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08x19 - Light Things Up

Posted: 04/24/20 16:18
by bunniefuu
Just having contractions again.

Sounds like you're gonna have a baby.

Oh, you'll... you'll call Scott?


What's wrong? I'm very sorry.

She died on the table, Sylvie. Um.

The baby's doing well. Would you like to see her?



I'm all over the bachelor party, so you can take that off your list.

Yeah! A woman like her comes around once in a lifetime.

Sounds like you should marry her, then.

You know this best man thing? You know what you're doing.


All right, up and at 'em, cowboy.


Oh, what, did you have a long night?

'Cause I think... I think I remember your very smart girlfriend suggesting it might be a bad idea to throw the bachelor party the night before shift.

Leave me alone. Fine.


Lock the doors when you get out.



Come on Tuesday. Right here.


[DOG WHINES] Come...


[LAUGHS] Told you to try peanut butter.

How, h-how do you guys got that much energy?

We should not have tried to keep pace with them last night.

You had three beers and then started dozing off.

It was four.

Why, um, why are you trying to turn Tuesday into Cindy Crawford? I need him for the 51 Insta.

I need the perfect first post.

Look, tons of houses have them now, and they post everything from fire safety tips to recipes.

They're great community outreach, and people love seeing the day-to-day of a firehouse.

You sure you don't want me to call in a floater?

No. A shift is just what I need to keep the wedding nerves at bay.

You missed out last night. Ah, well.

The boss needs to maintain a certain plausible deniability with these things.


It does look like everyone was having a good time.

[CHUCKLES] Oh, yeah.

Oh, but not too good. Mm-hmm.

Chloe was worried I'd look puffy in the wedding photos, so I drank a lot of water. Ah, smart woman.

Donna... she set ours up right in the front entry.

First thing you see when you walk through the door.

You'll be looking at those photos for many, many years.

Rest of your life.


Hey, how was Rockford?

Really, um, sad.

And my... my parents came to the funeral, which was nice, and they met Scott.


Still doesn't feel real, somehow.

Yeah. Must sound crazy.

No, it doesn't.


Truck 81, Squad 3, Engine 51, Ambo 61.

Structure Fire, 260 South Lemay.

What the hell? Hey, what's the holdup?

Get the other door. The doors are chained shut.



You two, on the truck!

Hey, what is this?

Hey! Everybody, come on, move!




What's going on? The hell are they?

Hey! Open these doors!



They're messing with our rigs!



Guys, back door's open! Back door, back door!


Come on!

Hey! Get away from those rigs!

Hurry. They're almost here.


We have to respond to an emergency!

Hey! Unlock him, now!

This is a formal protest. What?

People need help out there. We gotta go!

Are you kidding me? What is this?

Capp! Get me the bolt cutters! Yeah? Got it.

Hey, what are you doing to our rigs?

This is a formal protest of the closing of Station 87.

What, 87? Eighty...

We didn't close 87.

We're picking up the slack here!

We're pissed, too. Hey!

Take those chains off, now. We're not going anywhere.

All right, you know what? That's it!

Screw this. 51, moving out!

Hey, you better unlock your friend here before he gets ripped in half. Herrmann!

Do not move that engine!


Battalion 25 to Main, we've got a situation here and are unable to respond, request you redirect the call.

Copy that, Battalion 25.

I can't... I can't get to the damn chain.

Hey, you're hurting me! Severide, stop.

♪ Cruz, grab the whizzer saw. Yeah.

You happy now? Some other firehouse has to take that call! We gotta do something to get their attention! They shut down our firehouse.

Now response times are doubled in our neighborhoods.

So you're gonna punish some innocent victim who needs our help?

Chicago's ignored our community long enough.

We're tired of being the last priority, so we're not going anywhere until we get our house back.


[SAW REVVING] Hey, no!

Cut those chains over there. Everyone else, inside now.

Yeah! All right!


Whoo! Yeah!

Yeah! [LAUGHS]



We're doing it, man. We're doing it!


Chief, what happened on that call?

