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07x16 - Intimate v*olence

Posted: 04/16/20 08:46
by bunniefuu
You feeling any lingering effects from the sh**ting?

Now when I put my shirt on, I put my left arm in first.

Other than that, feels good.

- How's the mobility?

- Any stiffness?

Nothing that would prevent me from doing my job.

You feeling any lingering psychological effects?


Anxiety, mood swings, irritability.

These would all be perfectly normal responses six weeks later.

Honestly, Doc, this visit's starting to make me feel a little irritable.

It's just protocol, Detective.

You should be used to it.

I read your Injured on Duty record.

You've had a hell of a run.

Six broken fingers, one broken wrist, five broken ribs, lacerated skull, over a hundred stitches.

And it's not the first time you've been shot.

Chicago Med should give you frequent flyer miles.

Uh, look, Doc, I don't know what you want me to say.

I told you, feel strong, and I feel clear.

I just hope you sign whatever it is you gotta sign so I can go back to work.

- What'd the doctor say?

- You good to go?

Good to go.

He said avoid b*ll*ts.

Lead's bad for your health.

I just talked to Voight.

He wants us partnered up again.

Oh, so you can keep an eye on me?

'Cause we're good together, and I asked him.

You all right with that?

I am.

- Units on the citywide.

- 2533 South Whipple.

Armed robbery in progress.

Pay-Day Advantage.

- That's right up Cermak.

- Let's take the stairs.

5021 George, we're rolling on it.

There's a silent alarm.

- 5021 Henry on the scene.

- Call's bona fide.

- Copy that, 5021 Henry.

- Backup en route.

I got this.

- Go.

- All right.

- Hey, shut up!

- Come on.

- Police!

- Don't move!

Just shut up!

10-1, 10-1.

I got sh*ts fired.

sh*ts fired at the police.

Send me some cars.

I got people everywhere.

Stay down!

Get down!

I got two masked offenders fleeing northbound in a gray van.

Copy that.

Oh, my God.

- 5021 George, roll an ambo.

- Got a civilian hit.

- You okay?

- Yeah, I'm okay.

- What's your name, man?

- What's your name?

- What's your name?

- Carl.

Carl, stay with me.

Stay with me.

Thank you.

- Hold on.

- I gotta talk to you for a sec.


Can't believe this.

It's horrible.

Yeah, I know.

We're just trying to piece together everything that happened.

Can you tell me your name?

It's Michelle.


Michelle Taylor.


Where were you when the robbery went down?

I was in the store down the street, shopping.

Michelle, do you remember seeing anyone or anything that was suspicious before the robbery?


I was inside the store, and when I came out, I heard the sh**ting.

And I was so scared, I hid behind a car.

And then I saw that man get shot.

So I went to go help him.

A good Samaritan.

Well, if you don't need anything else, I have to go pick up my daughter from school.

Just gotta take down your information in case I have any more questions.


All right, what we got was three guys.

Two of them go inside to hit the place.

Another one's waiting in a van down the street as a getaway driver.

They're experienced and motivated.

Yeah, they definitely had no problem pulling the trigger.

Well, we get a look at these guys?

No, they were wearing masks, and when the sh**ting started, a bystander got hit, and he was just a guy on his way home from work.

Clerk said the offenders were both male and white.

She could see their necks under the mask.

She saw them pass the door strip.

She said that one was 6'0", and one was 6'4".

And the only physical evidence inside the store are these zip-ties, which were used to restrain the victims.

Patrol found the silver van parked about a mile down the road in an abandoned parking lot off Division.

It's been torched.

It's actually still on fire.

Reported stolen about a week ago.

So that's where they made the switch.

No prints, no DNA?


There's no pictures either.

They spray-painted all the surveillance cameras as soon as they walked in the store.

Well, the fact they knew where the cameras were suggests they cased the place.

So let's keep talking to witnesses, but pull all the surveillance over the last couple of months.

