part.
Rachel : This isn't gonna be about talent, Mr. Schuester. It's gonna be a popularity contest.
Kurt : Stop right there. Mr. Schue, if I may?

Will approve while Kurt, wheelchair, gets compared to other students.

Kurt : We all know I'm more popular than Rachel. And I dress better than her. But I want you all to promise me that you're going to vote for whoever sings the song better. Raise your right hand.

All the cast runs.

Kurt : Your right hand, Brittany.
Santana : It's this one.
Brittany : Oh! Sorry
Kurt : Repeat after me. I promise to vote for whoever sings the song better.
Cast : I promise to vote for whoever sings the song better.
Will : Good luck.

Rachel is upset and angry face Kurt confident.

Kurt : It's on.
Mercedes : Yeah!

Ringtone - Kurt joined Mercedes, happy.

Will : All right, guys.

All pupils leave except Rachel, disappointed that crashes before Will.

Rachel : Maybe one of these days, you'll find a way... to create teaching moments without ruining my life.

Rachel goes in a wheelchair with difficulty under the terrified eyes of Will.


Figgins, happy, talks with Will and Sue.

Figgins : Schue, I saw all your kids in their wheelchairs, and I was very impressed.
Will : Well, thank you, Principal Figgins. But actually… it's made me realize that there's only one wheelchair entrance in this school... and it's all the way in the far end of campus. McKinley needs ramps.
Sue : No way. Those are what I call "lazy makers." They discourage our able-bodied students... from getting their proper exercise by using the stairs.
Will : What is she doing here?
Sue : Yes. What am I doing here? I have a Cheerios routine to polis that's gonna clinch us nationals.
Figgins : I brought you two in here because both of you have a point. Handicapped ramps are expensive, but inspiration is free. Will, I'm so inspired by your stunt... that I'm insisting that Miss Sylvester do the same with the Cheerios.
Sue : I beg your pardon?
Figgins : Cheerios is not accessible, Sue. It's by invitation only. I want to see a squad that reflets our community's diversity. Now, Glee Club held open auditions.
Sue : And everyone got in.
Figgins : Now that Quinn Fabray is off the squad... you will hold open auditions to fill her slot. And Mr. Schuester will monitor them to make sure that they're fair to all.

Will is surprised when Sue was furious.

Sue : Okay, let me break this down for you here. There comes a point when you've gotta stop seeing people for what they look like... and ask them to show you what they can do. And as soon as a cheerleader rolls herself out onto the field in a wheelchair... she becomes decidedly less effective at cheering people up. It's just a fact.
Figgins : No, Sue. The fact is, you've never given other students the fair shake that they deserve. I'm asking you to try it. (Sue the intensely fixed) What do you have to lose? Maybe somebody at the school will surprise you.

Sue does not know what to say.


The Glee Club is trying to sell cakes with a stand little frequented.

Finn : Cupcake? …(Feeling the cake)Oh!Cupcakes suck. That's why we're not selling any.
Quinn : It's not about the cupcakes. It's about us. Nobody wants to buy from losers. We're in Glee Club and in wheelchairs.
Puck : She has a point. Six months ago... I could've sold 50 of these things on fear alone.

Suddenly, Brittany approached their booth with a classmate with a disability. Quinn setting the scene with fury.

Quinn : Oh, my God. What is she doing?
Finn : I actually think they're kind of friends.
Puck : Brittany's always cheating off her test papers in math class.

Brittany, smiling, is in front of their booth with her friend.

Brittany : See so many? And look how pretty they are, Becky.
Becky : Wow!
Santana : Brittany, you're supposed to be in your wheelchair.
Brittany : I lost it.

Becky fixing Santana.

Becky : Are you a cheerleader? It's so cool.
Brittany : So is buying a cupcake. That's really cool.
Becky : But I don't have any money.
Brittany : That's okay. I have some.

Brittany out his wallet and gave him a dollar. Then Becky hands it to Santana.

