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11x18 - Missing Time

Posted: 04/23/20 08:17
by bunniefuu
Previously on NCIS: Los Angeles...


They painted you, b*llet. Target lock.

Head for the deck!

Roger that.

Releasing flares now.

Come on, b*llet. Break the lock! Break the lock!

Talk to me, b*llet.

b*llet, do you copy?

Target lock broken.

Nicely done. Exercise terminated.

When do I get to run a bandit drill on you, Sabertooth?

Uh, think those G-forces scrambled your brain.

That's a hard never.

Bogey! Bogey! 60 miles out!

Uh, I don't think you heard me, b*llet.

Not gonna happen.

This is not a drill.

I've got a real-world intercept on my IR.

I don't have it, b*llet.

North Island, we've got company up here at Angels 3-5.

Bogey is matching airspeed and running a parallel track.

Roger, b*llet, but we show no contacts, no squawking and no emergency beacons.

You've got an exclusive.

b*llet, can you identify?

Still no visual.

Holy crap! That thing just accelerated to Mach.

Targeting computer can't calculate.

It's back. What the hell?

I don't see an IR plume.

How is that even...? Craft is accelerating again!

It's on a collision course!

b*llet, evasive maneuvers!

♪ NCIS: LA 11x18 ♪ Missing Time Original Air Date on March 22, 2020

You're not hungry, huh?

Not really.

Come on. You know I love Deeks's loco moco.

I think I made it clear in my anonymous Yelp review.

Yeah, uh, thank you for that.

It's all he talks about, so...

It's just, after being stuck here for a month and eating only hamburgers, rice and gravy, I'm starting to feel like I'm back in prison.

Or, um, maybe I'm just losing my mind.

Well, CIA said it was gonna take a few weeks to expunge your criminal record, so...

No, they said it's gonna be weeks until they decide whether to expunge my criminal record.

They might decide I'm not worth the trouble. Okay. Okay. Well...

Joelle said she would get it done, so...

Joelle doesn't have that type of power.

It's not a small thing, Callen.

We're talking dozens of federal and state databases that need to be altered, court records wiped.

And there's the video.

Hours of news footage with my face on it.

Not to mention everyone who was involved in the manhunt.

What's the CIA going to do about them?

Erase their memories?

And there you are, you are putting everything on the line to harbor a fugitive.

I just... Hey.

Just... Hey.


I made the choice.

I stand by it.

And I will stand by you.

I know you will.

Just say the word, I will, I will call in the big g*ns.

No. No, I don't want anybody else sticking out their neck for me.

Okay, well, a word from Hetty goes a long way.

She can help. She would love to help you.

No. No, I'm sorry, you're right.

I'm gonna give it a few more days.

A month in here isn't that bad, right?


I was in prison for six, and you, my friend, are a much nicer cellmate than Katya.

Okay, well, that's not exactly a high bar.

I'm pretty sure she was a psychopath.

Okay. You have to get to work.

And I need to wash these dishes before Deeks's mom gets here.

Yeah, and remember, food goes down the disposal, not to the... And not in the trash. I know the drill.


It is gonna be okay.

I know.

I know it will. All right.

Okay, now go. Go. All right.

Save the day. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Let me get my cape.

"For an establishment with no connection

"to Hawaiian culture, to attempt such a culinary gamble might smack of hubris, risking the very wrath of the gods."

Oh, I love that line.

So I've heard. "But the most remarkable thing

"about the loco moco

"at the Squid & Dagger is that it pays tribute

"to a traditional dish while forging something new in the fires of creation."

I mean, some may say that's overwritten.


But I would argue that that is passion for food, more specifically, for my food, and so, what I need to do is I need to write a reply that does justice and matches that level of passion.

There we go. Done.

Wait, what?

We share a Yelp account. No.

Oh, no, no. No, no. You can barely spell.

You wrote it? No, no. No, no, no. No, no. No.