These guys did their homework.

Maybe we catch them studying.

Copy that.

- Hey.

- Hey.

- What's this?

- Um...

I got you hockey tickets.




From when I was pregnant to when I wasn't, you've been there for me, and I appreciate it.

I feel like you've been with me this whole way.

It's weird I got you tickets.

Thank you.


I'm still with you.

All right, bring me up to speed.

The same crew has hit two other check-cashing places in the last couple weeks, so that makes three.

It's definitely a pattern.

They're using gloves and masks.

Same MO, and they're stealing a car every time to cover their tracks.

Sarge, I pulled the rest of the eyes on the block like you said.


And as far as we can tell, they had a lookout.

That might be our way in.

Thought it was a three-man crew.

Same thing we thought, but this makes four.

So this is the drug store on the north end of the corner five minutes before the robbery.

The kid on the bike, that's our lookout.

Look, he's watching that patrol car down the block.

Soon as that patrol car leaves...

He calls it in.

And there go the bad guys.

And there's the minivan our sh**t escaped in.

All right, so how do we get the kid?

Well, we ran facial rec.

Jamal Meeky. 20.

He's got one prior for breaking and entering.

Spent a year in juvie.


Let's roll him up.

Come on, man.

We got a peeker.



He's out the back!

Copy that.

I'll take the next block.

Chicago PD!

Hands up.

Shut the car off.

- Offender's in custody.

- Copy that.

Jamal Meeky, you're under arrest.

I don't have any idea what you're talking about.

That is not my game.

Jamal, we got footage, so we know you were there.

My neighborhood?

Being in the vicinity of a crime isn't all that unusual.

You hid while the cops were there.

Soon as the cops left, you made a phone call.

All right, that's a bit of a tell.

Who'd you make the call to?

I don't remember.

Who'd you call?

I was calling my crew.

Telling them to stay inside, not to come out while the police was on the block.

That's a bad time to sell dr*gs.

Your words, not mine.

I had nothing to do with what went down.

I swear on my mama.

Okay, if that's how you want to play it, what's he got?

46 hours to refresh his memory?

46 hours...

That's plenty of time for me to wipe that stupid smirk off your face.

Here's what you don't seem to understand.

These people, they shot at cops.

They shot at our friends, so this right here is the easiest you're gonna have it.

We're not gonna get nicer as time goes on.

Do you understand what I'm saying?

- Okay, okay.

- Do you get it now?

Okay, yeah, maybe I did see somebody.

- Mm-hmm.

- A white lady.

Across the street.

I thought she might be tweaking.

She was pacing back and forth.

What'd she look like?

Red jacket, brown hair.

Stuck out like a sore, white thumb.

Like a lookout?

She was on the lookout for something.

That's for sure.

- Hey.

- Jamal's story seems credible.

We ran his phone records.

The only calls Jamal made before the heist were to his associates, which are a couple of kids with minor drug priors.

Okay, so the woman who Jamal thought was suspicious, Michelle Taylor, I interviewed her at the crime scene.

The good Samaritan.

The good Samaritan who gave me a bogus number.

And her story does not jibe with Jamal's.

She said she's inside during the robbery.

He says no, she's outside the whole time.

All right, so now she's a suspect.

Find her.

But you never want to put carnations with the irises.

It kind of ruins the effect.

- Excuse me.

- Maybe you could help me?

Tina, go back to the office and start your homework.

- Mommy.

- Do what I tell you.

- So you do have a daughter.

- That part's true, anyway.

How did you find me?

A Prius registered to this florist was parked outside the robbery.

You want to start over?

You want to tell me your real name?


Michelle Sullivan.

Why'd you give me false information?

I'm sorry, I didn't want to get involved with the police.

I got a witness says that you were going from store to store, acting strangely during the robbery.

You said you're inside and you're shopping when you heard the g*nshots.

So is that lie number two?

- No, I-I was confused.

- There was so much going on.

I didn't...

