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02x01 - Wake-Up Call - Part 1

Posted: 04/23/20 09:23
by bunniefuu
L'heure du Réveil
(2x01 et 2x02: Wake Up Call)


**Previously On The 4400**

Flashbacks to season one

Six Months Later

Richard is running through some woodland. The sound of a baby can be heard in the background.

Richard: Isabelle! Isabelle!

A loud scream is heard, followed by a g*nsh*t. Richard see's blood on his hands and begins to scream.

He suddenly wakes up and sits up in bed, waking Lily.

Lily: What is it baby? It's a bad dream.

Richard: It's the same one.

She puts her arms around him

Lily: She's fine Richard. We're all fine. Come back to bed.

They hear footsteps outside.

Lily: It's just a racoon

Richard get's out of bed and picks up a stick. Opening the door he looks around and see's the taillights of a car. He returns inside and closes the door.

Lily: Who was it?

Richard: They took off before I could ask.

Lily: They left something behind.

A note has been pushed under the door. On the top in large red letters, are the words 'YOU ARE WARNED' The rest of the piece of paper is fulled with passages from the bible.

Lily: Someone tracked us down.

Richard: Who? NTAC? Collier? This look like their calling card, to you?

Lily: I don't know who it is, but someone knows we're 4400's.

Richard: Start packing. I'll drive into town tomorrow, pick up my last paycheck and then we're out of here.

Lily: Can't we just go now?

Richard: We're gonna need that money, Lily.

A car pulls up outside the 4400 centre. Devon comes out to meet it.

Devon: Mr and Mrs Sumlin. Peter? If you'll follow me.

They enter the lobby, which is in the middle of being decorated.

Devon: Forgive our appearance. As you know, the centre doesn't officially open until tomorrow.

Mrs Sumlin: Peter doesn't have time to wait.

Collier appears.

Collier: That's where you're wrong Mrs Sumlin. Peter has all the time in the world.

He bends down to look the young boy in the eye. The boy is connected to an oxygen tube.

Collier: Hi Peter. My name is Jordan Collier.

They step out of an elevator.

Collier: Just this way. Our medical lab isn't quite ready, so we thought Peter would be more comfortable up here.

They enter Shawns room.

Shawn: Hello Peter. I'm Shawn. What do you say we get started. Yeah?

The little boy nods and the two of them sit opposite each other.

Shawn: Ok buddy, I want you to take my hands and try to relax, ok?

Peter begins to shake.

Shawn: You're ok. You're doing good. You're doing so good. It's ok.

Mrs Sumlin: Oh my God, is he ok?

Collier: He's fine. Just watch.

Shawn continues to hold the boys hands.

Shawn: You're doing fine. You're ok. You're ok.

Peter suddenly stops shaking and his mother kneels on the floor beside him

Mrs Sumlin: Peter? How do you feel honey?

Mr Sumlin: How are you doing son?

Peter rips the oxygen tube from his face.

He takes some breaths without it and smiles.

Later the Sumlins hand Collier a cheque.

Collier: Thankyou for your generous donation.

Mr Sumlin: We tried everything. Radiation. Bone marrow transplants. Is he really cured?

Collier: Take him back to his Doctor. Run some tests. Peter's leukaemia is gone.

Mrs Sumlin: This is a miracle.

Collier: For now it has to remain a private miracle. May I remind you that the confidentiality agreement you have signed, is strictly binding.

Mrs Sumlin: But people should know about that young man.

Collier: And they will. In time, they'll know everything.

Diana and Maia walk hand in hand up to a court building.

Diana: Are you nervous?

Maia: Aren't you?

Diana: No, not at all.....Well maybe a little bit. Ok, a lot. Now you really wanna do this right?

Maia: Right.

Diana: Ok, let's go.

Inside the Judge's office.

Judge Biederman: Says here she registered an ability under the Densman-Lenhoff bill. Some kind of precognitive insight?

Diana: Her visions stopped about four months ago. We're not sure why.

Judge Biederman: Huh, too bad. I was going to ask if teledex would hit it's quarterly projection.

Diana: Well, we'd like to get started if that's alright.

Judge Biederman: Certainly. Just sign where indicated. Diana Skouris, your adoption of Maia Rutledge is hereby complete, legal and binding. So witnessed by me, Henry Biederman, tenth circuit family court of Seattle. You know, some of us have to look far and wide to find people to call family. You two had to look clear across time. Diana, let me introduce you to your daughter, Maia. Maia, say hello to mommy.

Maia flings her arms around Diana.

National thr*at Assessment Command Seattle, Washington.

Kyle is in a room pacing angrily.

Kyle: I'm not doing it. I mean it this time, no way!

Tom: It's just a catscan Kyle, you've had them before.

Kyle: This one's gonna tell them the same thing the last 150 told them. Nothing!

He points to his head.

Kyle: There's nobody in here but me.

Tom: I know that. And sooner or later they're gonna stop looking.

Kyle: When? When?

Tom: I wish I knew. But with NTAC, the Government, they've got bigger issues than you or me ok? Just...Kyle, they're still trying to make sense about what happened that night at Highland Beach, that's all.

Kyle: Are they afraid if they let me out I'm going to spill the beans about their big secret? Well they can relax. I just want to get out of here and be normal again, and normal people don't go around sounding off about future humans and the end of the world. Besides, I don't even remember what happened.

Tom: I know.

Kyle looks up at the camera.

Kyle: You listening? I don't remember!!

Tom: Just calm down. Just calm down.

Kyle: Talk to someone, anyone, please, cos....

Tom: Ok, ok, ok, ok

Tom is in the gym hitting a punching bag. Diana walks in.

Diana:Tom! Been a while, huh?

Tom: Yeah, you know how it is. Us desk jockey's don't have much cause to mix with you hotshot field agents.

Diana: Someone feeling a little sorry for himself today?

Tom: The 4400 was sent back to save humanity and I'm supposed to help them.

Diana: I was there, on the beach, remember?

Tom: They gave me a mission, and what's my biggest accomplishment of the week? I convinced my son to take another catscan. Though somehow I don't think that's what they had in mind.

Diana's new partner enters the room.

Agent: Diana, you ready to roll?

Diana: In a minute.

Hubbard: Because we have to check in on three returnee's in a row. I wanna make sure we get our reports in by five.

Diana: Ok, why don't you keep the car warmed up and I'll be right there.

He leaves the room.

Tom: Vic Hubbard's the best lead investigator you could find?

Diana: Oh no, he's the fourth one this year. Two more, I break a record. We gotta get you out from behind that desk.

Tom: I'm lucky to have a job here. I put a g*n to another Agents head, remember?

Diana: Yeah well, I never said it was gonna be easy.

He begins to hit the bag again.

Intel Room 3

Brady: It's obvious what really happened.

Marco: Whoa, are you gonna start in with your negative energy again?

Brady: White holes. See, they're the answer. That's how they took them and that's how they brought them back.

Diana enters the room.

Diana: Guys. Guys! Am I interrupting?

Marco: Brady's back on his white hole kick again.

Diana: One day you'll explain to me the difference between the white one's and the black one's, right?

Marco: Well, how about tonight?