"Thank you for your business and kind words"? That's it?

Where is the passion? Where is the hubris?

I was supposed to-- what are you... What?

I put an exclamation point in there.

You used one.

One! - What? Ouch.

Everybody knows anything less than four is just cold.

That is what I'm saying. It's cold.

Okay. Please tell me we have a case.

We have a case. Okay.

Hey, did you find a new place to live yet?

Uh, yeah.

Uh, it's not new, per Se.

Um, I'm actually living with my parents.


Yeah, the same parents who have barely seen or spoken to me the last few years now can't stand the thought of me sleeping more than 300 feet away from them.

Uh, well, for what's it's worth, it was hard for them to make that video.

Yeah, try it with a sword at your throat.

Sorry, I didn't mean to diminish what you went through.

You didn't.

It's just-- family, it's stressful.



Meet DIA Agent Walter Anderson.

He runs a small Department of Defense office in Mar Vista, and at 6:00 a.m. this morning, he missed a scheduled video conference with the Pentagon.

When his phone went straight to voicemail, his colleague Agent Sarah Raines was asked to go to his house.

His car was there, but no one answered.

Fearing something may have happened, she requested LAPD enter the home.

Anderson wasn't there, but there was no sign of a struggle.

The Pentagon wants him found ASAP.

But he's been gone for, what, three hours?

What did this guy do that warrants this kind of response?

I don't know. That's all they've told us.

Callen and Sam are headed to the office now.

Eric is meeting them on the theory we are dealing with a security breach, although the Pentagon has yet to confirm that.

Uh, I didn't think this was possible, but this is mysterious even for them.

Oh, and Hetty is reaching out to SECNAV.

Maybe she can shed some light.

All right, well, uh, I guess Deeks and I will head to Anderson's house, and you guys let us know if you learn...

Anything. ...anything at all.

Mm-hmm. Okay. Sounds good.

Yeah, sorry. Can't help you.

Uh, have you seen my security clearance on JPAS?

I did. And you should be very proud of it.

We both work for the Department of Defense.

So does the janitor that cleans this place.

I have been ordered to determine if there's been a security breach.

Actually, you've been ordered to find Agent Anderson.

Which I can't do until I first find out what he's been working on.

And I'm telling you I am not authorized to reveal that.

You are now.

That's from the Secretary of the Navy.

DIA Agent Sarah Raines, meet Special Agents Hanna and Callen.

Your worst nightmare.

This is a waste of time.

There's been no security breach.

How do you know?

Anderson's file said he was read into the Special Access Program. You're not.


Agent Anderson does have access to some more highly classified files, but... Agent Raines, this is where you let us in.

Where is everyone?

Oh, this is a small operation. It's just Walter and me.

The Pentagon doesn't want a lot of people knowing about what we're doing.

Hmm. What exactly are you doing?

We're called AATIP.

Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program.

They shut that down years ago.

And it was just restarted a month ago.

...airspeed and running a parallel track.

Roger, b*llet...

This is from a fighter jet.

Correct. An F-18.

What is that in the middle?

That is why we're here.

Our mission is to identify more than half a dozen recent UAP sightings by Navy pilots.


Unidentified aerial phenomena. IR plume. How is that even...

Craft is accelerating again.

It's on a collision course.

We used to call them UFOs.

Holy crap. That thing just went vertical.

What the hell was that?

I was at home when I got the call from the Pentagon.

It was just before 6:30 a.m.

Anderson had a conference call scheduled for 6:00.

You weren't gonna be on it? Apparently not.

He didn't tell me.

But I'm not surprised. Why is that?

Lately, Walter's been keeping things from me.

Limiting my access to certain files, failing to share new data.

It's like he didn't trust me anymore.

Anything precipitate this change?

We did have a bit of an argument.

About that.

Anderson got this job because he can think outside of the box.

That can have its advantages, but lately, I was starting to wonder if Walter even remembered there was a box.