Are you involved with the robbery?

If you're in some kind of trouble, you know I can help you.

No, you can't.

Hi, baby.

- Hi.

- Mwah.

Where's Tina?

She's in the back doing homework.

You okay?

Oh, yeah, I'm just, um, helping a customer.

Who you getting flowers for?

My, uh, my girlfriend.

Bro, carnations are for parades.

If I were you, I'd go red roses.

Yeah, but everybody goes red roses.

- Because it works.

- It's a classic.

With a little Baby's Breath.

Right, baby?


- Okay, sure.

- Yeah, I'll go red roses.

I'll wrap them up.

- She's gonna love them.

- All right, thanks.

All right.

What a guy.

- Her husband came in.

- She told him I was a customer.

Something didn't feel right.

Yeah, well, I took a picture of them, ran it through the system.

Lit up the screen.

Turns out our good Samaritan is married to a convicted felon.

Let me guess, armed robbery.

Told you we were good together.

Michelle Taylor is actually Michelle Sullivan, who is married to Shane Sullivan.

30 years old, lived his whole life in Bridgeport except for three years that he served in Pontiac Prison for an armed robbery.

Was released six months ago.

Works in construction.

We talked to the guys on robbery who worked the case.

It was a three-man crew doing home invasions.

They arrested Shane, tried to get him to flip on the others.

He wouldn't do it.

He's old-school loyal.

He ate the whole charge.

All right, any leads on the new crew?

Shane is 6'4", which matches the clerk's description.

We ran Shane's phone records.

The only person he called in the last two days is his wife Michelle, which means this new crew is communicating with burners.

And Michelle is the good Samaritan.

We get anything on her yet?

Michelle Sullivan, she's also 30 years old.

Born and raised in Bridgeport.

She's got zero criminal history.

She's got an eight-year-old daughter, and she works part-time as a florist.

And part-time lookout for her husband's robbery crew.

- Well, that's the theory.

- We don't have the evidence.

I mean, it wasn't a coincidence that she was at a check-cashing store.

Yeah, I hear all that, but based on her behavior, she didn't give me up as a cop to her husband, so that suggests to me that she's in trouble with him.

I think she's scared.

So we gotta cultivate her, win her trust.

I'm with Jay.

If we push her and she doesn't want to play ball, we're tipping our hand to Shane.

Right, and we know he's not gonna cooperate with the cops.

If we push him, then he's just gonna shut down the whole crew.

They're gonna disappear in the wind.

Okay, so get out your cameras.

Let's follow Shane.

Get a tracker on his car.

And dig into his associates.

Let's ID this crew, get them in pocket before they hit again.

Copy that.


- All right, saddle up.

- Our boy's coming out.

No, don't worry about it.

Go back inside.

Target is getting into a gray, four-door BMW.

I don't think they could afford that BMW on a part-time florist salary.

He's headed south, down Princeton toward 33rd.


Standing by on 31 to pick him up.

We've got eyes on Shane outside the Red Hots on 35th.

Looks like he's meeting with two other guys.

- Copy that.

- Standing by.

- His name is Mike Brady.

- He's notorious in Bridgeport.

Been a person of interest in over a dozen heists.

They're all open cases.

None of them have been cleared.

Brady's so tough to bust 'cause guy only feeds when he's hungry, so the window of opportunity to grab this guy is very slim.

A guy that works for him is no joke.

Eric Walsh, age 40.

He's another Bridgeport boy.

He's basically got a timeshare at the county jail.

He just did six months for possession of an illegal firearm.

Well, the good news is, this crew is definitely active.

But meeting in a public place is not a crime.

So we need an act of furtherance to catch this crew solid so we can make a case.

I just talked to a nurse at Chicago Med.

Carl Hoffman, the guy who was shot during the cash store robbery, just died.

He left behind three kids.

So our armed robbery just graduated to homicide.

It's time to take the gloves off.


These are from the check-cashing robbery the other day.