Diana: How about you just give me that thing that we discussed.

Marco: Can't.

Diana: Why not?

Marco: I already sent it upstairs.

Diana: Ah. Wonder if anyone's read it yet.

Marco: When they do, I'm sure you're gonna hear about it.

Diana: I owe you one, handsome.

Abendson Psychiatric Care Facility

Tess Doerner, abductetd on April 3rd, 1955, sits in the communal area drawing a picture. Another man approaches and takes a book from under his jumper.

Tess: H P Lovecrafts.The Mountains Of Madness. Are you trying to tell me something? Which orderly did you steal it from.

Matt picks up her drawing and stares at it.

Tess: Matt? You're so sweet. You're the only person here, who doesn't want me dead. I wish I could take you with me when I go, but I can't. They only want me. I'll be leaving soon. Very soon.

The exact same scene she has drawn is being enacted outside. Two inmates are putting pieces of scrap metal together whilst Arlo and Matt, two orderlys, look on.

Arlo: Joanne, Paul? What are you doing?

Joanne: Sex maniac. Don't go flashing those bedroom eyes at me.

Arlo: Joanne, I'm serious. Put that stuff down before you hurt yourself.

Joanne: We're building something.

Arlo: I can see that!

Joanne: Can you really? It's gonna be gigantic.

Arlo: Humungous. Rival the pyramids. But some things are better left to the imagination, Joanne. Besides, you two have physical therapy now. Let's go!

The two move inside.

Arlo: Building something. Building nothing. Help me get rid of this junk.

Richard is in town to collect his wages. He finds flyers scattered around, identical to the warning note from earlier. Looking up, he sees a man dressed in black.

Shawn is at the centre having a massage.

Shawn: Ow

Masseuse: I'm sorry, too hard?

Shawn: No it's ok. Give it your best sh*t.

Masseuse: Whatever you do, you must be pretty good at it.

Shawn: Yeah, I work with my hands, same as you.

Masseuse: My apartment doesn't look anything like this.

Shawn: Well, it helps to have friends in high places.

Masseuse: I'm always open to making new friends.

Someone knocks on the door.

Shawn: Come in!

Collier enters.

Shawn: Speak of the devil

Collier: Give us a moment.

The girl leaves the room

Shawn: Has anyone ever told you, your timing sucks?

Collier: If they did I'd probably fire them.

He hands Shawn his book. 'The 4400 And Counting'.

Collier: For you

Shawn: Oh.

Collier: It's in book stores tomorrow.

Shawn: Jordan. This is going to sell a million copies. People are gonna freak out when they read this.

Collier: Big ideas make a loud noise when the land, Shawn.

Diana enters the office of Nina Jarvis, Director NTAC Pacific Northwest Division.

Diana: You wanted to see me, Nina?

Nina: Are you sleeping with Tom Baldwin?

Diana: Should I come back in? Maybe we could start over.

Nina: Answer the question.

Diana: Never even held hands.

Nina: Do you owe him money?

Diana: What game are we playing here, because if I knew the rules....

Nina: I am playing the theory room paper game.

Diana: I don't know that one.

Nina: Well let me give you a hint.

She begins to read a report sent up from Marco.

Nina: The necessity for the immediate reassignment of Thomas Baldwin to active field duty.

Diana: Catchy title.

Nina: Did you come up with it yourself, or did the big brains of the basement pitch in?

Diana: Let's just say that I agree with the sentiment. Tom's the best agent I've ever worked with. Maybe the best you've got in this division. In the three months that Baldwin was investigating the 4400, this department learned more, far more than in the entire year he's been shuffling paper.

Nina: He threatened another agents life.

Diana: He was trying to protect his son, who these future people or whoever they are, chose as their spokesman. Not to mention that his nephew, Shawn, is one of the 4400.

Nina: All of which sound like major conflicts of interest to me.

Diana: That's not what Dennis Ryland believed.

Nina: Dennis Ryland is no longer in charge here.

Diana: Maybe you should call Washington, talk to him.

Nina: I don't have to call Washington. They've got me on speed dial. Congressmen, Senators, Committee Chairs, Sub Committee Chairs. All of them are looking to this department, to me, for answers.

Diana: Which is why you can't keep an agent like Tom Baldwin on the shelf. He's a major player in this case. He's maybe, the major player.

Nina: See, funny, that's exactly what it say's in this paper.

Diana: Maybe Marco had me check it for typo's.

Nina: Alright, the next time that you want to send me a message, put your name on it.

Diana stands up straight, turns and leaves the room.

Later, back at the sanitarium.

Clayton: Mr Woolcock! Get down there.

Matt: Arlo!

Clayton: Mr Woolcock, get down from there!

Matt: Arlo! You heard the man!

Clayton: Woolcock, get down from there this instant.

Arlo, the orderly from earlier, is clambering across the roof, on his stomach. He reaches the weather vane and pulls it loose.

Clayton: I've called security! This is your last chance!

Matt: What the hell you doing up there? Arlo!

Arlo: I've got it!

He hugs the weather vane to his chest.

Clayton: Arlo, this is your last warning!

Matt: Arlo, please!

He makes his way backwards towards the ladder.

Matt: Arlo, be careful!

Arlo: I'm coming down!

Matt: Arnold, be careful! Watch what you're doing!

He places one foot on the ladder.

Arlo: I got it! I got it!

He starts to make his way down the ladder, but it begins to fall, taking the man with it. He falls to the ground, screaming.

Clayton: Oh my God!

We're shown one of Tess' drawings, which includes a picture of the weather vane, which is perched on top of the device she is drawing. Pictures cover the wall of her room.

Richard returns home to find Lily has packed their bags.

Richard: Lily I'm home. Lily relax, we don't have to leave. Some nut papered the entire town with these things. He wasn't singling us out.

Lily: Well I still think we should go.

Richard: I was scared last night too, but did you read this? It's a rant, not a witchhunt.

Lily: Maybe, but Richard, we still don't feel safe here anymore.

Richard: You mean Isabelle doesn't feel safe.

Lily: Richard, we've gone over this a dozen times. I don't know why she talks to me and not to you.

Richard: Talks?

Lily: Communicates. Whatever.

Richard: Did she happen to mention where we should go? Does she have a place picked out, or will she know when she see's it?

Lily: We can find a town.

Richard: We already did. Right here. Isabelle is six months old. I know she's a special kid, but we're still her parents. We make decisions for her, she doesn't make them for us.

Isabelle begins to cry and Lily rushes into the bedroom, picking her up. Richard picks up the bags and takes them back into the room.

Richard: We're staying put.

At Diana's apartment, Maia is sat on her bed, writing in her journal.

Diana: Maia!

As she hears Diana call, she quickly hides the journal under her pillow. Diana opens the door and is wearing a party hat.

Diana: Party time.

Balloons decorate the apartment. Diana brings some food to the table.

Diana: Macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes and white bread.

Maia: Everything I like.

Diana: They're the only things you'll eat. You gotta promise me that you'll outgrow this phase soon.

Maia: Mommy, how do you make this taste so good?

Diana: It's a hidden talent I guess. You just called me Mommy.

Maia: You're my Mom now, right?

Diana: Now and forever.