Garage fire, 37 responded. It's under control.

Look, headquarters is aware of our situation, and CPD is sending officers down, but until then, no one goes on the app floor. What?

Do not engage. I can get through that PVC...

Leave it alone, Severide.

It's a powder keg out there.

We can't have it blow up in our face.


What are they doing now?

Being morons. The same as before, just chained up, with the one guy recording it all.

This is really incredible.

All this standing around is driving me crazy, so I'm gonna go look through some Girls on Fire applications.

You wanna read some essays with me?

Yeah, sure. Okay.





Yeah, a robocall offering to refinance my home. Hmm.

I was hoping it was Scott.

He doesn't have a lot of family, so I've left a few voicemails. Wanted him to know that I'm here if he needs anything, help with the apartment or someone to watch the baby.

Maybe I'm being too pushy. No.

That's really sweet of you. I'm sure he appreciates it, even if he doesn't respond right away.




Come on.

Hey, uh, got a second, Chief?

Hey, we were thinking... Since we have the Instagram up and running... I already don't like this.

These protesters wanna know they're being heard, so maybe we put out a statement, let them know that 51 is behind the community. Absolutely not.

We thought that if their issue just got a little more attention...

The last thing this thing needs is more attention.

Phones stay in pockets until the end of shift.



That's pretty good, we barely made it through.

What is this?

Trying to figure out how to safely remove the PVC pipe.

I just want to be ready, in case CPD needs the assist.

Yeah, we figure if we can score it, get most of the way through, I can just wedge my Slamigan in there, crack it like an egg.

Okay, keep working on it. But only get involved if the police request it. CPD should be here any minute.

Casey, Herrmann.


Look, police aren't gonna fix this, Chief.

You want us to leave, all you gotta do is reopen our firehouse.

It's just the two of you?

They said half a dozen protesters.

There's plenty of room in those back seats.

Well, they're not gonna go willingly.

Oh, don't be so sure, Chief. These small-time activists sort themselves out when you flash a badge.

Have at it, then. That's your ringleader.


Okay, sir, here's what we're looking at.

Trespassing, disorderly conduct, multiple counts of obstructing a firefighter. Figure bail ought to be in the neighborhood of 25 grand. Like I told the firefighters, we're not moving. All right, then.

The hard way it is. Can you guys get these chains off him without hurting him too bad?

We have an idea. I'll get Severide.


What do we want? CROWD: Justice!

When do we want it? CROWD: Now!

What do we want? CROWD: Justice!

When do we want it? CROWD: Now!

What do we want? CROWD: Justice!

When do we want it? CROWD: Now!

Hey Lewis, we saw your Tweets.

Thought you could use some more bodies.

Yes, sir. We sure could.

Hey, folks, I need you to move back to the sidewalk...

Whoa, don't touch me. Hey!

Have they used force?

Protesters have rights, you know.

That's right. They've threatened arrest.

Arrest? What are you gonna do, arrest all of us? Spicer to Main, roll more cars to Firehouse 51. Advise the sector sergeant we've got an on-view disturbance with active protesters. Come on, everybody!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, hang on. Hey, hey, hey.

Stop right there.

I've got enough trouble in my firehouse right now.

Your firehouse? No, man.

This is our firehouse now. That's right.

That's right! This is our house now!




Hey, make yourselves at home, people.

We could be here for a while.

Hey, no, don't even think about it.


You can put your coat back on.

You're not staying.

What is going on?

This is not happening. [SCOFFS]

You gotta take this circus outside, pal.

No can do. This is an active firehouse.

And this is a show of solidarity.

We're here in support of those brave people out there.

And we're not leaving till the CFD gives them what they want.


You need to walk out of here right now or I'm gonna carry you out. What, you threatening me?

We're not hurting anybody, we're not breaking anything.

This is a peaceful protest.

Man, get that out of my face. [CROWD MURMURS IN SURPRISE]

Severide! Kelly!

Casey, Herrmann. My office, now.

♪ We've got a bunch more vests on the way.

All right, we're gonna set up a line at the front access point, and no one else is gonna get in here.