There are three explanations for what you see on that screen.

The first is that it's the result of a technical glitch or a bad piece of code.

The second is that we're looking at an aircraft belonging to a foreign power.

Foreign power? Well, if that were true, that would mean they were capable of things we didn't even know were possible.

What's the third?

That it doesn't belong to anyone.

At least, not anyone from this planet.

Anderson was leaning in that direction?

Oh, not just leaning.

He believes.

And after our argument, I think he also believes that I'm working with the Pentagon to cover it up.


Are we sure that Anderson isn't still in here somewhere?

Huh. This is interesting.

UFO Encounters.

The Definitive History of Alien Visitations.

Encyclopedia of Crop Circles.


Looks like I found the rest of the iceberg.


Agent Raines wasn't exaggerating.

Anderson really is... a believer.

Well, she told Sam and Callen he was getting more and more paranoid.

These windows are wired with break-in sensors.

There are some on the front door, too.

It doesn't look professionally installed.

Oh, I think Anderson DIY'd it.

There's also a camera on the side of the house.

Looks like the cables run into the room next door.

Hey, Deeks.

Check it out.

What do you got?

Well, if we can get access to this, we might be able to find out what happened to Anderson.

I've been looking through Anderson's financials.


Doesn't have a lot of credit card transactions, but there is one repeat appearance.

Ooh, tell me more.

There's a coffee shop in Marina Del Rey.

His most recent purchase was just a few days ago.


They gave us access to their security cameras.

Okay, who's this other guy?

Jason Ward.

He's got an FBI file.

He's been detained on multiple occasions outside of military facilities, including Area 51.


He claims he's a photographer documenting the world of military secrets. Mm.

Here are some of the pictures they confiscated from him.

Ooh, wait. Stop there.

I may have something.

Check this out.

Huh. Ward shared his work with Anderson.

Maybe it was a two-way street.

Anderson decided to leak UAP videos to a fellow believer.

Yep. That's what I'm thinking.

Okay. We have to bring Jason Ward in for questioning.

Find anything yet?

So far, everything's intact.

No malware, no unauthorized downloads, no trace of anything crossing the air gap.

I'm telling you, there's been no security breach.

We need to access Agent Anderson's classified files to fully rule that out.

And you need Agent Anderson for that.

We have our best agents on it.

Hey, can I ask you a question?

Do you think it's possible that UAP up there could be extraterrestrial?



Probable? No.

W-What about the Drake equation?

I mean, that estimates between a thousand and a hundred million civilizations in our galaxy alone.

Drake? Yeah.

Are you serious? It's basically like picking a random number out of thin air.

So you subscribe to the Rare Earth hypothesis?

That intelligent life is unique only to our planet?

No, I believe that alien life is out there.

Only, my money's on the Great Filter.

We'll destroy ourselves before we ever get a chance to make contact.

Keep me updated.

I haven't broken any laws.

I don't trespass on government or private property, I don't vandalize, and I don't loiter.

I just take pictures.

Yeah, of military and defense installations.

You don't want me peeking inside, build bigger walls.

You're not here because of your photos, Jason; you're here because of your friend.


We share a few hobbies.

He's harmless.

He's missing.

On your website, you claim that your mission is to expose the... dark secrets of the U.S. military.

Now, Walter had some pretty big secrets to hide.

Maybe you convinced him to turn them over.

Big secrets?

We're talking about Walter Anderson, right?

The insurance agent?

The Defense Intelligence Agent.

Son of a bitch played me.

How so?

Walter's into Ufology-- the study of UFOs.

So am I.

That's how we met.

It's not weird.

We didn't say it was.

Walter and I started meeting regularly outside the group.

Last week, I had just got back from another trip to Area 51, and I was showing him some photos I took.

Is that what he's looking at there?

Yeah, but there was one photo that he was really interested in.

Wanted a copy.

And when I said no, he got upset.

Do you have the photo on your phone? Can we see it?