Santana : Thank you.

Santana the queue to Quinn who tends to Puck who falls into the pot.Then Brittany takes a Cupcake and gives it to Becky.

Becky : Thanks.

Becky goes.

Brittany : So how much do we have now?
Finn : Well, with this one dollar, we have one dollar.
Quinn : This is ridiculous.
Finn : Maybe if we put a jellybean on top, we'd sell more.
Quinn : Are you an idiot? How am I supposed to trust you to take care of our baby... when you can't even figure out how to sell a damn cupcake?
Finn : Stop attacking me. I'm sick of it.
Quinn : Get a job.

Finn, furious, rise.

Finn : (Screaming) I'm trying! (swinging his wheelchair.) Stupid wheelchair!

Finn, angry, leaves.

Quinn : Good.

Quinn goes with difficulty because of his wheelchair while Puck smiled.


Sue and Will, sitting, waiting to audition candidates.

Sue : I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing here.
Will : You just call a name. They come in and try out. Just give 'em a chance to express themselves.
Sue : I'm about to projectile express myself all over your Hush Puppies.

Candidates between the As.

Mercedes : McKinley! Hey, hey! McKinley!
Sue : No….No….You're not serious, are you? Tell me you're not serious. No! No friggin' way, Jacob. …Freak! Okay, I've been at this for an hour. That's all I promised.
Will : Sue, there's just one more person on the list. Give her a shot.
Sue : Becky Johnson.
Will : Jackson.
Sue : Jackson.

Becky enters with her ??skipping rope. Will anxiously trying to calm Sue.

Will : Be nice, Sue.
Becky : I heard that you do a routine with jump ropes. I wanted to show you what I could do.

Becky running a number of rope skipping quite awkward.

Sue : Becky, I'm gonna stop you right there. You're in. Be at practice tomorrow at 4:00 p.m. Congratulations.

Becky, happy, smiles while Will is surprised and stunned. Becky goes.

Will : What are you up to, Sue?
Sue : I'm just following orders, Will. I'm doing what I was told. And I found myself a brand-new Cheerio.

Sue rises.

Will : You're up to something.

Sue goes away without answering.

Will : …. I don't like this, Sue.

Will alone, sighs of concern.


Puck and finn rides his chair.

Puck : I'm just saying, she has a point. You are kind of an idiot.
Finn : Nice support, dude. Whatever happened to "bros before ho's"?
Puck : You've got a baby on the way, bro, and you haven't done spit to take care of it.
Finn : Like you'd do any different?
Puck : Damn straight.
Finn : How? Nobody's hiring.
Puck : Sell your Xbox. Rob a bank. Go all Robin Hood on this joint. Whatever it takes.

Finn is desperate while Puck is furious and he gets in his way.

Puck : …. All I ever hear is you whining and crying about how hard this is on you. What about her?
Finn : Dude, you are so out of line. You don't know what I'm dealing with.
Puck : All I know is that you're a punk who dosent deserve to have Quinn as his girlfriend!

Finn, in anger, shaking.

Finn : You're a punk!

Puck, furious, he swings a chair shot. Finn reply. Then both jumping on top of one another and bumping. Suddenly, Will appears and separates them.

Will : Hey, hey! Break it up! Break it up! Come on! Hey...
Puck : He started it!
Will : I don't care! Now. You…You guys are best friends. What the hell's goin' on?
Puck : I'm just really stressed about the bake sale.

Will is surprised and puzzled.

Puck : ….I really like Artie, okay? (Sighing)

Puck goes away leaving Will Finn annoyed face stunned.

Will : (Sighing) …You okay?

Finn, in reply, sighing.


Artie front of other students are shown how to use their chairs to dance.

Artie : The key to a double turn is to just go for it. You push with the right wheel, and pull as hard as you can with the left... and find a spot on the wall to spot you so you don't get dizzy.

Artie followed by the other performs the exercise.