We are more than certain that one of these men is Shane Sullivan, your husband.

No, that's not possible.

He just did a three-year stint for armed robbery.

So it's definitely in the realm of possibility.

You were there to help him.

No, that's not true.

Come on, Michelle, you've been lying to us from the get-go.

What were you doing there?

Why were you on the street?

You acting as a lookout?

- No, I already told you.

- I was shopping.

We checked the security footage.

You weren't in that store.

You want to try again?

- Take a look at this picture.

- That's Carl Hoffman.

This is the guy that you were trying to help save.

He is now dead.

That officially puts you on the hook for felony m*rder.

- Look, we can still help you.

- You have no priors.

If you cooperate, you can live a life, see your daughter go to college.

If not, you're looking at 15 years.

If you know my husband did this robbery, how come you're talking to me?

Because we don't have any evidence against him, just you.

But I didn't do anything.

And I really need to get home.

My daughter is getting dropped off from a playdate.

Michelle, you don't get it.

You're not going home.

You're not going home for a long time.

Not unless you help us.

Yeah, I'd like to make a phone call.

But I'm not gonna help you.

- So far, nothing.

- She's not cooperating.

- I don't understand.

- Why are we soft-shoeing here?

We can put her at the scene.

We can start to build a case.

Michelle denies seeing anything, and we can't prove she did anything.

Right, and if she doesn't testify, we can't even place Shane at the scene.

Hailey, I ran those 911 in-service calls to Michelle Sullivan's address.


- Nothing.

- Not at her current address.

However, they used to rent an apartment at 3956 South Lowe, the other side of Bridgeport.


Sarge, do you mind if we tap the brakes on pressing Michelle?

I may have another way to get her to cooperate.

Two hours.


Hi, I'm Dr.


Uh, Detective Upton, Detective Halstead.

- How you doing?

- Here's the subpoena.

- Thank you for taking the time.

- I'm happy to help.

So you were the intake doctor that helped Michelle Sullivan four years ago?

The police responded to a domestic.

That's right, she was brought in on an ambulance.

I was able to find all the intake photos and X-rays with my notes attached, but I can remember it clearly without my notes.

- Really?

- From four years ago?

Bad ones stay with you.

Patient had swelling around the eye and six fractured ribs.

She claimed it was from a bike accident.

But it wasn't from a bike accident.

No, and it wasn't the first time.

She'd had her ribs broken before.

These are injuries a boxer might sustain.

I asked her straight up if her husband was hurting her.

I told her that she could be protected, and then her husband showed up.

That was that.

You didn't notify the police?

Of course I did.

But she refused to press charges, and I couldn't prove that she didn't fall off her bike.

Is there anything else you remember?

He seemed like such a normal guy.

He even brought her flowers.

Red roses.

Thank you.

This is the one incident we know about.

But there have been a lot of others, haven't there?

Ones that you were too afraid to report.

Ones that you were ashamed of.

I know how hard it is to leave him.

I really do.

You built a life with him.

You love him.

But deep down, you know you gotta get out.

Shane's not perfect, but he's not what you think.

He's a violent criminal who beats women.

What are we missing?

- Shane's a good guy.

- He's a great father.

He's just been under a lot of stress.

And you know what happens when he's stressed, don't you?

Or in a bad mood.

Thinking he saw you looking at another guy.

Maybe you left the dishes in the sink.

This is your chance to get out, Michelle.

To get out of going to prison.

To get out of a really bad marriage.

Why were you at the check-cashing store?

- What were you doing there?

- Just tell us.

- I am, I am.

- I'm...

I-I overheard Shane talking on the phone.

He was saying something about a job at the Gordon Gardens strip.

I knew what that meant.

So I went there to stop him.

I didn't want him to go to prison again.

I-I just wanted us to be a normal family, for Tina's sake.

Did you actually see him in there?


I was looking for him, but I didn't know where he was exactly.