What, are you gonna drag these pinheads out of our common room? Headquarters wants minimal police involvement, and I agree.

There was a similar demonstration last year in Detroit that got violent. People got hurt.

Department got a mountain of bad press.

What are we supposed to do, wait for them to get bored?

There are people from headquarters coming to talk to those protesters.

Keyword until then... de-escalation.

Leave no room for confrontation.

Is that understood?

Backup is here.

Let's go.



This is minimal police involvement?

They outnumbered us.

It calls for a proportional response.

This is embarrassing. It's infuriating.

Herrmann. Yeah?

Shut it down. You got it, Chief.


You kicked up quite a fuss, friend.

I hope you're pleased with yourself.

I'm doing this for my children.

You got kids? Only five.

So you know, then.

You'll do anything to keep them safe.

I have four.

If something happens to one of mine, an ambulance has to come an extra mile or two to get there.

Would you accept that?

You're standing up for something, taking action.

I can respect that.

I've done it myself a few times.


The people in this house... they run into burning buildings every day for this community.

We don't want to see a station closed, either.

You think that this is the best way to get what you want?

[STAMMERS] First, we tried calling the CFD's main line. Uh-huh.

We must've left 80 messages. Mm.

Not one of us got a call back.

So we showed up in person. Hmm.

Got turned away. Then we went to the papers.

They said our story was too, uh, what's the word, uh... bureaucratic. Not sexy enough.

You know, it's easy to disagree with the method when the problem isn't yours.

So let me ask you. Mm-hmm.

When you took action, how'd you get them to hear you?

I lit a sofa on fire.



This isn't perfect, but sometimes you gotta light things up.

And if it means keeping my family and my neighborhood safe, I'm willing to burn a few couches.

♪ Chief! Chief.

Wh... just... I... I thought you might wanna see this.


You need to walk out of here right now or I'm gonna carry you out. What, you threatening me?

We're not hurting anybody. We're not breaking anything.

This is a peaceful protest.


Man, get that out of my face.


[GROANS] This is out in the world?

Couple people shared it with me.

It's already starting to circulate.

Look, if this is the kind of stuff that the protesters are putting out there, then maybe we should show them our side.

I thought headquarters was gonna send Huffhines, or someone else from PR. But they sent Chief Carver.

[GRUNTS IN FRUSTRATION] This just gets worse and worse.


As I have said, the official statement of the CFD is...

To hell with your statement! We want action!

If you would shut up and listen...

Did he tell me "to shut up?" I'm telling you.

The decision to close House 87 was not made by the CFD.

Right, but you went along with it.

Well, why don't we let the man talk?

This is a budgeting decision at the highest levels.

Your beef is with City Hall. Oh, yeah.

You should take your complaints to them.

Passing the buck. Right.

That's right! With all due respect, Chief...

You're not getting rid of us this easy.

This is where we gonna make our stand.

We're not going to City Hall. City Hall's coming to us!


I'm not debating anymore. We need this firehouse back in service. Do what you have to do.

I'll call my lieutenant, get a couple tac teams down here in riot gear. Riot gear?

Chief, can we just take a minute?

I'm not the one who let these thugs in here, Boden, but I'll sure as hell get them out.

Can I try one thing first?

The house that got closed... that was the 12th ward, right?

Mm-hmm. I know their alderman.

I worked with him. If you give me half an hour, maybe I can get him down here. He made the call to close the house, so he's the only one who can make this right.

You got 15 minutes before I bring in force.

Get moving before this whole thing goes to hell.


Where's he going?

You got your phones on you? Uh, don't worry, Chief, we didn't post anything. No, no, actually...

If you think that we can use social media to defuse this situation, I'm willing to give it a shot.

W-we'll be really careful.

Nothing that makes us look bad.

No, that's what they're doing.

We should show there are no sides to this, that basically, we all want the same thing.

You got it. Okay.

Dismissed. Get out of here.



You all right? Torn.

I know what you mean. It's one thing to read about these things and fire off a know-it-all screed in the comments section of some website, but it's different when it's on your doorstep.