Maia: I like that.

Diana: Me too.

Maia: Do you think I'll ever go back to school?

Diana: Weren't you just telling me that you got a 97 on your math test?

Maia: Not home school, real school with a playground and recess.

Diana: Well sure you will, you know, when you get a bit older.

Maia: How much older? I'm not seeing things that are going to happen, anymore. So it should be ok for me to be around other kids. I think I'd be happy at school.

Diana: Aren't you happy now?

Maia: I'm glad you're my mom for real, but I could still use a friend or two. More mac and cheese please.

Diana: Just a little.

Tom and Diana are in Nina's office. She hands him a piece of paper.

Nina: Sign this.

Tom: What is it?

Nina: Your letter of resignation.

Tom: I thought I was being reassigned to field duty.

Nina: You are, effective immediately. I need results. We have a high priced collection of sheepskin in the basement that tells me you're the best way to get them, so I'm willing to take a risk. But I need some insurance. This. I left the date blank. You cross the line, I fill it in.

Tom: Fair enough.

He picks up a pen and signs.

Nina: Good! Here, look at this.

She turns a screen around to face them bringing up details on Tess.

Diana: Tess Doerner. Diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia at the age of 15. Disappeared from Abbotson psychiatric hospital on April of 1955.

Tom: Well maybe they sent her back without bothering to cure her.

Diana: Curing people was not part of their agenda.

Nina: We just got a call from the CA over at the hospital. One of the orderly's is dead and he claims that there's some kind of connection.

Diana stands up to leave

Diana: We'll check it out.

Tom: Hold on. There's still one piece of business we need to get straight.

Nina: You're setting conditions?

Tom brings Kyle home.

Kyle: This is your new house?

Tom: It's yours too.

Kyle takes a look around while Tom stands watching him. They make their way into Kyle's new bedroom.

Tom: All your stuff is here. Kind of looks like our old place, huh? Well try it, anyway.

Kyle: Only one thing missing. Mom.

Tom: Yeah I know. Sometimes I can't believe she's not here either. But we tried Kyle. We really tried to make it work.

Kyle: I wish you both would have tried a little harder.

Tom: I'm sorry. You know, when something terrible happens to a family, when you were in the hospital, it can bring people closer together or it can drive them apart. Your Mom and me....

Kyle: Well I'll have to call her. Let her know I'm out of quarantine.

Tom: Yeah, you should do that. It would make her really happy.

Kyle: Shawn's gonna freak out too.

Tom: Well....

Kyle: I'm going to see him, right?

Tom: You're a good cousin. Just don't expect too much. You know, people change in four years. I can't believe you're standing here. I've been looking forward to this moment for too long. Hey, you remember how we used to love to go to the batting cages?

Kyle: You never could hit that curve ball.

Tom: That was you. I've got plenty of quarters saved up.

Kyle: Maybe we should stop off at the driving range, too.

Tom: You wanna learn how to play golf? I used to beg to teach you.

Kyle: There are a lot of things I wanna try now, Dad.

Tom: You make a list. You want it, we'll do it. Anything. You can show me tonight, okay?

Tom makes his way out of the room.

Kyle: You're leaving? I just got here.

Tom: It's my job, buddy. Now get started on that list.

Tom and Diana arrive at the sanitarium, to find building of Tess' device in progress.

Diana: You people really take your arts and crafts seriously, don't you.

Tom: You sure Tess drew this before they started building?

Clayton: She made her first sketch two weeks ago. That thing started going up yesterday.

Diana: And you think that the orderly who d*ed is connected to all of this.

Clayton: He was on the ledge of B building, prying off a weather vane. I believe it was this weather vane.

He shows them one of Tess' drawings.

They make their way inside.

Tom: So why don't you just confine all of the other patients to their rooms.

Clayton: Well I intend to, but this kind of cooperative behaviour is unheard of with these illnessess. Besides I wanted you to take a look at that thing before we tore it down again.

One of the patients comes out of a room.

Clayton: It's alright Kevin. They're just here to talk to Tess.

He turns to Tom and Diana

Clayton: He's very protective of her. She's his only friend in here. Really, it's ok.

He opens the door to her room.

Clayton: I'll just let her know you're coming.

Tom: Great.

Inside Tess' room

Diana: We saw some of the pictures you did, Tess. They're really good.

Tess: Shhhh! They'll hear you. There's microphones in the walls. They broadcast by satellite to the submarines.

Diana: Who does?

Tess: The Doctors.

Tom: The Doctors here in the hospital?

Tess: Some of them are here in the hospital. Some of them are stationed on a submarine.

Diana: We'll just talk really softly.

Tess: They take my crayons away, but they're too late.

Tom: Yeah? Why's that?

Tess: Because it's gonna get built anyway. They want me to get in touch with them. That's why they put the plans in my head.

Tom: Um, now, are we talking about the Doctors here in the hospital, or the Doctors under the sea.

Tess: Neither. We're talking about the people who took me. Stupid.

Diana: So, the people who took you. They want the patients here to build that tower?

Tess: They'll do anything to get me back. They like me.

Tom: Did you ask the other patients for help, Tess?

Tess: I don't like talking to them. They're crazy.

Diana: Was Arlo crazy?

Tess: I never thought he was. Maybe crazy is catching.

Diana and Tom leave the building and walk towards their car.

Tom: So, my first day back. What's going on? Not much. Just a bunch of mental patients building a machine to contact the future.

Diana: Well that's what Tess thinks, anyway. She also thinks there are Doctors stationed under the Pacific Ocean, listening to a radio broadcast of her private conversations.

Tom: Could be some kind of collective hysteria. Doesn't explain this guy Arlo, though.

Diana: He's a middle aged hospital orderly, who's wife just left him. He could have been suicidal.

Tom: Lost his nerve at the last minute and tried to grab the weather vane?

Diana: I wonder how long it is since Marco got some sun. I was thinking we could bring him down to have a look at that thing they're building.

Tom: A lone trip for Marco.

Diana: He goes outside Tom. We could have some sunblock handy.

Tom: It would be something though, huh? If she could actually do it? Contact the future?

Diana: Tess is right. Maybe crazy is catching.

The 4400 Centre at night

Collier is on the floor of his office, crying out in pain. Shawn and a secretary rush in.

Secretary: He was dictating a letter. He just grabbed his head and started screaming.

Shawn: Wait outside. Now!

She leaves and Shawn grabs Colliers head and begins to try and take the pain away.

Shawn: Hold still.

Eventually he succeeds and they both remain exhausted on the floor.

Collier: Thanks. Thankyou.

Shawn: They're getting worse. Jordan, they're coming more often, too.

Collier: You ok?

Shawn: I'm fine. I don't get it. I don't get why these att*cks keep coming back. I cured emphysema, leukaimia. That baby really kicked your ass.

Collier: Well you just remember that when we find Richard and Lily.

Shawn: You sound pretty confident Jordan, but it's been a year. Sometimes I forget they're still out there.

Collier: I never forget and neither do the men I'm paying to find them.

Shawn: Ok, but if I were you, I wouldn't want to be in the same timezone as that kid. If you two meet up again, it might just finish you off.

Collier: I have my reasons.