No, that's the thing-- that's how he played me.

The day after I met with Walter, my apartment got broken into.

And nothing was taken, except that photo.

The prints, digital files on my computer, camera card-- it was just... surgically removed.

And now you tell me that Walter works for the government.

That's not a coincidence.

What was in the photo?

I shouldn't be talking to you. Jason, Walter is missing.

If he took that photo, we need to know what's in it.

And if you withhold that information, that's obstruction of justice.

Is Walter Anderson worth going to prison?

It was night.

I was on a hill over the base... when I saw one of the hangar doors open.

And inside there was a craft.

Smooth, round.

Like a saucer.

Hey, Kens, so I have access to Anderson's security system.

Great, uh, I'm at the monitor.

What are you...? What is that?

I'm researching. Okay.

Nell, go ahead. I'm in the system.

So it looks like Anderson got home just before 9:00 last night.

Now, the system is motion-activated, but...

I'm not seeing anything until Agent Raines arrives to check in on him the next morning.

No window or door sensors were activated either.

Uh, what's this area around 2:00 a.m.?


Huh. That's strange.

The timecode jumps 37 minutes.

37 minutes? Was something deleted?

It is possible.

Let me take a look into this.

What time you got? 11:16.

Same as me. But check this out.

10:39. 10:39?

That's a difference of...

37 minutes.

Coffee maker.

10:39. 10:39.


Right here. What the hell?

10:39. Wait a minute, I just read something about this...

Yeah, "Missing Time.

One of the tell-tale signs of alien abduction."

Why didn't you call the police after the break-in?

And say what?

There was no evidence anyone had been there.

They would have said that I misplaced the photo or acci...

Hey. Hey, it's me. I'm just checking in.

I'm good.

Playing video games.

How about you? Any interesting cases?

Yeah, um...

A little out there. I'll tell you about it tonight.

Looking forward to it.

Actually, I should go.

I joined a ranked match, and it's about to start.

No idea what any of that means, but give 'em hell?

'Kay. See ya.

Okay, let's focus on the 2:00 to 3:00 a.m. gap when the timecode jumps.

All right.

Thanks. Okay, bye, Fatima.

All right, so, the neighbor across the street... - So?

...has one of those doorbell cameras that can see a part of the Anderson house.

So Ops is all over that.

And also, before you ask-- yes, all their clocks are set to the correct time.

So they were out of range of whatever happened here.

Alien abduction.

It's okay. You can say it: alien abduction. Uh, I won't say it, and it wasn't. Sadly, that's true, it wasn't. I present to you Exhibit A.

The sprinkler system?

12:20. 12:20.

That's the correct time. It is, which means that somebody wanted Anderson's disappearance to look like an alien abduction.

I just can't figure out why.

Well, maybe they wanted to slow down the investigation or, uh, distract from the real culprit.

Maybe. It's all a little bit quirky.

Quirky like believing in UFOs?

What do you mean? You think Anderson did this?

Think it's more likely than alien abduction.

Bingo. Oh!

Oh, no! I got you.

Damn it.

It is simple. Vodka, neat.

I should not be waiting ten minutes.

All right, not too bad.

Mm-hmm. That'd be great.

Right this way. Thank you.

What do you got?

Ops is gonna send a forensics team over to Jason's apartment.

We'll see if they find anything.

Yeah, some actual evidence would be nice.

So far, all we got is suspicions and a possible breach of classified information.

Well, don't forget about the fake alien abduction.

Sooner we find this guy, the sooner we can get some answers.


Well, then, we have some good news.

The camera across from Anderson's house caught this last night.

Well, that is definitely not a UFO.

The SUV arrives at 2:07 a.m. and leaves 30 minutes later.

And the video quality's not good enough to see who gets in or out.

But we can assume Anderson got in.

Willingly or not. No plates on the SUV, but ironically, that made it easier for Kaleidoscope to track.