I just knew he was somewhere on the strip.

And then I heard the sh**ting.

We need Michelle to wear a wire, get a confession.

Yeah, I think she might do it too.

We're breaking her down, and she knows what's at stake.

I'm not so sure about that.

I've been behind those closed doors when I was a kid, and I know what it's like.

When you've been abused like her over so many years, you give up hope.

Right now, she's just trying to stay alive, and the police are a threat to her survival.

All right, so how do we get her to cooperate?

Give her hope.

A concrete, tangible escape plan.

She needs to see what her new life will look like, proof that it's possible that she and her daughter will be safe, and that he can't come after them.

I've got my contact at Social Services who might be able to help.


So the city keeps some of these apartments for special circumstances.

Is this like a safe house?

No, not technically, but you'd be safe here.

There's a 24-hour doorman downstairs.

Nobody's coming up here.


So what would I need to do?

- You would need to help us.

- You have to wear a wire.

Get an admission of your husband's guilt.

Then you can move in here, transition into your new life.

- Well, what about my daughter?

- She'll want to see her father.

She can see her father on visiting days at Stateville Prison.

Shane's going down no matter what, Michelle.

The question is, are you going down with him?

This is your chance to save yourself and your daughter.

- Hang on a second, honey.

- I gotta take this call.


What you got?

After what happened?

I trust the truck driver.

Who's the truck driver?

I don't know.

Only if he says the store is fat.

Look, I'll call you back.

Who were you talking to?

None of your business.

It is my business.

You said you weren't gonna go back to that life.

Who says I'm going back?

Where are we getting all this money from lately?

- I told you.

- I'm working construction.

- Shane, come on.

- Just tell me the truth.

What are you talking about?

I followed you.

- You followed me?

- Where?

To the check-cashing store.

You were at the strip?

What the hell?

What did you see?

We lost visual.

Somebody got k*lled.

I don't know nothing about that.

You know, I do all of this for you, so you can be happy, and you follow me?

You ungrateful bitch!

- Daddy, stop!

- Please!

- Get out of here!

- Go to your room!

This thing's going off.

- We can't go in there.

- Not yet.

We're supposed to just sit here and wait?

Yeah, we don't know what this is.

I know what this is.

Hold on, hold on, hold on.

Damn it!

There she is.

- I'm so sorry, baby.

- I'm sorry.

I love you.


Come on, baby.

Let's go inside.

Jay, I know this is hard.

But we have to let it play out, which means we have to keep Michelle under.

I know.

It sounded like he was hurting her.

- I know.

- I get it.

But they were just yelling, arguing.

Which is really hard to listen to, and even harder to know when to intervene.

But we're cops, so we also have to think about the family of the guy who got m*rder*d.

And that is the person responsible for it.

The wire didn't get us a confession, but it did introduce us to a possible fourth member of the team.

- Okay.

- Truck driver.

Someone who knows when the stores are fat.

That's right, and the one thing that all these cash stores that got robbed have in common are deliveries from Conserva Armored Security.

We called Conserva.

They sent us over a list of all the drivers that did cash deliveries on the days of the robberies.

There's only one driver who delivered to all of the stores right before they were hit.

This guy, John Franklin.

He's age 35.

He's got zero priors.

Lives at 324 Maple Avenue in Canaryville.

Take him.

John, we got evidence you've been passing inside information about your cash drops to a robbery group.

I mean, you know that's why you're here, right?

It wasn't supposed to happen the way that it did.


Everybody who sits in that chair says the exact same thing.

Let's start with the names of everybody in the robbery.

I don't know their names.

Well, that's not a very good start, John.

Okay, how about this?

Look at this.

You recognize any of these guys?

I didn't even meet them.


Who are you working with?

I don't know.

Everything was done by the phone.

About a month ago, I got a package in the mail.

Inside the package was a cell phone and a note, and the note said that they knew that I delivered money for check-cashing stores.