He helps Shawn to his feet.

Collier: You get some rest.

Shawn: Alright.

Collier: Big day tomorrow.

Shawn: Yeah.


Newscaster: In breaking news, a revelation about the origins of the 4400. In his newly published autobiography former real estate agent, Jordan Collier, claims that the 4400 were abducted by Human Beings from the future. The book contains copies of classified government memoranda, that Collier say's prove his claims. The documents are said to come from an anonymous source within the National thr*at Assessment Command. According to Collier, the 4400 were returned to avert a catastrophe that threatens the survival of mankind.

Diana and Maia are watching the broadcast.

Maia: Why didn't you tell me?

Newscaster: Collier charges that the government has had this information for more than a year, but has kept it secret in an effort to avert a public panic.

Richard is at work watching the broadcast.

Newscaster: The government claims that the documents are purely speculative and have been quoted out of context.

Back in Richards workplace.

Mechanic: I don't care who took them. I don't care who sent them back. The government should have kept them behind bars.

Mechanic 2: You heard what the man said. They're here to save the world.

Mechanic: Well what do you expect him to say. He's one of them. You're awful quiet.

Richard: I deal in facts. The fact is, I gotta flush this radiator before lunch.

He begins to work on a car.

Nina holds a meeting.

Nina: Did everybody hear that Mr Collier's source, is anonymous no more. Agent Hubbard will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Diana: So what about Collier?

Tom: Can't buy national secrets on the black market.

Nina: I'm sure we'd all like to see Collier charged with treason, but it's unlikely. I doubt we'll be able to trace the payments directly to him. Now, as for the so called 4400 center. Around the clock surveillance is in effect until further notice. I want pictures of everyone who comes within a hundred yards of that place.

Agent: Is it true that Collier is filing for tax exempt status?

Nina: Apparently.

Tom: What, he's turned the 4400 into some kind of religion?

Agent: More like a cult.

Tom: A cult is what the big congregation calls a little congregation.

Agent 2: Cult, religion, whatever. What's he basing it on?

Diana: Have you read this thing? Collier claims that he can unlock the 4400 within anybody.

Agent 3: So he expects a guy punching a clock in Pittsburgh, to believe he has some kind of latent superpower?

Agent 2: Most of the 4400 don't even have those kinds of abilities. Not yet anyway.

Diana: No, but if you thought there was a chance that you had an ability locked away inside you.

Nina: You sound like you're ready to sign up.

Diana: No. But I wouldn't blame anyone for being curious.

Tom: Now we keep telling the public, that biologically, the 4400 aren't any different than the rest of us. They haven't been altered genetically, neurologically.

Agent 3: As far as we can tell. But if Collier thinks that people are just gonna sign up their lives and their life savings over to some metaphysical pyramid scheme, then he's in for a rude awakening.

Kyle arrives at the 4400 center which is open to the public for a book signing. He walks among the crowd and is greeted by Devon.

Devon: Welcome to the 4400 center. My name is Devon. What's your name?

Kyle: Kyle

Devon: Nice to meet you Kyle. Can I sign you up for a tour?

Kyle: Thanks. I'm just looking for my cousin? Shawn Farrell?

Devon: I'm sorry. Mr Farrell's not available right now.

Kyle: Can you tell him Kyle's looking for him? He does live here, right?

Devon: I'm afraid policy prohibits me from discussing our membership.

Kyle: I'm not looking for a discussion. I just want to say hi to my cousin.

She blocks his way.

Devon: If you want to leave your name and number.

Kyle: I'm not leaving anything. What is the problem here?

Devon: There's no problem.

Kyle: Then tell Shawn I'm here. If he doesn't want to see me, fine! But that's up to him, right?

Devon: Would you lower your voice please?

Kyle: Look, I've got nothing against you personally. I hope the pod people return your body to you someday. If it's all the same, I'll find Shawn myself.

Three security guards come up to him and begin to drag him out.

Guard: This way sir.

Kyle: Get your hands off me!

Back at the sanitarium, the building continues.

Marco: You guys didn't tell me this thing was so big.

Tom: It wasn't.

Diana: Not yesterday.

Marco: Those don't look like patients to me.

Diana:They're not.

Tom: Dr Clayton.

Clayton: I know what you're gonna say. We're falling behind. We'll make up the time this afternoon.

Diana: So is the entire hospital working on this thing?

Clayton: It's the only way to get it done. Excuse me. Randy? Winston? We're gonna need a little help here with the satellite dish.

Diana turns to Marco.

Diana: Ok, so first the patients, now the staff. If this is some kind of mass hysteria, it's spreading.

Back at Richard and Lily's house. Richard is holding Isabelle.

Richard: Who does Daddy love? Mom, Elizabeth. Yes he does. You know what he see's when he looks at you? A beautiful baby, yes he does. But Mommy see's much more than that. You know why? You communicate with Mommy, but you never talk to daddy. So how about it. Anything you want to say to Daddy? Huh? Cos I'm listening. Ok then. Guess I'm left to muddle along, all alone.

Lily enters the room.

Lily: Richard. We've gotta get a copy of that book, I wanna read it.

Richard: You and me both, but I've checked in town. They won't have any copies till tomorrow.

Lily: I don't know about you, but I kinda got used to the idea that we'd never know where she came from.

Richard: Well, if we went to the future. At least we came back with a souvenier.

Lily: The people who took us. They made all this happen, right? They saw to it that we got Isabelle. They must have something in mind for her.

Richard: I have something in mind for us, too. A normal life.

Lily: Sounds good, but we left normal behind a long time ago now.

Back at the sanitarium, Agents are pulling people away from the device.

Clayton: This is outrageous. We have work to finish here. Important work.

Tom: Doctors are allowed to make their rounds. No-ones stopping them from taking care of their patients. From now on, the tower and the court area are off limits. You got it?

Agent: I've got it.

Marco walks up to the tower device.

Marco: Man, look at the size of that thing. I wouldn't mind having one of those in my backyard, huh?

Tom: Road trips over. Wait in the car.

Marco leaves and Diana walks over to stand by Tom's side.

Diana: So yesterday, a few patients were compelled to work on this thing, and today it's the entire hospital.

Tom: If we get Tess out of here, you think this compulsion will fade?

Diana: I don't know.

Tom: It's worth a try, isn't it?

Diana and Tom take Tess from her room and lead her into the corridor. She's upset and crying.

Tom: Alright, I got you.

Tess: I'm not a bad person. I'm not.

Diana: No-one's saying that you are, Tess.

Tess: Then why are you gonna stick wires in my brain?

Tom: I promise Tess. Nobody's gonna hurt you.

Tess: That's what everybody say's right before they hurt you. Why am I being punished? I'm a good person really. I'm only doing what they want.

Kevin comes rushing up the corridor yelling and rushes at Tom.

Tom: Guards! Guards! Get over here.

He is dragged off and walks down the corridor, yelling. Tess is sobbing and is taken through the doors.

Tess: Kevin! Kevin!

Tom: It's alright.

Maia and a friend are playing go fish in Diana's apartment. The babysitter is setting the table for dinner.

Maia: Do you have a seven?

Kerry: Go fish.

Diana enters.