Cast : Whoo!
Will : Okay, guys. Uh, take five, all right? Oh! Remember to show up early on Thursday. It's Rachel versus Kurt for the big solo.

Kurt and Rachel set a bad eye.

Cast : Whou!…

Students leave with Finn in particular difficulty which abuts the chair of Quinn under the stern gaze of Artie.

Artie : Careful. Respect the chair.

Everyone got out except for Tina who stops at Artie smiling.

Tina : I really admire you, Artie.

Artie smiles and laughs.

Tina : I had no idea how difficult this was.
Artie : It's just like you with your stutter. You don't really notice it after a while.
Tina : H…H…How did it happen? You don't talk about it.
Artie : My mom and I got in a really bad car accident when I was eight. And she was fine, but I've been in the chair ever since.

Tina is surprised by these revelations.

Artie : ….But I wanna be very clear. I still have the use of my penis.

Tina goes Artie leaving disappointed.

Artie : Oh, God.


Kurt, only repeating the piano. Then he trains with vocal. He managed a score very acute and is proud of him.


Mr Hummel, with a client when the phone rings.

Mr Hummel : Excuse me a second.

Mr. Hummel will respond.

Mr Hummel (Phone) : « Hummel Tires and Lube.»
Man (Phone) : « Allo. »
Mr Hummel (Phone) : « Yep. Who's this? »
Man (Phone) : « Your son's a f*g. »

Then the man hung up when Mr. Hummel was surprised and upset. Moments later, Kurt comes up, excited, while his father was bothered by his maker.

Kurt : Hey, Dad.

Kurt manic, before his father is furious.

Mr Hummel : What the hell is wrong with this machine?

Kurt dealing coffee while his father moves away.

Kurt : I hit it... the high "F." The magical note I need for "Defying Gravity." I hit it. It means I'm gonna win.

Kurt preparing coffee.

Mr Hummel : That's great…. Good for you. Just how long until the damn coffee's ready?
Kurt : (Worried)What's going on?
Mr Hummel : I got a phone call this morning. The anonymous kind. It was some dude telling me my son was a f*g.
Kurt : (Stranded) Oh. Well, that's not a big deal. I get that all the time.
Mr Hummel : Yeah, but I don't..... (approaching him) Now, look, Kurt. I try to do right by you. You know, open some doors. What father wouldn't do that for his kid? And I know it's good for you... to be out there with... with all this Glee Club stuff. I just... I don't want you to get hurt.
Kurt : So you don't want me to audition for the solo?
Mr Hummel : No, no. Let me be clear, all right? No one pushes the Hummels around, especially cowards on the phone. Sometimes, I just... I wish your mom was still around, you know? .... (Kurt approving) She was better at... you know, handlin' this kind of thing. You know, handlin' me. Look, congrats on, uh... you know, the cool "A" or the high "C" or, you know, whatever it was.
Kurt : High "F."
Mr Hummel : Yeah.

Hummel goes away leaving Kurt saddened and stunned.


Finn repairing chair Rachel.

Finn : There's your problem. You just had a bent push rim. Good as new.
Rachel : (Smiling) Thanks, Finn. You're the only one who was willing to help me. I'm really nervous about the "diva off" tomorrow.
Finn : Don't be.
Rachel : You know, I don't wanna win out of charity. I wanna win the solo because it's right for the club. I really think that the judges at sectionals... will find a female version of"Defying Gravity" much more accessible. But... I don't think that's gonna happen. People just don't like me.
Finn : Yeah, you might wanna work on that. I like you.

Suddenly, Quinn, furious, enters the room and rushes to Finn.

Quinn : We need to talk.
Rachel : I'll get out of your way.
Quinn : Nope! You stay. I need a witness.

Rachel uneasy, then sits down and waits.

Quinn : Do you know what this is?

Quinn gave him a new letter.

Finn : Oh. It's just a "past due" notice. My mom gets 'em all the time.
Quinn : Right. But if this sonogram bill doesn't get paid... it's not your phone that's gonna get cut off. You will get cut off. You need to help me with this, Finn...or else we're gonna go our separate ways.