They said all I gotta do is just call the number before I make a big drop, and they'd kick me back 2 grand.

All right, how many times?



I don't understand.

I mean, you got no priors.

You seem like a good citizen.

So why would you risk all of that for a measly 6 grand?

- My mom's sick.

- Cancer.

And the medicine's crazy expensive, and insurance companies, they're not paying for everything that she needs.

They even took up a special collection for her at church, and it didn't even make a dent.

- Hold on a second.

- What church do you go to?



That son of a bitch Brady goes to the same church as Franklin.

Knew the kid was struggling to pay his mom's medical bills, so he tempts him with a way to make some extra cash.

The good news is, Franklin confessed to being the inside man handing off info on cash drops.

The bad news is, guy's a cutout.

I mean, he can't connect us to the crew.

- Well, that's Brady's MO.

- Outsiders are kept outside.

Hold on a sec.

They don't know that we arrested Franklin, Brady and the crew.

They think he's still in play.

Boss, Franklin already sent that text saying he was driving a fat truck tomorrow.

Yeah, Sarge, this heist can still go down.

Yeah, so let's keep this heist in motion.

Pull Franklin out of lockup.

Get him back into play.

Jay, you and Hailey monitor Shane.

Let's lay a trap, catch this crew in the act.

Worm is on the hook.

- We're in pocket.

- You just say the word, boss.

I'm in position.

Brady just arrived.

He's alone.

We got eyes, Sarge.

Who just called you?

I'm going out to meet a friend.

- Which friend?

- None of your business.

I've gotta go.

Have you seen my keys?

We got eyes on Shane.

He hasn't left yet.

Driver just completed his drop.

He's leaving now.

Sarge, what's he doing?

He's casing the place.

- What are you doing?

- Get out of my way.

I just...

I don't want you to get in trouble.

We can do this a different way.

She's changing her mind.

She doesn't want him to do the robbery.

Where are my keys?

Please, don't go.

Did you take my keys?

Sarge, we have a situation.

Looks like Michelle flipped.

She took Shane's keys.

I got Brady over here right now waiting for him.

Yeah, well, he hasn't left the house yet.

She won't let him go.

My keys were on the table.

Did you take my keys?

- Shane, please, just listen...

- Where are my keys, Michelle?

- I don't know!

- I want my keys!

That's not just arguing.

Jay, we don't know what this is yet.

Let it play.

Shane, stop it!

- I'm going in.

- Stop!


Stop it!

What are you doing here?

We got a call of a domestic disturbance.

- What?

From who?

- Nobody here called.

What the hell is going on?

- Chicago PD.

- Stay where you are.

- You're a cop?

- This guy's a cop?

Just keep your hands where I can see them.

There were sounds of v*olence coming from the house.

I got frustrated and I broke a vase.

Is that against the law?

I never touched her.

Is that true?

We were having a argument.

Did he physically hurt you?

- He grabbed my hand.

- Get up against the wall.

- You were holding my keys!

- Stand up against the wall.

Put your hands behind your back.

Don't move.

You're under arrest.

- For what?

- For arguing with my wife?

No, for domestic as*ault.

- Michelle, tell him.

- Tell him it's not true.

Tell him!

We just arrested Shane.

He's not coming.

- Stand down.

- The deal's blown.


- Sarge.

- Uh-huh.

I know we would've had him on the m*rder, but I couldn't just sit there.

So what did happen?

You talk about being in the moment all the time.

I was in the moment, and the noises that I'm hearing coming out of that house, I know she's in danger, so I acted.

This an apology?


I would do it again.


Look, Jay, I mean, I know how you're wired.

Through the heart.

Someone's in trouble, you just go.

That's part of what makes you you.

I made peace with it.

I don't think you could be any other way.

So where's Shane Sullivan now?

He's in lockup.

All right, good.

We still got one last play left.

- Let me take a run at him.

- No, I got this.

You people come into my house and accuse me of hurting my wife?