Around 4:00 a.m., it pulls into the parking lot behind a closed restaurant on Melrose, and it hasn't left since.

Tell Kensi and Deeks to meet us there.

Oh, we're on it.

The Szechuan Bamboo Palace closed in 2016.

Since then, it's just bounced around from shell company to shell company.

Did the security cam show how many people we might be dealing with?

It just shows the SUV entering the lot.

Can't see anything after that. Hey, guys.

We're parked in front of the restaurant.

How do you want to play this? Hold on a second.

Someone's coming out.

Two guys just got into the SUV.

They're gonna be headed your way.

Follow them. Copy that.

Sam and I will check out the restaurant.

Well, these guys are in a hurry. Keep some distance.

I see Anderson.

They made us. Kens.

Hang on. Oh, God!

Not clear. No, no, not clear! Not clear!

Nell, get an ambulance to the restaurant.

Copy that.

I think it's pretty safe to say that Anderson didn't abduct himself.

Kensi, Deeks, do you have the SUV?


Damn it.

We lost 'em.

Your name is Lau Qiang.

Your U.S. Visit form says that you work in automobile manufacturing, but that's a lie.

The truth is you're an agent for China's Ministry of State Security.

And you kidnapped Anderson to get access to his classified Intel.

But you screwed up. And now you're here.

The good news is, in exchange for your cooperation, you'll be put into FBI protective custody, where the ministry cannot get to you.

And you know they want to get to you.

Or you can go to a federal prison, where protection is not exactly a top priority.

It's your call, Lau.

We could be wrong.

These guys might not be Chinese intelligence, they could be Triad, they could be mercenaries.

I don't think so.

Agent Raines said there were three explanations for those UAPs.

One of them is an aircraft belonging to a foreign power.

Well, if China found out the DIA was looking into their new aircraft, they could've sent these operatives to kidnap Anderson...

Find out what the Pentagon knows.

We'd have to have Anderson or one of Lau's friends to confirm it.

Nell, Fatima.

Yeah, Callen.

Kensi and Deeks check in from the hospital yet?

Yeah, uh, the guy Sam took down at the restaurant, he's not gonna be talking for a while.

What did you hit him with? A table.

It was either that or sh**t him. I saved his life.

What about Anderson?

Well, he's doing better than the Chinese national, but he's still not coherent. Doctors have checked him out.

Apparently he was given a mix of dr*gs, including scopolamine.

Aka truth serum.

The question is, what did he reveal to them?

Hi, Dad.

Who is this?


Do you have another daughter I don't know about?


Where are you? I'm far away.

Are you okay? Are you safe?

I'm okay, I'm okay.

How are you?

How am I?

I am just a mess, I mean...

I worry about you every day.

I-I cannot eat, I cannot sleep.

I drink too much.

Well... always drink too much.

You can't blame me for that.

No, I-I don't blame you for anything.

Not for nothing. I...

I should have done more, I should have broken you out of that prison myself.

No. There was nothing you could do.

I made my choice.

I'm sorry.

And I'm sorry for the choice I have to make now.


What do you mean?

I have to do what's right.

For me, and for everyone I love.

Anna... what are you going to do?

Please talk to me.

Anna, talk to me.

You're here! Anna!






Still no luck finding the SUV.

That's okay, I think I know where they're going.

So, Kensi just called from the hospital.

Anderson is finally talking.

It turns out the Chinese operatives forced him to divulge his access codes for the AATIP system.

They're headed for the office in Mar Vista.

Yep. That's where Eric is.

I'm calling him now.

Hey. We've got a problem.

The people who kidnapped Anderson are on their way here.

And Callen and Sam are still, like, 15 minutes out.

You wouldn't happen to have any weapons or any--

Oh, good.

Oh, wait, so that's the plan.

Kidnap Anderson, get his access codes, then find out what the Pentagon knows about the Chinese experimental aircraft.

You mean the UAP?