Quinn goes mad leaving perplexed Finn and Rachel very uncomfortable.

Finn : (Sighing) I'm screwed.
Rachel : Not necessarily.

Rachel fixing the wheelchair with intensity.


Stand Cupcakes is assailed. The Glee Club is overworked.

Puck : I know. I know.
Santana : I know,
Quinn : I know.

Suddenly, Will, delighted, approaches them.

Will : Hey. Hey, guys. Hey, guys, this is amazing.
Santana : Hi.
Will : Ah!
Santana : Puck found his Nana Connie's old recipe. They're addictive. Do you want one?
Will : No. No, thanks. I don't wanna take one away from a paying customer.
Santana : Yeah, I know. Sure.
Will : Hey, uh...Nice work, buddy.

Will typing in the hand of Puck, beaming. Then he leaves.

Santana : These are so good.
Tought Puck : « This isn't Nana Connie's old recipe. She couldn't cook at all. She was a diabetic. So the only sweets she had in her house was dried fruit.»



Puck alone making cupcakes, pleased with himself.

Tought Puck : « I knew I had to do something to help Quinn out with our baby. I don't know what kind of stuff you need for a baby that's still in your stomach. Bottles, diapers ....That kind of thing, I guess. But my baby mama was gonna get it all.»

Puck proud of him, continues to cook.


Puck, in a wheelchair, has a date with Sandy.

Tought Puck : "To make sure that happened, I used the two things I know the most about...lying and crime.»
Sandy : Is there a lot of pain, Noah?

Puck weeping bitterly.

Puck : The doctor said the shark fractured my spinal cord.
Sandy : This is why I don't go to the aquarium. (Puck still crying.) I'm going to give you as much as you want, 20 cents on the dollar.

Puck recovering drug that Sandy sells.

[Back to reality]

Tought Puck : « I don't put in enough to get you hallucinatin' . Just enough to give you a wicked case of the munchies. That's why they keep coming back for more. »
Puck : Yeah.

Puck fixing Quinn smiled.

Tought Puck : « See? I told you I'd make a great dad.»

Puck smiled to turn to Quinn.


Becky Sue resulting intensively.

Sue : Faster. Harder!

Becky, crying, can do no more. Will the distance, and that the observed distresses.

Sue : Those better be tears of joy, Becky. Faster! Harder! Okay, stop.

Becky stops dead.

Sue : ….Becky, this is terrible.
Becky : I've tried, Coach. This is really hard.
Sue : You think this is hard? Try auditioning for Baywatch...and being told that they're going in another direction. That was hard. Hit the showers.
Becky : (Smiling) Thanks, Coach.

Becky goes while Will enters.

Will : Hi.

Becky greets and leaves. Will, angry, approached Sue sat in the stands.

Will : Sue, you are unbelievable.
Sue : And you are a terrible spy. You might try breathing th rough your nose sometime. If you were a sn*per... I'd have already radioed in your coordinates, just like in the Falklands.

Sue got up and went away followed by Will.

Will : I'm not gonna let you bully that girl, Sue.
Sue : Oh, I bully everybody, Will. It's the way I roll.
Will : Yeah, but this is different. She's not like everybody else.

Sue stops and glares at him.

Sue : I want you to listen to what you just said, William. You're asking me to treat this girl differently because she has a disability... when actually, it seems to me she just wants to be treated like everybody else. Why are you doing this?
Will : Because I know you, and you're up to something.
Sue : You don't know the first thing about me.

Sue goes away leaving Will, annoyed and angry.


Rachel enters the room while the cast is here, and Will. Everybody sets. For his part, joined Rachel Finn, who smiled.

Finn : Good luck. (Whispering) I'm rooting for you.

Finn goes.

Quinn : (Annoyed) Chut!….
Will : All right. Welcome to the Glee Club's first official "diva off."

All the cast applauded.