I never touched my wife.

That's not why you're here.

You're here...

'cause you've been hitting check-cashing stores with Mike Brady and Eric Walsh.

And on the last job, you k*lled this man.

That's why you're here.

I don't know what you're talking about.

You sure about that?

'Cause right now, your two partners are down the hall, and they're each getting a chance to tell their story.

We don't think it was you that pulled the trigger and k*lled him.

We think it was Brady.

But we need you to testify to that.

Only one of you will get this chance.

Look, Shane, you tell us what happened, I might be able to work out a deal with the ASA.

Sounds like maybe I need a lawyer.

Yeah, maybe.

Problem is, you bring in a lawyer, that deal goes away.

I gotta tell you, you add felony m*rder to your résumé...

That's game over.

You know that.

You're going away for life.

What's it gonna be?

- I think you're fishing.

- Hmm.

And if you're not, then bring it on, because I sure ain't gonna help the cops, especially after you used my wife and turned her against me.

That's the lowest thing you can do.

- You know what?

- We did try to use your wife.

You're right.

We tried.

But she wouldn't cooperate.

She didn't say anything about you.

She protected you the whole way.

- Did she?

- Yeah, she did.

Probably because she's terrified of what you might do to her.

You remember this night?

The night you put her in the hospital?

Mother of your daughter.

You remember it?

Let me ask you something, Shane.

Do you feel more powerful when you beat up a woman?

Does it make you feel like more of a man?

As I recall, she fell off her bicycle.


Now, can I have my lawyer, please?

- We had no choice, Hailey.

- We had to go in.

'Cause who knows what that guy might've done?

- Yeah.

- No, you're right.

We didn't have a choice.

Thank you.

And we got nothing else on Brady and Walsh?

- Nothing.

- Crickets.

Yeah, they'll lay low for a while, but...

they are who they are, and they'll hit again.

And when they do, we'll nail their asses.

So I just talked to Michelle.

She's shaken up, obviously, but she's willing to press charges against her husband, so at least we'll catch him on the domestic.

Well, that's good news.

I'll talk to ASA Boyd, get it fast-tracked.

Let's slap him with every charge we can.

Come on.

I still can't get a hold of her.

Not surprised.

I'll keep trying.

Par for the course with abuse victims.

Nothing's harder than putting your own family in jail.

But we need these domestic charges to stick.


Hey, do you mind sticking around for a minute?


Hey, Trudy, do you know what cell Shane Sullivan's in?

Uh, Shane Sullivan...

is not in a cell.

He was transported to domestic court and then released.


- Yeah.

- No complainant showed up.

- When was this?

- Two hours ago.





Michelle, are you okay?

Are you okay?

Is he still in the house?

Okay, and your daughter?

- She's at her cousin's.

- Okay.

Please come with me right now.

Please just get up and come with me.

Come on.

Let's go.

It's gonna be okay.

Let's go.

Come on.

What are you doing in my house?

Get away from my wife.

You take another step closer, I'm gonna knock your ass out.

She's not going anywhere.


I ordered you a double.



So Michelle is on a plane with her daughter.

And her brother's gonna pick them up in Phoenix.

- That's great.

- That's great news.

It is if she stays away from Shane.

All you can do is buy her the ticket.

The rest is up to her.

I don't know how you went through this growing up.


Every situation's a little different.

My dad would come home drunk after being out all night.

My mom would say something to him.

He would snap.

I was little, so I just put a pillow over my head to try to make it all go away.

But you know, she would come downstairs the next day with a bunch makeup on, trying to cover it up.

You could still see the bruises.

Every time, we would tell ourselves it was the last time.

But, of course, it would happen again, and they were just in this terrible dance.

But you know, I would close my eyes, and I would wish that somebody would come in and just put him in his place.

Do what you did.

You did a good thing, Jay.

- So what happened to your mom?

- Where'd she go?

- Nowhere.

- She's still with my dad.