Diana: I am so sorry I'm late. Oh, who do we have here?

Maia: This is Kerry. She lives downstairs. The UPS man left a package for us by mistake, and when her Mom came to get it, Kerry was with her, and now I'm invited to her birthday party. And it's a sleepover. I can go, right?

Diana: Hi Kerry, I'm Diana.

Kerry: It's nice to meet you.

Diana: It's nice to meet you.

Maia: I already said it's ok.

Diana: Well I think we should probably talk to Kerry's Mom, don't you? Oh look, you know what? It sounds fine to me.

Maia rushes up to hug her.

Maia: Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou.

Jordan Colliers office.

Shawn: You never told me I was a prisoner.

Collier: Have you ever seen a prison cell Shawn? It looks nothing like your apartment.

Shawn: Goddammit Jordan! Since when do you decide who I see and talk to.

Collier: This is about your cousin, isn't it?

Shawn: So you did know he was here?

Collier: I know he was rude and aggressive and had to be escorted from the premises.

Shawn: You mean thrown out!

Collier: It might have been handled more smoothly Shawn, but all in all I have to say it was for the best.

Shawn: Kyle is my friend.

Collier: He was your friend. Look, a year ago you came to me looking for a new life. Your old one in shambles. Kyle, friend or not, is part of that old life.

Shawn: So what do you want me to do? You just want me to cut him loose and forget he exists?

Collier: He's no different than your Mother, your brother or your friend Nikki.

Shawn: Don't.

Collier: They do not understand what it is we're trying to accomplish here.

Shawn: Maybe I don't either.

Collier: Well then I suggest you pack your bags and leave.

Shawn sits down.

Shawn: So what happens next time you start screaming out in pain?

Collier: Do what's right for you Shawn. I'll take care of myself.

Tom is sat in the office when Diana enters

Diana: I got the full physical work up on Tess.

Tom: Let me guess. Physically normal across the board.

Diana: I'll say this for the 4400. They're consistent.

Tom: Tess draws a picture of a tower or a monument.

Diana: Or a beacon.

Tom: The the people around her drop everything and start building it.

Diana: Well, they can't help themselves. They have to work.

Tom: It's like ants. Come here.

He beckons her over and she takes a look at this laptop screen.

Tom: The Queen secretes a chemical telling the other ants what to do.

Diana: The drones don't stop working until the job is done. Doesn't matter if one of them dies or if a storm comes and washes away the ant hill.

Tom: They just keep working, unless you take the Queen away. I just hope our drones respond the same way.

Diana: So the future sent back a schizophrenic Queen ant with a blueprint to an interstellar walkie talkie?

Tom: Let's see what Tess can tell us.

Diana: You know, we'd better not get too close, because if your theory's right, anyone who get's too close to her, could be vulnerable.

Tom: Alright I'll talk to Tess. You check with Garrity over at the hospital.

Tom goes to see Tess. He speaks to her through a glass window.

Tom: These friends of yours. The one's who took you. What do you think they want to talk about?

Tess: They're so much smarter than you, it isn't even funny.

Tom: Yeah. Yeah, no doubt. They figured out how to take you and how to send you back.

Tess: Sending me back was a mistake and you know it. I'm supposed to be there.

Tom: Where exactly is there?

Tess: There were Doctors there too. They were nice. All of them.

Tom: Do you remember where you were taken?

Tess: We slept a lot, but not all the time. We wore grey clothes. There's a giant building. The Doctors wore shiny jackets. I miss it so much.

She approaches the dividing screen.

Tom: Go on. I really like hearing you talk about it.

Tess: Our rooms had round windows. Our doorways with arches in them. The stones had writing in them. Math symbols or something. Inscriptions. Jars of purplish metals and rods with stained tips.

Tom: These symbols. Tess, what did they look like? Tess? Tess, do you remember what the inscriptions said?

Tess: They're waiting to hear from me. I need to get in touch with them.

She moves away.

Tom: Tess, Tess. Tess, wait!

Diana is in the office, trying to get hold of Garrity.

Diana: Garitty, why haven't you been picking up your cell phone?

Garrity: I'm sorry, it's been kind of crazy down here.

Diana: So is everything alright?

Garrity: Yeah, fine. Just about done here.

Diana: Done?

Garrity: Well, the satellite dish is a bitch to hook up, but we'll get em.

Down at the sanitarium

Garrity: Come on people, let's get those dishes secured. We don't have all day.

Tom appears in the office

Tom: I just had the most unbelievable conversation with Tess.

Diana: Well it couldn't be any more unbelievable than the one I just had with Garitty.

Lily is walking down a street pushing Isabelle in a pushchair. She walks past a cinema and into a gift shop, where she picks up a copy of Collier's book. The man Richard saw earlier placing warning leaflets is talking to the owner.

Shopkeeper: Can't say I see it that way.

Josiah: No other way to see it. That book is blasphemy.

Shopkeeper: Well don't buy it, if that's how you feel.

Josiah: The third angel blew his trumpet and a great sorrow fell from heaven, burning like a torch. Revelations 8:10.

Shopkeeper: I'll take your word for it.

Josiah: The day they came back was the beginning of the end times.

Shopkeeper: Sounds like you've done a little more thinking on it than I have.

Josiah: Either remove the book from the store or my boy here will remove it for you.

Shopkeeper: Like hell he will.

Lily accidentally knocks over a table, gaining the attention of the man. He walks over, seeing the book in her hands.

Josiah: Do you know what you're carrying there, woman?

Lily: It's just a book.

Josiah: It's the doorway to hell.

Isabelle is watching him. He turns to her and Lily rushes over.

Josiah: That child yours?

Lily: It's my daughter.

Josiah: Abomination begets abomination.

Lily picks up the baby. Isabelle looks at the man over her mother's shoulders and as she does so, the windows of the store blow out and goods fly everywhere. She rushes out and quickly makes her way to Richard who is working on a car.

Lily: Richard!

Richard: What's going on?

Lily: We gotta get out of here, now!

He follows her over to their car.

Back at the sanitarium, the tower is on fire. Agents hold back those wishing to save it.

Tom: What the hell happened here.

Clayton: These new guys you sent us are no good.

Garrity: Park told me he had experience with a welding torch, so....

Clayton: Experience in what? Starting fires? Now our schedule's in the toilet.

Diana: Did either of you call the fire department?

Tom looks up at the fire. Kevin falls to his knees, while in her room, Tess begins to scream.

Richard and Lily hurriedly pack, as a car pulls up outside.

Richard: Time to go.

Josiah kicks the door open, while Richard and Lily try to get away in the car.

Lily: Hurry Richard. Hurry

Josiah goes into the bedroom, where the cot mobile is still playing. He looks around and see's the open window. Opening the door, he fires his r*fle at the car blowing out the windows. Lily screams as Richard starts the engine and drives away.

Nina holds a meeting.

Nina: As of tonight, Abottson state hospital is officially under quarantine. The patients will remain locked down. Hospital staff and affected NTAC personnel will be confined to the site, until we've isolated the source of the compulsion.

Tom: That sounds like a good plan, but who's gonna watch over them? The last group we sent was compromised within hours.