Some of them are here for a cause they believe in.

Problem is, the ones who just get off on making trouble... they're the loudest. Isn't that always the way?

I'm happy for Kidd.

All these Girls on Fire applications coming in. And it's a distraction from that insanity out there.

You thought about maybe taking a furlough, s-some down time, take care of yourself?

I don't know. I'm... I'm not sure being alone is the best thing for me right now.

You're not alone, girl.

No matter where you go.

Is one of you Sylvie Brett? That's me.

There's a guy out front who says he's not part of the protest.

He keeps yelling about how he has to talk to you.




Scott! Sylvie!

You see? That's her, I told you.

Please, let him through. I'm not supposed to let anybody through. Let him through!

Sir! Hey, talk to us!

Is... is something wrong? Is the baby okay?

She's doing well.

Uh, the hospital's releasing her in three days.

Well, what's going on, Scott?

As soon as they told me she was ready to go home, I... I knew...

I can't... I can't take care of that little girl.

I need you to take her.

You've been through so much. I understand how overwhelmed you must be... I can't do it.

I... I never wanted a child. It was a shock for both of us.

This... this wasn't how it was supposed to be.

No, it wasn't, but that doesn't mean you can't handle it. You don't know me.

I can't raise a child on my own.

I don't want to.

The last few weeks, Julie was always talking about how much you and she were alike.

That means you'll know how to take care of this baby, how to love her the way Julie would have, the way she deserves.

Scott, that baby is your daughter.

I can't do it. And if you won't, the only other option is to give her up.


♪ I need to see Alderman Rivas on urgent CFD business.

Matt Casey.

Hi, Alderman Rivas.

There's a fireman here to see you.

Matt Casey.

Okay, I'll let him know.

Uh, the alderman is gonna be tied up for some time.

If you wanna leave a message, I can...


Matt Casey. What's on fire this time?

Your whole ward.

Do you know what's happening at my house right now?

Why did you shut down Firehouse 87?

I didn't shut anything down. That was a mutual decision between the mayor's office and the 12th ward.

And what did you get out of the deal?

You know, that's not fair.

You know I'm trying to accomplish a lot of things here, and we had to find the money somewhere.

I've got a retail development underway, green initiatives...

Daniel, I need you to talk to these people.

That sounds like an issue between the protesters and the CFD. Alderman.

We did good work together back in the day.

I know you're an honest public servant.

I also know you're allergic to bad press, which is exactly what you're gonna get if I start talking to reporters.


♪ Hey. Oh, hey.

Hey, yeah.

Okay if we ask you some questions?

We're interested in your perspective.

Have at it, boys. I got plenty to say.

Okay. Okay, first question.

How has the closure of Firehouse 87 affected you personally?

So because I'm not from that neighborhood, I'm not allowed to speak out on the issues?

No, that... that's not... we... we didn't know you weren't from that neighborhood. I'm here fighting on behalf of the downtrodden and the disenfranchised.

You should try that sometime.

Well, we do try to help people.

That's kind of our whole thing as firefighters...

Right. Like you're not in it for the union paycheck.

All that dough just to sit around and watch TV all day.

Well, a-actually, I-I'm here because I was inspired by my uncle, who was a lieutenant...

Nepotism. What a shock.

That's why I got turned down by the fire academy.

I didn't have a daddy or an uncle in the CFD.

No, see, that doesn't make any sense... it's a blind lottery, actually, so it wouldn't matter if you...

That could've gone better.



Hey, you okay?

Wedding jitters?

I just looked out on the apron, and there's this idiot behind the barricades climbing all over Otis's memorial like he's trying to get a better view.

That's not right. You say anything?

[SCOFFS] Following Boden's orders.

"Don't engage."


[BREATHES DEEPLY] It's for the best.

Otis would not want you raising hell on his account.

Actually, I think he would. I know.

I just... I was... I was trying to make you feel better.



I just thought he'd be here, you know?

Standing behind me up on that altar tomorrow.



He will be.