Oh, that's not Chinese.

That's a technical glitch in a brand-new targeting system.

Coding error.

We concluded the investigation a few days ago.

And I'm guessing that's what Anderson was going to tell the Pentagon this morning.

Lucky bastard.

If he hadn't scheduled that conference call, then no one would have known he was missing until he showed up dead.

And then he would have taken the blame for all the stolen data.

So, if there's no experimental aircraft, what are you after?

Oh, there's an experimental aircraft, all right.

Only it's not Chinese.

It belongs to our very own Navy.

And because one of those coding errors occurred aboard the prototype, AATIP was given access to all the aircraft specs.

Guessing the Chinese would pay a lot of money for that.

Yes, they will.

And right now, you're in my way.


Oh, the sun is singing to me.

Eric, what happened?

Oh, um... was Agent Raines.

She used Anderson's access codes to... to steal the data.

Ah-- She's working for the Chinese.

Nell, Fatima, yeah, Eric's fine.

Look, start tracking Raines. Wh-When did she leave?

Uh, ten minutes ago.

She left here ten minutes ago.

On it.

Arkady, I don't have time right now.

Yes, you do. Anna is in trouble.

What do you mean? What kind of trouble?

I just talked to her on the phone.

I think she is about to do something very not smart.

Dispatch, we're at the location.

There's no sign of anybody smashing any car windows.

I think maybe that call was a prank.

Roger that, One Adam George. Whoa-whoa, watch it!

Oh, wow!

Eight minutes.

Nice response time, boys.

Ma'am, you're aware it's a crime to make a false 911 call?

So then, what are you waiting for?

Yeah, call me back as soon as you get this.

Arkady's worried.

Nell, Fatima, any sign of Raines or the SUV?

Not yet. And odds are the Chinese operatives have switched vehicles by now.

But we may have another way to find them.

Kensi and Deeks are taking another crack at Lau.

We know about Agent Raines.

We know that she's on her way to meet your people to sell them data on the prototype Navy plane.

So we need you to tell us where they're meeting.

You have a choice to make.

Where do your loyalties lie?

With your country or with your fiancée?

That's right, we know about Lucy.

As soon as the ministry finds out that you've been arrested, they're gonna scoop her up, and they're gonna use her to keep you quiet.

But if you cooperate with us, we'll bring her in.

We'll keep her safe. So you've got a decision to make, but you need to make it fast.

Well, that is not fast enough.

I guess I'm calling the consulate.


Pershing Square.

Is Anna in trouble?

How long have you known?

Three weeks. You're getting slow.

She's been living with me for four.

Look, I understand why you didn't say anything...

She asked me not to.

She didn't want anybody else taking the risk, and there's nothing you could do.

Could've shared the risk.

We all could have. That's not nothing.

Anna's family.

Sorry, are we talking about Anna Kolcheck?

Isn't she back with the CIA? What am I missing?

A lot, as usual.

Is she in trouble? I don't know.

We'll deal with it after we take care of Raines.

Oh, uh, FYI, Bulletproof is ready.

She may have gotten the jump on me last time, but it's not gonna happen again. Oh!

Guys, Raines just handed off the drive to the Chinese.

All right, we just pulled up on the north side.

And they're about to split. We gotta take 'em.

Let's go. Federal agents!

No! Stop! Hey, stop!

I got Raines.

Raines, stop!

No! No, no, no!

LAPD. Move out the way. Guys, back up.

Get out of here, let's go.

You are not getting away this time.

Not this again.

Got the drive.

I'm betting it was your idea to change the clocks at Anderson's house.

It was a great, fantastic plan, except for the fact you forgot the sprinkler system.

Whatever. I bet I had this one crying, "little green men."

I feel sorry for you, Raines. You brought this on yourself.

Well, I guess it just proves my point, Beale.

Self-annihilation... it's in our nature.


Another table?

Again, I could have shot him.

Uh-huh. Hey, Callen?