Diana: Which is quite frankly, a little disturbing. I mean, if you think of this like an epidemic. I the CDC, we'd call Tess the sole disease factor. You remove her, you remove the urge to build. Except, as far as we know....

Tom: None of those agents had any contact with Tess.

Diana: So it's like the flu, or any other airborne virus. If you catch it you can pass it on.

Nina looks at one of the drawings.

Nina: What is this thing supposed to be anyway?

Marco: My guess, and I cannot emphasise the word guess strongly enough, is that Tess is telling us the truth. It's some kind of communication device.

Nina: To contact who? The future?

Tom: The only way to find out is to let the patients finish building it. That night on Highland Beach, they were trying to tell us something. The conversation was cut short.

Diana: Which is why we've been stumbling around in the dark this last year.

Tom: Tess is the ony 4400 who remembers where she was taken.

Nina: No, claims to remember where she was taken. She's also the only paranoid schizophrenic, and it sounds to me like you too have been spending a little too much time around her.

Marco: Well, maybe I caught the bug too, but I agree with them.

Nina: The quarantine orders for the hospital will remain in effect until further notice. The guards will rotate shifts to minimise their exposure.

Tom: So where does that leave us?

Nina: Until we're sure the compulsion is not spreading anymore, you two aren't going anywhere near that facility.

Richard and Lily have pulled up at a gas station.

Lily: Isabelle is asleep. The rainy day came sooner than expected. Do you think we lost them?

Richard: I'm not ready to stop for pies just yet. I've got 1200 here. Another 300 in my pocket.

Lily: I'm carrying too.

Richard: I'm gonna have to get those back windows replaced in the morning. That should be enough to carry us through to Montana.

Lily: What did Eric say when you called him?

Richard: He was a little surprised to hear from me. Back in quarantine he used to say that us 4400's should stick together.

Lily: Yeah well, we didn't have much choice back then though, did we.

He takes her hand.

Richard: We'll have to get by on our savings when we get there.

Lily: If things get really bad, we can sell these.

Richard: I put that ring on your finger forever. Guess you and Isabelle were right. We should have taken off when we had the chance.

They kiss.

Lily: It's gonna be a long night. You want me to drive a shift?

Richard: Get some sleep.

Diana's sitting on her bed, when there's a knock at the door. Maia is with the woman from downstairs

Diana: Maia, what's wrong?

Woman: I'm sorry, I know it's late, but Maia really wanted to come home.

Diana: Well why's that sweetie?

Maia: I don't want to talk about it.

Woman: Some of the girls, not my daughter, but some of the other girls, were teasing Maia because she say's she has a crush on Frank Sinatra.

Diana: Old blue eyes. Do you blame her?

Woman: Most nine year old's don't even know who Frank Sinatra was.

Maia: I want to go to bed.

She runs off into her room.

Woman: I guess it got pretty nasty. I feel terrible. Maybe Maia can come back another time. Just her and Kerry?

Diana: Yeah, we'll talk about it. Thankyou. Goodnight.

Woman: Goodnight.

Diana walks into Maia's bedroom to find her lying in bed with her eyes closed.

Diana: Maia! I know you didn't fall asleep that fast.

Maia: It was awful, you were right.

Diana: I didn't want to be right.

Maia: I don't need any friends.

Diana: Everyone needs friends Maia. Maia, I really think we should talk about this.

Maia: Well I don't.

Josiah and his sons pull up at the petrol station and find that Richard and Lily have been through there. The attendant shows them the direction they went in.

Tom is at home looking through Tess' drawings. Kyle walks into the room.

Kyle: A Bucks burger is as good as I remember.

Tom: That's kind of a strange thing to have on top of your list, but hey, you know what? I think we can make your dreams come true!

Kyle begins playing his guitar.

Tom: Kyle, shouldn't you be in bed?

Kyle: Dad, I'm 21

Tom: Yeah, that's what I have to keep reminding myself.

Kyle: I'm making some popcorn, you want some?

Tom: You're kidding me. You could eat more?

Kyle: I've been eating quarantine food for a year. You guys may be keeping the country safe, but your cafeteria sucks!

The phone rings.

Kyle: Hello? Hello?

Shawn is on the other end and pauses before answering.

Shawn: Kyle

Richard and Lily continue to drive.

Lily: We've gotta get the baby out of the cold.

Richard: I don't think there's any motels on this road. I'm thinking we should head south. Catch the 35.

They see a truck behind them.

Lily: This is the first car we've seen in what, like, fifty miles?

Josiah's truck closes in on them.

Richard: Get your head down!

The truck tries to drive them off the road.

Lily: Richard, it's them! Hurry!

Richard: Hold on, hold on!

The car swerves down into the woods and hits a tree.

Richard: Is everybody ok?

Lily: I think so.

Richard: Ok, let's go.

The truck pulls up behind the car. Lily and Richard make their way on foot into the woods. Josiah and his son's walk up to the car with r*fles in their hands.

Josiah: Spread out.

Diana goes into Maia's bedroom

Diana: Hey Maia sweetie. It's wake up time.

Maia: I'm tired.

Diana: Huh? A late night huh? Alright, fifteen more minutes. You know what? Frank Sinatra is the coolest and don't you let anyone ever tell you different.

She finds Maia's diary in her drawer. On the first page are written the words. 'Things I See.

Later that morning she walks with Marco through a hallway, at work.

Marco: So you didn't read any of it?

Diana: Well no. I wouldn't want my daughter reading my diary.

Marco: You keep a diary? Am I in it?

Diana: Oh come on. Don't flatter yourself.

Marco: So really, you don't even know if, what she see's, means things during the day. TV shows, ponies, whatknot. Or it could be,what she see's a week, a month, a year down the line.

Diana: No, no. She hasn't had one of those visions in like, four months.

Marco: Well that's what she tells you, anyway.

Diana: Well why would she lie?

Marco: She wants to be normal, right? Everytime she makes a prediction, someone calls her a freak. Look, I understand, you're her Mom now, there are certain protocols. Next time I'm over, why don't I take a peek.

Diana: Oh come on, you think that would be any less of a betrayal?

Marco: Respecting Maia's privacy is no small thing, but you gotta weigh that against the information that could be in that diary.

Diana: You know what? When you stop trusting a parent, it's really hard to start again, and yes, I'm speaking from experience.

Marco: Hey, I'm glad it's not my decision. But if Maia's having visions, you should know about it and you should know what they are.

Richard and Lily are hiding in the woods. Richard is sat by a stream and seems to have injured his foot.

Lily: Is it bad?

Richard: I just jammed it when we spun out. I just need to walk it off a little more. Follow the stream south. Hike through the water a bit. Throw them off our trail.

Lily: We'll be cold.

Richard: It'll keep us awake. After a mile we'll double back west and head straight for the highway.

Lily: Sounds easy when you say it.

Richard: You can do it. You can do it, right?

Isabelle begins to cry.

Richard: Keep her quiet. She's going to bring them right to us.

He takes his shoe and sock off and we see that he has a large gash on his ankle.

Meanwhile, Tom is in the office when Diana enters.

Diana: Does the name Gene Vecruso ring a bell?

Tom: Yeah, returnee 927. Oh, let me guess, he still has the ability to turn 20 bucks into a crushing hangover.