There he is. That was a long 15 minutes.

You find your alderman friend? Yeah.

He agreed to come speak with the protesters.

It's good news. Where is he?

Said he had a couple phone calls to make first, but he'll be here.

Sorry, I... I just needed to be somewhere quiet.

[EXHALES] Scott came by.

He wants me to take the baby.

What? I mean, I... I know that I offered to help, but I didn't expect...

I mean, that's crazy. I... I can't take care of a baby right now. And there's no way that that's what he actually wants, you know?

He's just panicking, right?

That would be my guess, but I don't really know him.

[LAUGHS SOFTLY] Neither do I.

I mean, I... I barely knew Julie.


Except that I did. I mean, I knew her as well as I've ever known anyone, and I miss her already so much.


♪ I was supposed to have more time.

I'm sorry, Sylvie.

I don't... I don't know what to do.


Whatever you decide, I'm here.



Captain, um... the alderman's here.



First off, engaging with citizens like you is what makes local government so exciting, so I want to thank you for your passion on this issue.

Tell us, what are you gonna do about it?

Tell us. Please, please understand.

I was told that the closure of

87 would have no delay on emergency response times.

But it has. And all those firefighters have transitioned to other houses, so there's been no loss of jobs.

You're dodging the question.

Rest assured, the decision to close the house was well-researched, and we did everything...

Just give them their firehouse back.

CROWD: Yeah! Just give it back!

Okay, come on, let... let the alderman talk.

Of course, we cannot accept slow response times.

I will commission a study to see how we might improve the situation... You can improve it by reopening the firehouse!

If we had an unlimited budget, we would reopen the house.

But there are other programs vying for those same funds.

Yeah, like... like your retail developments?


Hey, hey, you okay?

We're scared for our families, our kids!

Brett, Foster, get in there! [GRUNTS]

Whoa, hey. Watch out.

Back up, get back. Give us some space.

Heart rate's elevated.

I think his arm's swelling up inside this pipe.

That thing's been in there for hours.

He's developing crush syndrome. 51 to Main.

We need an ambulance for a man down.

Cruz, grab the tools. Copy.

Hey, what happened to him? Don't worry about it.

Let's get him up on three. One, two, three.

[GRUNTS] Up, yup, right there.

Okay, we gotta get an IV in before we take these off.

On it. Sodium bicarb?


Mix the amp with a liter of saline.

Got it.

Gonna go jugular. It's my only access.

Will you hold him steady? You got it.


There we go. Kidd.



♪ Okay. Good?

Yeah. Go.

Yeah? Yeah.

All right, watch your eyes.


Cruz. Yup.










T waves are spiking.

Okay, let's get him out of here.

Okay. All right, back up.

Hey, guys, we need all hands on deck.

Step back.

Right here. All right.

Let's get him on the ground on three.

One, two, three. [GRUNTS]

Yeah, nice and easy.

Grab the calcium chloride.


Check his other arm. Yeah, I got it.

Calcium chloride going in.


It's advanced to compartment syndrome.

He's gonna lose this arm if we don't do a fasciotomy.

We're not trained for that. I am.

I-I take full responsibility.

Okay. Okay, great, uh...

Betadine and trauma dressings. Okay.

I'm gonna need some gauze. Side pocket.





Okay. Hold his wrist.






[BREATHING SHALLOWLY] Easy, easy, just breathe.

Just like that. Nice and steady.

He's stabilizing. Trauma dressing.

There you go. Just breathe.

Deep breaths, deep breaths.


Looks good.



All right, he's got four kids, you know.

Take good care of him, okay?

Um, you mind if I ride along?

Gonna need to do some paperwork on this.





Hey, whoa, whoa. Alderman.

Where you going? I did what I could, Matt.

This is getting out of control.

Okay, I want a tight formation.

If they wanna cut these chains, they're gonna have to go through us.

Look, look, man. It's... It's over.

We gotta unchain them. What, you wanna give up now?

They're the reason your friend got hurt!

CROWD: Yeah. Now you wanna let them win?