Yeah, go ahead, Nell.

I just got an alert from an LAPD scanner.

They picked up Anna Kolcheck an hour ago.

I don't get it.

I mean, what is the point if you're just gonna end up back in prison?

Point is you don't end up there with me.

I couldn't live with myself if you did.

Just a few more days.

That's what we said, Anna, right?

Maybe we should just be happy with the time we had.

I'm gonna call Hetty. Callen...

She'll fix this. She'll call someone. Callen, please.

This is not over.

Sorry to interrupt.

I'm Assistant U.S. Attorney Allan Williams.

Can you just give us a second, please?

Actually, I'm here to talk to Ms. Kolcheck.


Well, she doesn't even have a lawyer here, so maybe you ought to back off.

Yeah, that's exactly what I'm doing, Agent Callen.

Ms. Kolcheck, the warrant for your arrest has been vacated.

Actually, that's not even accurate.

The warrant for your arrest doesn't exist. It's gone.

What do you mean it's gone?

DOJ has no criminal record on file for Anna Kolcheck.

Neither do the marshals or the sheriffs, LAPD, FBI, Interpol.

Bureau of Prisons doesn't even have a record of your incarceration.

So since all LAPD can actually arrest you for is making a false 911 call, I came down here hoping that you could explain to me what the hell's going on.

You sure you're okay?

Yeah. Mm, no.

I don't know.

I just keep thinking about the Fermi paradox.

Like, there's so much galaxy out there, but where are they?

It's funny you should mention that.

I have to tell you something.

So, I spoke to Anderson.

Yeah. It turns out he didn't steal the Area 51 photo from Jason Ward's apartment.

And the forensic search came back empty.

Well, then, who stole the photo? I don't know.

But whoever did, they missed one.

Check this out.

It's footage of Ward and Anderson at the coffee shop when they met.

I did a little enhancing.

What does that look like to you?

The Great Filter can bite me.

Are you kidding me? Of course we knew.

The first tip-off was the fact that you were eager to get home every night.

Secondly, you're growing your hair out.

I mean, it's almost imperceptible... but it's beautiful, and I want to pet it.

And I won't, but I'm just saying it gives everything away. You're very smart, but I, uh... I bet you didn't know that Anna here was responsible for that Yelp review.

What?! "Fires of creation." That's you?

That was poetry, sweetheart.

Thank you. You know what, that's fine.

You, free loco moco for life. In fact, right now.

Are you hungry? I can make one right now.

No, no, I'm good.

I can flip it up, I can flip it down.

I'm good. I can flip it around.

Where is she? Where's my daughter?

My Anoushka.



You, Martin.

You have vodka?

Yeah. Yeah, I do. It's a bar.

You have lots of vodka?

I don't know if your definition of

"lots of wodka" is the same as my definition of lots of wodka.

And now I'm saying "wodka." Now you're saying wodka.

Why do I do that?

I want to buy all of your vodka.

Vodka for everybody!

Just drink! That'll work.

We'll get that to go.

Looks like I arrived just in time.

FBI take custody of the Chinese operatives?

Yeah. Lau's fiancée's at the safe house.

You hear from Hetty?


Yeah, she, uh, claimed she didn't know that Anna was staying with me.

We both know that's a lie. Mm.

You think she had a hand in this?


And maybe it was Joelle and the CIA.

But whoever it was, they cut it a little close.

You just can't enjoy this, can you?

You're right. Wodka?


Hey! Hey.

Let's do this. Let's do it.

The g*ng is all together.

Thank you for assembling so quickly.

Kolcheck turning herself in required us to expedite things.

I know you've already been briefed, but it bears repeating. If the subject attempts to make contact with Kolcheck, you are to inform me immediately.

Do not attempt to approach the subject on your own.

She is to be considered armed and extremely dangerous.


That's the most recent Intel we have on the subject.

Good luck.

Cheers! And one more time.