Diana:And a night in the drunk t*nk downtown. Come on. We'll go ferry him back to his halfway house.

Tom: Give it to Mortimer or Felcowan.

Diana: We got something else on our plates? Everything's been quiet at Abbotsun. Nobody's been allowed near the tower.

Tom: That's the problem isn't it?

Diana: Tom, Tom no. You do remember that Jarvis has still got your letter of resignation.

Tom: She wants results. I'm gonna give them to her. Besides, you wanna know what that thing is as badly as I do.

Diana: I'm trying not to think about it.

Tom: Yeah well, I can't think of anything else.

Diana: It sounds like Tess has got her hooks in you.

Tom: I don't have the urge to pick up a tool belt.

He picks up Tess' drawings and leaves the room.

Diana: I'm coming with you.

They go and get Tess from her room.

Diana: It's alright Tess, we're taking you back to Abbotsun.

Tom: We've signed you out Tess. No-one from NTAC is coming after you.

Tess: Not you people. The Doctors in their submarines. They're watching us.

Diana: Are you having second thoughts?

Tom: No, just get in.

Kyle is sat on some steps as Shawn approaches him from behind.

Shawn: So you still owe me four/five dollars for those two six packs? Something like that?

Kyle: I've got it right here, if you think you can take it from me.

They hug.

Shawn: Look at you man, back among the living. You look great.

Kyle: I walk and talk. Seem to have full control of my limbs.

Shawn: You still hit like a girl. Nothings changed.

Kyle: Four years. Plenty's changed.

Shawn:What are you talking about? We saw each other right after you got out of the hospital.

Kyle: I don't remember any of that.

Shawn: You don't? So you don't remember sitting naked in the sprinklers.

Kyle: No. Sounds like something you'd do.

Shawn: Well....

Kyle: Thankyou. I never got a chance to say that. For getting me out of the coma, thankyou.

Shawn: You know, if it hadn't of been for me, you wouldn't have been in that stupid hospital, anyway, so....

Kyle: Then I'd have been the one who'd have disappeared into 4400 bootcamp. Maybe I'd of come back with the magic hands.

Shawn: Alright, alright.

Kyle: Speaking of disappearing you jerk.

Shawn: Oh Kyle, don't go there yet!

Kyle: Don't go there? Your Mom is so freaked out. You haven't seen her in a year. You haven't seen anybody. Your brother. My Dad. What was going on with you and Nikki?

Shawn: Kyle, I don't want to talk about it.

Kyle: We're all really worried about you, man.

Shawn: You don't need to be. I mean, I'm fine.

Kyle: I've been to that place where you're living. There's some serious Stepford Wives vibes going on there. You know that, right? All that stuff about unlocking the 4400 inside everybody.

Shawn: Yeah?

Kyle: You don't really believe Collier can do that, do you?

Shawn: Kyle, look around us man. The world is in a total freefall. These centres, they're a chance to bring people together. Maybe our last chance. I don't just believe that he can do it. I believe that he has to do it.

Kyle: It's all that stuff they've got inside your head.

Kyle walks away and Shawn follows him.

Shawn: He said you wouldn't understand.

Kyle: Collier?

Shawn: Yeah.

Kyle: I gotta tell you man, he was right.

Richard, Lily and the baby continue to make their way through the woods. Richard has another flash of events to come. He falls to the floor and Lily runs back to him.

Lily: Richard! Are you alright?

Richard: Guess I wasn't looking where I was going.

Lily: Ok. You just need to rest.

Richard: You think they're stopping for a rest?

He tries to get up, but his foot is hurting too much

Richard: Five minutes.

Tom is back at the sanitarium and is rallying the patients. Banging on doors with Tess happily following him.

Tom: Ok, come everyone! Back to the tower! Come on! We've got a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it, so let's go. Come on! Go, go! You heard, let's go!

He makes his way to another door.

Tess: This one's mine. Stand over there!

Kevin comes out of his room and Tess throws her arms around him.

Tess: Hey Kevin! Look! I escaped.

He gives her back her book.

Tess: Always thinking of me. Kevin's a genius you know, but he doesn't brag about it.

Blood is seeping through Richard's shoe.

Lily: I bet in a couple of days all these berries will be ripe.

Richard: Don't eat em now. The last thing we need is to start cramping up.

Close up of Isabelle staring at the berries, which suddenly ripen. Lily picks some. and takes them over to Richard.

Lily: Look.

Richard: I thought you said they weren't ripe.

Lily: They weren't.

Richard: Well.... Isabelle?

Lily: Had to be.

Richard: Way to go, little girl.

Diana and Tom watch the patients rebuild the tower.

Tom: They're gonna have to work faster.

Diana: I'm gonna help them.

Tom: That's not funny Diana.

Diana: I really wanna do this.

Tom: No, you'll only be in the way.

Diana: You don't understand. I really need to do this.

She leaves, while Tom continues to look out of the window.

Josiah is catching up to Richard and Lily. He comes across the st*lks from some eaten berries.

Shawn returns to the 4400 centre to find Collier looking at some photographs in the foyer.

Collier: Shawn, I've been looking for you.

Shawn: Yeah, I took a walk.

Collier: We have a special visitor tonight. She has pancreatic cancer. Her husband is willing to donate real estate for a 4400 centre in Los Angeles.

Shawn: Well tonight doesn't really work for me Jordan.

He begins to walk up the stairs.

Collier: Well, you have five, no six hours, to get in the mood.

Shawn: Mood's got nothing to do with it. I'm just not working tonight.

Josiah's sons find some of Richards blood. They begin whistling to attract Josiah's attention. Richard and Lily can hear the noises.

Lily: Richard please. Don't do this.

Richard: We don't have another choice.

Lily: There's three of them. They're gonna k*ll you.

Richard: No. Not if I get my hands on one of those shotguns.

Lily: You can barely walk.

Richard: It's our only chance. I gotta do it now. If I'm not back by sundown, take the baby and walk due west. It's that way. Just keep going in a straight line. You understand?

She leans over and kisses him.

Richard: I'd give up another fifty years if it mean't finding you again.

They kiss again. Lily is crying. Richard gets to his feet with the aid of a crutch and makes his way into the woods.

Nina has found out about Tom's plans.

Nina: You knew about this, didn't you?

Marco: About what?

Nina: Baldwin and Skouris signed Tess Doerner out of here and took her back to Evenson.

Marco: They're rebuilding the tower.

Nina: That would be one theory.

Josiah and his sons are closing in on Richard and Lily. Richard jumps out on one of the sons and hits him with a stick, knocking him to the floor. As he does so his g*n goes off and Isabelle begins crying. The mans brother appears, but Richard has picked up the g*n and points it at him.

Richard: Drop it, or I'll cut you in half.

The man put's down the g*n.

Richard: Ok, turn around.

As Richard advances, Josiah appears behind him and knocks him out with the butt of his r*fle.

Josiah: I taught you boy's better than this.

He looks down at Richard.

Josiah: Get up!!

Nina and Marco arrive at the sanitarium accompanied by armed men. Tom approaches Diana who's working on the tower.

Tom: Diana, how's it going?