Cast : Waouh!….
Will : Let's get this party started!

Kurt and Rachel - Song: Defying Gravity

Both competing for the song before the cast. Rachel doing a flawless while Kurt crashes on high F at the end of the song.
At the end of the song, the whole cast applauds.

Will : Good job, Kurt. Good job.


Quinn closing his locker and went away when Puck calls out.

Puck : Hey, wait up.

Quinn turns Puck and approaches her.

Puck : I cracked open the piggy bank. (handing him a wad of tickets.) It's for you. Well, it's for "it."
Quinn : "It" is a she.
Puck : Cool. I told you I wasn't a deadbeat.
Quinn : Look, Puck, this is really sweet, but...
Puck : I can get more. People call me a screwup because... I think school's for suckers. But I got ambition. Get us a house, some stuff, furniture. We could be a family.
Quinn : Finn is your best friend.
Puck : He'd be pissed for a while. But then he'd realize he doesn't have to deal with all this. He'd bake me a damn cake.
Quinn : ….You stole from the cupcake fund.
Puck : No, I didn't.

Quinn's insistent gaze.

Puck : Fine. I did. I made all those cupcakes. I'm all about being a team player, but my family comes first.
Quinn : …I get it. And... I'm sorry. I should've never called you a Lima loser. You're not. You're special and romantic... and a good enough person to realize that... we are not gonna take money from a friend in a wheelchair.

Suddenly, Finn, wheelchair arises, Puck arranges money quickly.

Finn : Hey.

Puck goes away when Finn approached her.

Finn : Here.

Finn gives her an envelope.

Quinn : What's this?
Finn : I got a job.

[Flash back]


Finn and Rachel into a restaurant. Finn is in a wheelchair.

Rachel : Excuse me. Are you the manager?
Manager : Yes.
Rachel : You need to hire my friend Finn. He is clearly "handicapable"... and refusing to hire him could be seen as discrimination. My dads are gay. And unless you want the full force... of the American Civil Liberties Union coming down on you... I'd work something out.

Finn smiled, shocked the director.

[Back to reality]

Finn : Gonna need to stay in my wheelchair as long as I'm working there. But... screw it. It's worth it.

In the distance, Puck is disappointed.

Finn : Can I give you a lift to rehearsal?
Quinn, happy, sits on the knees and they go under the eye of Puck unhappy.


Puck giving money to Will.

Puck : 1,200 bucks. That's enough for the short bus... And two cases of Natty light for the ride home.
Will : Ah. Dream on, brother.I'm very proud of you guys. Artie. Why don't you bring this to Principal Figgins yourself.

Will giving money.

Mercedes : All right, Artie.

Everyone applauds.

Will : Go, Artie!
Finn : What's wrong, dude?
Artie : I really appreciate what you guys did for me. But I'm not the only kid in a wheelchair at this school. And I'm sure there'll be others after I graduate. And I know how important it is for all of us to go to sectionals together... but I think I'd rather just get a ride from my dad... and use this for a handicap ramp in the auditorium.
Will : Any objections?
Finn : Well, it sure beats having to carry him in every day.

Artie smile and laugh more.


Figgins, happy, talks with Will sitting opposite him.

Will : You think she has a brain tumor? That can cause erratic behavior.
Figgins : All I know is that she walked in unannounced... and she wrote me a check for three new handicap ramps.
Will : I just don't get it. I mean, first, putting Becky in Cheerios. Now this. What is her angle?
Figgins : Why ask why? Just enjoy the fact that you're getting your bus after all.

Will not know what to say, he is silent.


Sue signing a register.

Sue : How's she doing?
Nurse : Great. She asks about you. She's been watching you on TV.
Sue : I need to get here more often.
Nurse : Oh, you get here plenty.

Moments later, the nurse knocks on the bedroom door and enters.

Nurse : Jean? Your little sister's here to see you.

Sue, happy, enters.