There has to be a better way.

Lewis was ready to give everything for this fight.

The time is now! We just lost our alderman.

All right, this is ridiculous.

Hey, pal! Listen!

Do not make a bad situation worse.

There's one person in the hospital already, right?

Get out of my face! That's it.

Okay, come on! Severide!

Hey! Severide!




Hey! That's enough!

Knock it off! Get off me!

[GRUNTS] Hey, hey!

All right, everyone, back off, back off!

Everybody back off, right now!

Get in here!


All right. All right, all right.

Cruz? Cruz is hurt!


Joe? Can you hear me, Joe?


Oh, I feel like I got hit by a fire truck.

No, fire truck got hit by your face.

[GRUNTS] Ah, that's bright.

Okay, let's clear a path for ambo. Let's get him to Med.

Uh, Med... no, I don't need to go to a hospital...

Hey, hey. No, Cruz, Cruz.

Ow. You got your bell rung, man.

You're in concussion protocol now.

Yeah, but I'm getting married.

No, easy, easy.



Come on, move.

Okay, let's get this place cleaned up, get these rigs back into service.

Hope the rest of the shift is nothing but cats stuck in trees. Amen.

How did you know I'd be here?

Well, when you weren't at the apartment, I figured.

Julie should be here to see her.

It's not right. No, it's not.

If you let someone else raise that baby, she might have a great childhood.

I did.

But you will always wonder, "What if?"

I know Julie did, and so will she.


I can't give that child what she deserves.

She deserves a father who loves her, the kind that show up and pace outside her hospital bed, worrying over her, wanting what's best for her, the kind who can teach her who her mother was, answer all those questions I had my whole life.

How did... how did she laugh? What movies did she love?

What made her happy?

That's what'll keep Julie here with you and with that little girl.

You can't let her go, Scott. She needs you.

Hey, Gallo?

I just got off the phone with headquarters and City Hall.

What exactly did you post online?

Ooh. Okay, free to go.

No hemorrhaging, no swelling of the brain.

Great news.

Pays to have a thick skull, huh?

Okay, uh, I got an hour to get cleaned up and get to the church, and... I still gotta pick up my tux.

Uh, right here.

You're good to go. Thank you.

Best best man. You two go right ahead.

We'll be right behind you. Come on.

Hey, Will. How's our patient doing?

Oh, he's gonna be fine.

Who was the trauma surgeon who performed the fasciotomy out on the field?


Seriously? Mm-hmm.

You missed your calling. It was nice work.


So it still may be a couple months, but Alderman Rivas promised to do all he can to reopen Firehouse 87.

That's, um... wow. I almost can't believe it.

What... What changed his mind?

A reminder that we all want what's best for the community.


What do we want? CROWD: Justice!

When do we want it? CROWD: Now!

I'm trying to do right by my family and my neighborhood.

That simple.

We're firefighters.

We're part of this neighborhood.

We'll put our lives on the line for everybody in it.

51 to Main.

We need an ambulance for a man down.


♪ He's got four kids. Take care of him, okay?

That's a message we can all get behind.

Well done, you two.




...Guys just wanna grab a seat on the right here.

Um, would you like me to show you to your seats?

Absolutely. Watch it, rookie.

Yeah, go. Single file.

Oh, Donna, Trudy. [CLEARS THROAT]

Allow me. A gentleman.

Yeah. Take notes, baby.



[SIGHS] Is it noticeable?

It's not that bad, Joe. And Photoshop has gotten pretty good these days. [CHUCKLES]

Uh, hey.

Uh, the organist is waiting for our signal.


Ready, brother? Hell, yeah.




I'm so sorry.

[MOUTHING WORDS] I love you.

We gather today at The Firefighter's Church.

As one of only a handful of structures that withstood the Great Chicago Fire of 1871, it was a shelter for survivors, and a light of joy in the midst of tragedy.

I pray that your marriage grows to be like this church, a safe house on your best and worst days, a place of love and warmth...

and a best friend to call home.



♪ I do.

I do.

You may now kiss the bride.