Diana: It turns out we're in better shape than I thought. The fire missed most of the wiring.

Tom: So how soon till it's ready to go?

Diana: Well, we've gotta finish triangulating the dishes, then we're good.

His phone rings.

Tom: Just get it done. [Into phone] Baldwin.

Lily his hiding in the woods and hears Josiah shouting out to her.

Josiah: We've got your man! Either you come out, or the next sound you hear is him being blown straight to hell!

Richard: I told you she's miles away by now.

One of the men kicks him back to the ground.

Richard: Aaghh!

Gabriel: Open your mouth again, I'll cut your tongue out.

Isabelle begins to cry and Josiah hears it.

Josiah: Watch him.

Josiah walks towards the sound.

Richard: Lily! Run!!

The tower is almost finished and everyone is gathered. Tess has her arm around Kevin.

Tess: Are you sure you don't want to say goodbye to me? I'm gonna miss you most of all.

Tom looks out of the locked door and see's Nina advancing. One of the armed men smashes the glass.

Nina: Last time Baldwin. Unlock the door.

Tom: I can't do that. You said you wanted results.

Nina: Listen to me Baldwin. You are not in your right mind. I was talking about. These are not the results that I was talking about. Now step away before you get hurt.

She turns to the men

Nina: Take it.

They begin to batter down the door.

Tom: Wait! Wait! Just wait, just wait! We need answers. That tower might provide them. Just listen. Listen. Listen to me. It's a risk, I know. But sometimes when you want to get to the truth, you have to take a leap of faith. Just listen to me.

Nina: You want the truth?

She turns to Marco, who approaches the door.

Marco: Tess Doerner's memories of the future? They're not memories. She read them in a short story by H P Lovecraft. Shadow At A Time. I have it right here. I underlined some of the passages that show up verbatim in your report. They're just another delusion.

Tom: No.

Marco: I'm sorry Tom.

Nina: Let's go. Okay, you guys, take it.

She grabs Marco and the men begin to batter down the door.

They rush into the courtyard and Diana frantically tries to finish what she's doing.

Nina: Step away from that tower!

Diana moves away, but seconds later dives back and switches it on. The tower powers up and everyone gazes up at it. The weather vane begins to point in the opposite direction and the tower emits a high pitched noise which throws everyone to the floor.

Back in the woods, Richard is being kicked by Josiah's son. A g*nsh*t is heard and Lily screams. Richard hits the man and runs towards the sound.

Richard: Isabelle. Isabelle.

Lily is standing looking at Josiah. His son is lying on the ground, dead.

Josiah: My son! What did you make me do? Gabriel! My God! My son! No, no, Gabriel!

Richard appears and grabs Lily.

Lily: Richard!

Josiah: It wasn't me. That creature made me pull the trigger. You've unleashed a devil into this world! And we're all going to burn.

Isabelle is staring at him and he suddenly clutches at his chest, falling to the ground, dead.

Josiah's other son appears, pointing a r*fle. Isabelle stares at him and he takes the r*fle and puts it under his chin. He pulls the trigger and falls dead to the ground.

Back at the sanitarium, the people begin to get to their feet.

Tess: Where are you? Where are you? Where are you?

Clayton: Let's get everybody back inside. I need a full head count before the next round of medications.

Tess: Where are you? I did what you wanted, right? Talk to me.

Dr Clayton approaches her.

Clayton: Come on Tess. We all could use some rest.

Tess: They lied to me. Or did I lie to you?

She's taken away.

Diana: Well, somehow I wanted more.

Tom: I don't know what I expected. A big ball of light. A booming voice from the sky. Something. Maybe we built it wrong.

Diana: Maybe. All I know is, I don't feel like picking up a hammer anymore. Ten minutes ago, that was all I could think of.

Nina appears.

Nina: Norad said the pulse disappeared before it left the atmosphere. Could be, all that sound and fury was for absolutely nothing. Now our first priority is to help the hospital personnel restore order here. The I want all of you who were infected with this thing, to be checked out by NTAC medical.

Tom: Are you including me in that order, cos I'm not sure....

Nina: You were infected. Because if you're standing here telling me you weren't, I'm putting a date on that letter of resignation.

Tom: I was definitely infected.

Nina: I thought so.

Clayton: We could use a little help, policing the area here. We need to get rid of these tools before one of the patients hurts themselves.

Nina turns to Diana and Tom.

Nina: You heard the man.

Kevin is standing in the middle of the courtyard.

Kevin: Excuse me, Dr Clayton!

Clayton: Kevin? Did you just speak to me?

Kevin: Yes I did. I haven't said anything for a long time.

Clayton: Try six years.

Kevin: I can think again, too. I don't know what happened. I feel better!

Shawn and Collier are in the foyer of the 4400 center.

Shawn: You had me followed?

Collier: I could have had your conversation recorded. I just thought that might be pushing it.

Shawn: Kyle was right. I'm some kind of prisoner.

Collier: Shawn I've told you, you can leave here anytime you want, and I mean't it. But until you do, I will not allow these shadows from your past, to alter your perceptions of what it is we're trying to accomplish here. You're too important.

Shawn: No, no. You mean, you need help bringing the big checks.

Collier: Shawn, the money is a means to an end. The goal is what matters. Ensure the future. Save the planet. I can't do that without you.

He walks away.

Back at NTAC.

Marco: You want proof that the future works in mysterious ways? Look no further than Mr Kevin Burkoff.

Tom: Yeah, instead of contacting the future, we got him.

Marco: Not as disappointing as it might seem at first flush. Burkoff was a tenured Professor of neuro-chemistry at Stanford University.

Diana: Neuro-Science. Only class I ever got a B in.

Marco: Yeah, you're not alone. Only a handful of people work at the top of the field at any given time. Our Mr Burkoff was the heir apparent. Until he suffered his first delusion at the age of 30. He was institutionalised two years later.

Tom: What was he working on?

Marco: You want a ripple effect? How's this? Burkoff specialised in dormant neural pathways. He was trying to wake up parts of the brain that we can't use.

Nina: Parts that would do what?

Diana: Parts that could lead to all kinds of special new abilities, like precognition. Right Marco?

Marco: Precognition. Telekinesis. Stop me if any of this sounds familiar.

Tom: Maia Rutledge. Orson Bailey. You're saying that Burkoff is the father of the 4400 technology.

Marco: It's possible.

Diana: And we just woke him up.

Kevin has his bag packed and walks into Tess's room. She's sat on the bed. He kisses her on the cheek and leaves a book on the bed.

An sick woman is taken to Shawns room.

Tom and Kyle practise their golf swings at night, outside their house.

Richard and Lily hitch a lift.

Diana enters Maia's bedroom. She leans over and kisses her goodnight. Taking her journal out of the room. She sits and begins to read it.

Maia Voiceover: Next door is going to get a kitten. Hope she let's me play with it.....There's going to be a book on how we all came back....We get to be a real family.....A computer for Christmas.....I hope Tom get's his job back....Mommy's bosses will be punished....Mommy's bosses will be punished....Mommy's bosses will be punished....Mommy's bosses will be punished for betraying us...

Diana is shocked by the words and closes the journal.

The End