Jean : Hey, Sue!
Sue : Hi, honey!
Jean : My sister's famous!
Sue : You got that right. I got something for you. What's this?

Sue came out of his bag of pompons in the laughing eyes of John.

Jean : Wow! A pom-pom. Thank you.
Sue : That's for you. What do you feel like doing today?
Jean : Can we read today?
Sue : Look what I have.
Jean : «Little Red Riding Hood. »
Sue : Right. Your favorite book. Wanna start at the beginning?
Jean : Yes.
Sue : All right. You ready?
Jean : Ready.

Sue takes her hand, John is happy.

Sue : Hum! Hum! …. "Once upon a time... there was a little girl who lived in the forest. Whenever she went out, the little girl wore a red riding cloak. So everyone in the village called her Little Red Riding Hood." Right?
Jean : Right.

Sue smiled at his sister continued her story.


Artie and Tina fun to run with their wheelchairs and they laugh like kids.

Tina : Oh, no! Oh, you're so much faster!
Artie : You can't keep up.
Tina : I can't! This is so hard... No! No, this wasn't fair. You've had eight years of practice.
Artie : Excelling at wheelchair races is about my only advantage. It's like your stutter. It's mostly just a big hassle.
Tina : This has been a really fun date.

Both laugh.

Tina : But... I wanna get out of this chair.
Artie : Why?

Tina gets up and walks towards him.

Tina : So... I can do this.

Tina kisses him, then she sits down in his chair.

Tina : I have to tell you something. I've been faking it.
Artie : Faking what?
Tina : I don't have a stutter. I pretended to have one in sixth grade because... I didn't wanna give a speech on the Missouri Compromise. I was really shy. And it made people think I was weird, so they left me alone. And it wasn't until I joined Glee Club that I realized... how much I was missing. I don't wanna push people away anymore. You understand what that's like, don't you?
Artie : No. I don't. I would never try to push people away... 'cause being in a chair kind of does that for you. I thought we had something really important in common.

Artie goes.

Tina : Wait. Artie, I'm sorry.

Tina follows. Artie turns.

Artie : I am too. I'm sorry now you get to be normal... and I'm gonna be stuck in this chair the rest of my life. And that's not something I can fake.

Artie goes leaving Tina, desperate.


Kurt joined his father repair a car.

Kurt : Hey, Dad. What are you doing?
Mr Hummel : I'm makin' biscuits. What does it look like I'm doing? How'd the tryout go?
Kurt : They gave the part to Rachel.
Mr Hummel : (Furious) I knew they were gonna rig it! I'm goin' down to that school and I'm talkin' to Schuester.
Kurt : I blew the note..... (His father was quiet.) I wanted to lose.
Mr Hummel : Kurt, I stuck my neck out for you, and you go and you throw the game?

Mr Hummel, exasperated, sits while her son joined.

Kurt : Dad. I've known who I was since I was five. I adapted. Being different made me stronger. At the end of the day, it's what's gonna get me out of this cow town.
Mr Hummel : You never had to do that. I can handle myself just fine.
Kurt : No, you can't. Not about this. That phone call Esternay was just the beginning... especially if I get up in front of a thousand people to sing a girl's song. When I saw you right after you got the call... and you were... so hurt and so upset...... (Crying) it just k*lled me.

His father, embarrassed sigh.

Kurt : … I'm not saying I'm gonna hide in the closet. I'm…I'm proud of who I am. I'm just saying that I love you more than I love being a star.
Mr Hummel : You are your mother. You know, she was always the strong one.... (Rising) Look, uh... you wanna help me put a 195 on this bad boy?
Kurt : Let me change into my coveralls. This sweater's an Alexander McQueen.

Kurt goes when his father sighs of relief.


Cast - Song : Proud Mary

The cast wheelchair repeating the song selections.

Finn : This one's for you, Artie!

Artie laughs.
At the end of the song, everyone applauded, including Will, Artie for his bravery.

Brittany : Oh, my God! How do you do it?
Cast : Whoo!